Whats your such opinion

cryptix@discuss.tchncs.de to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 527 points –

That this meme is low effort content and it's spamming everywhere

Aren't ask lemmy posts "low effort" in general as well in the sense that it's just a question? My point isn't that ask lemmy is bad, my point is just because it's low effort doesn't mean it's bad.

Memes are low effort in general

The more effort a meme takes to make, the less likely it will become well-known.

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health insurance != healthcare

health insurance profits only exist at the expense of human suffering.

but lets make sure everyone has insurance but not care

I thought this thread was for hot takes 😉

Is this your first time in an "unpopular opinion" thread? lol

health insurance isn't really insurance either.

it's like a health services subscription plan with a million convoluted rules.

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Myers Briggs is posh astrology.

I think that's actually been proven at this point hasn't it?

That doesn't stop an absolute fuck ton of people believing in it. One of my friends is quite deeply into it, she's in FB groups about it, and decides what everyone's type is upon meeting them. According to her I only think it's nonsense because I've only done the free online tests, not the proper one. She wouldn't listen the other day when I tried to put her right about flouride in the water, either.

Sounds like the test itself isn't the problem but how it's used and how much people attach to the results, like with IQ tests. Neither that nor Myers-Briggs should be part of interviewing for a job either but apparently some US companies do it anyway.

No, the test itself is definitely the problem. Regardless of whether you believe a personality type test can be effective, the MBTI is particularly and provably ineffective in just about every measurable way:

It's not reliable. It has terrible test-retest reliability. If I'm X personality type, I shouldn't test as X type one time, and Y type the next, and Z 6 months laters.

It's not predictive. If a personality test accurately judges someone, it should mean you now know something about someone's behaviours, and can extrapolate that forwards and predict behavioural trends. MBTI does not.

It fundamentally doesn't match the data. MBTI relies upon the idea that people fall neatly into binary buckets (introverted vs extroverted, thinking vs feeling, etc). But the majority of people don't, and test with MBTI scores close to the line the test draws, following a normal distribution. So the line separating two sides of a bell curve ends up being arbitrary.

And finally, it's pushed very hard by the Myers-Briggs foundation, and not at all by independent scientific bodies. copying straight from wikipedia:

Most of the research supporting the MBTI's validity has been produced by the Center for Applications of Psychological Type, an organization run by the Myers–Briggs Foundation, and published in the center's own journal, the Journal of Psychological Type (JPT),

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Copyright is far too long and should only last at most 20 years.

Actually, George Washington would agree with me if he was still alive. He and the other founding fathers created the notion of copyright, which was to last 14 years. Then big corporations changed the laws in their favor.

Hot extreme opinion: copyright shouldn't exist, and authors should be covered by other means, particularly public funding based on usage numbers and donations.

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Heck yeah, I'd support 25 years. We could be jamming to Nirvana and Tupac royalty free. Instead, we only just got Happy Birthday.

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Young people are people and deserving of rights, including but not limited to the vote. There is no stupid thing a young person could do with their vote that old people don't already do and we don't require them not to in order to keep their vote.

No taxation without representation. Either teens get to vote, or they don't pay taxes. Anything less is un-American.

When I was mid 20s I thought young kids were too naive. I got older and saw how fucking stupid most adults are and think young kids are much smarter than their predecessors. They should absolutely have a voice in elections. 16 seems like a good age to me

If you can legally work, you should be able to legally vote!

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Yep. I'd say 12 is a good age to start, because most will be able to read and understand government.

because most will be able to read and understand government

People with dementia and other mental illnesses don't lose their voting rights, neither is it coupled to IQ. And imo with good reason.

So I am actually not sure why we are applying this hurdle to children to begin with, when we aren't doing it in other situations.

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People are crazy when they promote closed-source AI (okay, okay, generative model) projects like ChatGPT, Bard etc.

This is literally one of the most important technologies of the future, and after all the times technology companies screwed them (us) up big time and monopolized the Internet, they go into the same trap again and again.

First they surrendered the free Internet, now they surrender the new frontiers.

Wake up, people. Go HuggingFace, advocate for free AI, and ideally - for a GPL one. We cannot afford for this part of our future to be taken away from us.

Abso-fucking-lutely. Time and time and time again proprietary technology fucks us over, this is no different.

I pointedly avoid ChatGPT for that reason. When the NovelAI leak happened, it was amazing, and the open ecosystem flourished in response. I just can't believe they call themselves OpenAi.

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Hawaiian pizza is good.

Not that it's the best pizza, or even my favorite. It's just a fine option.

The people who freak out about pineapple on pizza are just a vocal minority. It's ginned up controversy for fake Internet points.

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That's not an unpopular option, just a controversial one.

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Disruptive protest, no matter how annoying, is valid and should be protected under law. When the government moves to ban protest and dissent, they've crossed the line into authoritarianism.

The right to protest is a fundamental of democracy, and we should not accept any erosion of the fundamentals of democracy.

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Any comment that gets more than one upvote fails the subject.

I disagree. Lemmy is a very small group of individuals and these type of threads are going to have similar minded people finding eachother. In the grand scheme of things we are next to nothing in scale of the billions of people on this planet.

Upvotes ideally don’t equate to agreement though.

Better yet, upvote answers you don't personally agree with but believe add value to the discussion.

Pitbulls are not more genetically predisposed towards biting or mauling than other breeds and the supposed "statistical data" on the subject is based around a confluence of inaccurate metrics caused by 1) people not being very good at accurately identifying dog breeds, 2) existing groups that hate pitbulls pushing bad statistics for political purposes, and 3) a self-fulfilling prophecy of pitbulls having a bad reputation and actively being sought out by people who want vicious dogs and who will treat their dogs in such a way as to encourage that behavior. And I say all of this as someone who does not own a pitbull and probably never will.

So I think your 3rd point is highly likely, but I do disagree about the genetic predisposition. If it can’t be genetically influenced then goldens are not more friendly than others, and smart dogs (poodles, Australian shepherd, etc.) are not actually smarter; they all have the same genetic predisposition.

Having an aggressive breed is possible, but as I said earlier I think the 3rd point pushes up the numbers of maulings quite a bit. I’d add a 4th point of a lot of people being real shit dog owners and not knowing how to properly raise a dog to be socially capable without harming others.

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Pit bulls aren't genetically predisposed to attacking things, but when they do attack things, they're genetically predisposed to doing a lot more damage than most other breeds. Gameness is a thing.

So are breed characteristics. It's like people tout breed characteristics..until pit bulls. Then it's like "no way! Mine wouldn't hurt a fly!

Yea, that may be true but they were breed to hurt more than flies and we did a good job of it.

Dachshunds have breed characteristics, Chihuahuas have breed characteristics, Labradors have breed characteristics, golden retrievers have breed characteristics, greyhounds, etc. It's almost like they were "bred" to bring out specific traits--both physical and behavioral.

Pitbull advocates act like they don't exist or downplay their role in the breeds behavior. It's bullshit. Pitbulls, as a breed, shouldn't exist.

No breed of dog should exist because people shouldn't intentionally breed dogs. It's inhumane and most of them wind up in kill shelters. If you want a dog, adopt a mutt from a pound. It'll be healthier and happier than any other dog you could get. That said, breed characteristics are something pushed by dog breeders themselves. The actual science suggests dog breed has little to no impact on temperament. https://www.science.org/content/article/your-dog-s-breed-doesn-t-determine-its-personality-study-suggests

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The problem is that terriers are very susceptible to Kushings disease, which can lead to very irratic behavior. That's manageable when it's a 20lb Boston Terrier, but horrifying when it's a 60 lb terrier of any type.

Omg thank you! The old place, you would've been downvoted 200 times and gotten death threats for saying this.

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The meanest, most dangerous dog I knew was an american eskimo owned by my ex wife. This was a 20 pound fluffball, and he looked like he would be friendly and fun to scratch behind the ears.

He loved to bite people, especially children. He had a specific thing he would do when someone looked at him: he would look up and smile, while vigorously wagging his poofy tail. You'd reach down to pet that brilliant white, angel-soft fur, and as soon as you were close enough, he would take a chunk out of your hand or arm. This wasn't a playful bite, he would bite down hard and hang on.

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People overlook vegetarianism and semi-vegetarian lifestyles as an option too much and it is not helpful that real life examples of vegetarian cultures, get co-opted by Vegans purists as "Vegan cultures" in easily disproven claims- thus hurting the whole movement

I don't eat meat or dairy, so i technically i'm a vegan, right? But i wouldn't identify as a vegan. When someone cooks and says: oh i forgot that you are vegan, and i used butter, still eat it. When i'm at a bbq and there is a steak leftover, and no one eats it and it goes to the trash, i would eat it. I find the idea of factory meat absolutely repulsive therefore i don't support it in any way. Once i talked to a vegan guy, and he was super weird so we didn't have a lot to talk about. I told him something like: when i was a kid i was really into chicken wings, and now in hindsight, i don't think chicken is actually good. And he said: oh, you are one of THOSE people. Meat eater are like pedophiles, once you fucked a kid, you'll always be a childfucker.

Eh... Okay, i'll just stand over there and make sure to never talk to you again

this is called flexitarianism and is totally valid in terms of not wasting food and cohabitating in society. unfortunately some vegetarians would bully a person like you since ideological purity is more important than not wasting food to them

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I've had debates with vegans on something similar:
I'm not vegan, I'll never be vegan. That's a complete non-starter for me.

What I have done is reduce my meat intake from 2/sometimes 3 meals a day to 1 meal per day - occasionally (less than once per month) two. Once Lab-grown meat is a viable alternative on cost/taste/texture, I'll be all over that. I still won't be vegan. Even if I reach a point where no animals are harmed from my diet.

I believe it is far easier to convince 1 Million people to do this than it would be to convert 100,000 people to full veganism. A Million people doing this would save Billions more animals per year than 100,000 vegan conversions and maybe even in itself convert a few of those people to full veganism along the way.

They're never interested. It's all or nothing. Black or white. Vegan or Animal killer. They usually have issues with lab grown meat, as well.

It's as though they're a member of an elite club and membership is more important than actually saving animals.

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I've never been closer to vegan than I am now. And I love meat and animal products and have long given up on the illusion of any ethical consumption in capitalism. It just turns out meat is way overpriced and you can make some tasty meals for cheap without meat and most animal products.

I'm a vegetarian just because it's the cheapest option. Meat is absurd in prices while going fully vegan, where I live, isn't feasible either.

So I live off a mostly vegetarian diet. It's not even for ethical reasons. It's literally a "I want to save money" motivation.

Yeah the only animal I'm tryna save is me. Shits insane rn.

Once governments stop or reduce funding for the meat and dairy industries, prices will continue to go up and more people will be like you. At the end of the day, animal products (especially those from bovines) aren't super sustainable and cost a lot more than we pay at the supermarket.

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You absolutely can't let perfect be the enemy of good.

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Religions are mostly just popularized conspiracy theories. Believing in God is about as realistic as believing the world is flat.

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Piracy equals culture preservation in an age of subscription services.

I suppose all the people standing in front of you are record label executives then

No of course not.

I still pay for things I can actually own, however subscription services routinely change, limit or simple remove items that you supposedly bought.

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That pedos shouldn't be subject to extra-legal punishments. Think being lynched and shit. I also don't think they should be getting their own special cases in the law beyond those with a clear purpose of preventing reoffending.

Don't get me wrong, I think they are pure scum.

But things we allow on the basis of the accused being a pedo or terrorist have a habit of spilling over and affecting the general population. A lot of bad laws have made it onto books by blaming these two groups, for example.

A lot of bad laws have made it onto books by blaming these two groups, for example.

You can't even classify or discuss pedophilia as a sexual disorder and not an intentional decision without sounding like a pedophile.

I think the worst thing we do is basically shut down non-harmful outs.

We attack therapists who don't outright vilify non-offending pedos, without considering the fact that said pedos come to them because they don't want to offend, don't want to hurt.

If these people don't have harmless outs, they will instead turn to harmful outs and covering up their crimes.

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An egregious crime should have an egregious sentence but only in accordance with a fair due process. I also feel like far right groups are packing gunpowder in the barrel of the musket with hate for pedophilia (an easy thing for anyone to hate) and are planning to use it to invoke violence on people with fabricated evidence against them. It’s becoming a dangerous powder keg

Absolutely. As for your second point, they do this with LGBT+ groups all the time, trying to tie them to pedophilia to get the FUD going.

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Lilo and Stitch is the best Disney movie.

Many, many spoilers below. But, seriously, this movie is 21 years old. Get over yourselves.

Check it: a young girl adopts an illegal alien (killing machine from deep space) and protects him from the U.S. (and galactic) government (Military-Industrial complexes), while keeping her incredibly depressed sister (slices both ways) from giving up completely as they keep their Indigenous Hawaiian family together in their co-opted homeland. One sister works a series of dead-end tourism jobs; the other has anger issues. The hate each other and love each other fiercely, though they are about 12 years apart in age.

Oh, yeah, and their parents are dead.

Meanwhile, the alien is a political refugee and freedom fighter fleeing from his own people who want him dead for —get this— existing. A lab-grown, indestructible terrorist, he seeks asylum on an island — but he can't swim.

He does learn to surf.

The only downside to this film is that Disney produced it. And Elvis.

"Ohana means family. Nobody gets left behind or forgotten."

Lilo being strangely obsessed with Elvis is actually period accurate.

The movie seems to be set sometime in the very late '80s to the mid to late '90s. There aren't any cell phones, except the ones that the government agents have. The TV is a black and white TV which could indicate either the late '80s or the fact that they are extremely poor in the mid to late '90s. None of the vehicles really give anything away as they all seem to be modeled on '50s to early '80s models of cars. The technology that is actually depicted in the film definitely places it at the end of the '80s, as the earliest it could have possibly happened, and probably the mid to late '90s as a more probable timeline.

There were a lot of people obsessed with "The King" at that time, even fairly young (like 5-7 year old) fans. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Elvis's music is generally more popular amongst certain kids and tweens from 1956 until the late '90s.

Point of further support: Hawaiians have a weird (to us haoles) love of Las Vegas, going as far as to call it "the Ninth Island". I mean, if you live on a tropical paradise, where are you supposed to go for vacation?

And Elvis is (or at least has a rep as being) super popular and iconic in Vegas. I could definitely see some of that influence back flowing from the Ninth Island back to Hawaii.

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Teachers should be paid 50% more. If you want good teachers to stay, you have to walk the walk, otherwise you'll get a perpetual cycle of overwhelmed grads being bossed around by rusted-on bottom teer heads.

That is hardly an unpopular opinion.

If I can interject - I don't think the OP is showing an unpopular opinion. The people they're talking to aren't mad. It looks to me like an opinion whose wisdom isn't generally accepted - and there's a difference.

Unpopular opinion: pedophilia is a mental disorder; child rape (including "statutory" rape) is an act of violence, cruelty, and power - or, in arguably the worst case, crimes of opportunity. Not all child rapists are pedophiles and not all pedophiles are child rapists. Pedophiles should be treated; child rapists should be imprisoned forever. (Those that are in the overlap can be treated in prison.)

This opinion is (I think) probably true, but if you go around talking about it, you will be unpopular.

Unaccepted opinion: well, there are a lot of them here, but this one - about teachers - could be tweaked into one: the only way we are going to see changes that would actually benefit our society and country, the things the news and politicians say are "luxury expenses" - aka health care, teachers' salaries, rent and real estate regulation, etc - is with a general strike. The propaganda and gaslighting and victim blaming are so deeply entrenched that they have become the most profitable sectors of our economy.

This opinion is - again, in my opinion - probably true, and there are a lot of people who agree - but not enough. If the crowd in that picture represents a country of 350 million, then that one person represents maybe 0.5-1 million people? Which is way more than the supporters of a general strike.

Why did I say all that? Mostly because I'm bored - but I think it's a neat distinction to make.

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What we're currently calling AI isn't AI but just a language processing system that takes its best guess at a response from it's database of information they pilfered from the internet like a more sophisticated Google.

It can't really think for itself and it's answers can be completely wrong. There's nothing intelligent about it.

I hate having to explain this shit to literal Comp Sci majors.

Even if ChatGPT was literally a perfect copy of a human being it would still be 0 steps closer to a general intelligence because it does not fucking understand WHAT or HOW to actually do the things it suggests.

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This whole open AI has Artificial General Intelligence but they're keeping it secret! is like saying Microsoft had Chat GPT 20 years ago with Clippy.

Humans don't even know what intelligence is, the thing we invented to try to measure who's got the best brains - we literally don't even have scientific definition of the word, much less the ability to test it - so we definitely can't program it. We are a veeeeerry long way from even understanding how thoughts and memories work; and the thing we're calling "general intelligence" ? We have no fucking idea what that even means; there's no way a bunch of computer scientists can feed enough Internet to a ML algorithm to "invent" it. (No shade, those peepos are smart - but understanding wtf intelligence is isn't going to come from them.)

One caveat tho: while I don't think we're close to AGI, I do think we're very close to being able to fake it. Going from Chat GPT to something that we can pretend is actual AI is really just a matter of whether we, as humans, are willing to believe it.

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For the record comp sci major here.

So I understand all that but my counter point: can we prove by empirical measure that humans operate in a way that is significantly different? (If there is, I would love to know because I was cornered by a similar talking point when making a similar argument some weeks ago)

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TikTok and YouTube shorts are brain-rotting garbage, and if you use them regularly you need to stop now. Yes, even if you claim you only watch educational stuff.

Also giving a child under the age of 8 or 9 a personal internet-connected device should be seen on a similar level as neglect if not full-on abuse.

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The vast majority of humans are actually nice, altruistic and not selfish if you treat them with respect. And hence anarchism would not resolve in everyone killing each other.

Problem is you need more than the “vast majority” to be nice before you feel safe.

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Absolutely correct. It would be the people who are in power now, building gangs and robbing the weak.

Anarchism is a schoolyard without teachers. Most kids are ok and will treat each other with respect.

But if you ever were molested in a dark corner of said schoolyard you know how important oversight is.

In an Anarchist world, it would be traumatized/autistic people like me running around with guns and shooting everyone who so much as touches another person on sight.

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Along those lines, "smartphones" should NOT autocorrect me by default. My phone is the most arrogant asshole on the planet that it thinks it knows what I meant to say more than I do, that and any word that is also a brand automatically gets capitalized...

No phone I'm not talking about Tide pods, I'm talking about the damn ocean...

You joke but I have autocorrect, auto-capitalization turned off on my phone because it's so annoying for reasons similar to what you wrote.

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Copyright should have stayed the original initial 14 years with possible renewal to 28 years. But like in France back then, also include the original authors (last one alive, if several) lifespan. Hence, a copyright would last either the authors lifespans or 28 years, whichever is longer.

Moreover, the patent system is being abused and does not serve the original goal of "any useful art, manufacture, engine, machine, or device, or any improvement there on not before known or used." It granted the applicant the "sole and exclusive right and liberty of making, constructing, using and vending to others to be used" of his invention.. It needs major changes, including the requirement to have the "invention" be under examination by reputable third-party laboratories (such as Intertek, SGI, Underwriters Laboratories, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Technischer Überwachungsverein, SGS - Société Générale de Surveillance, etc…) before being granted a patent. Nowadays, patents are given almost willy-nilly to anyone no matter how vague or obvious the supposed invention.

Nowadays, patents are being misused in Patent Ambush mechanisms and scenarios, meanwhile Patent Trolls and Hoarders whole existence is are to impede/obstruct legally and impose exorbitant levies/fees onto organization and companies actually innovating and developing useful art/process/devices. Even more incredible, there are Submarine Patents being hidden away to suddenly take hostage existing products and process of various companies by imposing extortionate royalties.

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Those math questions that rely on purposeful ambiguity in order to drive engagement are annoying as fuck. It's like "congratulations, you just proved that in math (and questions in general) if you're not clear with what you're asking, people will get different answers". What fantastic value! What a novel hypothesis! Now fucking knock it off. I'm tired of literally everyone screaming about how their way is right when it doesn't fucking matter, the question was asked in a bullshit way in order to piss everyone off.

Bonus, PEMDAS, BEMDAS, PE-MD-AS. It's a goddamn terrible mnemonic that twists itself in knots to make the acronym work, rather than to make the order of operations clear. Screaming it doesn't make your shit any clearer anyways.

Join me in RPN land, where we sit by looking smug while people thought different systems of infix notation debate the right answer.

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All drugs should be legalized. Not quiet the whole World but a large portion.

Doing drugs should be decriminalized, but not legal. Ideally when someone is found addicted to drugs they would be provided help rather than punishment. Selling drugs should remain criminal but consequences should be determined based on the amount found selling and to who (like a child or someone who's pregnant would be a higher penalty at the discretion of the court), legalizing would just give a tax incentive for pushing drugs similar to gambling.

Edit: I want to clarify, I'm talking about addictive drugs with known negative health effects like meth. Weed can be legal, who cares.

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Not a single one of the Marvel movies are good. They just use dopaminergic techniques to teach brains to enjoy them.

Can you elaborate on your second sentence? Not trying to be ignorant, but it genuinely sounds like “ice cream doesn’t taste good, it just has ingredients that makes your taste buds act favorable towards it”

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Air fryers are only popular because Americans have been using microwaves to cook for decades, which are possibly the worst cooking devices ever created.

If they had decent fan ovens during that time, they wouldn't be anywhere near as popular

Conversely, air fryers are seen to be popular in the UK, because nobody will admit they fell for the advertising, and now only use them for chips

Not just chips my friend. Pies, sausages, chicken, salmon. Half the cooking time or an oven, better results and a fraction of the energy use.

The hype is real.

This. It's great for steaks or cuts of chicken, even sandwich melts, but it uses less power and is faster than the oven. I tend to use my air fryer for a lot of dinners instead of opting for a much larger oven. The cooking tends to be much more even too, I don't have to worry about raw spots as much as I did with my oven.

Nobody uses microwaves to do actual cooking, and it's just a handy alternate heating method in your oven or toaster oven. Who cares?

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I have been using convection ovens for way longer than I have had an air fryer and it's honestly different. The smaller size and the basket shape makes it cook faster and it's just so muxh easier to toss the stuff in the basket than it is to flip everything over halfway through baking. Deep frying does taste better but I hate cleaning it up after. I thought air fryers were stupid for years but then I tried one and I was wrong.

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Zelda BotW and TotK are not fun. The stamina system is pointless and the weapon durability is frustrating. On top of that, the world's are just sooo empty. There's really nothing in them. Oh look, an interesting ruin... it's another repetitive shrine. Oh, that geological formation is really unique aaannnddd it's another fucking korok seed. That's all you ever got for exploring. Shrines and korok seeds.

I did like slapping random shit onto my weapons in tears of the kingdom though. All in all to me the games are fine but not really Zelda games.

shrines bad

Most people agree with you there

To the geological formations and all, it's just nice to explore them. For me the fun about them weren't potential rewards, but for the purpose of exploring itself, but I get that it's not for everyone I don't think the world is empty though, there are plenty of nice sidequests, easter eggs and items to find, especially if you haven't read any guides.

not really Zelda games.

They are, but Zelda games have changed due to better technical possibilities, ooc wasn't anything like the 2d Zeldas for example

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Force damage in D&D 5E is too poorly-defined to be a good part of the game and exists solely for when the designers don't want any characters or creatures to have access to resistance against the thing in question. Either we need an actual description of what happens to a thing that gets hit by it or it should be cut; the vast majority of the things that deal it could perfectly easily be magical bludgeoning / piercing / slashing. Spiritual weapon and Bigby's hand are particularly egregious

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There's no such thing as unskilled labor. Labor is labor, specially if someone else has to do it even if you don't want to.

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We learn and teach inferior personal computing practice, and most people don't realize how much they are missing.

The vast majority of people outside of enthusiast circles have absolutely no idea what a personal computer is, how it works, what is an operating system, what it does, and how it is supposed to be used. Instead of teaching about shells, sessions, environments, file systems, protocols, standards and Unix philosophy (things that actually make our digital world spin) we teach narrow systems of proprietary walled gardens.

This makes powerful personal computing seem mysterious and intimidating to regular people, so they keep opting out of open infrastructures, preferring everything to come pre-made and pre-configured for them by an exploitative corporation. This lack of education is precisely what makes us so vulnerable to tech hype cycles, software and hardware obsolescence, or just plain shitty products that would have no right to exist in a better world.

This blindness and apathy makes our computing more inaccessible and less sustainable, and it makes us crave things that don't actually deserve our collective attention.

And the most frustrating thing is: proper personal computing is actually not that hard, and it has never been more easy to get into, but no one cares, because getting milked for data is just too convenient for most adults.

Completely agree. Now my hot take for this thread:

If governments some time in the 90s had decided from the start to ban computer hardware from being sold with pre-installed software then we wouldn't have this problem. If everyone had to install their own operating system from scratch, which like you say isn't hard if it's taught, it would have killed the mystery around computing and people would feel ownership over their computers and computing.

I think the main issue is the fact that learning about how every single component in a computer works, would take an enormous amount of time and dedication, you cannot just inspire the interest in people to learn about something they are completely uninterested about.

You may see others as blind, careless individuals that want to get their data milked, but we all have to make sacrifices for convenience. We just cannot be interested in every single thing.

At a societal level, we all cannot and shouldn't be knowing what the Unix philosophy is and what it represents for software design.

That being said, I do agree with the main point of being taught inferior PC practice, education in the schools I attended was mostly done via rote learning rather than explaining the tools that we have created to solve which problems or situations.

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We accept that it's unhealthy to be a shut-in and never leave your house, never interact with others if you can help it, but equally unhealthy is this sort of toxic extroversion where the thought of being alone with yourself for even a few hours is torture to you. If this is you, clearly you have some shit you need to work out that you're avoiding. Take a week off from the internet and going out. Don't talk to anyone. Maybe go camping alone for a couple days. You will survive, and be much more comfortable with yourself for it.

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Modern "wellness" has gone too far to where people experiencing any hardship or adversity of any kind is "trauma" .

Negative reinforcement is a massively powerful motivator, but it doesn't feel good while it's happening.

Ideally there's also positive reinforcement in your life to make a nice balanced stew, but we need to be able to survive off negative, especially in professional pursuits.

Every emotion you experience isn't a condition, even if you feel it often.

If you feel it CONSTANTLY, then yeah something is wrong.

Small counter point: while it is heavily important to be able to shake off life hardships, we should still fight for the world with less unnecessary harm.

Particularly, when you go about professional pursuits, we shouldn't turn them into a fierce competition that would benefit no one, but should instead stand together and collaborate to make this world better for us all. And in that regard, comfort culture is a much better fit than the culture of the grind; granted, you don't crank it up to the extremes and still develop and learn new stuff to become better at what you love.

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If you actually want to do some about climate change, step 1 is to stop having kids.

An even less popular opinion: if you care enough about climate change to not have children you should have children. The alternative is that only people who don't care about climate change will have children.

Anyways, the fertility rate has dropped very quickly all over the developed world and the world is turning developed quickly. I'm not saying that will solve climate change but it looks like overpopulation is at least going to be solved.

if you care enough about climate change to not have children you should have adopt children.

This will reduce the population increase, while at the same time help children already in the world and being dealt a shit hand. It's not an easy role to take, but if it makes one child happier then it's worth it.

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Edit 8 days later: Wow, a lot of people really like using their free speech rights to advocate against free speech...Weird.

If you don't support the free speech rights of the people you hate the most, then you don't support free speech at all.

All censorship is bad. One day it's naughty racial words and then the next day religious zealots can lock people up for saying "god" in the wrong context.

Doesn't mean you don't support free speech. When I join a chatroom and someone is just typing shit over and over trying to get a rise and I ignore/block them, I don't agree that I'm against free speech, I'm against harassment.

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Leadership has the capacity and capability to change things for the better and continue to fail to do so because true leadership means making decisions that at times may hurt and may not be universally liked.

This is as true in politics as it is in business.

In short our leaders are not leading out of the fear of repercussions of leading.

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There's no public debt crisis. People don't understand how government debt works. One casualty of this is the slow green transition which will cost us dearly in the future.

Yep. Debt is an investment to increase taxable value later to make up for it. It's also mostly owned by Americans, so the money paying for debt is going back into the economy, which is then creating more taxable value. As long as debt is used to make more money later, it isn't bad. People understand this on a personal level (taking on debt to open a business can be a good decision, for example), but they been mislead by some people that for a nation it's bad. They say this for a reason though, and it isn't because they actually think debt is bad.

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ITT: people with actual unpopular opinions are being downvoted whole the popular ones are upvoted.

Here’s mine: unpopular opinions should be upvoted in this context.

It never worked on Reddit either.

"What's a little known movie I should watch?"

Top answer, Shawshank Redemption.

Every fucking time.

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I was gonna write something political but nah.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon are some of the best Pokemon games, better than most of the (especially newer) main series games. I started with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon so I may be biased though.

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All DST and time zones should be removed and we should only have one global time. People in different locations would just get up at different times on the clock. Communication about times would get so much easier, communication about schedules would get so much easier. "The same time every week" would have an actual meaning all year around regardless of any notions about getting up later relative to local sunrise in the darker time of the year.

This solves making the statement "let's meet at 5" be more clear globally, but doesn't solve the actual confusion. Person A getting up hours before normal, being in the middle of person B's day, and being when person C would go to bed still happens. All it does is destroy any frame of reference and make travel more difficult. You would still need a chart to know if any time was actually during waking or business hours at each location on earth.

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Communication about times would get so much easier, communication about schedules would get so much easier.

Except that it wouldn't. It would make communication about time a culture sensitive topic. Sure, the exact time of day in relation to the position of the sun might get lost with our current system, but if someone tells you "I've slept til 12am" at least you know it was somewhat around noon. Under your new system you'd always have to consider where someone lives.

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Large corporations are, indeed, soulless and thankless. No amount of their pandering to the masses with charity campaigns and outreach programs ever end without them making money.

Knowing this, I prefer to take everything at face value. If I start concerning myself with the ulterior motives of these people that don't believe in class equality, I will very quickly want to put a lightbulb in my mouth.

For those familiar, Destiny 2 (a video game by Bungie, the originators of the Halo franchise) has come under scrutiny lately due to mass layoffs, and the following PR nightmare it has turned into. With every day that passes, we learn more thanks to the diligent work of journalists doing their job.

I appreciate knowing to help me make informed decisions about who I fiscally support, but I will spend my money on entertainment based on the value it gives me. Not the morals I'm told I should have by people bickering on the internet, and content creators that use these situations as clickbait.

And that all goes for any corp, I'm just largely invested in this one example. I am aware that Nestle is garbage ass company, but due to me not existing in their world view, I will buy a KitKat when I want one, thanks.

A corporation by its very nature exists solely as a vehicle to make profit. It cannot have morals or compassion. Public companies especially so need to grow endlessly and any money spent must have a return in some way

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a "civilization" that involves "money" is simply not civilized.

shut up, you're fucking wrong. it said so in the post.

Idk about "involves" but the ones centered on money certainly

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pineapple goes on pizza but everyone who likes it is doing it wrong. it needs to be fresh pineapple, grilled, with red onion.

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Lore is not story. Sekiro is the best From Soft game. Sekiro's second half doesn't fall apart or disappoint. The puzzle boss is acceptable. The combat actually feels like Seven Samurai and Star Wars: a flurry of blocks and parrys, culminating in a coup de grace.

Chipping hit points with a light sabre or a battle axe is dumb as shit and it's been normal so long we don't notice.

You know what would be a cool Star Wars game mechanic? Lightsaber fights where endurance was the main currency. Taking swings, holding blocks, everything chipping away until the less efficient player’s character was exhausted and slow enough for a killing strike.

Paper thin health, ideally location based. A strike to the chest, head or neck basically just ends it instantly.

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I don't mind paying for YouTube premium because I think YouTube is a valuable service and recognize it's expensive to host videos.

Plus creators get paid more per premium view than per ad-supported view.

The subtlety that people fall into with the YT hate wagon is that yes, Google is shitty and needs to be held accountable for it, but running a video site on that scale like some loving small community simply is not possible.

I love Nebula, the online video ecosystem is much richer for it, but every time I hear people hoping it can materially compete with YT I have to laugh. Not only do their quality controls not scale at all, but YT having such a low barrier to entry for anyone makes it inclusive in a way no curated community can be, especially over the long term. Nebula is literally an offshoot of YT, it won't be the last, and that's part of what's great about YT.

Now, if only we could convince some other conglomerate to light piles of cash on fire for over a decade to bootstrap a proper direct competitor, then Google would be forced to be somewhat less shitty.

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People who think Trump or Biden has their best interest in mind vs me.

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All streets should have a speed limit of 20 mph. All roads 35 mph. Highways 50 mph. Stroads should not exist.

People mostly drive at what feels like a safe speed for the road, regardless of speed limit. Lowering the speed limit significantly below that speed makes roads much more dangerous

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Humanity cannot and will not change its practices fast enough to avoid running out of resources we keep ourselves dependent on because it's "profitable." We are a doomed species and won't be around for very much longer. We are likely living in the flash of bright before the long dark. I don't think the world my grandchildren live in will be remotely like the one we have now.

I'm perfectly fine hedging my bets and living life normally, but I think our longevity is an uncomfortable truth most people don't want to face.

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Darth Vader is a very bad guy and saving his son at the end changes none of that. He shouldn't be idolized the way he is by fans.

I don't think Vader is idolized because of his morals, it's because his character is cool.

I think of it kind of like D&D alignment, but with cool instead of lawful.

Cool good: Han Solo
Cool neutral: Boba Fett
Cool evil: Darth Vader
Meh good: Admiral Ackbar
Meh neutral: Jawas
Meh evil: Moff Tarkin
Uncool good: Uncle Owen
Uncool neutral: that droid that's just a box on legs
Uncool evil: Jaba the Hutt

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That objective facts must be rooted in evidence. Billions of people in this world seem to not share that view.

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Racial profiling isn't based off anything legitimate

Racial identity isn't based off anything legitimate.

We're all just people, and we should interact with each other on that basis.

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Console gaming has its benefits over PC gaming and often times is better.

They definitely both have pros and cons. After sitting in front of a computer all day for work, sometimes I just wanna sit on the couch and play some Spiderman without having to deal with connecting my gaming desktop to the big screen.

Boooooooo! Lol :P

I'm just so sick of games being dumbed down, ambition curtailed, and shit controls because a game has to be made to run on a garbage console first and then cheaply ported over to PC suffering from all the decisions that were made due to the limitations the console had.

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US Senators and congressmen are underpaid. Their salaries should be doubled. The president should make at least a $1 million a year, directly paid by taxpayers.

Reason: If I, the taxpayer, pay them, then they have to work for me. The payment makes that service relationship explicit. I pay you, you work for me. And, yes, the current pay is too little, $174,000 - barely comparable to tech workers.

Only taking $1 is an invitation for corruption. (Not claiming it happened, but it is an invitation.)

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Gender is the cultural outcome of primary and secondary sexual characteristics and in no meaningfully physical way exist. In other words, we traditionally have a "boy" culture and a "girl" culture, not a gender. We are artificially indoctrinated and assimilated into a given culture based on primary or secondary sexual characteristics.

Likewise, it follows that all other gender identities are similarly a cultural phenomenon and not the outcome of some essential characteristic of the individual.

Gender cultures are, at least historically speaking, bad. They've generally been used to persecute people who aren't in the dominant (boy) gender, and the conditions dictating mobility between genders is so intensly arbitrary that it warrants abolishing the whole stupid idea. Gender dysphoria is a symptom, generally, of the tyranny of these conditions.

(PS, I totally am open to being wrong about this.)

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8÷2(2+2) comes out to 16, not 1.

Saw it posted on Instagram or Facebook or somewhere and all of the top comments were saying 1. Any comment saying 16 had tons of comments ironically telling that person to go back to first grade and calling them stupid.

Let's see.

8÷2×(2+2) = 8÷2×4

At this point, you solve it left to right because division and multiplication are on the same level. BODMAS and PEMDAS were created by teachers to make it easier to remember, but ultimately, they are on the same level, meaning you solve it left-to-right, so....

8÷2×4 = 4×4 = 16.

So yes, it does equal 16.

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No, 2+2 = 🐟 so it would be 8÷2🐟 and since 🐟 is no longer a number it becomes 4🐟. So the answer is 4 fishes.

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The main story of Baldur's Gate 3 is pretty bland and mediocre.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a phenomenal game! The companion arcs, acting and overall presentation are still next level, some sidestories are very good, and it’s great how faithfully they adapted the D&D rules. But the main story ...

::: spoiler Spoiler ... is pretty bare bones and has no real twists and turns along the way.

  • You start with a mindflayer tadpole in your head, so who do you think will be the final boss? Exactly, an elder brain.
  • On the way you kill 3 major henchmen, who just want power, destruction, or are confused beyond saving. None of them were particularly interesting or multi-layered (maybe Ketheric a bit). None of them could be saved, convinced to switch sides, or at least affected somehow. Aligning with them is only temporary, makes barely any difference, and absolutely no difference for the end afaik.
  • Most big quests end in act 3 in the same manner: Go to a place in BG and dispose of the boss character behind it all.
  • The revelations with the Emperor/Balduran were nice, but he was a very mysterious character for the entirety oft he game, and his decision to fight you if you side with Orpheus is just absolutely ridiculous! :::

RDR2 is a glorified movie with half decent gameplay.

I love the game and completely agree. Apparently, there was a complete rework of the main narrative somewhere in development, with the original idea not including the emperor at all, but instead having a character called daisy, who you'd have a number of dialogues with throughout the game in a dream sequence at the bank of a river.

Daisy being the representation of the tadpole, she'd try to convince you to stay down by the river with her, and the final decision of the game would be whether or not to give in.

Not sure how accurate what I've read is, but I like that idea better.

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All forms of communication that promotes any level of division between the general population, and the idea of payback or revenge is very wrong and toxic and are some of the main reasons for the shit we all go through these days, yet most people either don't think it's a big deal or think it's necessary. We're gonna end up killing ourselves and we're all gonna lose, but at least you got to punch the guy that punched you first, right? Or kill all the ancestors of the guy that punched your great great great granddad, then their ancestors killing yours for killing their ancestors, right? You deserve to kill them all, they had it coming, so did your ancestors, right?

Until the childish ideas of revenge and division is gone from our adult society, i don't see us surviving as a civilization before we kill each other first.

I'm tired of hearing people justify either. It's all nonsense, illogical, and childish.

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We are trying to solve computer/rocket-age problems with a caveman brain. If we don't start genetic engineering humans soon i'd wager we'll eradicate ourselves before we colonize other planets and stars.

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An opinion so strongly shared by a vast majority is worth being sceptic about.

The correctness of an idea is totally independent of how many people believe it, and to believe otherwise is to be some dipshit who says "Idiocracy is a documentary!!!" and invoke Hanlon's Razor instead of having actual good, materialist analysis of the world

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You can of course always be skeptic, but that doesn't mean it's wrong. I would argue most opinions shared by nearly everyone are probably valid.

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A lot of people have to die for the world to sort itself out. I see it starting now, soon there will be wars on every continent.

Very true, so long as it begins with the most carbon-emitting people (e.g. western billionaires who own large pollution-emitting corporations) and works its way down

It doesn't have to be that way, but I expect it will continue to be.

Humans seem to be bad at seeing past zero-sum solutions to problems.

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Both Mario Odyssey and SMB Wonder are only innovative in a vacuum where Mario is the only platformer franchise. Which for a lot of people I imagine is the extent of their knowledge about platformers.

The things people call "innovative" about Mario Odyssey are just half Kirby and half Banjo-Kazooie. Yeah Odyssey's biggest maps are way bigger than Banjo-Kazooie, but SMO runs on hardware that can emulate the N64, and it still has quite a few maps on the smaller side

SMB Wonder... I don't actually know what people call "innovative" about SMB Wonder, but I've seen people call it "innovative." It's the best 2D Mario made in the 21st century and it has a pretty cool gimmick. What's innovative about this?

Don't you think people just mean that it feels like a Mario game at the same time as feeling fresh? That's certainly how I felt. It's "innovative" in the sense that there are things that you didn't expect, and that's fun and exciting. I could be wrong, but I don't think anybody means "innovative" in that it's ground-breaking in the larger gaming world or even in the platforming genre.

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Does a map have to be large though? Theres value in a map being exactly as large as it needs to be to fulfill its creative vision.

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An America-centric one. I've stopped tipping altogether. When the credit card reader at my grocery store deli suggested 15% I snapped.

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That capitalism is not the cause of most societal grief. Pathological self preservation is a fundamental human problem. It’s the reason we’re okay with seeing hordes of homeless people, or with killing people to resolve geopolitical issues. Greed can optimize any system to work for itself, people who are or will be adept at such optimization would thrive under any kind of socioeconomic or cultural system, including extremely leftist systems. Just spit ballin’ tho, haven’t thought about it much tbh.

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People who are unable to smoothly merge or use slip roads without slowing down 500m before even starting to turn off should have their licenses revoked unless they take a driving course to correct their behaviour.

People who zigzag should just be put in a gulag however. Scum of the earth.

There should be no wars or conflicts of any kind anywhere whatsoever. Everyone should leave in peace and respect each other.

I mean, our side is totally good with peace.

But by God(s), have you seen what The Other Guys(tm) are like? How could peace loving, respectable, and respectful abide while such villains attack/persecute/ridicule us?

It's not our fault; they made us do it.


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We should invest massively in longevity. Healthy longevity, fighting aging.

Why would you wanna fight aging when we reproduce in such a massive way that we are pretty much doomed? The last thing we need is a bunch of 120 year olds who rule the world.

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Selfishness is coded into us by evolution. It's genetic. Lots of people will agree with me on this.

What I get a lot of pushback on, is that selflessness is the same. It has evolutionary benefits for a familial group, and so gets selected for.

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SpaceX are making significant progress in rocket technology.

The perception that their rockets blow up all the time is due to their proximity to Elon Musk, the high amount of publicity their tests receive, & a healthy serving of confirmation bias.

SpaceX actually makes pretty good stuff. The sad thing is that Elon keeps trying to take credit for it even though it was the scientists, engineers and laborers who did the real work.

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Time doesn't slow down when you approach the speed of light and the theory we're using to describe much of the universe is based on a bad premise, that the speed of light is constant.

I don't care that I'm not as smart as einstein or that a lot of complex theories i also don't fully understand are validated by special and general relativity. I, an everyman, know better.

I'm right

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Josh Groban has an annoying singing voice.

World Peace is no longer an idea. It's happening, and will be the norm before most of us die. The United Federation of Humanity will happen, relatively soon.

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Humans need to go extinct for the good of every non-human on the planet. We're never going to get a critical mass of people worldwide on the right page to continue increasing our population without wrecking everything.

Live long and die out.

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All things, including human life experiences, are absolutely and completely predetermined as part of a chain of causal events.

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That it's silly to reply with disagreements for a question that's asking for disagreeable opinions. 😉

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