What is something small that you do that confuses other people whenever they see you doing it?

Interstellar_1@pawb.social to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 191 points –

Mine is that I pour the milk before the cereal. people are always extremely confused by that.


I eat kiwis with the peel

Australians are next

The skin is also delicious, like a concentration of sourness mixed with satisfying resistance to my bite.

I open bananas by pinching the bottom instead of ripping at the top (because it works better) and people act like I’m insane.

That is how apes open bananas too.

Not that I'm implying anything of course.

See? The experts agree with me. Your bananas are upside down, not mine.

As someone who also has to argue about how wrong everyone else is...

I always tell them to imagine the iconic 'slipping on a banana peel' joke. Sometimes I make them draw it.

If you peel from the stem, it would never look like that. We have so many references that I challenge anyone to show me any media from any time period that shows the banana opened from the stem.

People learn the stem way as children because it's easier with limited motor skills and just never give it up.

I looked into this and was unable to find quality evidence of such. I also open my bananas from the bananus

Technically, humans or homo sapiens sapiens are apes.

Technically you're opening from the top.

In a hand yes. In a tree it's the bottom

Incorrect, bananas grow from the stem upwards making the stem end, where most people open them, the bottom, OP opens their bananas from the other end.


How does this work with that nasty little stump at the bottom of the banana? (Which everybody knows is pure poison... TIL: AKA the 'bananus')

Easy to discard or no?

I slice it a bit above the bananus and when you peel it it comes right out. Easy peasy

Holy shit, “bananus,” I am crying from laughing right now. Phew, I needed that!

Yeah, it’s easy to discard if a little bananus bothers you. But I ain’t a’feared.

Also, I’m usually making smoothies so it’s not much of a concern.

Pro Tip: another advantage of peeling the gorilla-approved way is that you don’t have to separate them when peeling multiple. I usually eat a couple one-offs while the bunch is ripe and then, before the rest get brown and mushy, peel the rest to freeze for smoothies or banana bread or whatever. You can just peel several from the bananus side and save the step of separating them.

I worked in a restaurant that served Bananas Foster so that’s actually a pro tip. You may never have to quickly peel a whole bunch at once but cooks, busy parents, smoothie artisans, etc. frequently do.

It's how the other great apes do it too, which as far as I'm concerned is pretty much the end of the issue. It really is one of those things where there's a right and wrong way to do it.

I run my thumb up the middle splitting it into 3 slim bananas.

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I set my clocks on 24 hour time. Usually gets a comment when they see it.

Started doing this since my very first watch. 24 hours in a day, why cut it in half? What is 12am or 12pm idk which is afternoon or midnight

I finally managed to learn am/pm after working with brits for years, but every time they said "after midnight, past midday" as if it made it easier to remember, I just responded with "after midday, past midnight"

Wtf does this mean. I'm so confused. Somebody please explain

after midnight, past midday”

AM, PM. It actually means ante meridiem and post meridiem, Latin for "Before Noon" and "After Noon," but the above also works and is in English.

Latin for "Before Noon" and "After Noon,"

I'm going to start using BN and AN, just to confuse people.

It's terrible as a mnemonic though. "After" and "post" both mean the same thing, and the other words both start by M.

I don't think they're confused by times like 1pm.

At least for my brain, 12pm and 12am are the sticking points.

As you note, pm is Latin for after noon, yet we call noon 12pm. Noon isn't anymore after itself than it is before itself. Neither makes any sense.

With 12am, we generally seem to think about midnight as the end of the day, even though it's really the start of the new day. The Latin isn't confusing here, but the numbers get real weird. We start the day counting at 12:00, go up to 12:59, and then reset the count to 1 an hour in? Our 12h clocks are split between being 0-indexed, and a weird variant of modulus 12.

I'm clearly overthinking things, but I don't always immediately remember which 12 is which. Latin doesn't help.

With 00 it's clear which time we're talking about, and which calendar date it's part of. It's also the easiest way to sort out which 12 gets mislabeled what.

13h is pm, but sometimes people are confusef about 12h00 tops! If 12h01 is pm then 12h00 is pm too, or as said, as fast as it's 12 it switches.

If clocks had been invented by computer scientists, there would be no 12, it would be 0.

TIL people have to learn how to count the 24 hours in a day as 24 rather than 12x2.

I still have to think twice when someone says something about single digit hours and somehow mean afternoon. We even have an expression in my language for the nightly hours after midnight, they are called ”little hours”.

I remember it as the _M changes the moment it hits 12. So if the rest of the day is PM, the moment it hits 12(for noon) it swaps to PM. In the same way, the moment it hits midnight, it swaps to the morning hours of AM.

It kinda bugs my wife, but I still prefer it to 12 hour. My car, my time format.

Same here. I sometimes get momentarily confused when I see 12-hour digital clocks now...

French here, you can come viqit anytime and the only thing we might notice is that you're using clocks the right way (tm) :D

The real art is doing it with an old grandfather clock.

My job uses 24h/UTC time a lot. Love the 24h time, everything I can set to it that I use is on that format. Can’t set the coffee machine or microwave to 24h time.

UTC? Hate it. Too much math that changes with the time change and your time zone to get to UTC. Thankfully wearables and phones will often let you have multiple clocks visible.

I do the exact opposite. I think 12h clock is the only way of measuring things americans got right.

waiting in line when there are self checkouts available. I just dont like doing it.

abandoning self checkouts because the machine is yelling at you and the workers are busy elsewhere. they say self-checkout lane 7 is still blinking to this day.

Funnily enough I tend to find that if you just pick up your bags and walk away a member of staff is arrives pretty quickly. Wild, right?

"Remove item from bagging area!"
"Please wait, help is on the way... "

When eating pizza at a restaurant with a fork and a knife I start cutting bite size triangles from the center of the pizza, it's pure chaos and people lose their mind when they see me haha

I love this. I hope you also do it in an ever widening spiral?

I read the second half of this in Heath Ledger’s joker voice

I sigh loudly. Not vocally, but I take in a deep breath and then release it quickly. It's a tension release to me kinda like yawning but everyone around me seems to think I'm upset or frustrated when I do it.

Ever since we were graced with COVID-19, I frequently find myself taking deep breaths and exhaling as you described just to see if my lung function feels right. Realizing now that I don't even need to be infected with COVID-19 for it to have a significant impact on my mental health.

I sigh normally for the same reason, and people react similarly.

I do the exact same thing. Back in highschool people used to point it out or look at me weird or assume I was upset. My boyfriend asks me "What's wrong?" and I respond with "Uhh...nothing?"

I've done it for as long as I can remember and it feels like it relaxes my nerves.

I "fold" my socks by putting one sock fully into the other sock (picture wearing 2 socks on 1 foot). This way they are together and they don't get stretched out.

People see you doing this? Are you organizing socks on the subway...?

Some of us poors fold our clothes at the laundromat.

I buy 30 pairs of the same socks, so I don't have to sort or fold.

I don't get it. You do that as opposed to ... what? Isn't that the way to do it? You put one sock into the other and then kind of fold them in on themselves.

Some people put them next to each other and fold the top inside out over the 'pair' rather than put one inside of the other.

I don't fold them in on themselves, that stretches them slightly and I don't like it, I just put one sock all way down into another sock, like the 1 sock was wearing the other sock!

Not checking in with someone if we made plans. My wife will ask if I texted my family to see if we're still doing the thing we planned. If I make plans with someone, then I'm going unless they tell me is cancelled. My family could make plans for 12 years from now and we'd all be there a little earlier than the time we said we would be there.

When people often text me or call to make sure plans are still on, it has the weird effect of making me no longer want to go. I'm introverted, but if I make plans I will be there. So it sort of opens the door for me to cancel for some reason.

In the case of my wife's family, if we make plans, most of them are guaranteed to show up late. We've made it a habit to plan things for 30 minutes to an hour before we actually want to start because we know they'll be late. Being a veteran, it drives me crazy. If I'm not a few minutes early, I feel like I'm late.

Aah the South American timezones difference lol

I've made these arrangements many times with friends. To the point that I'd adjust different times for different friends.

The downside there's always the new one that shows up on time when you're still in the couch before having changes clothes

I noticed certain people will either change the time or day (or forget the confirmed time, or that they already initially set a time and seem to randomly change to what works for them without updating others and accuse like everyone else had the wrong time) or cancel without telling others. So those people I check to see if it’s still on and reconfirm the time even up to an hour before the meet up. I usually give up on a person who does that as it’s emotionally exhausting to constantly coordinate around a changing target. I get enough of that at my job.

I don't listen to anything while driving

I'd go crazy if I were trapped alone with just my thoughts for that long.

That's why I'm doing it. I think it's healthy to sometimes take time to just sit with your thoughts and be bored. I find driving to be a good moment to do this. For the same reason I've decided to not use my phone when queuing either.

This is highly relatable to me as I've gotten older. I find it more concerning that others can't live with their own thoughts and feel it's necessary to drown them out with constant noise.

I've been doing that for many years to the point that people don't like to drive with me. Actually kinda nice since most people would rather just drive than ride with me

Sock shoe sock shoe.

I have to test if the pants/sock/shoe combo works before committing to the whole process a second time.

What kind of incompatibilties have you experienced?

Sock is too exposed at the top of the shoe, leading to an unexpected clash of color or style, sock is squashed up the leg by the boot and disrupts the natural fit of the pant, slouch sock (the worst), and sometimes the shoe makes the sock seam really obvious around my toenails for no apparent reason.

I've had several people comment on the way I tie my shoelaces. I can't even remember how to do it the "normal" way, but I use that knot that takes about half a second where you make both loops at once and pull them through each other.

That's a better knot as well. Holds together better comes apart without risking turning into a small tight knot and is balanced to keep one lace from getting more fatigued.

It’s the same knot (square knot) unless you’re comparing it to someone who ties their shoes wrong.

Edit: also, the quick-tie knot OP is talking about is called Ian Knot or Ian’s Knot. It’s a square knot but tied faster.

Either a square knot or a "granny" knot will work. A lot of people don't know the difference, but it's actually a pretty important distinction in different types of rigging because a square knot is so much stronger and more secure.

Granny knot will come untied easily so it only kind of works. Most people who use granny style probably double it up because they get sick of re-tying their shoes all day.

I knew about square knots from when I was a kid but didn't make the connection between those and shoelaces until much later in life. My hands still aren't used to reversing one direction from something I'd been doing my entire life.

I guess I should be better at it by now but I rarely wear shoes tight enough to require tying them. Maybe that's my weird thing for this thread.

The risk of the knot becoming a real knot (it's more like a pair of slip knots normally) is from the loose end winding up going through one of the loops before you pull it. If you pull the one that went through the loop, you get a tight knot. If you pull the other one, it won't be so tight. And that can still happen with this improved method.

I've been doing that for ~15 years and almost no one has commented on it :<

That's probably better knot anyway. Most people don't even realize they tie their shoes with a so called granny knot. The loops are supposed to sit horizontally, not vertically or at 45 degree angle.

I do that with round laces, it's much better for them than the standard. Tried showing it to my Dad once, and he could not wrap his head around it.

That's how my dad taught me, he calls it "bunny ears." Funny enough, it took me a really long time to learn to tie my shoes because both my mom and dad were trying to teach me, but they didn't realize they use different methods and I was so confused.

I did that knot in front of a shoe saleswoman and she commented she had never seen anyone do that before. Asked me to show her again how I did it.

I skip the fourth step from the bottom on every staircase. It started because multiple staircases I regularly traversed coincidentally all had spiders make their homes on the fourth step, so I'd step over them. And then I just never shook the habit.

Brits seem to really love when I heavily salt tea and heat it in the microwave. I top it off by saying "Cheerio! Pip pip!" in my best southern drawl.

Don't know why...

I think they're amused at the person rather than the action. There's a better chance of finding rocking horse shit than a Brit truly saying "Pip, Pip", unless they're from the US or an actor in a 1950's black and white WW2 themed budget film.

I had a friend who used to say "pip pip". I also think you missed the joke.

I too eat kiwis with skin, but apparently stranger is that I eat the whole apple, starting from the bottom working up, core and all.

I started eating whole apples after I met someone who does. He said: "Why not? I don't have to throw away the core then!".

Ever since then I ate the whole thing.

i had one of those apple corer things you press down to cut an apple into slices and leave behind the core in a cylinder.

used it one day at work and started feeling more and more nauseated and dizzy right after eating the apple slices to the point i had to leave work and go home.

i googled it later and discovered apple seeds contain a small amount of cyanide. i guess normally if you don't chew them they pass through just fine no problem. but that apple corer thing had sliced through several seeds.

i've chewed a seed or two before without issues so maybe i got some mutant apple or something but fyi about the cyanide thing!

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Give more exact timing than nearest 5 minutes. Eg "I'll be down in 4 minutes" because I have an idea how long things actually take.

Then you must leave a path of annoyance and destruction.

as most tasks depends on many factors and if you estimated the correct prep time.

If it’s a 4 minute job on a computer and you hit a network lag, then you failed at determining factor calculation.

If you hang a shelf and estimate 10 minutes but didn’t do the prep of finding the stud then parts of the wall falls down, you failed at determining factor calculation for the task as you didn’t account prep time.

If you think you could clean a table in 2 minutes but then you realize the dishwasher wasn’t emptied, so you just left dishes on the counter for someone else to do the labour instead of accounting extra time then you failed at factor calculations.

If you determine 3 minutes to throw your laundry in the machine but didn’t factor the machine needed emptying first then you failed at factors.

Now if things are going on without a hitch, you can use time to your advantage for better preparation. If I give 10 minutes for a 7 minute task I’m gonna take that extra 3 minutes to grab a glass of water.

If however someone needs to know I will take exactly 7 minutes to hang a shit they need therapy and that stops being my problem to ‘time’ manage for them.

You: "You're not allowed to estimate anything, anywhere, ever. Not allowed. The only allowable answer is I don't know."

ya know how you can like look at a light, like the sun or a light bulb, and as you move your eyes around you an kinda make shapes like whirling your eyeball around to make a circle with the light ?

well I do that but instead of just with lights, I do it with normal objects in my field of vision, and I do it really fast.

to the observer my eyes balls look freakishly fast moving, but to me I am making your head into a big star shape over and over again.

I have no idea what you're talking about...

If you look at a light, when you blink there is a shape that appears.

For example, look at a light for a couple seconds, then look at the cover of a book dead center of your vision and blink. You may notice that it's hard to immediately read the text, due to something missing in your visual field.

OP is saying they are able to imprint objects on their field of view, the same way they do with light.

Your eye flurry buddies must be living a great life

Can you make your eyes shake left and right too? Or is that what you mean? There was a sub on the R place devoted to that, /eyeshakers I think.

yeah left right up down, all over in varying ways. well thank you for pointing me in the direction of others - maybe it's not so unique after all. buuut I'm not going back to R place for some oculolinctus tomfoolery.

I can do that, I was envious of a family member who could do it when I was young and somehow taught myself to be able to do it. Though I always called it "vibrating my eyes". I can't maintain it indefinitely unfortunately

"Mine is that I pour the milk before the cereal. people are always extremely confused by that."

You're a psychopath. lol

I pour cereal before the milk. It helps to have a mop, it's a really big mess.

I use my indicators when reversing out of a parking spot. It’s the way I was taught, and it makes sense to me, but apparently it’s weird.

I do too. It makes sense I think, that flashing light could be the difference between a car noticing you or not if the timing is otherwise perfect for a crash.

Even better... reverse park.

Yeah, everybody loves it when you clog up the lane slowly backing your car in.

Kind of like the way you do while backing out?

No, since there's much more room while backing out.

It's the exact same parking slot no matter which way you're driving in/out.

I disagree that it overall takes any more time no matter which way you park but one thing is for sure and it's that backing in is safer. It's way more common for people to get hit by a car that's backing out of parking slot that by one backing in. You can't see your surroundings when backing out because of the cars on your both sides but I can see the entire parking slot when I'm backing in.

It's faster to drive forward into a parking spot than to back into one. It's also faster to back out of a parking spot to back into one. Therefore, it's never faster to back into a parking spot.

Skill issue

Yes, the issue is that everybody lacks that skill, so it's faster to park by pulling forward into a spot.

You're clearly married to your opinions so I don't expect you to change your mind but perhaps consider the possibility that someone whose been backing into parking slots daily for over 15 years perhaps doesn't lack that skill. Turns out that practicing makes you better at something. Who would've though.

The video shows a car slowly backing into a driveway. Congratulations.

You're still a jerk if you do that in a busy parking lot, because then it's not just your time that's being wasted.

You're blocking people the exact same way when you're backing out of a parking slot. I can't believe how this can be so hard concept for you to grasp. Cognitive dissonance at its best.

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How’s that work?

A driving lane has significantly more length and width than a parking spot.

But that length and width doesn’t change whether you’re gong forwards or backwards.

Whether you back in or out the space is the same.

Backing into the space, the space is narrow and shallow.

Backing into the lane, the space is wide and deep.

The latter is easier and faster than the former.

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You know what I hate? People using their hazards to indicate that they're loading/unloading. You can already indicate towards the pavement to do the same thing and it actually says "hey I'm just pulled in here" instead of using the "something's gone wrong" lights.

Eh, I can understand it though. Say you pull over to the right, have your right blinker on, someone behind you will not see the left light lit up, and if you are already stopped your brake lights aren't on.

With hazards, the full car is displayed.

If it's coming from a place of safety I think it's sensible. I so don't see it as particularly dangerous to adopt, other drivers slow down at most and see you and ignore you at least

That said, if we're coming from the place of safety, usually these instances the person should just fully park instead of pulling over with hazards.

I can understand it, it still bothers me though. I think it's mainly because most of the time it's taxi drivers parking in the worst spots.

Taxi and Uber drivers shouldn't ever be doing it in the first place so 110% agree with you there. It's awful in San Francisco sometimes lol

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I write the number 5 from the bottom up.

I put my arms in my coat in front of me then flip it over my head

Montessori coat flip ftw!

I was purely public-schooled (US meaning) and we learned the coat-flip too.

The Martin Sheen? Or something less majestic?

I use flatware when eating everything, including finger food. My friends only made fun of me when I ate crisps with a fork.

I will remove the top bun from hamburgers and use a knife & fork to cut little wedges out of them. Fewer carbs & no sloppiness!

chopsticks are awesome for messy snacks

Yup, (non-slippery) chop sticks are the absolute best for most crisps or cheesey-sticky-powder related snacks.

Lacking chop sticks, wooden tooth picks or barbecue sticks will do in a pinch (or stab).

What is "flatware"?

Dull cutlery: fork & knife, maybe spoon. No sporks, they are Of The Devil

Never heard that term before, I'd just say "cutlery". Or is this to distinguish between them and fancy cutlery?

I always assumed cutlery was just the sharp things and flatware was general table setting fare. "Flatware" might be a food service term?

People act like I'm a monster for eating kiwis in their entirety. Not just the skin, but even the ... Stump? Whatever the hard end but is called that presumably attaches it to the tree. It's just extra fiber!

Isn't that the stem? Or have I been calling it wrong all this time?

Stem sounds more accurate than my choice of words. But what do I know - I'm a kiwi-skin eating monster.

That's the kiwinus I believe.

Okay, that's definitely what I'll be calling it from now on. I almost want to buy some to eat at work just so I can say I'm eating kiwinus.

Leaving noobs to die in their dumb situations while I full clear my jungle.

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I eat cereal with a fork. No I will not explain further

As I have seen cereals the size of biscuits be sold to be used as cereal, I can perfectly understand.

I prefer eating only with the spoon. I'd even cut meat with it if it's soft enough

I do this as well, but with a fork.

I wonder if there's anyone eating knife only?

I wonder if there's anyone eating knife only?

Mercenaries that try to intimidate people?

Mostly old men describing pet cemeteries

Sometimes I eat an apple with a knife only, slicing pieces and sticking them in my mouth with it.

That's not even strange, the spoon is just the perfect utensil.

Are you my wife? I swear she has some kind of pathological aversion to forks.

In Southeast Asia that’s how it’s done

I microwave rice or noodles with water to make them perfect.

That isn't normal? I thought that was common leftovers knowledge, lol

Leftovers maybe, but I'm referring to the first time cooking it. I've had lots of strange looks for it.

The bag of medium grain rice i have had microwave instructions on it. I hate using a microwave so I've never done it but seems like you aren't alone

I need some more info on this. So you have uncooked rice and put it with with water in the microwave to cook it?

Yeah so I take a microwave safe bowl. Two cups of rice, and four cups of water. Microwave on high for ten minutes, stir it. Another ten minutes depending on how it looks. Comes out perfect most of the time. I have the best results with Jasmine rice but it works with regular too.

using a microwave is the only way I can actually cook rice perfectly. I don't own a rice cooker and stovetop is just a sticky mess

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I never listen to a whole song. I'll usually get about half way through before going to the next track.

Pretty sure that’s a torture tactic, friend. Are you ok?

I think it's executive dysfunction. So, no

I have ADHD/Aspergers and do the same. I bounce around between songs and fast forward / rewind often too. Drives others wild when they notice

I'm more worried about the people that don't notice.

I boil eggs with just half an inch of water in a pot and the lid on.
Set a timer to 6 minutes when the water starts to boil and they come out perfect every time.

What do you consider a perfect boiled egg? I need to find a new technique - mine bounce off the bottom of the pot when the water is boiling and they crack.

Microwave ice cream that was scooped in a bowl for 8 seconds to soften it.

Same with a Mars or Snickers bar. Just enough to make the center melt yet keep the outer hard enough to stay together.

You could also try the Scottish method of coating them in batter and deep frying them.

I just heard of that for the first time like 2 days ago and this is the second time.

Is it a new thing? Or is it just coincidence? Lol

When I order plain soda water at the bar.

Bartender here. That's not weird to me at all.

Out of curiosity then... what are the weirdest things you've had someone ask for?

Anything that mixes alcohol and milk, see vodka paralyzer.

I beg your pardon Sir and/or Madam, but a properly made 'White Russian' tastes like suckling the breast milk of Venus herself.

Biking instead of driving places, especially in the winter.

Ive dated a few Filipina women over the years. When its my turn to cook, I'll sometimes add a packet of onion soup mix to the rice cooker. Its delicious, but it triggers their FauxCD because its just wrong.

You get a turn to cook?! My Filipina just about kicks me out of the kitchen.

What typ of supe mix? powder, gopy, the little cube thing?

The packet of powder with some dried onion flakes in it. Works well enough. I've also used the leftover broth from a roast.

Blow into my cigarette before putting it in my mouth.

I smoke Parliaments, which have a little recess in the filter and sometimes bits of the tobacco get in there; I blow it out because I don't want to eat it

Do you pack your cigarettes? I imagine that would make it worse.

It's rare that I have a cigarette anymore but when I do, I pack that motherfucker with a vengeance. 32 taps on my inner wrist. Why 32, I have no idea.

Mental arithmetic. Fast.

Correct, though? I can give answers to most mathematical problems pretty much instantly if we're not fussed about accuracy.

I am an engineer. Accuracy is irrelevant, precision counts. All figures consist of a value and a deviation.

Like what's an example of the most complex arithmetic you can do in your head?

Where I'm from it's common to have hot chocolate milk for breakfast, so if I want cereal I first get a glass or whatever of hot milk and then I add the other stuff to the hot milk.

I like my cereal mildly soaked in the milk!

My odd habbit that I hope one day someone will call me out on is that I only scoop half a jar of peanut butter or any other sandwich spread from one half of the container. Ill dig and clean our the entire side of the container and then try to scoop the rest out from the bottom of the other side to leave the pristine untouched top-side of the jar as the last part of the food that is used.

This is a reference to Calvin & Hobbs, but ive been doing it for 20 years... So... Yah...

My wife was very offended when I started doing this 3-4 years ago from learning about it in /r/CalvinandHobbs

Needless to say, I no longer do that.

Haha before you mentioned C&H I was like hey I think I remember a Calvin and Hobbes where Calvin said that's how he liked his sandwiches lol

a friend of mine will eat the whole sunflower seed including the shell. This confuses me.

It's extremely painful coming out. The shells don't digest. I did this once when I was young.

I clap with the back of my right hand slapping the palm of my left hand (Bajoran style). I don't know why but it's how I've always done it. For some reason I really hate the feeling of my palms and finger undersides touching each other.

I clap really loudly. I cup the fingers off my right hand and bang them into the palm of my left hand. Sometimes people are annoyed by my choosing because it's so loud. But we're clapping? It's supposed to be loud?

As someone who is pathologically repulsed by soggy cereal, I am with you, comrade.

There are actually cereal bowls that have two separated sides. Milk goes in one side and dry cereal in the other. You scoop dry cereal, dip in the milk, and every bite is as crunchy as the first.

When I make coffee in the morning I put in one packet of pink sweetener, then half sugarfree liquid creamer and half milk then microwave it for 30 seconds to bring it back up to temp. And sometimes a splash of a Torani flavor for absolutely no reason. Could I just use a little more creamer instead of the sweetener? Sure. Could I use even more creamer and NO milk? Sure, I guess. I just enjoy mad scientisting my coffee. Wife just sighs and gets out of my way in the kitchen.

You could microwave the additives first and then add the coffee

What is pink sweetener? What is creamer? What is torani? I feel like I don't even know what "coffee" is anymore!

Here’s all three.

Thanks! ...and what are they?

The first one is artificial sweetener in small sachets. Second is liquid that is also a (sugar free) sweetener but has the appearance of milk - many use it instead of milk because it acts as both. The third is a flavoring that is specifically designed for coffees, it’s what you get when you buy an eg white chocolate flavored coffee at a drive thru or Starbucks. They splash some of this flavor in.

Know how some people are ambidextrous? I'm the opposite. Ambi-sinister. I'm naturally left-handed but I'm also nearly blind in my left eye so I've picked up a lot of things right-handed over the years. It wigs people out who've known me for a while when I do something left-handed like writing.

Neuroqueering! It gives you fun situations everyday for sure.

What does this mean? I've never heard the term before.

To keep it too simple, it's neurodivergent people not adapting themselves to the constructed social norms.

In a more elaborated definition: it's subverting, defying, disrupting, liberating oneself from neuronormativity and heteronormativity simultaneously.

When people have a brain functioning differently from the majority, you will have different behaviors not matching the heteronormativity and the neuronormativity —even if you're heterosexual. The most obvious examples are not making eyes contact, not shaking hands, stimming in public.

Wait, what does being heterosexual or not have to do with this?

It's about social norms and the idea of normal and the average person. It's why I wrote "for example". It's one study case among others in this field.

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I’m neurodivergent and still have absolutely no idea what you just said.

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