Top 50 defederated instances to – 670 points –

Jesus one is just called pedo school. What the actual fuck

The internet. It's a fucked up place. Nothing like what the big players on the internet would have you believe.

So long as there exists a way for people to not get prosecuted, these things will exist.

Realistically, the more accessible the internet becomes the more it reflects the behavior of humanity at large.

These things exist because they're part of us. The internet probably makes them more visible, but I doubt it makes them more extant.

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This is a real rogues gallery of internet. And… a soccer team from Detroit. What the fuck did those guys do?

As someone from Detroit, I checked out the link for that instance, and uhhhh I wish I hadn't.

Yeah, I did the same. I was thinking, "cool, an instance close to home... Oh God.. no... No no no"

What was it? This list really piques my curiosity but I know it’s better not to look….

Just racist pedo bullshit

We shall remember the sacrifice you made so that we don't have to 🫡

Oh my, I live in MI and I always thought the DC fans were sort of wholesome. People taking pride in their city and building traditions. I’m not going to find out what you saw there but it bums me out.

I'll always have mad respect for Hockeytown/Motown/De-troit Motor City. Fuck around with them and you'll get politefully wrecked.

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Makes me kinda wish that when defederating you could select a one word label for why. Like a fixed list with several options like pedo, spam, harassment, abandoned, etc and a default of other. Make it a bit easier with a big list like this to say, oh 1000 of these 1400 all selected "racism" when defederating so it's probably very racist and I should also defederate. But if it's a lot of "other" or inconsistent reasons maybe I should spend a bit of time digging.

You're looking for this: Us instance admin can also endorse other instances. is one cool dude. Their fingerprints are all over Lemmy in an obviously much needed manner. I'm glad I joined their instance.

Agreed! I'm really appreciative of folks putting this kind of work into Lemmy.

They've defederated from a bunch for no reason including which is what I use. But I still see posts, why is that?

Who are they?

A small instance where members vote on decisions regarding the instance. Haven't really had to vote on anything though cause it's so small and not a lot to vote on. But it's nice it's there for if we do need it.

Defederation is a one way thing. I don't recall which way it happens though.

What's up with all the pedo instances? Why are they creating instances in an open web? Are they dumb or something? It sounds to me that just registering the domain names of some of those could be considered a crime, nevermind openly inviting and hosting CSAM.

Honeypots and also to discourage people from engaging to corral people into big tech where surveillance is #1

It's not a crime as long as they don't post the actual content, I guess

I am not a lawyer, but I imagine there's no way I could register, or get away with if I do register something like "molester daycare" or "pedo toothbrush for kids"... Oh wait, apparently the last one is actually a thing. Well then I guess it's not, but man that's an unfortunate brand name

What does “altfedi” mean? And what content is illegal in Germany and Czechia?

Maybe nazi bullshit? Alt as in alt-right and nazi bullshit being illegal in Germany 🤷‍♂️

What does kiwifarm mean?

Here’s the beginning of the Wikipedia article:

Kiwi Farms, formerly known as CWCki Forums, is a web forum that facilitates the discussion and harassment of online figures and communities. Their targets are often subject to organized group trolling and stalking, as well as doxxing and real-life harassment.

So, it’s an assholefarm.

Although the name originated with one particular site, it looks like the name now applies to any site that serves a similar purpose. Bleah.

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Wouldn’t that kind of defeat the purpose of the fediverse because you would need some kind of centralized system to keep track of all instance’s reputations?

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half are pedo servers 💀

And the rest are racist.

Took a look through some of the ones with tame names out of morbid curiosity; not that interesting tbh. Just hope I'm not on a watchlist now.

Last time I checked reading a racist comment makes you a racist

You just infected us all by turning racism into "I just lost the game."

Instead you have to shout "I AM RACIST!"

Well shit, ig I'm a far right reactionary now

The name “” just kills me


got me

Filthy, dirty, terrorists forcing their thick, white, ideology on my eyeballs!

The fact that it is a registered domain is just class.

Are domain name approvals nowadays fully automated or are there still people looking over them?

There's probably automated checks for certain words that a person might have to look at but it's likely all automated.

I wonder how many of these are defederated from each other too.

Is it all unity among the nazi-pedos or are they fighting amongst each other?

That sounds like a Horror-Movie. Nazi-Pedos: they come for your Arian children.

Historically, Nazis weren't actually picky about their rape victims.

It was a bad time to be a woman in a Nazi ghetto.

There are all combinations out there, be it pro-pedo-Nazis, anti-pedo-Nazis, and anti-Nazi-pedos. There is no obvious link between the two.

you forgor pro-nazi pedos

If they are pro-Nazi, they are probably just Nazi

If they are pedos, they are probavly pro-pedos

The nazi-pedo bubbles.🤮 You'd have to go to their instances to see, a lot of lemmy instances have the blocked list public (sometimes there's the link at the bottom of the page) Example Example2

a lot of lemmy instances have the blocked list public

SDF is not one of them

Another example, from

Hypothetically it does, they just don't block any instances, so it's empty. They are unlikely to start outside of extreme circumstances.

Likewise for their Mastodon instance, which has been around for a long while.

Huh. I would have bet Lemmygrad would be up there somewehre.

Places like Lemmygrad and Hexbear are actually pretty benign. They're just on the verge of being acceptable to people so they make a lot of noise and cause a lot of drama but in terms of the actual bad actors... well, as you can see, they don't even rate.

Agreed. While I tend to disagree with most of the viewpoints coming from lemmygrad, at least the content is posted with benign intent. The room might stink, but nobody intentionally shat on the floor.

The room might stink, but nobody intentionally shat on the floor.

I like this figure of speech a lot, stealing it 😁

Meh, I don't really find the open mass murder fetish benign at all. I don't care what color your fash is, it's still abhorrent.

I guess it's slightly better that they're mostly honest deniers instead of "they had it coming" types.

I think. I personally find it refreshing in small doses to deal with people that actually know what the fuck they're talking about in terms of political theory, some of the shit .world users will say is...

Upsetting, intellectually.

Of course, so is talking to a genuine Stalinist.

My experience with hexbear has been pretty fucking far from them knowing political theory, outside of one very specific niche they can kind of articulate as long as you don't ask them to reduce any of it to fundamentals or first principles.

As far as I can tell, their one trick is quoting books they haven't actually read, assuming nobody else has read them either. I've literally had this same interaction three or four times at this point, over books which don't say the things they think they say. Like multiple people arguing that some Chomsky work supports their orthodox ML theory.

You can literally get them to argue against the works they are trying cite by quoting them. It's amusing for a bit, but then it's just sad.

Hexbear and Lemmygrad are different instances, but tbh at this point I'm just happy with people that can at least vaguely define liberalism and socialism, and I don't have to see the great minds upvote "communism is right wing, AKSHUALLY, because right wing means authoritarian."

Edit: ah wait, your comment was under one about both, I conflated it with the other chain about Lemmygrad specifically.

I think this highlights what people think when they hear "defederating" vs its actual purpose. It's controversial when it's between serious instances that people actually use but with wildly incompatible opinions, but there's very few objections when it's blocking CSAM!

Okay, yeah this was my thought as I wrote this, I won't deny it. But to be fair, LemmyGrad does more than just to be controversial. They provoke and brigade and justify terrible Crimes against Humanity. And I might bet that some of the Stuff they say could even be illegal here in Germany.

I imagine most of the big servers have them blocked but it's probably the individual servers that make up the majority of the numbers. If you're self-hosting then you can just ignore instances you don't like and be relatively confident they won't hassle you. The other kind though, probably want to preempt them!

It is trivially easy to find examples of them wanting to nuke the US or kill all liberals or defending Soviet and Chinese pogroms, etc. I don't understand how that's really any different from saying "kill all Jews" or advocating for slavery tbh. As far as I can tell, the line exists because edgy redfash are mostly marginalized so nobody takes them seriously?

I'd imaging its fur and anime, not CSAM.

Judging from some of the other comments in this thread I'm not so sure

I think lemmygrad isn’t that bad considering is halfway through the list.

True, but LemmyGrad can be wild too. I met one who claimed being Homosexual is imperialistic.

Lemmygrad and Hexbear most definitely do not tolerate homophobia, though, so I don't think that user would've lasted long there if they were a lemmygrad user.

I mean that's a very wacky and stupid opinion but go on any one of those servers in that list and you'll probably see much, much worse things being claimed about gay people and not just by one person.

I bet a large part of the Fediverse are Communist/Socialist too, or have similar ideas. Lemmy's devs are, after all.

I mean, the whole thing is based on the idea of being free to use for everyone.

I see your Point. I see myself also as rather left. But the People over at Lemmygrad are not really left imo. They are authoritarian, for sure. But left? I don't know. I don't want to claim to be the sole "Incarnation of leftism" it's just that many of my views and beliefs are the opposite of theirs.

The spectrum is more than left and right, I know political compass memes on Reddit got taken over by nazis but there is legitimately a whole compass. Stalin is somewhat center left, nudist hippie communes are lower left corner

There is, for better or worse, authoritarianism on the left. "You will be fed and given a place to stay and personal safety... or else!" Even in its more benign forms (ex Bolshevism) it's kinda bad imo. When it gets extreme it gets... well... being an English speaker i'm sure you've heard all about it.

Bolshevism is pretty fucking far from benign considering it is the origin of authoritarian leftistism.

Being vehemently against racism and fascism is left. It's the logical extreme opposite of "a certain group of people are superior to everyone else": "everyone is equal and their basic necessities should be provided for free"

You just seem to disagree with the folks over on grad and Lemmy devs on how that can be achieved, and maybe to what extent it should be. They believe an authority is necessary to enforce those rules, or you get corporations and billionaires steering the government to wage wars for profit from oil, materials etc. like what's happening now.

Personally, I see being pro-China like they are on grad as much less worrying than being pro-US, the latter of which I have a feeling .world mods wouldn't block because of their inherent western bias. Only one of the two have constantly invaded other countries for their resources, or overthrown democratically elected foreign governments to replace them with military dictatorships.

Only one of the two have constantly invaded other countries

The People of Tibet might disagree there. But this is a discussion for another Time.

I'm not pro US either, tho. I just call out evil when I see it. And that's my Problem with Lemygrad. They seem to believe there are only two sides. I can say America does bad things and China, Russia etc. does bad things. They pick one side and argue and justify away the crimes "their" Side has done. And that's not how we come forward. Evil is Evil is Evil. No matter who does it.

They pick one side and argue and justify away the crimes “their” Side has done

That's a heavy oversimplification of everything on there... I see the folks on grad being mad about bad decisions by China just the same; they just heavily scrutinize negative news for bias or misinfo, as people should do for everything.

If you do scrutinize your news and sources, I think it's only natural that you'd end up being very anti-west/imperialism, and far less anti-China, specially considering the grip western media and news have on the world. The two are just not equivalent at all.

The People of Tibet might disagree there

Here's an example of that. The fact that China's education system makes sure ~90% of Tibetans can speak their cultural language compared to the ~8% of North Americans that can speak theirs means they're just not equivalent. The only countries accusing China of such a fucked up crime like cultural repression are western ones with a political/economic interest for doing so. Muslim countries and the global south side with China on this and Xinjiang.

You don't get it. I don't compare. It is not that is worse than that. China attacked Tibet and conquered their Land. I don't need to compare this to the US. I don't care if Country XYZ says it was good. Evil is Evil is Evil. Pull yourself away from comparing. You don't have to weigh Evil against each other.


They pick one side and argue and justify away the crimes “their” Side has done.

You are doing exactly that. You try to argue and justify the annexation of Tibet. You could easily say “Yeah, that was not okay. China invaded and occupied Tibet, this is not okay.” But instead you are trying to compare this to the US and bring up other Countries and what they think. THIS is exactly what I meant.

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Amazing, it only took you 2 comments to land right on genocide denial, unprovoked.
You're a tankie, defending other tankies, and tankies aren't communists, nor are you on the left, since you clearly aren't in support of freedom and equality for all, never mind the rest of it, just more of the same bullshit - authoritarians co opting leftist ideas and language to grab power. Tale as old as fucking time..

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I would say pro Putin people can't be called leftists they are nazis in red.

I don't think they're pro-Putin? Seem to be as much against Russian imperialism and capitalism as they are against US's.

Edit: Lmao one of the first comments I saw on there:

Putin will be a narcissistic fence sitter who abuses power for his own ends

So yeah, not very "pro-Putin"

and I saw some very pro Putin shit in places like chapotraphouse,even people for the genocide of ukraine

I do wonder how much of that is Russian psyop. I feel like the whole chapotraphouse thing was started or at least very influenced by bad actors and propaganda bots. That place was a shitshow, for sure.

Probably none of it, but knowing how Russia is that wouldn't surprise me. That's just how tankies are, no need for russian intervention. They're just as bad as Nazis for "that genocide didn't happen, but if it did they deserved it" type shit

"I found literally one comment that doesn't support Putin so clearly the tankie instance doesn't support him!"

I literally have a hexbear account. People scream that the tankies love putin and that couldn't be further from the truth. USSR? Yes but they shit on modern day Russia a lot

I would tell you to go to hell for being on hexbear, but apparently you haven't been on there enough to see how pro-russia and pro-Putin tankies tend to be

And apparently you haven't been on there long enough to see how wrong you are. Link me this pro putin propaganda, I'll wait

Hey look literally your most recent comment is pushing the "meat grinder" narrative that Zelensky is evil for sending innocent people to die in "his" war of aggression xD

Yeah what's your point? It's pretty obvious that's what's happening. Fighting a losing battle, making no progress. You gonna tell me that Russias on the brink of collapse next?

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r/genzedong and I think a couple other tankie subreddits literally got taken down for spreading pro-russia disinformation . I've seen a bunch of shit from them and from hexbear and grad about how Putin is based for denazifying Ukraine and shit, but no number of actual examples of that I could link would change your mind bc putin's boot just tastes too nice to you, so why would I even bother subjecting myself to cunts like you calling for Ukrainian and Jewish genocide?

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Probably they don't disturb the large number of Mastodon instances.

Lemmy is not able to disturb Mastodon as much as other microblogging instances.

Nobody on a Lemmy instance is able to follow accounts (like on Mastodon or /kbin). Thus, Lemmy will not fetch anything from Mastodon unless written specifically to a threadiverse community (and the community being CCed). Because of this, Lemmy instance are less harmful, than (potentially) any microblogging server (be it Mastodon, Pleroma, Soapbox, *key, etc.)

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This actually gives me hope. The biggest Instances coming together to stand up for good values and fight off vermin like Nazis, Pedos and other pests of Humanity. cmon man

It gives a 500 error, don't worry. It was probably blocked by the hosting, and sure got welcoming names. Given the number of defederations, I doubt the contents are anything like the names.

Most of them were automatically defederated for not having adequate protection against bot signups, that got nothing to do with sketchy content.

As someone interested in both sides of security game theory, what exactly helps stop bots? I grew up playing RuneScape and hating bots before making r/Artisanvideos and hating them even more. I've always wondered if it's a matter of automatically detecting precise repetitive patterns or just specific giveaway signs.

If the bots are welcomed and they don’t have good enough moderation, this is just sketchy content with extra steps.

An online cafe dedicated to harvesting baby seal fur SEEMED like a good idea...

I have an idea.. A cafe for baby seal fur from self defence only.. That's a great idea!

This should include a user count in each so we can see just how many pedos and nazis are being punted to their own little disgusting bubbles

A little correction: while some of pedo instances are full of potential child abusers, others are based on non-offending (i.e. stop fucking children ffs) principles.

The latter are actually extremely important since they provide a gateway for otherwise potentially dangeous individuals to gain support and find professional help. Trying to instead blindly seed hatred towards people with any immutable traits is never productive, be it any mental disorder, sexuality, or otherwise, same as race and gender. In this case, it only prevents pedophiles from seeking help, making them more likely to become the child predator type and actually pose danger to kids.

Being a pedophile is not a choice. Being a Nazi or a child abuser are, and those should fuck themselves (but also reconsider what they do and what they believe in).

I'll play the devil's advocate here. Not supporting or opposing your point of view. Just to add to the discussion. Let's use another extreme: People with a killing spree sexual attraction. I know, I know, it may be not the same, and it's something that doesn't exist (God I hope!) But for the sake of the argument, let's assume it does.

You have this forum of people posting memes about mass killings and frustrations about not being able to kill, but that you would totally never ever kill anyone, even though the urge is there.

What would you think of such community? Would it be a safe one?

(Dear CIA, NSA, FBI agents, the above is just a completely hypothetical scenario. I am a law-abiding citizen. Always have, always will.)

I'd argue it's way better to give them a platform to vent, so instead of going to the street and killing everyone they post memes and share therapists.

Would I be grossed out? Hell yeah, just like with pedophilia. Would I still think it's a good thing? Absolutely.

It's easy to go with your gut feeling and think you're righteous to follow it. It's always harder to think it through and do and support what's actually right.

...there is a joke here that I could make about incel forums. I'm not going to try to because it's in poor taste, but my point is that I'm pretty sure that does exist....

Also, what's your actual position if that's your devil's advocate position? I'm a bit unsure if the implication there is intentional or not

Well, I don't really have a position. I think pedophilia is heinous, but I understand that sexual attraction is not a choice. Would an internet forum be a good and healthy supporting tool for pedophiles making an effort to do the right thing? That's the question I'm trying to answer.

Being a pedo may not be a choice, but acting on it definitely is. And any pedo who has to go searching for pedo friendly communities is not looking for help, theyre looking to get off.

Its not a big secret to them that they have something wrong to live with. They dont need a support community to tell them how not to fuck kids. It shouldnt take that much self control for them to not fuck kids...

I'd even bet the vast majority of them already do just fine living normal lives. Just like the vast majority of "normal" adults dont go around raping each other just because they feel sexually aroused by someone.

How do you jump from "searching for pedo friendly communities" to "looking to get off"?

Imagine being a gay in a country where you'll be in real danger if you'll ever mention it. Would you like to have someone at least online to talk about how you feel? Probably yes. Same idea. It's hard to hold up things that big throughout life, as just about any closeted LGBT+ person will tell you.

And then with any attraction that is actually dangerous and also illegal when acted on, like, well, pedophilia, or zoophilia, or biastophilia, or God knows what, there will always be people in doubt on whether they should go for it or not. And a community of people with the same issue telling them "we know how you feel, but CERTAINLY NO" would be way more productive than randoms on the Internet shaming them and putting them into the same bin as actual rapists.

Of course, most of them will probably never offend regardless. But people in doubt, as well as people in mental distress, are to always keep in mind. And if you ignore them, you get more child abuse, more suicides, and more pain and suffering in the world.

Maybe im wrong and they need support. Maybe im not. I certainly am in no position to say one way or another with authority. But i'd rather be wrong about keeping them shamed than be wrong about letting them feel positive about their issue.

Either way, i respectfully am done discussing the topic for now. I will give your opinions some thought though.

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This is why I believe federation should be an opt-in process rather than servers being federated by default.

Some of you may remember when Lemmy World was flooded with CSAM by other hostile instances and had to temporarily disable image uploads.

That would destroy the already limited content of the fedi. It's like people hate content discovery for some reason.

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there are peoples who create instances for their families, who is going to manually federate with all these small instances?

Nominally, you'd need to go through some request process to request federation with other large instances. Then they'd vet your configuration before adding you.

Would be nice if they had some form of agreement where you can get accepted by one big instance, you get accepted by all. Or maybe even a standard order form and application which you can send to all major instances with the click of a button

I'm actually thinking of doing the same for myself.

Lemmy supports both blacklist and whitelist federation, but the only large instance that uses whitelist federation as far as I know currently is Hexbear.

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Some of these im... Curious about. Presumably the names are dog whistles (when they're not just openly stating their purpose)... But IDK the whistle so I'm curious af.

Not curious enough to get put on some list by actually checking them out though lol

Most of these are gonna be pedo/lolicon stuff, closely followed by unmoderated hate and spam instances.

Oh those hate sites are very closely moderated. They know exactly what kind of content they want on there and anything else gets the boot.

But like...

Free cum extremist?!? Porn and radical political views in the same place? I'm intrigued!

I'm honestly most curious about wolfgirl because that just sounds like furry shit, but nobody hates furries that much, so what dog whistle am I missing???

Wolfgirl: feed is broken, or possibly just denied until you login. Don't care enough to make an account. About page:

It's not a war crime if you had fun doing it.
I reserve the right to bully you in any way my administration powers allow, or just normally.


FCE: broken, 50/50 chance of malware, meh.

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try ’em out with Tor – get onto a federal list and an NSA list at the same time …

"" sounds thrilling. I both want it to be exactly what it says it is, but also, something completely different.

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It's funny/sad the stark contrast between the ones where you can't really tell why they're defederated from just the name vs the ones where it's extremely obvious (and how little in-between there is)

Not aware of any of these, which is nice, but iddqd caught my eye since that's a Doom reference! Overall I always thought the Doom community was pretty positive (at least going by Doomworld forums, and various Doom streamers, as I remember them). I thought surely it must be some misunderstanding! Oh maybe they didn't reply quickly enough to take down some drive-by hate speech, but that was it.

Anyway, holy shit, do not go to that lemmy instance. It's rotten to the core. I'm going to go take a shower and play through Episode 1 to cleanse myself now.

It's pretty standard 4chan-NEET fare, for anyone who is wondering. Racism, homophobia, xenophobia, trad wives, and quasi-pro-nazi shit.

Not worth your time to check out. Small community of sad nerds.

4chan wasn't like that before 2015. Well, except for the racism part. It was leftish/libertarian.

It's also the easiest "social media" platform to game. You don't have to make up a history for each user. You don't have to get upvoted. You don't even really need to make sense.

Hell way back in the day, 4chan was one of my go-to websites, before the joking and trolling on /b/ really wasn't joking and trolling any more.

Back before people who weren't joking started to join in

Right. The really early oughts, when trolling was still a real thing, were so radically different that it's hard to explain to people these days

iddqd was a well known cheat code from the era, not exactly obscure if not contemporary.

Truth Social is mastodon? 😂

So is Gab, but they got defederated by pretty much the entire network so fast that they just gave up and disabled federation on their own end

Shame. I enjoy laughing at people

You can always make an account.

How about a good old raid? We need to invent a bonkers conspiracy theory first. Something that fools them into doing something good. Like jews don't want you to donate blood and food because it helps them to keep this country divided.

I was honestly thinking of that during COVID. Have a conspiracy saying that the antivax conspiracies were peddled by russia or some form of deep state thing to kill off people who resist the instructions to get vaccinated

What did do? All I know is that fashy HAL guy in the comments thinks the head mod is cringe and stupid and that seems like a good quality. Lots of very specific rules against cp tho which is a big red flag

It hosts Nazis. I don't use that term hyperbolically; I'm talking about accounts with swastika emojis in their display names saying things like "the holocaust wasn't real but it should have been".

The path for said custom emoji is emoji/custom/windmilloffriendship.png, which I do not wish to link directly.

Yeah and a bunch of them got doxed which I won't link to here

If the FBI are on here, they'd better work harder

Maybe its their instances and those are honeypots

Maybe its their instances and those are just the way they are

Apparently it is rather easy to gather personal data as an instance owner, so it really makes you wonder.

That's actually pretty concerning, however my mantra is that anything with bad optics just stays in my head. Nobody can gather what I won't say!

Surprised Gab isn't the record holder, it was the big deal example the fediverse advocates held up as how awesome the fediverse is at moderating itself, especially the "defed if federated with" rule instances started using to actually quarantine the users from Gab

What was iddqd? My guess is gore, but not interested to check.

From the site:

IDDQD: Instance For /vr/, /tg/, /g/, etc.

In other words an offshoot of 4chan's gaming-related boards (vg - Retro Gaming, tg - Traditional Gaming, g - Gaming). Unfortunately it's 4chan, so....

IDDQD is a cheat for the original Doom, as a random fun-fact. God mode, iirc.

I was.

It is basically a bunch of low quality shitposts between 3 people.


Dam thats an awesome instance name

Looks like it's just following the pattern of racist shitheads cooping cool shit and being shitty about them. Like Pepe, the Punisher, and now this one's using Doom.

Newbie question here... What's the difference between federated and de-federated?

So you need to look at the number of de federations. That is basically how many other instances have blocked them and do not receive content from them to their feed. You can still go to all these instances using their respective urls and see what they are like. The reasons for blocking them vary depending on the instance. Edit: They can still be federated with other instances that don't block them creating their own little fediverse bubbles.

Federated means that any instance that is federated with them receives their content and can bee seen on that instance.

Defederated means they are not federated anymore, thus blocking both users and content.

It's usually done to combat content you don't want on your instance

Ok ok... So me using is a specific instance of Lemmy, so it's almost like its own server? And other instances (maybe lemmy.unitiedstates?) is its own federated instance likely related to just U.S. posts and it can communicate with other instances? Do de-federated instances have no other communication with instances?

Apologies if these are silly, I feel like a dum dum because everyone else seems to grasp this except me.

When you use Gmail to send an email to Outlook, those two servers are federated.

Defederation blocks communication between servers.

You pretty much got it! One nitpick, your example of Lemmy.unitedStates is not NECESSARILY a federated instance, just an instance. It may or may not be federated with other instances.

De-federated instances lose communication to/from the instances that said "im gonna de-federate from these Nazis", so again you pretty much got it right :) not silly questions at all! It's a new concept to many people and I promise you MANY people have and will ask these "dumb" (but not actually) questions!

Defederated means that the server has been forbidden from connecting and communicating with specific other servers that have decided to defederate with it, so users from the server can't see or interact with users and posts on the server that defederated it and vice versa. Hopefully I was clear and coincise.

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Why was Alex Gleason defederated?

I think he was employed by truth social for a while, and it might have been just because of his prior involvement as a programmer. But could be wrong about him working there or wrong about that being the reason.

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Where/how is this obtained?

I'm curious about seeing an entire list of defederated instances.

Where/how is this obtained?

I’m curious about seeing an entire list of defederated instances.

Be aware that it doesn't track when lemmy instances defederate from other fediverse instances correctly and hasn't for months, and that it's run someone from one of those 50 defederated instances.

What's with Figured it was something but it's all Japanese.

I think it's an NSFW instance of questionable legality (i.e. underage material that's prohibited in most countries except Japan).

It's drawings, you can say that, no need to muddle the water.

I honestly don't know WHAT it is, nor do I care. All I heard when I learned about that site is that it supposedly is a major CP host, so I just avoided it like the plague. Plus it's all in Japanese anyways.

I thought drawn child pornography was legal in more places but apparently its only about 8 counties. Bafflingly this isn't one of the things the EU has a united front on. Funnily there are a lot more countries that ban all pornography than there are countries that allow some porn but not fictional child porn.

Eientei? From touhou? Wonder what's in there. Also was expecting to see the pawoo competitor since several japanese artists went there after Musk bought twitter.

I checked. Mostly a handful-of-people instance doing whatever on some Pleroma/Akkoma instance. Not much to see there and not much of what I could see there seemed to make much sense to me. Perhaps the defeds are mostly preventative but I cannot tell.

Well, a few people have already pointed out the nastiest sounding one, so I’ll go with

Pretty sure I’d want eye bleach after that.

Or of curiosity, what’s bad about that one? I’m a person who likes animal peepz, but if they’ve been defederated there’s gotta be more to it that “wolf girls the server”

Quick edit: I went there and I need an account to see stuff, which id rather not do if this server has issues.

I looked it up through the link somebody shared on the comments here and the admin is a neonazi.

Good question. I was only talking about my own personal tastes. I don’t know what would be objectively worthy of defederation, because what you’re talking about is fine.

Fair! Someone else here said the admin is a neo-Nazi so fuck all that shit

It should be shunned and defederated so the degenerate furries hide and learn shame