House Speaker Mike Johnson says God will punish “depraved” U.S. because more teens identify as LGBTQ+ to – 933 points –
Mike Johnson says God will punish “depraved” U.S. because more teens identify as LGBTQ+

Fuck this guy so much.

uh, not a chance in his imaginary hell

He’s somebody’s type. Oh no, Mitch McConnell is too. I need brain bleach now

Yeah that's a no from me too. I don't want to shag evil, I want to defenestrate evil.

Well it should definitely mellow him out a bit

Mike Johnson: "Look it's not my fault that I'm making this country shitty, it is those pesky LGBTQ+ people."

So where in his Scooby Doo story do we pull off his mask and reveal the raging homosexual that he is…not that there’s anything wrong with that….just wanna see the hypocrisy on full display

Not all bigots are secretly gay. Some are just hate filled assholes. Most are hate filled assholes.

Yeah, it's a good distinction to make purely because this may help their backwards narrative. I mean, this guy is a horrible human being. Wouldn't it be convenient for those who agree with him to label him as the thing he's attacking?

Still... There are some indoctrinated, self-hating gay people out there. The people who push the message he's pushing are really good at ruining vulnerable individuals. It's horribly sad, and unquestionably awful.

This is the problem, like I'm fine if he was really going to let God do the punishing, but they all wanna take his job

Little mike johnson is living in his own personal HELL on earth where he makes shit up and thinks he hears god.

That's right out of the Nazi playbook. These people, when cornered, will simply recite Bible versus at you as the reason for their malice.

It's not inappropriate, I guess... The Bible is full of some pretty horrible and malicious things masked as righteousness.

Johnson then wrote that he worries that “our culture has fallen so far” since the United States’ founding in 1776. “I fear America may be beyond redemption,” he adds.

Since 1776? The year of the signing of the Declaration of Independence? I would think America got quite a bit better since then. I can think of just a few things that have made it better like:

  • 1787 Creation and signing of the US Constitution including that 1st Amendment including the words "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
  • 1865 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States
  • 1870 15th Amendment granting black men the right to vote.
  • 1920 19th Amendment to the Constitution granted women the right to vote and was ratified by the states

If Mike Johnson sees these things as a decline of the United States since the Declaration of Independence, he is saying he is seeing other besides white men gaining the ability to vote as a bad thing.

Republicans, your chosen Speaker of the House sees the Constitution of the United States as a negative thing!

Back in the good ol' days where you were committed to a mental institution if found masterbating.

If you were a man. Women were committed over far less

I was just listening to the recent Behind the Bastards episodes on the Holy Roller cult from Oregon in 1900 and those motherfuckers were having women committed for refusing to wear a hat/cover their hair.

Another wild ride from the good reverend doctor. These sex cults are just weird yet still so predictable. Outside of the pet and potential toddler burning.

Pretty sure in the 1700's if they though you were cuckoo, they just strung you up from a tree

Probably that, too.

The thing is about 20 years ago I toured a preserved colonial town in New England (I forget the name, it was in Virginia) and there was a book on display which was an inpatient log for a mental ward. And some of the entries' reason for admission was "masterbation".

By the way, New England is specifically the northeast states of Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island! Virginia was one of the English colonies but isn't part of New England.

Huh. TIL.

Why is that?

It's the name John Smith gave the area when he landed there that was later adopted by Pilgrims in Plymouth Colony who rode over on the Mayflower.

Cool. I thought "New England" meant the original thirteen colonies. But I'm from the Midwest, so what do I know? ;)

Colonial Williamsburg?

Good question, not sure. I don't even remember what was nearby.

looks at some pictures

Could be, but then all English towns looked the same back then. I don't remember any buildings quite that big though.

If it was Virginia, it was either Jamestown or Williamsburg most likely.

Depends. If you were crazy and they thought you were harmful, then probably yes. They also had sanitariums.

It was also not densely populated. It was pretty easy to simply banish someone and they would just fuck off to be on their own.

I mean tbf his ilk are really yearning for those articles of confederation days now that the tide on federation is beginning a grindingly slow turn against them

Something the sheer degree to which Millennials and Gen Z have embraced the cause of Palestine is probably putting into an extremely sharp focus as of late.

If Mike Johnson sees these things as a decline of the United States since the Declaration of Independence, he is saying he is seeing other besides white men gaining the ability to vote as a bad thing.

Oh you know that's exactly what he's thinking!

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.

When it got worse was when Nixon sold out the population in the 70ies.

If God is punishing us, he's doing it by sending a plague of Republicans.

As House Speaker, it is not your job to speak on behalf of God.

Perhaps leave that to the popes.

He's Baptist, not Catholic. He doesn't give a damn what the Pope says.

The point remains. He is in no way an authority within the Baptist church, let alone someone that can speak for God according to that religion.

Seriously, who can possibly be so invested in the personal lives and relationships of others?

I genuinely don't understand how you can waste your time with that amount of hate.

It's extremism, plain and simple. Live the life you want and let others live theirs.

Be kind. Support one another despite any differences we may have. Seriously, WTF?

Life would be so much better if everyone just left each other alone. Like 90% of people in the world literally don't care the 10% that are making the world a crap place.

I honestly don’t understand who votes for this guy because they believes that he represents them. 

The older I get the weirder it gets to me that grown adults have an imaginary friend who tells them to be bigoted.

If I had an imaginary friend I would want it to be like Scorpio in Farscape. Someone who could give me insights I didn't think of, someone to bounce ideas off of, and maybe turn on painkillers in situations where I need one.

The older I get the weirder it gets to me that grown adults have an imaginary friend who tells them to be bigoted.

I honestly see it the other way around: bigots find sanctuary in places where critical thought is absent from the conversation. Its easier to push any agenda you want if the dogma is to take your leadership's word on faith alone. Being "religious" and invoking the name of god is being used here like a cheat code to get access to hearts and minds.

If I had an imaginary friend I would want it to be like Scorpio in Farscape. Someone who could give me insights I didn’t think of, someone to bounce ideas off of, and maybe turn on painkillers in situations where I need one.

Sorry that's not really possible. There is an alternative: mild schizophrenia for the company and dissociative disorder for the pain are the best we can do around here.

Agreed completely, particularly on the first paragraph.

I seriously doubt anybody has ever been a compassionate friend to all people, then one day was innocently reading their Bible like a Good Person, and turned into a raging bigot once they read something about a man not laying with a man as they would a woman, abomination, etc.

The religion is just an enforcement mechanism. When Junior starts thinking that just because gay sex seems icky to him personally, maybe it doesn’t make those people evil and unwelcome? Nope, gotta remind him that his icky feelings have the ultra-triple-dog-infinity-plus-infinity stamp of approval! SEARCH YOUR FEELINGS, JUNIOR! YOU KNOW IT TO BE TRUE!

Detective Miller from the expanse..doors and corners...sorry been listening to the audio books.

Know what I haven't done yet? Re-read those books. I should do something about that.

It's funny, because their imaginary friend explicitly tells them not to be hateful bigots. Many times

They don't actually belive in God. They just need an excuse to be shitty people because they know damn well they're shitty people.

Disagree. You can find plenty of scriptures that pushes for bigotry judgemental viewpoints

In the old testament or new testament? Because Jesus was all about love and acceptance of your fellow humans.

You can't be a Christian and say that you hate people because you're a Christian.

Because Jesus was all about love and acceptance of your fellow humans.

Except when he was rebuking a person for having leprosy, wouldn't heal a child until her mother groveled at his feet and called herself a racial slur, specifically told people that he would be an instrument of strife and anger, and spoke in parables so that people would not understand and go to hell. Here is a fun fact, every single time Jesus is mentioned in Matthew with more than one other person in the scene someone has a sword. I get it, you cherry picked a bit of John and Luke but if you sit down and read the thing cover-to-cover he is totally different.

Oh should we also mention Paul? You know the other guy in the NT. The man who gets credit for about 60% of the text. Tell me what did he say about what happens to gay people again or people who don't give enough charity or who enjoy sex.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 New King James Version 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were [c]sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

Read full chapter Footnotes 1 Corinthians 6:9 catamites, those submitting to homosexuals 1 Corinthians 6:9 male homosexuals 1 Corinthians 6:11 set apart

You might want to look up the sexuality of the King James behind the New King James Version.

Why? It changes nothing. The Bible is against homosexuality and it is one of the few things it is consistent on. Who cares that some King who wanted a different translation was bisexual? It won't make the text not say what it says.

You know it wasn't even the first English language translation of the thing?

I'm well aware of the history. It's a garbage translation, and the passages quoted above are one of the things that make it garbage.

Personally I'd rather have Six from BSG than Scorpius if I'm given options for a guest in my head.

What? All she has is looks and paranoia. Mind Scorpio is freaken smart, can override pain signals, and wake you up from a concussion to save your life. Plus he wears a Hawaiian shirt over BDSM leather somehow making it work.

Didn't imaginary Scorpy still keep trying to get John to turn himself in or get himself killed?

It's been a while since I've seen the show.

The Hawaiian shirt gag is never not funny though, that's just the truth.

He did for a while and then he sorta went rogue and betrayed Scropy prime. If I remember correctly.

And then back again after his "death".

That show was wild, and I love it.

The Scorpius in John's head was caused by a neural chip that Real!Scorpius implanted. That's the one that kept trying to betray John, because his goal was to get the wormhole technology and give it to Real!Scorpius. John eventually has the chip removed but an echo of Scorpius was left in his brain, who John learns he can summon at will. This echo learns than he likes living and that helping John is the best way to do that, so eventually they start cooperating.

Oh, and John named him "Harvey."

Yeps. Sorry been years since I watched it. That's what I want, can someone sell me that? I could offload some work to it.

It's probably getting close to time for a re-watch, I've forgotten a lot of details.

Yes, Harvey, I forgot about that hilarious bit. Chriton was at his best when he was crazy 🤪

Okay, let's see "God" come on down and do that. Until then I'm gonna continue being "depraved" fucking nut jobs.

He should go to Afghanistan. Our shit says "we the people." That's a formal acknowledgment that God is not coming to govern for us.

In fact, established religion at the time generally supported monarchs. A monarchy gets its legitimacy from God at the ordination / coronation. The monarch needs the support of the church because they are supposed to be at least "chosen by God", if not divine themselves.

It's getting more and more difficult to understand where they are coming from. I ask my boyfriend what we want to make for dinner, while our speaker asks his son, a minor, to monitor him so that he doesn't get addicted to porn. The relationship I have with my boyfriend is just as healthy, maybe even more healthy than the relationships I've had with women. I give people a pass in the 00s since being queer was rare, but queer people have been in the mainstream for well over a decade at this point, and we are a known quantity. We just want a happy life like everyone else. That's it.

I often laugh that some religious people most likely spend more time thinking about gay sex than we do. Which is once a week if that for us.

We just want a happy life like everyone else

I thought you wanted to indoctrinate the kids with the woke mind virus, and various other buzzwords and word salad

My 13-year-old daughter like girls much more than boys.

I'm fucking terrified that he's in power.

Fight back. Organize. Vote.

That may not be enough.

Probably won't be. But if you can't move you have to fight

No question. And we are doing that. But it's an uphill battle. Doesn't help that she's half-Jewish, I'm Jewish and my wife, daughter and I are all atheists. We are threatened so many ways from the Mike Johnsons of this country gaining power.

I got your back even though I'm in Canada. Similar situation without the gay. My ex is Jewish. I have one kid with type 1 diabetes. 2 with autism. Daughter has a best friend who's gay.

The world is marching towards a dangerous place that only sees value in the hegemony. Diversity like us is feared. Then throw in the "evil jew" on top.

Your daughter is fortunate to have you. While it shouldn't be the case, there are a whole lot of parents who wouldn't support their kids if they were LGBT.

As much as we like to criticize the US, Americans generally will not stand for the mistreatment of our fellow Americans. Throughout history, the government and some other Americans have tried to go so, and every time, Americans standing in solidarity with each other have won out.

So, if Republicans dare to try anything, give a holler, and we'll remind Johnston and his ilk that "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" applies to more than just guns, and we will make sure they're intimately aware of that.

Seriously though, don't hesitate to call out for help here. If things get that bad, I think several people here will have your back.

It will, however, be far better than not doing anything.

We still gotta try.

I'm not saying don't try.

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We can't afford to move to another town, let alone another country.

EU countries are very difficult to migrate to. Their standards for residency are just not possible for most of us. I've desperately wanted to become an EU resident/citizen for the last 30 years, but simply do not meet the criteria for any of the countries.

But thank you very much for the welcoming invitation.

Any of these have easy citizenship or legal resident process?

Some EU countries have pathways to citizenship/residency, but they are not easy. Such a path will usually involve being hired by a local company to do some type of specialized work that cannot be hired for locally. A highly skilled tech job is usually what that looks like. The other option for some countries (like Spain or Portugal) is to be wealthy and purchase a large amount of real estate in the country.

There was a subreddit called Amerexit that was an excellent resource for this information. I haven't seen anything similar on Lemmy, though. If you see such a community, let me know!

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I'm not concerned the wrath of a fictional character.

It's not the main character I'm worried about. It's his hoard of arrogant, dipshit, maniacal, obese orcs in pickup trucks.

Me either, unless it's Khan.

Don't worry, he is left on a planet that is unstable with this weird bug that plays mindcontrol worms in people. I am sure that is the end of him.

Actually god told me that he hates Mike Johnson because his last name means penis and that’s fucking gay.

Maybe God is punishing us because we elect imbeciles.

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That's not good. I mean seriously God is going to punish America. We don't know when or how but it's going to bad. If you are a God Fearing Republican, please evacuate now! Mexico, Canada, Cuba. It doesn't matter just get out of America before it's too late! And stay out! For your safety. Think of the children.

I don't think Mexico, Canada, Cuba, or much anywhere else for that matter would appreciate littering on such a degree.

Mexico, Canada, Cuba

Russia. Russia's the right answer. Favorite 4th of July vacation spot for more than one US congressperson. Might as well go early for the winter holidays.

Unfortunately they welcome the arrival of their murderous God because they think he will destroy all the icky people.

Oh if he thinks America is gunna burn because of the gays he shouldn't come to Canada. We legalized gay marriage a decade before the states. By his logic we are long overdue to be a smoking crater.

The best part is when a natural disaster hits which it will because that’s how weather and the earth work, you get to have these Christlike holy people doing gods bidding when they stand there and say “I told you so, this is what you get.” Fucking idiotically sick hypocrites

It's worse. They are activly driving climate change and when extreme weather events happen more frequently they take that as reassurance that it's Goss punishment for beeing to gay.

It's wild. Depressing to. But also realy wild.

Question seven from the "Taliban or Mike Johnson" party game.

Please, ask god to stop priests and church leaders from molesting children. Thanks.

I asked, and he said "nah"

Surprised you even got an answer. That prick has been ghosting mankind for thousands of years!

Maybe god wants us to be gay so when the aliens come it won’t be weird.

Get these fucking mentally ill cunts out of politics! These idiots believe in magic and mean to force their irrational shit upon us all!

Is this "god" in the room with us right now?

Or maybe he is too busy giving children cancer? Or maybe trapping children under rubble with the decaying remains of their family? Or maybe watching a child's organs fail from malnutrition? Or maybe god is listening to their Spotify playlist "mating calls of the last of their species"? Or perhaps they're watching their favorite reality tv show "active shooter event", new episodes every week.

Probably not though. Who has time for such trivial concerns when there are more important issues in this world like who people like to kiss and what genitals they prefer.

Last week, there was a house fire in my state in which two kids died. I realize that there's a lot that I don't know. But I'm pretty sure even I could come up with a fucking plan for the universe THAT DOESN'T REQUIRE A FOUR AND A ONE YEAR OLD TO BURN TO DEATH.

I'd like to see him try.

But it looks like this asshole is going to punish America instead.

Yeah but you see they're carrying out God's work so it's fine. Especially when it's hurting the "right kind" of people.

Ugh I hate all of those words

Last time I checked Jesus hated lots of minorities and thought they were beyond redemption for what ever reason /s

Considering LGBTQ+ is a protected group in the USA, surely the Speaker of the House Mike Johnson's comments are tantamount to criminal harassment if not hate motivated harassment.

Considering LGBTQ+ is a protected group in the USA

[citation needed]

As far as I understand, the US "Equality Act" fizzled out the last time it tried to make its way through the US parliament. That would codify LGBTQ+ protections into actual law in the US. The closest thing I can find is a Supreme Court ruling that LGBTQ protections are covered under the Civil Rights Act in Bostock v. Clayton County, but the Supreme Court is a fickle beast, and I doubt they would rule the same way today if it were challenged again.

This guy seems like a bit of a dickhead

That explains why he keeps it shoved so far up his ass.

It is always some hateful delusional person talking about God is going to hate people for being LGBTQ.

And they usually end up being gay, too.

They don’t. Most times, they are just hateful people. I’m sure there are some that are in the closet, but on the whole, they are just hateful. The opposite of what their god wants.

I'm specifically talking about politicians, though. There are a ton of super right wing gay hating politicians that have been caught sucking dick or something similar.

The sort of people who talk about homosexuality in terms of it being disgusting animalistic lust... because they're ashamed of lusting after it, and think that it is just a part of everyone's nature which they suppress.

I think there's something to that. Like they get excited thinking about boy's linuses, so they presume everyone else is also, and only so many people are gay, hence the deduction that homosexuality is a choice

I think the element of power plays into too - like how in Ancient Rome it was totally okay for a man to have sex with other men, as long as the higher status man was on top. They don’t view sex as an act between equals, they view it as an expression of power.

Leviticus’s condemnations of gay sex are rooted in that - it was common in Bronze Age warfare to rape enemy combatants as a way of humiliating and demasculinizing them.

Leviticus tells you to kill both involved and mentions nothing about war in either instance. It was specifically to go against consensual sex between males. Don't apologize for the text, if the author had intended it to be stopping war rape it would have said that. The author was fine with war rape which is why it specifically tells the reader to take the girls you find in battle.

There is no god and the Bible is shit. Time to move on.

Not apologia - I have no investment in the beliefs of folks in a specific area from 1000-500 BCE, I just find them fascinating to study for obvious reasons. But Leviticus is a document written in a specific historical context - relationships are entirely man/property. Consenting to sex is not really a thing. Treating a man like a woman is defiling him, he is also now a thing defiled he must be destroyed to purify the community.

I also doubt that enforcement was even happening at the time the texts were written.

Like, the question of “what happens if a woman reaches out to break up a fight between two men, and she accidentally grabs some dudes ‘nads” is discussed at length. They are responding to specific concerns at a historical period which has very little in common with our own. The idea that “sex is supposed to be with someone you love and consider your equal” was as alien to them as it was to my ex 🗿

We also shouldn’t assume that the Bible is univocal - there are so many different authors/rewriters/compilers with different agendas writing in different time periods. This is why I brought up Leviticus and not Paul’s (and not-Paul’s) shit, because I don’t know enough Greek to argue about arsenokoitai lol.

Yeah I also heard that same episode of Data Over Dogma. Dan didn't mention that Leviticus also tells you not to kill a girl that was raped and can force the rapist to marry her. Which means that so called defilement didn't mean you killed everyone involved. Breaking his whole argument.

Maybe reword it a bit. He claims that the act of being penetration outside of marriage meant you were defiled which meant you were to be killed. And he points out that they did that to the animal and to the adulteress. The problem with that argument is they did not do it for the rape victim and in fact Leviticus specifically says not to. The argument doesn't work and the contradiction is easy to spot.

Additionally no where do we even see a hint of a concept of gay marriage in the Bible. If the defilement argument held any water a marriage would fix it. No where do we even see a nod to the idea that can use boys for a certain purpose which yeah they were used for. If the defilement argument worked we should have seen it called out.

The simplest explaination is plain reading and the plain reading is if a MAN (not a boy an adult man) has sex with a MAN (not a boy an adult man) they are BOTH to be put to death.

I don't subscribe in any way shape or form that the Bible is univocal. I am not even convinced that Mark alone had less than 4 authors. But on this one topic the Bible is consistent on.

Side-note I do think Paul literally did say that. He might not have written that letter but I think he did utter it. The man didn't even approve of hetro sex within marriage no way he was cool with gay guys.

Don't follow the Bible, don't apologize for the Bible, don't downplay what it says by contextualizing. It is a vile disgusting book and very blunt.

Deuteronomy discusses the rape of women. It is not covered in Leviticus. Deuteronomy outlines several situations for what to be done when a women is sexually assaulted. A women who is pledged to someone but is raped is killed if she doesn’t not resist/“cry out,” because of the ancient world’s non-understanding of sexual coercion. If she resists it becomes a property crime. If she is unmarried she becomes property of the rapist.

A “plain reading” of a text that was written in a different language millennia ago which has gone through multiple translations is silly. The fact that there are multiple translations is in itself an indication that there’s ridiculous complexity in just rendering the text in English. Usually, when someone reads translations of primary texts, the book they’re published in is at least 50% context.

I like Dan McClellan’s work bringing scholarship to a mass entertainment platform, but I’ve only seen a few of his TikTok’s. I prefer getting my information from JSTOR. I don’t think that I’m “downplaying” the Bible by providing a context.

I’m curious which letters of Paul you would claim are authentic, and on what you would base your reconstruction of Paul’s ideas. (I’m enjoying Bart Ehrman’s Forgery and Counterforgery at the moment, I’d be happy to discuss what Paul did and didn’t write). Saying Paul didn’t approve of heterosexual sex within marriage is a very strange reading of the text - the verses you are referring to are saying that it is pointless to marry (the world is going to end very soon) unless you are just too horny to resist it. Many of Paul’s letters are known forgeries, with distinct theology.

Sorry but I subscribe to the idea that the two books were of the same authors and were divided up later, like Samuel.

I don't need a translation to read it in the original. I made the effort to learn the biblical languages and yes I can tell you 100% with zero doubt that the words used refer to an adult male and another adult male. The whole plural tense thing means nothing. Old Hebrew had a word for boy and the authors choose not to use. There is a reason why no one fluent in Hebrew makes that argument and instead tries to use the context argument, like Dan did. There is no context that makes it not horrific. The text requires you to murder men who had consensual gay sex. The very word used in that passage is used only to describe ADULTS with a cock in every other single instance in the OT. From Adam onward.

I think the popular core list of 7 letters are authentic but that doesn't mean the 6 forgeries have nothing Paul said.

Do you have any academic sources that posit Leviticus and Deuteronomy were written by the same authors? That’s a unique claim, they have clearly different priorities and values. The only folks I’ve heard claim they were authored by the same people are those that believe they were all written by Moses, which is certainly not the academic viewpoint.

I have not mentioned “boys” at all. I think you are projecting other arguments you’ve heard on to me, and not addressing my claim. I am claiming that in the context of the Bronze Age Middle East, the concept of consensual gay sex between adult men was not something that would be on the mind of the priestly folks tasked with compiling ritual law. The situation that they would have actually encountered or heard of would be assault.

The forged letters definitely have elements of what Paul said - if I wanted to forge a new Harry Potter book plagiarizing and rewriting some of the old books would be a good strategy. They also have changes that were clearly used to advocate theological positions that Paul would have opposed - most of the interesting stuff is related to soteriology though.

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My go to is always number of hurricanes that hit fabulous san francisco vs the conservative gulf states.

So the dude is a straight up lunatic? He belongs inside a fuckin insane asylum.

He's attractive to a very specific voting demographic.

Don't worry though, God won't be mad anymore if Republicans win. Nothing will change, but God will no longer be mad. God is only mad if Democrats are in charge.

Also the line in the Bible about respecting the government authority only applies if a Republican is president. Otherwise it's totes not a sin to disrespect them.

No, god will always hate whoever the Republicans consider their enemies. They have to have people to hate to get votes.

This week, Johnson is delivering the keynote speech at a gala for the National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL), a Christian Nationalist group with ties to massively influential conservative groups.

"[...] I cannot conclude anything other than America is hanging on by a thread.”

I sincerely agree, Mr. Johnson.

If it weren't such a serious issue it would be funny that they call themselves NaCl

please explain i am dumb

Its the elements that make up salt

thanks i was hoping it would go boom

Well, Cl is highly toxic and reactive, and Na is also highly reactive and explodes with water -- so we're halfway there. Cl- and Na+ behave very differently though and are stable. Hence why saltwater can exist and not blow-up. So... Yeah no boom :(.

But consolation prize, I have a fun story of a demonstration I once did! I was asked in high school to do a chemistry demo for a special ed class, and so I got some sodium and a beaker of crushed ice. When the reaction started, the beaker jumped a foot into the air and exploded. I had put a blast shield up so there wasn't any safety issue, but there were shards of glass like a yard/meter behind it. It was insane.

... Please don't go buying Sodium and replicating it at home. I am not responsible for any injuries nor damages.

I’m sick of these America-hating assholes bad-mouthing MY COUNTRY.

If you hate freedom so much, you’re FREE to LEAVE!!!


Hey Mike, you are the depravity. You outed yourself as an anti-American neofascist when you tried to overthrow democracy and replace it with a dictatorship.

You know what really pisses me off? When they say shit like "identifying" as lgbtq which sounds very close to "it's a choice to be gay".

If the above two statements are true (which they are not in context to this post) then being a straight white male is also a choice! There's no double standard here!

Which logically, if it's a choice either way then these straight white men are just as gay as everyone else, they're just choosing to be straight!

The only reason I could imagine for someone to believe they choose their sexuality is if they're in denial. "Of course every man wants to fuck another man, resisting that urge is a test of righteousness" is a common thought among religious homophobes.

I don't see a need to bring race into this.

I was connotating towards the speaker of the house who is objectively a straight white male or so he claims.

It's not so much race itself as it's the privilege. Outside of literal royalty, there's nobody more privileged than a rich and powerful conservative Christian cishet white man with good healthcare for free in the US.

The color of his skin doesn't inherently make the Jericho Johnson a worse person, but it without question makes him more privileged, which makes him more of a hypocrite when he tries to play the victim.

But that's at least partially my point. That's discrimination, not all white people, not all straight people, not all men, are privileged and if you think that you're reinforcing the same discrimation you're supposedly against. Sure, there might be, proportionally, because of historical reasons/historical discrimination, more "straight white men" who are more privileged than most, but that's more about politics and thinking that way you are already discriminating against people just for being born the skin color they're born with, the sexuality and gender they're born with which we all know we have no control over. And that's fucked up.

If you really think there are no white or straight people or men that don't have the same privileges as some piece of shit like this guy or even a bunch of minority people I really cannot trust you're arguing in good faith. Class etc, privilege isn't all about the color of your skin or sexuality. Things are more subjective and inidividual than that.

I agree it makes this turd of a human being more of a hypocrite and I don't disagree with the comment I replied to entirely. I just don't see why there is a need to discriminate against an entire group of people just for the way they're born. I thought fighting against that very notion was the exact point.

e: Maybe I'm misunderstanding your point and possibly not explaining my point well (I am veeery tired), but anyway. Just because Mike Johnson is an asshole doesn't mean people should paint an entire gender or race or anything as assholes is my point. I get that the OC is somewhat sarcastic, but still.

not all white people, not all straight people, not all men, are privileged

Maybe not compared to people who are all of those things plus rich and powerful, but compared to people who are none of those things? Yes, we fucking are!

You're pretending that privilege is a binary where either you’re super privileged or you're not privileged at all. That's not how it works.

I'm a cishet white guy from a country with a high standard of living. That makes me privileged. Someone being those things and also rich and healthy would make them more privileged than me, but it doesn't erase my privilege.

Aknowledging privilege, whether your own or that of someone else, isn't discrimination, it's honesty and awareness. Conversely, NOT acknowledging privilege except for extreme cases makes you blind to the realities of privilege, which may in turn lead to ACTUAL discrimination, whether conscious or unknowing l, when dealing with any situation where privilege plays a part l.

I'm not pretending anything and you're putting words in my mouth I never said or intentionally misenterpreting my words and I'm done with this bad faith argument of yours.

I'm not Mike Johnson and acknowledging discrimination doesn't make me privileged. You can discriminate all you want it doesn't make it any less discrimination. Nor does it make discrimination against someone even if they might be privileged any less discrimination.

If you really think someone who just happens to have been born those things and gets the worst treatment than someone who, say is, POC and/or LGBTQ, who is better off than someone who is homeless for example you're delusional and extremely discriminative. It largely concerns all of those things, but it's not as bipolar as american identity politics makes it up to be, it's more about class politics and politics essentially and way more subjective and individual than you're making it out to be - which is exactly my point, not a single one of any gender, sexuality, class, anything is a fucking monolith you should discriminate against as one. But you're free to downvote instead of discussing.

It largely concerns all of those things, but it's not as bipolar as american identity politics makes it up to be

Then why are you continuing to argue that it IS bipolar? Why do you insist that white people aren't privileged, even as you acknowledge that there are different levels of privilege and belonging to one privileged class doesn't mean that you belong to them all and thus have ALL the privilege? It's like you're ALMOST getting it but then you refuse to take that last step because that would be admitting that you were wrong.

Fact: being white makes us privileged

Fact: that doesn't mean that we necessarily abuse said privilege and as such, being white doesn't in itself make us bad people

Fact: neither of the above statements of fact are in any way discriminatory and if you STILL don't understand that, there's no doubt left that you're incapable of understanding either through stubbornness or reflexive defensiveness against an imagined accusation that nobody is making.

Then why are you continuing to argue that it IS bipolar?

Learn to read. I'm done. You made your point and I respectfully disagree, you suit yourself and keep pretending treating someone based on their skin color, sexuality or race isn't discrimination isn't discrimination. Either you don't know what the word means or you're so privileged you're blind to the fact.

4 more...
4 more...
4 more...
4 more...
4 more...
4 more...
4 more...

Ok, I need some context. What straight here means? I can guess it does not mean having good aim in FPS or being tech literate.

4 more...

Imagine giving an entire species free will to do whatever they want, then getting pissed off because of how a % of that species decides to find pleasure and get into relationships, and then collectively punishing a specific geographical region based on that small %.

But wait, create people with those tendencies and even though you are all knowing all seeing and infallible, you were wrong in creating them??

"God made me gay. Who are you to question his wisdom?"

Also those same Americans who think that go off their nuts if you suggest America isn’t the greatest place on earth. Seems like, for all the gayness, it’s doing fine* and yet basically any country that has rules against being gay is also in a range of pretty shitty states.

*America is not doing fine, but largely in the same way a lot of places aren’t under capitalism.

"God is mocked openly in the public square"

Lucky one. Other gods are forgotten.

Big "you are without a doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of" vibes 😁

Again with the fear mongering over people that mean absolutely no harm to you as a human and are not ruining the country at all, maybe just to your career for being a prick

Pretty sure Jesus would say "love thy LGBTQIA+ neighbor" if he were present, but no, gotta crusade against the minorities because of some Old Testament law that was fulfilled by Jesus's sacrifice in the New Testament anyways

Not to mention the perpetual insinuation of America = Ancient Israel 2.0 which is a load of crap, this is an agnostic nation and always was

Jesus loved whores and prostitutes

Doesn't quite have the same ring to it as "Jesus loves you", but it's certainly far more apt to describe his character

Yeah, Jesus atleast according to the bible basically hung out exclusively with the downcast and downtrodden of society. If Jesus was alive in the modern times hed be that socialist dude who works at a rehab facility and hangs out at a gay nightclub trying to convince the bartenders to unionize because his friends like the drinks.

The funny thing is that every article of clothing he owns is a sin, according to the same book they get their gay hatred from.

He probably should have executed his wife when they got married too, according to the Old Testament.

If anything, America is more analogous to Egypt or Rome from a biblical perspective.

The weirdest part is if an uprising ever happen in the US due to their decades of terrible policy making; they'll blame the gays and Muslims for it all. So yes, their technically right...

Did anyone read the email? It’s basically out of 1940. Also,

Johnson may not realize that the reason why more youth identified as non-heterosexual in the CDC’s 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System survey was because it changed its questions on sexual identity. The most recent YRBSS survey included the two following new options for students to describe their sexual identities: “I am not sure about my sexual identity (questioning),” or, “I describe my sexual identity in some other way.”

Lmao. “NO! You have to be SURE about it! Have straight sex NOW!”

Such a negative human being.

Multiply by i to make it imaginary. If you want, you can multiply by i again and make it positive.

Mike longed to see depraved gay teens being punished, but he can't watch those videos without his son knowing.

Why would I repent to a god so insecure it can’t handle mortal mockery?

Someone found dad's yiff stash and really pissed him off

Well it would be his own son who found it because they are browser activity accountability buddies


That's really fucking weird man. What man cares that much about his own grown sons porn viewing habits. The level of control this freak feels entitled to is wild.

100%, but the weird part is having his son do the same for him. Even if he never watches porn it's just gross

Cool... cool cool cool... So if it's Gods job you are going to start taxing the rich and providing services and governance? No? Ah beans.

Of course the first people they'll come for is trans people and other people will allow it

God doesn't do anything anymore. In the bible times he was powerful. I think his mojo wore off.

Funny how that coincided directly with mass distributed modern record keeping.

God just doesn't want the paparazzi hounding him.

"Can't smite even one guy without everyone going all New Testament on you and writing about it in the newspaper", said the Lord when asked for a comment.

I got the 666th upvote, nice

It's cool, but on most services (unsure on Lemmy, which might not need it because it's slower, though it probably is even worse because of federation) that number is more of an estimate. That's doubly true for things like YouTube that are distributed across many server locations. You are likely not the only person who saw it go from 665 to 665.

He can believe that if he wants. I'm not a fan of his aesthetic, though.

Fine way to feel about your neighbor (hell, most of my neighbors are in the same political cult), but this guy gets to decide what the House votes on, so I'd prefer his beliefs line up with objective reality a little bit better.

I'm not from the USA, so this is just another American politician to me. The less I read about him the better. Yes, he sounds like a dick.

How about that? Isn't it usually your enemies who threaten you with the wrath of god?

Not exactly. All Christians are at threat from the wrath of God. That's what Hell is.

I think the real scary takeaway here is that what he's saying is, provided nothing is done about it, good Christians will be punished alongside the "depraved".

Personally I'd call it a call to action, but good luck proving that.

If all Americans went out and voted in their congressional elections, you guys wouldn't be in this mess. I worry that the US will fall into fascism not because of Christian nationalists, but because of excessive political apathy.

If all Americans went out and voted in their congressional elections

Ever hear of gerrymandering?

While you're at it, try counting the polling places per capita in blue neighborhoods versus red ones.

When you're done with that, check how many polling places per capita colleges have, how many college students have to travel several states on a Tuesday in order to vote.

Then check how many voters are struck from the rolls using flimsy excuses.

Lastly, check how difficult it is for the working poor to get enough time off work, childcare etc.

If all Americans COULD vote, everything would be a lot better, but victim blaming without doing a goddamn thing about voting rights like neoliberals are doing isn't helping.

All I'm hearing are excuses. Polling places do exist, and even with Gerrymandering if everyone went out and voted it wouldn't matter as much. Stop whining and just vote next time.

Meanwhile, God is good with the US setting yet another firearm mass murder yearly record because for sure God is a second amendment advocate.

God should’ve made them not LGBTQ+ then Mike. Seems like Johnson’s argument is with God. Good luck with her.

Thank you for the recognition Mike! I am prepared to personally accept whatever award you have for making God angry. It'd be a goddamn pleasure!

Boy I'm glad so many people are religious out of politeness so morons like this don't just get laughed out of the room.

Indeed. God of the Bible is great with collective punishment.

I don't subscribe to the assertion that most anti homosexual activists are closeted but this guy for sure is. His "son" and jerk off monitoring plus this type of statement is pretty clear evidence that he really wants dick but is terrified of acting on it.

this guy deserves the same treatment as nancy pelosi's husband

We have real problems in this country and this guy is like "we need to make things worse for non cishet people". What the fuck is wrong with this guy.

Revelation 22:15; 1 Corinthians 6:9–10; Galatians 5:19–21; Ephesians 5:5; 1 Timothy 1:9; Hebrews 12:14

15 eOutside are fthe dogs gand sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous1 will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: xneither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,2 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

19 Now bthe works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, cdivisions, 21 envy,1 drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that dthose who do2 such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

5 For you may be sure of this, that ueveryone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (vthat is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.

9 understanding this, that the slaw is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers,

14 sStrive for peace with everyone, and for the tholiness uwithout which no one will see the Lord.

ESV. Additional letters within text are links to cross-references to other texts.

Geez, the Bible sure does say a lot of needlessly nasty and hateful things that are used by religious bigots as justification for their cruel actions—almost like it’s the flawed product of ancient human cultures and their outdated values, and not a timeless divinely-inspired message from a perfect, unchanging, infinitely-wise being who loves and cares deeply about every single human being.

"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ."

Ephesians 6:5-8

"Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord."

Colossians 3:22-24

"Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them"

Titus 2:9-10

“Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse.”

Peter 2:18

Yeah, we should definitely get our morals from a book that supports slavery.

How is it that much different from now? Are we all not wage slaves? Have you ever had a good boss? They are your master and you are their slave, until you choose to end employment or they set you free, which that's the only difference in the current vs "traditional" slavery.

Most of the time, it'll be better for the "slave" to be true and loyal to their master. Especially, if the master is a True Christian and a righteous master. Last point being supported by the following. Directly after Ephesians 6:5-8 is verse 9." Masters, do the same to them, and stop your threatening, knowing that he who is both their Master[c] and yours is in heaven, and that there is no partiality with him."

The morality that the Bible teaches is simply the most correct for all of human history. And, yes I understand many do not follow the Way the Truth, and The Life which is Christ Jesus aka God's will for mankind.

Having said that, the laws of a nation are what they are and those are what the state should follow, and those ought to be enforced for all its citizens without preference to any particular group.

Have you ever had a good boss?


How is it that much different from now?

My corrent boss can't beat me with a rod as long as I don't die in a few days.

They are your master and you are their slave, until you choose to end employment or they set you free, which that's the only difference in the current vs "traditional" slavery.

A pretty damn big difference.

Most of the time, it'll be better for the "slave" to be true and loyal to their master.

Having said that, the laws of a nation are what they are and those are what the state should follow, and those ought to be enforced for all its citizens without preference to any particular group.

So you'd be against the slaves rising up against their masters?

The morality that the Bible teaches is simply the most correct for all of human history.

Glad you're at least pro-choice.

Hmm, I wonder...

I want everyone to become LGBT in US and Europe. Everyyyyyyyyoooooonnnnnee!

This will make Iran, China, Russia and other countries better off - economically, militarily and population-wise.

The more lgbt teens in the US, the better it is for its rivals - China, Russia, Iran.... And for the rest of the world.

So I'm for more of the libertities of lbgt in US and Europe, and that everyone to become lgbt there.