What's some sex ed info you didn't know until embarrasingly late?

SnokenKeekaGuard@lemmy.dbzer0.com to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 369 points –

Oh my god I've got so many 😭


One teacher allowed girls bathroom breaks without a question but not guys and we thought it was bc girls can't hold pee in since they don't have dicks.

If you can't tell sex ed doesnt exist in this part of the world

Hell that's not even sex ed but anatomy ig

Don't be silly. It's because most of them don't have balls, the place where pee is stored, so it goes right through them

Wait, what’s the reason?

Every so often, girls need to release evil demons within them or else they'll be consumed by hellfire. Everybody knows this.

This explains everything. The reason I never saw her after the first date is because she was consumed by evil demons ☹️

Period flow can happen without warning, and even if there is a warning, it's not usually something that girls are comfortable enough with to want to announce the reason in front of a classroom.

It's not like you want to announce diarrhea either

I liked your comment myself, but I wished period was more normalized and not seeing as something "disgusting" or "embarrassing"

I don’t get diarrhea every 4 weeks. Do you?

No it's more frequent than that

Maybe lay off the Arby's for a while.

What's Arby

Oh, a low-tier fast food restaurant in the US. That joke will be funny to some people.

Eh depends on how explosive it is, those nearby may deserve a warning


Then why is it called menstruation and not womenstruation? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Oh that! I thought it was still something about pee I don’t know because of the context 😄

That's not a sex ed thing, that's just blatant misandry. So what if boys don't get periods, they still have to pee!

New theory dropped: pee is stored in the dick

I learned in college (from my nurse girlfriend) that if a girl is taking antibiotics that it invalidates her birth control pills for the month and you need to use condoms until after her period.

Spread the word, brothers.

That's not really true.

Sure it's true for rifampicin and rifabutin (and maybe one more similar one). But those are used to treat TB.

All the standard ones you'd take are fine for birth control.

Edit: Thanks to some people who are more knowledgeable than me on the topic, there are some others, or secondary effects you should consider.

Moral of the story: if in doubt ALWAYS use more contraception. Best to be safe out there.

According to Mayo Clinic, penicillin and amoxicillin also can make birth control less effective. But most other sources agree with you. I wonder if it's relatively new information that those antibiotics don't affect it or what.

It's easier to tell people to just use a rubber when on antibiotics rathern than explain to them that it's only for some unpronounceable substances for most of the population and have them memorize a list of substances for which it's safe to go on as usual - azithromycin is safe, amoxicillin is not. They may sound fairly similar to a layman.

It's because some substances (in this case, antibiotics) mess with the units in your body that process them and prepare them for excretion. They may inhibit or induce them, but these units process a whole load of other stuff. Including birth control, which can lead to less activity from the birth control pills because they're inactivated quicker (in case of induction) or the biotransformation to the active form is slower (in case of inhibition, for prodrugs that are inactive as is, but have active metabolites, no idea if this is the case for birth control though).

A similar thing happens with alcohol, for example, which is why you should always be honest with exactly how much alcohol you drink or what other drugs you take when talking to an anaesthesiologist, or any doctor prescribing you any sort of medicine, lest you risk ineffective anaesthesia or treatment (the first one is worse imo).

100 % agreed. I was just being pedantic I guess. Sorry for that.

I really should have said ALWAYS use more contraception if you're unsure about anything. Best to be safe.

Good thing about this is now I have some interesting things to read up on.

It may be? I found a few references from like 2019, but as someone else posted above, there's a lot more to consider than just the antibiotic interfering with the birth control. Digestive tract things. Definitely take a look at the post I'm referring to.

But as I SHOULD have said in my original post, ALWAYS use more methods of contraception if you're unsure. Best to be safe.

It has two components. While Rifampicin and Rifabutin (and Penicillin,Amoxi and a few others) are directly showing effects on the contraceptives drugs effects, there is another factor that shouldn't be underestimated: ABs can and will cause digestive symptoms, fastening gastric passage and that alone is known to reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives countless times.

That is true. I didn't think of it from that angle. I haven't read too much into that. But now I will. Thanks for the info.

For the record, always use secondary contraception if you're in doubt. I should have said that in my first post.

Oh wow, this really should be common knowledge. Thanks for enlightening me.

I am a medical interpreter and until like three months ago I didn't know that women had clear fluid secretions on the regular, as in as a normal part of their life monthly cycle. No one, not any gf nor my actual gf or any friend had told me that. I hadn't heard about it anywhere, either on the news, on small talk, on jokes, on serious conversations, on sex ed, nowhere. I was in wonder not because of the fact, but because of how little info about it there is until I got the info in my job, and even there i hadn't heard about it before nor after. It's so weird for something so common to be this quiet.

You know what's extra fun about this?

Those secretions bleach underwear. That's right, my cute black panties are all inevitably doomed to have a white spot in the crotch over time!

I kept reading and hearing this and since it doesn't happen to me I thought something was wrong with me. So I'd like to add that according to my gyn it's also perfectly normal to not have this happen!

Depends on your Ph level. Everyone's is different.

I keep hearing this but what is it? Is it a way the body regulates ph? Is it some sorta chemical reaction that happens internally that gets rejected by the body? Is it just mucus wherein the body just makes too much?

Im not a vagina haver, and I hear that the PH levels can also slowly cause holes in a lot of fabrics. That sounds rough, my washing machine slowly ruins enough of my clothes on it own.

My feet must sweat sulphuric acid then. :(

Id imagine friction between sock and shoe plays a bigger part there than friction can play with genitals and underwear. At least I hope so, I pity the poor bastards who got just as much friction there on a dialy basis lol.

Yeah I didn’t learn that until after I became one. That was a fun thing to be informed is normal after thinking something is wrong

So when you say "after I became one" are you saying you're trans and have begun to experience this after bottom surgery? If so, I'm wondering if there are the same kind of secretions from the penis that I'm just not noticing. I mean there are times when I drift off in thoughts of sexual fantasies and end up with "pre-cum" in my underwear. I wonder if it's the same process.

As a trans woman, we definitely can get a similar phenomenon, but I can't vouch for how common it is or if it's the same thing.

If it does happen, it generally starts a while after your hormone levels get consistently in the right place. Don't need surgery. For me, it's even straight up dependant on what brand of estrogen I'm taking. I take injections, and if I'm on 10mg/ml, it happens, but any time I have to take 20mg/ml, it stops. Doesn't matter that my hormone levels haven't shifted even slightly.

It is known that it's the same organs producing it as males have, but why it begins to behave like that and why it doesn't happen to everyone is, as far as I know, completely unknown.

Yep, that's why these things are sold

Ugh so gross. So there's only 1 possible solution, and they have to sell it to you. More options pleas3, not made of clunky, awkward pads which force me to wear Granny panties.

I got a free solution, go commando.

I didn't say it was a good solution, just free.

I'd almost say the same thing about the fact that ballsacks "breathe" constantly. It's easily confirmed by just looking at them when idle, but nobody talks about it and I never read anything about it until I just... Looked at my own balls for a few seconds and realized they noticeably expand and contract at a discernable speed.

That's just their idle animation. Supposedly, if they desync, it's like a yo-yo until they catch back up

I wonder if it has to do with temp regulation. Iirc that's the reason why balls can expand and contract to begin with.

It does. Cold temps, balls close to the body. High temps, long saggy ball bag.

This is like beyond that, it's like your balls have the two major modes of being contracted or saggy, but then they also just constantly pulse even within the two, it's probably from the same mechanism though

We come with a built in ball massaging feature!

I learned it like 6 months ago in a random reddit post. I was like, wtf ?!

That the vagina is way lower than a lot of people depict it. A lot of my anatomy exposure when I was younger was hentai, and it turns out hentai artists don’t really know where the vagina is either. The ones that put the vagina as the little sister of the belly button on the woman desperately need to look up their Year 9 health book.

Ah yes, the first time you reach your hand into a girls pants expecting to find things where your penis is… and you get nothing, and you try to play it off casually but in your mind your freaking out thinking she’s a real life Barbie doll.

"Shit, does she know she has no vagina? Play it cool, there must be an explanation, we need to go deeper..."

Yeah I was way off, and my hand was in her pants so I couldn't see what was going on.

So true. I had some real surprises when I first got to explore the anatomy of an actual girl, despite having had reasonably good sex ed in school. Not that I got my information from hentai though, that just wasn't a thing at the time.

First time I fingered a girl I felt like Colombus. Really thought I'd hit the new world much sooner.

“I’m keeping 10% of anything that comes out of here alright?”

Yep, I used to think that vaginas were exactly the same height (proportionally) as the penis, such that intercourse could technically be achieved by walking straight towards eachother with the penis held high. It cerainly was an interesting exploration the first time I attempted to find my way.

The target audience of that type of shit generally won’t ever know the difference.

Its sort of similar with your ass. Its always portrayed as "s-shaped" sorta and/or sideways (like a tailpipe on a car) when its...sorta more...south originating and facing than fhat...ya

Are you referring more to the Mons Pubis or something, like the "vagina mountain" thing?

Believed this until I was like 16 and so did everyone else in our school.

A girl did anal and got pregnant and since it was anal that got her pregnant she was gonna poop out the baby. Funny thing is I was part of the group conversation that started this rumor and STILL we all believed it.

since it was anal that got her pregnant

Umm...you might still be missing some sex ed info.

I had a goth girlfriend who unexpectedly turned into a conservative Christian and wanted to stay a virgin. I was a horny teen and was “well what about anal” and she said oh no, she could get pregnant because of seepage

It is technically possible if semen gets out/around the anus and then gets accidentally wiped towards the labia.

I think there was actually some fringe case where it happened due to some internal deformity.

I think millions of children will now have this misconception thanks to
Double Pregnant FROZEN ELSA vs DOCTOR! w/ Spiderman vs Joker Maleficent Hulk Baby - Superhero Fun
6 years ago

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If, after puberty, you can't easily retract your foreskin over the head of your dick (it also shouldn't hurt), you have a very unhygienic problem called phimosis.

It can be self cured with regular stretching but sometimes you will need a doctor to prescribe a steroid cream to assist with this, the worst cases can require circumcision.

I had this problem until I was 19. I couldn't retract the skin because it was so painful. I had a very short frenulum so I couldn't even masturbate. I went to a doctor, he said I should circumcise. DO NOT circumcise your skin. There's a much simpler operation where you just cut and remove the frenulum. I learned this from Google, the operation lasted 15 minutes and my recovery was extremely fast

remove the frenulum

Damn, you had the male clitoris removed? That really sucks, I feel for your loss :-(

What? Since when is the frenulum the male clitoris?

It isn't. The analogous structure is the entire glans.

It's actually the whole penis. The glans is only the glans of the clitoris. The other parts (internal) of the clitoris, in the case of a penis, are the whole shaft.

The labias (the large ones) are your scrotum.

It was that or no sex at all. At least I got to keep my skin, so the sensation stayed the same. When you are circumcised you loose a lot of feelings down there

Uh, no. I mean, only get surgery if you must, and mutilation of babies is wrong, but that is not the male clitoris.

Yes, someone I knew had this. He actually bled because of his foreskin ripping when he lost his virginity when he was 30 or something.

We were on holiday with a group of friends at the time, we shared cabins in groups of 6. One morning we came downstairs and there were sheets hung up in the living room. We asked what happened, he said he had a nosebleed and bled on the sheets. Later we found out from the girl he was with they wanted to have sex, he was a virgin and when they tried his foreskin tore and bled all over everything. Of course by the end of the week everybody in our extended circle knew.

They wound up married, even though they were 10 years apart in age (she was 20 at the time, as were most of our group, he was the older brother of someone in our group). Now he's a fat lazy fuck without a job and the wife has to take care of their two kids, the house and has a job. They still married though, even if the wife's complaining about him all the time. So all's well that ends well I guess.

She should have realized he was lazy since he didn't even bother to retract his foreskin.

A bit TMI but I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian household (aka super sexually repressed) in an abstinence only sex education state. My parents decided not to circumcise me or my brothers, my dad is apparently circumcised because neither of them told me how to clean down there or that foreskin even goes back. It was never once mentioned during any sex ed, anatomy, etc. classes in school. I had no idea that foreskin was even supposed to go back or that merely getting it wet in the shower wasn't good enough until I was 17. I had frequent irritation down there and I just thought that's how it was supposed to be. 4chan of all places taught me about phimosis and proper hygiene.

Not to excuse the guy in that posts' shitty behavior but for some people they are told literally nothing about their bodies or how to care for them and so long as it doesn't put you in the hospital, it's something you're unlikely to learn out in the wild. There may very well be people reading these posts that are learning how their genitals are supposed to function right now. I was one of them at one point

Assuming that he knew that you need to retract the foreskin before penetration. Not something you really think about when it doesn't retract at all.

They wound up married, even though they were 10 years apart in age (she was 20 at the time,

Wait, was it 20/30 or 10/20

She was 20 when they met, he was 30. They married when she was 25 iirc. He is the older one, she the younger one.

Well, I have that, the thing is, I clean my dick (while flaccid) multiple times a day.

I dont care because im a bottom so is not a problem for me.

For some people, it's so tight that you can't retract it even when flaccid.

It can also lead to priapism if you somehow (through great pain, I'd imagine) manage to retract it and the tight part becomes stuck during an erection. If not treated in time the lack of circulation leads to necrosis.

What is your cleaning method? I learned way late in life that fully drying after a wash is very important.

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I had to explain to a girl that no, we should not have sex while you have a UTI. She was in her mid 30's.

Sometimes you're just in the zone man. Consequences be damned (pls dont do this this is not real advice)

Worked in an ED/still work as a paramedic occasionally.

You don't want to know how many times I had to explain this shit to a grown woman, sometimes 30y older than me.

Obviously it’s a bad idea but why? ELI5 lol

So if one partner has a UTI, the other partner could get the UTI (even asymptomatically) and they could keep reinfecting each other in a hilarious game of tag.

Or if one partner has multiple partner they could spread the UTI around, even if they are asymptomatic.

In addition to that, it can introduce bacteria, bodily fluids, etc to the infected area and make it worse.

Time to bust out the cranberry juice

The hymen is not normally ripping at the "first time", but these myths come from brutal men that have no compassion and dont know how to make both people horny.

Breaking a hymen when you first have sex is indeed a myth, but so is the idea that sufficient arousal will prevent tearing every hymen.

Hymens come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and elasticities. They can tear from many things but most people with hymens are quite likely to experience minor tearing or bleeding the first time they have sex. That's especially true if the hymen is particularly large or thick and if you haven't torn it before the first time you had sex.

That's the last myth, even if breaking a hymen was a real thing required for sex, it doesn't say anything about virginity because many girls tear it in childhood and puberty from a variety of activities as innocuous as swimming.


It's my understanding that some of them even heal and can be torn again

My gf bled the first 5 or 6 times we had sex. It definitely heals.

That's true to some extent. Any stretching will return to nominal state in fairly short order, and tears certainly heal. However it never goes back to it's "pretorn" state, and I wouldn't think anyone would want it to, a lot of hymens don't allow significant penetration of foreign objects (or body parts) in their original states. The article I linked has more details on that in a few different sections.

at 17yo I thought my circumcision scar was a birthmark and I didn't know you had to have sex at least once per pregnancy

parents, please tell your kids where babies come from and what all their parts are supposed to do, and don't circumcise them either

you had to have sex at least once per pregnancy

Not with modern medicine!

Yeah I didn’t really connect the dots that my penis had been altered. I thought my friend had the weird penis. Turns out his is the way it’s supposed to be.

Until about halfway into my teens, no one told me that periods were painful, or involved behavior altering hormone releases. I thought my sisters were becoming moody & rude for no reason. I was generally aware of the concept of periods, but not of the broader effects. I feel I might have been much more sympathetic had I known.

Well, it's a spectrum. I worked with a woman that was spending the whole time in our office laying on the floor during her period because how painful it was. But I'm also married with a woman that doesn't have any symptoms at all and when asked about she said the only annoyance was having tampons ready.

If you're on hormonal birth control, you don't need to have monthly bleeding cycles. The sugar pill part of most hormonal birth control pills, was added so as to not scare people when their bleeding disappeared.


I learned this so late....

The primary purpose of the sugar pill is to maintain the habit of taking a pill daily.

The Team that Invented the Birth Control Pill - The Atlantic


He told Rock to have his patients stop taking the pills for five days each month. Their hormone levels would return to normal, their symptoms would ease, and they would have their periods. Rock liked the idea. It would make the pill seem more natural, like a scientific version of the rhythm method.

So yes, your right, the sugar pill was added to help people count the 5 days of no hormones correctly.

But the only reason for the 5 day hormone gap in the initial recommendations was to make users feel more natural, and not think they were pregnant.

Though the history is fascinating, always worth a read!

My gf does this, but eventually starts bleeding despite the continued (non-sugar) pills. Usually takes several months of skipping the sugar pills.
She then stops taking them, has a normal cycle or two to reset things as it were and starts over.

We're also still young enough that no doc agrees on sterilization, but old enough to know we're never changing our minds.

The pill works by tricking the body into thinking you're pregnant. There is no reason why you could not take the pill (with hormones in it) for nine months straight.

Also, the pill does sometimes fail. Rarely if you do things perfectly (99% succes), but since we're all human, things rarely go perfectly (91% succes rate in real life). If you normally have a cycle of bleeding once a month, you have a nice solid clue to go take a pregnancy test when you don't bleed once a month.

But yeah, you don't really HAVE to. My next period is planned for early 2026.

According to my schedule Estrus we are going to have to push you back. We'll call you when times available.

Yeah, as i posted above, im a medical interpreter and yeah, birth control methods, not only hormonal, will stop menstruation, and that is normal. They actually prescribe birth control pills to women that bleed too much and have iron deficiencies because of it.

Edit: As an anecdote, i went out for a time with a girl that told me that she took birth control pills because her period was too heavy, and that once she forgot to take them and that she was bleeding for 20 minutes in the shower, and that she was very scared. Femininity goes hard sometimes I guess lol.

Sometimes they recommend you go three months without a period. Apparently it can be healthier. And the body doesn't really know any better after you've got used to it.

yup! I have endometriosis and was on the pill continuously ages 15-18. It doesn't work out for everybody, but it was a lifesaver for me. Debilitating symptoms went bye bye, and pretty soon I was back in school (after a few months' absence).

I did not understand orgasms or realize I wasn't having them with my partners until I finally did have one. 😂 I genuinely didn't understand that it could feel that good until it did.

Another win for abstinence-based sex ed in rural America!

That is a win in their perspective. For those types, sex is something a woman lets her man do to her. Her pleasure is not even secondary, it isn't even a consideration.

Tbf, they theoretically would rather men didn't get any pleasure either, and procreation happened by holding hands after praying.

Ever meet a true fedora-tipping gentlesir that insisted that feeemale orgasms can't exist because there would be no biological purpose to them?

They're out there. expert-shapiro

I've never understood why "feel good makes men want to do it more" can't be applied to women as well

The way I've seen logiclords explain it, it's because male orgasms result in sperm ejaculation, and feeemale orgasms do not, therefore feeeemale orgasms have no such contributing factor to conception therefore they have no reason to exist. kubrick-stare

How does one not know what an orgasm is supposed to feel like??? Like did you never masturbate or anything (I feel rude saying that, pls feel free to ignore the invasion of privacy).

But also being on reddit taught me that this is smth many women have gone through

In my experience it's women who squirt that are more likely not to know what an orgasm is supposed to feel like. They'll definitely feel good, like edging, then get to a point where it feels like they've overstimulated themselves to the point of peeing the bed and stop. Not realizing there's a "getting over the hill" moment to an orgasm.

Mine was "Not all women like being touched the same way". As in, some women can't reach orgasm from penetration alone, but some do. Some want direct pressure on their clitoris, some do not. And this all makes sense, not everyone likes the same things.

And that is, for me at least, where the fun is. I like to figure things out. I like to see how stuff works. And women are pretty awesome. What would be a better evening than figuring out exactly how to pleasure someone, through communication and experimentation? I'm still finding ways to push my wife's buttons 14 years later.

Sucks when the person doesn't like to communicate with you and just ignores her own issues to just satisfy you.

I was less satisfied because I wasn't allowed to figure it out and just felt like a bad person. The sex drive went down for her after a year, no wonder, but its not my fault either.

2 years later and I broke with her up as she was pretty manipulative and impossible to talk to from the beginning.

the number of times a girl has been taken aback when i take a moment to ask "so what gets you off?"

Indeed, there are toxic people out there. I hope you're doing better now.

Sounds familiar. I wasn’t doing it practically at all for my ex, and I could tell, but she refused to acknowledge any problem. Like, she wasn’t cumming. She said she was.

I remember the literal one time I made her cum she said in this sort of surprised voice “I … I’m cumming”.

It’s not that orgasms were new to her. It’s that because I wasn’t pleasing her, she assumed I had never pleased any woman and that I didn’t know the difference. So she just lied, and went to find other men to get her to cum. As in, just cheated on me to get what she needed.

That hurt extremely bad. Hearing that something’s not working for my partner is slightly deflating, followed by exciting again when whatever we changed makes it work. Hearing (implicitly) that I’m too hopeless to even be notified of the problem, fucked with my head badly.

It's always amazing to find someone who communicates

It really is. "This isn't doing it for you? Tell me what does."

The ADHD takes care of most of it for me. It helps that I don't really enjoy being touched.

well my sex ed consisted of a man who would later that year get fired for hitting a student telling us that premarital sex will result in pregnancy and then having us perform a play I can only describe as racially charged about the subject

after being fired he went on to become a far right politician

After being fired he went on to become a far right politician.

Sigh... Of course he did... It's not even surprising anymore...

Lucky guy. A lot of people gave him money for his views.

Let me just say here how much I appreciate the sex ed I got in school.

I'm talking life-size cross-section models of a human torso that you could take individual organs out of for closer inspection.

One thing we still didn't learn much about is how wildly different periods can be for different people, I very much appreciated a friend explaining this to me.

Agreed on period variation. I remember my teacher telling everyone women didn't lose more than a teaspoon of blood over the course of a period and I was so confused because I could be sitting over the toilet and losing a teaspoon's worth in 2 minutes. But no, apparently I was misjudging the amount.

I felt vindicated when I later bought a mooncup and it would fill up in an hour 😆

Different in … period? ie different cycle durations?

Different people can have different cycle lengths, durations, and intensity/pain/flow during ones period.

All those things can also vary for the same person month to month and it can get even more variable as you move between life events (having kids, getting older).

I didn’t understand the concept of a climax until it happened. The first time crankin it I remember mid way through thinking “I don’t get it, so if I keep doing this it just keeps feeling better and better infinitely?” When it happened it was one of the most stunning moments of my life.

Until my first ejaculation, I thought the only time something came out of my penis was when I was peeing. I was so surprised when something else came out and holy shit there was so much of it everywhere. I didn't know that could happen and it made a mess all over my surroundings.

Last minute addition: I thought a woman could get pregnant if a man licked between her boobs. This was before my first ejaculation.

I had my first real ejaculation while I was sleeping as a kid. The one time I slept over at my grandma's. She never said anything but boy did I have impecable timing.

I learned a lot about the human reproductive system in both male and females while I lived in Maryland. I moved to Texas and I learned that women are sinners and so they suffer every month and men have OP rib bones.

Sounds like the sort of leftist pansy stuff they’d teach in a state called Mary-land

Not embarrassing, just disappointing.

Precum contains next to no sperm, so it's really unlikely to get pregnant from it. Apparently Sex ED universally exaggerates that chance so that people don't get the dumb idea to rely on pulling out.

I mean it's probably the right way to teach it that way, but you know, if someone theoretically had a bit of an impregnation kink, it sure would make them sad :(

Also teens are like super fertile so I understand the fear of them relying on pulling out lol.

We all know what they call people who relying on pulling out, right?

Depends on how empty and clean the tubes are before they get busy.

If the paramour is a popular lad and has multiple callers (or just a frequent self-pleasure constitutional), the operating environment may not be a sterile field free from DNA.

It's interesting from a biology perspective, but still good advice to give those teenagers who spend their weekends going at it until they can't pronounce their own names.

I learned way too late about the fertility cycle of my female reproductive organs. What, I can feel my cervix, if I just reach into my vagina deep enough?! And oh, so during my fertile days, my vulva will get slippery, my cervix is soft like my earlobe, and my cervical mucus becomes stretchy like egg white?! Also, my body temperature rises?! And on the not-so-fertile days, my cervix is closed, feels harder (like the tip of my nose), and none or less mucus. That's wild, so much to learn about a body that I thought I knew!

(You can use these observations to contracept or to become pregnant, but if you do, please inform yourself about Natural Family Planning (NFP) or the sympto-thermal method. It takes a routine and some experience for it to be reliable, but once you get the hang of it, it is awesome!)

Also, natural family planning should only be used on fully developed females. If you're still developing, such as teenage years, they're not reliable.

Not sex related, but I learned it in sex ed. Most males do not have a big depression in their chest. Turns out that the males in my family happened to have a condition known as Pectus Excavatum.

Well, lots of males’ chest depression is in their feelings.

I'm friends with a lady who has the opposite condition: her sternum protrudes.

I have that (sort of)

Some pictures if you search that look way worse than I have it. But for example it impacts my ability to run for a long time because I will get side-stich faster

idk if 'embarassingly' late, but, I assumed that doggy style was always anal, and vaginal sex was missionary for a while lol.

I meannnnnn I'm pretty sure my mom still thinks this. When I was a late teen / young adult, we watched the movie "Quest for fire" together.

When one of the protagonists starts having sex with one of the women, doggy style, my mom said "Well they won't get very strong children doing it this way". An idiom in French Canada to say conception won't happen.

Didn't realize that being ace was a thing, people keep assuring me that sexual attraction "naturally" happened

What does Ace mean, if you don't mind me asking?

It's short for asexual, which is a spectrum of not feeling sexual attraction. Personally I still have a sex drive, and seek out relationships, but I really don't feel sexual attraction to people, I have to like them for other reasons. I even routinely go on dates with friends who are poly- but it's just to be friends.

I even routinely go on dates with friends who are poly- but it's just to be friends.

Isn't that just going to dinner with friends

I mean one on one, to most outside observers that looks like a date. I've run into problems before I really figured things out when I was trying to be friends with people, only to have enraged exes jumping to all sorts of conclusions.

I had a friend once who thought that doubling up on a condom meant double protection. That's a huge no no.

I knew someone who said women's vagina had 5 holes and seriously argued with me about it. I thought he was trying to troll me and when he said he paid a prostitute and looked up close I just left without saying anything else.

Technically a vagina has six holes (assuming this guy is talking about the whole genital when he says vagina):

The urethra, where pee comes out

The vagina, where sex

Two paraurethral glands (Skene’s glands), which secrete lubricating mucous during arousal and also produce female ejaculate when squirting (it’s not piss!) - these glands are analogous to prostatic glands in males

Two greater vestibular glands (Bartholin glands, which are paravaginal), which also secrete lubricating fluid.

Although I would advise against putting anything in those last four (they are visible to the naked eye but still very small). Also not sure how he counted 5.

This was around 30 years ago maybe more. But I'm 99.99% sure he had no idea what a gland is or any anotomical knowledge to know where to look. At the time his only real life experience in person with a vagina was when he came to this world.

Even grocery stores don't double bag anymore.

Not my info but this year a classmate confided in me the following:

"it took an embarrassingly long time to realize that men have multiple holes on their penis".

I thought she was joking but she was dead serious, (she was from a very conservative family to put it mildly and had been withheld from sex-ed their entire life). For some reason they insisted arguing about it with me and the other guy present.

I was 22 and she was 21.

Well, if you are not circumcised then you have a hole in your foreskin (when it is not retracted), and you also have the hole in the glans. So, multiple holes.

But that's a serial hole, not a parallel hole?

That's very useful if you want to attach an old school printer or mouse to your penis.

At first I read that as an old printer from a school, and thought that was a very weird thing to want, but then I realised you meant a printer that was old school, and it all suddenly made sense to me!

She may have confused it for female anatomy? I had a similar argument with a young woman about this.

...women have two holes, too. One for pee and one for all the vaginally discharges.

I think we had the basics covered early. Too early maybe. I remember holding a presentation in grade school about AIDS, but that was half made by my grandma and I barely understood what I was reading from my papers.

I think we had the basics covered early. Too early maybe.

I basically had my sex ed delayed a year or two from the other students because as a fourth grader I would mostly just tune out when the teacher started talking.

Not really a hilarious assumption, but it was only this year that I actually learned anything more than the names of a few STIs. It's good to familiarize yourself with the risk profiles and treatment options of the common ones, and get tested regularly if you're sexually active.

Having good public education is so nice

My high school sex ed never taught anything gay or anal. So I knew to wear a condom with my first girlfriend, but until I was a freshman in college (a year ago..) I didn't realize it's important to wear one with a guy too. First gay experience, we'd been seeing each other for a month and I thought I was pretty ready, sock on the dorm door and everything, but then bro asked me if I had a condom and I was like "huh?" And obviously I didn't so he just gave me head instead

For whatever reason I thought condoms only helped in vaginal sex, since that's the only thing they taught its use for. Didn't really know how gay and bi men prevent STIs other than monogamy and a few other assumptions. Part of that stupidity was probably just me being optimistic and horny brained about not having to wear anything

Why do you need to know about safe gay sex when you're just going to die and go to hell anyway? /S

I'm sorry you weren't taught better but glad you didn't have to learnt the hard way.

I did have to learn the hard way. There’s me, tied up, horny, ready to finally find out what it’s like to get fucked, and this guy puts on a condom.

Far too much friction. Ridiculously painful. And it wasn’t from the pressure; it was from the friction.

I don’t know if the lube that wasn’t working or what. This guy did have a dom style that was 100% based on pain though. Like he was just a straight up sadist more than he was a power tripper.

Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina

If the internet has taught me anything, this is not a 100% true statement.

Funny how a childish statement like this is now seen as retrograde and frown uppon

Yeah, I like Arnold and I picked this username everywhere online which was a mix of predator and kindergarten cop, and unique enough that I always get the username everywhere, and I type out quotes when I can. Unfortunately sometimes this quote has been taken the wrong way though I don't mean offence to any person :)

Strange people are sensitive and weird nowadays, you know that.

I know this is from Kindergarten Cop, and it’s unfortunate that it just happens to sound like right wing rhetoric in the current political climate. So know that at least one person didn’t downvote you.

I also didn’t upvote to counteract those downvotes because it’s kind of a dumb, low-bar joke.

Up until maybe 1st grade I thought this kid was saying "va-china" and misquoted it as such