Are you replacing Reddit with Lenny? to – 2472 points –

This seems like a good place so far tbh


I completely left Reddit. A week before Apollo shut down I slowly started to leave subreddits and cleaned my post and comments. The moment Apollo stopped working, Reddit was dead to me either. Lemmy is now my new home.

Same, but after RiF. Reddit became a posterchild for the corporate greed so fuck them.

I am sad about RIF. It blocked all the ads, didn't show all the shitty awards, was super clean, the video player worked well and the mod tools were awesome.

On a side note, its sad demise led me to Lemmy, so all is well.

Reddit is Fun was among the first apps I installed on my first smart phone, way back in 2011. I thought, "oh reddit will come out with their own app eventually, I'll just use this until that happens." Turned out that 99% of my time spent on reddit over the last 12 years would be through RiF. I'm sad too, man. Lemmy seems pretty cool though

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I had a super busy week with work and moving then, so didin’t have time for reddit housekeeping, might need to go back to delete everything when I have the time

If the tools don't work anymore (did they need API access?), on desktop you can sort by top and delete those manually. Those are the high visibility ones anyway.

PowerDeleteSuite does not need API access. It runs in your browser. I used it to scrub what was left after Redact stopped working.

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I was doing the same and did a Power Delete Suite of my account. It’s going to take a while to get used to Lenny after 10 years at the other site.

Same. I’ve completely adapted to Memmy and have left Reddit behind. So far the only thing I miss is the sports communities. But otherwise I feel no compulsion to browse Reddit.

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Exactly what I did. I added a handful of niche subs as RSS feeds to a reader just so I can keep up on stuff that I have no other way of seeing, but otherwise Reddit is died for me on 30th June

Same for me. The day Apollo died was the day I quit. I’m starting to warm up to Lemmy more and more over time as it scratches that same itch.

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This is my alternative. Still getting used to it. Hi everyone!

I think a lot of us are still getting accustomed to Lemmy and finding our flow. For me, personally, the move exposed a bunch of new communities and topics I didn't know / or forgot I was interested in and am now excited to be a part of!

Likewise, I'm finding my feed is once again filling with things I am actually interested in. Reddit had drifted slowly towards mindless content but here on Lemmy I feel back in control.

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Not used Reddit for a while now ^^ Just a couple subs I miss but most things are here on Lemmy now

Request them on !

Or even start them yourself. I'm running a couple.

Same. I didn't create or mod any community on Reddit but I'm finding it a lot more satisfying to be involved.

I'm hoping a few missing subreddits I was on will come over. I really would do it myself but I'm dealing with a multitude of health and irl issues right now.

They do already have community but not many moved over ^^ Hopefully it picks up

It's for "path of exile" and it's a bit of a slow period for the game until a couple of weeks from now.

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Same here, there’s a couple that I go back to browse because the community is still there but I’m mostly here now.

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I still dip in to Reddit, but about 75% less than before. As more Lemmy content becomes available, I expect that to further diminish.

Same. I still report to reddit when I need to check something technical. For example, was looking at doing some work on my HVAC and wondering if some new pipe fittings were any good. Googled the product name plus Reddit to get the professional discussions from the HVAC experts.

Yeah, same here. To be honest, the web will lose a great repository of information when Reddit goes the way of the dodo. I wonder if archiving efforts are underway anywhere?

Ya, I use Reddit for stuff I’m working on like learning a language that isn’t on Lemmy right now, but I only use Reddit ~25% of the time I used to now.

I'm not on "Lenny" terms yet, I still refer to him as "Leonard".

As for Lemmy, it's almost completely replaced Reddit for me. Except for the times I search for something and the best result is a Reddit thread from 3 years ago

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Already did. Now I only visit Reddit to check out some niche communities that are not on Lemmy yet.

exactly. the front page sucks ass. lemmy has a better all page.

Lots of new, unique communities and the occasional titty? I'm sold.

Yeah, I'll probably still check Reddit when it's in Google search results, too, but I'm no longer visiting regularly and I hope that someday I'll be able to replace it for the niche cases, too.

Already did. Purged all my Reddit bookmarks and account.

Generally: You have to be the change you want to see in the world. If you want to change others, change yourself first. I don't think the mindset "I need to reach that big number of people over there so I'll just be over there as well to teach them" works, or leads to the goal you want. Even though it seems reasonable at first glance. This mindset just leads to you giving the other people AND yourself more reason to never leave from there. Which is contrary to what you want. If you want others to switch to better alternatives, move yourself first, help grow the alternatives, and they will sooner or later also become interested in joining. Things like the latest Reddit and Twitter fiascos also show that no huge proprietary social media platform rules forever. The time to change to better alternatives has never been better than now.

It took me way too long in life to realize you can't change other people. There is a famous Persian poet (Rumi) who stated "when I was younger I wanted to change the world. Now I want to change myself." Really it's made me a lot happier as well. No more stressing over why people don't believe me or spending hours in pointless arguments. Just focus on what I know is needs improvement in my life.

I should have left reddit a long time ago and I even tried a few times, but the lack of an alternative to keep me connected (it was my only social media) always had me coming back. So I'm proud to say I'm at least a week without any reddit whatsoever, not even peaking in my rearview mirror at this point.

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Yep. When RIF died, Reddit was dead to me. I refuse to give the owners of Reddit the satisfaction of me switching to their app.

I'm also slowly pushing myself from Twitter to Mastodon. Hoping more of the accounts I follow on Twitter make the switch too.

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The only time I'd use Reddit now is if I had a specific question about a specific topic that's only covered there.

As far as browsing for fun goes it's Lemmy all the way, it's so much nicer than Reddit.

A lot of non-bullshit answers for games link to reddit, so I still have my account logged in so I get old.reddit when I click them. When they decide to kill that one I don't know what to do.

I quit Reddit cold turkey on the day the APIs died. Sync was synonymous to Reddit for me. When one died, so did the other.

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Lemmy is pretty much my new Reddit much in the same way Reddit was my new 12 years ago.

Now that I'm on Lemmy, I'm also exploring Fark again. I'm wondering why I ever left as it still is super relevant.

I remember people debating about whether Fark or Something Awful was the better forum. Feels like a long time ago now.

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I'm on Fark more than I used to be on Reddit. It's still my go-to for political discussions and kept me sane during the Trump years. Honestly, the community is pretty good there and there's a nice balance between insightful comments and snark. But Reddit was better for hobbyists, niche interests and tech discussions and I'm hoping those communities will develop here on Lemmy.

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Lemmy/mastodon for mindless browsing has replaced reddit/Twitter for me. For specific research/googling on a niche topic, I still find reddit threads popping up all the time so I'll still click those to learn more, but they web browser only.

Yup same here. Also just noticed google has a “Reddit” option. Akin to sorting images, news, maps, etc!

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I'm about 90% Lemmy, 9% Reddit, 1% Tribel right now.

As soon as Lemmy has enough people and communities to keep me always reading something new that interests me, I'll be 100%. I've already abandoned subreddits that I modded. There's little to keep me going back.

Yup, and not just because of Reddit's CEO.

The culture here is better - people read and reply rather than just upvoting. It's a good place to help folks out, and be helped out.

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Using Reddit on web is no good for me since I can't look at it during work and at home I'd rather watch YouTube.

Baconreader was the only 3rd party app I liked and now Connect for Lemmy is a good replacement for it to check occasionally.

I also like that there's less new posts compared with Reddit so I now spend more time reading than I did before.

Also the community here feels much more welcoming.

Up Lemmy!

Here's the thing. Reddit had me hooked on it like no other until the API fuck up. Pretty much dropped it on it the spot.

After the first week it dawned on me how much time I was spending there.

So while I setup here, much less time is being spent online overall. But the interaction has jumped up immensely.

My garden is looking better and I'm hitting the gym much more often.

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Yes. I plan on using lemmy over reddit from now on. There are enough similar communities here. I'll have to keep using reddit if i'm searching for something and it comes up, but i don't plan on actively using reddit anymore. They showed their true colours: a company's whole business model built around collecting and displaying user content and then has the nerve to pull that they did on 3rd party developers?

They didn't want app competition because they needed to serve ads in their app.

Exactly, greed is a turnoff and ads are a bigger turnoff. I don't mind ads if they're necessary to keep developers working and prosperous, but serving Steve Huffman's bottom line isn't what I'm looking for. Lenny can have my dozens of clicks each day.

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Yes (Lemmy), replaced it about two weeks ago. I only visit Reddit for super niche stuff while logged out and using an as locker with the old subdomain. I will never upvote or reply to a topic on there ever again.

I replaced Reddit with the satisfaction of knowing I won’t be a pawn in Reddit’s plans to monetize the community’s free labor. 😉

This is exactly the reason I left too. In a way I feel a little sad for the loss of the community but generally it has become something different to what it once was anyway.

I'm an reddit addict so it takes some time, but I'm working on it. It helps that reddit quality dropped and I'v been banned in one of four subs I was interested in.

No, but i spend a lot less time in Reddit since using Lemmy

I thought I'd be like you, but the inability yo use neither Boost or Sync for Reddit has made me not checking it so far!

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Yes, and I will always mourn RIF

I am here too, also mourning RIF.

And my axe... whoops, wrong line.

Yeah, I had RIF on the last 4+ phones as my primary drivers for reddit. So now, I'm on Lemmy. I miss some of the niche subs I was on that simply aren't showing up here yet, but it's a good opportunity to reduce my "reddit obsession".

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The only app i bought on android is not working anymore because of reddit. I guess, answer is obvious

Yep, they killed boost, I quit.

On the bright side I like it here and don't feel ashamed of myself for supporting assholes every time I log in

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I have moved from 100% Reddit before this month to around 75% Lemmy (via Wefwef) and 25% Reddit. And I see this continually moving towards more Lemmy, less Reddit over time

I use (to be rename Voyager next week it). It’s the closest thing I’ve found to Apollo and their seems to be a lot of contributors because it gets updated with new features and bug fixes almost daily.

Still hoping for more content though, and I’ve been guilty of not adding any myself, but I’m going to try and post more.

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Ditched Reddit, never looked back. It's waaaaay better here. Even running my own instance because why not? :)

I'm adjusting. Work in progress. We don't really have any choice in the matter. Reddit is just too far past the pale. Migrating myself and others. I now have an official reddit app with revanced and the app is still God awful trash. If I'm on pc, I try to avoid reddit links that come in search and only use with an adblocker and tracking blocking. I'm even trying to do this setup on mobile if I have to use reddit. Reddit is ultimately dead to me with their current CEO and corporate structure, etc.

I browsed reddit primarily with RIF for over 13 years, I made GDPR request for my data, and once I received it I edited all my comments to the copy pasta statement about reddit ruining itself, I then got summarily banned the day before RIF went 429. Made an account on Feels like reddit during the Digg migration, I remember that exodus just as fondly.

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Yep. I was on Reddit for more than 10 years and provided content regularly. Paying $5 or so a month to access the site using Sync would have been OK, but there's no way I'm going to use their crappy app and be inundated by ads while they suck up data from my phone.

IMO Reddit has lost a big stream of easy income from people like me who would have been long-term subscribers. Instead the BS they've pulled in the last couple of months have pushed me to delete all my posts and comments and leave the site completely.

I only go there to steal content that I then enhance manually. I always had a kneejerk reaction against the hackernews reposts on Reddit. So, I try to make my content cloning less conspicuous and I make sure to enhance the content with more depth when I bring it here.

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Completely dumping reddit. I wasn't sure if there would be enough content over here to replace it, but has picked up significantly in the past couple weeks.

I wish I didn't have to, but I have to because without Relay there's no Reddit for me.

Y'all lemmy people seem nice, so I plan on staying! :)

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Yes. After 15 years of reddit I was done with it. Deleted my account. I'm tired of being a product. I miss my subs but oh well.

I do worry about bots and stuff with Lemmy though.

I am trying to. Unfortunately, a lot of communities I am part of dont have a big enough presence here.

I'm having the same issue. I'm hoping that it's because it's still a growing community and eventually more people will migrate over. Could be a good chance to start being more active in these communities.

Subjectively it's getting exponentially more active every single day. Thats very promissing. I hope Meta does not kill the fediverse.

For now I do not have any problems with redundant communites. Time will tell how things scale up.

I don't think it will because the decentralization of the fediverse works in its favor. I think those that choose to federate with the corporate social media can expect to start to see ads. I have preemptively blocked threads. I cannot begin to tell you how refreshing it is to not see an ad or corporate message of any sort.

Yep, already deleted my 14yo Reddit acct and made the switch. Really glad I did :)

Yes and I hope that the user engagement increases with time so that there is new content and info, because I used reddit for tech and other news, if lemmy does that I'm more than happy to stay here.

Haven’t been on Reddit at all since Apollo shut down. Lemmy is my new home!

It's not "replacing", I don't think you can "replace" just the shear amount of information/images/shitposts on the site.

It however is serving as a fine "supplant" of the site. It's the same general image/link aggregation with the community of commenters...

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I’ve already replaced it with Lemmy. I simply have my Reddit account now to check on it to make sure my content remains deleted.

Yes and no. My daily scrolling habit has been moved to lemmy and I haven’t really felt any loss.

However, and this is a big caveat: Reddit remains a huge source of institutional knowledge. Half a dozen times weekly I’ll look something up and the most relevant answer/discussion will be from Reddit. As I understand it, lemmy will never fulfill this need, because it’s not scraped the same way Reddit is? Or perhaps I’ve misunderstood something about the way federation works. If that’s true, it’s a huge blow to the long-term use of lemmy v. Reddit.

I wonder if that could be built into it. Reddit was not a very useful place for information in 2011. Then the communities came.

Right, I may be totally misunderstanding the problem.

If it’s just that lemmy needs time and interaction from the community to build that knowledge, then great! No problem. But what I understood was that lemmy’s communities and conversations simply aren’t made accessible to wide-searching like that.

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Yeah, literally un-installed RIF the moment I heard about reddit bs. RIF was reddit to me, so I'm done with that now. Pretty much the only time I open that site now is when I Google "whatever whatever reddit" to find actually useful answers.

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I logged out of my Reddit account on June 15 and have only been back following direct links. Lemmy seems so much more alive than Reddit currently and hopefully decentralised platforms will continue to become more popular.

Trying, but the userbase of a lot of the smaller communities I follow on reddit (especially the ones that aren't tech related) probably won't switch in the immediate future.

Yes... 13+ years on Reddit on my main account (different name than my Lemmy account), and it's gone. I've deleted all my posts and thousands of replies. I was active in several communities, including the Linux and open-source communities.

I used a script to edit my post history and replace my posts with random text, and then after a waiting period, delete the posts entirely. It took a couple of days to sift through it all. Then once I was down to zero posts... deleted my account.

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I've always just enjoyed having drinks with Lenny regardless of the social media apps I used. He is a pretty good guy, doesn't judge much which is great for conversations.

Funny enough, while having a few duffs with Lenny, we got to discussing reddits recent changes to 3rd party APIs and we both agreed it was going to be a bad discision long term. So Lenny started talking about Lemmy, and said I should check it out. I did once my reddit 3rd party app didn't work. So it was actually Lenny that converted me to Lemmy. He's a swell guy.

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Do you know that you can edit the title to fix the typo?

Another small quality-of-life feature that's nice about Lemmy.

It will 100% be abused though, and it will probably/hopefully get changed at some point. It was never a technical reason to not allow edits of titles but rather a social one.

Just imagine some troll posting "what is your favorite color?" And people reply with "red", "yellow", "black" etc.. and then they edit the title to "In your oppinion what color of people should we get rid off?"

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So far yes. Almost any time I attempt to use reddit everything is down because of the crackdown. Plus I'm not a huge fan of the api changes anyway and no one here tells anyone to "Google it" with any questions. People actually respond in kind from what I've seen

Only because I staunchly refuse to use their garbage app on android. As many have said, this was an entirely self-inflicted wound. I brows(ed) reddit maybe 70% on mobile before, so making the mobile experience absolutely unbearable and removing all NSFW content made it just not for me.

My reddit browsing was probably 95% on mobile (RIF) and I absolutely refuse to use that POS app of theirs.

Even old.reddit feels like a thing of the past now.

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I have stopped using Reddit as a place to waste time and doom scroll, but I am not really looking for a full replacement. I'm have started using multiple platforms to fill my time now. For news and current events I have started using RSS again. I spend a decent amount of time on Mastodon. Lemmy has been a great link aggregator and the growing community is making it feel like a great Reddit replacement, im just not putting all my eggs in one basket.

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I stopped using reddit on the 9th of June. There were 1.21k total users on .world. At the time there were around the same number on beehaw, and they were still federated. There were 1.6k total users on .ml and no other federated instances had more than a few hundred total users. There were maybe a dozen total communities with anything resembling daily posts. I was willing to try to drop reddit at this point and started posting a bunch hoping it would grow. I claim no credit, and and no impact whatsoever. I'm just thrilled you are all here, and to those that are just migrating, this place is better than reddit ever was. Posting about reddit is just a part of the breakup process, but you'll move on quickly.

You are still the core community here. Don't wait for someone else to start posting. This place will continue to grow with or without you. Your core interests and niche communities can grow even faster than they have so far, the only person holding you back is you. Post about stuff as much as possible. Ask questions, vote, and be positive. It really makes a difference. This place is all about you, us, and our community, so share and be a part of this thing!

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I did, ever since the first day of the blackout. I have only gone on reddit like maybe two or three times since then, since I redirected it to lemmy in my main browser.

I am trying to lower my use of Reddit and increase my use of Lemmy.

One thing I would really like to be accepted (since its already in the proposals on Github) is to have multiple communities that have same topic somehow be joined and their news aggregated together.

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I replaced reddit sync with jerboa and the only time I bother with reddit now is if I'm googling "[question] reddit" or for /r/popheads

I’m an Apollo refugee, just don’t want to support what’s inevitably becoming another Facebook type place. Wasn’t sure how well I was gonna be able to switch over until I found the wefwef web app, it’s such a game changer and I’m slowly getting used to how this works

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I came over from Reddit right after Apollo shut down on June 30, and TBH, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stay after that first week. I was seeing the same posts each day no matter how I sorted, and barely any of the posts had any interaction. I’ve seen a huge jump in quality posts and conversation in the last 2-3 days for some reason, and I’ve been popping over to Reddit less just to have something to browse. I’m hopeful that it keeps getting better from here.

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Past tense for me: I have REPLACED Reddit with Lemmy. Yes there aren’t as many people here, but we seem to have left the assholes and jerks behind and I’m finding the same “fix” here as I did on Reddit.

I have started the switch, but like others have said Reddit still has a lot of content. I am hoping that more people make the switch to Lemmy over time.

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I'm always skeptical when a huge mass of users needs to move, and I saw what happend when Ellen Pao did her rounds. There were small attempts to threat about moving, but there was nothing to really move to.

This time it's way different.

  • Lemmys place seems to actually be mature enough to help refugees move with more confidence.
  • Spez royaly screwing up so bad in an AMA and showing where their loyalty lies.
  • The posts/discussions are at a level now that will attract users to stay and make better long term decisions if they wanna lurk/contribute.

I moved when Digg went down because we got shown that we are a product.

I moved now because Reddit/"Fuck /u/spez" showed us that we are a product

We are better than that and if I can see spez go down in flames, with an IPO that gets shown what happens when you disregard what makes your "product" valuable...

I am a lemming!!

Yes. I left after the protests began and realized most of the posts were just a competition of who could make the wittiest or funniest comments regardless of the subject. I think the killing of Bacon Reader put the last nail in the coffin for me on mobile as well.

I'm trying. I've moved over here for the most part, but there are a handful of Reddit subs that I enjoy that don't really have similar communities on Lemmy. I'm subscribed to those subs in my RSS reader now, so I don't actually have to open Reddit unless I come across a post where I want to see the comments.

That's a good question, but I'm not sure I'd wanna do that.

My app for Reddit stopped working, so yeah, hahah. New reddit is useless and old reddit for me constantly gets redirected to new reddit, so I haven't even bothered trying to get back in. My subs here are already filling with content often and it feels like reddit before it swelled up with too many people. I liked reddit back when I could actually talk to subreddit regulars.

I dipped out when I heard about the protests last month. I've noticed reddit getting worse and worse and this is what I needed to stop using it.

Occasionally I still have to view reddit posts for troubleshooting/reviews as theres not a site quite like it. Even then, I usually keep the search results to last to make sure no where else has good input.

Until AskHistorians moves Ill still be using reddit. I make a point to use LibReddit instead of the actual site though.

I'll be honest - as much as I hate u/spez after everything that happened in June, I would probably still be using Reddit if not for them outright killing third party apps. Losing Reddit is Fun was one thing, but I will never downloading the official app.

So yeah! Lemmy here we come. Hopefully the community continues to get livelier as time goes on.

Yep! 100% since Sync shut down. There's enough content here already to keep me engaged though not for as long as I'd scroll on Reddit. But watching new communities pop up and grow is fun!

So far I'm liking it. I wasn't fond of the general attitude people had on reddit though, and I'm seeing some of the pop up as a result of the migration.

I have concerns that the lemmy community will become as toxic as reddit is. Other than that, I am enjoying how small communities are here. I don't feel like my voice is being drowned out by other users or bots.

Yes, the fediverse makes sense. Centralisation is a cancer

Im trying. But, for the love of god, i cant seem to understand how all this works.

To use a different analogy from the commonly used email one, think of each instance as a country.

You are in your country, but that doesn't mean you can't hear about stuff from other countries.

Sometimes though, a country does something bad and becomes embargoed by your country. If this happens you can't hear about stuff from the country your country is embargoing.

By default you can hear about stuff from all countries (federation)

A country can become embargoed (defederation)

In each country, there are towns. And towns in different countries can have the same name. When you're looking at all the countries together this means you might want to listen to London UK and London USA.

A town can be considered a community in Lemmy, which is a subreddit in Reddit.

I just made this up so there's likely to be some flaw in the analogy but I think it helps give you a good sense.

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Anything in particular that's troubling you? I've found most people here are really positive and will try to offer advice. I'm not really tech savvy, but if you've got any questions, I'll try and help.

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I'm mostly using Lemmy, but I still use reddit for some things where the lemmy communities are too small (like live sports discussion). If I'm googling for an answer to something I'll still include 'reddit' in the search because there is a huge wealth of info in past reddit threads.

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From what I understand I can subscribe and engage with just about any compatible fediverse website thing in a sort of generic reddit/Twitter environment, right? I don't think I really have to make this choice, just kind of poke around and curate my home page while the app developers work on ease of use and the fediverse itself works on communication and tutorials for people like me (people who fall up stairs)

Edit: I am transitioning away from reddit the vibe sucks and the ads are a joke

99% so far. I rarely open Reddit at all aymore.

Yes, like many many others. For me, Baconreader was Reddit. Once that stopped working, I left Reddit.

I wonder how many people have 1st July as their Lemmy "cake day".

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Not really. I stopped using Reddit and even though I am using lemmy it so far hasn’t been a true replacement. Overall my engagement has gone down hill significantly. I might check lemmy once or twice a day. I used to be on Reddit all day. Ultimately this is better for me overall. Even if I wanted to there just isn’t enough content for lemmy to be a replacement for my Reddit usage.

I have half replaced Reddit with the Fediverse and half replaced it with this exciting new discovery I made of this thing called called IRL™.

I've fully stopped using Reddit. Lemmy seems great, apps are rapidly improving, and the userbase is growing. What more do we want?

Yes. Trying at least; (imo) Lemmy hasn't quite got the critical mass yet. The official Reddit app is so crappy that each time I find myself being drawn back in, I leave really quickly. I didn't expect me to find it that bad.

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Reddit has become so bad lately that I am trying to. Still a few smaller communities I am missing though sadly.

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I've pretty much completely left Reddit since Apollo shut down. I'm happy with Lemmy, so far, except I'm honestly getting tired of the somewhat elitist attitude and fear/anger towards anything that isn't in the fediverse. I noticed it when I left Twitter for Mastodon too, and it's kind of getting old.

I'm not saying some of what's being said isn't justified, it's just not what I feel like seeing every time I open the app/site.

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Yeah I refuse to use their app and I want nothing to do with them. So while they had some nice subreddits, I will learn to live without them.

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I refuse to install the official Reddit app, so only Lemmy on the phone. Which was probably 90% of my Reddit usage.

I'm enjoying it quite a bit, so I haven't logged on in a while.

Still have my account, just in case, but I've pretty much migrated at this point.

I have. Always used Sync to browse Reddit, and since it's not working anymore, I'm not using it either.

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I mostly used reddit on desktop ( so it shouldn't have made much difference to me, but boy, it did.

Ever since that API paywalling fiasco and mod rebellion, the overall quality of content has nosedived catastrophically. Just one look at r/all or r/popular would be enough to convince anyone.

I've completely left reddit and settled on Lemmy, just like most people here.

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I've only accessed reddit once since RIF died, just to see what r/all looked like. Not interested in returning tbh. I'll join the smaller communities on Lemmy or make my own.

Already have. If nothing else, I'm already hit with the nostalgia of old reddit before it became so corporate focused.

Stopped reddit, now mostly lemmy and a bit of kbin.

I deleted my reddit account (and all my content beforehand) so yeah...still looking around for matching communities though.

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Partially yes, partially no. It depends on the use case.

If I'm looking to idly scroll random content, sure, it's great!

For online community, definitely. Given the open disregard that Reddit Inc leadership has shown towards the community, developers, and volunteers who keep the show running, I don't feel comfortable contributing there anymore.

If i'm looking for specialized information on a specific topic, definitely not. Google Search + still reigns here.

now that you mention it, I realize I've not been there since ... may be a week or two.

It's a good 95% because I uninstalled the app. Lemmy has a lot of potential, and that's worth it.

The community reddit had was really good. I hope it is replicated here. I wonder is there is a way to transfer some of the reddit data here?

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There are only two subreddits I'm checking right now. One will be defunct when reddit shuts down that app. The other is a gaming subreddit where I'm not going to get the kind of discourse here that is there (yet). I can use their forums but...I like simplicity these days and having everything in one place is just easier.

Yeah. I'm just waiting for the subs that I was active at to grow here (mostly space-related subs).

I've basically left reddit for good. There's some thing I miss there but in general Lemmy fills that void enough that I don't have the urge to go back anymore. If I end up scrolling less because of smaller amount of content then good.

from my phone, i only have access to lemmy. in browser i access both, 50/50. there are 10 or so subs that i frequent on reddit, the rest i'm here. it's hard to let that account go because i put energy into building it and it's 10+ years old. i've been using it to track my journey in life. was planning on aggregating the data.

Nope, it doesn't have the user base.. hopefully that changes but for right now, I'm using both.

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Yep. I didn't bother installing the normal Reddit app but still needed something to read when all I've got is my phone. Lemmy looks promising.

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I didn't remove my Reddit account yet, but I stopped using it as soon as I tried Lemmy. As I expected, it's not perfect, it still needs some love on the technical side, but people and content are already here. I'm pretty happy with my feed so far. I can only see it grow and getting better, but I guess we'll find out how the fight with spam bots will be.

Gradually, I hope. At the moment there are too many communities missing. Mods of Subreddits need to move here.

I’m on lemmy a lot but not all the communities that I frequent on Reddit moved or have enough people over at lemmy.

Both yes and no. Yes the time I used to spend browsing reddit is now spent using lemmy. But the experience is totally different in lemmy. I am a much more active part of the community here whereas I was a lurker at reddit

Definitely. I don't plan on downloading the official Reddit app anytime soon and for years I have been more of a lurker on Reddit but I am trying to break that and participate more on Lemmy. Really enjoying it so far.

I've already deleted all of my posts and edited the comments to "FUCK YOU u/spez". I didn't delete the account because the little cunt has a reputation for editing user's comments, I'm just gonna mass edit them from time to time to be sure.

I even changed out the email with an alias one literally saying "fuckyouspez@..." and that fucker hasn't banned me yet.

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Yes, I just recently created my Lemmy account and had to answer a question like "why did you choose this username".

What did you answer, OP?

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Yes i have basically replaced Reddit at this point, other than if google search comes up with something I need.

not yet. because Lemmy is still quite small tbh. But, the thing is Since Reddit new API policy starts, my Reddit home feed filled with spam,bots and double posts from many subs. So, if this problem overwhelms my home feed. I might move to Lemmy permanently.

I'm an old lady and I'm trying, it's a little hard to navigate though, so I would say I spend less time here than I did Reddit, but I am 10 days fully clean from Reddit after a month of weaning. I've also started getting up and moving around more throughout my work day and listening to audiobooks and podcasts.

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I scrambled, shredded, and then deleted my Reddit account after getting my data request back. I'm done with that place because I can only see it going downhill from here - site will only get more enshittified over time, this was the tipping point.

I already have. I deleted all my Reddit posts and comments and deleted my account the other day. I'm all on the Lemmy train now.

There are niche reddit communities I might still interact with.

But I have a combo of NoScript/adblock/ublock origin hard mode and a cancelled premium making sure they don’t get a penny from me, and I’ll prefer to post any useful info on Lemmy instead.

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I browse Lemmy almost exclusively, but adding "reddit" to the end of a Google search is still the easiest way to solve issues I'm looking up.

I have tried to but am currently using both although I only use reddit on my computer at home. Sadly I find that the content just isn't here. Sure there's a lot of tech and gaming stuff but if you aren't interested in that then there isn't all that much else

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I'm more of a Carl guy, but Lenny will do.

Seriously, I can see this becoming a full replacement if users continue to migrate. Once Sync for Lemmy is out I will definitely be using that for my bored moments. For now, patched Reddit Sync is still working, so I'm still using it while I can.

That said, Reddit feels dead to me. Browsing now is absolutely not the same as before. As far as I'm concerned they committed suicide.

I'm in the process... Since they destroyed RiF, I've been going to the old Reddit website but it's just not the same anymore. I've been resisting downloading the Reddit app due to what they've done to the community but it's not easy.

Lemmy is nice and all but I find it confusing as it shows several communities (some with 0 MAU and some with plenty) whenever I search for it. I'm excited for the future of this one and the Mastodon one but they're just not as polished as their more established counterparts.

On mobile absolutely, the past few days has seen a considerable amount of activity bump up. I am logged in on a new lurker account on reddit, but that's only for wrestling news and a podcast sub of mine. Fuck All.

Mostly. I prefer Lemmy. I actually like it enough to run my own instance.

Yup. After seeing Lemmy start to populate with more users and content, I deleted my Reddit account and only use search engines to search for information on Reddit now.

I wasn't expecting to, but the official reddit app was worse than I expected, you can't sort by 'hot' anymore so it is literally not as interesting to look at. I haven't used it since the switch over and I don't miss it.

Just made the change, and I'm pleasantly surprised. Spent a bit of time looking for similar communities to the ones I subscribed to on reddit, and it's starting to feel like home again.

Probably will keep my reddit account handy, but I look forward to only consulting reddit when I must. For everything else, Lemmy seems to have everything I'm looking for!

I only come to Reddit to check the status of my data takeout request and use teddit to check out /r/modcoord and /r/redditalternatives though they're winding down. Migration complete, after 3 years.

Yep, thats the plan anyways. I believe in free speech and, as a former Apollo and Joey user, I have zero tolerance for bullshit companies whose entire goal is to turn my words into training tools for AI in their pursuit of a multi billion dollar IPO.

If they want me back, they can pay me.

That being said, its looking like this transition may take awhile. Im not even sure if my ev, worldnews and other subs exist here yet.

But, its exciting times! Reminds me of the first time I posted to slashdot news back in 1999 and reddit back in 2012.

Edit - I also have a mastadon account, Salty Muskrat can eat it too.

No, for the time. I like the idea but i see a lot of issues that hopefully get fixed in the future. For example the existence of 5 communities with the same name. Where do I join? it makes things more inconvenient. Finding communities is hard without 3rd party websites. If I search on my instance for a community that is on a different one I would like it to be shown as a search result and not having to get the URL and paste it in. Time will hopefully fix all these problems and Ill invest some time of my own to add features to this platform.

Yes. Reddit is only checked for about 2-3 subreddits, but I'm not checking it daily. Lemmy and Mastodon are my new best friends.

Sure am. Been using Lemmy exclusively (shoutout to Memmy) for the past 3 weeks

I am slowly, over the long term. I am still glancing and reading some of the reddit subs that haven't made the move, but I figure over time they'll eventually migrate away. One day I probably won't even look anymore and will have forgotten about Reddit completely.

As much as I want to move on to the fediverse, there are occasions where Reddit is better, such as finding specific questions that were answered; it’s like the stack overflow for general life. Now I just browse the cached version if I need to search for something like that.

Yep. The Reddit app I’ve been using no longer works so that’s where it ends. I actually stopped using Reddit two weeks before the change even took place because I knew I’d need time to readapt and get away from the platform. I’m glad I did that. I haven’t opened it since.

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I think you meant to post on asklenny xD

Now that I’ve got an app on my phone, 100%. Reddit is just an ad platform these days. It’s sad.

Got some nsfw and philosophy subreddits that scratch a certain itch but it doesn't feel right using the terrible official client. Mostly using Lemmy nowadays.

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Can't enjoy browsing Reddit on mobile without RiF, and won't use Reddit on PC at all anymore out of principle.

long live lemmy

After leaving reddit I realize how negative it was. Only thing I miss is searching up the answer you're looking for that aren't paid ads, but I feel like lemmy can be a viable replacement in time.

I'll be completely real, no.

It's more like it added another folder to my bookmark bar with all of my lemmy instances. I do like the fact that the source code is open source and the overall engagement is through the roof. That's always a good sign.

While lemmy did populate faster than I expected, the experience is not quite the same. It honestly never could be due to the decentralized federated nature of it.

Reddit's mobile experience with patched apps is leagues ahead of lemmy. Desktop is pretty similar though, so all that remains is the size of the community.

I use both maybe 50/50 but my biggest concern is validated every day. The fragmentation is the thing that gets you. It basically places increased burden on the user to manage it. Not sure if there will be a seamless solution to it, or if I have to develop one myself.

No. I have no reason to stick to one platform. Reddit wasn't the only one in the first place. You THINK everything was on reddit, but no, I got plenty of stuff elsewhere.

But I will remove reddit from the list completely once old.reddit is gone.

A few of my communities have not migrated at all, so I check back there occasionally.

Still in its infancy, most of the posts/information i want to search still come from reddit. But the content I'm seeing here so far has been good.

I'm going the supplementation route for now. Reddit official app is not enjoyable to use. I currently have a work around for my 3rd party app of choice. If the work around ever fails and reddit doesn't improve their app, I'm hopeful Lemmy will grow enough in the meantime to fully fill the reddit void.

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I have! I closed my reddit account 3 weeks ago in protest and finally succeeded in standing up a Lemmy instance this morning. Yeah, I am not the brightest bulb but the dimmest either. It took some persistence and going through the dog's breakfast of the documentation of I got it done.

For the most part I have, there are a few subs that i'd like to see here but Lemmy is still kinda new so it'll take time.

I've also dropped twitter for mastodon but same issue there too.

I really like the federation feature like the ability to respond to Lemmy via mastodon.

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Seems that way - I'm not logging onto Reddit most days and the few times I am I'm only spending a few minutes, versus the ton of time I used to spend there.

I was but the loss of Beehaw already is kinda disheartening. They had some really great communities built up

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I haven't left completely but I don't have a decent way to access it on my phone anymore so my usage of it is down by like 95%.

I still go to reddit as a resource when looking up stuff online, but I no longer browse reddit. The only subreddit I consistently go to is the small one I moderate, as it's large enough I can't simply convince each individual personally to move to the fediverse, but small enough that trying to convert would result in negligible numbers here.

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I still subscribe to a couple of niche subreddits because their lemmy equivalents haven't taken off yet. But aside from the occasional check-in, I don't really visit any more. Amazed at how much time I wasted each day on nothing.

Lenny seems like a cool guy, but I'm worried about Stally.

I was looking to leave anyways. As soon as I saw the API changes I shut down my 10 year old, 3 comment account and moved here.

Yes. I used Boost until the blackout (June 12th or something like that). That date I uninstalled it and didn't log in anymore. Then I waited until June 30th just to see if they've changed their plan. They didn't, so I replaced all my comments and then I deleted my account. From that date I created an account first on KBin but I didn't like that they didn't show which server the threads were actually on, so I migrated to Lemmy world with wefwef. So far, really happy with the experience.

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Yes. 100%. Tinkering with my own lenny instance for me and my friends atm. Once "Sync for Lenny" drops ill bring them all aboard so its a smooth experience for the non-tech users. Also this is my first test post form my lenny instance! All hail LENNY!!

That's the goal, but it may not work in practice. I often used Reddit as a place for curated information. So a lot of Google searches like "wireguard server reddit" to get good no nonsense information. I think the lack of population and time could make it hard for to immediately replace Reddit for me, but I hope it will be successful. I'm ML ideology by nature so the idea of the Fediverse really appeals to me.

Gonna be using both for a while I think. Stopped using reddit on my phone after the api changes forced 3rd party apps to shut down(RIP Sync for Reddit). Only using Reddit on my desktop, using Lemmy on both desktop and android (via LittOff for now, will switch once Sync for Lemmy is out!).

I just started Lemmy a couple days ago. I uninstalled Reddit app 3 weeks ago and closed all my tabs. Occasionally a search results in Google for info will pop up a relevant reddit thread, of I think it has an answer I need I will click it. I didn't delete my reddit account or anything tho, just logged out.

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I haven't been back in a couple of weeks now but haven't gone so far as to delete my account. As a software developer, I donated some of my time helping people with beginner programming questions and decided to leave those comments in place for anyone who might find them useful still.

But I think it's fair to say I've moved on from reddit. It's so stupid what they did, but I also like this idea of social media being maintained by the community it serves rather than some faceless corporation, so I don't see myself going back out of principle.

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Every so often I'll glance at r/politics or r/worldnews since following the news was a big part of how I used reddit and Lemmy doesn't quite have the volume to replace it for that function yet. But as time goes on I'm finding Mastodon and Post to be almost just as good for news so I expect to cut out reddit completely before long. The vibe and overall feel is a breath of fresh air, I'm really liking it!

The information on niche subreddits always has me crawling back, unfortunately. I usually access it from, so my usage shouldn't be contributing to their advertising revenue.

I’m trying. It’s seems to grow every day. Went from opening Apollo almost every 10 minutes to browsing Reddit mobile site three times a week tops.

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Not replacing it, I ditched reddit long ago (maybe 3 years ago). I am loving it.

On my phone, yes. I intend to still use old.reddit on my PC in order to keep up with my favorite communities.

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