Mike Johnson: God Chose Me To Be America's "Moses" - Joe.My.God.

DevCat@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 742 points –
Mike Johnson: God Chose Me To Be America's "Moses" - Joe.My.God.

“I’ll tell you a secret, since media is not here. Thank you for not allowing the media in. Look, I’m a Southern Baptist, I don’t wanna get too spooky on you, But, you know, the Lord speaks to your heart.

“The Lord began to wake me up, through this three-week process, in the middle of night to speak to me. The Lord impressed upon my heart a few weeks before this happened that something was going to occur.

“And the Lord very specifically told me in my prayers to prepare, but to wait. At the time, I assumed the Lord was going to choose a new Moses and thank you, Lord, you’re going to allow me to be Aaron to Moses.

“I had this sense that we were going to come to a Red Sea moment in our Republican conference and in the county at large. God had been speaking to me about this, and the Lord told me very clearly to prepare and be ready.

“Ultimately 13 people ran for the post. And the Lord kept telling me to, ‘Wait, wait, wait.’ So I waited, I waited. And then at the end the Lord said, ‘Now step forward.’

“Me? I’m supposed to be Aaron. ‘No,’ the Lord said, ‘Step forward.’” – Mike Johnson, speaking last night to the far-right National Association of Christian Lawmakers.

This man is a true believer. True believers do not compromise anything that goes against what they believe their religion tells them. This man is far more dangerous than Donald Trump, who is simply a grifter and was in it for himself. This guy thinks the gods have ordained him. Anybody who stands against him is going against God, in his own mind.


"When you talk to god, that's prayer. When god talks to you that's schizophrenia."

It can also be bipolar with hallucinations and a number of other things but I get your point.

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In a more rational time, he’d be diagnosed with delusional psychosis and locked in a mental asylum. Today, he speaker of the House of Representatives.

He's definitely a delusional psycho, but it turns out that isn't a dealbreaker for today's Republican party.

LITERAL blasphemy. Like actual, textbook blasphemy. And his sycophants lap it up.

Yep. Christcucks regularly blaspheme without even realizing it since their knowledge of the religion is only surface level.

If Jesus happens to be real, the Christians are the least likely group to make it into Heaven.
If they actually read the Bible they would be shocked to find that Jesus was a tree hugging hippie socialist.

Jesus was a schizophrenic amalgamation of myths and unknown authors' own personal opinion, and it's not much better now.

Yeah but god was a nasty, jealous, violent, abusive, hateful asshole (all very petty human emotions) in the Old Testament.

Can't pick and choose. And no, Jesus didn't nullify the laws of the Old Testament. He literally said that himself.

Some would say fulfillment is nullification. Jesus didn't say he was there to change the law, but to fulfill it. Some claim his death and subsequent resurrection fulfilled the laws of the Old Testament for every man, woman, and child.

Yeah, no. You should be embarrassed that an atheist (perhaps anti-theist) knows more about your religion than you.

Maybe take a look at the very next verse after that one for some context?

17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, **until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. **

Seems pretty fucking clear to me.

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These people literally listen to the voice in their brain, the one we all have, and tell themselves it's god.

I grew up as a southern Baptist. I suffered physical, sexual and emotional abuse the entire time I was there as a child. Getting out was like escaping a cult. Southern Baptists are abusive, extremist psychos.

I question your use of the word "like" there. It absolutely was escaping a cult, and I'm glad you made it out.

Sounds like it was a cult. I escaped from the Mormon Church once upon a time and for a long time I didn't really see that church as a cult until I examined it using Steven Hassan's BITE model. I also started relating to a lot of experiences from former cult members like this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldTMLhTMZAc

That dude is terrifying

He is, i hope his son is ok.

I promise you his son is not ok. Nobody in an extremist religion comes out ok. Assuming he ever wakes up and escapes, that is.

He's been made responsible for his father's porn use. That is just one example we know of. Fundamentalist Christianity is damaging in a lot of ways without having to keep your own dad from watching porn.

Oh yeah, of course he has procreated. His son will probably end up being a monster too

Well, when you and dad are porn prevention buddies… I imagine that leaves an impact.

Do you think they both sit together ‘preventing porn’?

Punishing their sinful genitals. Squeezing. Choking them. Until the Sin erupts out in a hideous milky ooze which they clean off each other in the warm glow of knowing that God has spoken and is grateful of their efforts.

Tbh what else can one imagine? I'm no father, but i know that i would never ever want to be involved in any way in my son's sexual life, development and experiences. Let alone try to shape and control it.

You've been a bad boy... and then what, they talk about it? Do they handle this behind closed doors or at the dinner table?

Either way, WTF Johnson?

That's what i had in mind. I'm sure this is not the only utterly out of place behavior he subjects the people around him to.

It's that or completely disown the entire thing. Tends to go one way or the other.

“Sometimes when I want to do something, I get really quiet, and in the stillness, I hear that voice inside of me that always says ‘Do whatever you want. It’s always justified.’”

That's fucking crazy. I don't mean that in a funny way, I mean that it sounds like he has schizophrenia.

In the 5th year of his reign, Pharaoh Amenhotep IV had an epiphany— the sun god, Aten, had chosen him as his personal vessel on earth, and he, of course, changed the state religion to Atenism, and devoted his life (and drove everybody crazy) talking about the goddamned Aten all the time. (The Aten, I hope is really clear, obviously doesn’t exist, since this is like 2500 years ago and it’s not like the sun god is exacting his revenge on our planet by cooking it.)

Anyway, that asshole was erased from history because he was a legendary pain in the ass, but at least he’d grown up in a world where everyone, from the day he was born, told him he was a special prince destined to rule the world.

Where Mike fucking Johnson gets off with that level of delusion, I cannot say.

it’s not like the sun god is exacting his revenge on our planet by cooking it

Hate to be that guy, but that is going to happen in a few billion years

If we keep up our economic growth we will definitely have ruined our star well before it has a chance to eat us.

There is nothing new under the sun

Hate to break it You ya bud, but god didn't choose you. A bunch of corrupt cronies picked you to be their leader and scapegoat in an attempt to turn America into a theocratic dictatorship.

And now they're all retiring lol...

It's very possible Republicans lose their majority they attrition, I think they're already down to 1 maybe 2?

There's no way in (completely imaginary) hell that this dude will be able to get literally every Republican in the House to agree to anything.

It certainly seems the tide is beginning to shift away from their insanity, but it's still an uphill battle. There do seem to be at least a couple sensible conservatives that balk at the extreme rhetoric, but it's hard to pin sometimes. Hopefully dems maintain the white house in 24, and then maybe we'll see things start to move in a more sane direction on the conservative end. I'm not a huge fan of Biden by any means, but whatever it takes to keep Trump out of there.

Hopefully dems maintain the white house in 24

I honestly don't know if Biden can do it...

Especially since he's now running around saying he's only running because trump is, but that he thinks "at least 50" other Dems could beat trump.

Dude is too fucking old and unpopular, there's no reason for him to be the candidate again. Especially when he's flat out telling people the only reason he's running is to beat trump, but others could beat him as well.

Just get out of the way and let someone who isn't 20 years past retirement age get a shot.

They just refuse to admit their time is over.

It's interesting that these people God talks to like this are only ever told they've been chosen. I never hear someone saying, "Well, God spoke to me last night. It turns out I should just chill the fuck out and mind my own business."

Two can play at that. God spoke to me last night and said Mike Johnson is a delusional twat. They broke up long ago and he needs to move on.

OT Yahweh was petty and vindictive as fuck.

And I can tell you first hand, he makes for a terrible ex

Sometimes that does happen, but only if the person didn't really want to do whatever it was.

It does happen, but they don't talk about it in public. They talk about it at church and shit, though.

Take the religious pretext away from this statement and you have textbook mental illness. Dude is on stage in front of all of our elected representatives saying he's listening to the voices inside his head and they are guiding his actions.

Yes Mr. Johnson, it's called the inner monolog, and we all have it. Yours doesn't make you special because it says so.

Or it might if you don't recognize it as yours and it starts telling you delusional things, such as being a prophet.

Reminds me of the South Park episode The Douche.

Paraphrased but basically, yes we all hear voices in our head but its just our inner monologue you douche.

What if I really believe I hear voices?

Then you're a stupid douche.

I'm pretty sure that the latter possibility would be a symptom of a mental disorder of some kind.

By the way, apparently not everyone has an inner monologue.

This is a sort of dumb article based on a reddit thread on the topic where people discuss their experiences


This is an article from an actually respectable source


When I was younger I had no inner monologue. I thought in concepts is about the best way I can describe it. It was way, way more efficient as a thought process.

I miss that sometimes.

Not to diminish your point as I totally agree with what you're saying, but interestingly enough, not everybody does have that inner monologue. It is estimated that anywhere between 30% - 50% of the population has the ability to have conversations with themselves inside their head, the other 50% - 70% of the population can not. As someone with an inner monologue, I can't even begin to comprehend how that works.

I've never been able to keep up the habit, but I've tried silencing my inner monologue. It's not necessary, I already know what the full thought is going to be before I even start "vocalizing it" inside my head. Thought would be faster without taking the time to encode it in a spoken language. But I suspect it's also sloppier. That conversion to spoken language gives your brain more time to consider the thought.

Think of the times you've said something or started saying something and then realized right after or part way through that it is a candidate for the dumbest thing you've ever said. I don't know about everyone else, but I catch myself thinking thoughts like that, too. I wonder if those who don't have an inner monologue are more likely to just move on without noticing.

I wonder if that's a fundamental difference that plays a role in how differently some people see and interact with the world.

You know, I wonder what my deaf uncle's equivalent to an inner monologue is. I would imagine it's different having never heard speech before (he was born deaf).

I actually saw this question asked on reddit way back, and the top answer was they think in a combination of sign language (words) and images since speaking is foreign to them... I'll give this statement an 87% chance of being an accurate recall.

Random question: How come God always agrees with these loons in whatever kooky-ass shit they pray to Him about? Why does he never respond, "Lol, no, that's dumb."?

Because their religion only serves to validate their shitty ideas that they already had.

Because the people who think God told them "naw fam" usually don't follow through with their insane ideas.

Let’s crucify him and he can truly be a symbol for The Lord

But what happens when he just rots instead of getting his holy zombie on‽

Oh well, you win some you lose some... Whatever

My brother just said everybody else has a much better time, that's what happens.

Mike Johnson wants to die for my sins!

Honestly, this whack job would probably see it as an honor. Win win for all parties.

Why can't others do this without being ostracized?

Why don't we all just... "I think we should invade Afghanistan because that's what Link would do -- I mean Saddam is basically Ganondorf!"

We should all be able to have the childlike privilege of using cartoon characters as rhetorical devices in adult conversations.

Commander Shepard wouldn't put up with these disingenuous assertions!

I hear the Greens/Libertarians/Constitution party is his favorite party in America.

Zeus would probably fuck a swan or something, so that's what I'm gonna do!

I'm only listen to holy Trinity:

Finn, Jake and BMO

“I had this sense that we were going to come to a Red Sea moment in our Republican conference and in the county at large. God had been speaking to me about this, and the Lord told me very clearly to prepare and be ready.

When God parted the Red Sea, he allowed Moses and the Isrealites to cross, and he subsequently folded over the waters and killed everyone else present. This man believes this is an apt metaphor for what is about to happen in America.

The religious aspect is utter bullshit, of course. I'd like to think the on-the-ground reality won't match up with his fantasy either. Sure hope everyone watching this jackass is taking notes.

Cool how about you and all your followers go wander around in the desert for 40 years.

Barry fucking Goldwater knew these kinds of people were trying to take over his party, and he for sure wasn't a Democrat.

"Frankly these people frighten me. Politics demands compromise. These people believe they're acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried dealing with them.".


I'm so sorry americans

Any other western country he'd be laughed out of existence. I know for a fact no british politician would live this down.

This is why my personal opinion about religion is the same as my opinion about paranoid schizophrenia, the only difference being that religion is a trained behaviour. Fuck all parents who willingly expose children to brainwashing.

You can never trust a zealot.

Especially one from a nigh-suicidal death-cult that's hell-bent on speeding up their version of apocalypse...

I disagree. You can ALWAYS trust a zealot. You just won't like the things you can always trust them to do...

And the worst part is they don't know when to quit, they just come back twice as mean and thrice as crazy.

Nah. He's been 100% clear as to what he's about from day one.

"When people tell you who they really are believe them"

I’ll tell you a secret, since media is not here.

As reported by the media.

Fuckin YIKES he's like a villain from an A24 movie. The Main Character Syndrome vibes are spiking through the roof

What exactly does he mean by being Moses and America's "red sea moment?" Are the liberals, FBI, and the people prosecuting Trump the Egyptians? So, Johnson has been chosen to lead Republicans to safety, and kill the liberals, FBI, and prosecutors?

Pretty much. Conservatives nowadays see themselves as perpetual victims. They are being oppressed by the liberals because society doesn't bend to every conservative whim. They are being victimized because people other than straight, white, Christian men have a say in society's functioning.

Johnson is stretching this imagined victimization into "we're essentially slaves to the liberals who are just like the Egyptians in the Bible!"

It's idiotic and 100% wrong, but it sounds good to some on the right who whine that they don't run everything anymore.

"The Communists want a dictatorship and want to change your life, ruin your families, and turn all the kids gay! Forcing people is bad! That's why we need to install Trump as God-Leader forever, lock up teachers, force kids to be straight, and indoctrinate educate our Christian Nation the Right way! They're not the same they're Fascistactic Ideas™!"

MAGA morons: "hurdur Democrats dictators, we need a Republican dictator!"

Worse, the Egyptians paid the pyramid builders. They weren't slaves, they were highly paid artisans.

Christians can't even get basic history accurate.

Also, no, Noah wasn't real and he didn't put every animal on earth on a wooden boat.

Trump, Mike Johnson and their followers will walk down to the Rio Grande, separate the waters, cross, and establish their own Israel-like state in Mexico, thus fulfilling the prophecy that Irony is officially dead, and satirical publications around the world will collapse into a singularity under the weight of reality, engulfing the earth as a first plague to be released. The second plague will be a yogurt.

Knew a church teacher who said "the gays aren't here so I can tell you something they won't like, they aren't going to heaven" (said in front of my gay but religious ex boyfriend xD)

Always assume your comments in a group are made with at least one person you're othering.

Oh man let me let you in on a secret since there aren’t any idiots around… no one is going to heaven because it’s as real as Mike Johnson’s sanity.

If there is a hell, I'm consoled to know I'll share it with Johnson and all other Republicans. Knowing there's divine punishment for being as awful as them is almost worth the whole thing being true.

I hope there is a heaven and they spend it in a cloudy church for literally all of eternity staring at a shiny guy in a toga, for ever. I really truly wish that for them.

I welcome the void.

My brother who is a pastor said flat to my face I was going to hell, but he loved me regardless.

"The gays" were well aware that's how he thought, considering his type screamed it from the rooftops every chance they got.

Does this guy not get that this type of extreme fundamentalism is a turn off to most Americans? I mean, I would never vote republican in a thousand years but this has got to be pushing some of the more sane fence sitters away, right?

Anyone who still votes Republican either agrees with him or isn't bothered by it.

He does, which is why he said it to a crowd of true believers where he thought the media wouldn't notice.

Most Americans don't pay attention. They can't fathom that people like this are real because it seems so outlandish and foreign to their way of life.

or they're simply pumped full of Fox brand fear of anything slightly different and prefer this guys brand of crazy

It might be a turn off for the majority, but it will give the people who vote for him, and other Republicans, hard ons.

He's not speaking to us. He is speaking to them.

No, he totally knows it's a turn-off, but uses that as fuel for his extremism, as proof that he's on the right path. He remembers that Chick Tract with that one panel, "They hated Jesus because He spoke the Truth." Like, that's how all zealots are. David Koresh straight up told his followers that law enforcement arriving at the compound in Waco was a sign that he was right. Can you imagine if the Waco standoff never happened? He'd be a Republican Senator.

I grew up in a southern Baptist home and it amazes me how this script is always used to justify a change. Almost verbatim, all my life I’ve heard this same script. God spoke in a prayer. God said big plans. God said wait and prepare. God said go.

And have you noticed how whatever God told them is almost always for their own personal benefit? It's almost never to give away or sell everything they own and distribute it to the poor.

It's almost like they are thinking these things up all on their own, lol.

When you style yourself a modern-day Moses - but in reality you're more like one of the possessed pigs Jesus drowned in the sea.

I sometimes hear a voice telling my heart that I'll become Iron Man, but to wait. So, I'm waiting.

I just hear "kill yourself" over and over, then I realize I'm the one saying it.

Christian here. That's not how it works. America is not God's chosen nation, and you are not God's chosen leader. You are a little man with delusions of grandeur, trying to use your meager understanding of religion to pull the wool over the eyes of other Christians.

I'm not fooled. And there are a lot more like me who aren't fooled, either.

The sad part is how many are fooled. By this guy or even by Trump. And sad how many feel the US is chosen. Not surprising. Some people eschew facts entirely and rely solely on faith. They tend to be able to be easily convinced of all sorts of hogwash.

I'm honestly not sure if Johnson is a grifter or zealous to the point of delusion. The former sucks and is scary. The latter is absolutely terrifying.

Yep. And it's not a historical faith, it's a faith invented about 50 years ago by James Dobson and a bunch of Republicans who wanted to gain power for themselves. "Christian conservatism" is a cult, but led by some of the least charismatic people imaginable.

James Dobson started out fairly normal (relatively speaking) in the 1970s as a Christian Psychologist. My parent’s version of “the talk” for me and my sisters were audiocassettes by him about human sexuality from the late 70s/early 80s. Don’t remember much of the details, but I do recall he thought sexual fantasies were normal and had zero issue with masturbation.

He got more and more fundie over the decades, and dove into politics. It is easy to say that Dobson and his evangelical contemporaries are hugely responsible for making evangelicalism the christofascist nightmare that it is today, but having been on the inside, it’s way worse than that.

They’re the inevitable child of a religious culture that idolizes the god-given, white colonialist-settled US and necessarily creates cults of personality around “godly” men.

You're right that it's more complicated than that. But I thought it was well understood that he was working behind the scenes from the beginning to intentionally craft the narrative of a paternalistic, aggressive faith that was pro-war and anti-government. Is that not your understanding? Because Phyllis Schlafly preceded him and she was definitely in that same vein.

I might have the causality a little bit off, though. Most of my information comes from Kristin Du Mez's work, but it's been a while so I might be misremembering parts of it. I grew up in evangelicalism, but in the late 80s and 90s when everything was pretty well humming along toward Trump or somebody like him—even though we didn't know it yet.

I also forgot to mention how all of that was building on the racist work of antebellum preachers who said that freedom for slaves was essentially an early sign of the apocalypse and certainly the end of the world was coming soon (that's more or less the way that the Rapture, which was a fringe theology up to that point, became popularized). It was then that American Christianity went from being mostly outward-focused in daily life and insular in ways of politics to being insular in daily life and outward-focused in ways for politics.

In any case, it was a gross history constructed by people trying to gain power for themselves and the Republican party. I do know that the big turning point came when they decided to come out against abortion specifically because they thought Jimmy Carter was too popular among Christians.

We’re on the same page, friend. I suppose my point is that the self-appointed leaders of white evangelicalism past and present got where they are by a feedback loop between themselves and their followers. You can only sell something like hotcakes if people want what’s on offer. People wanted justification for slavery, they got it. People wanted justification for persecution of secularist jews, they got the Red Scare and McCarthyism. I’d argue that the modern christofascism has its roots most directly in McCarthyism. The John Birch Society is a white Christian nationalist organization that had its heyday in the 50s and early 60s, but really just was giving people what they wanted. A quick fix of endorphins that comes from defining and hating an evil other.

Indeed, absolutely on the same page. I've heard it said before that God's harshest judgement is to give people what they want.

oh yes, i see now....

... YOU are part of the elect few who TRULY understand. of course!

Not at all. I just actually read the bible Johnson claims to read. Also helps to understand the disgusting history of evangelicalism.

It isn't rocket science. I'm agnostic but it's incredibly clear that the teachings of Jesus are antithetical to Republicans. Jesus would be a through and through Democrat who wishes for a proper socialist party.

Fuck this imbecile.

This moron probably believes in Santa in addition to sky daddy. Complete waste of skin.

god didn't choose you and republicans only did after everyone else bombed out you delusional monster

"When fanatics are on top there is no limit to oppression." - H. L. Mencken

He's going to part the red sea of republicans?

I want him to take his people and wander the desert for 40 years.

I want to get into his dreams all Inception-like and convince him that Greenland is the new Israel.

Maybe the voices will have him set fire to George W. Bush and then have a long walk into the Red Sea.

So he says god spoke to him...

Can we throw him into an insane asylum now? We actually let someone as insane as him in public office? Dude is off his fucking rocker.

Go watch A Handmaids Tail, it can get so much worse.

Or, look at life in Iran.

cmon america you can do better

I don't know, we have a lot of really fucking stupid people here.

If you don't believe that last comment, watch the documentary on 50% of Americans, Squidbillies. It's so factually on point they had to turn it into a cartoon about squids to keep hateful Americans from blocking it

No, Johnson! You get Jesus. You don't get to take Moses also! We Jews had him first. Go talk about how god told you to be like Jesus instead.

Then again, if you really want to be like Moses, gather the conservatives together and go wander in the desert for 40 years so that the rest of us can run this country without your interference. (Yes, the Moses allegory fell apart at the end, but conservatives in America aren't like Israelite slaves in ancient Egypt.)

Well that's literally blasphemy so we can rest easy knowing that he's going to hell.

No, blasphemy would be saying he's the Messiah. He's saying he's God's prophet, or servant. Totally "normal" for Christian conservatives.

I'd hate for this to be true. Anyone have a better source? I only looked for one in the article for like 3 seconds and didn't see one, but maybe it's there.

Or is "JoeMyGod" a legit news site I've never heard of lol

Never heard of the site but searching Johnson and Moses gives lots of hits on real news sites.

Good on you for being skeptical tho, an awful lot of random news ("news") sites have been popping up lately, likely driven by AI image and text generation.

I wonder what he means by this. You know he's never read a bible in his life. What does he think Moses represents to the average American?

He absolutely has read his Bible. He has said the Bible is his worldview. He believes that his interpretation of the Bible is the only correct interpretation and he will never compromise on that, because he is a "true believer".

Moses spoke directly to God and told everyone else what God had said...and Johnson seems to follow that pattern exactly. He thinks God raised him up to "part the sea" between the Biblical Republic sect from the more middle of the road Republicans and of course from the sinful Democrats. He truly wants to use his beliefs to reform our society; he is a religious zealot.

That has made him much more dangerous to the US than Trump.

Honestly, if anyone in congress has read the bible, it is Mike Johnson. The lessons that he took from it are abhorrent, but he's not faking his Christian beliefs like most Republican politicians. He truly believes what he's saying and that's why he's so scary.

Crazy religious people seem to often think that any intuition or sudden insight they have is God speaking to them. I think it's one of the big reasons they seem to always think God wants them to do exactly what they already wanted anyway.

"so God spoke to me and said 'Woah slow your roll and stop being such a dick and also no you are not my chosen one, dummy'" —no religious person ever

I wonder if the stuff he obviously smoked is legal anywhere...

Never attribute to drugs that which be simply explained by stupidity.

Maybe it's just a carbon monoxide leak in his house that makes him hear and see ghosts ...

Such a leak would need a brain to be affected. Which does not seem to be a thing with him...

Pretty sure Moses wasn't the one in charge of Egypt in Exodus.

Maybe he should stop reading his weekly report about his son's masturbation habits and open a Bible.

I mean, if Mike leads all the MAGAnauts into exile in the desert, would that be such a bad thing? Nearest desert to escape the US is probably south...I'll volunteer to make road signs.

40 years of peace...

But they could just wind up in Utah, Arizona, etc. I am not sure that's the outcome we're looking for.

Great, we have an untreated schizophrenic 2nd in line to the Presidency.

Wow. That is so over the top and makes him so full of himself.

He says it for all politicians

He said Biden was anointed by God

Since US doesn’t have the Red Sea, I vote he walks into the Salton Sea to see if it parts for him

I'd rather he walked into a Chrysler 300C on the highway; I bet it would be red afterwards.

There's a very fine line between devotion and straight up mental illness. I don't want anyone who is hearing voices in a position of power over me, I want them in treatment.

Well, which "god" did this? Also, in a secular country, what this guy says his supposed "god" did doesn't matter (probably the Abrahamic god Jehovah/Allah/Yahweh that all these provincial xtian fucksticks always just call upper-case God as if their god was the only one ever in the mythologies of mankind). Not in the slightest. He can fuck right off with that kind of nonsense.

He's trying to pretend he's all humble, but it is really just pride and greed that motivates him.

That's all we need is a fucking cultist two heartbeats away from running the country.

Yup. The man is wackier than taffy. Someone get a straight jacket and white padded room we got incoming.

A bunch of dysfunctional shitheads put you in that position because they were running out of options.

What’s the old saw? “If you talk to God, you’re faithful. If God talks to you, you’re crazy.”

Soo... how can we advise his constituents to question his leadership? If someone like that represented the state I lived in I would be spending every waking moment letting them know I do not approve.