What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?

zachimusprime44@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 135 points –

And why did you stop watching them?



Still miss him

My interest in gaming plummeted after he passed.

I was also in this position, there is so much gaming content out there but the whole state of journalism seems to have really fallen off.

Last year I discovered MinnMax though and some of my faith has been restored. They are a community funded group of journalists and enthusiasts who run a weekly ~3 hour podcast about games and the industry. They are mature, lucid, insightful, and also pretty funny. They've also been doing a yearly best-of list for a long time which is a good jumping off point if you want to dip your toe in. Definitely recommend for anyone interested in gaming and the industry.

Same here, friend. Still hits me every now and then when I see a Steam game with a recommendation from his curator page. Doesn't happen too often these days, but still the occasional older game I haven't picked up yet goes on sale.

Guy was a legend, I bought Terraria because of him. His voice and style was amazing. Rest in piece!

A big loss. I'm still wondering what happened to his family since then. I heard they got out of the USA?

I've understood the dogs got new owners, Genna moved to South Korea.

What about the kid?

I can't remember hearing anything about him, I also couldn't find anything with a quick search yesterday.

I'll never forget him for introducing me to dungeons of dredmor, the game is the bad roguelike, but I don't know if I ever would have gotten into roguelikes without it

I've never heard anyone else mention Dungeons of Dredmor! That's the game that taught me how much I loathe total randomness in roguelikes. Without it I wouldn't have discovered Dwarf Fortress, Cataclysm, and a host of others where your skill actually matters, so even though I hated DoD I'm glad I picked it up after TB's video.

(And the artist of Dredmor later ended up on the development team of my literal favorite game ever, Starsector. Weird how things turn out.)

This one hits hard. "Gaming YouTube" isn't the same without him, I don't watch many gaming videos nowadays

Veritasium. Over time I realized his content is mostly about flashy half baked "sciencey" content like Discovery Channel. It's meant to get an audience and nothing more. It lacks quality control, and fact checking. I only realized how many errors his videos have when he covered a topic I know more about. Also, the whole electricity thing and self driving car debacle only reinforced my views on his content.

What happened with the electricity thing an self driving cars?

Not sure about the self-driving, but he had a video challenging the idea that electrons in wires that carry electricity. Basically arguing that it was the electric fields themselves that carried the power, which is largely outside of the actual wires.

Not sure if that's the same one where he asked what would happen if you used a light switch connected to a lamp by two wires. Apart from some truly egregious mistaken units (1s/c as unit of time), I vaguely recall thinking it was basically a huge clusterfuck of misunderstandings about what an electrical circuit diagram even is (stuff like real vs idealized components, parasitic capacitance / inductance etc.)

They're the kind of 'Well actually' half true factoids that you never hope to encounter in the wild if you actually understand the stuff. For someone claiming to be enthusiastic about science communication he did one heck of a job poisoning concepts with subtly wrong/misleading explanations that make it a lot harder to explain stuff to anyone with the misfortune to encounter his version first.

electricity works by making the electrons jump through hoops. that video was pretty damn stupid and got ripped apart by every serious EE guy on youtube.

That's a bummer, I still watch him from time to time but accept it as factual. Didn't think I needed to fact check him.

I stopped watching after the Head & Shoulders commercial

His shit got waaaay too long too.

I'll end with haemmoroids if I watch his feature lengtj vids when I take a shit.

Damn algorithm really pushed good creators to ramble and add fluff.

LTT and their other channels. I only watch because of Emily/Anthony. Now that she's not active in videos anymore, I just lost interest and realised that Linus and those two hosts of Techquickie annoys the hell out of me.

I actually still like some LTT videos. I just find the thumbnails off-putting ... so unless the topic interests me I don't typically watch anymore.

I really enjoyed the Emily/Anthony bits too.

I just use DeArrow so I don’t know what the original thumbnails are. Thank God.

Every time I open YT on my tablet I am extremely confused what the shit titles and thumbnails are. DeArrow is one heck of an essential extension.

+1 for DeArrow, sometimes I reveal the original just to see how atrocious the channel will be with clickbait thumbnails.

Anthony was great and so full of super geeky information, hopefully Emily will make an appearance at some point but i fully understand if she doesn't. Internet can be a ruthless place.

I always found the fact that he thinks Nebula is not a viable business and only exists to sell out and get a big payoff says a lot about Linus and his way of thinking.

I fell off LTT once I fell into his massive pile of rich people problems videos. Like, there was one where he was complaining because his WiFi didn't reach to the gate of his mansion.

Yeah, tech quickie is full of great info but they are just trying wayyyyy too hard to be fun and quirky.

Anthony was great, always loved how in depth they were on whatever tech they were talking about.

I like Jake's videos on networking too. I love how nonchalant he is when it comes to certain things that would just never fly where I work. Makes for good entertainment.

Other than them, I like tech linked and game linked to stay up to date on tech and game news.

Wait, Anthony is Emily now? I guess I missed that one. Anyways, everyone seems to talk about them in the past tense which is concerning. Are they no longer doing videos?

She has a video on YT on her own channel about that. Pretty sure the problem is the... negativity against her. She appeared in one or two LTT videos for a brief moment though. And there is at least one video by her on floatplane. But I am not following anything actively so that is the only info I have.

i still enjoy some of them every once in a while, for entertainment value and the crazy stuff they do.

but that whole overworking and treating his workers like shit debacle turned me off the channel by quite a lot.

The 8 bit guy. I loved his retro computing channel and then one day, he acquired a rare IBM computer and promptly destroyed the power supply by sticking a screwdriver into it (if I remember correctly).

For some reason, I googled about this and discovered he's a gun nut. They're videos of him going grocery shopping with his rifle on his back which apparently he does this knowing it will annoy people.

Unsubscribed from the channel and never looked back.

I love guns, but... Bro... Don't do that.

Too bad about him, his passion for old electronics made me interested when I don't have any particular interest of my own.

but it is his right!!!!!


No one argued that?

When somebody carries a gun into a public space like that... That is what is being said.

wasnt this guy found to be a nazi too?

Do you have a source for that? I have never heard this.

no thats why i asked. i remember something about it back when i found out about the guns thing.

and honestly whats the chance of a dude having that kind of attitude towards guns not being a fascist?

Oh, fair enough.

I mean with that kind of attitude, he almost definitely is a conservative, whether he's gone full Nazi, I don't know.

Demo ranch. Started making comments about the George Floyd protests and I was out

AvE started praising the trucker convoys

Shadiversity got super homo/transphobic and also is just an arrogant douche since his book.

Oh it gets worse with Shadiversity. Huge AI art guy, his brother's an actual artist too so it's hard seeing Shad brag to him. Very "anti-woke" and paints his conservative Mormon beliefs on everything.

The worst unforgivable part is the end of his book has impregnated rape victims step up to defend the rapist protagonist because he "gave them" a child, while the ones that didn't get pregnant were jealous.

He loves to bring up that the book is supposed to explore this immoral character. But this isn't the protagonist's viewpoint this is just how Shad thinks the world works. This is how Shad believes rape victims think.

Very sad to see, I followed him for swords and castles but Jesus Christ.

His brother (Jezza) is a great artist and while I don't know much about him I don't think he's anything like shad. I regularly see him cooperate on a warhammer channel called tabletop time and they have videos about women in the warhammer scene (made by one of their female members). So I highly doubt those two have much in common.

Oh yeah, Jezza seems great, from what I know he actively left the Mormon faith and was ostracized by most his family. He uses this experience to be a more empathetic and better person.

All the more sad when Shad tries to claim he's just as good an artist and Jezza doesn't have the heart to call him out on it.

Shad is constantly trying to get one over on his co-hosts to the point where it's difficult to watch. Always has to win. I liked learning about how castles worked a hundred times more.

Same deal with ave. It's fine, his content also started going downhill.

i watched demo ranch for a while but figured it would only be a matter of time before that guy would dissapoint me with blatant fascism apologia. guess i wasnt wrong.

I watched Linus Tech Tips, and NCIX Tech Tips before that. My wife and I were discussing how the level of information was tanking but the production quality was great, then GN released their video a few weeks after we stored watching LTT and I unsubsidized.

NCIX Tech Tips: Special Victims Unit

AvE after he went full crazy

Yeah, wanted to comment exactly that. You could literally watch him become crazier with every upload. At first I did overlook the odd comment, but he eventually went full nutjob and I had to unsubscribe.

Yeahhhhhh, I used to recommend his channel to young engineers and techs because of how thorough he was at explaining the how and why of mechanisms. I don't anymore which is a shame because he was knowledgeable.

Very much same here.

It seems that it's about 50/50 whether you stopped watching someone based on some allegations that came out, or you just outgrew their style.

One that I outgrew is probably Game Grumps. I watched them regularly for years, then one day just kinda stopped.

Shows like that rely a lot on real conversation & stories. Eventually, Dan & Arin had been doing game hrumps for so long they just sorta, ran out of both? At least, not to be able to support such a hellish release schedule of episodes. Too much time together, playing games, means they didn't have anything to supplement it with anymore, so all that was left was the same jokes repeated for timekillers.

CGPGrey. I even listened to his podcasts.

For someone who tried to sell productivity tools at one point, he was very unproductive.

Also, given what happened with Standard and Nebula, I got to say I side with Nebula over him.

Yeah, it's weird, CGPGrey videos used to be the most must-watch of all YouTube for me and I subscribed to his Patreon at one point. I listened to Hello Internet loyally and I was even unhurt about how it ended. I still think he's an interesting guy and would follow his stuff again but he doesn't seem to be doing anything of interest to me any more.

What happened with Standard/Nebula?

I responded to someone else, but there is a reason why Grey isn't a part of Nebula.

his videos started getting sparse/boring

What happened? I've never heard of it

Him and Kurzgesagt were helping to build an organization for YouTubers with the current CEO. The first talent signed on was Wendover and Real Engineering.

Grey and Kurzgesagt were rather inactive partners when they should have been more active and were trying to build a much more exploitative company instead of what Nebula became. It is vague on how they left, but they left and the company became better for it.

Sorry, do you mean the current CEO of Nebula or of YouTube?


So Nebula got rid of him (which would seem to coincide with his drop in output)?, Kurzgesagt seems to be doing just fine in comparison.

I didn't like his take, "solving" traffic nescitates the use of self-driving cars. Can't have traffic without cars, it's as simple as that. We need public transport, not more shit to spend our increasingly scarce money on.

I still watch his main videos (when they actually happen...), but with a much higher degree of scepticism than I used to. And I stopped listening to his podcast (singular...).

My disillusionment with him started with a few issues with his videos. The blatantly ridiculous "royal family is good actually" video. The less obvious but no less egregious touting of Guns, Germs, and Steel. The AI techbroism of his automation video. Then he just killed off the podcast with no explanation, leaving his cohost Brady to put out a note saying "yeah we're just on hiatus for now". Over 4 years ago that was. There was the fact that he sided very vocally with Kurzgesagt in the CoffeeBreak drama, despite CB Kurzgesagt obviously being in the wrong at every step of the way.

Then the final straw where I was no longer willing to say I was a fan of his was when he did a video about some missile silo in America, in which he used the name of a submarine-based missile instead of a land-based missile at some point. Shortly afterwards he put out a massive mea culpa video saying it was a "catastrophic" error that he could not live with himself for, and that he holds himself to too high a standard to let that stand. All while still not acknowledging the problems with those earlier videos. So one nitpicky detail gets a massive hullabaloo and a retraction, but fundamental flaws in the underlying thesis of the video gets nothing? Give me a break.

What drama, and if sided with Kurzgesagt when they were in the right as you say, what is the issue?

Oh whoops! My mistake! I'll edit the above comment to fix that. It was Kurzgesagt who was in the wrong.

The drama was (to copy/paste an earlier comment, because it's rather lengthy):

It started when a YouTuber whose channel is called Coffee Break reached out to Philip of Kurzgesagt as part of a video he was doing into the flaws of popular science communication. Specifically, about some significant errors in K's video on Addiction. Instead of agreeing to collaborate, or even giving a simple "not interested, sorry", K took an instant accusatory tone, claiming CB must have been making a "gotcha" piece. CB and K agreed that they would talk more about the matter to try and assuage K's concerns, but K kept stalling while working on a retraction video, at which time K took down the video that was the impetus for this discussion (shortly after, as one of those aforementioned stalling efforts, having said "I never could bring myself to take it down", claiming it would be "cruel and unnecessary" to do so—funny, considering in his AMA attempting to spin the story, he said "I was really stressed out about the addiction and the refugee video for years. Being finally open about my mistakes and deleting them felt like weight leaving my body."). The Refugee video was also taken down along with the Addiction one that CB was interested in.

K claims to be interested in science communication. But here, he decided to make the selfish decision to do what he thought would protect his own personal brand through duplicitous means. He got ahead of the story that falsely assumed was coming, and put up a pre-emptive response to that. Now, CB isn't entirely blameless. In response to the above, CB put out a rather hot-headed reaction to the whole incident. He didn't follow up with K to try to understand what had happened; he lashed out in anger at K's self-righteous arse-covering video.

And then CB started getting harassed. K called out CB, and many of K's friends (other very large, powerful YouTubers such as CGP Grey and Philip de Franco) made very public statements to their audiences attacking CB. It ended up forcing CB into taking down his video, deleting a whole heap of tweets explaining what happened, and putting out an apology. Perhaps it was an apology that CB should have indeed made, but the need for an apology from K was much, much greater. And one never came. K used his larger platform to spin the narrative so that his large audience, and now also the general public who becomes aware of this, almost all take his side.

Incidentally, here's the video that CB was working on at the time. Hari, the scientist discussed in the video whom K worked with on his video discussed earlier, communicated very well with CB on it.

Thanks for the great breakdown, it sounds vaguely familiar. I remember K's retraction bit and I follow Philip DeFranco. Disappointed he landed on the wrong side.

For what it's worth, Philly D is someone I could have answered the original question with too. Not for any spectacular reason like the above—I had already stopped watching him before that occurred. For me it was just finding his focus was too much on sensationalist pop culture news rather than news reporting that interested me. He wasn't doing anything wrong, it just wasn't right for me.

Yeah he definitely can veer too much into that stuff for a time. I strongly dislike his thumbnails and titles but I feel he has to do that to compete but I do like his content, some days just less than others.

1 more...

I found his video on FPTP Binary political systems video to be logically flawed and I think it ultimately caused more harm than good. It's irritating to see people reference it in political discussions today. That eventually convinced me to stop giving him views.

1 more...

Good Mythical Morning

At some point they got so popular that I just felt like they sold out. I felt like I was just watching 1 giant ad with all of their videos trying to get me to buy something. Also, some of their rants that they started going on got annoying. Seemed like at some point they lost the chemistry that they had together. I just enjoyed watching their banter and them doing goofy stuff.

Huge agree about pushing their merch! They're shameless. I used to watch every day for years but stopped a long time ago; when every episode became a food episode. Their podcast (Ear Biscuits) is a bit better, it's more them talking about things long form, just being 40+ year old fairly normal (if not very successful) guys. They've talked about quitting GMM, I think once their various kids are done with school they'll pack it up (the main show at least). They both have other passions but it's really difficult to stop when you've built a successful, working media company with your childhood best friend, even if they're both ready to retire.

They actually bought Smosh and brought Ian and Anthony back, and then sold Smosh back to them a few years later. That was a really cool move to me and and got them a HUGE pass in my book, they're stand-up guys.

Full disclosure: despite not watching much of their video content anymore I still went and saw them on their most recent tour (about a month ago, it was a gift) and had a great time. They did some of their games but modified them to be specific to my state, did a food ranking with some local-foods, and of course had a couple musical numbers.

Too many to list.

They all either:


Got cancelled

Pandered to a younger audience of which I am not.

Total Biscuit, the cynical brit. He will always have a special place in my heart.

Didn't ever watch his videos but ran into him at a local event where a game dev had invited 60 or so of us to play their game early. I remember him watching over my shoulder (there were only enough PCs for half of us to play at a time) as I went to play the game in my favorite way to play games: incorrectly. Flew a transport vtol and was using it to "boop" enemy vtol fighters half my size into the ground where they'd explode. We would both get a kick out of it every time I managed to pull it off. He was a fun guy to be around, I get why so many miss him.

I was wondering if I would see this name here. It has been a while. Honorary mentions, I used to also watch Jesse Cox and Dodger/Dexbonus.

Both Mr. Beast and Mark Rober. They got too loud and shrill over time.

Edit: Oh and Guga Food / Sousvide Everything. They just do the same thing all over, with weirder ingredients every day, and then make shocked pickachu faces when stuff tastes shit. Ribeye dry aged for 180 days in engine oil? No shit it's bad.

Every Mark Rober video is now an ad. They're also loud and obnoxious, so I've stopped watching them.

I've actually never watched a Mr Beast video. They never came up in my feed.

Mark Rober is a massive fraud. Recently he started selling out to the military industrial complex too.

He always seemed nice, but all he really cares is squeezing as much money out of everything.

The mistakes in that stupid weather balloon video closed that door for me. What a pretentious greedy weirdo.

Binging with Babish - the content just drifted away. He started doing a show with another guy and I just didn't watch those episodes. Then, the content went further and I stopped watching.

Joshua Weissman - he just became insufferable at some point. I liked his older content.

Shadiversity, Sabine Hossenfelder - they have positions that cause hurt to people and that I morally do not agree with and won't give watch time or ad/sub money to. There are probably more here, but I don't recall. They're welcome to their opinions, but I'm not entitled to view them or fund them.

First we Feast - mostly watched it for Hot Ones (the Motz's stuff was fantastic!) but I got tired of Hot Ones, didn't know most of the guests for a long stretch (not living in the US or really consuming US media made me lose track of things). I also kinda got burnt out on the format.

Linus Tech Tips - to me, it just became the arrogant, egotistical Linus show. There was some other stuff that kinda put me off as well. Maybe it's better now, but I haven't watched in a long while at this point.

A number of creators I'm not thinking of - I hate when prescription meds are advertised (which isn't even legal in the vast majority of countries) and how they just want to sell dick pills without a real, non-conflict-of-interest doctor involved when the cause may not even be physical. I worked in healthcare for a long time and that just rubbed me the wrong way, particularly when creators in countries where it would be illegal for them on TV do it (and it may not even be legal/available in their country but it is in the country of at least US-based audience members).

Edit: and the 8-bit guy now, based on others mentioning things, checking other sources, and even checking up a follow-up video he made a year ago. I'll pass.


Oh boy. I do HEMA, and let me tell you, he is not popular among people who actually have any understanding of historical fighting. The guy preaches his own opinion based on vague vibes and what seems right to him, and I think he's even put out some videos saying how HEMA is terrible and wrong. Meanwhile, we read actual historical texts from people who were using these weapons and techniques at a time when it was actively being used, and we regularly train and fight people to prove to ourselves just how effective they are.

And that's without even getting in to the very clear bigotry he demonstrates on his second channel, and which occasionally makes its way subtly into the main channel.

Anyway, as far as bigotry and people interested in swords are concerned, Jill Bearup. I haven't watched her since she did the collab with Tom Scott and as a result her history of transphobia and refusal to denounce those beliefs became more widely known, leading to Tom Scott taking down the collab, and Nebula kicking her off their platform.

Oh boy Jill. I was crushed to learn about her transphobia. And also her cringe book.

Sabine Hossenfelder - they have positions that cause hurt to people

Can you elaborate on this? I haven't really watched much of her content, so I am not quite sure how she's causing hurt.

You can search for her takes on trans people and that will probably, but basically against basic things like gender-affirming care and positing that trans is a social fad amongst youth.

Have dropped Joshua as well since he turned more and more annoying trying to capitalize on memes.

And Linus... well i think everyone that follows/ed him knows about the gamers nexus incident which was just the tipping point after, as you said, he got more and more arrogant

Pains me to say it, but Cody's Lab.

I still catch an episode now and again. It just hasn't been the same since he moved to Nevada.

He got locked out of his youtube income for a loooong time and had a rough time with it. He also had some legal issues that prevented him from doing some of the videos he used to do. I don't watch it as much as I used to, but I still watch some.

I think he spiraled for a good while after he broke up with his girlfriend. Seemed like about that time he went dark, but that could be related

was it related to the time he refined uranium and got visited by the feds? 😂

I like him but his mental health issues remind me why it's probably a bad idea to play around with mercury as much as he did.

Boogie2988. I thought he seemed like a reasonable, unbiased person when I was watching around 2016. Kind of just moved on with my life after realising he was just following YouTube drama.

Have checked him out in the last year or so and it's not looking good for him. The really sad thing is that he could have just taken his money and lived a chill life, but he seems to want a spotlight and to feel important even if it's because people are shaming him for being a washed up b list youtuber.

Most recent thing i heard was that hes pushing crypto scams on his fans and feigning ignorance when confronted with the fact that his fans are losing money directly because of him

Gross. I heard he lost a hell of a lot of money on crypto and hookers, so that checks out.

The Engineer Guy just stopped uploading.

Same with Afrotechmods. TOP NOTCH electronics tutorial videos, he just stopped posting.

Pushing Up Roses, as she explained it herself, has pretty much said what she wanted to say about retro video games and largely does TV now with the occasional modern adventure game review thrown in. I wish her well but I'm no longer her audience.

DistroTube. Did Linux related content who might have an 88 tattooed on his neck by now.

Scott Manley. Similar to PUR, the content he makes kind of drifted out from under my interests; I became a fan of his Kerbal Space Program playthroughs and demonstrations of space flight concepts, but as far as I know now he basically does space news stuff now, which is perfectly cool but my attention wandered elsewhere.

Bright Sun Films. Once again there wasn't a "nope not watching this anymore" moment, I think I just had my fill of Abandoned.

(dis)Honorable Mention: The Escapist. I no longer watch that channel but I am still a fan, viewer and patron of the talent themselves. Their new channel Second Wind is the most hilarious instance of owning the means of production I've ever seen.

Distrotube hits hard. I remember the video showing everyone his collection of increasingly larger guns was the checkout moment for me. Even saying one of them was great for kids. As a non American maybe I just don't get it.

Distrotube, Luke Smith, and Mental Outlaw all give me bad vibes. Shame they're (minus distrotube) at the forefront of OpenBSD youtube content.

Yeah, I've dropped DT and Mental Outlaw. As for Luke Smith, I'm going through some of his older, purely technical videos about vim, grep, sed, awk, etc. and that's it. I'm dropping him too after that

The engineer guy recently uploaded a video on duct tape. I liked it a lot

He has published his audio book about the airship R101 under a creative commons license, if you haven't seen that yet I'd check it out.

Binging with babish. I am still subscribed but I find myself interested in fewer and fewer videos. The channel started as recreating meals from tv shows and still is that to an extent but naturally he's run low on things to do. They've added other aspects that I just don't care for like anime with Alvin. I just don't watch much anime. I also feel like there is just less content.

Another is Joshua Weissman who used to do fermenting videos and curing etc. Now I feel like I just watch him make some bread buns and then he makes a sandwich. He's made 100 burgers by now. Who cares. I enjoyed some other series he did like "but faster" or "but cheaper" but they always seem to end after a few episodes and he moves onto something else. I feel like I learn stuff from his videos but just when I'm getting a feel for a topic like fermenting he moves on.

When I was doing the cliche sourdough deep dive during the height of covid lockdown, I really enjoyed Joshua Weissman's videos about it. He was a little silly and very informative.

Everything I've seen in the past couple years have been off putting. He tries WAY too hard to be 'funny' and it just comes off as smarmy.

That Canadian tech guy. The channel has some good content, but that whole drama with the ex-employees, even without knowing the whole story, stinks of a toxic workplace, and I don't want to support that. Plenty of other good tech-related content that I still follow - Level One Techs, Gamers Nexus, Hardware Canucks, Hardware Unboxed, JayzTwoCents.

Fro Knows Photo - used to have some good content years ago when I watched it, but started becoming more and more annoying, with clickbait thumbnails on almost every video.

SMoD - a good source for getting to know new/unknown bands in the doom/stoner/sludge metal realms, but unsubbed after the scandal.

Rooster Teeth. They stopped being watchable a few years ago. Now they're gone. Never sell your baby to a giant, faceless corporation or it will either die ugly or be mutated into a cancerous abomination.

Same. I'll occasionally download some of their old podcasts if I'm flying and just need something to pass the time, but their new stuff was dull. It's a shame that it ended the way it did.

Well a lot of the old guard left and all the new "talent" sucked ass. Mostly I just liked RvB until it outlived itself.

Another vote for Binging with Babish - though my interest waned when he started going from "hey, I could try making that!" to episodes requiring ever more complex and expensive niche machines (e.g. dehydrators), I completely lost interest around the time he started doing the "going round buying folk things" series. Never really got back into it, unsubscribed after a while.

Bon Appetit was great, then everything happened, many folk changed (for good reason) and it just lost the appeal for me. I've watched some of the spun off channels, but some of the appeal for me was the interactions.

I used to religiously watch everything Shut Up and Sit Down put out, but found myself watching less and less over the last few years - turns out, they changed primary content creators and editor (if I understand correctly) around that time, and announced that they did so recently. Still watch occasionally, but it's a very subtly different style that hits less reliably for me. May also be related to me managing to play fewer boardgames, lately.

I stuck with Babish through his expensive weird era because I still felt like I was learning something about cooking, even if i couldnt make his three day Troy pizza casserole or whatever. I still felt like I was becoming a better cook. Recently he switched up his editing style to less voice over, hands only content and more click baity listacles, and more videos where hes messing around in the kitchen. I liked watching the hands only stuff because I could see what he doing, and there wasnt any emphasis on his face, so there less emphasis on his personality, and therefore I felt a little less intimidated as far as trying it myself. The voice overs were also really concise. The end result was also really light weight, and felt like a recipe that didn't have all the SEO "my grandma taught me how to make this cake before she died" garbage.

Alvin is still making videos in the classic "Babish" style on the Babish channel, and I still watch the vids Andrew puts out in that style, but if i can see his face, I wont even click on the video.

I don't watch babish because he stopped making the videos about a food in a show or movie.

Watched a lot of Binging With Babish and just got tired of his schtick I think. Same with the How To Drink guy.

To be fair, its probably pretty hard to stay ahead of the curve when your format is limited to "guy in kitchen / bar makes food / drink from relevant pop culture series / movie"

That said, completely agree on Babish. Dude tried to grow his channel way too aggressively and burned out I think. Went from uploading a main video every week to showing up once a month at most, with regular uploads mostly featuring other people.

EEVBlog. The guy is a brilliant electrical engineer but his arrogance prevents him from realizing that his electrical engineering intelligence doesn't translate to other unrelated subjects. I tuned into a live-stream of his once and he started to discuss international geopolitics. His views were ill-informed and half-baked at best. When a couple of viewers (not including myself) simply requested he change subjects, he became indignant and started telling people not to tell him what to do on his own YouTube channel. He eventually told his viewers to leave if they don't like what he had to say. So I did. I have not watched one of his videos since. I did watch Adam Something's witty rebuttal to his video that reviewed and criticized one Adam Something's videos.

Adam Something is a favorite of mine.

Adam Something is pretty good. Sometimes he gets finer details wrong, but overall, he's worth watching.

Absolutely this. AvE had exactly the same thing happen but Canadian and with tools. Now they're both just too political for me to put up with sticking around for the technical stuff.

I'm not Australian and I'm not Canadian, so if I'm watching a technical video why do I need to know their political opinions?

Oh god i watched that guy for quite a bit and he always made weird remarks about things he doesn't like in a weird way and conspiracy theories that were just "jokes". Then he went full right wing asshole.

AVGN... Is a corporate now and the guy is just a failed movie director that is stuck in the one thing that made him popular so he just doesn't put the passion on it anymore.

And his last 3 year of videos are TERRIBLE.

While some of his stuff interested me, the whole shit / diarrhea ″joke″ shtick put me off right from beginning.

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Out of interest, have you seen hbomberguy's recent video on plagiarism in YouTube and the section on AVGN?

for a second there i thought you were talking about AVNJ (the fish biology guy) and was immensely worried lol

Even it was AVNJ, you shouldn't let some random strangers on the internet ruin things you like. Every one has a skeleton in the closet but if you like the videos, watch them.

I stopped watching when i read that he's just the "actor" now. Now i watched two of his recent videos and they were way better than i expected. Not great, but it's not like it went full unwatchable garbage. I can see someone discovering his new video and go way back to see more. So i guess it's not that bad.

It's kinda sad t h at they seem to never to be able to make an actual good movie.

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He used to be a bulwark against idiocy and koolaid drinkery, advocating for calmness and common sense.

...and then he called Justin Trudeau a Nazi and bought into vaccine skepticism.

Yeah I noticed the same thing and I also don't watch that channel for the same reason. I used to watch every video! Then he started saying weirder and weirder shit haha

Contrapoints and PhilosophyTube were two big ones. I'd still watch Carlos Maza if he produced anything, but he hasn't in like two years, so...I'll include him, too.

Contrapoints and PhilosophyTube were two big ones

Care to share why you stopped watching their channels? Because without context, the only potential reason that comes to mind is that they're both trans women...

That's not exactly wrong, but it's not the only reason. I've never been particularly interested LGBTQ+ issues, and Contrapoints's transition first was kinda like, "K, I'm glad I'm learning about this stuff, I guess, but I have other interests." After all, what drew me to both in the first place were their philosophical analyses and how they applied it to social issues. They were important to me for how they showed me how philosophy can be used, as opposed to DarkMatter5555 (I think that's his name. Also, add him to the list), who I also used to watch, but that dude never grew out of the same stale template of animating god and the angel and regurgitating the most basic atheistic ideas.

So, my purpose in watching them was to learn how to apply principles to reality with a little learning along the way. But when they started focusing in on their transition, I just dropped off.

Contrapoints’ latest video is a very good one you might find interesting. It’s sort of a PhD in video form, very deeply researched. The topic is heterosexuality, framed through the Twilight stories. It’s long and pretty meaty

King of Random til he died, veritasium, john greene and his brother, and that goofy dude that likes to play dumb around electricity

that goofy dude that likes to play dumb around electricity

You're probably talking about Electroboom, but also check out StyroPyro. Especially now, guy needs the views, he's going through some serious medical issues. Probably my favorite YouTube channel that exists.

And Photonicinduction! He uploads rarely but every video is great.

He seems to upload every other leap year or so. :D

I actually didn't realize that KoR died because I gave up on him a few years before that when he and his wife put out that stupid video where they were denying they were doing click bait shit in a video with the same problem. It was just a bunch of whiney bullshit that showed he wasn't what is signed up for anymore.

Was rather surprised a few years ago when I went to watch some random video and it was all new people. Still not very interesting.

MatthiasGaming: I felt like when he got bigger his personality changed, it almost became like a show/fake persona.

Arumba: Became a cranky unhappy person unfortunately..

A fewl (I don't want to give a platform): Became angry biggots:X

Jesse Cox/Pewdie Pie/Markiplier: outgrew the sense of humor/entertainment.

TLDR: Usually some change in personality alienated me.

In terms of the gaming ones you listed I only watched markiplier. Specifically the FNAF stuff. That was a lot of fun almost 10 years ago when it was novel and new. But now the genre is so played out and the whole “scariest game scream at the camera” thing, while maybe based on something genuine then, became obviously forced and annoying after not that long.

Two Best Friends Play / Super Best Friends. Because some of them stopped being best friends and only pushed forward through a professional working relationship until even that became too strained for them to continue. 😥

man, that was such a bummer. when they got along well, they had such amazing chemistry. People change. sometimes it's good, sometimes it sucks.

Dr. Disrespect, there was a couple year period where the insane, over-the-top masculinity shtick was entertaining to me. Eventually I drifted away from the games that brought me to him in the first place.

Very recently, news broke that he had sexually explicit conversations with a minor on twitch.

Lindybeige was a formative part of my early nerd life. Unfortunately he's a conservative and it's a big part of his personality. I do totally agree with him about the British pound being superior to the decimalized euro though. I would literally beat someone to death if it would give me the opportunity to rearrange the values of dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies into something based around a highly composite number like 240 or 360

Absolutely. I never cared for his political stuff. Get that shit out of here. Just geek out on historic stuff, but please no more misogynist social darwinist garbage...

@ThisIsAManWhoKnowsHowToGling look at what they took from us

@Fundamentallylazy @ThisIsAManWhoKnowsHowToGling
Okay, that chart is, like, 5 difference systems of measurement pretending to be one unit of measurement. The imperial system is bad, but it's not quite as bad as that chart.

That said, I like how most imperial units are at a scale that feel nice. Like, most things you measure in feet are no more than 10 feet long, most things you measure in yards are less than a dozen yards long. Also, it's nice that at 0° F you know road salt isn't gonna work.

@Shkshkshk @ThisIsAManWhoKnowsHowToGling I work in the US for a company that has mostly European presence, and one of my key software tools was written for metric units, and they decided long ago not to bother properly supporting imperial units. So I am always looking for good conversion charts for our US production; this is by far the most intensely cursed chart I have found.

I get really close to pressing the button for anyone who is talking of anti-corporate speech or pro-privacy then goes into joining their Discord chatroom to slap you in face with hypocrisy.

I watched an Irish tech reviewer because I wanted to support local, he was decent and would have relevant info regarding pricing and release windows.

Noticed he was getting abit whiny and doing some oddly focusef videos but I made no conscious decision to stop wtching.

Remembered him a few years ago and he is gone fucking nuts with this mad US centric Trump conservative nonsense. It is honestly nearly laughable only for it is so aggressively hateful.

Most beauty "influencers"

I watched them before they were "influencers", and then I couldn't trust the products they were using or recommending.

Tobuscus was goat but then he got accused of something by his ex or whatever, never cared much about it, but he disappeared and now he just writes books or something. He was one of the old school GOATs next to MatPat, Markiplier, ERB. Sadly missed.

The hot wings first we feast channel

It's entertaining but I got tired of the premise

I feel like, if they ditched the hot wings, it would still be a good interview.

I get what you're saying, but the eating and the spiciness of the wings actually contribute to the quality of the interview.

  1. Eating a meal with someone is disarming and contributes to the relaxed, ungaurded nature or his guests.

  2. Consuming spicy food, particularly extremely spicy food or spicy food in great quantity releases endorphins which.

So while yes the eating/reacting to how hot the sauce is does interrupt the flow of the interview somewhat, it does help him get good/candid answers for his guests.

So while his research team is outstanding and he's a talented interviewer in his own right. The hot wings do serve a role in the interview as more than a clickbaity gimmick.

After the DJ Khaled episode I knew nothing else would be as entertaining for me so I stopped there

Eh, I’d argue the recent Conan episode is pretty insane and hilarious. Much more so than Khaled.

The DJ Khaled one was him just completely embarassing himself unintentionally. Funny because he's so full of himself. Conan's was funny, but you knew it was going to be before watching because it's Conan

Yeah, but you already knew DJ Khaled's was going to be stupid and embarrassing before watching because it's DJ Khaled.

I was into the ThatGuyWithTheGlasses community about 15 years ago, I watched NostalgiaCritic every week, and tye Spoony Experiment often as well as some other channels.

When Doug killed his NC character and tried to start a new series with a character based of a failed movie director, I stopped watching, then I saw a video about the drama at tgwtg and lost all interest in the team.

I have watched one or two video from them since when NC was revived, but it is completely uninteresting now.

Around that time i was in a hospital and was bored to shit. I watched every one of spoony and Doug's videos. I loved it, it was the only thing that kept me entertained, because i was awake most nights. I knew it was flawed in many ways, and doug kinda refused to make the jump to youtube or something and i just stopped watching and kinda assumed his project died. Only last year i found out that he made several movies and a gameshow and all quit like 4 times. So i watched his movie, that looked really bad and thought: what does a movie look like from a guy who made it his career to nitpick about movies. It's really bad. It's so bad. It's not funny bad, i felt bad watching this movie. He hasn't evolved as a person, his film making qualities have not improved at all. All his stuff looks like he's still using the same camera. I had fever one day and watched his game show, this gave me the worst fever dream imaginable. The next day i was convinced that shit was not real. Then i read up about how hi kick started all this stuff and wondered where the money goes. This stuff is truly bizarre to me and i think that would actually make a good move that is not made by him.

Forgotten Weapons: Used to have videos on very cool old guns with interesting historical backgrounds and whatever. Then he made a series of selfish decisions that demonstrated what kind of person he really was, and I no longer had any interest in even helping him through the algorithm.

made a series of selfish decisions that demonstrated what kind of person he really was

What'd he do? I also used to watch that channel some time ago, but just kinda ran out of interest and stopped. Seems like I've missed something important

Off the top of my head:

-Sold a bunch of merch that was comically oversized and left everyone stuck with unusable product.
-Tried to arrange a deal under the table on an auction gun he got a look at before it went up.
-Doesn't help his teammates reset stages when at a shooting competition.
-Failed to stand up for Karl when ARFCOM was making up lies about him.
-Failed to give IRTV credit for organizing a 2GAC match, when that's basically the only request they make for media.
-Took on Lucas Botkin as a sponsor.
-Copy-pasted brutality rules for his own spin-off match after falling out with Karl, and doing such a poor job he left in references to the venue or IRTV (I can't remember which).
-When asked why he was selling merch with a picture of himself that he hated, shrugged and said "money."
-Treats his wife more like "the help."
-Generally just thinks he's better than you and you don't deserve his respect.
-Abuses copyright takedown requests.
-Removes comments critical of him on his YouTube channel but claims doing so for other people was not possible (Karl, when ARFCOM happened).
-Has expressed deep distain for his own audience.

There's more but that's all I can remember right now.

Edit: I should say that he's generally pretty good at keeping this stuff out of the public eye, these are mostly only things you hear if you know the right people.

I am sad to read this, his channel is so nice because he presents firearms calmly snd friendly.

I stopped watching the channel when he started doing a lot of gun matches instead of talking about the mechanics of guns.

I did wonder why IRTV seemed to just fade away, sad to hear about the falling out.

Like all people in media, his on screen persona is just a character, sad to hear that he is a dick outside of the camera.

Yeah, sucks doesn't it?

He's had to fill in with match footage because he lost access to the auction house guns after trying to set up that deal. He has access to a lot fewer old firearms these days.

Karl is still making videos, but Ian is not a part of IRTV anymore.

That explains so much, I have been wondering why Ian suddenly started talking about more modern and common guns, but never saw the drama.

Thank you for filling in the gaps.

We used to watch a lot of game theory. Really enjoyed the over analysis. Stopped part way down the 5 nights at Freddie's rabbit hole when all the drama started.

what drama?

i know the host stepped down and it just wasnt the same.

I remember crying videos about people being mean. It was a few years ago I don't really remember any details.


Crazy-Russian-Hacker was one of the first ones I saw. I remember one of the first things I searched on YouTube or the internet was "science experiments" and he had some pretty interesting ones back then. Later though he went on doing product and MRE reviews then I stopped watching him after a while.

Mrwhosetheboss. Dude seems like he sniffs a line before every video. I'll probably need to watch one of his videos right now to explain more reasons but it's just not something I would like to watch now.

All gaming YouTubers, except for Byze. I can’t stand screaming every 5 seconds for no reason anymore. I’m getting old

there are some gaming youtubers that i follow that doesn't scream a lot. beelz, aliensrock, superautogaming, the backlogs. though i guess it really depends on the type of games they play. and i agree about screaming, the moment they get their voice loud enough for no good reason i unsubscribe lol

erhoslab is still around, last i checked. nice guy, nice voice, no screaming.

Day9. Though I just rewatched a funday Monday from episode 200 or 300 and it was just as amazing and fun as it was back over a decade ago.

I watched newer stuff he still seems to be a great guy.

I've never watched day9 regularly but whenever I do it's a joy. he seems to be a great guy indeed, and afaik never has been in any kind of YouTuber/streamer drama or anything.

Love Day9, have been following him since the dailies, with Monday as highlight of the week. Stuck around for Mostly Walking, which he still does. Also, at least once a year I rewatch the three VODs of Day9 teaching itmeJP The Build, The Pause, and voidrays… gets me everytime.

Something kind of ironic, is that a lot of the YouTube channels I used to watch have at some point had some pretty terrible things come out about them, mostly after I had already stopped watching them. Boogie2988, Mini Ladd, GeePM and Rooster Teeth are some of the ones I can remember.

For Boogie and Mini Ladd, I don't remember the specific reason I stopped watching them but I do know that I stopped watching them well before all of the information about them was released.

For Rooster Teeth, there was only two things I watched them for and that was Fails of the Week, which they silently canceled and never gave a reason why, and the other was RWBY which they decided to move it from YouTube to their own website which was so terrible that the episodes would have severe buffering issues at 240p. I don't remember what the last volume was that I watched but I know I never watched everything.

For GeePM, I watched him pretty much up until the day when he tried to cancel Vinny (Vinesause). In response, people were quick to bring out information about some pretty terrible things that GeePM was doing behind the scenes. I don't think I've ever seen a YouTuber just completely vanish from the internet that quickly.

I know for sure that there are more but those are the ones I remember the most and think they are the most notable.

What terrible thing came out about Rooster Teeth?

There was a few things, I can't remember all of the details but here's what I remember:

The CEO was arrested for abusing his wife.

One of their content creators, James Ryan Haywood, was accused of having very inappropriate interactions with multiple fans. Some of which being of questionable age.

There were also staff members who alleged that there was a toxic work environment. I don't remember if it was misogyny, racism or both.

Then there were allegations that the team that worked on RWBY were severely underpaid, with most of them not getting paid at all.

Just mentioning this here because I literally can't see @Duke_Nukem_1990@feddit.org's comment while signed in and hoping they'll see this.

Duke, you've accidentally mislabelled all your comments as being in German. This has the effect that anybody whose account is set to say which languages they speak, but hasn't included German in that list, won't be able to see your comments.

On Jerboa it shows up saying "There is no record of this comment"

On lemmy-ui (the default web UI) it's way worse: it doesn't show your comments, and it doesn't show any replies to you either. It shows a "load more replies" button, which spins for a couple of seconds before failing and still showing the load more button when you click it.

Urgh that's annoying. I am using Voyager and can't even choose the language of the comment.


Ha. Thanks to the user tag I can see this one from my inbox but if I click through...nothing.

Anyway, that's unfortunate. Is Voyager being actively developed still, and are the devs responsive to feedback? May be worth filing a bug report with them if so.

Same on my end, that's why I included it :D

Afaik Voyager is still being developed yes. However I was also unable to change the language of the comment in Jerboa. I can change my general language in the web ui tho. Urgh. No idea.


I’ve forgotten who but I know one of their content creators was accused of either grooming or at least having inappropriate conversations with a or potentially multiple minors.

James Ryan Haywood did some penis crimes at Rooster Teeth conventions. Basically a dozen variations on "not technically rape." With fans, of questionable age, on the company dime. As soon as credible accusations arose, his ass was gone, and the rest of Achievement Hunter had exactly one emotional-and-drunk livestream to say they were never going to acknowledge him for the rest of their lives.

His whole personality on-camera and in-game turns out to be really close to how he sincerely acts and thinks. He was not playing a heel.

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Used to religiously watch a guy that played the same video game I was into. He was incredibly good at it, well-known in the game's community, did how-to guides, build guides, super nice, just wanted everyone to have a good time, wanted everyone to excel in the game, good-natured, just an all-around awesome dude, etc.

Then I dunno wtf happened, but 9 years later he's become a total fucking elitist asshole who does nothing but complain about the game and the gaming studio, doesn't seem to give a shit about the little guy just trying to learn the game anymore, it's like he did a 180 in personality and now has a "git gud" mentality. He made a video of him declaring that he was leaving the game, and he did, for like a month, then promptly returned once his viewership clearly went down. I unsubscribed at that point. He became a total whinebox bitch and I lost all respect for him.

I watched RocketBoom until suddenly they ran out of money. I don't know what happened but it seemed like they were on the up and up. They even did videos with Sesame Street. If that isn't a solid endorsement...

Then one day it was announced it was over.

HAWP, DayJobOrchestra, BadLipReading, YourGrammarSucks, LTT

Also, I do not reliably watch YouTube.

As far as I know, BLR is fine they're just not super active.

I still wish their GoT "Medieval Land Funtime World" BLR was a real thing.

Epic Meal Time and Pure Pwnage

Any of them actually make content anymore?

EMT does but its not the same. Show got repetitive, so I guess they changed it up, but its crap now.

Thanks! I honestly felt it got repetitive after just a few videos..

Breaking points, their geopolitical analysis is out right misinformation

Any good examples off the top of your head?

Stopped watching after early ukriane war coverage.

Who do you watch now? I thought Breaking Points was ok.

Kinda moved away from milenial political talking heads after them.

They turned out same shit as boomer teeveee jisr packaged for modern audience.

Fediverse comment section under fake new articles provides better coverage imho.

I've been watching Majority Report with Sam Seder. Watched Breaking points since they were on the Rising with The Hill. Something just started to slowly change with them when they broke off. There's the constant Ad's (which is understandable, but was excessive), segments hidden behind a paywall, personalities started to change after surgery then Kyle Kulinski got heavily into the mix including romantically. I don't know, just seemed the show started to take over the lives of the hosts, Sam and Emma have been a breathe of fresh air on Majority (even when Emma drinks a little too much lol). The show is their job and Sam is pretty professional, decent daily live show with clips of segments also being uploaded.

Northernlion. He's still a cool person in my books, but the moment he started actively trying to maximize revenue is when he began to lose his appeal to me. Nick's - RockLeeSmile's - departure was the first warning bell, but I stuck with him for a long while after that.

I completely get it, though - he wants to ensure a good future for his family.

I'm still subscribed to him, but I have definitely not been watching him as often as I used to, and I couldn't exactly say why. I will say that The Library of Letourneau scratches the itch when I have it because it's just edited content of the best parts of NL.

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Stephen Hawes

He made really cool electronics projects and I used to be his patreon. Now he started a company that makes pick and place machines and all of his videos are exclusively about that. No more cool projects.

Alexandre Chappel

He is a very good maker and designer. He used to make videos about different interesting projects until he bought an apartment and started renovating it himself. Similarly to Stephen's, all of his videos are about that now. No more interesting projects.

Unfortunately that's a lot of Youtuber's. Start out small, do a lot of interesting stuff. Then "go big" with a project

Quite a few, but off the top of my head, SecondThought. I really enjoyed his accessible antiwork/breadtube video essays for a while, even though they got a little repetitive. It was really hard to find good anti-corpo information.

I'd even watch them with my wife and they'd feel somewhat galvanizing right before heading off to a really crappy job I was stuck in.

What did it for me is when he got kicked off Nebula for his comments on a podcast, where he basically went full tankie and joked about the situation with Israel/Palestine, basically saying all the murdered Israeli civilians "deserved it."

I refused to let myself be influenced anymore by worldview of someone who would view other human beings in such a way. Apparently I was even late to realizing it. It's a gross feeling.

If it makes you feel any better, I was even later than you to stop watching. I didn't know about any of that Nebula stuff and only found out when one of his videos was so insane I had to go see how other people felt about it.

Like @MonkeMischief@lemmy.today, I found out about it thanks to the Nebula stuff and stopped watching then. What was the insane comment he made in a later video?

Pretty sure it was the "We need to talk about 'Authoritarianism' " video. I'd have to rewatch it to find what I found objectionable at the time lol

I think I remember this one too. It's fuzzy but IIRC it might have been how he rags on the USA establishment for being draconian but then basically said "Hey if the right people wielded all that State power..."

There were also numerous times going light or outright conveniently ignoring authoritarian human rights abuses in places like China, to make them look like they've got it all together. Ick.

If you end up remembering the specific bit though, I'm curious too. :)

I don't hate the guy or anything. But I do feel like he's simply slid far on the authoritarian-left-side of the ideology-funnel that leads to extremism reinforced by self-deluding narratives. I hate seeing that happen to people. :(

It does help me feel better actually. Thanks!

I don't even remember how I found out exactly, but I'm glad I did. I can totally understand how you could miss it. Especially because his videos seemed so tame to begin with.

Apparently the podcast with Yugopnik had a lot more of this kind of tankie banter.

Not sure if he was always this way or if it's a case of "algorithm-driven-personality syndrome" but I still find it sad. :(

Sidenote: I also got an icky feeling when he'd constantly say "Sponsors won't touch this content" and immediately started plugging audible and storyblocks or whatever.

To wrap on a positive note: So far I've been enjoying OrdinaryThings for my "Anti-establishment funny well-researched video essay" cravings. :p

Yeah I'm not sure either. He used to do science-y videos before I started watching and I think his political videos really caught the algorithm which changed what kind of content he made for sure.

Thanks for the plug! I'll definitely check them out. I've been missing that kinda stuff since all the "Breadtube" people make 2 hour long videos with long breaks now haha

Jimmy Diresta. I'm a huge fan of makers, and the maker movement in general, and there was a time I just couldn't wait for Jimmy's next video.

Lately, I've come to feel that he no longer lets his work speak for itself. His videos used to just be really well made time lapses of him making a thing. But, for the past couple of years now, he feels the need to narrate just about everything. And there's the faintest whiff of semi-arrogant self promotion about it, which just puts me off every time.

Don't get me wrong. Talking through the making process is 100% OK with me. I watch plenty of makers that talk through their videos (Pask Makes, Wesley Treat, etc) but something has changed in Jimmy's style, and I just don't like him any more.

Shame. Arguably, Jimmy is the one that (re)ignited the movement's popularity on the internet, but it just kinda feels he's let it go to his head somehow.

I don't know. I found him always the worst of this kind of makers. His work wasn't very professional, he was kinda... Well himself, the end result was pretty meh and he had his own name plastered everywhere. Don't get me wrong, i think he's a smart guy, he had a high production level and knew that shoving up his name down everyone's throat will yield him results. He even has a very shitty netflix show

Ethoslab. Pretty sure he still does quality content (probably) but I just can't watch minecraft content anymore. Also, I don't even have the time to watch/play everything what I really do want.

His content is really good. A lot of his audience is still people from the old days who basically grew up watching ethoslab, and his style as a creator has changed a little too as he's grown up with them.

He's definitely still a youtuber whose uploads I look out for. Very comfortable content that makes me feel super chill.

Ray William Johnson on =3. I don’t know why I stopped watching. At some point it felt “too” polished and started getting ads in it.

Casey Neistat. Back when he was doing his daily vlog thing a lot of it was really interesting, covering him and his wife trying to make shit happen in the city as he was running and riding his powered skateboard around Manhattan. At some point his audience started drifting younger, way way younger, and I don't know if it was him or me but I just kind of lost interest. It didn't feel new anymore.

That might be me to be honest. I actually don't watch YouTube that much at all anymore, unless I'm looking for something specific. Their recommendation algorithm is garbage and it is so obviously going for raw time suck engagement that it leaves me with a bunch of unfulfilling clickbait / ragebait where I could watch it for an hour and then just want my hour back so I end up not returning. The whole platform used to be more full of interesting genuinely entertaining and educational videos, now it just feels like a giant time sink. And every other video is now some paid sponsorship or plug where the creator is basically just whoring out their own influence. Case in point, look up reviews of laser engravers. Every single one that I could find, especially of a couple major brands, the creator got the laser hardware for free. Some of them are just advertisements that reuse the manufacturer's own stock footage, and some seem more like real reviews, but for one or two brands I literally could not find one video where the creator wasn't sponsored by the laser manufacturer.

James Stephanie Sterling after she started doing the stupid "ad spots" in videos for pogs and other memorabilia. They aren't real ads, but they were so damned obnoxious.

Lucy Pyre after she stopped doing FFXIV videos and went full on brainrotted degenerate.

I don't even remember the last time Stephanie Sterling did anything like this, so it was just a weird blip. Not that she doesn't goof a bunch. Still a great channel to stay up to date on the things that actually matter in the games industry instead of the usual hype machine shit. The only thing I don't care for on the show is the wrestling stuff and when the editor does some schtick.

Do moat people who watch her these days do so because they also watched jimquisition? I always wondered that, because to me it's the other way around. I always saw his thumbnails but never the video. Now i listen to the podcast and it's a bit of a mixed bag. A lot of podcasters and youtuber said that they will get "hate" for something they put out, and by "hate" they mean some 12 year olds that disagree and beed attention. I kinda accidentally went to her homepage and saw the starfield review and people in the comments were absolutely nasty. While i don't agree with that at all, i can see gow she's pushing buttons. Like ahe absolutely hated palworld. She hated it before she even played it, and all i could hear is that she's such a pokemon fangirl that she couldn't comprehend that people like that more than ger beloved pokemon and said all that palworld did was made her want to play "insert the worst pokemon game". Same with helldivers. She wrote a review of the game in the time she was waiting in queue on launch day. She couldn't play, so there is no review. I think that's kinda fair in a way, but i'm pretty sure if it wasn't helldivers 2 but something that she really liked or really wanted to like she would still waiting right now. So i'm not sure if she's actually farming hate for engagement or what the deal is.

That's always been her shtick though, to hate on things. Go on long rants.

I watched Inside Gaming/Funhaus a lot but after the whole Adam Kovic thing happened it wasn't the same. The new crew of people were some cool dudes but didn't seem anywhere near as into the crude humor or constant 80's/90's movie trivia stuff and I couldn't go back to the old episodes for a couple years after knowing what I knew.

I dropped Nerd3 after he played Metal Gear Rising and called it a mindless button masher when he was just mashing buttons mindlessly and didn't even go into the movelist. There were instances before that where he didn't bother learning how to play a game before writing it off as the game being bad because he was bad and that was just the last straw.

I watched InTheLittleWood for a bit but he was just a weenie to be honest.

Can't watch kitty0706 without getting a little emotional still.

There are plenty of other channels that I just got bored of their content, or they changed their content to something I didn't gel with. There's no winning with me.

Kurzgesagt went hugely downhill, I'll still watch the occasional video from them, but most of what they do now is super speculative tenuous science with 5 min of sponsored content.

I remember way back in the day I enjoyed laci green for her sex ed content, but she just suddenly went super right wing.

Although I agree Kurzgesagt has gone downhill, I feel like they've still beaten the average youtuber lifecycle.

1 more...

Maybe I'm going too old school here but the first 2 that came to mind were CommunityChannel and Phillip Defranco

I love Philly d, I like him better than traditional news channels, but watching just made me depressed.

Still with Phil, my god it has been so long. I was there for the lost mountain dew video. My interest goes up and down, he can go through periods of very celeb focused or very america focused which can be boring but overall I like him and what he creates.

He needs to stop with the "news studio" shit and commit to something, let it grow and see where it ends up. I have lost like totally awesome, sourcefed and now rogue rocket.

Thinking about it now, it's been a long time since I saw a Goldvision video. I loved that guy and his calming contemplative gameplay, I was even on board when he decided to just never kill anyone or any npc in a video game ever again (but still play stuff like multiplayer shooters and GTA Online).

I miss his stuff, gonna go see if I've been missing out

He kinda stopped making the content he started off with which was a shame. Loved his planetside stuff


It just gone downhill after Jaffa Factory Minecraft series.

You probably just got older.

But to be fair after the whole sjin incident it was not the same

Their recent Minecraft stuff has been quite fun. I miss the yogslabs stuff.

Pretty sure a lot of people could relate, but watching a variety of various game players who years later you lose interest in (mostly because of how cringe they are) or in my case at some point somehow find out some terrible news about them despite avoiding all the real world drama.

People like Bijuu Mike, Gloom, Logdotzip, etcetera.

Can't find another example I wanted to use since I couldn't remember the account name nor does it matter since I'm pretty sure it was found out he was a horrible person.

Also it's pretty interesting to see some people you're following on yt who you don't remember why you subbed to because there are definitely both active and dead channels I'm currently subbed to that I forgot even existed.

What's the logdotzip drama? I've been trying to find out just now and there doesn't seem to be any.

He's just one I stopped watching put of boredom and disinterest in his content. I don't know if there's any drama with him specifically.

Oh, alright. Similar story here. I watched him when I was younger, but his content is just focused on a younger audience I no longer seem to fit in.

Viscount Strophanthus. My first androgynous crush. In hindsight the content was pretty edgey and cringe, though.

Twenty Sided / Shamus Young 😢

I followed Shamus Young's blog in 2007, and kept following him long after I dropped every other blogger. I didn't always agree with him (*cough* Dark Souls *cough*), but his reviews were the best and most in-depth in the business (seriously, his Mass Effect retrospective covers the entire trilogy and is longer than most novels). He had a way with words where even when he was arguing for/against something you hate/love, you'd still be entertained by the read.

His death left a void in my consumption of media criticism. I don't think anyone I follow is as articulate or entertaining as Shamus was. RIP Shamus.

FLuffee Talks. (Hey... What's up?)

No particular reason. FLuffee is a major old schooler that's been pumping out content since the earliest days of YouTube who specializes in pop news and shock-jock content. I used to devour his content when I was like 11-15, and I think I just got overexposed and lost taste for it.

I've gone back occasionally over the years and he's still at it. If his content style works and he can maintain it even some 16-18 years later, I say more power to him.

I'm unsure about some of the talents at MSM since it was claimed that they may have a blacklist and the CEO, Seth may be power tripping and gaslighting the smaller talents while treating the big ones with kid gloves to keep them in the company.

When the accusations were first brought up, Seth put out a tweet explaining that they don't have a blacklist, but do have a list of other streamers who are considered high risk. Which sounds a hell of a lot like a blacklist and comes across as some logic fallacy I don't know the name up. Basically redefining words to sidestep an accusation. "I haven't done X because that's not what X means."

There's also some problematic tweets the CEO made when he was 21 and probably contributed to f1nn5ter leaving and while he wasn't specific to exactly why, LordAethelstan also left after hearing about the accusations and vetting things on his end. Supposedly Seth was also shit talking Mythic, which his girlfriend works with, so that alone would be enough if he could verify it.

I'm using "safe" language here because this is still an emerging story, but going by the response from MSM supporters, they look guilty as hell of something.

CoryXKenshin because he stopped uploading.

I was a Nas Daily fan back then. I just got bored of him over time, not to mention how insanely corporate his videos feel now.

Most of the ones I left are already up there. The two I'll add are - Donut - it wasn't the same after they got bought. I'm rooting for BigTime! Mental Floss, SciShow- Its been so long, I don't even remember why I watched it in the first place.

Hoovie's garage and Tavarish. Both had good channels fixing cars and then they went off the broken supercar deep end, then wound up with the Car Stories channel and decided to rip off the Top Gear format of doing stupid, obviously scripted adventures.

Nobody gives a crap about fixing a completely unattainable car or re-living the demise of Top Gear.

DrLupo. I watched him a bunch when he was on twitch, but he got kinda arrogant and negative over the years. Now I watch the people he used to play with before he changed 🤷‍♂️

@zachimusprime44 RelaxAlax and ProJared. Sure, they both came with rather flimsy reasons to state that the allegations against them were apparently false, but I didn't buy them.

Sorted Food. Once they started with the Pass It On format they really declined. Now all their videos are pass it on sand Chef Reviews Gadets and no more actual cooking videos, especially not recipe videos.