I'd rather have a "Would you like to hide all Sports related Content?" button than a "Would you like to hide all NSFW content?" button

phaedrux_pharo@lemmy.world to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 2188 points –

Lemmy for me is all Linux, politics, boobs, anime and sports. I'm a straight woman who hates sports and anime, has a surface interest in Linux but doesn't wish to debate about it, and likes to be knowledgeable about both world and US politics but hates the anger. I'm really debating if Lemmy is for me, but I won't go back to reddit and I need someplace to browse when the insomnia strikes.

Sorry for this, feel free to block all of the communities related to the topics. That should allow smaller ones to come to your feed.

Pictures, food, movies communities are rising, there is hope

I started blocking like a madman and my experience improved considerably

Same - my blocklist is gigantic now, but by combining that with subscriptions means that I can always choose between a very tightly curated list of stuff that interests me and nothing else (browsing subscribed) and a much bigger list of more random stuff that lets me discover new things but still doesn't have sports, cars, porn and other things in actively disinterested in (browsing all). I like this system a lot.

I just do what I did with reddit and only browse all whenever I get REALLY bored.

How do you do that? I cant figure it out. If i see one nore fuck cars post in gonna lose my shit

On the basic mobile website, you go to the sub... community you want to block or even just the comments for a post, expand the side bar button at the top, then hit Block Community.

For example, on this post, I go into these comments, hit Sidebar at the top of the comments, then block community.

I know what you mean. I've been struggling myself. On top of kind of being unable to relate, I'm not tech savvy and with a demanding toddler on me I just don't find the time or energy to figure out how to even search for the right communities. I'm trying, but at 2 am when I have 15 minutes for myself and this app asks me what instance I want to view something in and doesn't let me comment something somewhere and then I try to check whether Abrathatfits is already on lemmy I get a million (non bra related) search results - it's just echausting for I don't know what. I miss the memes (I don't get 80% of the memes here since most are some jokes about tech or coding), and I miss the girly subs. I miss makeup addiction ffs and beyond the bump, and moldly interesting. I like politics in general but somehow the communities here don't have any news that I care about. The ukraine communities are also rather dead here, that was an important one since I have family on both sides of the border. Maybe I should put more effort into it, more energy, more search les and adjustments, but it might just be that lemmy, while a great concept, is just not for me. Maybe there just aren't the communities I need. I also doubt I will go back to reddit but damn, I am lost. Maybe I should. Especially when it comes to Ukraine I am really debating whether supporting a futile protest of a social media website to make a point is really worth being less informed and connected. Sorry for the long rant tho.

I'm somehow in a similar yet completely different boat from you. My feed under all is made up of like 5 communities - memes, lemmy memes, 196, linux memes, and programmer humor - with guest appearances by politics and technology. Regardless of what I set the filter on my feed to, I have yet to see a single piece of porn crop up; and I had to specifically find a search tool on my pc to find some communities to subscribe to like an r/foodporn equivalent just so I would at least have some stuff pop up on my phone with some more variety related to my interests.

This is probably all related to Lemmy being new and not knowing how to get the most out of the app I'm using (and that being new as well), but as of right now I'm largely using Lemmy the way I used to use Twitter X or something rather than how I used to use Reddit. As a time waster rather than a place where I got invested in the communities I interacted with.

Block the meme communities. It makes things much better. I wish there was a way to relegate certain things to a separate feed without completely blocking them. But right now block is the only tool.

I've actually considered making other accounts to separate content out by blocking different communities on them, but I've never really felt the desire to filter out the memes enough to go through with it.

It's still growing so it'll get better! I hope

Yeah you really have to block the annoying communities. I did have to do that on Reddit too as well though. And subscribe to some nice stuff so you have a good home feed to look at when All isn't working for you.

I'm pretty similar to you. Not much interest in technology, I already do it so often during my day-to-day that any more turns me over my breaking point. The main communities I am subscribed to are either picture-related or food-related, hope you can find what you enjoy!

Much to my dismay I have yet to see a single boob on Lemmy

You'll find your niche here I bet... Give it time

tbh I browser All or Local really rarely, I am mostly in my subscribed communities and really like Lemmy

!politics wants civil discussion and not anger, but it's hard to encourage that.

I too left reddit, and lemmy so far works for going to sleep. It's a different flavor but it's still great for helping me drift off......... Zzzzz....

I wonder if playing around with filtering like top/local (on different instances)/subscribed would make this better. There's always the block community option, but that doesn't seem to work well to hide topics and would be a pain to keep on top of.

This is how Reddit was in the beginning, too. Over time things will change, until then, blocking works wonders.

I am really enjoying the statement on being a straight woman, but unlike the rest of your statements you didn't elaborate on boobs.

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More like hide all the furry boards

Shh… you can block communities. (You habe to see them at least once though :/)

There’s like 800 different furry communities, all for extremely specific fetishes.

Still, hiding all of them automatically would be nice

Apparently you can block from within a comments section now. That's slightly safer than going to a community front page...

I literally never seen anything Furry on Lemmy, but it took me 2 minutes on Bkuesky to find not one but two prolific Bara artists.

I've seen community names on a list that were furry stuff, but so far have not come across any.

That shit is so fucked. At least the sexual stuff. But even the look of more innocent kinds puts me off, personally. I'm ok with that kind existing, but I don't wanna see it.

Same. Though can we also add a button to hide all content pertaining to US state politics? "The governor of Arkansas-" I live in The Netherlands, that shit has no bearing on me

Same ! I live in india , but seems like i am wayyy to updated with us political news !ugh

To be fair, I am Lithuanian and a lot of stuff online goes like અને પછી તેઓ કેટલીક અસ્પષ્ટ ભાષા બોલવાનું શરૂ કરે છે

Well, since we're here, what are the big news where you live these days?

I got used to it, you just need to look at the US as a union of states like Europe, in which case Arkansas is about equivalent to Lithuania in population (although if you correct for the more states and less pop of the US you get Bulgaria or Finland if you use a ranked method) . The same could be done for China, India and Brazil.

Sir, how dare you insult Lithuania like that.

Alright, polandball time: I'll ask around the EU++ who wants to play Arkansas in the school play...if nobody takes it, I'm giving it to Hungary :D because they're being a dick lately. So, which state do you want? I hear Idaho's nice :) Germany already took California, France took New York, Italy took Texas, Spain took Florida, the Netherlands took Pennsylvania, Poland took Illinois, Romania got Georgia, Sweden asked for Michigan and Austria asked for Massachusets, Finland got offered Indiana, but picked Arizona, lol etc etc...do you want Wisconsin? Also: UK guest starring as Canada and Turkey as Mexico lol

Idaho, the mountainous parts, are nice. Some of the people are nice. But in general, Idaho has some of the most batshit insane stuff happening in it in regards to cults and crazy people. It's been getting crazier in recent years. They were an absolute mess during the pandemic and needed tons of help from other states who then couldn't look after locals in need.

I was trying to be inclusive, because I'm not american and I don't want to disparage those places I've never been to or know that well...but since you say it...rural states sound like a backwater nightmare :/

Didn't realize Lithuania was under 3 million. For some reason I had it in my head that they were closer to 4-5. Insane.

A huge part of that is american-centric attitudes though. There is the politics sub on Lemmy.world and it's only for US politics. But it's not called "usonlypolitics" it's called "politics". Somehow they don't see the problem with that.

Also the mods are been absolutely bellends about it and are refusing to even acknowledge that that is a problem.

But why would the world champions of egg handball see a problem with this?

Easy to be the world champion in egg handball if you're the only country that plays that version of egg handball.

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or us politics

There is surprisingly less of this on the Fediverse. On Reddit I had a massive blocklist with words like Biden, Trump, DeSantos, AOC etc. and I still wasn't saved from all of the bullshit over in the land of the free.

I rarely see all of that crap here and it's honestly very refreshing.

Give us an option to block memes as well then, my biggest issue with Lemmy is the tsunami of terrible and practically unavoidable memes. I don't ever see sports content, rarely see NSFW content, there is a fair amount of Elon spam, but really the worst are the memes. Even doing my best to hide the meme communities they are unavoidable.

The main problem being that people have dug up the last 10 years of reddit memes to repost then on Lemmy.

If we hid meme communities, I'm not sure there would be any posts left.

The only two communities I blocked were just a barrage of memes straight to the frontpage.

I don't mind memes but holy shit most of them are so bad and the volume is just too much.

Is Lemmy just not showing me sports content? I don't like sports at all and this would bother me if it was constant, but I only see the occasional sports post.

It was pretty bad for me until I got most of them filtered. There's a com for every single team, every single league, and more.

Not quite as prolific as, say, Linux or porn. But there's a lot of them.

Weird. I totally am not seeing them.

I’m not seeing them either and I love sports

Same. If there is a com for every team, why can't I find the ones for my teams? I get that that my teams probably have few subscribers so they're not ever likely to show up on ALL. But even when I actively look for em, I can't find em. I'm still new to this platform so I have much to learn.

Which sports in particular are you looking for? Most of the popular sports and teams have fledgling communities

Are you browsing Hot? I use Top 12H

They didn't annoy me that much but I saw a lot of them and was being proactive about cleaning up my feed. On reddit, anime was BY FAR my most blocked type of sub but with sports in second. On here it's sports > porn > memes

Yeah. I think some get ahead of themselves, lemmy isn't big enough enough to support the splintering.

Same — I don’t recall a single sports-related post — not even a meme. Maybe my instance already defederated from all the home servers of these communities (I think that’s how it works?).

"Did you see that ludicrous display last night?"

With Sync you can just pre-emptively filter based on keywords.

It would be nice if every community had to pick a tag associated with it so that you can automatically filter out communities you have no interest in. E.g. Politics, news, memes, sports, tech, celebrities, TV/Movies, etc...

That's a great idea. I'd prefer this instead of instances that are mainly focused on specific topics

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I really wish there could be tags and sub-tags.

Tag examples:

  • Politics
  • Sport
  • Anime
  • News
  • AI

Sub-tag examples:

  • US
  • Europe
  • Africa
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • F1

Some sort of curated list by Lemmy developers that might change over time depending on user demand.

Then client apps can fetch such list from any server and allow you to apply such filter.

Imagine being able to block whole category of sports? Anime? News? Whatever people want/don't want.

I would like the platform itself to support this, as I often use the website.

That's why he said Lemmy developers, not instance developers.

Yup, developers.

Instance admins adding such tags would make it inconsistent and basically impossible to use. It should be unified = implemented by Lemmy developers.

P.S. Developers who develop Lemmy software. Admins who own and manage instance (website/server).

I think this is the only good thing Tildes has with tags, tags can work as sub-comunities inside a sublemmy.

This would be freaking awesome. Doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to add, but then again, I'm not a developer.

"Hide all American news" would basically fix 50% of the issues.

I'd love a fediverse-wide tagging system for various kinds of NSFW (porn, gore, death...), Sports (ideally also by discipline), Anime, Music (again, with genres), Gaming etc. to hand-pick what I absolutely don't want to see.

On some Mastodon clients you can block hashtags, and on Lemmy you can block communities, so we're already pretty close. To do more would require a lot of self-tagging of posts and not everyone will do that. Or it would require analytics and automatic tagging that may not be accurate and would theoretically be a privacy nightmare.

I can never rely on people to self-tag posts. But tagging communities would be much more manageable and helpful.

Do it like AO3 and enforce only about a dozen mandatory tags, and allow 'choose not to tag' tag if you don't want to tag, and you can choose to filter out the choose not to tag content..

Maybe communities should come with default tags. That would make it a lot easier.

I don't think I've seen a single post about sports in Lemmy. Ever. Same with mastodon.

This is actually my biggest complaint about fedi services. I really love the baseball communities on Reddit (not on Twitter, though, that shit is toxic and often very homophobic), and there's just not a substitute elsewhere. I would love for baseball Lemmy to take off.

Just a general reminder for folks to generate content. Don't worry if it doesn't get a lot of attention yet, the fact that it's there will bring people in.

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Here I am trying to find sports content.

I have yet to see active sports talk or news. But I'm also still figuring out this whole place.

Not going to happen anytime soon. Lemmy seems to have mostly drawn in early tech adopters, communists, Europeans who hate cars, and not-quite-pedophiles-but-close-enough-that-it-makes-me-concerned types.

I have yet to find any decent sports discussion here or anywhere in the fediverse.

Honestly, I say we ditch NSFW as a on/off switch and go with a mandatory tagging system. We can clarify NSFW into content warning tags, e.g. CW - Gore, CW - Death, CW - Breast, CW - Genitalia.

Users could then set their own preferences on which tags would cause a post to be masked or simply hidden.

But why stop there? Tags could be very useful in our federated environment to help communities mesh better with each other.

Communities could be able to specify a list of mandatory tags, i.e. the Swallow community could require posts specify African Swallow or European Swallow (or both or neither). Communities could also make some tags implied, so the AfricanSwallow community might just imply that posts are Africian Swallow unless user changes it.

Underneath the hood, all tags are just treated as part of the post text, so the backend performance impact will be minimal. However moderation tools would be able to consider tags when deciding how to handle a post.

Of course, the server/instance owner can then simply make a policy of what kinds of content warnings they require, and communities can then build other tags on that to meet their community needs.

Swallow community

..maybe keep an nsfw tag on that one. just in case

How would you tag your Dickcissel and your Great Tit going after an Antarctic Shag and an Invisible Rail? Do we want our Flying Steamer Duck having fun with a Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler?

Yes but what is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?

Where is the "hide all americans" button?

Especially US politics. I couldn't care less.

Or as some Americans say, "I could care less"

It'd take effort to care any less than I currently do. And I don't care enough to reduce my interest any further.

For any passing Americans who are thinking "what's the difference?", please take 3 minutes to find out.

The purpose of language is to communicate, if it is understood by the target audience it is correct.

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Since you've apparently seen so many, I would love for you to link me to a sports community that is actually active. Everything out there is completely dead, usually with one person reposting content from reddit or Twitter.

Haha that is true.. I don't think I've ever seen a sports community while browsing 'All'.

Yeh I'd love a "hide all elon/twitter/x" toggle.

That baseball guy and all his bots needs to be blocked by default...

As a person from a country that has near zero knowledge, awareness, and enthusiasm for American Football, I agree.

I’d love a way to block “all anime / hentai / manga” related topics and posts.

That stuff is everywhere, and invades everything. Like a cancer. Even communities which aren’t anime related. I’ll be subscribed to some community because I’m into the topic the community is based on - which has nothing to do with anime- and then some damn anime fan comes along and posts some weird/creepy “anime/hentai version of [topic]” and then it just spirals from there, and another community turns into another fucking anime community.

Believe it or not, not everyone on the internet is obsessed with Japanese style animation, and the associated (weird/creepy) sexualization of such drawn/animated characters.

What is most creepy about it is that all the "women" look like kids. They look like little girls with really big boobs. I don't understand the appeal.

I dont think I've literally ever seen that happen and I've been on the Internet since I could walk

I guess we have different interests / see different things on the internet. But it definitely happens. Often.

Almost every "comics" community I've joined on here has gone from people talking about actual published comics to people postin webcomics and their own works within days.

I'm the same, I routinely filter out anime stuff. Probably the most annoying thing is that I started playing FFXiV and now my in-line adverts are for gaccha anime crap and generally super cringe/bonk horny.

I can’t count how many NFL and NHLs I blocked. Right with you on this.

Yeah. One per sport all team. There's a lot of sport ball teams.

Or a "hide all political posts" button. As an American, I already hate the next few months as the next generation of liars run for President.

You're sick of it? At least it's relevant to you.

What I'm sick of finding out is what various American ex news outlet anchors are doing. Who cares? Why are news anchors celebrities in the United States, it's weird.

This makes me sad because politics are very important, but the media has turned it into such garbage that people have become indifferent.

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Best opinion of the year. Also I would like that globally in all media as well

I'd love to be able to block an entire instance. @lemmynsfw has a tonne of creepy-ass communities dedicated to posting pictures of female celebrities. There's never any sort of real content, just celebrities, sometimes in revealing clothes, and creepy titles like "beautiful" or "wow" or something like that.

Was just scrolling through the All feed and saw one for Sadie Sink. The entire thing gives me the willies, it's so gross.

Pretty sure it's mostly one user creating all those communities, too. Odd behavior.

If you are using android, connect for lemmy can block instances. It is much more peaceful. It even blocks the comments from the users. Although you can have them show as you come across them if you so choose.

That is already possible, at least on the 2 apps I've used. Don't know about the browser version, but most apps have this option.

This is horrible imo. I personally turned off NSFW since I don't really care about missing out on gore or the likes.

Except people use NSFW to mark spoilers as well

Guess I am missing out. Lemmy needs to add a spoiler feature lol.

The real content doesn't appear in its feed when you're not logged in (due to being NSFW), so it misleadingly seems like the celebrity stuff is the only content there. You need to visit specific communities such as !gonewild@lemmynsfw.com.

I don't want the real content, I don't want any content from that place.

Then why did you even browse it?

I don’t. It shows up on the all feed.

Understandable. In that case, blocking it is the best you can do.

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I'd like a simple and easy way to share blocklists. I spent my first few weeks on Lemmy blocking everything I didn't want to see, and now I rarely see things from outside my bubble...

On second thought maybe that's not such a good thing

exportable block/ban lists would actually be kind of cool

Unless it's NSFW sports content

it doesnt have to be nsfw; women's official nfl uniforms circa 2021 on male players would have improved the game dramatically. lol

I would also like lemmy to be more smart about detecting languages, because individuals don't set the language and I'm constantly blocking communities from Austria or whatever simply because I can't read them, not because I hate Austria, it's delightful there

For a while, random posts would just transform into baseball live post, with the comments for unrelated posts below. The post was on the METS win, and the comments were talking about how this would help liberate Bakhmut. It's fixed now, sadly.

Sports, Religion and War, the 3 most wasteful activities humans have invented.

Oh my fucking God yes. Every individual pro (nfl?) football team has a sub Every individual pro fifa (whatever) soccer team has a sub Every individual ice hockey team has a sub Polo. Formula 1. COLLEGE football teams! College football divisions! And whos going to the super bowl. Basketball. A sub for who's going to make it to the final 5. Volleyball. Whatever big volleyball bullshit is. And then relevant WOMENS versions for all of these (no extra hate, just extra numbers) Baseball! Baseball teams history!

Then there's leagues! Big10. The other big conference! Every coalition for Soccer. Conferences for Basketball. Divisions for hockey. Like holy shit! There's more categories for sports than nsfw!

EDIT: I need to add that I did the math in another comment: there are (For a US citizen) 32 NFL teams and 113 College football teams. 32 Fifa Soccer teams. 29 US Mens soccer clubs (plus 3 Canadian). 12 More Women’s Soccer teams -only one league. 10 Formula 1drivers/teams. 8 womens volleyball teams. 30 mens baseball teams (29US 1 Canada). 32 teams in the NHL. and lastly, 30 NBA teams. In total this is 331 “Teams” and is the bare minimum before consulting each city will post about a game, individual players with followings, and broad subs like "MLB" is different from "Orioles" and results in more subs needed to block

What sports content? There isn't any. I'd rather be able to hide tech

i see multiple posts from the NFL, Hockey and football(soccer) communities daily on my all feed. I don't care about sports, I care about life and world views, as well as tech. Sports is really nothing more than showing off who can be the biggest asshole

I need one for politics

Where's the line drawn tho? So many things can be classified as politics

News about some dude called DeSantis, whatever some obscure (to me) american politicians decide or say. I keep seeing them. I'm from eastern Europe and I'm not interested in them.

My block and filter lists are long, yet not effective enough.

Oh wow, I always read that name and I have absolutely no idea who he is. I'm from the EU

He is the governor of the state of Florida and a potential US presidential candidate.

Useful filters to get rid of him are: DeSantis, Rhonda sandtits, "pudding fingers"

(Don't ask)

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Maybe filter by keyword. "Football","Baseball","Elon". Would need to filter by post title, text, community name and description.

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Same though. Sports are boring asf to me, I can understand exercise and competition but I will NEVER see the appeal of watching people run around intermittently for hours at a time

I'll play most sports (poorly) for fun, but I agree that I really don't get the appeal of watching them.

Going to see them in person can be kind of fun, but for me that has more to do with the overall experience than with watching the sport itself. Really don't get the appeal of watching them on TV.

Minor exceptions for the more unusual sports you sometimes see on ESPN 8 or whatever, they can be kind of fun to have on in the background so you can glance over at it once in a while and be like "What the hell is that? Professional Cornhole? Of course that's a thing."

I'm not a sports fan but what I've noticed is it becomes much more fun if you have someone to discuss it with and you start supporting a team. Then you'll be more invested into the teams journey and will actually care about the result of their matches.

As far as I can tell, Sports is mainly about indulging in the whole mix of emotions and social networking which is Tribalism.

It's actually funny that it's said here in Portugal that the old fascist dictator used the 3 Fs to control people: Football (aka soccer), Fátima (i.e. Catholic religion) and Fado (the style of music). As a side note the first is most definitelly still widelly used (it's amazing how a man's identity around here has to include supporting a footbal team) and they seem to be trying to boost the 2nd again.

Personally I have very little tendency to pick sides and support "my side" versus the "other side" (which means I'm generally misread as "from the other side" whenever I unwittingly step in thr middle of some politicised americanised discussion here) because I need to be convinced by your points and won't just react favorably to some dog whistle or celebrity power from "my side".

Without the whole emotional "rooting for your side", especially in a group, watching Sports is just boring.

Funnilly enough I love practicing Sports, and quite a list of them too.

People have different tastes. The best way is to add a tag system (probably tags that are applied to entire communities)

Block the community and never see it again.

If past trends are to be believed, not only will every sport have its own community, but every team in said sport will have its own community

I don't want to have to systematically block 300-1000 different communities manually

This is the issue right here. Every enclave in Europe with 100 or more people seems to have at least 3 football clubs. I'm not hating on it, I just don't want it in my feed. It seems that interacting with sports content long enough to block it puts even more in my feed! Sheesh!

You only really need to block the popular ones. That's how I do it, had to add another two this week but it's not like I'm constantly finding new ones in my feed.

If you change your home feed to subscribed, then you don't have to block anything, you just have to not subscribe to those communities.

Most of the sports-related communities seem to origin from the Fanaticus instance. Now if I could hide all posts from an instance right from Lemmy (without hiding comments from their users on posts outside of their instance) that would mostly solve the problem.

The idea of having community tags would be nice too, but we'd have to settle down on a taxonomy that isn't too broad or precise and that has a localized version so that all languages can link to the same taxonomy.

Is this not available via the web interface? Sync lets you block entire communities.

You can block communities but not instances on the webUI. I do filter the instance on Sync.

I'm at almost 30 sports-related communities blocked on fanaticus.social, which I wish I could do with one instance-level block.

Not gonna lie, I love sports and don’t see any on my feed. In fact I’m subbed to a lot and even my subscribed tab is very sparse.

Yes. Please help us learn how to get more sports in our feed!

I would rather have a filter that would hide any content that is related to chosen topics.

I have great news for everyone in this thread wanting to block specific topics… you can block words in post titles on most apps! I don't know if that works on computer though

This isn't a problem for me. I just block out those instances. Also I swap to the everything feed every so often to find new communities to sub to, then usually go back to subscription feed.

Exactly. I'm too lazy to set filters and what not, but I just know what I'm getting into for the All feed. I deal with that until I can't take it, add a few communities, and retreat back to the safety of Subscribed.

lol yea I keep blocking the sports bots that post game stats, it took ages cause each team has their own bot but I seem to have blocked all of them at this point

Reddit had a keyword option to filter out items. I had cat in there and it worked for years. Was pretty simple. Not sure if it was part of the third party app I used or internal to Reddit. Either way it was effective.

YES! A hide sports button sounds amazing. Including car sports of course.

And a hide Hentai/Manga/Anime button. I don't understand its popularity.

A hide Games/Gaming/Gamer button including PS1-7, Xbox, Playstation etc..

Definitely a hide Furry/yiff/fetish button.

A boobs/celeb/shoes button

A religion button.

People can look at whatever they like, but it would be amazing of my block list could be reduced from a thousand to a couple. The brilliant thing about federated instances is also one of the most annoying. If you block something on lemmy.world you likely have the same community on lemmy.ml or many of the other instances. Blocking the exact thing five times is tedious.

And a hide Hentai/Manga/Anime button. I don’t understand its popularity.

Porn/Comics/TV Series are popular. They’re just variants of those, not really that hard to understand.

I get that, but like the things I mentioned, most porn/comics/TV is boring, predictable, generic crap and a waste of time and brain cells. So, I don't understand why most porn/comics/TV is popular either. Absolute garbage! I can think of a thousand things I'd rather be doing than sifting through all that generic crap.

Well, then you just watch the good ones. It’s been ages since TV Shows (and anime) got popular, there’s stuff like Breaking Bad or Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood that are tried and tested and almost everyone likes. There’s personal taste too, sure, but I think it’s hard to find someone that doesn’t like a single genre that has at least 3/4 classic acclaimed shows.

That's what keyword filters are for? 🤷🏼‍♂️🤪

In the browser? Has that been introduced?

Upgrade to a reader. I use Sync (with a VPN = no ads, btw), and filter keyword options include post, user, instance, etc., even on the free version.

Add gaming while you're at it. I'm a former gamer but I'm in full on grandpa mode at this point and sick of seeing it.

I'd rather just a "Hide Thread" button but I can't find one.

I would like a hide previous posts option. So many things are reposted.

That's weird I don't see any sports content. But both filters would be appreciated.

Meanwhile the dozens of us hockey fans don't see anything about our sport. :(

I made a post like this not long ago, specifically about hiding all sports communities, yeah.

I wonder why it seems to be a different experience for everyone. Must be instance related, no? I mostly saw Linux, memes, technology and politics before blocking them.

I also don't see any sports stuff when I'm on lemmy.world, which I think is the same instance as the original poster? I don't know what's accounting for my different experience either.

especially cause all sport content I see is American, and I know nothing about sports already, let alone American

And the other way around too please, subrice to all sports, news or whatever with one click would be nice

Meh, I like wheel related sports, partial to BMX but I'll take what I can get. I'm not into ball sports at all though.

How about a filter that can filter out all men playing with their balls?.. 🤔

Oof I forgot about motor sports. IMO even more boring than ball sports.

Which I didn't think was possible, but I forgot about motor/wheel sports existence

I'll toss you an upvote for admitting you forgot about the flip side. Yeah, not all sports are ball sports.

Like I said, I'm a BMX flatlander, which isn't even motor powered. You're thinking of MX, Motocross, a bit above my skill and nerve level.

But hey, to each their own, I just never found interest in playing with balls LMFAO!

This is a brilliant shower thought. I had the same thought recently.

I get the preference to be able to block communities and instances easier, but to me it's against the whole censorship resistance that Lemmy is about. https://join-lemmy.org/docs/users/05-censorship-resistance.html

This is a community site that tries to cater to everyone and everything. That's why there are the options to only view the local instance, subscribed communities, and all is for everything. The price of censorship resistance is that it takes extra time to subscribe to communities of interest and to block things that are not of interest, and things are still more cluttered than they need to be. I get the desire to get through that filtering process faster and easier, but Lemmy and the other Federated services are still in Beta, are running on volunteers and shoestring budgets, and are dealing with with some other major issues. I think that over time the things people are asking for will get implemented, but it will take longer than on other corporate entities. You may want to transition to a smaller instance from Lemmy.World that fits your interests better and doesn't have as much of the content that you dislike. Also, try be patient, continue to subscribe and filter to your likes and dislikes, and if it's not there, maybe take some time away from Lemmy and check back again in a few months.

Someone went out of their way to create a bespoke response for when a user blocks an NSFW community. It immediately asks you if you'd like to block all NSFW or just the community in question. There is no other subject given similar treatment.

I may want to stay on the instance I'm currently on and occasionally poke fun at notions like this, because that's a good way for me to help better frame my thinking and share it with others. Even if it's in a silly place like showerthoughts.

lmfao this thread is nothing but whiny bitches mad that they god forbid might see something that doesnt interest them specifically.

That's kind of how this whole thing is supposed to work though, so yeah, it's a legit concern. And in this example, since the thing they don't want to see is so massively popular, it's everywhere.

Imagine how annoyed you would be seeing something you can't stand everywhere you go, and dozens of times on a site you thought you could avoid it at.

I don't care much seeing a random post that I don't care about, but when it's content that I fucking hate, I look for ways to not have to put up with it when possible, unless it becomes more work than just scrolling past it.

If I could forget what sports even are and be able to live life without ever hearing it mentioned, seeing it mentioned, or seeing any commercials for upcoming games or tournaments, I would be so happy.

I fucking hate sports of all kinds. In all contexts. It's fine if others like it, but don't say shit about them around me, I don't wanna hear it.

Even as a kid when I went through a phase where I liked them for a couple years, people would start talking about the specific players, and I could just be bothered to care. It just felt like reading the credits of the names of extras in a boring movie. Even if I liked a team, the players felt like they were always switching teams and moving around, so liking the players just seemed like a waste of time and getting attached to drama.

I just don't get the appeal at all. Like some sports should just not be watched by anyone. Some I can see the entertainment value in watching if you don't really care who wins. But other sports are just plain boring unless you actively play. Like golf. There is no good reason for anyone to watch it (ESPECIALLY on TV) at all. It's too slow to be interesting, and you can't really see it happen since watching a tiny ball is just impossible.

Anyway, make all sports content in all mediums opt-in.

I feel like people like sports because they give them an opportunity to act obnoxiously in public. Like, if someone stands up and yells in a restaurant, it's definitely some sports obsessed dude who wants some attention. I agree with you. I never want to hear about any sports again ever.

1 more...

why tho

Assuming you actually want to know...

Because if you're not into them, the constant flood of sports stuff is annoying. I'm not interested in the NFL or the NCAA, and I never will be. But every damn year the Superbowl and March Madness take over for a month or more. Being able to just shunt all that crap off to the side would be nice.