Retiring House Republican says $174,000 isn't enough money for members of Congress: 'Most of us don't have wealth' to politics – 506 points –
Retiring House Republican says $174,000 isn't enough money for members of Congress: 'Most of us don't have wealth'

Rank-and-file members of both the House and Senate are paid $174,000 a year.

That probably seems like a decent amount of money, and it is: The median household income in 2022 was $74,580, according to the US Census.

But consider that members of Congress generally have to maintain two residences — one in Washington, DC, and one in their home state — and that they haven't gotten a raise since 2009.

Inflation, meanwhile, has eaten away at the value of that salary over time: If lawmakers' salaries had kept pace with inflation, they would be paid over $250,000 today.

Rep. Patrick McHenry, a North Carolina Republican who served as the interim speaker of the House following Kevin McCarthy's ouster, told The Dispatch that congressional pay needed to be raised in order to attract "credible people to run for office."


Let's just build a big congressional dorm with furnished studio apartments and make them all live there when Congress is in session. It would save the government a fortune in cost of living reimbursements and security costs.

You know genuinely I don't understand why this isn't a thing. It's expensive to have two homes, especially when you aren't even sure you'll have the job for more than four years. It would lower the cost of entry into politics for people who do work minimum wage.

Shoving someone into a land full of surprise expenses seems like a perfect recipe for corruption.

It would lower the cost of entry into politics for people who do work minimum wage.

It sounds like you understand perfectly well. Politics is for rich people to get more power, and get richer by granting favors to their friends. "Public servant" is the lie they tell to make us feel good about it.

Yes, I know that there are the few modest politicians, but it's the exception to the rule.

They could also just have an apartment, they don't need a mansion in Virginia.

Even 2 apartments are expensive, I remember AOC was having trouble finding one in DC

Congressional barracks or even a neighborhood would actually be a great idea. It could get its own metro line.

Like it’s a job with a lot of time there. I think it’s fair that they be able to comfortably live there with their spouses and other loved ones, but it would be good to keep housing centralized to them. I’m reminded of Air Force neighborhoods where I grew up. Sometimes your aimless walk would get you a conversation with someone holding a machine gun because there are medium security off base residences

I remember an election or two ago a story about a freshman congressman having to sleep on a cot in his office because he couldn't afford DC rent.

Maybe they should do something about the out of control rent prices lol

There would be the added perk of people not wanting to remain congress critters for more than a couple of terms unless they really care about the job

A bunch of them sleep in their office already. Worst kept secret in Washington. Dorms would be an upgrade.

I was also thinking the extremely wealthy wouldn't want to tolerate living without the luxury they are used to.

Many members of Congress already sleep in their office (which is technically against building codes). Dorms would be an improvement.

Great idea. And we have so much unused real estate the government owns in DC if they didn't force people to return to the office.

That's a version of Big Brother I'd definitely watch. At least the first season.

If inflation has eaten away at your 6 figure salary that hasn’t been updated since 2009 imagine how the plebs making $7.25/hr feel.

They should make the salary a multiple of the federal minimum wage.

Fuck that, make it directly proportional to what the average american is able to put in their savings account. You do not get to be paid by me to profit if I am not also doing so.

Why the fuck are we all sitting here sympathizing with these fucking animals we have in Congress right now? They have not done anything to help you since they've been in office. If you're going to give us breadcrumbs, you also get bread crumbs. I'm shocked at the way people are thinking about this.

No, I think there's a point to be made here

100k isn't a lot in DC, and they're going to be traveling back and forth a lot. It's a high salary, but it's middle class level when you add in the second rent and the expenses related to the job

Do you want your politicians to be worried about their financial situation? Or already be wealthy? That seems like a recipe for the kind of legalized bribery we have going on

It also means that power is the only draw for people to that position.

There's not a lot of security there, what do you do if you lose? You've now got two rents, maybe even two mortgages and a family, and the only job that is going to pay on that scale with those qualifications is something I don't want to exist, like being a lobbyist or working for a PAC

Until laws are passed that limit stock trades/lobbying payments, I have no sympathy for their money.

To be clear, most all of them can go fuck themselves. I don't really care about any of their financial states, and I absolutely support limiting their ability to make money off the office... It's also a few million dollars a year we're talking about, it's a very cheap way to make things better

What I care about are incentives and selection pressures. I want normal people with morals and idealistic people in those seats. I don't want rich people raised to crave approval from their peers, or people with dreams of climbing higher.

I want the job to be the end goal, not a stepping stone to another end

They have to have two houses, one in Washington, and one in their home district. Washington is an extremely high cost of living area. This is a time when $175k really doesn't go as far as it sounds.

But yes, raise the minimum wage, too, because $7.25/hour doesn't go far anywhere under any circumstances.

Tie their pay to a multiplier of the minimum wage.

And don't give them the authority to change the multiplier number.

And make the multiplier 1.

Under paying is a good way to make sure that the only people who run for office have financial incentives outside of the salary. Ie: it makes corruption and insider trading more likely.

I would say we should pay them enough to have a solidly comfortable upper middle class lifestyle in perpetuity, and force them to relinquish all prior assets and holdings beside their family home/vehicles. Ideally, these would be highly respected community members and making the comfortable would be commendable. However, they should not be able to leverage their position for personal gain. That should be true after their tenure as well. They should be given a sizeable pension, but any earning related to their office should be forfeit to an approved non-profit. That means speaking engagements and book deals should not be a source of income.

I'm not saying they shouldn't be paid well, just that the multiplier should be 1. There's another number that could be adjusted upward.

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minimum wage, and their wages, and almost everything else they deal with should be indexed to COL or the relevant stat. why we keep using static numbers eludes me.

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Id be significantly more open to this if you assholes hadn't spent the last 50 years helping steal money from the poor for billionaires.

@MicroWave @steinbring We should not increase their pay. Instead we should simply provide housing connected with public transit so members of Congress can cut some of their costs and actually experience what it is like to live this way. They already get great healthcare and access to a fitness center and cafeteria.

I understand what you're saying but I think you can't get elected to a national house or senate seat without being wealthy or very connected to wealth.

The income is mostly just a joke. There should be an equitable way for people without an income or wealthy connections to be elected on merit and opinions rather than by virtue of giant funding.

Personally I vote for election advertising bans by 3rd parties and to make all election advertising done through a collective pool of funds shared by all candidates. These fucking PACs are a big problem today and they are everywhere

But the Supreme Court said spending my money to support political causes is freedom of expression protected by the first amendment! How dare you try to limit my expression!

/s just in case.

Schumer lives in a share house when in DC. There's no reason Congress couldn't provide that or dorms or something similar.

You have any links about this? I'd like to read more

Yep, excellent idea.

Housing for them is the real issue here.

Their approval is through the floor and this is a violent country by 1st world standards. If they went on predictable public transit schedules every day they would literally start getting killed by the public.

Sounds like incentive to actually legislate in ways that constituents support.

Accountability can be a bitch if you act like an asshole all day.

Congressional pay rate should be tied to national minimum wage rate. In order to raise one you have to raise both by the same percentage.

Most of us don't have wealth

Reality disagrees. While over half of Congress are millionaires, the highest credible number for the US population in general is 12%

In fact, the 100 highest earners in Congress more than doubled ( their personal wealth in a single year, with the top 10 "earners" increasing their wealth on average 422% in a single year!

Hey, everyone: he just said 12% of the United States population are millionaires. More than one out of every 10 people. Think about that.

Guess how net worth looks for the bottom 88%.

Wealth disparity in this country is insane.

Hey, everyone: he just said 12% of the United States population are millionaires. More than one out of every 10 people. Think about that.

First, that's the absolute highest estimate of anyone halfway credible.

Second, that includes real estate holdings. If you own a house anywhere even halfway desirable but don't have a penny to your name otherwise, you're usually still a millionaire.

Guess how net worth looks for the bottom 88%.

Absolutely 3rd world country atrocious. For some of the top 12% too, once you take their house out of the equation and only count the wealth they can spend without becoming homeless.

Wealth disparity in this country is insane.

Definitely. Anyone who says otherwise is either an idiot, part of the problem, or both.

Isn't a fair bit of that graft and/or insider trading?

Yeah. After all, bribes are legal in Washington as long as you don't say out loud what they're for. And insider trading is hardly contained, politicians who have no prior experience with stocks suddenly consistently outperforming the market.

There's even a Nancy Pelosi stock tracker for you to profit (less than her since she doesn't have to announce in real time) on the insider trading of her and her husband!

In Washington, the corruption is not just overlooked, it's written into the rules and demanded by party leaders 🤬

If you can't live on 170k a year, you probably shouldn't be making decisions for those on 30k.

I am completely down with paying Congress a shit ton of money, but we're going to need a zero tolerance policy on bribery and lobbying.

You're not going to get CEO payment and tips.

And zero tolerance - as in NO tolerance whatsoever - on insider trading.

Not ONE of them should be allowed to put anything into the market, except for some kind of automatic payments steadily pushed (NOT timed) into index funds only. And they'll be told that ALL of their contacts and friends and family will be very closely watched. All of their communications can be pulled by the SEC if need be if their is any suspicion of them giving insider information to anyone else. And it's one strike, and you are out. You are removed from office and do prison time if found guilty of this.

The American people are so sick of this stuff. The dishonest right wing talks about the likes of Pelosi, well guess what, she can rot in prison too if she violates these proposed rules. The fact is plenty of Republicans are doing it. But the problem is right now it's legal.

Yeah I mean, they're still going to find some ways to profit off the position but we can at least make a solid attempt to keep them from doing it. Thing is there's a lawmakers there's no way they're going to ever agree to it.

It should also be tied to a multiplier on minimum wage or median income in their home state. You want a pay increase, you better be making life better for the majority of your constituents.

If they're struggling, then maybe they should pick up a second job, maybe cancel some of those subscription services?

Stop buying Starbucks and avocado toast

Hell, maybe even pull themselves up by their bootstraps?

In all seriousness, if you can’t live off a $175k salary in a country where the most expensive state requires you to make like $110k a year alone to live comfortably, that’s a you problem.

I have no love for our politicians, at all, but that's somewhat misrepresentative of the situation.

They're not spending their money only in one state. They usually have to maintain multiple residences, one in their home state and another in the notoriously expensive DC metro area. DC cost of living eats a significant chunk of that value, I'm sure

TIL something new - I did not realize they have to have homes in both their home state and in DC. Actually, I’m kind of surprised that’s how it worked, and it’s shitty if the government doesn’t provide them COLA or something if they have to have two homes.

An additional benefit of the congressional dorm idea is to not get them too settled into a permanent situation - they know it’s temporary. Maybe it will help encourage more frequent turnover

We should actually pay them more. We don't want only the rich able to represent us.

We should pay everyone more as well.

I get the sentiment, but having members of Congress beholden to an employer would be pretty bad. There's already a corruption issue with insider trading, speaking fees, the revolving door, etc.

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Funny how they cry about not being able to live on almost 200grand a year, yet they expect my grandmother to live on 12k a year from social security.

No they don't, SS isn't intended to be a basic income. We should have a basic income, don't get me wrong, but they're pretty vocal about it being (in theory, if not reality) a supplement to retirement savings.

The equivalent of $83/hr if they worked 40 hrs a week for 52 weeks. I think their pay is fine just where it is.

Clearly he just needs to buy less avacado toast and get a third job.

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Federal minimum wage in 2009: 7.25. Federal minimum wage in 2023: 7.25. Cry me a fuckin river.

Maybe congresses salary should be a multiple of minimum wage so they always get increased together.

Try EQUAL to the minimum wage

They need a house in DC and at home. Logically it should be double the minimum wage.

The house in DC should be provided to them as part of being in congress.

Fuck that make them stay in "affordable housing"

Apparently a number of them live in their DC offices and shower at the Congressional gym.

Id like the people establishing the laws for the country to be paid better than a fry cook.

Yeah and if their wage was attached to the minimum wage, whatcha think if gonna happen to that minimum wage?

Then only the independently wealthy would run. No matter if they scale it up or not.

their housing and food in DC should be paid for imo, those are truly extra costs. The problem here is republican strategy has long been to defund congress and their offices to make them more reliant on donors.

Get a roommate.

No joke, but many of them do essentially bunk together, especially the ones that aren't horribly corrupt.

Yeah, that's not too surprising. I'm sure rent there is crazy and they need a second home there.

There was a short lived show in the early days of Amazon Prime starring John Goodman with this exact premise. I really enjoyed it.

This isn't as wild as it sounds.

A family friend was elected to Congress, and he had been an HVAC contractor prior to his election, and the move to DC was financially difficult because DC housing is very expensive and they still had a mortgage back in their district.

How did he work things out? He started accepting donations, and that's as slippery slope. He's become as corrupt as they come and I'm ashamed to have been his friend.

Now if only states maintained congressional residences in DC so their congressmen don't find themselves saddled with +million-dollar mortgages on homes they might only be living in for 2 or 4 years.

Really, if you're sitting on a million-dollar mortgage and you might be primaried in your next election if you don't play ball with the lobbyists (or more to the point, you'd have to keep paying it after your tenure in congress ends) isn't that just bending freshman congressmen over a barrel to be corrupted?

Conversely, imagine the scenario if you lose your re-election bid and in order to pursue the post-congress lobbying career you'd have to buy yourself a new home in DC.

Normalize getting the fuck out of DC when you're out of office, guys/make it expensive to stay on

I've long said there should be a congressional dorm. Two, maybe four to a room, they share a bathroom with the room next door, one of those fridges with a microwave bolted to the top, cameras in the hallways.

Why is congress being treated like college freshmen?

Seems a little rude.

Honestly I've read that a lack of interaction between members of Congress has lead to a part of our extreme politics lately. They used to have dinners and such together and with enough interaction even representitives from opposite parties would become friends/friendly.

Maybe having a Democrat and Republican share a room isn't such a bad idea lol although some people eventually hate their roommates so... Mixed bag I guess lol

Your asking a group of the most powerful people in the nation to live in dorms.

That would lead to even more clique behavior. Mean Girls with diplomatic immunity. Fun times.

Im sure investment tips would never be shared or colluded around.

And they would all be in one central location for the lobbists to come hand out bribes. Or terrorists to strike.

As for a uniform as some suggest, i prefer the George Carlin idea of NASCAR style patches worn for each corporate donor.

But treating congress people like children or soilders in basic training is just demonstrating a lack of proper thought on the matter.

Make them all live like in 12 Monkeys.

Just go the full monty and make it a cult.

They can sell soap for re-election funds.

We could pack all of them into a Quonset hut, each one gets a twin-size bunk and a foot locker like your average soldier. Maybe we should issue them mandatory identical clothing too.

Taxpayers shouldn't have to pay out the ass just so they can live a nicer life than the rest of us while they continually make far more than us and don't try to govern properly (like raising our minimum wage).

If normal people need a bunch of roommates to afford DC, the less well-off Congressmen can deal with something similar until they have made enough good financial decisions to get something nicer, just like the rest of us do.

Also if someone sucks at making financial decisions, I honestly don't think they should be in a position to decide fiscal legislation for the entire country, it's clearly not a skill in their wheelhouse and that's not the place to acquire that skill.

The problem is only the wealthy could afford to hold office.

Does rule by the 1% sound like a good idea?

Frankly the people advocating to force minimum wage living conditions on congress people are not respecting the problem or must be some of those "accelerationists" that just want everything to fall apart so it can get worse before it gets better.

I get that (most) people are upset with Do Nothing Congress 2: Insurrectionist Boogaloo, but to replace them with minimum wage rookies and blue blood elites raised to run the world is not a good idea. Its extremely stupid.

Not that I'm (seriously) advocating for them to go into a dorm, but these people decide their salaries.

If they were doing their job properly they would have raised it, or better yet they would have established a higher-end apartment-dorm type solution that is paid for by the state and so their paychecks are not used to cover their living expenses in DC (not college freshman standards, more like two bedroom apartments unless they want to pony up part of their paycheck, one for a bed and one for an office).

They're not actually doing either of these things though, so I hardly feel bad.

This is an extremely high quality take! We have governors mansions in some (all?) States, the president gets the white house, but what do elected officials at the national level get?

Exactly. Paying them $10 milion a year would be a drop in the bucket to the us gov (about 0.1% of the budget).

And if it made them immune to lobbying and work for the people properly, it would be money well spent.

Unfortunately, I am not convinced raising their salary would help that much.

I'd be happy to have tax funded basic housing for them in DC.

To be fair, they need a house in their hometown and a house in DC. That can be extremely expensive. You want congressmen to be financially independent so that they don't need to accept bribes and such.

They'd still accept bribes if they were paid 5 million a day.

Its not about the money.

its about the position, and power.

This. They need to be forcibly stopped through legislation

And enforcement of legislation - can't get caught fucking around if the legislation is not enforced or enforceable.

  • It's* not about the money.
  • It's* about the position, and power.

They already have the position and the power. This doesn't make any sense.

They don't need a house in either. They can rent a shitty apartment like the rest of us.

Housing is clearly what I meant. You think DC has affordable apartments?

People live there so yea...

If it's really that bad build a housing project for them with the bare minimum necessities. Let them see how the people they claim to represent live.

Making only the federal minimum wage, they would not be able to afford any housing in DC. Not even the projects.

'Most of us don't have wealth'

Welcome to the fucking club.

are you fucking kidding me. if my salary had kept up with inflation, id be making 250k. if average people dont get that benefit, why the fuck should they.

on top of that, they have rules specifically allowing them to game the stock market with their insider knowledge.

if you cant make money being a congresscritter, youre just not trying.

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while i agree that it's probably hard since you essentially have to travel and live in two places id have a lot more sympathy if they also didn't continually push for tax cuts for billionaires while opposing minimum wage increases, or voting against single payer while having government funded healthcare, or voting against the inflation reduction act...

I was with you until the last six words. That wasn't going to do anything but further devalue the dollar. Which is going to get much worse I think.

Current trend is the US Dollar is strengthening. It's already basically at parity with the Euro where by memory the euro was something like 1.3 USD just a few years ago

They should give up their avocado toast.

And turn off cable and all the streaming services. And don't forget about those smart phones! My grandpappy's congresscritters didn't have no smart phones, these people can get by w/o 'em!

It should be tied to federal minimum wage. You want a raise? The rest of us get one, too.

Honestly that’s more fucking money than they deserve. They spend more time bickering than working it seems.

Seriously guys when do we start burning shit.

I ask myself this question every day. I'm starting to think that once enough people just independently start burning, it'll eventually spread to the rest of the population like wildfire (pun absolutely intended)

That's equivalent to 24,000 hours at the federal minimum wage.

There are only 8,760 hours in a year.

They need to stop whining and work harder on pulling themselves up by the bootstraps.

Hmmm, not so fun when that bullshit refrain is thrown back in your faces, is it Republican politicians.

It's literally his argument that all of the legitimate people will move into something else... effectively pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. Your attempt at a gotcha was a huge swing and a miss.

Don't get me wrong, pull yourself up by your bootstraps is a dumb thing to say all on it's own.

As others have said, tie it to minimum wage increases.

Also... I would trade paying them ten times as much for a prohibition on them owning or trading in the stock market in a heart beat. It's inherently a conflict of interest that puts them at odds with the majority of their constituents.

Then. What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Think. Life. Is. Like. For. Your. Constituents.

These idiots are literally building their own gallows to be strung up on. Mind boggling lack of foresight.

No, no, no. Calm down everyone. No one has ever died from revolutions triggered by oppressed populations...

This is why only rich people that don't give a shit about normal people end up in Congress. Regular people can't afford to be in Congress.

If they're whining about making over twice the median income, they should consider making moves to lower the cost of living for everyone else. If it's not good enough for them, why should the rest of us suffer?

Or maybe they start living within their means. Isn't that what they tell everyone else - they tell people they are eating too much avocado toast, paying for Netflix, have smartphones and a large screen TV....and they are telling people that they cannot live on 174K.

They don't have wealth? Guess what? Most of us don't. And a lot of us work a metric ton more hours than these clowns do.

Pay them more, ban lobbying and PACs.

Hold them to the same ethics standards the rest of us are bound to

Oh shucks a government job that doesn't pay very well.

$174k is literally 2.41x what I make. Fuck off congress.

Yeah but they have to pay for coke, hookers and abortions. Their argument takes that into account.

And now you've broadcast to the world that you make $72k. Congrats

My top pay as a professional with a doctorate and 8 years experience was $72k. Not wealthy, but substantially better than the vast majority of Americans.

While I do agree that’s really not enough anymore, given engineering (for example) salary in high cost of living areas and I’d support an increase …

  • it’s up to Congress to give their successors a raise
  • given the Clarence Thomas issue, we can see that no amount of pay will be enough for some of them, given lack of ethics standards
  • we keep seeing articles about politicians being wealthy and minimal conflict of interest standards, so let’s see the evidence that salary is a meaningful part of their pay

Maybe I’m just frustrated having to go through annual ethics training for my company. Why am I, as an individual contributor, held to so much higher an ethics standard than people who make decisions for the future of our entire country? Why do I need to watch out go for insider trading when I don’t have insider information, compared to people with the access of Congress? Why is my standard for conflict of interest so much higher than someone who can actually take advantage? Heck, why am I held to so much higher a standard on discrimination and harassment, than people with so much power over their victims?

I'm disgusted with ethics training. I have to take this constantly, and I have no opportunity to take anything from anyone. Somebody offered me free soup from the Soup Nazi's company once and I couldn't take it.

Meanwhile, these pigs in Congress are lining their pockets with everything.

Maybe they should have thought of that at some point in the last 44 years instead of destroying the socioeconomic mobility of the lower- and middle-class in the country. Now the leopard is eating their face, too, and it’s extremely appropriate.

Sir, please get fucked and die. Thank you.

I've heard we can't pay teachers anymore because it's already unfair they're getting paid when they don't work during the summers

These guys get paid more and work less. So sorry. Can't do it.

Rank-and-file members of both the House and Senate are paid $174,000 a year. That probably seems like a decent amount of money, and it is: The median household income in 2022 was $74,580, according to the US Census. But consider that members of Congress generally have to maintain two residences — one in Washington, DC, and one in their home state — and that they haven't gotten a raise since 2009.

2x74,580 is 149,160 174,000 - 149,160 is 24,840 on top of twice the median 2022 census numbers.

Salaries havent changed in 20 years?

Can someone find how how many times their salaries did increase well beyond the rate of inflation?

How many years does the average rank and file member of the rank and file serve in office.

Also we are comparing a single persons salary to a household income, which shoud be taken into acount. How many households earning that 74,580 are doing it with a single income earner? If even half of those are not single individuals then compared to the average household income, the rank and file members of congress and the senate are effectively earning the equivalent of double their salary, or should be compared to other individuals earning less than $37,281 or approximately 17.92 per hour

Like most the problems in America, it's all about housing.

17.92 per hour is still higher than they are willing to let the minimum wage go

You're more than welcome to suck on Deez nuts and see what you can get

"Most of us don't have wealth"

Uh. Pretty sure that's not true.

It's almost like being a public servant isn't intended to make you wealthy. $174k per Congressperson is more than double the average household income, so they can make it work.

Maybe they should be forced to sell their original house when they have to move to DC. It seems like the fact that they end up having to have 2 houses and all the expenses that go with it is the crux of the problem. Especially when DC is probably more than twice as expensive.

Either that or you provide low cost row houses in DC for congresspeople that need accommodation in both places, so they can keep their original housing and not have to worry about paying for a house in DC Sort of like a hotel solely for congresspeople. Then you just require every congressperson to use the rowhousing unless their home city is already DC.

They have to retain their primary residence in their home district, otherwise they'd be ineligible for their position. Putting them in some cheap gov housing while they're in DC would be a good solution though.

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Oh the poor old things. Imagine not getting a raise since 2009!! All the minimum wage workers can imagine just that, because minimum wage hasn't been raised since 2009, either. And a full time minimum wage job is going to provide a helluva less income than $174K.

I'm so tired of these privileged blowhards griping and complaining about how hard they have it while actively refusing to actually improve the lives of their constituents.

We should raise their salaries anyway to a point where it becomes hard to entice them with any more wealth.

We should actually lower their wages so we actually get people in those positions who want to do the job simply to make the country better. We need politicians who don't care about personal wealth at all, but I realize that's wishful thinking.

The kind of people that make the best leaders normally don't want to lead, sadly.

Isn't Washington D.C. also one of the more expensive cities to live in?

So, yeah, residence at home, residence in D.C. Tough to swing on 174K.

What they should do is make everyone remote. Secure video connections from their homes.

This meeting of the 119th Congress is brought to you by SurfShark.

It's too dangerous to use outside software. They would need to hire a team to develop an in-house video solution... and it crashed again.

That salary means something different to a congressman from the Bay area or NYC, vs. a congressman from Boise or Iowa. Im down for pay raises generally.

They can literally print money freely via insider trading, which is why many of them are millionaires. “Don’t have wealth”??? k.

This crying for more taxpayer dollar handouts through one of their pet media rags garners no sympathy from me. Especially when many of them view their role as obstructionists who should prevent government from functioning entirely. It’s pathetic, they should fuck off to the geriatric ward if they don’t think the job pays enough.

The man who voted AGAINST raising YOUR wage is now complaining HIS wage ISN'T enough!

This is the best summary I could come up with:

But consider that members of Congress generally have to maintain two residences — one in Washington, DC, and one in their home state — and that they haven't gotten a raise since 2009.

Rep. Patrick McHenry, a North Carolina Republican who served as the interim speaker of the House following Kevin McCarthy's ouster, told The Dispatch that congressional pay needed to be raised in order to attract "credible people to run for office."

"And then, you know, the very wealthy few end up dominating the news because of their personal stock trades when most of us don't have wealth."

McHenry, a more mild-mannered House Republican than most, recently announced he would retire from Congress at the end of his term.

As of now, many members of Congress are, in fact, independently wealthy, and many generate significant income from stock trading.

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has long pushed for a pay raise for members of Congress, arguing that it's a safeguard against corruption and makes lawmakers less likely to seek income through stock trading.

The original article contains 340 words, the summary contains 176 words. Saved 48%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

It turns out, in capitalism, doing anything besides surviving is expensive.

If you've seen the Healthcare system in the US, surviving is possibly the most expensive thing you can do.

What if we just pay them +10% on the existing bribe structure and convert to federally funded elections?

If lawmakers' salaries had kept pace with inflation, they would be paid over $250,000 today.

You mean kinda like how inflation has fucked everyone else in the country too? Kinda seems like the guys in charge of this shitshow should be the LAST motherfuckers getting a raise.

Before we start making obvious jokes, remember the tale of Robert Hanssen selling state secrets to Moscow.

One of the things he complained about was how difficult it was to manage finances on his salary while living in DC. Now I’m by no means suggesting we give members of Congress a raise. They should be able to figure it out with how much they earn. But what about the federal agents and employees who earn far less, and have access to extremely valuable data?

And why is DC so GODDAMNED EXPENSIVE?? The zoning regulations in DC have got to be some of the dumbest in the country. Using a law from 1899 to justify the max height of buildings based of firefighting equipment at the time is pathetic. The law should be scrapped so supply can meet demand in a city that is becoming increasingly unaffordable, even for those making nearly 200k a year.

I've always heard that the height restriction is relative to the Capitol dome, so as not to overshadow it. dc is mostly residential and essentially suburban in construction. there's plenty of space to convert to higher density as is, but no appetite for it.

If it were up to me you'd be much poorer than you are so count your fucking blessings congressman.

I'm sorry, what is federal minimum wage again? When was it last raised? Where is the federal budget? Oh we STILL don't have one. Got it.

I'm sure they get plenty of allowances that make it easier to maintain two residences and handle all kinds of other expenses.