What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?

erik111189@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 349 points –

So far my list includes Comcast, EA, and Nestle. Tell me yours, and I'll help out.


Amazon, SpaceX, TwitterX, TeslaX, Uber, NestlΓ©, Google, Micro$oft

Why SpaceX? I hate Musk and do not support any of his other... anythings. However, rocket go zoom then land without boom is fun to watch. I am genuinely curious why SpaceX is bad.

I completely agree about everything else you mentioned.

However, rocket go zoom then land without boom is fun to watch.

Yeah, Musk is a true innovater by having them blow up the concrete launchpad on launch instead...

The government got more money from the patents NASA got then it cost to fund NASA. Privatizing space hurts everyone except the rich asshole who gets the parents.

For fucks sake.

I clearly said I do not like musk. I even went as far as saying I hate him but still that's the first place you went. What the fuck?

Yeah, but there's also the cognitive dissonance of you saying SpaceX is fun because they don't explode...

But they do explode. Waaaaay more than NASA. Because if a NASA launch goes bad, everyone pays attention. If SpaceX goes bad, people just shrug

So by your own metrics you just said...

NASA is better than SpaceX.

No matter what position I took, it would have disagreed with your comment, because your comment disagrees with itself. Which explains why you think spacex is a positive.

SpaceX has only had 2 mission failures out of 274 total missions. Since 2017 SpaceX has had a 100% success rate which is a vast majority of its total missions. The recent explosions have been test rockets and expected to blow up, it's how they learn and innovate so quickly. NASA takes billions of dollars and 10+ years to successfully launch a rocket on the first attempt. It's just 2 different approaches to design and innovation.

Nah dude. You don't understand. A guy we don't like is tangibly related to the space program. Fuck all them scientists and engineers. They're all evil. Every. Single. One of them.

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why SpaceX is bad.

For example they "decorated" our night sky with thousands of their satellites. Never asked permission. Astronomers around the globe are pissed because their work & results gets worse. Other people who own satellites are pissed because they don't behave up there.

I have read about the interference with astronomy and am not for it. It didn't occur to me when I asked.

Thanks for answering my question.

I would like to point out that they did ask for permission. Though obviously they didn't ask for permission from every government in the world, nor did they ask the astronomy community.

Providing global Internet is worth it. That said, I'd much rather see it done in a non profit way, and definitely not under the muskrat's control.

Except the carbon footprint of Starlink is estimated to be 30x greater than terrestrial alternatives.

More than half of all satellites in space are already Starlink at around 5,000, with 12,000 planned in the near future and up to 42,000 as a later expansion.

It's just not sustainable.

I'd love to be able to get a usable terrestrial alternative at my place. Wonky 4G ain't it. 5G is years away, if it ever gets here. Fibre? Perish the thought.

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This thread is so full of people complaining about ISP monopolies too

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Private companies have no business being in space. It sets a dangerous precedent for the future.

Any good publicity for SpaceX is ultimately good publicity for Musk, who's made himself the face of that company too.

Thank you for being the first comment that is not simply "musk bad." I'm not being sarcastic. I seriously appreciate you answering my question.

You make a good point about private companies in space and I agree with it completely.

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Really? "Yeah, boycott that jerk!! But not the silly rockets, I like em!"

Uh, no. Just, no.

Destroying environments? Wasting money and fuel on false-promises (the Elon way)? I'm sure there's a tonne of other reasons.

Name an environment destroyed by SpaceX

Space. They're killing radio astronomy, endangering optical astronomy and threatening everything else in orbit, from telecoms, to earth observation, to the ISS.

They're also spreading rare earth metal everywhere when the satellites burn up and wasting a lot of energy to get them up there when we're facing an energy crisis.

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Don't forget Netflix and Apple

I'd rather boycott Disney and Amazon to death than Netflix.

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Isn't that an unwritten given by now? If not why not?

Tf is oracle?

A really shitty tech company.

Oracle hires more lawyers than they do developers then they do things like "oh? You're using this product in the cloud with the license you purchased? But you didn't purchase the cloud license"

They also buy technology and proceed to violate whatever license it has, like ZFS.

Stands for One Rich Asshole Called Larry Ellison, not officially but I like to think it is. It's a corporation built around a database engine.
They have a well deserved terrible reputation based on their commercial practices, including but not exhaustive, shipping full fledged software with functionality locked behind paywalls, buying and demolishing established open source companies/projects, suing the shit out of their customers for license violation (see above), price gouging their customers who often have no other choice than to run their products.
The engine itself is nice and reliable but the business practices of Oracle drives a lot of companies to settle for the competition, at least, those who can afford to leave.

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DeBeers, Blackrock, Exxon, Disney.

Can we even boycott black rock?

Why not?

They own iShares which has some of the biggest ETFs on the market.
Although I don't know if their competitors are any better.

I didn’t know they owned an etf. I always say them as more of a hedge fund where they didn’t have a product for the average person to boycott.

DuPont, source of our microplastic nightmare

And 3M. They both dumped a shit ton of PFAS/PFOA into the ground at every one of their factories around the world.

And teflon and other chemicals used in large quantities while delaying the inevitable reports of danger they pose.

Autism Speaks. It has a pro-eugenics mindset, so you'd think everyone would be boycotting it, right? Nope, in fact it's partnered with the Jim Henson company.

Can you elaborate on the "pro-eugenics mindset" at all?



It's founded and ran by two boomers who have an autistic grandson and were very very upset he had autism. That's the generation that would actively try to avoid diagnosis and help because they thought the label was worse than the disease, preventing an entire generation from getting assistance.

So its less about empowering people with autism, and more fearmongering how bad it is and that someone with autism shouldn't have any agency or choice in their lives.

I didn't dig very deep, but yeah, I could see how that organization does a bunch of problematic shit

thought the label was worse than the disease

Autism is not a disease.

Go tell the people that support Autism Speaks.

I'd say go tell Autism Speaks, but that wouldn't accomplish anything.

If you want more info, just read the link.

I got my local grocery store to stop partnering with them for donations.

The first problematic thing it does is have the name Autism Speaks while not in any way providing a voice to autistic people.

I'm guessing they encourage screening for genetic markers of autism.

how is this different from screening for any other illness?

That was my confusion as well. Genetic screening isn't worthy of condemnation but "pro-eugenics" has a pretty broad spectrum.

It’s more like screening for left handedness than it is like screening for cerebral palsy.

Autistic people, as they define it, are not just differently abled. They started the foundation where that word didn’t include people with mild cases.

If you could screen out non verbal, low functioning autism, that would be a good thing, just like screening out downs and whatnot.

Microsoft, although regulators sure as fuck help them make that impossible

Wish I could. I use linux whenever possible but gaming, hdr and some drm features won't work on Linux any time soon.

Gaming is most of the way there, except for some anti cheat engines. There's usually still some performance hit though

I've been on Linux exclusively for a decade now and I am super excited to get an HDR monitor when it gets implemented (there was some major work being done by redhat and others).

In the meanwhile, I am still having fun with games, hdr or other fancypants features won't vhange that.

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As far as which companies "deserve" it, it would be quicker to list the ones that don't.

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Sorry if this has already been mentioned in the 224 (so far) comments... but another bad guy worth hating is

Hewlett Packard.


"Hey, you need to have our proprietary ink cartrige in your HP inkjet printer plus scanner to print AND to scan as well. The scanner won't work when you are out of ink"

Is just plain fuckery.

Comcast / Xfinity. Have been forced to use their services for years until a viable alternative arrived in my neighborhood, paid $110 a month for internet to be down at least 2 days a month when my wife and I both work from home. All calls and tickets and emails were met with "you're not using out router and we don't see issues on our side, sounds like a you problem".

Almost left for ancient Century Link pipe when internet was out for 17 hours one day, called 3 times and finally got a competent person on the line not saying the above. Instead said they had done maintenance in my neighborhood and when they sent someone out to look at the uplink it was magically working again. Filed for a service refund thing since it was way below the promised availability and I had to reschedule meetings because my hotspot was slow and they gave me a $1.35 refund to my $110 bill that month.

Cox too; Comcast's evil twin that never gets as much hate. They do the same bullshit Comcast does, and get away with it. They even put a freakin' data limit on a hardwired connection so that they can charge you more money.

Yep, those datacaps are complete nonsense and they know it. My bill was so high because I had to pay for unlimited data because 2 people working from home and streaming videos almost everyday always goes over their cap.

Best part is thanks to Adjit Pai they can also throttle your internet before you hit the cap. Thanks FCC

I'm so glad T-Mobile 5G covers my area now. Before that Cox had a monopoly and I was paying almost 200 a month. Now it's 40 and faster download speeds. Ping times are similar.. I'd recommend seeing if any wireless providers support home Internet near you

Same, except it was Verizon that came to my town. Also was paying close to $200/mo for 500 / 30 Mbps and a data cap. Now I pay the same as you and get 1400 / 80 with no data cap. No ping issues in Counter-Strike 2, either. 5G fixed wireless is way better than people make it out to be.

Of course, once more and more people realize what they're missing out on and hop on the bandwagon, Verizon will eventually become just as shitty as the competition (and so will T-Mobile). Just ask anyone who lives in an area with a FiOS monopoly. Such is life.

Of course, but for now it's a nice improvement. Hopefully something else will come along once these guys get as shitty as Cox is now. It's nice that there's an alternative/ competition at least. Which is required by law but somehow something I had yet to experience

ATT covers something like 99.9% of my city and my street is one of the few that isn't covered while being within the city's incorporated area. I can literally walk to city hall. I know that a lot of fiber was laid with government grants and I'm very tempted to see if they were obligated to cover my street and didn't and try to get them too. I'm pretty sure it won't go anywhere but I'm tempted to. As shitty as they are they're way cheaper (with fiber) than Comcast's Xfinity is.

  • Facebook
  • Apple
  • All of the defence contractors
  • Every telecom I've ever used apart from EE and Giffgaff
  • YouTube
  • Any website that tries to circumvent privacy rules with fuckery
  • Governments like the UK that insist prohition is a better alternative to harm reduction but continue to profit from poisons like alcohol.
  • Any company that makes devices with proprietary interfaces e.g. WiFi printers, BT routers, Apple in general, Tesla, battery power tool manufacturers.
  • The list goes on...
  • Oil refineries
  • concrete factories
  • mercenaries
  • energy producers that still don't use renewables exclusively
  • private hospital corporations
  • cruises companies
  • unsustainable agrarian producers

All of these are literally killing children. Not directly and immediately but according to the IPCC report we have 1,5 to 2 years time to get to ZERO emissions, else we got some tipping points and risk turning earth into a Venus-like planet.

Governments like the UK that insist prohition is a better alternative to harm reduction but continue to profit from poisons like alcohol.

How does one boycott the government? Would I cut up my ID and declare myself a sovereign citizen? As much as I agree with the sentiment, I don't think it's as easy as that haha

Let's face it, EE are just as twatty as the others.

Every auto maker lobbying against right to repair and every phone maker who remotely accesses people's phones.

In this thread:

Let's boycott the gaming company that we disagree with! Also I guess that company that's using literal child slavery for their chocolate. Quite the disconnect here, I don't think the people making Mario games deserve the same punishment as the people buying up all of the housing market because they can in order to rent out said houses to the same people who were originally trying to buy them

Let's boycott the gaming company that we disagree with

You mean the ones promoting gambling mechanics to children? Not as bad as the chocolate industry I agree but still willing to kill their audience if it means more returns

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Remind me why we don't like Disney?

They have created the perpetual copyright scheme we all suffer with.

There's no reason copyright needs to last longer than 7 years

Even something like 30 years feel reasonable. It's insane how long it is.

It used to be 19 years with the option to renew for another 19. Meaning if you didn't care, it went into the public domain after 19 years and if you did care, it went into the public domain after 38 years. That seems really reasonable to me.

There is no value to society to have it last that long. And if there is no value to society, then the system should be changed.

"Value to society" is not what rule-makers care about.

They've also benefitted enormously themselves from public domain and expired or pre-copyright works like traditional folk tales etc. exploiting them and their timeless appeal for huge profits, then mired and viciously defended those derivative works with copyrights and trademarks, and refused to allow their own works' copyright to expire. Take take take, never giving back.

They also pledged or gave $2 mil to Israel recently

star wars sucks now

I grew up wanting more star wars, any star wars! now a new show comes out and I'm "meh"

also, I'm kind of over the shift from movies to shitty streaming shows. good ones are a diamond in the rough

What's a company that doesnt deserve to be boycotted?


ok that one Im confused by, they have good pricing, good products and unions.

Maybe that's why they were mentioned when asked which one doesn't deserve to be boycotted.

FUTO although I don't like their source available license as I would prefer FOSS.

It's been out like a week, do you even really know them yet?

Not really but I've watched a few of their videos and they generally seem like nice people they donate monthly to OSS projects and they seem to be operating at a loss.

I think as louis rossman said in his video its generally for the best although I would like for Rossmans software to be fully open sourced it's not like he doesn't have his reasons for not fully open sourcing his software he doesn't want his software to be modified for illicit gains and used to spread malware on storefronts which I think is a good enough reason for not open sourcing his software although there are probably some better ways of handling this situation

All the major meat producers. And fast food chains.

There's been so much publicized in recent years about their treatment of animals, their lobbying efforts, how they treat their employees, how they're ruining the environment, how they fix prices and force farmers to "get on board" or else. It's really bad but we don't care so much because it's hidden beyond our periphery.

I know no one wants to be told to reduce or complicate doing the things that bring you joy, but reducing your meat consumption and shopping at local producers is something we could all take small steps every year towards doing.

Less meat(portion size and frequency) of better quality would cost the same and benefit everyone.

Here's my list that I avoid if and where I can. As with everything, things are nuanced and complex, and it's not like every company I personally boycott is outright bad or good all around. I wasn't going to write down the reasoning for each and every one, but ask away if you want to know about the reasoning behind particular ones. I'll also note, this is 100% not in any order (other than as they came to mind), it was time consuming enough making this vs. ranking them all!

Old Spice
Fountain Tire
Moxies Group
Hewlett Packard

On the flip side, companies that while not perfect, I think overall are doing good things that I try to support when I can (if only with word of mouth in some cases):

Raspberry Pi
System 76
Trail Tire
Amanita Games

There's probably more I'm missing, I'm a pretty strong believer that companies rule most of the western world and that if individuals want the world to meaningfully improve, we have to vote with our wallets as diligently as we vote at the polling stations.


Get the fuck outta here putting them in the good category. They got rid of immobilizers which led to thousands and thousands of cars getting stolen - mine included. Then when my car was recovered, the repairs took 5 weeks and they told me to pound sand when I brought up how the remote start THEY installed when I bought it didn't work anymore.

You should really include your reasons instead of waiting for people to ask. I just reread your list and it seems extremely arbitrary

That would be a TON of writing, which nobody would read. Thanks for pointing that out, as with anything, these are my opinions and I hope you form your own as well. My opinions aren't perfect, and none of these companies are outright "good" or "bad".

Their immobilizer issues (also see the fire issues with the Telluride and Palisade), are definitely a pretty dark mark on them recently, and I can't account for every individual's. It sounds like your views towards them are entirely justified, my main reasons (I have this above in more detail) for supporting them are because I've always gotten utterly exceptional customer support from them (again things vary), but primarily because they've been a leader in electrication, they continue to make smaller vehicles and not road hogging mega-SUVs only, and all around are making very good products right now despite some issues.

I think there's a definite media/perspective bias with vehicle manufacturers, for example Toyota is on my naughty list which would probably surprise alot of people, but they have had some of the largest (and indeed the very largest) vehicle recalls in automotive history in the last 10 years, some causing death and injury (see floormat recalls, Takata airbags, etc.) and yet they have so much hush money and such a "good reliable brand" reputation that nobody seems to care.

Hyundai (like alot of Korean companies, coughsamsungcough) has pretty heavy ties and influence over the government which is also kinda sketch, but perhaps you're right and maybe they better deserve to be in just a neutral category for myself.

I won't tell you to get the fuck outta here for your differing views on Hyundai, but as I noted, none of these companies are perfect and their recalls and issues with this pale in comparison to those recently with Toyota for example, as much as I know this has personally harmed you directly.

Recalls are not a problem by themselves- much better to address an issue directly than to just let it burn (no pun intended).

Hyundai/Kia also has a long list of problems that should not be ignored. On top of them skimping on immobilizers, they've done everything possible to avoid making it right. First they avoided even acknowledging the issue. They took forever to issue a software update to address it. They announced a solution where you, the victim of their shoddy designs, could buy (at a very healthy profit) a product to protect yourself. Under pressure from numerous lawsuits, they started giving out "The Club", which was peak 1980s anti-theft technology. But they did so in the absolute worst possible way - in an incomprehensible patchwork of local police departments.

Their fire issues are multiple. In addition to the one you mentioned (22V-633 / 22V-626), there's also 23V-651000 / 23V-652000, 21V-160 / 21V-161, 21V-137, 22V-056, and 22V-810000. While there is a lot of overlap in these, there are also multiple distinct issues. This also doesn't even address the repeated battery fires, since that seems to affect all EV brands.

You mention Takata airbags, which is an odd detail- Takata just issued another recall. This one affects nearly all brands, except Hyundai/Kia.

Then there's the critical issue of their datamining. Kia explicitly states that they collect and sell data on your sex life, genetic information, religious or philosophical beliefs, and the contents of your text messages.

I'm not here to defend Toyota; they certainly have their own list of problems. But I am going to say that Hyundai/Kia is not the solution.

I wasn't aware of the datamining, I know this is something other brands are doing as well (I believe Ford and Tesla had stories that come to mind. Thanks for the extra info on the immobilizer issues, they might well be off my good list here. I agree, a recall that is well handled isn't bad in and of itself, but repeated recalls shows carelessness, particularly when it isn't done voluntarily by the company but rather due to legal matters.

My only issue with the great information you have above is the fact that while battery fires do happen with EV's rates of fires in ICE vehicles is magnitudes higher than with EV's and this is fairly well documented (which you didn't directly say, but seemed to be implied) here's a link at any rate that's decently cited https://core.verisk.com/Insights/Emerging-Issues/Articles/2023/August/Week-4/Electric-Vehicle-Fire-Risk but maybe I read into what you wrote wrong. Thanks for the extra information!

Costco? Why?

At least half of these are the β€œWhy he say fuck me for!?” meme. Costco actually treats their employees well, has razor thin margins, keeps profits low to maximize value, and pays living wages. Also, $1.50 hotdogs in 2023 is bordering on insanity as far as value is concerned.

I also have no idea how you truly avoid all of these without living like Ted Kaczynski.

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Wow. Really?

I replied above if you want more context for my reasoning. It seems to be one of the more controversial takes on the list, perhaps something for me to reassess!

Can you clarify for Toyota, Hyundai and Volvo?

I'm curious about Toyota as well. They are regarded as one of, if not the most, reliable car manufacturers.

If you see my reply to questions about Hyundai on the list, Toyota and many other companies do alot of PR to maintain certain reputations, and Toyota does a spectacular job of this. I do think they make more reliable than average cars, no doubt. But here's some lesser known facts, Mazda has actually beat Toyota for 2 years running as the most reliable brand according to Consumer Reports, Toyota has had the largest, and multiple other recalls in automotive history in the last 10-15 years, some causing death and injury (Takata airbags, floormat issues, and more), and further they have lobbied heavily against electric technologies since they were salty they invested so much in hydrogen fuel cell systems. Again, it's not like all Toyota's are awful, but while still reliable, they've been dropping the ball big time lately, and that's not to mention how utterly mundane their cars are which is a little more personal preference based. Thanks for asking, I hope that helps explain my reasoning!

I did see your answer to this question in another comment. So thank you for taking the time to address me as well. I was not aware of Mazda reliability so thanks for that too.

Now that you mention it I remember reading about the Prius problem. Something about that they could not stop. I also knew but forgot about the large number of recalls. They had to replace the frame on a large number of Tacoma's. How do they mess up so bad that they basically had to assemble every Tacoma twice? Rhetorical, no need to answer.

Sure, thanks for asking, as with anything, these are my opinions and I hope you form your own as well. My opinions aren't perfect, and none of these companies are outright "good" or "bad".

Toyota because of their heavy lobbying against electric car technologies simply because they sunk so much money into Hydrogen technologies and wanted to be the winner. Also they have had a slew of absolutely colossal recalls lately for avoidable stuff, and people have died (see drivers floormat issues).

Hyundai because they've been a leader in electrification of vehicles, have always given me exceptional customer support, and all around are just making quality stuff right now.

Volvo because throughout there history there's few if any automotive companies that have shown more of a commitment to doing the right thing, they pushed for safety regulations back in the day and the implications have ripples to today, and still are, alongside also doing well with electrification.

I’m not sure why you are considering Toyota as evil for opting for Hydrogen Technologies. It is a viable alternate and clean fuel.

In a vacuum, sure, hydrogen for personal vehicles is great. In reality, though, you're down at about 30% efficiency between the H2 geting extracted from wherever, and you gassing up your car.

Additionally, if more than 5% of that H2 escapes into the atmosphere at any time, it actually does more damage to the planet than fossil fuels, by preoccupying the hydroxyl radicals in the sky that would otherwise be breaking down greenhouse gases.

Add on to that, that if I actually had to pay for hydrogen fuel, it would cost me 6x as much per mile to run my Hyundai Nexo than a Prius. H2 in SoCal is currently $36/kg at the pump, having doubled or nearly tripled in price in the last 18 months. (Somehow, in Korea it's only $2/kg.)

H2 fuel cell tech has its place as a fuel (but not in combustion engines like BMW is trying to do though... that's just a farce). Trucks/long-haul vehicles, planes, ships all would be better off running H2. It fuels up fast, is way lighter than any battery, and is pretty darn energy dense. But for around-town driving, BEVs right now are just a much better option. Their problem is heavy batteries and comparatively longer fueling time than gasoline/hydrogen.

Fossil fuels are just amazingly energy dense, and we're not going to replace them 1:1 any time soon. Every alternative involves massive tradeoffs.

Source: I own a 2022 Hyundai Nexo hydrogen SUV. Love it as a car, but most of the H2 fueling stations are broken down half the time (you need to check an app to see which one, if any, are currently working), and the price of the fuel in the US is no longer viable. When my free fuel card expires in 2025, I'll be getting either a BEV or PHEV. Lucid or Polaris are looking nice.

I 100% wholeheartedly agree, but to actively lobby against the use of other clean alternatives that show promise are better established setting back the environmental progress make in this industry, just because they want to make the big money on THEIR clean technology, is what I have issue with. That is crappy in my books.

Hydrogen fuel cells are genuinely better than lithium powered EVs.

I'm not trying to say toyota is a "good" brand, but your reasoning makes no sense. I'm pretty sure Honda was the one who invested most into fuel cells, the clarity FCX came out way back in 2008, and they are still doing development on a new CRV. Not to mention Hyundai also has a hydrogen fuel cell EV, this is not a bad investment by anyone.

Like do you think Toyota was lobbying because they were investing billions into hydrogen EVs, or maybe it was the hundreds of billions they've spent over a lifetime making ICE engines, transmissions, belts, brakes, and everything else.

Hydrogen EVs main problem is fuel production and transportation, there is no way around that. But in terms of pollution during production, hydrogen fuel cells are a fraction of the impact that a shortly lived lithium pack will have. Not to mention you can recycle some gas powered cars by making hydrogen combustion engines, no new production is the best kind of emission reduction.

Hi, thanks for the extra information you clearly know your stuff on this topic. See my reply above, I seem to have been misunderstood sorry if I was unclear. I have zero issue with hydrogen technologies for vehicles, they're great, and even better in some ways than battery options. My issue is solely with Toyota actively avoiding going full electric themselves and lobbying EVs due to their heavy investment in hydrogen. I wasn't actually aware Honda had sunk in as much as Toyota in this area as well so thanks for the extra info. LIke with anything (especially with a list as long as mine!) I don't pretend to know everything, but it was certainly my understanding that Toyota was fighting against battery EV's specifically because of their desire to get a lead foothold in the hydrogen vehicle sector and make this the dominant clean option, perhaps I was mistaken!

Hydrogen cars are EVs. The lithium-ion EV is the doomed technology, propped up by hype and subsidies.

You're 100% correct, fundamentally the drive system is still electric motors (and all the advantages that come with that!) I would have to disagree that lithium-ion EV is doomed, I think it's better to conceptualize it as a stepping stone technology, I think we will move away from Li-Ion in the relatively near future, but it has supercharged (pun intended) investment and research in battery technologies (lithium fluoride, solid state, etc.) that will likely take over this mantle. I would be surprised given the necessary infrastructure, and lack of adoption thusfar if hydrogen did become the dominant mode of power in vehicles, but any of these would be a step in the right direction even if none are perfect currently. Thanks for your comment, I added some more on my thoughts on hydrogen in replies above as well!

12/10 for Hyundai from me too. Exceptional value for money and solid motors (In the EU)

Amazon is one of the most evil companies on the planet and yet it's not on your list but Costco is? Gonna have to completely disagree with you. Costco is probably one of if not the best company in the fortune 500. They operate and live by their code ethics to do the right thing. They've never ever had a lay off of employees, they treat people right.

You called them out for a subscription model, yet don't understand what they are offering at all. What store can you shop at that offers products at zero margin? Costco's yearly net profit is the number of members times the membership cost. Their entire business profit is only the $100 membership fee per person. That's all they want to make from each person.

Edit: And then you have Amazon. Where they use people and dump them. Have a vulturistic operating model. They literally have meetings and design their software to trick people into buying at a higher cost. They'll manipulate anyone anyway they see fit to make as much money as possible from them. They sell stolen and counterfeit products and they know it, they just let it happen because validating products would cost them money. They'd rather just say sorry if you catch them and give a refund.

Wow I must have totally spaced there, thanks for catching that! As I note in an above reply Amazon probably makes my top 5 most hated companies, I absolutely 100% do not shop there or use it, I can't believe I missed that on my list, my apologies.

I did not know that their only profit is on their subscriptions, and I'll look into that as I'm doubtful of that (I could be wrong though!) Thanks for the info there, but I still fundamentally take issue with subscription based models, as well as other issues I note in replies above with them like business displacement, bad personal experiences, and the urban sprawl they create. Again I'll reiterate that no company is outright good or bad, and Costco is definitely pretty low on my bad list (perhaps deserving of being viewed more neutrally by me), the general view definitely seems to vary from mine so perhaps it's worth reassessing.

As to your notes on Amazon again, I 100%, utterly, could not agree more, I just apparently missed them on my list and have since edited them in! Definitely an awful awful company, it astounds me furthermore how virtually everyone is unanimous on this, but nonetheless virtually everyone seems to use them anyways. Some others in the comments swayed my views on Hyundai to change, but I believe my views on Costco stand, based on the replies of some others, it seems the policies of Costco vary somewhat where I live vs. other countries (e.g., using bouncers instead of machines at the door, disallowing people from using even the food court without a card, etc.) so that might factor into why my views on them are different. Thanks for your input, I'll be looking into Costco more about their profit model!

Last minute addition: I did a bit of looking and it seems we're both partially right, while Costco offers some items at cost or at a loss, they do indeed turn a profit off of actual sales in store(again, perhaps this is different by country, and might not be the case where you live?), as well as membership fees, and profit margins on eCommerce sales as well.

Where's Apple?

Edit: oh there they are. Far too low on the list imo.

This 100% is NOT an ordered list, maybe I'll edit and make that clear. I just didn't have the time or energy to order this properly, if you're curious though my top 5 might look something like 1. Facebook/Meta, 2. Apple, 3. Google, 4. Nestle, 5. Amazon. There's of course companies that are obvious that I didn't included, virtually any gambling company, tobacco company, gun companies (although that's less universal depending on your views on gun laws which is another can of worms we perhaps don't need to open here), oil and gas company, etc. Thanks for pointing that out so I can clear that up!

I can understand a lot of it but I haven't seen Old Spice since the 80s. What did they do? Poison your grandma?

Sure, thanks for asking, as with anything, these are my opinions and I hope you form your own as well. My opinions aren't perfect, and none of these companies are outright "good" or "bad".

Haha, you're closer than you think, chemical burned my wife. This one is fairly personal obviously rather than an overarching issue, but there was a class action lawsuit maybe 8ish years ago over a faulty batch, my wife was unable to be involved for compensation since the class action was in the US, but we were applying gauze and antibiotics, and watching her skin goopify and have to peel it off her screaming in the shower, it was pretty awful. Despite reaching out, all we got was a resounding "deal with it bud" from Old Spice. I refuse to ever use their products again.

Wow. I'm surprised I've never heard of this issue. I hope your wife is okay now.

She is, thanks for asking. And to be fair to Old Spice it was probably a fairly localized issue, and isn't some massive awful pattern of being a bad company, but call it my personal vendetta, it's forever marked them for me, particularly given their response.

Ah, another Amanita Games fan!

I was hoping someone would mention that :) Man, their devotion to continue just making outright pieces of art, with incredible passion, and a seemingly small niche fanbase is something I can't not respect the hell out of. No gimmicks, no DLCs, no selling out. They've just been doing what they love since their days of browser games, and never stopped making those types of games. Good guys.

I agree with almost all on your 'bad' list. I'm unfamiliar with a couple, so have no opinion.

Your 'good' list is good. I disagree with several, such as Hyundai, Plex, rPi, for example, but I don't think they should be boycotted to oblivion, either. Except maybe Hyundai, who can crawl under a rock and die. I'm never buying another Hyundai car as long as I can.

I've definitely had some good discourse on Hyundai above and have learned alot, I still wouldn't put them in my bad list, but they might not be in my good list anymore either?

I'm curious as to why you disagree on Plex and rPi? My knowledge of them to be fair is far from exhaustive, but to massively simplify they're on my good list because of (plex) how open, flexible, and ownership of your own media focused it is vs. every company buying out shows from each other and subscription feeing users into oblivion, and (rPi) their education focus for kids, tinkering and repairing attitude, and making open useful little chips without being part of the hellish behemoths of other tech companies. Thanks for sharing!

He's probably mad they allocate some Pis to businesses that depend on them to function.

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Vanguard, BlackRock, The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, NestlΓ©, Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, Twitter/X, any company owned by Elon Musk, pretty much every Big Tech company, Disney, almost any media company, as well as every major bank.

Why Vanguard? They primarily offer passive index fund investments at very low costs and are owned by people that have invested in any of their mutual funds. Before Vanguard, the average investor would get screwed by financial advisors who would skim a large portion of investments.

Yeah, my guess is OP is mad they they are the major shareholders of a bunch of awful companies. But when you’re the largest index fund and retirement investment provider in the world you end up owning most of everything.

Anything made by or connected to Nestle for sure

They have a lot of blood on their hands.

This thread has lots of company names without references or explanations.

While " controversy" is probably a solid search term, we could do better by including "why" right in the comments.

Shell gas station. They bought dirty Russian oil

I know this isn't really an option for most people but consider dropping Deloitte KPMG and all banks that aren't cooperatives.

I keep reading everywhere "fuck nestle" and then I see their 2022 FY report with sales increased to 104.95 billion thats 8.4% from.previous year.

So the question now is


The thing is that Nestle owns fucking EVERYTHING, so it's really hard to boycott all of it. I have managed so far, but I don't expect everyone to go through the effort

I think, to truly boycott something, is to actually be invested in it. To really NOT buy or use a service or product, no matter the situation. To look for other products and services that are more moral and to start using them instead, even when the costs would be higher.

What is important to you?

You can hate the system, hate someone, a thing, product, service. Something. But it's your choice, will you actually do differently or still just follow the path they made for you as an option to follow. And sometimes it may be the only path available.

I think the main take away is that this applies to most, if not all, publicly traded companies?

There's a few that fill non critical roles, but generally once you're publicly trade, things go to shit chasing the quartiles. You can't simple exist as steady state and cater to your employees and customers while living slightly more then modestly.

EA need to make some decent games so I cannot buy their games on principal, rather than not buying their games because I don't care.

Vanguard and Blackrock. Their retirement fund allow them to have a significant share of major companies when compared to individuals

if government agencies are possible then the nsa

How do I boycott the NSA? Especially as a non citizen!

My government gave the NSA the ability to mass-surveil our phone calls in order to stay good friends with the US. I'd surely love to boycott that.

don't the Americans have an amendment that allows them to overthrow the government? im not sure though.

It only enables us to. It doesn’t authorize us to. The idea is we should only use the power when the authority we’d otherwise seek is completely illegitimate.

This isn't an ideological boycott, this is stuff I avoid bc it's not great.

ATT (I get better cell service in a subway than I do in my house and I'm on it because my MVNO switched from T-Mobile to att) HP (worlds shittiest hinges) Comcast, Spectrum (parents have comcast, it sucks. My friends have Spectrum, it also sucks)

I literally do not boy have enough time in the day to type all of them. There's just so many that are awful.

Every company here deserves some sort of corporate death penalty where the CEOs face consequences and the company becomes worker owned and operated.

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Boycotts aren't going to kill a company. They are to influence them.

I did boycott ChikFilA when it came out they were supporting homophobic asshats. And once they announced they were dropping those charities, I stopped boycotting.

I use CVS over Walgreens as long as I can get my prescriptions at CVS due to Walgreens stances against women's health. If Walgreens ever cleans up, I would happily use them more often because they are more convenient and inexpensive for me.

I only go to Shell gas stations as a last resort because they blast ads at you while pumping gas.

Did they ever really stop? Honest question, because I've heard it go back and forth a lot

They're still run by evangelical Christians, so I wouldn't expect a Pride month advert campaign coming from them any time soon.

But yes, they stopped donating to a particular group of charities in 2018/2019. Part of the "then they started donating again" claim was timing and tax records, but the actual donation was made before they changed policy and stopped.

Sounds good, I'll keep eating at Raising Cane's instead cause their chicken is so tasty to me

At most gas stations, you can mute the ads by pushing the second from the top button, sometimes on the left side sometimes on the right.

I hate the ads too, but muting makes them bearable.

Since these tricks have become common knowledge, they're all being disabled. New pumps cannot be silenced.

If you need another reason to get an EV, you don't get ads when you charge at home.

I've seen this mute mentioned, but never had it work. Is it for real? Every place has these ads now 😐 I don't get fuel on my personal vehicle very much much but I drove a lot for work and it is awful.

Sounds like maybe newer pumps don't work like this? At least in my area, I've only had this fail once.

Well I tried this later yesterday on a brand new as of August fuel station, and it worked!

Thanks for the reminder to keep trying.

I do not buy from bp, and I only buy from Walmart if there's literally no other option. My go to department store is Target or whatever local store has what I need, usually it is the former is Walmart is the reason why Mom and Pop stores don't really exist anymore unless they fulfill a very specific niche.

My local Walmart does not get any of my business, if I go in, it's probably just to visit the Checkers renting store space from Walmart

Amazon is the mom ans pop shop killer after from 2020 on.

Doesn't suddenly make Walmart innocent, plus unlike walmart, Amazon can actually be helpful to a small community that doesn't have specialty shops. That said I recommend not using Amazon if what you are looking for can be found on a different site, actually I recommend using Amazon to browse products, and then finding another site to buy the product. I make sure to almost never buy computer parts from amazon, because there was one time I bought a motherboard from Amazon thinking it was a reputable dealer, instead it fried out and my protection plan was fucking worthless because I actually bought it from a bootlegger who filed off the serial number of the motherboard he copied. I was able to still make it out, but tech support told me what actually happened when I came to me number.

So I buy from Newegg unless the Amazon price is just that much better.

What is "BP"? I'm assuming you don't mean British Petroleum.

What other BP would I be talking about? What other BP regularly dumps shit into the ocean

I don't know.

I couldn't see how Walmart and BP were connected and I didn't expect you to bring up two unrelated companies like that.

I never said they were connected, I just said that I was boycotting both of them

"British petroleum" hasn't been a thing for over two decades. ..

ah, BP still around here and probably one of the "big 3" petrol stations. unless you mean the name itself, in which case what does BP stand for now?

I just used the old name because I wanted to clarify what I thought they meant by BP.

I thought that was kinda obvious.

Ford, General Motors, Stellantis.

Is this cause of UAW? Didn't they reach an awesome preliminary deal with ford at least? Aren't UAW members going back to work for ford?

If you look closely, they are the three largest "car" manufacturers in North America.

I have something against lobbying for creating the word "jaywalking", destruction of historical black neighborhoods, and the SUV/pickup truck epidemic caused by their lobbying for reduced emission requirements on "light trucks".

I guess you could also add Tesla to the mix, since they're making such a big deal of their cyber truck.

Ohhh I see. Yeah that's fair. I'll make sure to buy foreign cars if I need something other than a bike and public transit.

What I meant is that while foreign companies are profiting from these laws, it is the American car makers that lobbied for them. I also don't really care for any car company, but if I were to boycott car manufacturers, I would start with the American ones.

Boycotting micro$oft till the day I die, OS monopolies (or close to it) shouldn't exist. Plus their OS is mediocre at best.

Ideally every corpo should be boycotted though. But it's quite difficult to boycott some of them (like Google, who likes to live inside every android phone, effectively having a duopoly with Apple, another really shitty company)

I do believe microsoft is doing a great job in the .NET-sphere (Core) nowadays though, after open sourcing. Everything is standardized in a way which makes it a breeze for developers to jump onto a new project using never tools. As a full-stack dev, this is something that the javascript-world could learn from lol

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There's no ethical consumption under capitalism. Like others said, name companies that deserve business because I don't know how to avoid the ones that don't. Name someone who doesn't go to(off the top of my head without googling): Chick-fil-A, Amazon, Target, Walmart, Kroger, any gas station, Nestle...any giant corpo that owns a dozen others. We can pretend boycotting works so we can feel better about having a moral high ground over other exploited workers or we can massacre the billionaire ruling class.

While I agree with the general notion of this, there are still companies that are considerably worse than others. Choosing the lesser evil is still something that would overall help society and the planet.



Nintendo ruined the lives of excessively smart people that were fighting for rights to repair because of their own pettyness. If you want more information about that, look into team xecuter. Darknet Diaries episode 136.

team xecuter made and sold closed source piracy tools for nintendo consoles. they aren't "right to repair" enthusiasts lol

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Most of them. There are no "good" corporations only ones that are currently tolerable.

Not sure if this counts since it's an organization, but peta.

  1. Retail banks.

Because money laundering regulations in the UK (and I believe in the US and Europe) at least have made free use of one's cash pretty difficult:

Designated accounts to transfer cash so that you have at least twice as many transactions to do as necessary. Inability to remove modest amounts of cash from your own account, or even pay it in.

  1. Corporate banks operating HFT and dark pools to significantly push up the cost of personal share dealing.

  2. Water companies dumping sewage into rivers and failing to fix leaks whilst raising water processing charges and bonuses to the board.

  3. BBC and their sponsor-a-paedo TV tax collected by harassing elderly people, guilty until proved innocent. Used to be wonderful, educational and funny. Now useless woke shit.

  4. Politics. Come back Guido, all is forgiven. Thieving Boris Johnson handing out multi million pound contracts to supply PPE to his local pub landlord (who have no fucking clue about that sector) and his bunch of duplicitous cronies.

I might have got carried away towards the end. Sorry, not sorry.