Elon Musk threatens to ban Apple devices from his companies over OpenAI partnership

vegeta@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 615 points –
Elon Musk threatens to ban Apple devices from his companies over OpenAI partnership

Do it. I dare ya. Keep digging. It's fun watching the hole get deeper while you disappear into the darkness.


He's still so fucking wealthy tho

Fine, I say we take every single bit of his hundreds of billions in $1 bills and bury it on top of him. I'm sure that weighs quite a bit

0.63 Empire State Buildings. So yeah, quite a bit.

Americans will use anything but metric as a unit of measurement.

I always hate seeing that, then i remember i've used both football feilds and time to drive somewhere as units of distance. So yeah, we will use anything

Time is a perfectly valid unit of distance. Just look at light years. On Earth, I mostly use the unit of distance me-minutes

Interestingly, analysing distance in me-minutes reveals that spacetime is not flat, because a distant location on the train line can be much closer to me than something 5 km away but far away from public transit.

So how does this man being an executive officer not immediately send a company's stocks into the shitter at this point?

Everyone's too deep to escape.

Isn't the Tesla board made up of his buddies?

The CEO is chosen by the board, which is chosen by the shareholders. The shareholders have the ultimate power, if they can unite on a goal/decision. Overwhelmingly, the only thing they can agree on is that they want to make the most money. They often can't even agree on how to go about that.

So, the board won't fire him because the shareholders won't force it. The shareholders won't force it because they want the most money, and musk as CEO seems to be the best path, or at least not a problematic one.

As for how that can be, it gets into how absurd Tesla stock is in the first place. There was a period where Tesla's market cap (total value of all shares) was higher than the entire rest of the auto industry combined. This was despite having no feasible path towards that level of production, and even growth in general wasn't looking too hot.

"Tesla shareholders are money-hungry idiots" is what I got out of that. They are like Lenny...when shit goes south, they just keep holding on tight, no matter how much worse they make things, until next thing you know Curlys's wife is dead.

(No offense meant to those with brain damage...the poor decisions they make are understandable and not their fault, of course. And I know that phenomenon isn't unique to Tesla shareholders.)

I don't know if this explains the entire price but we have all seen his securities fraud on Twitter.

There's money to be made when you know a company is going to tank. In fact there are people who specialize in bankrupting companies. When rich people commit fraud they don't get in trouble

He's a hypocrite, and a piece of shit. Stop listening to him. Stop reading his tweets. Stop giving him any attention at all. He's dirt under our boots and deserves nothing more.

I use a filter on Mastodon so I can limit how much Elon Musk headlines I see. People love to talk about him, I mean here we are.....but at least with the filter I can tune out the noise most of the time. It's blissful. A shame there's no filters (that I know of) on Lemmy to hide asshats like this. I already know Musk is a POS, I don't need to see a dozen articles every single day to remind me.....

Some of the Lemmy apps have keyword filters. I'm using Thunder, but I know some others have it too. No clue if there's anything for desktop though.

Good points! I’ll have to do the same on Mastodon.

Eternity, Boost, and Connect have a post filter option. Which client are you using? It's Muted Words on Boost.

Gonna find out real quick that Apple is more important to people than Twitter.

This doesn't specify X, so it's probably Tesla too, except I seriously doubt this threat is serious, because banning iPhone integration from Tesla, would probably hurt Tesla sales, and hurt Tesla and Musk 1000 times more than Apple.

I hate apple and yeah, Apple is far more important to me than some porn site (that's what the X's are for, right?)

Not for me. Use neither, occasionally follow a Twitter link.

Me: Hates musk.

Also me: dislikes Apple.

Still me: See's this story as Musk doing another stupid thing to kill more business on both ends.

Finally me: Yessss......this news pleases me.

What does he think, Apple is going to release a keynote tomorrow with Tim Cook saying “ah, my bad, Elon doesn’t like it so we’re rolling it back”. And if he blocks Apple devices from Viewing Xitter, they’ll finally move on to other platforms which will potentially cut his user base in half.

Can we make a global Lemmy compact to stop calling it Xitter and instead call it Shitter?

The X is pronounced Shi in Mandarin

So it is basically the same

I still call it Twitter. I refuse to call it anything with the letter X in it. That includes "X (formerly known as Twitter)".

I'm not gonna click the link (no hits for anything Elon), but the headline says he's banning devices from his companies, so his employees will have to use anything but Apple...is what it sounds like.

He’s trying to bring attention to his ongoing campaign to show that OpenAI are somehow evil crooks that cheated him and are going to destroy the world. He projects much.

It'll get fun if he decides to cut Apple devices off Starlink.

Even funnier if Google also partners with a competitor, and Elon's employees have to go back to flip phones

Self-driving Cyber Phones with stainless steel cases that almost kind of fit, but not really.

And also are sharp enough to cut your hand if you hold it in the wrong way.

The final hilarity would be Elon forcing Twitter to re-enable SMS based tweets, then hackers using it to fake tweets from Elon himself.

Not necessarily, my job used to have a flip phone that the sales team would use for after work calls, and it ran android.

Do people just use the Starlink router without their own firewall behind it?

Never in my life have I ever used the AP/switch function of the supplied router. That fucking thing can live outside my network, I don't trust an ISP to wipe their ass after shitting, let alone keep a router updated.

Apparently they’re just plug and play wifi, you have to pay for an adapter to connect Ethernet to it.

Yah, i had to get the Ethernet dongle before I'd use it.

When I heard about that I thought it was pretty condescending.

Like give me an Ethernet port so I can plug my shit into it without giving you more money for something that really should be included.

That’s like not putting door handles on a car.

I was pretty surprised and pissed off when it showed up and I couldn't find a way to plug in a cable.

On the other hand, it's the best internet I've had out in the ass end of nowhere.

This one is tricky, because Lemmy hates both Musk and AI.

Musk banning Apple devices with how popular iPhones are to use twitter would hurt Musk more than it would hurt either Apple or OpenAI so it just sounds like a win win.

He's saying he'll ban them from his company, like employees in offices. He's not saying he'll ban users from using Apple devices.

I can hate both things, and this move isn't good for either one of them so I consider it an absolute win.

Yes but can you hate one for hating the other when you hate it as well?

Elmo hating Open AI (not all AI implementations just every AI implementation that isn’t his) isn’t the reason most people hate Elmo.

Yeah, I get that. At the risk of overexplaining the joke, I was poking fun at the fact that Lemmy reflexively hates everything Elon does, but in this case, he's actually expressing a sentiment most Lemmy users would agree with.

Musk raised $6 billion in a recent funding round for his would-be OpenAI competitor, xAI, whose first product, Grok, is meant to serve as a politically incorrect answer to ChatGPT. In addition to Tesla, SpaceX, and xAI, Musk is founder of brain interface startup Neuralink and tunneling venture Boring Company.

Seems pretty straightforward to me.

Lemmy seems to hate any new technology, I've noticed.

Personally I've found GPT to be extremely useful as a search engine replacement, especially the implementations that cite their sources. That way you can actually fact check instead of wondering if it's a hallucination. It helps me rely on reddit a lot less to find answers. I love that it's being integrated with Windows. Makes finding files a lot easier, even easier than using Everything search.

Lemmy also hates crypto. They call it a scam, despite the fact that it's now being traded on the stock market (BTC and soon to be ETH). I turned $12k into $36k, just by buying small amounts of BTC every paycheck since COVID started. I buy everything with crypto; there are Visa debit cards you can use to spend it. Crypto gave me enough financial wiggle room that I no longer worry about losing my job. Yet it's a "scam". Give me a fucking break.

Lemmy hates HDR. Every time I mention the reason why I haven't switched to Linux yet is because of poor HDR support in KDE, I get ridiculed. "Why would you want your monitor brighter and more colorful? Mine's bright and colorful enough", failing to realize just how much more realistic "brighter and more colorful" makes an image appear. With a proper 1000 nit OLED display, it feels more like looking out of a window than staring at a monitor. Like going from a black and white to color TV. One of those things that you can't go back on once you get used to it.

And although not a new technology, per se don't even get me started on how much Lemmy hates cars. But I feel like I've ranted on long enough so I'm just going to stop talking here before my inbox blows up.

You are absolutely wrong.

GPT: Yes it is very usefull, but it got that usefull by being trained on data that user's would not accept if they knew about it.

Crypto is a scam, the only reason it hold any value is because other people belive it holds the value. The data that is mined is absolutely useless, it is litteraly a stribg of numbers in a very particular order that serves no other fuction other than to represent itself. Crypto is insanely power inefficient and is slow to transfer money.

HDR is comming, it takes time, yes, in the mean time, HDR is a nice to have, it is not a critical peice of technology, stop bragplaining about your nice monitor and just ignore the threads about why you have not switched yet.

Hating cars is not Lemmy specific, but a growing sentiment of younger generations fewling hopeless for their future when pollution doesn't stop, and public transport is a feaver dream for the younger generations in the US. Just block the fuck cars community and move on.

I would add for crypto (as for the stock market): I am happy for you and the gain that allows you to be more financially serene (which should not be obtained with the effort of a monetary investment: financial security should be guaranteed to everyone regardless of economic conditions or the ability / luck to invest money);

however the problem with crypto is that they do not invent anything new from a macroeconomic perspective, it is only the stock market that has found a new way to scam people, that is:

  • we will call scam any increase in value of anything done to the detriment of another person: the world system is a zero-sum system

  • we will call scam something that given its fictitious nature < such as crypto, stocks, government bonds> has no or very little correlation with the real economy but has the purpose of convincing investors to lend money.

  • we will call scam anything that is created with the sole purpose of earning money through the investment of money (therefore considering the economy as a sort of meta-economy), a game that holds up as long as people believe in it, differently from industrial capitalism, the IT one makes it even easier to produce fake wealth: create ever new and less innovative consumer goods (apps, devices, operating systems, etc...) closed in a walled garden and thanks to "capitalism as a service", sell everything via subscription.

  • we will call scam any product, physical or not, that requires for its production an amount of resources that is not realistic for the capacities of the planet and is therefore not, in fact, sustainable in the long term

The same argument you made against crypto can also be made for USD: it only holds value cause people say it does. I rather go with a currency that isn't subject to inflation. Furthermore, if you don't like the energy usage, then don't buy a Proof of Work coin. Buy a Proof of Stake coin instead, like ETH, and rest easy knowing that you're not harming the environment.

But hey, if you want to be poor for the rest of your life, that's on you. I choose to break free from USD so that I actually have a chance at a future.

HDR has been around for over a decade now. Linux devs are just lazy. It is in fact, a critical piece of tech once you get used to it. Like I said, from going from B&W to a color TV. HDR monitors are not expensive. Even the cheapest Walmart brands have HDR now.

I think I've mentioned the HDR issue in every comment I've made about my attempts to daily drive Linux, but I've never seen anyone get mad about it. It's also not the make it or break it issue that's keeping me from switching full-time though.

Most of the comments about HDR on Linux is

  • "Yeah, that's a weakness of Linux"
  • "Yes, it's being worked upon. Hope it comes soon"
  • "Some distro X has partial support for it"

I've never seen anyone become mad, both on reddit and Lemmy

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Ah, they guy who tried to get Paypal to switch to running on Windows strikes again.

I hate paypal because they're transphobic.

See, I made a paypal account long after changing my legal name, and I made the account under my current legal name. They asked for a birth certificate to prove my identity, so I gave them one. I have an amended birth certificate from when I changed my name that lists both my deadname and my current legal name. When Paypal saw my birth certificate, they changed the name on my account to my deadname, even though the paperwork clearly stated it wasn't my legal name. When I complained to them, they told me I had to submit change of name paperwork to change the name on my account. Well I never changed my name while I had a paypal account! They did! I just wanted it un-changed to what it was before. If I need to submit change of name paperwork to fix their mistake, why didn't they need paperwork to change it away from my legal name in the first place?

Pigeon CEO. Flies in, shits on everything, then flies out.

Or like the one at my house, takes up a roost in a hanging flowerpot and refuses to leave even when you take the flowerpot down to do planting.

(Yes, this is happening right now, no we did not disturb mama bird's nest, no need to send in the feds.)

Wait so will he ban Android because they have Gemini?

He has a vendetta against OpenAI as he tried to take it over and they wanted no part of that if I recall correctly

He was technically a founding member, but left the company. Literally all of this is because he's jealous he can't pull a Tesla and claim all the credit for another tech company.

Wait... that's hilarious. He was part of openai? What kind of fucking idiot leaves that so early? I mean, maybe leaving this year for moral reasons... Sure. But he did this previously? What a fucking moron.

There was some internal dispute and he also claimed it was a conflict of interest with Tesla developing AI stuff. But I can't imagine how any conflict that may have existed with OpenAI doesn't exist with xAI

I ordered a ton of popcorn. Please don't let me down Elon.

This'll end up just like the Microsoft/Netscape Navigator antitrust suit where Microsoft got broken up and sued out of existence for trying to suffocate Netscape Navigator by denying it access to the Windows Operating System. Netscape, originally the underdog, super-won and turned into Mozilla which is now a multi-trillion dollar company that provides a shining beacon of consumer rights done right.

Oh wait, I just remembered: Netscape died and barely anything changed—only the public ever really loses. Billionaires paying thousands of dollars in fines to fight for their turn to shit on their customers.

I know it's a common meme but it still annoys me. Netscape's own JWZ wrote about how Netscape destroyed itself. I have personal experience with Netscape being full of itself, buggy, and forcing myself and all other small isp owners (which were over 50% of the market at the time) to ship Internet Explorer CDs to customers despite our really wanting to ship Netscape.

Yes, Netscape really shot themselves in the foot with their premium browser and then shit in the wound with Communicator. All that Microsoft contributed was forcing people not to work with the septic poo-footed browser, but getting caught up in that kind of detail would have made people stop reading my comment. Gotta farm every sweet little upvote I can get so that my family will finally be proud of me when they print my karma in my obituary.

Musk raised $6 billion in a recent funding round for his would-be OpenAI competitor, xAI, whose first product, Grok, is meant to serve as a politically incorrect answer to ChatGPT. In addition to Tesla, SpaceX, and xAI, Musk is founder of brain interface startup Neuralink and tunneling venture Boring Company.

In case anybody is wondering why he's making a big deal out of it.

As to why emoji feels the need to make his own "anti-woke" AI, it's because he thinks that, at some point in the future, our AI overlords will decide to cull white people to meet "forced diversity quotas." I'm not kidding.


Ah yes, his legendary anti-woke ai

I love how he can't even bigot right.

It's cause he's not the one who's actually making these things. He's just the guy who provides money to make these things.

P.S. if someone could invent a predictive text algo that can distinguish between cause and cuz, that would actually be an amazing innovation. /rant

It must drive him nuts that he's actually incapable of doing all this. He can't actually create anything. Certainly not shareholder value lmao

"Grok" really says everything that needs to be said about this farce, isn't it?

He already removed Disney+ from the screens on Tesla's because they pulled advertising from Twitter.

Wait what? Did he really? I’ve driving my model 3 for 2 years and never noticed Disney+- was missing. Now that I think about it, I didn’t notice it was there to begin with.

Like same fucking day.

Wow. Makes me regret buying the car more and more. Oh well.

This bumper sticker is almost meaningless unless you only bought an early Model S. It was pretty apparent even by the time the Model 3 came out Elon was a gigantic piece of shit, and would be running the company into the ground. Reminder that him calling a rescue diver a pedophile was 6 years ago, and that was only the most public first example of his douchebaggery.

Yeah I honestly have to admit I kinda liked him till that point. I didn't know a lot about him. That was when he seemed like this lulzy shitposter who was gonna get us self driving cars and get something to mars.

in a small mousy voice out of the side of the mouth you can always sell it you know

I heard that mousy voice but sadly I can’t afford to sell it and as much as I hate to say it, it’s a great car.

I mean .... ok ... but you're flying the fascists flag everytime you take that thing out on the road, doesn't matter who you thought Musk was when you bought it, or your good intentions, sorry, womp womp

You should temporarily put a Disney+ sticker on your touchscreen and tell Musk that you hacked your Tesla and still have access to the streaming service.

Sort of. It's there if you already had it. Otherwise it's gone on new vehicles.

My model 3 still has it listed.

Ah ok thanks. I’ll check it out tomorrow and let you know if I too have it or not.

Yes just checked. My 2022 model 3 still has Disney+. And Netflix, YouTube, Twitch.

It’s not on the screen, but if you go to Disney+ in the web browser the app will reappear.

Also if you’ve already signed into the app it stays.

He better not touch Apple Music!!

560 BC - Oracle of Delphi: Croesus, if you make war on the Persians, you will destroy a mighty empire.

2024 AD - Oracle of Delphi: Elon, if you make war on Apple, you will destroy a mighty empire.

Me: Yes, Elon, do it. Do it now!

Who cares about X. Mastodon and other Fediverse services are better.

Also we all know nothing is going to happen.

1 more...

Please do. Keep making headlines for self-destruction.

Do it coward. Keep kicking that bitch down the relevance hill. I want to see that bird's mutilated carcass at your feet so you can look stupid(er) and blame somebody else some more.

“Tim didn’t even ask me about Grok”

I have a theory that this guy tried his own implant tech which terribly failed and left permanent brain damage. it’s one way to explain the sudden and progressing unhingedness

When do you think that might have happened? Because he's been a documented dick for a long, long, longer time than most media give him credit for.

Yeah, this notion that Musk suddenly went off the rails is pure face saving fantasy.

Like, no, Musk didn't suddenly become an idiot. He's always been an idiot. We just bought his hype, and the healthy thing to do is admit it and learn a lesson.

Yup. I remember realizing that he was a piece of shit back in 2018 when he was calling that rescue diver a pedophile.

We just bought his hype

That hype was useful when for cussed on a technology he is helping develop. We should never have listened outside that

helping to develop

This, my friend, is the hype. Musk has never helped to develop anything. He's not an engineer or a scientist. He's a rich asshole who buys his way into tech projects, all of which were either doing fine without him (Tesla, PayPal) , fail utterly (Hyperloop), or suck up resources that could almost certainly be applied more effectively by the government itself if they weren't being funneled into a for-profit operation (SpaceX).

pure face saving fantasy

Yea, it's much easier to fool people than for them to admit that they were fooled :/

he was a dick as far back as when he bought tesla, maybe 15 years ago by now. know someone who worked there back then. said it was a nightmare dealing with musk's ego, even many layers down in the pyramid

It seems more likely you progressed to see who he actually is rather than him losing “it”

This should be interesting.

I see no conflict with hating on both.

It seems a little illogical to hate Elon for hating AI when you also hate it.

That's not why I hate him. Also, he has his own AI, so clearly he doesn't hate it in general, just Apple's.

Lemmy users: Hate on everything that isn't Linux.

Lemmy doesn't hate AI, just dumb implementations of it

I personally just hate to dumbasses who can't understand that it's not HAL9000, it's just your smartphone's predictive text with extra computing power and a better pool of previous entries to draw upon.

…that you can talk to and ask in normal voice about any of your data and get a reasonable answer that even get what you want with that data and asks to do these actions directly. Even if it is just predictive text, it is still useful and mindblowing 🤷🏻‍♀️

Let‘s wait and see if appleAI really has a trouble with that, we can not know that yet, since we never saw that LLM yet… But of course, one is allowed to skeptical

I don't hate the technology, I hate that I cannot chose where and when to use it. Consent is quite important.

Which is apparently all of them

I enjoy predictive text/auto-suggest during chat, Google's old voice-recognition for setting alarms/timers/conversions. OCR is also nice.

You forgot: hate on Apple.

Por que no tres?

The usual, then?

doesn't he use an iphone?

Tizen in the corner: "Pick me, pick me 🥺"

Even Samsung have practically given up on Tizen. In smartwatches, the plug has been pulled, and for smart TVs, it's not updated anymore, because they probably realized that it's a waste of effort

What do their TVs run on now if they aren't updating Tizen anymore?

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2 more...

Imagine doing an antitrust violation when you don't even have the market clout for a payoff in the first place.

I forgot about that angle. That should be an amusing lawsuit. Hopefully it takes another few bi££ion from his $orry a$$.

And what about Gemini and Copilot?

Elon Musk making his team to roll out XOS, a Linux distro with Grok integration...

I wish more people would point out how we totally stole the word grackity thinks it makes him sound smart and well read. Also like he's from the '70s lol

I wasn't born until halfway through the 80s and know exactly where the word is from....but my reading habits tend toward that type of sci-fi, so I'm probably an outlier....

Watching people struggle to choose between the tesla t and the apple apple would be so satisfying for me.

He called the software integration between the two companies “an unacceptable security violation,” and said Apple has “no clue what’s actually going on.”

I’d be very surprised if corporates wouldn’t just be able to disable it in MDM for their worker’s phones. Not sure it’s Apple who has ‘no clue’ here.

Yep, this seems like the exact kind of thing companies would enforce with MDM.

I know one of my previous companies would enforce certain settings were changed if you wanted to install the MDM profile on a BYOD phone (like minimum 8 digit PIN), so requiring you to opt out of OpenAI Siri integration seems like a policy MDMs would offer.

(Though I would never install a company’s MDM profile on my personal phone lol - if they want me to be accessible and have work apps, they can provide a separate work phone)

What are they going to use instead? Windows, which also has an OpenAI partnership? Android, which had Gemini and probably even worse privacy?

Or is the whole company switching to Linux and Linux mobile

Don't think it's about privacy. It's about that he wants money from openai because he tried to buy them out or something, or was involved a long time ago, or tried to get involved, or whatever, but he thinks he should have a big payday from it now that its stock is up.

He was a founding partner.

That left. And far as I remember it wasn't a situation of being pushed out, he left on his own. Probably because he disagreed with everyone else about something.

Ironically with all the hubbub about Sam Altman, it seems like he somehow might have not been the clear worst of the bunch. Somehow.

Switching to Linux Mobile would be a welcome change, imagine them heading a FOSS Linux distro to run on phones

Not going to happen. Elmo is too self-centered to develop a phone in the spirit of FOSS. And then there are reputational issues to consider; many would be opposed to working for the benefit of Elmo.

Hopefully Apple counter-threatens with Xitter ban from their devices

Musk the Butthurt Billionaire whines again. More news at 11.

Yet another childish tantrum? Wow, is it another day ending with "y" already? How time flies...

Do it you pathetic spoiled manchild, stop flapping your gums and actually bloody do it.

lol yeah I'm going to stick to Apple.. As long as Apple cares about security, I'll continue to use their products. IDGAF about Tesla or X, quite frankly.

I'm sure the richest company in the world is super worried about this threat.

No no musk, you're supposed to only piss off the poors remember?

This is so ridiculous. There is a lot of actually creepy spyware (see Microsoft's recall) and this is what he gets upset about? Pathetic.

Elon's temper tantrums still news?

The man boy still doing his things..

I don’t know when the tsla crash is gonna happen, but it’s gonna be fkn hilarious.

This fucking idiot... Welcome to a year ago, you douchebag. You're not wrong, you're just slow.

The great thing about the prolonged Musk meltdown is that he always responds by doubling down. So the more he gets ridiculed, the more he throws these ridiculous tantrums. Won't be long until we're in the drug-fueled endgame

Because Google doesn't have its own AI, and other Android manufacturers aren't also embedding OpenAI wherever they can in modern phones like Samsung.

Oh look, this asshole is trying to start shit with Apple again.

Elon Musk claims Apple has threatened to remove the Twitter app

Hard to blame Apple. I mean, for a good chunk of time that app hardly had content standards at all. It was effectively unmoderated for a time due to bad management.

I wouldn't either, except there wasn't proof this was happening except Musk saying shit.

Bro doesn't think Google trains its own AI with data harvested from Android users.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

Even a broken clock is right twice a day as the saying goes.

Though he's right for entirely the wrong reasons, I'm betting.

He believes a heavily embedded AI integration on iOS with a 3rd party is a violation of security and privacy... because its not his 3rd party being integrated with.

Didn't read the article, what is he right about?

In a series of posts on his social media platform X, Musk shared concerns about whether Apple and OpenAI will protect users’ information.

He called the software integration between the two companies “an unacceptable security violation,” and said Apple has “no clue what’s actually going on.”

He doesn’t know how Apple will use the technology from OpenAI - it’s definitely possible they just license it and run it themselves. So he and we have too little information to judge whether he’s right or not.

And also come on, it’s obvious he is just using the attention Apple’s announcement received to ride their coattails for his own PR, and as we can see that unfortunately works.

Trust me, he’s not even a broken clock. He’d never right.

Just based on what I've seen from other AI implementations (including Windows Recall), it seems like he was at least right that it's a security nightmare.

I'm not saying he said that out of the goodness of his heart or whatever. He definitely only said it out of jealousy or some other self-serving reason.

My broken clock statement wasn't meant to be taken as a compliment. It's the opposite. He's been wrong so many times that I'd gotten used to just pointing and laughing at anything he says or does. And it's gotten to the point that I'm genuinely surprised he actually said something "right" for once, even if it was for his own selfish reasons.

I tried to explain that neither you, me, or him have any way of knowing what you say he’s right about. He and you are guessing.

Based Elon take. Honestly probably some super stupid petty reason or half bake effective altruism bs, but companies should 100% consider products that hoover up ever piece data of their companies data to a preemptive strike to out compete them in the future.

If people don't think googles and openais data collection (including reenforcement learning from product us) is at going to try to the center if market making for those companies they are paying attention.