Texas Superintendent Defends Suspending Black Student Over Locs Hairstyle in Full-Page Ad: ‘Being American Requires Conformity'

stopthatgirl7@kbin.social to News@lemmy.world – 909 points –
Texas Superintendent Defends Suspending Black Student Over Locs Hairstyle in Full-Page Ad: ‘Being American Requires Conformity'

A full-page newspaper defends the punishment high school student Darryl George has faced over his hairstyle.


Being an American requires conformity with the positive benefit of unity

Man, these people always out here saying the quiet part out loud these days.

"If you little fuckers would just CONFORM to how we want you to be, this country would be filled with UNITY."

Yeah, because the only "unity" they want is forcing their conformity on everyone else.

Laaaand of the free ....

♫ Proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free conforming for unity. ♫

.... and home of the most prisoners in the wooooooooooorld.

They’ll say this and then various right wing personalities will say shit like ‘the left wants to make everyone the same so everyone is equal’ it’s infuriating

The hypocrisy of conservatives isn't the worst thing they do, but it is the most frequent and annoying.

Ironic, but unsurprising. They're everything they accuse the left of. The P in GOP stands for projection after all.

I literally yelled the same thing out. lol

The crazy thing is that people still think they're being quiet at all

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Being an American requires conformity with the positive benefit of unity

Tell that to the Texas power grid.

By conformity he just means what the white people in charge want. Not like conforming to rules or ethical standards or laws or the Constitution.

Exactly. Synonyms for “conformity” include submission, obedience, surrender.

Important to keep in mind that the objective of public education is to prepare a productive workforce while conditioning that workforce to stay on its knees.

What a fucking asshole.

Seriously. Texas passes a law, and this guy thinks he can just ignore it?

Yeah, only their attorney general is allowed to do that!

Ken Paxton is the rancid piss stain left behind whenever abott waddles by.

Still I’m surprised it even became law in Texas at all- which kinda makes this asshole an even bigger asshole.

Abbott doesn't waddle, he rolls. But for however else evil he may be, Abbott hasn't been indicted that I know of.

According to the wording of the ad he took out, his argument is focused on length, not style. He explicitly states that the school allows braids, locs, and rows. Then he argues that the CROWN act is very specific about not applying to length.

This whole thing is really stupid. Length of styling of hair, along with clothing and other personal appearance issues, should be considered speech and protected outside of blatant attempts to disrupt an educational atmosphere. All that said, the school may not be acting in opposition to the letter of the law, even if they definitely are in spirit.

or maybe, just hear me out, the dude should join the rest of us in 2023 instead of 1923. It's a waste of time, resources and effort. Literally nobody is benefiting from him making an issue out of something that simply does not matter.

And for the record, he's singling the kid out for being black. I doubt he'd have an issue with a white boy wearing a man bun, or whatever the equivalent would be.

1923 was also during a period of upheaval for freedom of expression :)

To give you an idea of just how fucking stupid this superintendent is -- hair discrimination is illegal by TEXAS law. Fucking Texan Republicans looked at this and said "okay this is way too far".

Having previously lived in Houston for a few years, let me tell you, Texas Republicans aren't terribly bright. Being worse than them takes effort.

What's the point of a law if it's not only not enforced, but literally ignored by, y'know law enforcement!? Fuck you, Texas. Boycott everything they produce!

It becomes a tool of oppression and retribution. That's the point. Welcome to fascism.

Because when you pass the law, you have completed political theater and that's what gets reported in the news. The point of the law is to be able to say, "See, Republicans aren't so bad after all." Nobody is following up on it later until a story like this come around.

If being American required conformity, then why isn't the principal conforming to state law?

He says it's about the hair length and the crown act doesn't cover length.

I wonder if he sees children arguing on the playground and is intimidated by their playground argument logic?

His hairstyle is "commonly or historically associated with race", so it's covered under the crown act. His hair was in a very common style with a long association with his race for centuries. The law doesn't allow for discrimination for typical hairstyles, it doesn't give any leeway to discriminate if the superintendent thinks it should be shorter.

Oh absolutely, thanks for the clarification. His logic just struck me as childish and I was tickled by a principal with childish logic.

I teach in TX, so this is more than just a headline to me. I'm so tired of having students that are scared to come to school because they might be bullied by teachers and administrators.

Hey real quick though, because this dude has been defending his or this schools descicion since last September

Wheres the School Board this superintendant answers to? This school is having an ongoing issue of permitting a violation of federal law (discrimination of a protected class) and allowing violations of state law (CROWN act) to the degree it is in national news for the second time. This same school is why there's a CROWN act to be violated. Either the board is so massively incompetent to miss this and are not management material, or they are actively encouraging it. I wish I had such a level of job security jesus fucking christ. Fucking rich people get all the goddamn handouts.

It's Texas. The school board probably backs this crap.

Probably 100% packed by Moms For Liberty.

You mean Mom's Against Liberty?

Might need to call them Mom's Against Freedom though, liberty is a word they never understood.

The ad was paid for by the Barbers Hill Education Foundation, which has contact information on their website. I sure hope nobody decides to tell them how they feel about this.

I feel that hiring cops that actually defend kids when being fired upon is a conformity rather than a hairstyle. What if his grew only in that pattern. Get your shit together Texas. Your are quickly approaching Alabama or Florida style of embarrassment.

Aw come on, leave Florida out of it! At least our national embarrassment voluntarily stepped down from his presidential campaign, that's got to count for something, right?

I thought being American was about freedom? Right? Isn't that what these folks usually croon about?

I thought America was already past this in-your-face type of racism and was more into the less obvious types of racism.

Maybe I'm right and Texas is special. While the rest of the US is more subtle about it but still have it.

Not trying to shit specifically on America. Racism is a worldwide problem. I just thought America was beyond that type of super obvious discrimination.

If it was really common would you be reading about it?

Yes, racism is out there. Yes, it’s sometimes outrageous. Yes, there are more racists than there should be.

But most racism is subtle. It’s a higher loan rate. It’s not landing a job you’re overqualified for. It’s being watched closely at the store. It’s being treated like you’re older than you are when you’re a child.

I don’t have first hand experience to speak of in this area but I’ve seen it. It makes me sad. People are people. We’re all just trying to get by out here, I don’t know how you could look at the state of things and conclude that it’s poor people of any color making things shitty.

If they’re taking your benefits or jobs, who hands those out? Is it the poor immigrants or is it the ruling class? People are out here so brainwashed they’re blaming people who are being exploited BY THE SAME PEOPLE WHO ARE EXPLOITING THEM for their problems. Damn man it’s depressing.

It’s only even a political issue because that’s a great way to make people get mad at other people of their class.

Racism is a really great way to get the exploited to hate the “other” exploited rather than the exploiters.

Lee Atwater knew...

What a guy. His Wikipedia page is like an album of Republican shittiness greatest hits. Some snippets:

  • Rollins described Atwater as "ruthless", "Ollie North in civilian clothes", and someone who "just had to drive in one more stake".

Then this section has racism and fear of OTHER others! Plus personally attacking somebody’s medical history.

  • Atwater's tactics in that campaign included push polling in the form of fake surveys by so-called independent pollsters, to inform white suburbanites that Turnipseed was a member of the NAACP.[8] He also sent out last-minute letters from Senator Thurmond telling voters that Turnipseed would disarm the United States, and turn it over to liberals and Communists.[9] At a press briefing, Atwater planted a fake reporter who rose and said, "We understand that Turnipseed has had psychiatric treatment".

The censoring in this one is something I had to add myself.

  • Atwater: Y'all don't quote me on this. You start out in 1954 by saying, "Ner, ner, ner". By 1968, you can't say "ner"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.

And the fucking cherry on the top. Things are going bad for me so now I realize that other people matter.

  • In a June 28, 1990, letter to Tom Turnipseed, he stated, "It is very important to me that I let you know that out of everything that has happened in my career, one of the low points remains the so-called 'jumper cable' episode", adding, "My illness has taught me something about the nature of humanity, love, brotherhood, and relationships that I never understood, and probably never would have. So, from that standpoint, there is some truth and good in everything."

Four years of Trump did so much damage to our nation. We were already not doing great.

Yeah, the racists aren’t afraid anymore. For a while, people (mostly) weren’t in your face with the racism. Racism definitely still happened, but it usually wasn’t overt. It was the slow, quiet, insidious type of racism. The manager who takes over a department, and slowly makes all the black people quit one at a time. The HOA president that only cites houses owned by BIPOC. The police getting called because a black person went for a jog, and that’s somehow “suspicious”. The loan officer increasing interest rates for black families looking to buy a home. 12 year old kids being treated as adults by the legal system, and grown adults being talked down to like children.

It’s all still very damaging, but it’s hard for any one person to prove, so the racist is allowed to continue doing it. It’s the type of stuff that requires months or even years of paperwork in order to establish a pattern of behavior. The type of stuff that is so spread out that no single person has enough evidence to prove, even when they’ve all been harmed by it.

All of those covert forms of racism still happen, but it also includes all of the overt racism now. We have legislators who have incorporated racism directly into their campaign promises. We have nazis holding rallies and recruitment drives. America is not okay right now, and it’s going to take a lot more than one or two election cycles to fix things.

I feel like Malcolm X was right and it really would behoove us Americans of the melanated type to just go start our own country.

Maybe I’m right and Texas is special. While the rest of the US is more subtle about it but still have it.

this isn't wrong; I've lived all over the US, but only in Texas did I see blatant outright racism time and time again explained as "well that's just the way we are sweetie it's not racist that's just Texas".

In short, Texas is crazy racist, even compared to the racism experienced throughout the US.

Remember that the reason Texas fought a war of independence was partially because of slavery. Mexico abolished slavery in 1829, and among other grievances, the Guerrero Decree was a BIG reason why Texas seceded from Mexico - slavery made Texas a hell of a lot of cash, like it did for every other Southern state.

Valid point, most texans don't even know it was a primary pain point that drove the Texans to secede from mexico, inciting the Alamo. They certainly didn't teach me when I was growing up there.

Texas has a unique history. Before it was part of the USA, it was it's own nation. And before that, it was a Mexican State. The first time Texas seceded, it was from Mexico, because Mexico had banned slavery, and Texas, being run by cattle barons before it was run by oil barons, did not like that. It became it's own independent State known as the Republic of Texas. However, the Mexican military was quick to attempt to stifle the rebellion. Texas did not really have the ability to stand on its own as a country, but the USA made them an offer to help defend Texas in exchange for being annexed into the United States. The US had not yet banned slavery, so Texas was quick to agree and join the US. Then the Mexican-American War happened.

I think it was a Trevor Noah quote, but racism is the South is explicit and direct, and racism in the north is subtle and indirect.

Maybe I’m right and Texas is special. While the rest of the US is more subtle about it but still have it.

As a general example, Texas and California are almost like their own unique countries in many ways, and are very different from each other.

In California, especially Central and Southern California, so many different peoples and cultures live together next to each other, so those kind of concerns about looks/difference and "the other" doesn't even come into play, day to day.

Texas (with the exception of the City of Austin perhaps), are very much focused on a specific religious mindset and culture, and "the other"/different are seen through a magnifying lens.

Not trying to shit specifically on America. Racism is a worldwide problem.

It's actually a species problem, it's so deeply hardwired into our lizard brains, the " 'other' is dangerous" mindset, but it takes a lot of higher thinking to override it, not something that everyone bothers or wants to do.

I just thought America was beyond that type of super obvious discrimination.

No, we've always just been two countries in one geographical location. It's just these later years that the cultural norms, the unspoken rules, have all been broken, so the truth of things are coming to the surface.

Being American Requires Conformity to an Open Mind, Open Heart, Open Society, Open Cultures, Democratic Ideals, and Mutual Respect.

None of which this Superintendent Greg Poole demonstrates.

Edit: You know what, full on fuck Superintendent Greg Poole. Rules for thee, not for me:

May 1, 2008


Key excerpts:

When Greg Poole was arrested and put in jail this past weekend, he said he was acting as a father and not as superintendent of the Barbers Hill Independent School District in Chambers County.

A Texas Department of Public Safety trooper has charged the Chambers County school superintendent with obstructing the investigation of an accident involving Poole's 16-year-old son.

The teen flipped his father's pickup and knocked over a utility pole about 3 a.m. Saturday on FM 565 near Cove, about 30 minutes east of Houston, authorities said.

The trooper arrested Poole for refusing to make his son available for questioning about the accident, the Texas Department of Public Safety said.

"Trooper Dunn asked him twice to produce his son, and he would not," said Stephanie Davis, Texas Department of Public Safety spokeswoman in Beaumont. "He never informed the trooper where he could find his son."

EDIT 2: Just to be clear, it's not the trying to cover for his son that is the problem to look at. As a parent myself, I get trying to protect your children even if it's poor judgement, everyone is allowed to make mistakes, child and parent alike.

What I CANNOT FUCKING ABIDE is the insane hypocrisy this fuck demonstrates through allowing exceptions to the LAWS for his child that he will defend and go to jail over, while demanding someone else's child fall in line to school guidelines that are malleable and far less rigid in both application and enforcement than any legal criminality. RULES FOR THEE NOT FOR ME.

When you objectively consider all of the information, it looks a hell of a lot like run of the mill racial prejudice.

Kid was obviously drunk, that's why his dad kept him from the cops, so he would have time to sober tf up for the breathalyzer.

Castrate people like this.*


We're on the same page for the 'fuck this guy' sentiment but I don't specifically fault him for poor judgements made while trying to protect his kid. At the very least his son left the scene of an accident, but most likely his son was driving recklessly and/or drinking (drinking is the only remotely rational reasoning as to why a parent would go so far as to go to jail to keep the kid away from police in that scenario). Parents can be irrational when it comes to protecting their kids.

I fault him for being such a piece a shit that he will publicly in-a-goddamn-full-newspaper-ad demand conformity to malleable school rules of someone else's kids, while breaking the law himself to keep his own child from having to conform to society's legal rules.

Look, we'd all do the same for our kids and more, you know that, it's the hypocrisy that's the problem obviously, but I know we already agree.

Wow, a police officer in my town did this with his wife when she crashed into my mom while leaving a liquor store at noon. She did a blood alcohol test the next day, and that ruled she wasn’t drunk at the time of the accident.

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What's next? All students are required to wear white skin and blonde hair to adhere to conformity?

Don't forget blue eyes. Maybe raising your right hand straight to greet higher authority would be a great idea! ^/s^

Conformity to what? That kid's roots are just as American, if not more so, then that of the white principal.

Sort of the joke with these "PoCs need to learn to conform!" You never seen white kids held to the beauty and wardrobe standards of their minority peers.

Kids who show up to school in blue jeans aren't dinged for dressing informally. Kids who bleach their hair or have it curled aren't harassed. Nobody is losing their shit over some dipshit in a dented pickup blasting "Rich Men From Richmond" on his after-market speaker system.

"Conformity" is entirely white-facing.

It's like that dumbass has no concept of reality but what he imagines it should be like. Being American obviously doesn't require "conformity" if you think about it for 5-10 seconds. All it requires to be American is to be born here or go through the citizenship process, literally.

The reality that all Americans should see is that we have a nation of many cultures and ideals that we are free to conform or not conform to. Freedom to be yourself is inherent in the concept of America in general, I would assume for the majority of humans in the world too.

Right wing propagandists have been pushing the message that a mixed society can't function because we "aren't all on the same page culturally." This asshat is just following that line of reasoning, saying that "we all must be identical so we are all on the same page."

Also, bring up communism just for laughs and watch as they pontificate on the myriad ways communism forces equality and how that's bad... Fun stuff...

I am most definitely not on the same page culturally as Those People.

And by Those People I mean fat middle aged white racist pieces of shit.

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"We let you go from slavery, isn't that enough? You should be grateful, instead you're acting up, tsk tsk som peoples just can't be civilized"

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That ad is one of the dumbest attempts at damage control I think I've ever seen.

He spends more time on a soap box ranting about COVID-19 and masks then actually addressing what he's actually in hot water about. It's literally just "The student violated dress code standards and I'm totally not a racist, BUT LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT MAKING WEAR MASKS OVER THE COVID HOAX!!!!!!!!"

America is about unity and conformity

Ok, wear a mask.


Don't worry so much. It's not like he's in charge of educating the next generation or anything.

If you want to know why this school is so fucking awful, this is from the school district's about page:

I guess we can make some assumptions about the school board members and funding sources.

"In Barbers Hill, student educational needs about the benefits of petrochemicals comes first!"

Ah yes, the land of the free

I still CANNOT believe he chose to phrase his justification like that.

One of the things we're supposed to have is freedom to express ourselves however we see fit so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

My parents have a huge "Fuck Joe Biden" banner on the front of their house, and the county hasn't stepped in to be like "You can't have a two foot tall 'Fuck' on public display", and yet this guy gets in trouble for wearing his hair in a manner that's comfy to him???

I shouldn't be shocked because I live in Texas, however, I am. Maybe I'm not cynical enough.

are your parents black?

No, I'm white as white can be. I know that's the reason but I'm just flabbergasted that this kind of racism can still be so blatant in 2024.

Ugh. I really do try to be the "I love humanity" person, but this story in particular just disgusts the fuck outta me.

I wish the George family would open a gofundme for legal costs because I'd kick some dollars their way in a heartbeat.

I hear you.

I honestly used to say I loved humanity. Each year and each observation of us as a species as made me grow more cynical and pessimestic regarding if most people are are "good" or not. The inability of people to not become childlike and selfish was during the beginning of covid was the final piece of evidence for me.

I genuinely believe if they made a gofundme they'd widely be accused of grifting, cause, you know, projection.

Please don't give up on optimism, love and hope though, glad to hear some people haven't :)

I find it hard sometimes, but I do genuinely believe that if humans have a fundamental nature, it's a good one. I think the problem is that the system we live under punishes vulnerability and incentivises zero-sum thinking.

I used to be a real shitty person because of this. I faced a lot of ambient bullying in school, so I trained myself to always have a cutting retort ready for if someone tried to hurt me. I was still a decent person outwardly, but inside, I was turning my heart and mind to toxic sludge. Eventually I realised how nasty my internal dialogue was and it shocked me enough that I committed to try and change, but I don't think I could've made the progress I have since then without the kind of community where I can learn what emotional vulnerability looks like and how to see that as a virtue.

A lot of hateful people seem pretty scared underneath it all. It doesn't justify their hate, but it does make me feel sympathy towards them. I wonder what kind of person they could be if they had an environment where they could properly grow as a person.

Yeah 100% of everything you're saying makes sense.

You sound likea very thoughtful person. Most people are no where near as thoughtful as you are in my experience. Also humans evolved to have a zero sum mentality as we evolved in a resource-scarce world. Now that that is changing for a certain portion of the population, we're in no way inclined to start thinking differently. Some folks are, but most aren't.

You're right about fear and hostility though for sure. Don't stop being compassionate! You've lifted my spirits a bit for what its worth :)

Being an American requires conformity with the positive benefit of unity

We must be living in different Americas. This country loves nothing more than rebellion.

But only white people are allowed to rebel. Didn't you read the fine print?

Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission
Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite
All of which are American dreams
All of which are American dreams
All of which are American dreams
All of which are American dreams
All of which are American dreams
All of which are American dreams
All of which are American dreams
All of which are American dreams

I looked through the article for a link to the ad, but couldn't find it. It is also not linked in other publications. Here is a photo of the ad that I found on Twitter:

Could've just written "holier than thou" and saved himself some ad money. What a sanctimonious garbage person

Holy shit. And how can someone think that mask wearing is still being questioned? Fucking masks make the most sense in the world. Doctors have trusted them for…fuck, who knows how long? A long time. And the technology has only gotten better.

Incorrect mask wearing, sure, the claims of protection can be dubious depending on the mask, but to even bring this up right now is such an insane move. What a dick.

I've thought about this a lot. I think there are three main elements.

  1. People like this will judge the facts based on the conclusions they want, and they sure do prefer the conclusion where their selfishness wasn't that bad.

  2. They're extremely bad at understanding anything that isn't black & white. So when you go into things like rates of effectiveness or levels of confidence, they shut down, and either say "it doesn't work" or "nobody knows for sure."

  3. One of the major benefits of masks is to prevent yourself from spreading infection, and they just plain don't give a flying fuck about other people.

Also, the point that got to me was his defense of sending kids to school because covid wouldn't affect them too badly. Firstly, some kids will be badly affected, and secondly... where the fuck does he think the kids go after school? They go home, where they've got parents, guardians, maybe even grandparents and other elderly family members.

What a dumb asshole.

He's doing that usual nonsense of "It doesN't AffEct KidS lIkE It dOeS adultS" garbage, too, as if kids went to school in a fucking vacuum or something.

Jesus Chris you can't make this shit up. Dude opens with pandemic bullshit in an editorial defending his grade school disciplinary policies?

Talk about rent free. We should mass mail this dude masks.

Being an american requires conformity

Says the guy with the confederate flag in his living room

I HIGHLY recommend people actually click through and read the superintendent's full ad, because it's a gold mine of hypocrisy, idiocy, and not-so-subtle racism.

EDIT: To clarify, the article doesn't actually present the superintendent's screed. It embeds a tweet that has a photo of it. That said, it's been posted elsewhere in this thread, which has the added upside of avoiding Twitter.

I'm always amazed the lengths people will go to justify the needless destruction of someone's life.

This motherfucker paid for a full page ad to scream fuck you I'm right??

Are you saying that someone is acting like a entitled, snow flake?

Certainly. The term snowflake originates from the civil war, snowflake meaning slavers.

So yeah, this racist typical American is a snowflake.

TIL I learned that snowflake means slavers. This further cements that it is nothing but projection with these shit heads.

I'd wager the superintendent also used district funds to pay for the ad.

I’d wager the superintendent also used district funds to pay for the ad.

Paid for by the Barbers Hill Educational Foundation.

the Education Foundation can provide grants directly to educators who have fresh, new ideas for programs that help students not only learn, but remember.

Programs that help students learn and remember to respect authority and conform. Otherwise, no education for you!

Good on you for doing the work that I didn't.

Pool alleged that the family's lawyer said she wants to “bankrupt” the school district and its leaders during the legal proceedings.

Isn't that a Republican's job?

Isn’t that literally the opposite of freedom. Also of our international reputation. We’re weird and unique and that’s good.

Conservative freedom is the freedom to do what they demand you to do, or face repercussions/punishment/violence.

Every day is Opposite Day for Texas Republicans.

It's especially ironic coming from Texas. Texas has a strong state identity and individualism is a big part of it.

As lonh as being an "individual" means wearing a cowboy cosplay and carrying an emotional support firearm.

Don't forget the big booty 6 wheel pickup to drive from your suburb to your office job downtown.

Downtown office jobs take skill. They're driving from one suburb to another.

Amen to that. It's also anathema to our origins. We've always been a country of freaks, rejects, and free spirits. Conformity is unamerican.

It's the Southern notion of "freedom". Meaning you get to rule over others.

This guy thinks we're still in an era where an old white man with a little bit of power can just proclaim something and it will be treated as fact.

Granted, if Trump wins in November we'll be in that era again, but for now...

They should sue the school for sexual discrimination, as the code only applies to boys.

I thought being American required chants about freedom. Turns out it’s about conformity to the will of assholes.

When I'm compelled to chant "freedom,freedom" in a crowd of proud American conformists, I instead shout "femdom,femdom". It subtly disrupts the harmony of the chant and sows confusion and self-doubt.

I wonder how long he looked at the map before picking the hill he wanted to die on.

How the fuck is it not allowed for boys to wear long hair ? How stupid do you have to be?

Not just long hair. It’s long Black hair. Let’s just say the quiet part out loud.

White boys aren't allowed to have ponytails either.

Yup, it's fascism. You must conform to the architypal gender presentation of the 1950's because everything else is some kind of degeneracy of "family values" and "public decency".

You're supposed to kind of forget that the 1950's were pre- shit ton of civil rights wins from sex/race/disability/nationality equality organizating and was open season on jailing queer people, sundown towns, lynchings and so on. It's why Conservatives like it so much, it's back when their hierarchy didn't have to be hidden from disapproving eyes.

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That’s even more messed up but fits the bill.

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Anti discrimination laws need to be updated nationally to forbid discrimination based on hair style. Civilization hasn't melted here in Minnesota, it's not going to melt in Texas either.

They did pass a law prohibiting race based hair discrimination in Texas. The school is arguing that the law does not apply to them because it does not specifically mention hair length, and they're suspending him on the basis that his hair would be too long if he didn't have it styled.

Using logic any practices including hairdsyles that are commonly used by members of a race are covered under racial discrimination, but then what seems obvious to me gets argued against by conservatives with word vomit.

This. Their goal isn't logical consistency. It's to confuse every individual issue to such a degree that there will be conflicting court cases, at which point the supreme Court can step in and rule in the least democratic judgement possible.

Such a strange thing to make a stand against, especially from the punk scene haircuts I remember back in the 80s, 90s. This isn't even super noticeable, comparatively.

Gee, wonder what the real issue is here....

It's school administration. There's no deeper reason. They're just being dicks.

The Olympic-tier mental gymnastics touting conformity in fucking Texas of all places is truly astonishing. I mean, is it personal freedumbs and rugged, short-haired individuality or is it the Stepford state? Make up your gd minds

Here's a complete list of all the times someone else's hair had any impact of any nature whatsoever on my life:

Counterpoint; dreadlocks more often than not smell like fucking shit. That affects others. Groom your hair people.

Every image of this kid has had his dread locks clean and neat. This isn't some hippy dude that's not bathing. If he had a BO problem, the school would just cite him on that.

How many Black folks with locs have you been around? Because they still regularly wash and oil their hair. Locs are actually considered a protective style for Black hair.

That's unfortunately the problem with people you're hanging out with. If their locks smell like shit it will not be better without them, they are just unhygienic.

Same guy will unironically put his hand over his heart and belt out "Land of the free and home of the brave"

Only for conformists, apparently.

I would love to see if someone could convince this guy that his belief in God is indistinguishable from professed, but insincere, beliefs in a culture of conformity.

Obviously, not a productive avenue, but I really don't get how conformity mixes with theology. But theology isn't my thing anyway.

Edit: I'm distinguishing between personal theology and the spread of theology. Clearly, the spread is helped by conformity.

his full page advert starts with "I tried to get a letter to the editor printed on the Houston Chronicle during the pandemic to criticize their guidance, but they wouldn't publish me."

This guy cannot possibly be more of a dumbass, digging his own grave. When the fuck is this POS greg poole getting fired?

I bet the superintendent thinks one of the best things about living in Texas is how free they are... completely oblivious to the irony.

Ahh yes the unity and conformity the United States, current colony of Britain, user of the metric system, who spells it colour, is famous for.

the country that spends the most money on healthcare yet has no public option. the country that still arrests people for weed (in the shitty states). the country that says homeless people just need to try harder. the country that lets you drive at 16, buy a gun at 18, sign up for the military in high school, yet harasses college students for drinking. the country that says you deserve to be burdened with debt for getting an education. the country that says you need to stand for the special song before every sporting event. the country that has far shittier rail infrastructure than 100 years ago. the country that thinks people should earn sick days or vacation at work. the country that thinks it's fine to drug test people as a barrier to employment. the country that thinks it gets to be the world's police. the country that has a famous statue that literally says 'give me your tired etc etc' but wants to be even crueler to immigrants.

I hate to see this kid go through all of this, but I love to see so many piss-baby snowflakes get their underwear bunched all the way up in their throats. I hope they fucking choke.

The American way is dynamism not conformity. The fabric of America is constantly changing and to survive the problems of the future we're going to need creative critical thinking and not just mindless automatons conforming to authority.

He thinks that's why the military academies value conformity. Which shows he knows shit all about the military. We value conformity for target identification and so units can link up and work together without high ranking officers needing to be there. (A pretty big tactical and strategic advantage actually)

When every child at school doesn't have that Hitler Youth look 😤😤😤

I'm not sure why they get to set the standard for what people need to conform to, but somehow never have to make any compromises of their own.

Can we find a page wide ad defending the fact that Greg Poole is a giant douche asshole?

Greg Poole just made one. It's in the article. I didn't read the whole thing, but the gist is "I'm a fascist dipshit bigot who hates America, and I'm so out of touch with reality that I don't know which end of the fork goes in my ear."

Imagine believing that you are in the right about this, while also believing that it's normal for your disciplinary decisions to require a full page editorial.

The whole problem with conservatives these days is that they can't just take an L, no matter how fucking stupid.

This dude thinks his school district is West Point.

They need to get rid of him right the fuck now. It's wannabes like this that always apply the wrong policies for the wrong reasons.

Can't believe this guy's ideological allies paid to put these words into print. This is the sort of parody statement you'd put out to make fun of him.

I wonder if this superintendent dude realizes the can of worms he’s opened up with this ad and couldn’t be any more wrong…

That level of awareness would have avoided him the trouble. He's probably just dog-whistling as loud as he can.

Yes, because the First Amendment clearly states:

Congress shall make no law respecting a deviance from an established religion, or allowing the free exercise thereof; or permitting the freedom of speech which deviates from the agreed norms, or of the press which dissents our ideals; or the right of the people we don't agree with peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government to exacerbate restrictions on my behalf.

(did the best I could for a quick bathroom satire)

Conformity? So then ultimately because the kid is black, he'll never be able to "conform" since Texas has a majority white population. So the guy is pretty much saying that the kid's in the wrong for just existing.

Texas is less than 40% white. But this dude definitely thinks this student is wrong for just existing.

“Ultimately, this is an issue of local control and deciding who should be setting the policies, goals and expectations of our school district,” Poole wrote.

This in a state that banned COVID related mandates by local governments, passed a law allowing the state to interfere in Houston elections (a Democratic stronghold), and took over Texas' largest school district (Houston ISD) - firing librarians and turning school libraries into "disciplinary centers". They also rushed to use eminent domain to seize land for Trump's border wall.

I guess that's the kind of state and local officials you get when You May Have The Worst Gerrymander In The Country

Edit: spelling and added more sources.

Don't dude.. don't make this about "bEiNg An AmErIcAn"... Think of all the high school/college English students who have to write that stupid "wHaT iS aN aMeRiCaN??" essay every goddamn year. Now they all have to write another paragraph just to rebut your dumbass.

Bigotry makes everyone's lives more difficult.

Texans are all about conformaty!

As a Texan I agree. Why don't they have a gun and a cowboy hat like the rest of us?

Yeah because every new generation of americans are defined by conformity. When it comes to politness, queueing in lines, or doing things in an exacting way you always think USA over any other country. and I feel this is not necessary but sic.

I don't think sic applies here, you're looking for "/s" to denote that the preceding is sarcastic. Sic generally denotes that the phrasing/spelling/words is not altered or is verbatim.

oh crap. I thought sic meant sarcastic nad I have thought that for years. now im looking it up.

I love you lol

no seriously I have been going around thinking it meant sarcasm intended something. The worst part is im used to academic papers from long ago and I think now I remember its usage but someone got it goofed up in the internet age.

The internet makes us stupid. Something Awful got that right.

I think you're thinking of sike, which was common slang in the 90s. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sike

Going back to the 1990s, I'm pretty sure we all spelled it "psych," just the same as in the similar expression "psych out." That said, I have no doubt there were different spellings in different places.

Unfortunately, we all did not spell it that way. It was misspelled so often that "sike" became the common spelling. I don't think most people knew the origins of the term.

Obviously "Not!" followed bacause people were unsure how to spell that word.


No I was thinking internet slang. honestly I remember sike as more an 80's thing but the decades. they begin to blur. my brain does things like confusing sic and /s so its a pretty normal thing for me. hopefully i remember it right in future but one thing that is annoying for me is if I learn something, even on my own, badly. I tend to have a hard time not doing it wrong.

The only sic this guy needs is sic semper tyrannis.

freaks like this just love seeing the hope in children's eyes die. my supernintendo was infamous for calling a snow day maybe 5% of the time when all the other districts doled them out happily

**Barbers Hill **Independent School., Big barber Co trying to put the small hair dressers out of business again.

Jokes aside, fuck that superintendent. That's footloose dancing is forbidden level of asshatery.

Sounds like all the students should band together and come in one day with locs. Then the superintendant can be fired for non-conformity.

You just a couple of WHITE kids with the EXACT hair and watch how nothing happens to them

Now everyone gets to see the turtle shell dreads this guy has. Cowabunga dude! 😎

Is this a tacit admission that being American means being racist (according to this asshole)?

I am legitimately curious what kind of hair style this jackass wants from this kid? A big natural fro? Or does he want the kid to get weekly relaxer treatments?

this whole thing is a shitshow. but the dresscode is just bullshit. why shouldn't male read people be allowed to wear hairstyles longer than to the neck?

"Being American requires conformity". Implied: "to ME".

The moment that you let them conform to being "inclusive, accepting, and a decent human being", because most Americans are immigrant (by will or not), and being accepting of other cultures is literally the ideology that built this country.

"ThAt Is NOt WhAT I MEaNt"

LOL, WTAF. I do think sometimes there is a certain portion of the terminally online leftists that have disappeared up their own derrieres, looking for offense in things like not being sufficiently intersectional, and generally playing silly oppression olympics, all aimed at their allies (meaning, only certain people are able to talk about certain topics and so on - it's all so useless and pointless and probably only really results in generating more Republicans), while fascism is organizing and on the march.

Then the right keep doing completely stupid stuff like this, and I really wish those terminally online leftists would wake up and realize they need to stop all the infighting and realize the right are saying the quiet part out loud. They want to make it safe to say and do completely outrageous things to liberals, women, POC, non-xtians, anyone not straight, and so on. I think the leftists that spend so much time on policing liberals/leftists for the most minor of infractions in language or political thought would be a lot better off trying to win the hearts and minds of middle America instead of trying to find reasons to kick out their allies. Because none of their pointless theorizing will mean zilch if the right gets their way. In the most extreme of outcomes, the right will work to murder citizens that don't meet their metrics for hegemony.

Jackass. Hope they get caught in the crossfire next time Texas tries to shut down federal agents.

Homer Simpson’s second rule of the playground: always make fun of people different than you.

Maybe to make sure we are part of the group that is conforming we can make some sort of outfit. And to make sure it's not fake outsiders, we can all have an armband. Something with a symbol on it. That was we can recognize who's in the cool conformity group.

I think i remember that America stood for freedom. Or was i being Mandela'd again like back when people said Pyrocynical had a weird TF2 Pyro skin?

Yes, your free to conform to what I believe you should look, act, and think like.

She's absolutely right.

She just understands America is in actual fact an authoritarian, racist shithole that requires beating its citizens' spirits into the ground so they can be enslaved and exploited for their masters, that's all. And she's being more honest about it than most.

He’s got a point. America is a nation built on strict conformity and following the rules. Without that stuff we could end up like some crazy third world country.