Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined to – 824 points –
Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined

Proving Netflix could be replaced by five hard working people.

Proving Netflix could be replaced outdone by five hard working people.

Things are easier if you can steal stuff. And operate on a small scale.

They didn’t need the army of lawyers to get license deals, so that’s not a fair comparison.

Its almost like its unecessary shit made up in order to keep profits away from working people artificially

Yeah its almost like if we didn't keep extending copyright protections a bunch of stuff would be in the public domain and any streaming service could offer it without having to deal with licensing.

I mean that's all well and good, but then how would the very deserving shareholders get dividends?

Won't somebody think of the shareholders!?

It's true that Hollywood is corrupt and csuite pay is absurd, but those deals are the only mechanism by which ANY money makes it to the writers, actors and staff who deserve it

It's the exclusivity bullshit that gets me.

It could be: New movie is released! Anyone who pays the price tag gets to stream it!

But no, we must bidding war gouge.

On top of that, X Y and Z services exist in America, but not in other countries, so in this other country, everything is on Netflix, while I had to jump between three different services at one point just to watch Stargate

Hey, you're just salty that you didn't get in on the ground floor when Stargate was being exclusively streamed in a dedicated Stargate streaming service

Their scale was also an insignificant fraction of what Netflix has, making the point even more irrelevant.

The best figure I could find on Jetflicks user count was 37k, where as Netflix has 269 million users.

Prices should go down with scale not up though.

There's initial investment on the initial servers (and the software), and afterwards it should be a linear increase of server costs per user, with some bumps along the way to interconnect those servers.

The cost also scales per content. Because that means more caching servers per user and bigger databases, and licenses.

So this service has less users and more content, it should be way more expensive. The only reason they are cheaper is because they don't pay those licenses.

The cost of storage in this case is more or less irrelevant - traffic is what matters here. You're also not getting any mentionable bulk discount on the servers for that matter.

The key is that you can engineer things in completely different way when you have trivial amounts of traffic hitting your systems - you can do things that will not scale in any way, shape or form.

If we get rid of the licensing we get rid of the lawyers.

If you get rid of licensing you get rid of the content

Certain types of content. But YouTube's own existence started because people made content without licensing rights.

Technically YouTube exists because three horny nerds wanted a dating site with video integration. It only turned into a video sharing site when they realized they couldn't find the clip of the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction and they decided they wanted to build that platform instead.

I wonder what youribe would have been like if they didn't sell to google

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Not really. I can undersgand licensing but at this point it's become a distopian practice completely separated from the basic need to monetize the content an make a profit. That's why those companies become such gargantuans monsters.

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The only reason all companies prices go up these days is for CEO pay packages

I think it’s more for major shareholders (which includes CEOs, of course)

Like Boeing's CEO making 300 million.... imagine 300 people who worked their ass off could make million. Or 1500 hard workers could be making 200k. But nah, let's just drag these huge bags of money into this one asshole's account. Oh there were a couple of crashes right? 👍 Our thoughts and prayers 🙏. But not our money wagons.

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Did they make the shows too?

Does Netflix make shows? Or does it slam its name onto filmmakers it pays to make content? If so, one of those things simply requires throwing cash at people, which I think is a skill that most people can learn.

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“substantial harm to television program copyright owners,”

Give me a fucking break

Won't somebody think of the television program copyright owners??

I think of them when I dream about them facing a firing squad.

But then who would finance the production of television programs?

I dream of a world where we are free to create art without having dance for Capital

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Love how they make this sound like some incredible feat. When you aren't bound to license agreements, turns out it's actually very easy to have a "massive" content library. Literally the only hurdle is storage space.

I mean, distributing it isn't a small feat. Plus you need to manage subscriptions, billings, CMS, a front end to navigate the content, etc.

That's no small amount of work, even if they used out of the box solutions for many layers.

All of those things already exist. Typically it's just a Plex server running on a cloud service.

Yeah like... Netflix has peering agreements and whatnot but.. It's not 2005.

Both Wikipedia and Stack Overflow just have a few dozen fast servers despite being some of the world's highest trafficked websites

The entire content of the wikipedia fits in a pen drive.

Streaming video is a lot more expensive than text and images.

That is just the text content, Wikipedia has pictures and videos as well. Not to mention the other Wikimedia projects

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Yeah it costs, depending on quality of course.
My 14 TB disks are filling up faster than I expected and I am not close to Netflix’s catalogue.

Yeah, I got a 14tb drive back in February and it's 90 percent full already. My media collection will always grow to fill the space available.

You guys wouldn't happen to have any tips on DVD ripping would you? I'd like to go all digital but I just can't make Handbrake work.

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Nobody gives a shit, you're not doing enough to punish trump for his obvious, literally filmed and recorded crimes.

This is the equivalent of the cops celebrating after beating peaceful college protesters while pissing their pants and freezing while the uvalde kids were slaughtered and psychologically tortured.

You're focusing on the non victory and ignoring the failures. Cowards.

When cops only legal responsibility is to enforce the law, and the laws are written to protect corporate interests, of course they will stand outside the school and arrest protesters. SCOTUS has ruled that way so many times that "to serve and protect" is literally gaslighting.

You're focusing on the non victory and ignoring the failures. Cowards.

That's not true, they successfully did their job of protecting capital and the owner class. Same reason they don't go after Trump. He's in the owner class, so their job is to serve and protect him.

Say it again, friend.

Nobody gives a shit, you're not doing enough to punish trump for his obvious, literally filmed and recorded crimes.

This is the equivalent of the cops celebrating after bearing peaceful college protesters while pissing their pants and freezing while the uvalde kids were slaughtered and psychologically tortured.

You're focusing on the non victory and ignoring the failures. Cowards.

say it again, friend, but in french

Tout le monde s'en fout, vous ne faites pas assez pour punir Trump pour ses crimes évidents, littéralement filmés et enregistrés.

C'est l'équivalent des flics qui se réjouissent d'avoir abattu des manifestants pacifiques à l'université tout en se pissant dessus et en se gelant pendant que les enfants d'uvalde se faisaient massacrer et torturer psychologiquement.

Vous vous concentrez sur la non-victoire et ignorez les échecs. Lâches.

*"The group used “sophisticated computer scripts” and software to scour piracy services"*

They used the basic tools that most(?) pirates use today like sonarr and radar??

I don't mind people pirating...i do mind people pirating and profiting from redistribution.

Guessing they used Sonarr, Radarr, qBittorrent, maybe an NZB client....

Would you look at that, I'm sophisticated now.

redistribution = service?

Why would they work for free?

Not gonna pretend like this aint illegal but i don't cry over some IP owners losing money... EVER, fuck 'em

Oh I don't care that the IP owner don't get money.

IDK, I just don't like the ethics of pirating media for profit, the entire idea is that it should be accessible to everyone, not just those with money. Cover your operational cost? Sure....Making millions in subscriptions? That is an asshole move IMO. If you're paying, you might as well pay the people who are making the media in the first place instead of some rando that had nothing to do with it.

All fair points.

I think the issue is that IP owners are mega corps, ie people who made the content don't own it and can't provide it anyway.

This doesn't seem that different from paying for usenet. It's not like they're making DVDs of pirated movies and selling them on the street corner; they were basically just aggregating content and the service they were providing was making it easily searchable and accessible, not doing the actual pirating, from the sound of it, unless I'm misunderstanding the situation.

This doesn’t seem that different from paying for usenet.

i would think it would be a little different from usenet, considering that usenet would be a service that you pay for, and people who use that service would host content on it, so that other users can download that content. Which effectively removes the immediate liability that you would have in this case, where you are explicitly hosting a pirated streaming service, and then charging for it, for the explicit purpose of streaming said pirated content.

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Yes. Charging money for sharing content like that makes them little better than grifters

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I run a massive streaming service too, which is also way bigger than all the streamers combined. It's just only distributed over my private home network. Jellyfin for the win!

You’re under arrest!

Throw this national menace into federal max security solitary confinement, next to Hannibal Lecter >:/

Not without paying licencing fees for Hannibal Lecter first!

What a terrible shame it would be to have a friend over to watch the telly without a loicense...🧠, wouldn't you say?

Love my Jellyfin server, but I have 2 gripes over just using VLC.

  • Can't use the scroll wheel for volume. It's a pain aiming for the volume from across the room on the couch.

  • JF won't boost volume past 100% like VLC.

Know of any fixes?

Are you playing directly on your server?

For the first one at least you could solve it by running JF with a Chromecast or similar device.
Feels cleaner than a wireless mouse in the living room too, IMO

I don’t watch on my computer, that’s just where it’s hosted. I watch mostly on my AppleTV using Infuse (also great for other Apple products as well)

You can run your Jellyfin connection inside of Kodi which has a ton of configuration options like the volume control.

Use kodi for last mile?

VLC is great as a file playing app, terrible as a home server…

You might want to consider streaming it on your TV. Modern TVs should have a Plex app at the least. Or use a Chromecast or other setup. I watch on my couch with the TV remote. Its the same experience as watching Netflix.

Plex isn’t Jellyfin though. Lots of TV’s/TV OS’s have Jellyfin app but it’s pretty basic. I’d recommend an AppleTV with Infuse, it’s super built out with all sorts of great features. It’s a better app than all of the streaming services

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Can’t use the scroll wheel for volume. It’s a pain aiming for the volume from across the room on the couch.

apparently this is supposed to be coming in the 9.0 feature release. So soon™ I'd have to look to be sure, but apparently it's coming.

Volume is weird, i feel like i'd almost like either a "volume target" option, to match volume levels between content, or some sort of fixed audio boost level. Idk.

Volume is weird, i feel like i’d almost like either a “volume target” option, to match volume levels between content, or some sort of fixed audio boost level. Idk.

Adding replaygain tags to your content could help here, but it's a manual process, particularly since it's not normally included in released videos. And I'm not sure if jellyfin supports replaygain tags from video (presumably it does for audio only files).

mpv definitely does support it at least, with "--replaygain=track".

Of course, none of this helps with OPs situation, because enabling replaygain will actually lower the volume on most files, so it can account for high dynamic range content.

yeah considering i have literal terabytes of youtube content on my jellyfin, i think i'll probably abstain, unless i do some really dirty automation on it, in which case i might not, because that would be funny.

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It probably also had better user experience than all of them

That's the thing about all the pirate apps (apps like Weyd, Syncler, the now-defunct TVZion, etc). They're made by people that actually care, not by companies that are only in it for the money. The user experience is usually a lot better. One of those apps plus a Real Debrid subscription and you're set.

Where should I go to learn more about what you're talking about

I’ve heard that you can download stuff from and with jdownloader. Reportedly it’s then possible to host it locally on your own Synology NAS and use Infuse on your Apple TV for a magnificent user experience.

Rumor has it that apps that use Real Debrid are way easier to use since you can just go to a TV show and watch it. Even a non technical person can use apps like Weyd. Real Debrid supposedly caches torrents on their server so you can instantly stream them over an encrypted connection.

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I've heard that Google might have information about Real Debrid and apps that support it. I cannot confirm or deny this myself.

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It's amazing how I can run a better streaming service from my basement than the ones I pay for.

Start servicing millions of users. Then we’ll talk.

If they're servicing that many users their UX should be better, but it's not. Search should work better, but it doesn't. They should let me make playlists, but they don't.

Yes, scale is hard but it shouldn't be hard to put a clock in the pause screen showing me what time the show will be done. And that's just a tiny way Plex is better.

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Five men convicted by the court of the high seas for being absolute chads

The only thing I'm pisseed about is the fact that I was unaware of its existence. Fuck the system

You might be overestimating how much content that was. Streaming services try to maintain an illusion of neverending content but last I saw except for prime, the amount of content they offer has been trending down.

Those numbers are fairly accessible for an average person with 3 or 4 large hard drives.

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You can always start creating your own personal media server, using apps such as Plex or Jellyfin, and qBittorrent, SABnzbd, etc.

I’ve been trying to do just that and it’s slow going with qB, if one was looking to avoid dens of sins where you might find a usenet key, where should I stay away from?

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They're here doing everyone a service. Why are there resources to prosecute this but not like elon musk's insider trading?

Because our society is profoundly corrupt

You gotta be stupid as shit to run something like this from the US and keep a financial tail of credit card payments to you.

You also gotta be stupid as shit to actually pay 10 bux for this.

It ran functionally uncontested for ten years. And it would hardly have been the first underground streaming service to pivot legit and cash out.

Napster was sold for $85M back in 2002. rebranded as Twitch in 2011. Hell, AWS has it's share of pirate hosted files.

Wait, is that actually Twitch's history -

It is. Until recently it actually still used the domain to serve assets.

Wild. What an obscure piece of internet history to have missed out on as an old user.

Was doing copyright infringing things? I seem to remember it was just a guy streaming his everyday life. He would literally wear a hat with a camera on it and record everything he did all day. It makes sense that it became twitch because they solved a technical problem around mass streaming that empowers twitch today.

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Yeah but megaupload was legit but was still shutdown despite being massive

They had their servers seized, but were later returned and the service came back as, legit and all.

Yeah uh no. that's not the whole story, Mega is a new company, the difference is it's encrypted so the theory was they'd have no way to scan for pirated content. Mega was also seized people think, it's unclear who or what currently opperates it. And Kim Dotcom's extradition case is ongoing.

Yeah uh no. that's not the whole story, Mega is a new company, the difference is it's encrypted so the theory was they'd have no way to scan for pirated content. Mega was also seized people think, it's unclear who or what currently opperates it. And Kim Dotcom's extradition case is ongoing.

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It's sad that these people got taken down. Maybe the next people to do it will do it from a country that does not have extradition with the United States, so they would be safe.

Edit: As for payment providers attempting to take such a service down, Monero would be the answer to this.

Jetflicks, which charged $9.99 per month for the streaming service, generated millions of dollars in subscription revenue and caused “substantial harm to television program copyright owners,

The ownership class will tremble before a communist revolution!

Yeah that competition really did demonstrate what an awful service all those media monopolies provided.

To be fair, the service they provide isn't hosting the videos, it's making them, which I assume costs a bit more

To be fairer nobody asked them to produce content. They decided to create it because it's cheaper that licensing the actual good stuff.

eh some of it is good, I personally wouldn't want to just watched licensed shows from 50 years ago

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caused “substantial harm to television program copyright owners,_

Maybe? People willing to copy and distribute this content will always be around and you will never catch them all. People willing to pay a discount or seek not and find said content will always be around. And there will be those who will watch a show or a movie because it is freely available, who would never pay a dime for it.

They will never end piracy and I'd argue it might actually be bad for business if they did.

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If they had more content on offer than the big legal streaming services combined, should that not tell us something about the quality of legal offers?

What's there to learn that isn't already widely known? Existing (copyright) laws are asinine and all corporations eventually become consumed by greed. That's America in a nutshell.

It's not even copyright laws, it's everyone insisting on exclusive contracts. There's no reason a piece of content couldn't be on Netflix and Disney+ at the same time. It would be a lot better for consumers if streamers could compete on price and service instead of which content they managed to create/licence.

Music streaming has proven this for years now, all the major brands have massive collections that make its super easy to pay and listen to just about anything.

Early Netflix proved this when everything was readily available for an affordable pricre.

Yep, you choose between Spotify, Tidal, etc based on price and how well the app works, not because one service has the band you like while the other one doesn't (not that music streaming isn't its own shitshow for other reasons, of course).

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Exactly. I like Netflix's service, but Disney's content. Why can't I just pay for a Disney bundle on Netflix? Likewise with Max, Peacock, etc.

Lawyers are why we can't have nice things.

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Capitalism wherever it is found. Not just the USA.

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Farewell heroes. I may not have heard of you before, but I shall mourn your departure nevertheless.

It harmed no one and nothing.

TV and Film are just angry that competition did it for a reasonable price and provided a superior service for it.

I have 0 sympathy for the studios/distributors but they also did not pay the licensing fees.

then i guess the studios should stop enshitifying streaming and make a service thats affordable and worth using, huh?

Honestly pretty funny to call the site "Jetflix" and advertise it as nothing but aviation videos. Nobody would know what you're up to until they pay you.

How much you wanna bet a aerospace nut subscribed to this because they love Jets, and immediately reported this site to the authorities because he got the avengers movies rather than Airbus maintenance videos or something...

Pretty stupid though to run this site out of the USA. Terrible opsec. They really just seemed to trust that nobody who cares would ever figure out what they were doing. Plenty of similar sites out there that don't even need to hide what they are because they are well outside of American jurisdiction.

Yeah. I bet he wasn't looking for a Boeing maintenance video.

This is despicable. What specific service was this? So I know how to avoid it if it should resurface.

Not only does it say that in the first paragraph, it says it here

Five men were convicted for their part in operating Jetflicks, one of the largest illegal streaming services in the U.S., officials said.

Why in the world would you do this in the US?

There are resellers in the US who will set you up with the infrastructure to do it yourself. You don't need much and it's less expensive than you'd think, almost turnkey.

Demand is more than high enough in poor areas too, they probably made a really good return before it shut down.

they probably made a really good return before it shut down.

Part of the sentence was to forfeit $1million in profits, I'd say they did pretty well for themselves.

I'm pretty sure the similar exists in other places too. You could host it in AWS in China or Bahrain and save yourself a bunch of risk.

“Sophisticated scripts to scour pirate sites”.

I think we’ve just found a new tagline for radarr and sonarr.

The group used "sophisticated computer scripts" and software to scour piracy services... for illegal copies of TV episodes, which they then downloaded and hosted on Jetflicks’ servers.

So they used some variant of Sick Beard?

nah probably the arr stack

Sonarr: (Automatic TV series downloads)

Radarr: (Automatic movie downloads)

Tdarr: (Automatic transcoding of media, can help save you a lot of disk space)

Bazarr: (Companion app to Radarr and Sonarr, manages subtitles)

Prowlarr: (A replacement for Jackett from the Arr team)

Lidarr: Music

Readarr: Books

Mylar3: Comic books

Plex-Meta-Manager: (Automatic collections and metadata)

Overseerr: Request tracking and website front-end

Ombi: Let users request both movies/tv shows from a simple web interface.

Dopplarr: Discord bot to make movie/tv/anime requests

Pulsarr: Browser extension for adding movies to Radarr or Series' to Sonarr while browsing IMDB or TVDB.

Tdarr: (Automatic transcoding of media, can help save you a lot of disk space)

That's a new one to me, I'll have to check that out. Thanks!

Been doing conversions via Emby, but it's not a very powerful tool for that.

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If you're using sickbeard, switch to medusa. The originally developer of sickbeard is a nut case. He took the project back from the team that was doing development so they forked it and renamed Medusa.

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Why didn't you nerds tell me about this, I'm over here hoofing it with this got damn 2tb ssd

only 2tb? that's the size of my cache drives

... LARC cache? Ha! Get on my level, 1.2TiB RAM BB

# Set Max ARC size => 1.2TB == 1,293,222,768,640 Bytes
options zfs zfs_arc_max=1293222768640

# Set Min ARC size => 180GB == 193,273,528,320 Bytes
options zfs zfs_arc_min=193273528320

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If five people can maintain a service bigger than all those combined, then the big streamers need to buck their fucking ideas up.

They had a big library, but not the user base. They were definitely not maintaining anywhere near the infrastructure and bandwidth of major streaming platforms. Netflix claims 260 million users. It's not hard to get a giant catalog when you dont have to pay for it.

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The group used “sophisticated computer scripts” and software to scour piracy services (including the Pirate Bay and Torrentz) for illegal copies of TV episodes, which they then downloaded and hosted on Jetflicks’ servers, according to federal prosecutors.

They probably used Sonarr and Radarr and called it a day (or similar off-the-shelf tools available on GitHub). It's not very sophisticated at all. That combined with Jellyfin and a VPN (or Usenet or a country that doesn't care about piracy) and you have your own up and running. You could also just use free sites with an ad blocker instead of paying $10/mo like the service this article is about charged.

Unrelated to all of this:

Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

For the elderly folk who write and enforce the laws that caused this to come to pass, sufficiently advanced technology just means more complex than notepad

Yeah, I've got one of those too. Plex is great.

ITT: Have you heard the good news about our lord and saviour, Jellyfin?

You know, I've heard this gospel before, I might still have the pamphlet...

Honestly, I haven't really looked into jellyfin yet. I hear it's superior in some way... But I already have Plex all set up and I have 4 friends with servers and we all share content. So it would take a lot for me to switch.

It really isn’t superior. It’s just the hivemind that gets annoyed with Plex being stagnant, not open source etc. that claims it is. At best it has feature parity for some use-cases. Don’t get me wrong, it’s neat, but it’s not as polished as Plex.

I'm trying to switch to Jellyfin I really am. With Plex I could just throw a file bot at my files normalize the names and it was fine. I can't mark things watched or unwatched from the Roku client. I've now tried three separate times to get the Doctor who specials to show up with names. Plex is by no means perfect but it's so much easier to keep Plex goomed

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Lasted a week and went back to Plex.

Plex is a privacy nightmare that's slowly trying to faze out you having a server all together in favor of feeding you commercialized content from other providers; and many people find Jellyfin is far too unpolished/disorganized for a lot of debatable reasons I won't go into.

I've been quite happy with the middle ground: Emby. It's not FOSS, but is well polished with consistent development, great feature parity across platforms, excellent clients for pretty much every device I'd want to use, and a helpful community ready to assist with any problems you come across. They also have a heavy focus on privacy; with no third party partners collecting your info like Plex, and no telemetry sent from servers/clients.

The lifetime premier license I bought 7 years ago was well worth it.

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Couldn't get on with Jellyfin...emby however has been fantastic!

Jellyfin is a bitch to get working outside my network. I don't get how Plex made it so easy

really? I never had an issue with just sticking it behind a reverse proxy, doing some port forwarding, and setting an apex domain record, that was it. curious what wasn't working for you?

The number of people I've come across that are absolutely baffled by the concept of port forwarding....

Then you add CGNAT ontop and things can get really complicated for someone unfamiliar.

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Streaming services become required by law like insurance

Wait, why am I required to pay for a streaming service?

Because it has all of the entertainment electrolytes a human needs

We already have the private copying levy in Germany and some other countries, where you have to pay a fee for several products (printers, scanners, storage media like HDDs, SSDs, SD cards and thumb drives...) due to the potential that you could do (legal!) private copies of copyrighted media on them. The copyright collectives can set the amount of the fees freely (and it's ridiculously high).

This comes shockingly close to the concept already.

I member the good old days when we were buying our blank CD/DVD in Germany to avoid paying those taxes.

I'm not sure about other countries, but here in Czech we actually have a mandatory subscription, that's absolutely bullshit.

So far, the law is that if you own any TV or radio, you have to pay monthly fee for public service broadcasters (national Czech TV). It's bullshit, the channels are full of ads anyway, and the shows they run and create is insultingly bad. Sure, it is important to have public service broadcasters that are not dependent on the state (because state-owned TV is reeaallly bad idea), but FFS can they just reduce costs and stick to news, instead of doing another stupid series, and stop forcing us to pay for something I don't care about or use?

You could just not pay the fee, if you state you don't have a TV capable of receiving it (which I don't). But now, they are changing the law that everyone who has any kind of internet-capable device has to pay the monthly fee, while also rising prices to something like 6 EUR per month. Fuck that and fuck them.

5 times the content. Where do I sign up?

Check out Softwarr "for free" or Real Debrid and Stremio/Kodi if you wanna spend some well spend money, the latter guarantee more content than Netflix etc, the former everything that could ever exists on the internet.

They solved a problem people had after the fragmentation :)

its amazing how good services can be if some just skip the corporation-obligatory adding of enshittification. i remember an article about a downloadable (but not very legal) DVD with an installer for a (worthless but very popular) OS that included heaps of expensive industry software and the installer was point-klick what you want and then all is done in background and fully usable once done. reading that article it seemed to be a better installer than ever produced by any company for any product.

however as that payed streaming service seemingly leaves huge amount of bank records and ran for such a long time, i guess it would have been easy to stop their customers from paying them. it rather might seem that the real intentions of content corporations might not truely be what they officially claim. maybe we learn in 25 years that the content corporations really were behind such services, maybe like "better get money from ALL markets!" or such.

Teoretically speaking, asking for a friend who's doing research, how would you access such a service? :)

There’s plenty of services like this that people use a firestick to connect too.

My friend uses one but I forget the name of it. You can find them online but people usually buy a package of say 20 connections and then sell them to friends and family. I’ll try and remember what to search for and come back.

Edit: IPTV is a good search term.

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The poor copyright holders. Won’t someone think of the corporations for once?

I wonder how that compares to my own collection...

I haven't found a source for the size of Netflix/Amazon/Hulus libraries; but I haven't looked all that hard either.

You gotta pump those numbers up

Storage is expensive :/

That's already almost 36tb, after conversion to HEVC which compressed it ~40%

Storage is cheaper than it’s ever been if you get HDDs

really large hdds are still really expensive, the prices have somewhat plateaued at this rate. Nobody really needs such massive drives, and their isn't exactly an incentive to produce larger drives, especially now that everyone seems to be moving to ssds.

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Just slap them on the wrist and send them on their way.

No, slaps on the wrist are only for rich people. If you inconvenience rich people, that's unforgivable.

183,200 TV episodes is pretty modest compared to alternative "non-approved" sources.

One datapoint is one source (that has a rule against any TV/show content released in the last 5 years) has a total number of 19.5K shows and TV movies/specials, with ~80 K releases. For many shows a single release can be a full season.

Not trying to sound elitist, but...all the content combined still isn't worth $10. Mind you the last TV show I liked was Better Call Saul, the last Hollywood movie I liked was...let me think...The Irishman, I guess?

Since 2000 the amount of TV shows I truly enjoyed watching and would watch again was maybe 8. The amount of movies maybe 20. So less than one per year.

And because I don't have to watch stuff when it comes out, but am totally fine with watching things years later, when it's cheap or free, I'd wager I spend less than $10 per year on TV and movie entertainment.

I think the shows have been better than the movies

Succession was really good, for example

Yes, they have been. But Succession is an example of a show which I thought I would like, and did for one season, but never finished, because the writing was so lazy and repetitive, and what's worse constantly pretending huge things happened while nothing actually happened.

its a character study, not a bombastic thriller. Same as the shows most folks rave about: Sopranos, Mad Men, Six Feet Under, The Wire, Arrested Development.. its fine to not like anything but I'm not sure why you'd take time to write about how you don't like anything. Do you find posts about, say, an art heist and post about how you haven't liked any paintings in a couple centuries

Quite a lot happened in the Wire TBF (also I think it's the strongest of the ones you've mentioned, largely for that reason..)

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Hollywood has been sucking ass lately, but lots of small indie films have been kicking ass. Everything from A24 has been fantastic recently. Lots of good foreign films too

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