Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges

RedditEnjoyer@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 910 points –
Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges

“If someone is going to try and blackmail me with advertising? Blackmail me with money? Go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself. Is that clear? Hey Bob, if you’re in the audience. That’s how I feel, don’t advertise.

  • Elon, 2023

Careful, you might convince Tesla shareholders to fork over a few more billion to keep the big brained genius motivated.

"Give me 60 billions this year, or the Tesla stock will lose even of more of its price next year!" -- Elon, probably.

That's pretty much exactly what he claimed.

If the market were rational that would have been the end of Tesla. It takes some extreme brainletry to turn a huge market advantage into actively losing ground to new entrants. And he is still at it. Being a dimwitted Nazi on Twitter is his top priority. Tesla sales will continue to spiral down the drain.

(Yes, if the market were rational the end might have come sooner, but certainly giving billions to a brainlet actively sabotaging the company should end it.)

Remember he is exceedingly wealthy, so he can buy Tesla stock through third parties to prop the price up without alarming investors. No, it's not legal, but we all know the man doesn't give a shit about the law.

Go fuck yourself! Is that clear?

Can I have a few billion now too?

I think this should be posted as a comment to every article about this.

Someone needs to make a drawing of it because when he originally said it he opened his mouth wide and through his head back like was a literal puppet

I'm surprised nobody saw his forked lizard tongue when that happened!

What's it say? Go find yourself? Go Fill yourself? IDK is this some game you Americans have where you have to guess the word, because the amount of pearl clutching is just too insane in America?

Ah yes that's the amazing freedom of speech Americans are so proud of, except they don't actually have it, they are just indoctrinated to think so.

My god American regulation is so idiotic sometimes!!!

There's no regulation, we can and do say fuck without any problem. Some people prefer not to swear either for personal, social, or religious reasons. They chose to self censor not because they had to but because they wanted to. You're reading an awful fucking lot into a random ass image some anonymous user posted in a comment.

Can confirm, am American and try to avoid swearing, not because there are penalties (friends, coworkers, etc swear all the time), but because I don't like swearing. I find it makes me an angrier person, so I just don't do it.

If you want to swear, go for it, it really won't offend me. But I won't swear in return. Different strokes for different folks.

There’s so goddamn much to swear about in these fucking times we live in that I really respect anyone who can still hold their shit together enough not to.

Or if you're someone who uses speech to text on your phone. Nearly every system that I've ever used asterisks out everything after the first letter. It can be a lot of extra effort to go back and fill the fucks in. But if there's one fucking thing worth doing fucking right. Fucking filling out those fat fucking fucks is fucking it. It's one of the most fucking versatile words on the planet. It can be a fucking adjective, one of the most versatile verbs no matter what fucked up tense you choose, and even a motherfucking noun.

Sorry your phone/ textingapp does what? What app/ phone do you use? Ive never encountered or even heard about that

They're not talking about texting apps, it's keyboards and speech to text engines that often have a profanity filter, which usually is on by default.

I disable it on everything every time I change phones or format, but not everybody tinkers with settings.

You probably default to a keyboard without profanity filter.

we can and do say fuck without any problem.

Not on public TV you can't. Beep beep beep Fucking idiots.

You can, most networks just decide not to. Broadcast TV (which hasn't really existed for I think more than a decade now) had restrictions about swearing (and other content) enforced by the FCC as it used a public good (RF bands). Cable TV (and now streaming services) are and pretty much have always been unregulated.

TV Networks, being companies trying to make money, opt to self censor so as to appeal to the largest number of viewers, but that isn't anything to do with the government, it's 100% a business decision.


swear words that are still taboo on broadcast TV to this day – ended up causing the highest court to rule that the Federal Communications Commission had the authority to regulate what viewers see on broadcast media.

Yeah that entire article basically agreed with everything I said. Technically broadcast TV does have some limitations enforced by the FCC (because it uses radio to transmit) even to this day, but broadcast TV is basically dead. I actually thought they had shut those stations down a few years ago, but I guess they're still around. Regardless there are absolutely no government regulations that control what's shown on cable and streaming services. 100% of censorship that occurs there is a business decision by the TV Networks and has absolutely nothing to do with the government.

My god American regulation is so idiotic sometimes!!!

Dude, some person made that meme, and that person chose to use asterisks. It's no more complicated than that.

What’s it say? Go find yourself? Go Fill yourself? IDK is this some game you Americans have where you have to guess the word

Apparently our ability to figure out a word from context is pretty much higher than yours though.

Welcome to the hypocritical world of Puritan culture.

Some of the earliest British settlers in the US were so extremist that the Church of England kicked them out after they tried to assassinate the king and replace him with a puppet of their own to force their beliefs on the rest of the country.

It was partly these crazies that started the whole sex and bodies=bad and shameful thing in the US that advertisers still believe in today. And swearing is yet another of those weird things. But sex sells, so it's okay to imply it as long as it's selling a product and no other time.

You think that's bad, get this. In most US states (47), public school students are required by law to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States once per school day, though...for most of those states...students may opt themselves out.

However, in four states (Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Utah), students may not opt themselves out. The school must receive a written statement from a parent or guardian in order to be exempt.

I have taught in Texas public schools since 2005, and I brought this up with an attorney for the teacher organization I joined (not a union as Texas bans collective bargaining for state employees, so our dues are really not much more than lawsuit insurance). He told me that, in the eyes of the state courts, children under the age of eighteen not being yet adults do not enjoy the same right to freedom of speech that adults do. Hence, in the eyes of the courts, a school district would be within their rights to fire a teacher who does not do their part to ensure all students under their purview recite the Pledge during the time it is spoken over the school's PA system (and the Pledge to the Texas state flag, also mandatory), 1st Amendment be damned.

Thankfully, I got a gig teaching in Oregon next year, so I am heading northwest (through the also miserable states of Utah and Idaho unfortunately) and never looking back.

Ah Texas, where children can't make decisions or be held accountable in any way, unless they're brown skinned and can be accused of a crime, then they must he tried as adults and sentenced to life as an imprisoned slave.

You don't want to play this game with me, son. Whatever you hurl at me about Oregon, I'll lob back at you something twice as bad about Texas.

I get that Oregon has its hard right people. Hell, most states do. But at least my trans kids gender identity is protected by state law, and my having a trans kid won't result in me being on the governor's fucking hit list.

What are you talking about? There is no law or regulation requiring that text to be censored. They did it because they wanted to.

“For the children “ …. Like none of them have ever heard bad words…. They must be protected at all cost.

Like a person who likes to grab them by the pussy…

Yes and they may actually reelect that criminal traitor malignant narcissist SOB! .
That's the the country that refuses to regulate guns despite massive amounts of school shootings, but won't allow words to be written or said because that is apparently more harmful than bullets!!!

It's absolute insanity.

I'm not the one who told corrected you earlier, but ket me reiterate...

You are incorrect in your assumption that our "country," government, etc. censors our speech. Some people choose to self-censor and the government has nothing to do with that.

Also, you seem confused about what free speech (see: first amendment) actually means. This XKCD might help explain it to you.

The government does actually censor broadcast television and radio. I can’t remember why they’re allowed to.

Swear words? Boobs? Hell nah

Someone getting shot ten times? PG-13

I think it's hilarious that there are swear budgets for various ratings. I'm pretty sure adults can tell whether a movie is intended for kids or not, and they're the most sensitive to foul language.

I personally choose to not swear, but I watch and listen to plenty of content with vulgar language of all varieties, it really doesn't bother me, so I don't see why it's so taboo in movie ratings...

except they don't actually have it, they are just indoctrinated to think so.

What are we not allowed to say, exactly?

Ha you don't even know, that so funny. Look up freedom of speech index, and see the difference to countries that have better freedom of speech than USA.

I didn't ask about any indices, I asked what you think we're not allowed to say.

For instance in schools you are not allowed to talk about gender identity in some states.
Often you are not allowed to teach about slavery either.
You are also often not allowed as a teacher or just working at the school to say if you anything other than straight.
That would actually be illegal to enforce in countries with better protected freedom of speech.
One school banned a graphic novel Maus about holocaust despite it has won a Pulitzer.
Aaron Swartz was persecuted by authorities to the point of suicide for legally copying and trying to make information available to the public, that should by definition of the terms they were kept, be available to the public, but were not.
In the military you are not allowed to say you are gay.

The terrorist acts has secret courts giving secret organisations power to silence companies on for instance when information is demanded on users from companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft Apple, also when the demands are illegal by normal law, generally because they are too wide. Other often targeted companies are also mail services with increased security. This is monitored by a secret club in congress. This is part of what Obama called a "balanced" approach.
Failure to respect these secret courts, will result in you being judged by same secret courts!!!
You are not even allowed to seek outside council or mention it to anybody for help on what to do.

In much the same way there are restriction on the "free" press, which make it impossible for the press to air concerns. This is probably why you have a multitude of stories like this:

What's notable is that the more experience a journalist has, the more likely he is aware there's a problem. But there are no specifics on exactly what the problems are.

On public TV you cannot air profanity:


outlined the swear words that are still taboo on broadcast TV to this day -- ended up causing the highest court to rule that the Federal Communications Commission had the authority to regulate what viewers see on broadcast media.

Beep beep beep, it's so incredibly stupid!!!!

So maybe the meme was self censored, but it was out of a habit of doing so because in some situations you MUST, meaning your freedom of speech is restricted. By doing so on the meme, it parrots more official channels.

USA is probably the most censored country of the free world they claim to protect, and you don't even know it!?!?!

Which still has fuck-all to do with the asterisks in the picture, because the creator put those there himself

Say stupid things, people treat you like you're stupid, stupidly cry about how freedom of speech should prevent people from treating you like the idiot you are.

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Musk sheepishly suggested that he didn't mean "advertisers as a whole."

"Advertisers have a right to appear next to content that they find compatible with their brands," he told ad giant WPP CEO Mark Read during an interview on Wednesday. "What is not cool is insisting that there can be no content that they disagree with on the platform."

How is that “not cool?” I don’t understand how he can possibly object to a company spending their advertising dollars wherever they damn well choose to. He repeatedly makes it clear that he feels entitled to their budgets. There is zero basis for that. I truly cannot fathom how he can be so dense about this.

He can object because he's decided that's what is right. Literally nothing else matters.

The piece of shit that used to own my company is like this. His decision is correct and gospel, and if you don't agree or if it's provably false you are wrong. And it's your fault you are wrong, because he has decided it to be correct.

Right but the bubble of rightness you speak of is usually only assumed to include the company staff. Really powerful CEOs have their board inside the bubble too, or even public investors. But Elon thinks the customers work for him too. That’s really beyond the pale.

No argument here. Just highlighting the absolutely insane mindset of business owners/CEOs at all scales.

Wowow! That was so long ago! Literally dozens of weeks ago! I’m sure this full-blown narcissist has seen the error of his ways and changed his mind. Surely.

Calling out Bob Iger in particular was the cherry on top.

Massive hubris.

Yes. Elon should approach his advertisers on bended knee -- after changing Twitter back to Twitter, and creating a proper moderation system that filters out neonazis and Russian AI Trump-bots.

Oh, George Washington rode the waves
Abe Lincoln wore his hat with praise
Thomas Jefferson, the sandy king, and
Teddy Roosevelt, the beach-hiking thing
Barrack Obama, surfing gracefully
Historical presidents at the sea!
-- @hisvault.eth

This is the most upvotes I've seen on a Lemmy post so far... Granted, I've only been here a couple days, but still!

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"I do shoot myself in the foot from time to time, but at least you know it is genuine, not from the PR department," he admitted.

He's been brainwashed by his fans if he thinks that somehow makes it better.

Like, authenticy is good for good things, but it makes shitty things even shittier. It's not a value that's always good in every context. And the worst thing he could be doing is doubling down on his opinions and policy.

If he left the company is the only way this would help, he wouldn't even be a fall guy because most of this is entirely his fault

Like, authenticy is good for good things, but it makes shitty things even shittier.

sounds like he needs that PR department

That's pretty much how he kept the public image of "eccentric genius" for so many years. I once read an article (can't remember where, don't care enough to search) that said that SpaceX had/has a team whose entire purpose was to babysit Musk when he had a temper tantrum. The team formed organically, like a cyst around a foreign object, and minimized damage to PR.

When Twitter was infested, it didn't have this immunity and now the world (or those of us who care) knows how much of a shithead he is.

I'm still trying to figure how anyone (including Musk) ever thought he was a genius? Like ok so he has a lot of money that he throws at interesting problems, and those problems attract actual geniuses to solve, but what has Musk himself ever done except be an employer? It reminds me of all the talk about how Edison was supposed to be a genius, when the reality was that he ran a sweatshop to steal other people's hard work.

No one who knew him probably ever did. This is par for the course with billionaires. People see a walking paycheck, they want their ear and their investments. So they flock to him to get their dream projects done, knowing fully that he will steal and claim any success while throwing them under the bus for any setback. Everyone thinks they can control the dragon. But when he is controlling the actual operations usually shit just goes in flames. That's everything he is ever been.

but which would you say came first: The Dragon or elon being perceived by others as The Dragon?

i’m sure, as with any big personality, this relationship evolves concurrently and interdependently. I just wish more had seen through him sooner. it was not difficult to predict that he would ultimately undermine himself faster than he would naturally fall out. we will keep seeing more of his type unless we can get a bit faster on the uptake.

It's been reported he had babysitters since PayPal days. They knew what a shitty manager he was all along. But he had money and was friends with people with even more money.

This happens to anyone rich and/or famous. People flock to them to attempt to ply them with flattery or leach money in some way. Consider how many people say that Trump is a genius.

Reminds me of the people who say things like "I say it like it is, and most people don't like it"...not knowing that the reason they don't have many friends is because they don't have a filter and don't think they need one, lol

But this looks like Elon Musk admitting that he's genuinely an idiot, lol

Yeah I robbed that gas station but at least some crime boss didn't make me do it. It was genuine so you should forgive me

Idk, I'd prefer if CEOs were more transparent and why mistakes happened instead of the generic PR nonsense of: "We messed up, and we're sorry. We're taking time to review what happened to make sure it never happens again." That kind of statement only matters if there's some way for the public to know what happened and verify that it actually won't happen again.

That's not what we're getting from Elon, so screw him, but I just figured I'd point out that this particular broken clock could say something close to what we probably all want.

Trouble is, their main job is to game public perception

A transparent, honest CEO would win a lot of people over (although they'd also probably be less likely to ignore the horrible decisions that require apologies)

Just remember - generic PR apologies are an attempt at mimickingv leaders actually taking responsibility for a mistake. The transparency will just become as soulless and corporate as the apologies are now

We need to fix the system to remove the incentive to put heartless demons in positions of power

"Shoot oneself in the foot" is a really charitable description of "inviting all the worst Nazis back on to social media and removing fact checking."

Authenticity only works when you don't jump ships and stay on point. Not for billionaires, tho.

I hope they stop. Don’t advertise, If somebody is going to try to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself. Is that clear? I hope it is." - Elon Musk, November 27th 2023

Literally all he needs to do is shut the fuck up and collect money, and he can't even manage that.

But if I keep my mouth shut how will I assert that I am the most important human on the planet?

Nope, he can't manage that. Because he's an attention-whoring malignant narcissist.

I can't wait for the bubble of mystique to pop on this arsehole, if only so we don't have to ever hear from or about him again. Sadly, there are still plenty of rubes in his cult of personality and greedy investors willing to ride his coattails. So I'm not holding my breath.

Doesn't even have to collect money, he could just sell everything except SpaceX and still live a happy life and fly to Mars one day.

  • Tells customers to go fuck themselves
  • They leave
  • They stop paying for advertisement
  • Twitter/X makes no money from advertisement


That is the clearest I've ever seen the surprised Pikachu image.

Hey! I wanted to comment that! Seems like it got vectorized 🙊

Someone drew it. It's not a screen cap of digital media.

Well, Adobe can create svg out of anything, easy

Don't forget his total lack of actual 'prowess' in running Twitter.

  • changing the name to X
  • Firing employees
  • employees severance issues
  • Reneging on free speech promises
  • Using hidden accounts
  • Unbanning of people who should be banned
  • Killing API access
  • Forcing login to view tweets
  • add your fave Twitter dumpster fire item here

Can't remember the last time I was on Twitter. Turns out I don't need it. Turns out I'm just a little happier without it.

I was trying to find active users since he took over. But the only numbers I can find are numbers provided by Musk, who is a well known liar.

I know Lemmy and Mastodon are niche communities, and that people put up with a lot of garbage from Big Tech, but I have to believe that a lot of users have left Twitter, or least that usage is down. I also assume bots are way up, because Musk wants his numbers to be up regardless of the source (save for people with an opposing opinion).

Hopefully Musk's shitty little empire crumbles...soon.

I wish some politicians, artists, and scientists that I used to follow used Mastodon.

I deleted my account and my stress level is way down.

Twitter was never good, but it's a cesspool of scum and villainy.

I also left it for the most part (only there to squat my user handle - I have some enemies), and I'm better without it. Even before the Muskrat overtake, its algorithm often bought the worst out of me, and I had to realize that wasn't me. After that, it became worse than the forums from the late 2000's that were overtaken by a few moderators to turn them into "free speech zone", except they liked to harass people for having "dumb opinions", one of which was not liking racism, and those admins also liked to claim PoC robbing whites are a "race motivated crime".

I like the smaller communities of the Fediverse, I even started to remember usernames and avatars here on lemmy (and before that, kbin) without having a follow function I know of. When I was on Reddit, I felt massively alienated, didn't know anyone there really, and the place got more and more dominated by a select few toxic individuals.

Go fund yourself.

He just got approved for that big $40+ billion compensation package from Tesla so he's got lots to work with.

A single billion is an obscene amount of money for an individual, I can't fathom how anyone can be worth/earn a billion in a couple of years.

He works really really hard ;)

Yeah, you guys try making 20-30 xitposts a day. He deserves pay that is best expressed in scientific notation.

What's absolutely insane to me, is that other CEOs think that's fair and fine and that Elon is very smart and not a con artist? No wonder Elizabeth Holmes got so far. It's just so obvious he's not above board

Don’t worry, he seems hard at work making sure all that Tesla stock he got will also be worth less everyday.

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We ought to normalize this phrase, it's pure gold!

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"I do shoot myself in the foot from time to time, but at least you know it is genuine, not from the PR department”

Yeah we know. He’s genuinely a white supremacist, misogynist, queerphobe piece of shit. A PR department doesn’t give a fuck about any of that, but at least they’d be savvy enough to pretend like they give a damn in order to make money.

misogynist, queerphobe? I never heard him say things like that. Where have you?

Edit: getting downvoted for asking questions... Some people man

I think you're getting downvoted because everyone assumes that you're being a pedant, not because you asked a question.

I understand but what a weird thing to just assume

I think it was the phrasing. The comment you responded to didn't say that Musk had said either of the things you asked about. If you've been paying attention to the news about the complaints coming out of his companies its very clear that he is those things. It seems that your question is intended to refute the contents of the comment by being pedantic about whether Musk had actually said those things.

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He made "cis" a slur on Twitter because it upsets him that his ex who left him is trans, and he hates trans people. He's had plenty of tweets and posts complaining about pronouns, trans people in general, and so on.

I can't speak to the misogyny (but I'm sure it's there), but instead if arguing with people about you "jUsT aSkInG a QuEsTiOn" you could just Google "Elon Musk queerphobic tweets" and Google will supply plenty.

I did, and the first two results were articles from former Twitter/X employees claiming there were homophobic and anti-semitic attacks on the platform after Musk took over. So yeah... Not sure what you want anyone here to do for you that you can't do yourself via a Google search, you clearly know how to type, and the phrase I suggested is less characters than all your comments combined.

Edit: And then after you did some googling and found the answers, you could edit your comment to say, "Wow, hey guys, I was wrong, he really is misogynistic queerphobic piece of shit," and be done with it, instead of doubling down like a troll.

im not really interested in claims by others about him. If he's so misogynistic, I'm sure he made these remarks himself, too. (And FYI, I specifically asked for remarks he made himself, not claims about him.) I was just asking because I haven't seen any, which is quite normal when it's about other topics. But I guess when it comes to these ones, it's considered being a troll. Think whatever you think but that doesn't hold water. Especially nowadays everyone is spewing a lot of bs, so it's only natural to be skeptic then as well.

I'm not really interested in your bullshit anymore. There are tweets, from him. There are articles about him quoting tweets he's used highlighting everything everyone here us telling you. Fucking happy? Can you fucking comprehend now? They're his words, from his official verified X account.

"FYI I specifically asked for" GO FUCK YOURSELF. I specifically told you to fucking use your fucking brain and Google all of this, but you refuse, because you're a fucking troll just like Musk, whose cock you have so far down your throat it's tickling your taint.

I haven't yet looked at them all but some of these are so retarded that I question your sincerity or sanity. E.g. How is saying "definitely attacked misleading journalism like yours though" considered sexist? This is beyond retarded.

THERE IT IS EVERYONE!!! Troll can't be happy unless they're moving the goal posts, now they need thorough context for each and every word Musk has ever said!!

To answer your question, despite you not asking it in good faith and then following it up with two uses of the R-slur: A female journalist raised legitimate criticism of Musk, and he completely disregarded everything she had to say. That's childish, and misogynist, since I'm sure if Daddy Trump or Papa Putin weighed criticism on him, he wouldn't have dismissed it.

So I answered your fucking question and gave you "sPeCiFicAlLy" what you asked for, so you're fucking welcome, troll, not that you know how to say "thank you."

And reported for use of the R-slur.

That's not the sexist part, you have to read more. One Tweet can't prove anything, but several Tweets are a clear pattern of behavior. Quoting the first sentence betrays your disinterest.

Yes, you're getting downvoted for asking a stupid question. Do you think people announce "I am a queerphobe and a misogynst"? Read between the fucking lines!

I am not saying that he is not queerphobic or misogynistic. I just said that I haven't seen it, and asked if anyone would be so kind of pointing it to me. Chill out dude lol

It's actually worse than you being incapable of reading between the lines. When presented with evidence, you denied it rather than thanking the person who provided it. So you were asking stupid questions to set up a bad faith argument. Congratulations on being an Elon dick sucker and douchbag.

and rather than you specifically talking about an example that I misinterpreted, you say I "deny evidence". Why won't you mention something specific that I missed or misinterpreted (in article).

But again, back to what you said about me "asking a stupid question" how in the actual fuck does this work? Who is setting up "bad faith" ? The one asking a question? Omfg

Yes, it's called JAQ'ing off or Sealioning and is how people try to push an idea while still being able to say "oh no not me I'm just curious."

If you were actually curious you'd google it, or been aware of his descent over the last 5 years.

Someone who is not misogynistic doesn't usually offer to pay for sex with someone who isn't a sex worker. That he offered to pay for said sex with a horse makes it extra damning, but that could be my personal bias.

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Oh, so telling advertisers to go fuck themselves DIDN'T help Twitter make money? 🤔

Didn't he tell advertisers leaving to go fuck themselves? I don't expect a very long queue of returning ones.

Surely the appreciate the "authenticity" with which he told them to "go fuck yourselves" before flip-flopping and begging them to come back?

"I'd rather be told to 'have a nice day' by someone who doesn't mean it than be told to 'go fuck yourself' by someone who does."

Apparenlty telling your customers to go fuck themselves isn't a good business strategy.

aw, he may be a genocide loving nazi, but at least its from the heart. won't someone give him some money?

What do you mean ? (sources)

Google "Elon Musk Nazi", and/or "Elon Musk genocide"

Google "any name Nazi" and you'll get results. The question was what are you referring to.

Also, I can't believe this community would down vote anyone for asking for sources, that's disgusting. I'm disappointed Lemmy.

If you're so disgusted and disappointed, why don't you try to find a different community?

It's hard to feel disappointed about something you don't really care about. That is to say, the reason I feel disappointed is because I like this community and I want it to be a place for civil discourse. Conversely, I've given up on Reddit, so nothing that happens there can really disappoint me any more, I no longer care about it.

I'm not going to make a fuss about something that doesn't impact me, but I will make a fuss about something I believe in, like Lemmy.

They asked for a source in the comments about an article that has sources. RTFA.

The article is just a collection of hyperlinks. Useless article and I will not look through all of them, and I couldn't even know they were talking about something from the article anyway

So you were downvoted for not bothering to read or even skim the article to do a minimum amount of looking on your own to see what they were talking about.

Don't pretend like the downvoters read anything

Don't pretend like that's an argument for you to not bother to read anything and ask others to spoon feed you information.

Stop being so toxic. Usually bold claims like that have nothing to do with the article

Exactly. Having sources is the minimal starting point to make an opinion. That's not because this community is supposed safe that I could trust any user information

There are links in the actual article being discussed here.

I Always thought he just wanted to flush xitter, it never occurred to me that he was actually trying to succeed.

I think he was trying to dump Tesla stock without making it look like he didn’t have faith in the company. His plan was always to say he was buying it. sell a bunch of Tesla stock. Back out of the Twitter deal and walk away with a ton of cash.

He tried to get out of it based on a bunch of bullshit and then was surprised when a judge actually forced him to buy Twitter.

Now he wants shareholders to give him stock as he demands 25% of ownership plus he wants 56 billion payout. Meanwhile he's firing whole departments.

"If you’re trying to reach senior decision makers, if you want to reach the most influential people in the world," Musk told Read, "the X platform is by far the best."

Does someone want to break it to him that he's one of about 4 executives of a fortune 500 who spends any time on Twitter? The rest have PR people who might make a couple posts a month for them, but they sure as shit aren't wasting any time on it arguing with idiots and bots. They're busy flying around on private jets or playing golf when they aren't spending their 30 minutes a month working.

I could believe all the psychopaths still use shitter. Anyone I see that links to it is either a financial news organization or the scum they cover.

I'm a psychopath and I don't use Twitter. I have PTSD. Also you shouldn't call mentally ill people psychopaths, it's considered offensive. You should say mentally ill person in the same language you're speaking, in this case English. And maybe stop saying mentally ill people are rich. We're not rich.

I'm Spanish and I don't fight bulls. I'm from Poland. Also you shouldn't call Europeans Spanish, it's considered offensive. And maybe stop saying Europeans eat pasta, we don't eat pasta.

I'm sorry, that was more than 140 characters; you have failed, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Well, well, well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.

I can't find the exact quote right now, but I saw in another article he said something like, "If they don't pay for advertisements, X will be gone. How sad!"

It seems Musk thinks he's tending another Mona Lisa or some other world cultural artifact that society would hate to lose. Not some website that's fairly easily recreated by, say, a bunch of hobbyists.

I wonder why nobody wants to set up their billboards on a burning heap of shit...

Is he trying to put on a good appearance for the advertisers? I thought it was strange that he didn't have a transphobic streak of Twitter interactions this June. Very out of character.

huh. that is unexpected isn't it?

Maybe that big bonus package that the board approved stipulated that he must not, quote "say anything stupid" for a little while.

he must not, quote "say anything stupid" for a little while.

Did they sew his mouth shut?

Can't stop there, you'd have to break his SIM card and tape a sign to his forehead saying "DO NOT LET THIS MAN TWEET".

any company that advertises with Twitter deserves to go bankrupt and vanish.

Unfortunately advertising doesn't work on the majority of their users who are bots. 🤷

Oh no, if revenue continues to slip in just a few hundred years Musk will be down to his last billion. (assuming he never makes any more money)

That's not exactly how billionaires work, they don't keep their money as cash, they keep it as equity. So if the value of his companies fall fast enough, he could lose all of his wealth.

Just food for thought.

Also when you own as much of a company like he does, and try to cash out, you cause the stock to plummet rapidly as you increase the available amount of shares. Basic supply and demand.

It was quite dramatic as he was selling shares to buy Twitter.

Whatever number gets thrown around as his wealth is just a paper number. It's a fraction of that if he sold it all.

Yup, and he'd have to get approvals for any stock sales since he's in an executive position, and he also has an obligation to not tank the stock price either. So a lot of his wealth is inaccessible.

He's still super rich, but if Tesla tanks, he'd be a lot less rich.

I still feel like the way he sold all that stock for Twitter on the open market wasn't in the best interest of the shareholders.

Why didn't he try to negotiate a sale with Blackrock or someone and give them a 25% discount or something and do a large block sale.

Pretty sure something like that is an option if done right. It still would have hurt the stock price, but the Twitter sale was pretty brutal with it going on for weeks.

There's only so much you can do to move $40B of stock, and he didn't think Twitter would actually accept, so he had to scramble a bit. He was caught between various SEC rules, which was his own doing, but it does explain the behavior.

The majority of the ads I get on Twitter now are deepfaked Elon shilling coins — I don’t know how any advertiser (or user) could have any faith in that platform anymore.

I don’t know how any advertiser (or user) could have any faith in that platform anymore.

For the advertisers they know it's full of rubes who will easily fall for their scams. Hence the cryptocurrencies.

I believe the appropriate, corporate-friendly answer in this case is "go fuck yourself"

"Do be a dear and remove yourself from my presence"

He deserves to lose every dollar, it's the most arrogant business move in history and he disrupted thousands of lives of workers with good jobs in the process. Unfortunately it's only like 10% of his net worth, he's the one who will suffer the least relatively speaking.

Elon, yangot a 50 bil payout, just finance your dogshit website.

The problem is that his payout, like the rest of his fortune, is in exceedingly overvalued Tesla stock. So using that to finance Twitter means selling, and every time he sells the price takes a hard dip because Tesla investors know they're standing on a soap bubble and they are extremely nervous about it bursting. Any sudden uptick in sales pressure is liable to cause a small avalanche of investors abandoning ship.

The process of buying Twitter alone cut his net worth by half because of how much it cratered the Tesla stock price.

Imagine being the wealthiest person on the planet and deciding to burn half of it to ensure that Nazis have an audience for their hot takes. Elon could have bought entire parks of grass to touch instead.

Hahah, so him personally bailing out Twitter with a cash infusion would kill Tesla in the process?

What a world.

It wouldn't kill Tesla, per se. A company's stock price only really matters insofar as it helps them to carry debt. The company doesn't actually directly gain or lose money based on the stock price. What it affects, primarily, is the shareholders of the company.

Anyone could be a CEO if this douche nozzle can. And for like 6-7 different corporations to by the way.

What do you say you do here elon?

Disagree. You have to be completely devoid of morals and ethics to be a CEO. Empathy too. Most of us have those things on at least some level.

Only to be CEO of a massive capitalist company.

I've heard a few tales of some CEO's (of very small companies) here in the Nordics actually being generous to their employees. Like it's most definitely a rarity, but I believe it is possible.

Like a CEO who values profits but values employees and paying their fair share more and isn't blinded by greed and addicted to money. A socialist, literally. A market socialist, but a socialist nonetheless.

Everyone could have their basic needs met, and we could still have rich people. Just not filthy rich, not "rich-to-the-point-no-one-else-has-anything" rich.

all a show, elon bought twitter at the behest and with the investment of the saudis to kill it because they were getting too much heat for kashoggi. the fascist virtue signaling is all just a bonus for him, because he's a racist child.

Eh, I think that might be too smart for Musk. I don't doubt the Saudi's investment but that investment only came after the SEC forced him to take the "deal" (since he couldn't keep his mouth shut even when around SEC officials). In other words, I think the Saudi's saw their chance and took it.

Well changing the name to "X" didn't do him any favors

Twitter is a cute name. X just sounds like some perverted shit. Elon is a moron.

Or an asshole, Being X from Saga of Tanya the Evil Comes to mind. Hell both Being X and Musk are petulant children who damand praise, I fucking hate it.

Threw away the branding, threw away the user base, threw away the advertisers, throw away the staff.

What exactly does he have left?

The Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund expects returns.

Mr. Bonesaw waits......

"I do shoot myself in the foot from time to time, but at least you know it is genuine, not from the PR department," he admitted.

A basic statement of human fallibility is an absolute revelation to this guy. I can’t WAIT for him to just shut up and go away.

bad news, the 45 billion Tesla investors just voted to give him, says that's never ever never going to happen ever

We can hope that the missing 45B will be critical for tesla to keep its market share, and then we end up getting good EV's

I, for one, would like to hear Elon beg.

I was gonna say: I’d pay just to see that!

I so very hope this idiot asshole winds up either jailed and/or has his wealth severely diminished and most of his businesses fail from being unable to repay loans / convicted of fraud.

He's the closest person on earth to becoming Horatio from the Endless series, yet he's also basically a badly written Bond villain.

What a pos.

I so very hope this idiot asshole winds up either jailed and/or has his wealth severely diminished and most of his businesses fail from being unable to repay loans / convicted of fraud.

Jail would be too easy for him. I want him to be on "Would you like fries with that?" for a living. Forced to pander to the people he looked down on in order to put food on the table. Bonus if he also has to work three minimum-wage jobs he hates for a total of sixty hours or more a week.

This would happen in a just world.

It won't though.

Reminds me of the recent millionaire guy who got lambasted on YT (i think his actual posts were on TikTok?).

Guys, I am going to lock up my money, my phone have no contacts and go to a new city and start from nothing and earn a million dollars in 30 or 90 days or something.

Whoah big surprise, a few weeks in he has to call the whole thing off for health reasons.

OMG he got robbed? Lost his paper work and thus couldn't get the right aid? The shelters are full? Sleeping outside in a city is extremely dangerous and unhealthy? Your hygiene suffers? No one talks to you or treats you like a human being?

In a just world we'd put the income tax levels back to around FDR levels and thus be able to actually fund social programs and eliminate a great deal of the wealthy's massive over representation in politics.

Instead it looks like we will be making a b-line toward theocratic corporatocracy.


Edit: Income and Corporate tax levels.

In b4 Elon decides he can do advertising better, too.

Dude must be in the largest bubble of yes people ever.

I'm surprised more brands aren't simply defaulting to Threads. You still see links to their Xitter profile instead of Threads.

I prefer Mastodon, myself, but I get why major brands would prefer a centralized network.

I prefer Mastodon, myself, but I get why major brands would prefer a centralized network.

I mean I can see why ANY brand would prefer a centralized network. There's no way to force their ads on Mastodon users.

The G20 doesn't meet on twitter. If you want to talk to like second rate journalists or nazis you go to twitter.

Begs??? Wasn’t he the one that said: “Fuck yourselves” to advertisers???? I thought he didn’t need them… lol

He was tolerated as a phreak, but he mistook that tolerance as adulation.

Ultimately his arrogance, ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, and intolerance, leads to ignoring rather than tolerating the phreak.

Oh there's still far too much adulation. All those Tesla bros, for example. Given what an insufferable turd Musk is, and the crumby reputation Teslas have, I don't understand it. And I don't think I ever will.

Elon, I got some butterscotch in my pockets. They are nice and warm too..Why don't you reach in there and grab ya a couple?

"If you’re trying to reach senior decision makers, if you want to reach the most influential people in the world," Musk told Read, "the X platform is by far the best."

I think he greatly overestimates how influential Nazis are.

When I wonder what heaven is like I imagine going a day without thinking about this Elon Musk motherfucker, then I imagine doing that every day forever and I feel a little closer to Jeebus.