What is your all time favourite movie?

Striker@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 476 points –

For me, personally, It would be Snatch. It's such a great movie that I could watch again and again. So many interesting characters and a unique style that sets it apart from so many other movies. There's just that extra something in that movie

What about you, fellow Lemmites? What is your favourite movie?


The Princess Bride. It has great comedy, action, and romance. It’s influenced my sense of humor and it’s just so much fun.

I watched that with my girlfriend who had never seen it. After hyping it up I had a real “just wait it gets funny” feeling the whole time. Not as good as I remember.

I’ve definitely watched it recently and still enjoy it just as much. But also, your sense of humor can change over time so it probably just doesn’t fit what you like anymore.

I have a theory that movie is only funny if you grew up watching it. I saw it for the first time in my late 20s and just could not get into it. I'm sure I have favorites like that, too, and maybe I wasn't in the perfect mood at the time.

I showed it to my fiance and while I ADORED the rewatch he was very meh and I was questioning him as a person. Then one day he asked me to watch it again so he could watch Andre the Giant again. And then, I'm convinced, it spoke to him and showed him the magic. He loved it. Quoted it. And will watch it with me when I have it on.

I really think mindset and willingness to dive into it is a necessity.

God, what a beautiful movie.

I've been listening to Cary Elwes' book "As You Wish" on audiobook. I haven't finished it yet, but i'm loving it so far.

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My favorite is The Fifth Element. Love it. Another great movie is The Apartment with Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine

Ooh I just watched The Apartment on Criterion and I loved it. Jack Lemmon is special.

The cinematic masterpiece form 1999 starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz "The Mummy"

He was handsome, she was hot, great story, action, comedy and a great villain. Classic action/adventure/comedy mix.

"You're on the wrong side of the Ri~iver."

Peter Jackson's Lord of the rings fellowship, two towers, and return of the king extended editions.

This is my comfort movie series. When I'm tired of dealing with the real world for a while, I'll watch it in 40 minute stretches for a couple weeks like a TV series

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It would have to be Back to the Future. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve rewatched those movies. I also just saw the broadway musical version of it as well. If I had to choose between the three, then it would have to be the second one. There is so much iconic imagery from those movies, and I loved getting to see parts of the first from from different POVs. It has a great mix of many things that people can enjoy.

I caught the musical in London during a visit too! I wasn't sure if it was good or bad because I was wearing nostalgia glasses the entire time and enjoying.

I have to say, it took me a few mins to mentally get over the fact that these characters I’ve watched so many times before were now singing. Once I got over that, it was a blast for me.

It's practically a flawless trilogy in my opinion. It definitely still holds really well and always fun to rewatch!

Snatch is outstanding. The scene with a replica gun vs deagle, the robbery by noob thugs... I laugh even at my memories of them.

But I'll take Shawn of the Dead. Cool direction and awesome cast making a great apocalyptic comedy movie. It's humor may be too dry for some, but if you are into this kind of jokes (is it brittish humor?), it'd blow you away. Watching it with my buddy back then made some of it's gags into our convos.

I'm more of a Hot Fuzz type of person, but I still greatly appreciate Shawn of the Dead. So many funny gags and foreshadowing/callbacks.

The bit in the beginning of Shawn of the Dead where he sleepily walks to the store to buy something, and then does it again the next day after the zombies start showing up is classic.

No argument there, friend. Watching them back-to-back on a movie night is a wonder. Reiteration of a fence-jumping gag, connecting these two movies, is so sweet of a detail.

Of Hot Fuzz, I loved the actor who played the supermarket's boss. His delivery of another chilling comment... Gosh, I can't see how it'd work without him for he kills it. Some people I showed it for the first time only got into it because of him setting the tone and promising some big reveal.

And the starting sequence, as well, is a classic. I've seen people having it in their 101 on filmmaking, and it's not wrong.

"Simon Skinner: Lock me up.

Nicholas Angel: I'm sorry?

Simon Skinner: I'm a slasher, and I must be stopped.

Nicholas Angel: You're a what?

Simon Skinner: A slasher... of prices! Ha ha ha, just kidding! I'm Simon Skinner, and I run the local Supermarket. Stop in and see me some time. My discounts are criminal! [runs off] Catch me later!"

This bit always cracks me up, sets the tone and also foreshadows the ending. He seems obviously the bad guy, and then misdirections all over the place, and the ending pay off. Just love it. Timothy Dalton is a rather good actor also, I only knew him from Hot Fuzz but he's had a long career.

Haven't checked on him, but I guess now I have a reason to. Thank you.

His face in this movie has an uncanny resemblance of a mask from V for Vendetta for me. It does help his role for sure.

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A toss up between Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away, or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Spirited away is a fantastic movie.

And so is Eternal Sunshine, but in a totally different way.

Oh man. Eternal Sunshine is so good but so exhausting. I love it but sometimes i just don't have the energy to watch it.

That's why it can't be my only favorite, it's definitely not a "throw this on whenever and enjoy" it's a very particular mood, but it's executed extremely well

My wife and I have been working our way through Studio Ghibli movies for the first time. So far we have seen Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, and Kiki's Delivery service. Thoroughly enjoyed them all, but i'd say Spirited Away was me least favorite so far.

Not sure exactly why, but I feel like all 3 of them could have benefitted from some extra runtime. Parts just feel rushed to me. Or maybe I just don't want them to end. Lol

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In Bruges.

"I can't see! I can't see!" "Of course you can't see! I just a shot a blank in your fucking eye!"

That duo also did another movie together, The Banshees of Inisherin, which is about a remote Irish island and these two friends who are suddenly no longer friends.

The Big Lebowski.
I lie to people about how many times I've seen it because I don't want them to think I'm crazy (if you though about a number, it's more than that).
Every line of dialogue is simply a masterpiece.

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I’m going to admit to some movie watcher crimes, i haven’t seen any of the godfather movies or the older classics like clockwork orange. However, of the movies I’ve seen it’s gotta be Shawshank Redemption for me. Beautiful movie everything about it hits so well.

No list of movies is complete without someone mentioning it.

It's a tough call between Fight Club and the Matrix. But id have to give it to the Matrix. That was groundbreaking and it still holds up.

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Aliens. Ripley and Vasquez are some of the best female action characters (with the alien queen coming in a distant third). The corporate claptrap from Burke and the setup of the mission is solid 80s cyberpunk. Every character has a great arc (except Burke - fuck that guy). Effects are amazing. The soundtrack is perfect.

It's an incredible action movie.

"Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?

No, have you?"

Just a great line between the characters.

Also, the actress who plays Vasquez also played the mom in Terminator 2, which always blows my mind. The two characters look and sound so different I didn't believe it at first.

Glad to know that others still love this movie! Bill Paxton nailed his Hudson character to a T! This is the apex of 80s movies that cross over between action/comedy sci-fi/horror genres and still tell an awesome story! H R Gigers alien designs were also creepy as fuck and on point. Hats off to James Cameron and Sigourney Weaver as well, and even Paul Riser nailed his sleazbag corporate stooge character. There is not one bad scene in this epic movie!

Give Burke a break, man - he just made a bad call. No need to nail him to the wall or anything.

This one's also mine. I've held off rewatching it for a while, waiting for what seems like forever on the 4K version to be released at which time I have a movie night locked in with my eldest daughter. Can't wait!

At nearly 40 years old it has held up incredibly well.

5th Element. Multipass. Super Green.

I got to see it as a double feature with Blade Runner.

Oh yeah. Watched it as a kid, it ignited my love for sci-fi. Flying cars and endless skyscrapers in all directions.

Aziz, LIGHT!

thank you, aziz.

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For me, I think it has to be Pulp Fiction. I just recently rewatched it for the umpteenth time and it’s just as great as ever. I find myself quoting it quite often.

A bit of an outsider which is a big hit in my family is “A Good Year” by Ridley Scott, staring Russel Crowe. It’s a nice fun movie and for a family of francophiles like mine it’s a great way of getting a bit of the France we love in the middle of the dark Northern European winter.

The Hunt for Red October

Give me a ping Vasily. One ping only pleash.

I must have watched this movie 20 times. Def in my top 5. Still haven't read the book though.

The book is very good as well! Additionally, for me anyway, it doesn’t spark the internal struggle of, “The book/movie was better!”.

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Monty Python and the Holy Grail, hands down. As many times as I've watched it, I can still sit down and laugh my ass off watching it again.

I wish I could watch it again for the first time. Easily one of my favorite comedy movies ever, alongside Airplane! and The Emperor's New Groove.

I'm really surprised no one has mentioned Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels because I think it's actually the better of the Guy Ritchie movies in this style. It's stylish, perfectly-paced, and has the perfect "I think we...won?" type resolution at the end.

Lock Stock is one of my favorite movies

I saw Snatch, then Lock Stock, and afterwards Snatch felt like a remake/sequel to Lock Stock. But nothing will ever top Brad Pitt's performance in Snatch for me. Do you like dogs?

For me, it's the wholesome bro moments in Lock, Stock like Fat Tom constantly, sincerely falling for his nickname. I also think at least once a day at work, "Can we lock up and get drunk now?"

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Trainspotting! I've watched it an uncountable number of times. Fantastic soundtrack, great actors, great story.

Brazil. Directed by Terry Gilliam, with a great cast including Robert de Niro

Ok, maybe it's not my all time fav, but it deserves a mention

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O Brother where art thou

The music, the pacing, the twists, the characters.

Snatch is such a great movie. For me it’s too close to call between Snatch and O Brother, Where Art Thou?. It took me a long time to realize that John Turturro was even in the movie because his acting is so out of character and well performed.

Jurassic Park. I love movies that starts calm and maybe a bit fantastical that builds up suspense towards a huge terrifying, awe-inspiring reveal and Steven Spielberg is a master of that skill.

That is my girlfriend's favorite movie. On one of our anniversaries, I rented out a movie theater and surprised her with a private screening. She figured out what movie it was about 2 seconds in when the insects started buzzing.

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Every time I see Jurassic Park, i'm amazed how well the effects hold up. Just such a great movie all around.

This is a movie you can put on at anytime and I'll sit down to watch it, it's just such a classic. I regularly catch myself humming the theme song also.

One of the few movies I've seen multiple times in the theater! Also, it was the first movie we watched after my Dad gota surround sound setup with great quality sound and enhanced bass. It was so immersive and we LOVED the experience.

"We're back in the car again." "At least we're out of the tree." My Dad and I still reference this regularly.

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The first half of Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Why only the first half?

First half is the crazy establishment of what is going on and has the most ridiculous characters. Second half gets a bit predictable in the overused Hollywood tropes and the very ending was basically modern Grease. It was all very entertaining, but I have seen it enough that the first half will almost always suck me in but if I get interrupted in the later parts I don't feel the need to finish it.

They're making a Netflix animated series coming this November featuring the entire original cast and based more on the graphic novels than the film was. I can't think of too many reboots with the original cast, but I hope it's awesome. I liked the film quite a bit, so if for some reason it's not I can always fall back on that.

First half is a glorious ride, second half is just a movie. Not sure if Edgar Wright ran out of time, budget, or what, but the second half/third isn't that good compared to the first part. Overall still one of my favorite movies.

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For me it's definitely Fight Club. No big spoilers below, see it if you haven't.

The theme of hitting bottom purposefully in order to rebuild yourself consciously into who you want to become has stuck with me.

I've been through some shit since then and have had to rebuild. It's nice to look on it as an opportunity rather than a punishment.

The film was a near perfect rendition of the book. The only other case I can think of like that is LOTR.

So many things about that film are spot on - the casting, the direction, the music (Pixies, Dust Brothers). Again, LOTR also hit all the right notes in that respect.

I had the pleasure of meeting Chuck Palahniuk at a signing some years ago.

At the time I'd been active in an IRC chat room associated with his online writing group. The guy who ran the website for the group had written a script and got Chuck's approval to run a contest. Buy a t-shirt for the site and you get one entry. Top prize, you get a character named after you in Chuck's next book.

So here I am at his reading/signing and I brought two shirts to have signed. And he recognizes this means there's stakes here.

"What's your name?" "Pronell Mordini." "...I hope you lose."

And I did lose, but I still got a good story. Also my real name is really awkward and I don't blame him one bit.

LOTR did make a few notable changes, but I would argue they worked in the films benefit and didn't lose anything. for example Arwen saving Frodo is an excellent change

Translating a book to film is somewhat analogous to translating literature, particularly poetry, from one language to another. If the translation is too literal it risks failing in the target medium, whereas if it's too idiomatic then it risks reshaping the source material.

In the case of LOTR, as you say, the changes made for a better film, while remaining true to the source material, and so were entirely justified. The Hobbit, on the other hand, was a complete travesty, partly because they practically rewrote the story.

Translation is that which transforms everything so that nothing changes.”

– Günter Grass

I agree there's no room in the films for Glorfindel but it's still a shame. Also they were such a sausage fest even with Liv Tyler lol, no argument from me.

Hey, trivia, when Arwen was riding Frodo to Rivendell in flight to the ford she coaxes her horse to ride faster. Noro lim Asfolath, noro lim!

Asfolath is actually the name of Glorfindel's horse so there's that 🙃

I have watched that movie so many times, I can practically watch it in my head. I love everything: the music, the acting, the effects, the story. It's sooo good, one of those films that really makes you think.

"The things you own end up owning you."

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And i love it because there is so much to unpack and to interprete. I never heard or saw yout take on the story. It eaven changed what i got from the movie with me growing up.

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The Blues Brothers. It has action, comedy, cameos, and some of the best music in any film. I will never tire of watching it.

And nazi's. Illinois nazi's.

I hate Illinois nazi's.

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I was having a hard time anyway, but after reading through all the comments, I don't think I could narrow it down.

If I had to try, it would be, in no particular order:

The Matrix

Princess Bride

Fight Club

Shawshank Redemption

The Boondock Saints

The Incredibles


Actually, I can't narrow it down....lol

The Incredibles is incredible. It is my most watched movie of all time and one of my top 10 quoted.

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I'm actually tempted to say Snatch too. City of God (Cidade de Deus 2002) is up there with it. Some time ago I probably would've said Donnie Darko, but I've grown out of it over the years.

Watched Wild Bill last night, a film Dexter Fletcher directed after he was in Snatch. While not the best film I've seen, his character was brilliantly portrayed and worth a watch

Back to the future

I second this and add Fight Club, Star Wars (the original trilogy), The Matrix, Inception, Tim Burton 's Barman (both) and Indiana Jones (until the third). Oh, and The Family Man.

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Blazing Saddles.

But Snatch and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels are a really great pair of movies.

Huh? wait wait, let me, let me explain something to you. Uh, I am not Mr. Lebowski; you're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, uh, that, or uh, his Dudeness, or uh Duder, or uh El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing

WALL-E, I rewatched it many times and played the video game. I loved the animation, the way it highlighted various topics.

WALL-E is Idiocracy you can watch with your kids, and it's great.

Futurama: Bender's Big Score may not be the deepest film, but it's never failed to make me smile. "I can wire anything to anything! I'm the professor!"

Probably The Matrix. To me it's a bible, in the sense that it has everything

The Matrix is unprecedented indeed. Perfect intro too.

There will be blood. I love character studies and Daniel Day Lewis does just an amazing job.

Don't really have an absolute favourite, but one kinda obscure one that everyone should see is Tucker and Dale VS Evil

"Oh hidy-ho officer, we've had a doozy of a day..." Definitely a good watch.

I was just on when it first came out on TV and I didn't know anything about it. I laughed more by myself to that movie than any other I can remember watching alone.

The Bee landing on the nose.

My tastes change from time to time, and even if they didn't it's difficult to choose one across all genre. But I think my all-time favorite is The Princess Bride.

Galaxy Quest is certainly up there.

The Silence of the Lambs. I think it is perfect. It’s a “comfort” movie for me. My mind is weird I suppose.

I have so many favorites, which is why my Plex library is so large.

Hopkins acting performance there is hands down one the greatest of all time. Never get tired of rewatching it. It's just hypnotic.

Absolutely agree. His performance is chilling. Foster’s arc is so well portrayed too. The scene at the funeral home is so wonderfully shot.

Electricity went out in the theater when i saw that. Scary as hell!!

I honestly can't choose between Alien and The Shining. Honorable mentions to My Neighbor Totoro and Dumb and Dumber. Shit, now I have four movies to watch this weekend

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Rear Window.

I'm a big Hitchcock fan anyway but this is a film I've seen countless times and can still get hooked just like the first time.

I also really love Rope

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12 monkeys and Se7en... Probably because I was more impressionable as a teenager though

I have this living top 100 ranking on Letterboxd: https://boxd.it/jQWau

The list shuffles around quite a bit depending on the day but my top 10 is pretty much fixed in place:

  1. Casino Royale
  2. Who Framed Roger Rabbit
  3. Princess Mononoke
  4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  5. Blade Runner 2049
  6. Trainspotting
  7. O Brother Where Art Thou
  8. The Shining
  9. Fargo
  10. No Country For Old Men

Someone really likes the Coens hahaahah

But no shade, I love all these movies (except for Casino Royale, which does seem really random at number 1 with the other movies tbh. Not a bad movie I guess, but what? 😆)

Rewatchability plays a huge part in what I consider a favorite. Notice this list is missing some heavy hitters like the Godfather movies. I don't consider this list to be the best movies of all time but favorites as in, what have I watched the most and am most excited to watch again or what just hit right at the right time in my life.

Casino Royale hit just right for me. In the 90s with Goldeneye (the game and the movie) and Tomorrow Never Dies turned me into a huge Bond fan. Then world is not enough and die another day were huge disappointments.

I watched layer cake and was amped when I heard he was getting cast for Bond and this one was going to be directed by Martin Campbell and written by Paul Haggis (pretty controversial figure now but at the time I loved the movie Crash). Going into all of this I had pretty high expectations and it exceeded it. The most I ever seen a movie in theaters was twice. For Casino Royale I went six times. I just wanted to show it to everyone I knew.

It spawned my favorite Martini and Bond Girl (Vesper) my favorite scene in the franchise (the two sizing eachother up on the train), introduced me to some of my favorite actors (Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen and Jeffrey Wright) and to this day it's something I watch at least once a year. There's just not an ounce of fat on this movie.

That’s a great write up. It’s cool how we’re all infinitely complex people.

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Great call on Roger Rabbit. Hope the kids today see this fine film. Excellent stuff!

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I'm gonna go with Everything Everywhere All At Once. But a close contender, perhaps tied, is the Barbie movie.

Lawrence of Arabia - for all-time classics

Aliens - for sci Fi

Evil Dead - for horror

Life of Brian - for comedy

It's impossible to pick a single film across all genres and even then, it was painful to leave out a movie like Pacific Rim, or Young Frankenstein.

I've been watching a lot of classics lately and I've never actually seen Lawrence of Arabia. It's kind of intimidating at almost four hours and those older movies are often a slog. Obviously you're gonna say yes because it's one of your favorites, but do you think I should check it out?

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The Third Man. Black & white noir/detective movie that sees a trashy pulp author in post-WW2 Germany to pay his respects for a friend that recently died. The dialogue is rapid-fire and witty, the characters are memorable, and it’s just a good movie, even knowing everything about the plot I still find myself coming back to it.

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These are the movies I can always watch again.

  • Gladiator.
  • Casablanca.
  • In the Mood for Love.
  • Lord of the Rings.
  • Matrix (first one only).
  • Sin City.

If I'm on a plane scrolling to find a movie to watch and I see any of those I stop right there.

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I have a top 3 that's unordered and based entirely on watching experiences that just hit a special and rare spot:

  • 2001 A Space Odyssey
  • Stalker (by Tarkovsky)
  • Season 3 of Twin Peaks (TV, obviously, but that season is filmed like one 18 hr long lynch film and it felt entirely like a cinematic experience, and hit a special spot ... if you know you know we can maybe talk about it in spoiler sections here).

For a long time I was too afraid to watch Stalker. When I did, it‘s hard to describe, it was revelatory. Now I am too scared to watch the Mirror.

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Snatch had the best performances (IMO) of all of those actors. One of the best movies of all time.

Nothing has ever topped Interstellar for me. The soundtrack, visuals, epic story... I get emotional just thinking about it.

Boogie Nights.

My hetero life partner and I went to see this opening night because we heard Heather Graham got naked... and we'd both been infatuated with her since License to Drive. We ended up going back to the theater at least a dozen times to watch the movie just because it was so goddamn good.

It's an amazing ensemble cast of actors who were, (with the exception of Burt) at that time, B-list at best. The story is engaging and friendly without reaching too far into hackey territory. We might be able to predict the exact destination, but we can enjoy the journey to that destination as it's own unique experience. Anderson lets his actors really make the characters their own, so long as they stick to his writing.

In short, it's an amazing example of what a whole bunch of very talented actors can do when they're given good material to work with.

I don't like Mark Wahlberg as a person, but he was amazing in this movie. John C Reilly is the fucking man. Julianne Moore and Heather Graham deliver Oscar caliber performances.

I can't think of a single bad part of this movie.

The driveway scene kills me everytime.

There's actually a shitload of subtext packed into that scene. That's one of the great things about the movie. It manages to pull off some serious social commentary while still being legitimately entertaining.

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The Incredibles (2004). There's probably a lot of nostalgia involved in my answer but early Pixar movies are my jam, never get tired of watching them.

Fear and loathing in las Vegas is definitely near the top of the list.

Sexy Beast - fantastic film; one of the best opening scenes put to film. It has everything from fantastic acting, great story, great music and just an all round enjoyable film.

Not many that agree with me I'm sure but Tron Legacy.

The soundtrack is perfect, the art style is incredibly cool and ultimately its a story of a son missing, searching for and finding his dad.

As someone that lost their dad too early this will always be a special film for me.

Jeff Bridges was so damn good in this. Yeah his CGI self was kinda corny/low-budgety but it fit in decently well with most of the movie having to be in CGI because it was literally about a computer generated world, so I didn’t mind it.

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It's hard to pick one, but for everything fighting to break the tie...

Wristcutters: A Love Story. A tale of suicide, purgatory, and, well, love. It's not the most groundbreaking plot, but it's one that I always have fun following, even if the ending is a cliche heartwarmer.

Just beware that there's one cheesey visual effect that really sells "this was done on a budget" even without knowing the hell that was filming.

Here's my Top Three:
2001: A Space Odyssey.
The Empire Strikes Back.
Miller's Crossing (1990 film by the Coen Brothers).

Same here, Snatch. Gotta hate them f*cking pickies

Pikey I think.

Brick top is a superb character and played really well

His "body disposing" speech with the pigs is still the best acting performance in my books

Grandma's Boy.

It's not like it's super good, or anything; but the characters are basically the same as my IRL friends and it's like hanging out with them whenever I watch it.

I love grandma's boy. We need more tech nerd weed movies!

At this point, I'd even just be happy with more stoner flicks. What the hell happened to that genre? I feel like Grandma's Boy was the last great one. I suppose Pineapple Express and maybe even 30 Minutes or Less might count, but they aren't really the same. They're more "comedic action" than "stoner movies."

And maybe Wes Anderson stuff. They're not "stoner flicks," but his use of color is way more fun to look at while high 😁

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Right now my favorite movie is Synecdoche, New York. I don't think I ever felt so deeply connected to a piece of art before. It's morbid yet oddly comforting, and my brain chemistry has been permanently altered after seeing it.

I'm in my Kaufman era which began with me and my wife watching Being John Malkovich (which is also pretty damn good imo). And I'm obsessed. He's reinvigorated my love of cinema in a big way! I feel embarrassed it took me so long to watch his stuff but I think it came to me at the right time in my life

Both excellent movies! Have u watched Adaptation yet? That's an S tier Cage flick

My favorite all time is The Count of Monte Cristo, 2002. My Cousin Vinny is my favorite feel good movie.

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I really like Training Day. Although I'm tempted to say Hot Fuzz now. Hot Fuzz has so many small things in it that each time I watch it there's something new.

I'll go with the movie I've rewatched the most in my life

Shaun of the Dead

I'll go with "The big short" (but whiplash, there will be blood, parasite, tenet and upstream color come close). I love the acid-adult-satire with a dark humor tint to explain an economic collapse 👉🏻👈🏻

Have you read the book? It's a textbook with a plot. Every time I open it my jaws on the floor within seconds. Super technical and I learn something new every time. It's the kind of book you can open at literally any page and just start reading.

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I like movies that explore the human condition and the facets of society.

Currenlty Magnolia is my #1.

Previously it was Fargo.

And before that, Meet the Feebles.

Is that the one with the frog rain ? and a guy climbing some sort of pole and falling down. Two childhood memories

Yes, frogs scene and Donnie climbing the pole.

It's about how adults are still kids inside, and that kids can be screwed up by adults early on and stay messed up for a long time, sometimes finding release from their screwed-upness.

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How do you feel about vanilla sky? I'm not sure if it fits your bill but immediately came to mind.

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Snatch is definitely up there! Seen it a million times and can quote just about all of it, plus the soundtrack is outstanding!

Pro tip: watch with the subtitles on, you'll catch a ton of detail you missed.

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L.A. Confidential. Gripping moody story and you just have this sense that it's taking place at the cusp of a city becoming itself.

I couldn't choose just one, but 'Snatch', 'Baby Driver', 'Pulp Fiction', and 'Nobody' are all incredible.

Other notable mentions are 'Barbie', 'The Founder', 'The Green Mile', and 'Captain Phillips'. I still haven't watched Oppenheimer yet!

Tarantino has some great films. Kill Bill is overrated though. The first half is competent, but the second half is just too goofy.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - especially if you’re familiar with the plot of Hamlet. I love that the opening theme song (Seamus) is by Pink Floyd.

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My comfort movies include A Mighty Wind, Best in Show, and the Naked Gun series. Also always really liked Moonrise Kingdom.

We should hangout.

Different movies at different times in my life. The one that comes to mind currently is About Time (2013). Lovely film.

Yay, another person that likes that movie. I feel like there aren't enough of us.

My wife made me watch it one day, and I've lost count of how many times we have seen it since.

Snatch! All-time #1! ...except for when Blade Runner is #1.

Other faves that I haven't seen mentioned yet:


  • Baby Driver


  • The Cornetto Trilogy
  • Oscar (Sylvester Stallone in a comedy of errors)
  • Evolution

Sci-Fi / Fantasy

  • BR:2049
  • The Thirteenth Floor


  • The Transporter
  • District B-13


  • Cabin in the Woods
  • Tucker and Dale vs Evil
  • El Orfanato (The Orphanage)

People laugh when I tell them this but it's definitely Muppet Treasure Island. I love the muppets, I love the music, I love pirate movies, and Tim Curry. I could have just said Tim Curry and I feel like that would have been enough but it's really every aspect of the movie. It's PERFECT.

Tim Curry is a legend. I always picture him as Long John Silver and this is in spite of the fact that my favorite version of Treasure Island is Treasure Planet.

This is hard for me to answer as I have a couple on the same tier. I’ll probably choose Sicario.

The Conversation by Frances Ford Coppola. It's a low key but intense film with an incredible cast. There's something about the mood and that I love.

I'll watch it every few years at Christmas with my dad, which adds to the pleasure of seeing it.

Hot Fuzz. I was thinking about how this movie is just edited/directed so perfectly. Not one second is wasted, so tightly packed. It's funny while taking the plotline very seriously.

Snatch is a damn good movie too, for a lot of the same reasons.

Hard to choose one, so I'll list two: Live and Become, Bonjour Monsieur Shlomi.

The ending of Live and Become gives me chills and chokes me up to this day. SUCH a powerful movie!

Fight Club resonated so hard on me and my misfit pals when we saw it for the first time. Probably not my favourite film now, but that times where intense, so it always come to mind thinking about good films. Now it's maybe Blade Runner for totally different reasons, mostly superb aesthetic. I guess I chilled down quite a bit.

Star Wars. My highest-ranked movie that isn't usually on these lists is Stardust, at number 3, following The Matrix at number 2.

Stardust is way better than the premise would lead someone to believe. Such a good movie. Although, every time I watch it, I end up having to watch Princess Bride too.

It never makes these lists unless I add it - The Fountain with Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz. Something about it just resonates with my soul.

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Cloud Atlas

It wasn't my favorite and I'm not sure what point they were trying to make. But Cloud Atlas was different and ambitious and for that I appreciated it. I saw it when it came out more than 10 years ago and I still think of it occasionally, so there's that.

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Movie: Nausicaa

Movie series: Older Evil Dead / Army of Darkness

Director: Terry Gilliam

Genre: Cyberpunk (with the note that almost all modern cyberpunk is waterlogged garbage and I'm very disappointed)

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Just the perfect mixture of well-timed gags, drama and action with special effects that still (mostly) hold up and a brilliant cast. I can still quote pretty much the entire movie.

Drive, it's a movie where the cinematography told more of a story than the dialogue between the characters. The dialogue does matter, sure, but we're shown the story as opposed to being told the story.

If you need proof, the first scene is one of the best vehicle chases ever. Plus, the elevator scene gives me chills every time.

As far as "film" goes, Drive is also my favorite for the very same reasons. Even the simple placement of bright colors like the Tide bottles at the convenience store...

But that elevator scene takes the cake for me. Prior to that point things were kind of slow and melancholy. I think Irene's reaction to the brutality of the Driver mirrors that of the audience. I love this movie.

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Brazil .. favorite and the human centipede as least favorite

Human Centipede can be appreciated as a cult classic in horror, but in terms of fucked up concept I wish it was the worst thing my eyeballs have witnessed. Top 3 for me: Salo (1975); it was just sad and fucked up. Martyrs (2008); I'm really squeamish when it comes to razer blades and skin. A Serbian Film (2010); straight up taboo gore porn, the only film where I've personally skipped a certain scene because I know I'm better off living without that witnessed imagery in my mind. Outside of the fucked up shit it's not even a good movie.

My favorite movie changes frequently, but ATM my top 3 would be

Big Fish

Secondhand Lions

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

Snatch is in my top 5 though

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Of more "recent" movies I would say Inception. From days when I was younger maybe TMNT II or Surf Ninjas

Just saw Across the Spider-Verse. That movie is so beautiful. You can literally pause on any frame and you're looking at an artistic masterpiece.

I watched it on a large OLED in 4k HDR, so ymmv. While it takes a really high place, my favourite is still PREDATOR; just an awesome script.

Don't even think snatch is the the best Guy Ritchie movie. Lock, stock and two smoking barrels is better imo.

Yes and no. Better story and writing. But Snatch is where he took what he learned in Lock Stock and improved on it.

Hard to nail down only one favourite. Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, North by Northwest, and Out of the Past head the list.

If you like Snatch, try Gettin' Square. It's an Aussie thug movie that I reckon is pretty good.

As for all time favourite movie, I'm not certain anymore as I prefer to watch a familiar variety of movies. It's maybe independence day

I love a good laugh-out-loud comedy, so I’m going to go kind of obscure with Amazon Women On The Moon. You’ve probably never heard of it, because it was a straight to DVD from ‘87 by Zucker/Abrams/Zucker, the same guys who made Airplane and the Naked Gun movies, and it’s also the spiritual successor to The Kentucky Fried Movie.

It’s difficult to describe it, other than to say that you’re loosely supposed to be watching a 1950s sci fi movie called Amazon Women On The Moon on late night TV. Interspersed among the bits of the movie are fake commercials and other skits that are absolutely hilarious! And the cast is unbelievable - Roseanna Arquette, Michelle Pfeffer, Arsenio Hall, Steve Gutenberg, Andrew Dice Clay, Joe Pantoliono, David Alan Grier, Ed Begley Jr., a long list of classic comedians in one skit, and, if you keep it rolling during the credits, even Carrie Fisher shows up.

Sadly JustWatch shows that it’s not available to stream anywhere (except the high seas I guess? 🤷🏻‍♂️), but Amazon has the DVD & Blu-Ray available, and, if you’re a fan of Airplane type humor, it’s worth the purchase!

EDIT: After a Google Search, I discovered that there’s a copy online at the Internet Archive! Go watch it before it’s gone!


I'm sure I will get roasted for this but, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. I'm aware of it's flaws, but I love it. I've seen the movie too many times to count and regularly quote it to my friends. I have a long standing admiration for both Morgan Freeman and Alan Rickman that I know started with this film.

The Third Man (1949) if I had to pick just one. It is cinematic poetry from start to end.

Moulin Rouge. Captures a lot of the cinematography you see in Snatch, and it's a musical. Great story, great writing, and great performances curtain to curtain.

I'm not into musicals at all and that's totally the kind of movie I would usually skip. But I fucking love Moulin Rouge. The energy, the music, the production, it's just exceptional.

While i haven‘t seen a lot of movies in my life, mine would be schindler‘s list. Just a masterpiece.

Blood Diner, because it's actually about a trans man who helps his dead uncle become his living aunt. It's easy to lose track of the fact that this is a movie about two transitions in the chaos of the ancient blood cult, vegan diner that serves human meat, wrestling with Jimmy Hitler, and all that, but it's all in there. Blood Diner was decades ahead of its time. I watch it a few times a year. Watch it as a double feature with Frankenhooker and pretend they're modern experimental indie movies. Frankenhooker is a feminist masterpiece.

Hot Rod. I have watched it 25+ times and I laugh my ass off every time.

My favourite is Withnail and I. I haven't seen Snatch in quite some time though. I will watch it now, I think

  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • The Day the Earth Stood Still
  • Roman Holiday

I agree,
Snatch is a great movie,
one that should be freed
from the shackles of Amazonian tyranny.

I don't know if it is my all time favorite but I can watch The Maltese Falcon on repeat

My all time favorite movie is Castle in the Sky

Have to list several:

For beauty: Barry Lyndon (1975)

For humor: Bedazzled (1967)

For plot: The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

For characters: The Third Man (1949)

For watching when I'm sick: A Bridge Too Far (1977)

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My favorite always changes. Right now, it's Hideaki Anno's The End of Evangelion.

I also really like Chris Marker's Sans Soleil and Ishmael Bernal's Himala.

Difficult to choose but my top 3 is The Human Condition, Memories of Murder and Gattaca.

It's really hard to say to be honest, so I'm going to go based on the movie I watch the most frequently (and I can back that up with 4ish years of media server stats!), so with a total of 49 views during that time:

Scary Movie. Absolutely hilarious, just about every scene makes me cackle. Scary Movie 2 is also a frequent watch (along with 3 on occasion, 4 and 5 if I'm baked out of my gourd), but that first movie is a pure classic.

Also honourable mention to my 19-views-in-the-same-time-period entry: A Haunted House, also by Marlon Wayans. Fucking hilarious, and has a decent enough sequel too.

John Carpenter's: The Thing. I have seen this movie well over 50 times in my life, and I will probably watch it 50 more before I die.

Kimi no na wa (your name). That Anime was great to watch and can recommend it wholeheartedly*. I think if your in the teens or in the 20s the movie hits you harder. I am almost 40 hehe *spelling