Weird 🤔 to Lemmy – 1909 points –

Eat farts.

This is the stupidest fucking thing I've seen all day, and it's been a long day.

Well you're entitled to your option ... but it's a dumb one and you should feel bad about having it. Also, I'm going to needless drag unrelated politics into this.

You weren't replying to my comment, which is nowhere near this chain of comments, but I think you were targeting me. Your satire is too close to being serious. I declare that you're an idiot. Fight me now.

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Can't tell you how strongly I disagree. It feels like the first people on Lemmy are the most insufferable know-it-all and holier-than-thou types from Reddit. Say anything about Microsoft or Windows? Here's 15 commenters telling you how much better they are for having Linux, and 2 commenters on topic, only to be called inferior by the Linux users. Same for Photoshop, same for social media, same for any paid software.

And everyone who has an opinion must insult anyone who disagrees like it's political Twitter, only by people who think they're smarter cause they were never on Twitter.

Lemmy is so toxic it's delaying its development. People lurk cause there are too many assholes talking over everyone else.

The only thing that's better is there are less of those "um ahcktually", pedant types. If you say "everyone", people mostly understand you don't literally mean "everyone."

You must be a car driving capitalist tankie to be hatting on this place.

jk, I definitely agree. This place is way more radicalized than Reddit, or at least it isn't nearly as diluted by bots so it seems more prominent.. Some dope people around here but I'm definitely losing hope that this place will grow into a cool place.

It's all the same topic posts and the same hateful comments, but you can't even find small active communities to get away from it.

I like risa on startrek.webaite, for one. you can def find cool communities.

Risa has gotten weird lately. I don't find the meme as funny anymore. A lot of them just seem like the 'oh so random' humor that was funny when I was in middle school.

Good to see your input and how many people agree with it. I kinda agree, I am one of those jerks that will pray for open source alternatives, lmao, not so for paid or social media. Still being part of majority, I agree with you. I kinda miss the christian memes from reddit, it used to take the bible and interpret in some way, not as it was written.

As somebody said, lemmy have instances. I don't think we are in the need to make more, but idk about that and it's just an opinion. I think the next step is creating communities that a lot of people miss from reddit but feel they wouldn't be welcomed due to existing communities and the current mindset in Lemmy instances.

Thanks for the comment and saying what a lot of us have been wanting to say.

I think the instance really matters. My ‘all’ feed is full of toxic assholes but my subs are mostly rad folks.

Totally agree. I stopped seeing toxic people when I left Lemmy.World. idk why that is. It's not like is a terrible place or anything.

I left lemmy a few weeks ago for this reason and I come back today to see what's up and it's exactly as you described. We aren't the only ones either

The problem is not a technology one, and creating a copy of the thing you hate isn't going to get different results.

I never expected it to be better than reddit, actually I expected it to make things much worse through increased isolation of mobs. It does.

Only thing an individual can do is be the change they want to see and be nice to people, and resist the urge to "other" everyone they interact with.

That said.. if this is OPs lived experience we should be happy for them. They're having a positive experience that we all want.

When I left Lemmy.World I stopped seeing toxic behavior on the regular. I am not sure why this is. I am following all the same communities I was before, so it's not like I left any toxic communities. Even the hexbear people seem mostly civil now. It's like all the crazy people left.

Maybe you just need to find an instance that suits you?

Say anything about Microsoft or Windows? Here’s 15 commenters telling you how much better they are for having Linux,

Eh. That's like the repeat of "Reddit is an anti-American circlejerk": No, it isn't. Never was. It was simply the place where many Americans first learned that people who live beyond the brim of their burgers actually exist, and have opinions.

You're on a FLOSS platform. Don't be surprised if fanboying for an aggressively monopolistic multinational with inferior technology, held up by duct tape and bribes to system integrators, doesn't make you friends.

Uhh yeah no. I was on reddit for over a decade and the anti-american circle jerk (that is alive and kicking on lrmmy, btw) became much worse over the last few years.

Lemmy loves to pretend it's culturally superior to reddit, but now we've just concentrated the elitists and political extremists into a smaller pool of users.

No, neither reddit or lemmy are anti-American. Not even unamerican. It's much, much worse: They're non-American. Reddit by I think a small majority, lemmy much more so.

If, then, a random jingoist Seppo comes along and considers themselves and their dysfunctional country god's gift to humanity, well, it's easy to predict how much people will cheer that on.

Add to that another, equally exceptionalist, breed of Seppos, just that those don't think the US is the greatest thing to ever grace humankind, but the worst. That's not anti-American either, they're still exceptionalist and they're still Seppos. Hexbear and lemmygrad are full of them.

Also y'all don't get what taking the piss entails.

I agree with the sentiment that we are on a FLOSS platform, so most people are going to prefer Linux.

But the rest of that comment is silly.

Saying anything about Windows/Max doesn't mean the commenter is fanboying.

Also, are you saying you dont believe social media was manipulated to interfere with American politics?

And the last one really cracks me up about making friends. "Aggressively fanboying" Windows or Mac doesn't make you friends, but fanboying Linux does? You and I are definitely in different areas of CS then ha!

I think "fanboying" in general is the actual issue

Also, are you saying you dont believe social media was manipulated to interfere with American politics?

I sense a veritable iceberg of a conspiracy theory, there: You think Reddit and lemmy are "anti-american" so as to influence American politics?

Pretty much anyone outside of the US doesn't need an ulterior motive, be given money or whatever to talk shit about the US: You're providing ample of reason and opportunity to do that as is, there's no need to get the Russians or whoever involved. Also they're only stoking flames (on both sides and a couple more), without a base level of idiocy they would have nothing to work with.

Saying anything about Windows/Max doesn’t mean the commenter is fanboying.

Why if not for that would they get a negative reaction to that here, then?

“Aggressively fanboying” Windows or Mac doesn’t make you friends, but fanboying Linux does? You and I are definitely in different areas of CS then ha!'re in CS but not a developer or devops? You work at a soul-sucking job writing software for machinery or such that for have to run windows? Like, dunno, ATMs? And you and your colleagues developed Stockholm Syndrome?

I don't have to run windows, or anything. I can run what I want.

But the people who shoehorn Linux into every conversation are also the ones who spend more time finding acceptance online rather than actually being "friends" with people IRL. Tbh, I have you coined for a stereotype I know and I apologize about that. I can't help it. I just know mfers who talk like you are commenting so my bad if I attach opinions to you, I really don't mean to. That's why I'm trying to ask questions.

But you do not believe social media is manipulated then, and is just a conspiracy theory? I never accused any party of being behind the manipulations and I haven't provided any theoretical motivations. Just wondered if you believed social media is an accurate portrayal of the populations opinions.

Also, mfers try to act superior cause they got Linux, that's why they "get a negative reaction". Look how you are reacting to someone just mentioning the idea of mentioning windows ha!

Just wondered if you believed social media is an accurate portrayal of the populations opinions.

...of the population of the people using it, mostly, yes. Of course, we'll never know what the lurkers think. None of it should be used for statistical analysis but you'll get a reasonable spread of opinions deemed acceptable in a particular place -- for example, on lemmy you'll be hard-pressed to find Nazis or Trumpets as no admin wants to deal with that kind of headache. Tankies, too, can be readily seen to run a manipulative agenda and they're not entirely welcome. Frankly speaking influencing stuff just by posting is rather hard, to have to influence content discovery algorithms (which are dumb as bread in lemmy's case and that's good).

Also, mfers try to act superior cause they got Linux, that’s why they “get a negative reaction”.

Dude I've been running Linux as my primary desktop since the early 2000s, I'm too old for that shit. Back in the days I was a freshly-baked programmer tinkering around everywhere, by now I largely simply want a system that a) works out of the box in a sensible manner and that b) I can mess with if required. I also have a windows installation for a game or the other and the occasional testing of builds and believe me it certainly doesn't fulfil a) and b), well, I don't know it well enough and the documentation sucks.

The usual context I see Linux mentioned in on lemmy is gaming, or in context of just what at shitshow Windows 11 is regarding ads and whatnot. That's not shoehorning.

But the people who shoehorn Linux into every conversation are also the ones who spend more time finding acceptance online rather than actually being “friends” with people IRL. Tbh, I have you coined for a stereotype I know and I apologize about that. I can’t help it. I just know mfers who talk like you are commenting so my bad if I attach opinions to you, I really don’t mean to. That’s why I’m trying to ask questions.

Can you give an example of people shoehorning Linux into conversations? Usually the only comment I see is already on Linux, and it's the Arch btw's, which is a meme in itself. Maybe you need to search for subs you like, and subscribe to them, and have subscribed as the default view. All may not be your cup of tea, like all was never my cup of tea on reddit. You're not always going to be in the majority view, and that is fine.

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Except on news and world news that for me are exactly the same.

Instead of a random asshole from /r/conservative, it’s a random asshole from

It's no different than reddit.

Small community: friendly and welcoming

Large community: shitty teenagers

Oh, you haven't been to a socialist community yet? I won't ruin the surprise...

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[Mean insult]


[Derailing off topic remark]

{Meandering ADD fueled paragraph that goes no where}

Really? I just kind of come here when I really want to feel bad about myself. This community is twice as toxic as reddit if you're not part of the group think.

If you like Windows, automobiles, and guns you're in for a world of hatred here

And if you're center-right probably. Lemmy seems to be on the masses more left wing (which I am too, sorry dumb human brain has to share it's opinion)

Nah man, I'm pretty far left. Apparently that isn't good enough here though. I feel like if I'm not north of Lenin's ass here, I'm capitalist scum. Its pretty frustrating

that's the hexbear teen rebels giving you this impression

Hell, even if you're liberal in a lot of corners in this site

Which liberal? Just normal liberal or social liberal, which is called liberal in the US?

For Classical Liberalism and Neoliberalism that’s not surprising since they support an unregulated free market and all liberal movements are pro private property, which both is opposed by most social movements.

I just think they're good for ventilation, what's wrong with them?


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I haven't found that to be the case, but maybe my groupthink is stronger than I thought.

I will admit I creeped your comments a bit, but you seem pretty progressive to be. What sort of toxic reactions are you talking about?

My last comment got downvoted for saying I have never watched Fox news 🤷🏾.

feels like an upvote worthy comment to me.

Maybe people felt if you're on the internet it's almost impossible not to have seen SOME news clips from them.

I mean I hate fox and I actively avoid them. but they've definitely floated in front of my eyes plenty of times inadvertently.


Fox channel was the Simpsons channel growing up, so I caught some of it invariably. I could believe a young person might not have seen it, though.

Fox the broadcast TV channel is different from Fox News the cable channel. Broadcast TV is operated by one of ~100 local affiliates and shows the Simpsons and local news. Fox News Channel is the Murdoch personal project to produce 24-hour conservative propaganda to shift the national discourse. Or at least it was this way 20 years ago, haven't seen what the TV branding looks like nowadays.

I'm on the internet a lot and I've heard of Fox News over and over, but I'm not sure I've actually seen anything from it.

A bit delayed, but you posted in fuck cars, about why car disincentive schemes are a cash grab. It wasn't about Fox news.

I mean, I don't disagree with you that if you don't use the proceeds to help the planet or infrastructure improvements for non-car users, it is just a cash grab, but you probably needs to be aware what community you're on, and what the consensus view is. Saying that 4chan is for right wing racist kids on green text is going to get you swimming in downvotes. It doesn't mean anything bad about you, or your view, it just means you probably weren't fully aware of the context and probably are a little bit sensitive about downvotes. Karma does not matter here, and disagreements and downvotes mean people care about what you say, even if it's in a disagreeable way.

I don't agree with your take, but I appreciate you being here. :)

Oh I was well aware what community I was in 😁. I hate cars and exclusively ride bikes myself and here I was making a joke how I managed to get !fuck_cars of all places to downvote me for not watching fox news. All because my groupthink is not exactly identical to their groupthink (I am not the grandparent comment btw).

The secret is that karma does not matter anywhere! However, as long as the comment sorting algorithm is the way it is, I will keep believing that the downvote button is for posts that are non-constructive contributions, not for disagreement. Burying discussion is not constructive, but that's what the algorithm will do. Maybe this is a hopeless task, but I wish that after a conversation I have learned something new, or taught someone something, not just made myself feel better.

Just don't say centrist too loudly and you'll be ok I guess.

I'm left leaning center these days.

Unless you mean something totally different than the popular interpretation (ie meaning) of the term, then "centrist" is a very politically charged position to take when virtually everyone, whether left or right leaning, at least agrees that things aren't great right now

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It's the opposite for me, cuz it seems most of the serious communities are already circlejerks lol

Linux, tankies and moaning about reddit. That's it.

I have seen the word Tankies a ton since I joined Lemmy, but it seems like people use it for almost anybody that is political at all, lol. Is the definition of it that google gives accurate?

It gets thrown around a lot by people who don't know the first thing about Marxism.

I'm a card carrying socialist so you think, with the communities I subscribe to, I would have seen some Tankies commenting, but I've yet to run across any Uygur genocide or Russian apologizing so far.

It really makes me mad when people accuse the maintainers of Lemmy of being Tankies when all I can find are very based essays they've written about socialist philosophy.

Edit: Just to be clear, I won't tolerate any Russia/China apologism. My account being from means I still see content from the people most likely to be Tankies. I'm always willing to admit I am wrong if someone makes a compelling argument. I've just been silent on this topic since people started complaining and this is my first real push back. I don't want the Tankie slur applied to anyone who doesn't deserve it.

Have you been to hexbear? It's very thick over there with that kind of shit

Since is still federated with Lemmygrad and Hexbear I see their posts and comments pretty regularly.

That's why I'm aggravated that I see people complaining about those groups but haven't seen the rhetoric their accused of. 😔

I genuinely want some links to examples. It would make me sad but I can accept if I'm wrong.

I have seen a couple of tankies, but I think most of them left when Hexbear and Lemmygrad got defedrated.

> account

>I've yet to run across any genocide denial.

Mate, how far have you buried your head in the sand?

I joined Lemmy before the mass exodus, when the three major servers were, Beehaw, and Lemmygrad.

What do you mean by pointing that out?

I've seen more than my fair share of Lemmygrad posts and comments.

I stand by what I said.

I'm happy to look at any links to comments you dissaprove of.

Yes it is, spend some time on and you'll see them.

Tankies is a term used to describe extreme leftiests such as communists for example I use to see the term used alot on okmatewanker as the sub would get raided sometimes by greenandunpleasent

Tankies are anything but leftists. They're authoritarian shitheads that have more in common with the far right. Everything they stand for is at odds with actual leftist beliefs and principles.

Tankies is a term used to describe auth-left to put it bluntly communists M8 they aren't right wing nor are they auth-right they have nothing todo with auth-right m8.most of there beliefs. and principles come from Marxism-leninisim. There beliefs are hard-core authoritarian and heavily auth left-wing

If you want to read into it then goahead

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

I've read this sooo many times, but for some reason "gorilla warfare" just fucking gets me every time, lmao

Lol gorilla warfare, planet of the apes. But I think you meant guerrilla warfare copypasta.

No, I meant the literal phrase "gorilla warfare" in the copypasta gets me every time. You just made an honest wrong assumption, it's no big deal :)

You are fucking dead, kiddo, as a copypasta we will forever upvote you.

Well. This beats the response I was gonna write. I might just copy this for regular use though.

Which communities did you subscribe?

Because my experience is a bit different, people here seem way more polarized with their opinion (which is always right) and angry at random stuff.

I think I never saw so many "landlords haters" in social media like in Lemmy...

Who would love landlords though?

People who love being housed and love capitalism, probably.

Is there anyone who likes landlords? Why would they?

I don't like them, but I'm far from being a "anti-landlord activist" 😂

Wow, this post is absolute trash. You seriously took the time out of your day to create such an absolute fucking trainwreck of a post. I'm unbelievably disappointed and I don't think I am going to be able to sleep at night knowing that such a horrifyingly godawful post exists on this site. My mental health has taken a hit and I may never recover from seeing this post. OP, this is all your fault. If you had just stopped for one second and thought about the ramifications of this crime against humanity, maybe you could have avoided traumatizing thousands of people. But you didn't. I hope you're proud of what you've done, shame on you.

idrc abt the negativity but I much prefer the low amount of bots on here compared to Reddit


Don’t worry, the political threads are just as vicious as ever.

Worse, the people here are marginally smarter, so they know just enough to be wrong, verbosely.

I'm here from reddit. I've been a silent browser since reddit api changes because I stuck with sync, but it kept saying login failed no matter how many times I reset my password. It just worked somehow. Anyway glad I can finally comment

Your oral hygiene is suboptimal.

From the POV of a Reddit veteran who had migrated from Digg prior to the v4 update that killed the site, it's absolutely shocking how much better the Lemmy (or at least Lemmy World) community is.

I also feel like I have a lot more freedom to speak my mind on Lemmy.

My problem with Reddit is that I have had to self-censor my comments to avoid getting them automatically purged by bots. It's like I cannot even use words/phrases like 'snowflake', 'cuck', 'incel', 'Trump', 'soy', and many others in a comment, because some fragile power mod decided to effectively shadowban those words. Context doesn't even matter.

Reddit mods are the kind of people who look up to the dystopian ideals George Orwell presented in 1984 and think that banning an entire lexicon of words is a great idea to control people.

As for why I think Lemmy is better, my hypothesis is that everyone with a moral compass left Reddit out of disgust, and what remains is a sea of toxic assholes.

They just censor your comments straight up around here, like removed being unutterable on

That's a mindset, so it could easily migrate. The fact that Lemmy is decentralized means that instance admins can start flushing mods who decide that they're going to be dictators because their lives suck. Admins who allow toxic mods will find that users migrate to other instances.

Your average Redditor is a toxic dick though who will dig up past comments and dox you just because they don't like your opinion.

my reddit experience exactly.... 😕 although my first lemmy experience was getting insulted on hexbear, so it evens things out

Naaa you get your share here. 4 chan trolls are ubiquitous

I'd disagree with that, Lemmy users fucking hate No Nut November

So far, I've encountered far more negativity on Lemmy than I did on reddit. Ymmv, but I feel like our smaller user base has concentrated the negativity.

There’s a delicious degree of irony that you’ve been downvoted for giving an opinion

But he went against the Lemmy circle jerk groupthink!

Sacrifices must be made to the fediverse or we'll all be cursed for our disobedience.

The energy has been thrown off here because of his transgressions.

Quickly - someone say something about Arch Linux or about how capitalism sucks!!

I know it's fun to poke the troglodytes, but they do bite and you might catch the stupid. Wear gloves.

Psshh - everyone knows gloves are a leburoal hoax.

Some of us just use Ubuntu and want to give high fives to kind folks. Therapy helps ❤️🙌

Ugh, Ubuntu? I need to take a shower after reading your comment.

If you aren't installing your own window manager from an overly drawn out install process, does it even still count as Linux?

You might as well just be running Windows 11 at that point.

Ah, now it’s really feeling like Reddit.

Having bounced back to reddit a couple of times, I haven’t had that experience. Talking here seems to lead to more thoughtful responses. Also some small minority on reddit love the unexplained downvotes of disapproval for perfectly well intentioned, polite posts, and there’s less of that on Lemmy.

How fucking dare you. I'm going to remove the labels off your canned goods so you don't know what you're opening till you open it.

No way bro! Can't get me, I have a canned goods identification dog!

As an example, I started c/52weeksofbaking (copied over from reddit). Its a place for amateur bakers to challenge themselves, try new things, and share their successes and failures. There's zero reason to downvote posts there. I stickied a request for people to not downvote in that community. It's currently sitting at 20 upvotes and 18 downvotes.

We can make fun of people for caring about fake internet points, but if we want to get more people to use lemmy and create content, we need to create communities that feel welcoming.

Kind of like people insulting OP in this thread, if you specifically ask people to not downvote something, they will downvote it. I don't think it's a serious sign of ill will.

I like how kbin works in this regard - while downvotes are available, kbin doesn't federate downvotes from other instances. So sometimes I'll have a post that looks like it has a mild positive score and someone will say "not sure why you're getting downvote" and I'm "huh?" Blissfully unaware. I think that while up/down voting can play an important role in moderation, voting and karma it didn't quite work out the way reddit intended originally. Downs are so often used as a way to lash out at someone, and very highly rated posts are often just some silly joke vs. something truly constructive. It's annoying and makes me roll me eyes to have one of those conversations where the other person downvotes each reply as soon as you post it.

I always find it funny. When I respond to someone and point out the flaws in their argument and they don't respond but I get their one immediate downvote, I consider it a victory. They can't respond with any kind of logical argument but also they're upset about their inability to defend their point. It's like two victories in one.

It was real flowery here for a couple weeks during the celebratory fuck Spez exodus when everyones third party reddit browsers died. But yeah, now it's a cesspool of negativity.

It may depend on your politics or maybe just where you hang out. I know that Beehaw gets a lot of shit for their pre-emptive defederation but it may be the nicest general online community I’ve encountered in a long time.

Yeah, no. Not true. I just dared to say that I despise a certain Tech Corp and people reacted "funnily".

I'm not 100% off Reddit, I still venture over there for my WarHammer faction updates. But holy shit, I dipped my toe outside that circle recently and it's a cesspool of anger.

Oh so you think you've escaped huh

Tbf, I did have a Lemmy user passionately argue Joe Rogan has never had a white supremacist on his show -- I pointed at Alex Jones and my notif bubble was red for a few days there 😅

To quote The Postal Dude: Fuck you.

To quote Postal Dude: "Hi there, would you like to sign my petition?"

(Holds petition titled "Make insulting new members on compulsory")

If you see @hexbear in the domain, you can post there and get shit on for days. Hope this helps.

Absolutely devastating for my Lemmy /c/InsultMe community

Image Transcription:

Black text on a white background reading "Redditors when they post their first content on Lemmy and nobody insults them in the comments:"

Beneath the text is an image of Verne, the turtle, from Over the Hedge, standing in a fancy backyard with a confused look on his face as he says "What is this place?"

[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜 We have a community! If you wish for us to transcribe something, want to help improve ease of use here on Lemmy, or just want to hang out with us, join us at !!]

It took me weeks to get used to the fact that I didn’t have to expect aggressive negativity, and to realize that it was okay to give people the benefit of the doubt. I thought I knew how toxic and negative reddit had become, but I didn’t really get it until I compared it to Lemmy.

The amount of anxiety I'd get just posting comments on reddit was insane. I'd spend a stupid amount of time rereading and editing my comment, and then there was still probably a 50% chance I'd discard it anyway. On Lemmy, after an adjustment period, it's much easier. I don't think I realized how hostile and toxic a lot of online spaces really are.

It helps to think that if someone is a complete jerk to you when they respond to your comment, they're a jerk so you don't have to care what their opinion is. I know it's easier to say than do, but my general feeling is that if I don't respect someone, I don't really care what their opinion of me is. In fact, I'd be more bothered if they agreed with what I said.

That is what changed me from a lurker in reddit to a poster in lemmy.

Fuck you! Welcome to Lemmy, we're fun here

this is so true. I haven't yet had anyone be super toxic like reddit. I've has a kind of mean, but never toxic. it's a refreshing change that's for sure.

Me as a healer causing a team wipe in FFXIV because I pressed the wrong button multiple times and being met with positive reinforcement.

On a percentage basis I've gotten more downvotes and disagreements on Lemmy than I ever got on Reddit

Make your own fediverse, get on a server that doesn't have downvotes.

I'm never down voted and welcome disagreeing comments so it's pretty good.

-27 comment downvotes, without counting this comment, and is crying for the downvotes.

Thankfully on Lemmy it costs nothing to donate to your local farmer.

I call out news sources a lot. But posters are alright. Most of them don't repeat the mistake.

Who are you?

get back to reddit!!1! filthy casual!!11

Man, so much negativity in the comments here. I agree with you!

yeah haha, the comments on most posts seem relatively positive to me? ironically, this is by far the most negative comment section I think I've ever seen here