Far-right hosts are blaming the GOP's big election losses on Taylor Swift

ZeroCool@feddit.ch to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 916 points –
Far-right hosts are blaming the GOP's big election losses on Taylor Swift

By all means GOP, please pick a fight with Taylor Swift. 🍿🍿

As someone else has said before, Taylor Swift could tweet "Bring me the head of Ron Desantis" and he would be dead in a week.

To be fair, he really does seem like the meddlesome type.


You are goddamn right it is.

I am inevitable.

I want to believe.....so for now, I will.

Keep kicking ass Margot!

It's either a very dedicated imposter or the real deal which would mean Margot Robbie is a giant nerd. I choose the latter option but would not be surprised by the former.

Margot Robbie is one of the smartest and savviest women in Hollywood, and is definitely one of the most likely celebrities to be using Lemmy and the Federated internet. She's also clever enough to hide in plain sight, by using her own name, knowing that others will just assume she's not the real Margot.

That's what's so sneaky about it. It's genius, honestly

Next thing you are going to tell me is that I'm actually intentionally leaving contradictory "hints" in my comments to protect my privacy online, or something like that.

It's not her, I've seen them say as much in previous threads. It's just some sad dude playing pretend.

Unfortunately, it has seemed to work. It appears as though we're not much different than reddit after all.

FWIW I figure I'd verify and these are the closest they get to saying it outright.

[-] MargotRobbie@lemm.ee 61 points 1 month ago

You guys are laughing right now, but as the only real celebrity on Lemmy, identity theft is not a joke! Millions of celebrities would suffer every year!

Imagine what would happen if some random Internet weirdo uses AI to impersonate me, super serious Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie, and make me say extremely silly things that I would never say in public on the internet? Would you still think impersonating a celebrity is funny?

MargotRobbie@lemm.ee 62 points 2 months ago

At least they are not doing the Twitter/X thing where they impersonate celebrities to push crypto... yet.

Lemmy Silver is the only fake Internet money I endorse.

MargotRobbie@lemm.ee 16 points 1 month ago

I've never seen anyone trying to impersonate me on Lemmy, but if you ever see them, could you tell them to promote my latest movie, now also available on streaming, since I'm still on strike?

MargotRobbie@lemm.ee 7 points 2 months ago

Erm. You are not planning to impersonate a celebrity to make them say hateful things they would not say, right?

I think Tortoise is the best open source model, and ElevenLabs is the best closed source one. But you should always be careful and responsible if you are speaking with someone else's voice.

Fascists create enemies out of everyone who isn't a fascist, then complain how they're surrounded by enemies.

You know that it's like super creepy to impersonate a celebrity like that. Get a hobby.

Edit: And here I thought Lemmy was different. But nope, thoughtless novelty accounts already being deified. This shit isn’t even clever, it’s just a "hot celebrity’s" name. Wow.

Lazy, uninspired, and just not funny. There's nothing creative or interesting in making your username "Margot Robbie" and having people fawn all over you. It's probably a middle aged dude.

I guess I'm the only one who finds that creepy. I imagine Margot herself probably would too.

But go ahead and validate some weird fucking dude cosplaying as a celebrity (who, remember, is a real actual person).

Parasocial weirdos.

Maybe BBS will be sufficiently boring for you.


Yes, nothing sates boredom like *checks notes* seeing a (likely) middle aged man cosplay as a celebrity on lemmy. You know, a real person. Not a character.

Can you people really not see how fucking creepy that is?

How is this shit clever or funny or novel in any way? It's not even an attempt at parody or satire.

Do you also get creeped out by biopics? Someone playing someone else who isn't them? What a terrible crime. At the very worst it's someone spending their time to entertain us. It's really not that unusual.

Lol comparing this to biopics... What a fucking joke. A piece of literal art (whether I enjoy it or not), written, rewritten, casted, produced, rewritten again, thousands of people working together to create a film from literally nothing....

Totally the same thing as a creepy dude making their username "Margot Robbie" like it's creative or funny... Totally the same thing. Same level of creativity and execution.

Also, perhaps most importantly, biopics of living people are rarely, if ever, made without that person's (or their estate's) permission. They have rights about their image being used. And, if the movie is defamatory, the person can sue.

This isn't even apples and oranges. We're comparing two completely different types and classes of foods.

You know that it's like super creepy to refer to Margot Robie as "just a hot celebrity"?

And hobby? What the hell do you think this is? It isn't a damn job. Lemmy is recreational. Vanity accounts are fun and appropriate.

The point was that it's lazy, uninspired and just not funny. I guess the standards for humor/novelty are very low around here.

Like they're not even creating anything, its not parody or satire or anything. They just made their username Margot Robbie and pretend to be her. Sometimes. And people just fawn over it.

Frankly, if I were her, that kind of shit would seriously weird me out.

Bunch of parasocial weirdos.

I think there are two concepts that are still eluding you.

One, Margot Robie is larger than a person, not smaller. She's not just some pretty women. She's shorthand for a very complex collection of aesthetics, politics, and voices. She's an idea, she's an answer. Using her name is meant more to be evocative rather than convincing.

Two, we're all just farting around here, man. We're sharing star trek memes and complaining about opening noisy food packaging in the middle of the night. Of course it's lazy? No one is trying to construct the Sistine Chapel.

If every place you go you're confronted with disappointment, maybe you're in the wrong place?

As someone who was as reddit since long before the digg migration, and remembers how it was like. And how lemmy reminds me a bit of it... Forgive me for trying to avoid this place turning into that shit fest. I saw it happen in real time, and it starts with awful shit like this.

Nothing wrong with a clever novelty account, but fruit is the lowest of the low hanging. Not to get too serious, It brings the entire discourse down. Obviously, I see the comment scores, and I know most of the people here seem to disagree, but I've seen this happen. More than once. And they started with good novelty accounts. This shit is insulting to people's intelligence.

I thought people here were more intelligent and high brow than to find "hurr durr, their username is Margot Robbie, and that's really funny because she's a really famous woman known for her looks, not the technical abilities most people on lemmy have! Hahahahaha" just.... What? Lazy and boring. Not even hacky because it's not even comedy.

Just do better, that's all.

Bring the downvotes. Make sure you validate 43 year old Frank, from Boseman, Montana, for being smart and clever enough to come up with such a brilliant idea. I mean, to make your username THAT? Just inspired...

My man, it's just a username. The comments section of a frankly niche social network are not the portents of the apocalypse.

Also, you roll around insulting people, calling them creepy and lazy, telling them to "do better". What is it that you bring to the table? Disproportionate outrage? Negativity? "Bring on the down votes" sounds more like vintage bad-times reddit than anything this Margot Robie user has done.

Nah, just pointing out the creepiness of it that's all. The creepiness, and just the lack of creativity involved. This is the kind of shit that makes the internet look bad and creepy to normal people.

Honestly, as creepy as "impersonating" a celebrity is,, I don't even completely blame that particular person. It may not have even have been their intention for it to get like this.

The stranger part about it all, to me, is the reaction they get when posting literally anything. That's kind of what skives me out I guess. I've seen them posting all over the place, and it's just weird to see people grovel to an account simply because the username is the name of a celebrity. And they want to believe.

Lots of people think it's really her, and I've seen some weird shit... I dunno man, just doesn't add anything of value imo, so I felt like pointing it out at the time.

Lemme, like the rest of the internet, is pretty ass. There's not much that can be done at this point. I try to step back and just view it as a way to understand human nature when given total freedom and anonymity

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conservatives once again upset that more people are voting.. because reality has a liberal bias.

Yep, if "more people voting" makes you furious then you just might be reaching the level of mustache-twirling cartoon villainy.

Don't want to keep losing elections, conservatives? Adopt better policies. Nominate qualified candidates. And for fuck sake kick out the god damn nazis.

I would be interested to hear that they officially adopted any policies at all, it seems to be, "elect more of us so there are more of us so we can continue to try to elect more of us" the last person from the right wing I heard try to push a policy while running for office died 5 years ago

Not to mention they and their policies are trash.

GOP for the last 40 years: destroys the climate, job market, economy, education, and healthcare

“Did Taylor Swift do this?”

Did I have bad policies?

No. It is the Swifties who are wrong!

Talk about a child prodigy: started ruining everything at -7 years old!

Being upset that people were encouraged vote is admitting your ideas rely on suppression.

Knowing THOSE idiots, they’d probably just be like “yeah, so what?”

They very much are. They openly gerrymander and openly wonder why the Democrats don't. They interviewed the guy that started it and he's literally confused why it wasn't done by the Democrats.

Kirk continued: "All the Swifties want is swift abortion. That's what they want. It's 100%."

i’m fucking crying how do you say this shit and look yourself in the mirror after

They're thoroughly assuaged by the rolls of $100s that the idiots throw at them

If your political party is so weak that it can be defeated by Swifties, maybe you should rethink some things.

If Taylor Swift wanted to stage a coup, I don't think even the US military could stop the Swifties. God help us if the Swifties ever team up with the K-Pop Stans.

Well, after all it couldn't POSSIBLY their horrific policies, or their proud racism, or thier proud nationalism, or their hate for the LGBTQIA+, or their stance of abortion, or birth control, or wanting to outlaw divorce, or them wanting to leave people starving in the streets.
No, it must be some other thing causing their losses.

Also how pathetic is it, that seasoned career criminals eeh politicians and propagandists lose to checks notes a pop musician whosse main topic is her ex boyfriends?

Sadly, while abortion is a losing issue for them, their racist politicians are often winning in the same ballots that abortion is being protected on. Conservative women will protect their right to abortions but still happily vote for racism at the same time.

That's what these guys are missing. They are losing on abortion because enough Republicans care more about their own rights than about racism. Lucky for them, the ballot measures mean they don't have to choose. They can protect abortion back home and keep on sending fascists to Washington.

I'd love to see the Republican party outlaw divorce. Over half of them will be prissy 10 years on being stuck with a wife they hate

It would be consistent with what Jesus said. He didn't say, even be inference, a word about abortion but definitely had strong opinions on divorce.

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"Taylor Swift is going to come out in the presidential election and she is going to mobilize her fans," Kirk warned his viewers on Wednesday, adding, "And we're going to be like, 'Oh wow, where did all these young, female voters come from?' We better have a plan for that."

Kirk acknowledging a) the party does not attempt to represent young women and b) the current plan is that they hopefully just don't vote.

No, the current plan is not that "they hopefully just don't vote." The plan is to actively prevent them from voting through various forms of suppression. They're not just sit around waiting to see what happens.

TBH, actively trying to suppress voters isn't even the worst of it. The next step is making sure that it doesn't even matter if they do.

You know, like they already do. Source: Am in Ohio. There are already public statements from officials that they are trying to dilute/overrule/ignore the results of our vote to legalize abortion and weed. And that's even outside things like gerrymandering.

That's the whole point of their independent state legislature theory. They argue that the state legislature can simply declare their own election results if they don't like the voters' results and that nobody, not the executive nor the courts, can challenge them. They are literally arguing that we should dismantle democracy altogether and somehow people are still "bOtH sIdEs"-ing.

The point of The Great American Experiment was to use votes rather than bullets to select a leader.

It's astonishing that their first thought is to oppose it by any means necessary when it passed with +14%.

Like dude, you're just self sabotaging yourself and your party. This is just going to happen again and again until you accept it.

Weed too? I only saw headlines about abortion.

Yup. Issue 1 was abortion, issue 2 was weed. Both passed with about 57% support. Weed was ever so slightly more popular than abortion, but only a tiny bit

I mean I know it was on the ballot, but did the republicans says they wanted to ignore that part too?

This quote from Posobiec is amazing:

"Republicans still haven't internalized that the Left promotes abortion as a pro-feminism issue. They aren't voting to kill babies, they're voting bc of feminist movies like Barbie and pop stars like Taylor Swift influencing an army of voters," Posobiec wrote.

If they are surprised about the connection between the abortion issue and women's rights... wow. Are they really racking their brains to figure out why "killing babies" is a popular position? How stupid are these people?

Silly women wanting rights over their own bodies! Who do they think they are?? Men???

Not only their own bodies, but the right to end a potential offspring of a man?? /s

The left is promoting women's rights as a women's rights issue

Fixed that for him.

It couldn't possibly be because of a heinously corrupt and out of touch platform that promises to hurt some people and help nobody, could it?

No. It's the Swifties who are to blame. Encouraging people to vote is liberal bias!

These are the people who see libraries, universities etc as liberal machines.

If education hurts your platform...

Yeah that's one of the most telling things about the American conservative platform these days.

Anti education because education undermines their position.

Rely on the electoral college to get their candidate in office because they can't win the popular vote.

Fight rabidly to preserve their gerrymandered districts because that's the only way they can cling to power.

Invent and perpetuate lies and conspiracies because they need a distraction to keep their base afraid.

...not saying the other side doesn't use some pages out of that playbook as well, but for the GOP, that's their whole book.

Those regressive bitches don’t want to come for Swifties, they will bury them 😂

Or, now hear me out here, maybe it's just the fact that people have noticed that they overtly hate women and are nuttier than squirrel shit.

If I had a penny for every time in the past day or so I read "nuttier than squirrel …" I would have two pennies, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice

There used to be a tv advert for a chocolate bar called Topic. You can watch it here. Memes in those days used to travel by word of mouth but kids up and down the country were encouraged by older brothers and sisters to yell 'Squirrel shit' in answer to the sung prompt, "What has a hazelnut in every bite?"

My conservative neighbor is convinced in a conspiracy theory that TSwifty dating Travis Kelce is a scheme to get people to get the COVID vaccine. I wish I was joking, but he's 100% serious.

Why’s he so concerned? Even if true, he could just shake it off, shake it off.

I still don't understand how these magats and conservative conspiracy theorists can think Covid was some deep state attempt at thought control when Trump was the one who takes all the credit for the vaccine

Reich-wingers have no trouble believing in contradictory things, it's like 1984's doublethink.

If a leftist talks about vaccines they're a bad thing and have microchips in them to sterilize you or something.

If their Führer says the vaccines only happened thanks to him the vaccines are the best thing ever and will even cure homosexuality

Even less credible than the Chiefs fan I know who has theorized that she's scheming to break his heart at some point during the playoffs in order to cost the team a Superbowl run.

I don't think he's serious, but I'm not 100% sure about it.

“And why did Taylor’s dad put $50 million on the chiefs to lose? FOLLOW THE MONEY, PEOPLE.”

How would that even work?

I must not be up on my pop culture.

Buckle up. Here's his theory.

  1. COVID is a fake disease.

  2. The vaccine is part of some sinister government plot (to do what, only be knows).

  3. Kelce was in a commercial promoting the vaccine, obviously he's working closely with the government for nefarious purposes.

  4. Kelce isn't popular with young women. Enter T Swifty.

  5. Rather than simply have Tay Tay star in her own vaccine commercials, the government decided to have her date Kelce and therefore increase his popularity with her fanbase, therefore making them get the vaccine.

  6. ???

originally the cookers where saying we were all supposed to drop dead in 18 months. then they changed it to 2 years. now I hear them saying 5 year plan to depoluate the earth. why a sinister organisation would kill all the compliant people and keep the stupid trouble makers around is anyone's guess.

also, anytime some dies of literally anything, they jump up and down and blame the vaccine. one time I saw them doing this and the family came out to note the deceased was unvaxxed lol.

The problem with all these conspiracy nuts is that they can never answer one simple question. Why the theatrics? If what you say is true it would be incredibly expensive, require vast amounts of resources, and strict compliance like nothing the world has seen before. If this is all about "controlling us", and the deep state/shadow government is as powerful as they claim whats with the theater? Wouldn't it be easier, faster, and cheaper to just send in the Shadow government military forces to drag us all into the streets and say comply or die?

I'm pretty sure whenever it comes out that the deceased was unvaxxed it becomes part of the deep state conspiracy to silence dissenters

I mean, when you break it down like that, I guess I don't see how I missed it before. Lol

That's some Charlie Kelly whiteboard shit right there.

Don't they know you don't piss off Taylor Swift fans?

Let's let them find out for themselves. I don't have much of an opinion in regard to Taylor, but this is fun news

Her music is mid but if she manages to shift the electorate left even a few degrees I’ll be the biggest Swiftie ever. As a 45 year old divorced guy I realize this will be incredibly creepy but it’s worth it.

Oh she's absolutely shifted it. Telling people to register to vote, to go vote. She's had an impact.

It's really interesting too. If I remember right, she said in a pandemic era interview that she was told to not go political in country music. She came to realize though she needed to say something -- she was rather disturbed by the far right claiming her as an Aryan goddess or something. A gay friend of hers also encouraged her to use her platform to promote gay rights.

Long story short though, she's realized the importance of speaking out, and her newer songs talk about gender norms and how she's expected to be a wife and all that. She's a really interesting person!

And I'm a 29 year old dude, just accept the Swiftness into your soul

As a 45 year old divorced guy I realize this will be incredibly creepy but it’s worth it.

It wouldn't really be that weird if you became a Swiftie lol. I think a lot of people who aren't already fans of Taylor Swift may be forgetting she's been famous for almost twenty years... Most (but not all) people attending the Eras tour and going to see the concert movie are millennial women in their 30s.


According to Spotify, Midnights has made me a Swiftie. I've listened to that record ...too much.

I've been under scrutiny, yeah oh yeah, you handle it beautifully, yeah oh yeah, all this shit is new to me

Here in my country, it's not hard to find male Swifties your age. Not really surprising since we're the first country in 2022 to have Cruel Summer back in our charts, several months before it went #1 in USA.

I am pretty much the same demographic as you, and firmly not her target audience. But when she rerecorded her entire back catalogue to stiff some record industry creep, that was punk as fuck and I'm down for it.

Taylor Swift shit in my pants, drank all of my wife's skim milk, and told my boss to fuck off after forgetting I had a presentation on Monday. How or why she keeps doing these things to me, I'll never no know.

Ffs, she's even putting typos in my Lemmy posts!

She's here in Argentina on a triple full stadium event, she endorsed not to vote for the libertarian world bank puppet with neonazi rhetoric, in the elections to her millions of fans, now swiftties and kpop fan joined forces against the new fascist movement

TIL Swifties and kpop are antifa. Based.

Am a Swiftie, can confirm. We confront with her advice before making any life decisions.

Must be hard losing to a millennial woman, i mean no alpha points there.

It's appropriate that the GOP and their ilk were quite happy to harm the careers of the Dixie Chicks for speaking out against them and that they should then allegedly suffer negative consequences at the hands of another singer.

Whining about being beat up by a woman sounds like a low-T problem to me.

pretty sure there's more taylor swift fans than republicans at this point.

These assholes are going to get Taylor Swift killed...


Oooorrrr this is the first election since the "just balls and strikes, totally not bribed" supreme court dismantled basic privacy protections for half the population of our country.

Lol. Place the blame anywhere but themselves.

This is the 21st century version of witch burning, and I’m not even kidding. Far-right circles have been screeching about how she’s an actual witch whose concerts are satanic rituals because of some throw-away line she said at a recent concert, and since their movement is ordained by god or whatever of course they could only lose if the witch cursed them.

I wish I was kidding, but that’s really what they’re saying. If this was a small town, they’d be pressing her to death at the next moon.

How is this insanity mainstream? It’s crazy. They’re crazy people.

since their movement is ordained by god or whatever of course they could only lose if the witch cursed them.

Witches are more powerful than God?

According to Salem witch logic, yeah. A few teenage girls were able to override god for an entire colony, such that people had to be pressed to death.

I'm sure Swift loves getting credit for that. I know I'd be elated if someone said I helped Republicans to lose.

Anything to not admit they're simply not wanted.


Mmmm delicious

LMAO I thought this was a snarky jab at Republicans, but it's an actual tweet by a Republican.

I have never been able to can even less than I am right now.

I’d love to see her continue to fuck then up.. Please let them pick this fight.

I was so scared about Ohio and had a lot of guilt. I moved within state four months ago and my registration has still not been updated after mailing in multiple forms and trying to get it sorted out before the deadline. I’m fairly livid and didn’t feel comfortable voting at my registered polling location since I have a new address. I was told updating your voting record was quick and easy. What a bunch of shit.

We would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those darn Swifties!

Taylor Swift is being endangered by this insane rhetoric.

I hope no harm befalls her.

If there's any amount of causation to this, sign me up as a tay-tay fan.

If this is just more Travis& Taylor drama, stfu and let them just dribble, or whatever bs rhetoric they were spouting last time they thought Pop culture figures were causing too much drama for their liking.

Taylor Swift tells her fans to go vote. Not for who, just that they should. She's been consistently doing so for years.

I don't really care for her in the slightest, but the woman has got her shit squared and stowed, and doesn't promote hate. So honestly this criticism rings rather hollow.

They blame it on anything but their own failures. They would blame it on Jesus if all else fails.

And I'm sure no one was paid by any nefarious people to start saying that shit.

It's not like Twitter was being ordered to censor and shadow ban people or...oh wait.