What is the device you want, but that does not exist?

jonuno@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 282 points –

I would love the child of a Surfacebook with a Framework laptop; or A bare keyboard attached to a screen, that I could plug my phone (possibly running Phosh) and use it as a hardware for a laptop experience


A high-quality dumb TV.

Get your ads (and security vulnerabilities) out of my damn house.

They exist, they're just not cheap since they're meant for enterprise use and should last much longer.

At least for most smart TVs, they're completely operational if you never connect them to the Internet, though.

You still end up with awkward, overcomplicated UIs that make using the TV in basic ways unnecessarily obnoxious.

Plug in your own Kodi box. Problem solved.

People who would like to get their hands a bit dirtier can take off the back cover and remove/desolder the WiFi and Bluetooth chips (if present). Just don't touch the IR chip

This is how I use my TV but it's still not perfect. When my TV turns on, it always try to shove a list of "smart apps" in my face which takes a minute to load even with no internet, and the input switcher is slow and clunky. I guess I would accept it anyway though since the smart features push down the price. I don't think I'd be able to afford the LG C1 otherwise

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Just plug a computer into your TV, and never give the TV Ethernet or WiFi access.

Manufacturers have gotten smart to that, if you don't agree to the terms you may not get the full features. Not just the smart features.

Interesting. The only feature I can think of mine missing is firmware updates.

Visio penalizes you for not giving it Internet access by taking extra long to turn on while it vainly tries to phone home. There's no way to turn off the "feature".

Why is it not illegal for manufacturers to cripple hardware if you don't let them invade your privacy?

Are there any alternate firmware sources for TVs that remove the smart features?

*dumb house.

The only way

I kinda disagree here - I have no problem using smart lights, etc., as long as they're controlled by a non-cloud system like HomeAssistant. This just doesn't seem to be an option for more complex devices.

Agreed, "smart" isn't what matters, it's more connected and in control, with Internet optional, no proprietary app or weird protocol mandatory.

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FWIW using an Android video projector with VLC connecting to uPnP server, only my video files availble. Otherwise can use its HDMI input but as-is it's all wireless.

Get a pyhole. No more ads (or devices phoning home) in your home network.


Already got one. A lot of devices seem to route ads over channels that can't be blocked without compromising other device functions.

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A high end phone with a headphone jack and Linux that works with banking apps.

Agreed, sadly not a technical problem but a business one. Unless governments step it I don't see this changing.

It will eventually but of course it depends what is really meant by "high end".

As the decades roll by I find I care less and less about "high end" and more and more about avoiding bullshit. While presently the portion of people who would buy such a phone is too few to make manufacturing viable, I suspect that portion will grow in the coming decades as millennials get older.

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A small and lightweight smartphone with high end specs, especially tele camera, and a privacy respecting OS such as GrapheneOS

Add foldable, built in pen, macro camera, laser focus, headphone jack (and a good dac), xenon flash, ideally swappable battery, waterproof and im sold - is that really too much to ask?

I'm surprised people wanna use pens on such a small device

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You know how Ctrl+F helps you find specific words in browsers? I want that in real life.

Maybe some special glasses with this ability built-in?

Pretty trivial technically speaking, you record everything once you get people consent, then you transcribe with e.g whisper.cpp or whatever else you have, search within the transcriptions and generate a link back to the original files, if need be, with seeking timing to double check.

Chat gpt now has a feature that will let you take a picture of something and tell you what it is. There was a new contraption that showed up at my work when we combined offices and i used chatgpt to find out that it’s a manual comb binding machine used to bond books and other such things together. What’s neat is that if it can’t tell what something is from one picture, you can take additional photos to help narrow it down.

Take a look at rewind.ai

Cool software for the mac and they plan to release a personal device that records everything and do what you ask plus more

I would love to have an open, hackable, linux-based eBook reader.

Isn't there a project for that is working on that concept?

Edit: Found it! It's called openbook

PineNote exists too, though it's often out of stock. Remarkable tablet has a pretty decent hacking community, and gives you its root password in settings. Kobo devices have been able to run aftermarket software for years, and recently there's been progress in booting a complete OS. If you're okay with Android there are even more choices. @crunchpaste@lemmy.dbzer0.com you've got some options!

Now that we're on the topic, an idea for an eCafe where there are plenty of physical books, but you can plug in the reader to a machine to fully download the book so you can read it offline.

I think I want to learn more about coding and find a bunch of leftist buddies and make shit that's actually "innovative".

The older Kindles are basically this. Most of their software it runs on are shell scripts under the hood.

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Just an open source e-ink device with the build quality of a Kindle. Nothing fancy.

reMarkable, been using gen 1 then 2 for years now, runs on Linux and active dev community

less slick and much smaller community but the PineNote also works with Linux, kind of.

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A house hold device that can diagnose most sicknesses with a drop of blood or saliva

A sleeping pod for home.

Imagine as you go to sleep it is perfect temperature for you no need for open windows or extra blankets. You just turn the dial and it adjusts it or maybe it even have a curve so that you love for it start cold but wake up warm.

It is pitch black, no need to try block out any light.

It completely soundproof even if you live middle of the city. But it also have speakers just in case you like something in background as you sleep.

I think the future of next-gen housing will be something like this. I've been hearing stories on HackerNews about young developers earning good salaries in SF, unable to find a place to rent, so instead opt to live in their cars and go shower at the gym. They do this happily, and it doesn't bother them.

As someone who used to frequently sleep under his desk as work in my early 20s, I can see portable sleep pods being a really good substitute for the inner city housing problem.

That insane! I was thinking like a bed 2.0 not freaking dystopian let’s live in a bed sized apartment.

When you say happily you mean it is better than living in your car right?

That surely can’t be the future that you get!

I'd prefer a house and a garden too, but that's unlikely for a lot of people now. It's just not the world we live in. You either are a homeowner, pay exorbitant rent, or are homeless.

Instead of having nothing between homeless and rising rent, it'd be nice to have an inbetween option.

You can wish for any gadget. Just wish for the Capitalism-Destroyer-Button if you want affordable housing. Or fuck, wish for a Halo and rent out the land on it.

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I would love this - except that my wife and I would want completely different ambient temperatures and I don't want to sleep in a different pod from her.

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Niche, but I want it. It would look like a blank book, with pages that feel like paper. I'd be able to download whatever text I wanted, and read it like an old fashioned book. You'd be able to change the text as many times as you wanted to.

FWIW I'm using the reMarkable 2. It runs Linux and pretty fast eInk for sketching and writing notes. It's not paper but closest to it I tried so far.

I want an extremely low power laptop for programming. Slow processor, e-ink screen with a low refresh rate. I want 24 hours battery life with a solar charger to sit outside and program.

I would love to have this too. E-ink has seen some pretty high success, in e-readers and e-ink picture displays, so why not have a low-end e-ink laptop

Because the main use case for most people - browsing the internet - sucks on e-ink. Scrolling is horrible.

Typing would suck even more, the advantage of e-ink shows if you have mostly static content, not dynamic.

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I want an orbital laser weapon that targets people who drive like insane maniacs or raging assholes.

A reverse microwave. I can heat a cup of coffee in 30 seconds, I want to chill a beer in 30 seconds.

Ice, water, and salt will do the trick in about 5 minutes. Best you'll get in this no reverse microwave having ass world.

A machine that spins your can inside of water and ice exists and chills a drink within like a minute

Flash freeze equipment using very very cold air or liquid nitrogen exists, but you probably shouldn't have that at home...

nano dentist chews

you just choose a flavor and chew; it fixes everything after baby teeth

I would like a flagship spec (especially RAM, give me all the RAM possible) phone with a small screen and a massive battery life; sacrificing other components to put a big battery. One small camera is enough for me, I don't need 3 cameras on the back of my phone. I would also get a small, single speaker to save internal space, and remove the haptic system entirely in exchange for a larger battery.

I wouldn't sacrifice the headphone jack though, I hate using dongles.

I also wouldn't sacrifice an SD card slot....

It's been over a decade since I had a phone with an SD card slot, so I kinda forgot they exist, but you're right, this is an extremely useful feature.

I want a mid-range phone with a great camera and a telephoto lens.

I don't need no AI bullshit, I don't do gaming, I don't need 32 gigs of ram on a phone.

I just wanna take great pictures.

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Devices with a week of battery life. I don't care how low spec they are, I want to be able to go a few days without having to worry about charging.

the PineTime can run for over a week in my experience, but it runs at 64 MHz and has 64kb of RAM, so telling time is pretty much its limit

I mean I used it as an XR controller/actuator but that's not exactly the typical use case and obviously going to drain the battery a LOT faster.

I use mine for notifications and GPS also. Neat little things.

Check out the Hisense e-ink phones. Not great if you watch videos, but for normal phone things they seem awesome.

Since we're just talking fantasy: a device that can scan my brain and tell me exactly what medications would help me and be able to issue my a prescription without having to talk to a million doctors.

I was thinking one of those sci-fi medical bays that rebuilds healthy bodies on a molecular level. Would like some of my amputated body parts back in addition to a cure to my ailments, thank you very much.

Why not just a device that scans your brain and fixes it instead of requiring medication?

... Well if I had had that done I probably would have had the mental clarity to think of it to begin with. 😂

Yes! Reminds me of this medical diagnostic device they've got on the Rocinante in the series The Expanse.

Literally just an android phone, but it comes pre-rooted and one of the system apps is a scripting language, similar to how the TI-83 comes with TI-BASIC. It's bullshit that we're carrying these powerful super-computers everywhere but with less user empowerment then a mid-tier calculator.

(yes, I know you can root your phone and install termux and python but I want that to be the default)

A brain implant that I can store a short memo in. I have a very bad working memory so it would be incredible to somehow store lists/numbers longer than 4 items in my head without hacking it by whispering the list to myself over and over.

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If nobody else wants it, I guess I'll claim the time machine. With a money printer on the front, please. Thanks!

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Robot that could completely clean my house while I'm at work.

That would save me so much time.

Bonus points if it could also cook healthy meals.

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I’d like a digital personal assistant actually designed to help me keep track of my day to day stuff, rather than one designed to steal and sell all my information.

And it would have a great collaboration, but also a friendly rivalry, going with my robot butler.

Something that lists my tasks automatically and displays them in order in my HUD like an objective icon in a videogame. Could be made combining goblin.tools with smart glasses or AR glasses.

This would help me a lot. I have ADHD and a bit of executive dysfunction, and having a constant reminder in my vision would help me staying on track of what I need to do.

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An American high speed train. Also, a machine that instantly dries you off after a shower.

I feel like the latter is more likely

machine that instantly dries you off after a shower.

♪♪♫ meet george jetson.... ♪♪♫

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I just want an affordable 10" color e-ink ebook reader, that has natural colors, so it is good enough to read modern comics on.

Edit: I forgot to mention "affordable"

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A display with a transparent screen and then behind the transparent screen is an eink display.

When I wanted the eink mode the screen goes completely transparent and only uses the eink display. When I want a full colour high resolution display the ink goes black and the transparent display displays the colour content. Best of both worlds.

If transparent displays are cheap enough that they put them on fridges at the supermarket, clearly they've come down in costs enough for consumer electronics.

Interesting, both are sold, namely transparent screens with e.g LG and eInk monitors e.g Dasung so... could make for a cool prototype. I imagine though that studying the costs, economical and ecological, a "boring" screen might be better in most cases.

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  • Microwave freezer
  • Feature phone with all of : keypad, high-resolution screen and camera, headphone jack, dual sim, WLAN, reasonable RAM, and expandable ~memory~ storage. I can find phones with some of these, but not all.

Edit: I knew what I meant /s

A microwave already freezes when you set the time to a negative number.

Privacy-respecting thought-controlled AR+VR smart contact lenses that correct my eyesight, block out UV, can somehow project sound into my brain, overlay people's names and basic info when I see them and don't remember (or make me remember thanks to the brain interface), and let me browse the internet and work on stuff without using my hands because RSI :(

Alright dude, you and I need to talk about the limits of what you can do with your biology.

I’ve had and solved all of those problems via biohacking. Except for the eyesight correction (though I have found it’s affected by inflammation, hydration levels, and nutrition to a larger degree than I would have predicted).

I remember the day someone just told me “You know, you can cure plantar fasciitis. It’s not some thing you have to live with forever”. I was blown away. And they were right.

Now you’re complaining about all these things you seem to think are fixed aspects of your body, that you have to live with until technology fixes it for you, but they’re not.

FWIW Monocle is open. Lynx XR is also working toward that. SimulaVR also but didn't try it.

PS: missed the thought controlled part... iMHO for this we need quite a few more years. Basic control sure but nowhere near what even the most basic keyboard could provide. I'd argue combining inputs, e.g controllers, hand tracking, mouse and keyboard, will keep on being muct more efficient unless there is a medical need for it.

PPS: had carpal tunnel, switch to all ergonomic few years ago, never looked back

  • Open source motherboards
  • Open source modems for computers and phones
  • Open source cars
  • GrapheneOS phone with enough RAM to run a decent offline LLM
  • Offline AI privacy/network manager designed to white noise the stalkerware standards of the shitternet with a one click setup
  • Real AI hardware designed for tensor math using standard DIMM system memory with many slots and busses in parallel instead of bleeding edge monolithic GPU stuff targeting a broad market. The bottle neck in the CPU structure is the L2 to L1 cache bus width and transfer rate with massive tensor tables that all need to run at one time. System memory is great for its size but its size is only possible because of the memory controller that swaps out a relatively small chunk that is actually visible to the CPU. This is opposed to a GPU where there is no memory controller and the memory size is directly tied to the compute hardware. This is the key difference we need to replicate. We need is a bunch of small system memory sticks where the chunk normally visible to the CPU is all that is used and a bunch of these sticks on their own busses running to the compute hardware. Then older, super cheap system memory could be paired with ultra cheap trailing edge compute hardware to make cheaper AI that could run larger models, (at the cost of more power consumption). Currently larger than 24GBV GPUs are pretty much unobtainium, like an A6000 at 48GBV will set you back at least $4k. I want to run a 70B or greater. That would need ~140GBV to run super fast on dedicated optimised hardware. There is already an open source offline 180B model, and that would need ~360GBV for near instantaneous response. While super speeds with these large models is not needed for basic LLM prompting, it makes a big difference with agents where the model needs to do a bunch of stuff seamlessly while still appearing to work in realtime conversationally.

Real AI hardware designed for tensor math

Coral TPU

5 inch android phone :(

You and I are part of a very small user set. I would be happy with 5.5 inch screen as well if my SoT can be 8 hours or more.

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A television screen you can turn on and off without the remote. A mobile phone that has buttons on the back. A magic stick that can send my husband to the cornfield when he won't leave me alone.

I am fascinated by ow many answers I have seen on here were once a thing we could do, ten, twenty years ago, and can't any more. Like the TV with a goddamn switch on it so we can turn it off without a remote.

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A bare keyboard attached to a screen, that I could plug my phone (possibly running Phosh) and use it as a hardware for a laptop experience

Those exist!

They're called "lapdocks".



I've been wanting to make my own cyberdeck based off my phones dex and parsec to my VM but currently I just use a small USB hub to a kvm so I can switch between my work computer and my phone attached to a monitor but it's not cool and portable

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Are bionic spines a thing already? Cause I'd really love it if those could be easily available for all of us with chronic back pain. Hell, even not just chronic - any bs back pain.

Edit: I see now that it has been researched, at least. Here's an article about building a bionic spine but why don't I have something like this at the pharmacy?

Edit 2: I accidentally a word

Futurama styled arm brace smart phones. My phone is always with me and smart watches are kinda really lame. An arm brace with a touch screen I can pull off and use would be awesome.

They make those for runners, a kind of neoprene sleeve that holds your phone on your arm either outside or inside so you can use it while you run. They're fairly easy to find.

As for pulling it off, you just have to wear it and not give a shit. that's the secret to pulling it off.

Well I have one of those and... if the phone would be 10x thinner and flexible it'd be amazing. As-is unless you have either huge flat arms or a tiny phone it's not ideal.

Edit: thinking about it I'd happily trade it for flexible touch eInk instead, don't think that exists yet

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  1. A FairPhone that can run GrapheneOS.

  2. Dual screen phone (separate screens not foldable) with that can run GrapheneOS

  3. Tablet with keyboard case that runs GrapheneOS and has support for Linux apps, so I can replace my PC with something more private and secure

  4. Don't know if this is possible but a keyboard where each key can show different icons depending on if the shift or control key is pressed to make keyboard shortcuts easier to learn, but still possible to type without looking

Tell me you're a Linux user without telling me you're a Linux user

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A grapple gun that can pull you up a building like batman. I was bummed when I found out those don't really exist

A high-end smartphone with 16:9 4K screen running a non-Google Linux variant.

Lever that sticks out under the toekick on a vanity sink base cabinet, that opens the cabinet doors.

Basically so you can put a trash can under the sink and access it hands-free.

In other words, a cabinet that opens and closes with the same mechanism as a step-to-open trash can, but without the trash can taking up space in your small bathroom.

You’ve got some floss to toss, no need to touch your cabinet door handle just step down on the lever, toss the floss in the wastebasket, release foot and the door closes again.

Also a phone that takes landscape video while held vertically.

Two pairs of headphones that join into a single jack, for friends to listen to the same stuff.

iphone with headphone jack

Laptop whose power cable attaches magnetically

Computer keyboard composed of material designed to be pleasant to the touch.

Computer with a battery I can take out easily.

Computer with a body machined out of a single continuous block of aluminum

mp3 player that present a simple file system interface when plugged in via USB to a computer. Want an mp3 on that mp3 player? Just drag n drop. Or use cp command. Or mv. Or any of your favorite methods for moving files onto a mounted drive.

Laptop with an escape key.

Operating system that doesn’t connect to and play my most shameful porn on a random TV somewhere in the vicinity that may or may not include the house of my parents’ neighbors who apparently have an unspoken agreement with my parents to leech off their wifi.

A mac that runs on intel chips

A notifications stream where all of the notifications that appeared on my screen can be found, arranged in chronological order from based on when they appeared on my screen.

Okay now that I think about it, I just want Apple to undo most of their design decisions from the last 15 years.

For your 2 headphones, there are 3.5mm splitters, small devices where you plug in 2 headphones, and plug then into one walkman. Works with any brand of headphones :)

I'm looking for the Bluetooth version of that. Connect the btsplitter to the phone, and two headphones to the splitter. Edit: found easily.

Hey, good news! The newer MacBooks (since like 2 years ago) have rolled back the Touch Bar, gotten back the ol' reliable scissors switches and MagSafe chargers, as well as having enough ports to plug stuff in.

As for arm vs. intel, I'm a huge fan of the arm chips. My largest issue with them is that I need to cross compile for intel chips if I'm distributing an executable or a compiled library.

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nano machines + hmi that balances all hormones/ chemicals in my body.

Your current design has been debugged for over a billion years.

Those nanobots will have been debugged for one or two sprints.

I was gonna come in here like 'Phone with a physical keyboard' but then I realized I had greatly misread the room...

I have a PinePhone/PinePhone Pro with keyboard and... it's bulky and heavy. It's like 3 phones in 1.

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Automatic guinea pig cage cleaner

Automatic human abode cleaner. I.e. I hate doing laundry, folding, ironing, and selecting things to wear. Please automate this.

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How about ANY kind of laptop with a keyboard designed for human hands instead of type-writer compatibility (i.e. ortholinear).

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I want an updated Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact with all the modern internal bits. Modern processor, sufficient RAM and good enough camera. Doesn't have to be the best, just good enough to keep upwith the times.

More importantly I want the height and width to remain the same; thickness can be increased if required.

Also keep the 3.5mm jack, camera shutter button, notification LED and the sim + micro-sd tray. Dual sim would be a bonus.

A Nokia N900 with modern specs and capacitive touchscreen.

Oh man. That phone introduced me to the linux ecosystem at the tender age of 16. I learned to write python, C, and the concept of "on device development". You could write apps in whatever language you wanted whilst in the backseat of a roadtrip across Europe (I was a seriously antisocial teen). Plus FM transmitter.

The best successor I've seen is the FX-tech Pro phone, but given it's costly price, it's just not worth it. I got my N900 for £230, but the FX-tech Pro is asking for more than double that...

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A fucking PC that ACTUALLY has zero problems for however long I have it, its a mystical beast I have yet to come across

In my experience this most often comes from a failure to perform routine maintenance, and Windows being a bloated rotting whale, decaying on the beach, slowly expanding and spreading its horrid filth across the entire system. Give your computer a new life by cleaning out all the dust, reapplying thermal paste to the CPU, oiling fan bearings, and installing a lightweight Linux distro, or at least a fresh whale carcass (clean windows install).

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Corsair ONE i160 for more than 4 years running Ubuntu and pretty much zero problem since. Untouched, no mods, no hardware upgrade.

good for you (not sarcastic, honestly) 2 laptops and 2 pcs, several distros, fro m mint to endeavouros, never problemfree, once

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A true virtual reality. Not goggles, but the kind that hooks up into your brain and consciousness. One that's indistinguishable from real life. The kind where you can basically just live your entire life in some kind of a virtual multiplayer where quite literally anything is possible. You could be hooked up to an IV that feeds you optimal diet etc. go off the deep end if you want.

I know how it might seem crazy to see something like that as a desirable thing, but I really think it would solve many of the issues in the world. I don't think you're "wasting your life" if you're being happy in a virtual world, and I don't see a reason why you couldn't be happy there. You could have your own private world(s) and others would have theirs. There would be public worlds also with a ton of real people aswell as AI, and people could visit your worlds aswell if you let them. Just think about the possbilities. Why ruin the planet when you can have abundance in the virtualverse.

That's the plot of the Black Mirror episode San Junipero from season 3.

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A Motorola Droid 4 (SLIDE IN KEYBOARD FUCK YES) with a 5" screen and more recent components. Hell, use mid-high end from 2018, like 3GB RAM and a decent processor would be more than enough for me. Don't forget the earphone jack and easily removable back.

In the realm of pure fantasy, a stealth boy from Fallout, or the similar Stealth thingy from Metal Gear Solid

3D printer that can print fully-populated functional electronic devices. Design or download a schematic for, say a new camera or phone, make whatever modifications I want, and just hit print!

Basically a replicator for electronic devices...

Ooh this reminds me. A device that can run a hashing algorithm on an electronic device, to detect if even a single transistor is different than another device.

Because atomic variations are allowed, the resolution of this device needs to somehow encapsulate electronic connections and gates.

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A RISC-V laptop that's not an engineering sample. Something like a dell 9370 sort of thing.

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Give me a normal good smartphone with a 100mm OLED display that I can use with one thumb and I'll never have another want in this world. The iPhone 4 was fine

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  1. A very cheap smartphone that is decent performance-wise and comes with Lineage, Graphene OS or something similar.

  2. A machine that can turn thoughts/dreams into video, image, or other mediums.

record yourself after waking up then transcribe then feed to whatever trendy generative AI model of the moment

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Monitor replacement glasses, like NReal Air, that actually are a good enough replacement for my second screen to allow a full day of work.


Laptop: I want a ~13 inch laptop with a nice keyboard, a decent trackpad, and a quality 1080p LCD screen, with a very efficient low power ARM processor akin to a Raspberry Pi running some well tested flavor of Linux, and the rest of the machine is just battery. Something that can do some web browsing, some word processing, spreadsheet, let me use bash and vim and ssh and such, that doesn't suck to use because it's "for early adopters and serious hackers only." Like imagine the machine you'd get if the Pinebook Pro legitimately cost $600 rather than $200, is what I think I want.

Phone: I want a 4.5 inch phone with a physical slide-out keyboard that has modern, performant internals that can smoothly run its own UI plus reasonable web browsing and communication/text app capacity. It should be able to play 720p video from the internet flawlessly (this would be a perfectly fine resolution for the screen) and it should have at least 4000 mAH of battery. Any camera from any phone I've owned in the last 10 years is acceptable.

Audio Equipment: I want ANR over the ear headphones that provide enough ANR and/or PNR that I can use them as hearing protection in the wood shop while I'm using my planer or router or whatever, that work perfectly well over normal bluetooth, that have all physical button controls, no touch sensitive whatever, and do not have any kind of app.

For the laptop, it already exists. Just get a used base 13" m1 macbook air and install Linux on it. Solid build. Ultra portable. Best-in-class trackpad. Good keyboard. Inexpensive-ish. More than enough performance for what you want and great battery life.

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A modern electric compact truck like the 1992 gmc sonoma.

Firefox OS

A fairphone with the specs of the ROG phone, or just a repairable rog phone.

a 4k 240hz oled monitor

LFP phone batteries.

Star Trek Industrial Replicator...Star Trek has never really had an episode that explored the magic of what you could do if you had a replicator. Just having ONE, would change the world overnight, and forever. I'd start replicating replicators and handing them out.

There was an episode of Orville that explored that very thing.

Regular looking glasses with live captioning. We get close but it always seems just out of reach.

I've done it few times (with Google Glass, Glass2, Vuzix Blade, Monocle) relatively easy to do but the latency IMHO is what makes it unusable.

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ARM devices with general available and useable drivers. I want to install Linux, Android, Windows on any ARM devices fast enough in a similar way it works for x86 devices.

The smartphone that I allways remember missing the most is the Nokia E7, it was such a cool phone.

The design is beautiful, the physical keyboard was amazing, sure Symbian wasn't the fastest or the most modern OS, but with Anna and later Belle it worked well.

I remember sitting in the lobby of a hospital with my E7, I ran Putty Touch on it and was connected to my friend's SSH server, and had connected to my irssi screen session, I had configured touch gestures to scroll in the IRC chat and to switch irssi windows based on if I swiped up/down or left/right, the physical qwerty keyboard made the phone look like a tiny laptop, and I felt like such a hacker.

I was working a job I hated, but on the way home I would watch movies on the phone, and it worked so well.

It was an awesome phone, and someone else thought so too and it was pickpocketed, a year after I got it.

A phone like that is what I want

I would like a smart stove. One that you can set to turn on and off remotely. No more worrying that I left the stove on. Why not I ask you? Why not?

I would say off only with the capability to view temps. IoT devices are shit when it comes to security and turning on remotely just scares the hell outta me. This is from someone whose whole house is decked out in IoT stuff.

Large smart appliances aren’t dumb about what they do. I have LG smart dishwasher and washer/dryer…can’t remote start any of them unless I power them on and press the remote start button and shut the door first.

If the door opens again, then remote start gets locked out again, until the remote start button gets pressed on the console.

Also, people talk shit but I love getting a push when the washer/dryer/dishwasher is done, or when the kids leave the fridge door open. And tossing a quilt/blanket/comforter in the dryer and hitting “remote start” before leaving for the day, and then turn it on to tumble a bit on your way home so you can just snuggle up with a fresh hot blanket is next-level living my man.

One thatsurprisingly can’t be solved by electric blankets, since most default to “off” when power is restored, so you can’t use them effectively with a smart plug.

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An unbreakable device that can transport me to any world or time I want It has the be light, small, and not suspicious-looking, and I need to be able to transport the device to me at any time. The things that happen during my visits would not actually affect reality, but instead it would kind of create an alternative universe.

So if I went back in time and killed some historical figure, then returned to this reality, they wouldn't have been killed by me. Or if I went to the fictional world of a book and killed some character, it would happen in a different reality that the one the book takes place in. (otherwise I would have a constant fear of fucking up the entire universe.)

And, of course, I would have to gain the ability to understand, speak, write and read the languages. Also I would have to be immune to diseases they spread and they would have to be immune to the diseases I spread.

Or maybe I have to be a little more humble and say that I want a robot that could clean my room and put all my items in the correct places.

An updated Samsung Galaxy Note with a quality stylus (Similar to the one for Note 2), and no bloatware that cannot be uninstalled.

Samsung always has tonnes of bloatware, and the newer Note styluses are (and feel like) cheap plastic. Give me back the aluminum stylus, ffs.

a note 9 with postmarketos/android dual-booting and a bigger fingerprint sensor.

They figured out the perfect phone with the note 9 and every samsung has been worse in some way since.

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A robotic AI pet. Like a small dog or cat. Preferable able to read my body language and react to it. In a low price range that I can afford. Everything on the market is too dumb, too expensive, too hard to program and there is non that can read body language.

Great for people who like pets but either are allergic or germophobe or just not able to get a non robotic pet for whatever reason

Something that plugs into my PC where I can plug my headphones into it, and it creates two virtual audio devices that I can fade between by turning a knob.

This way I can independently adjust the volume of my game and YouTube, like being able to turn one or the other down or off independently of each other without having to tab out or adjust in-game settings.

I think you can pull this off with a focusrite Audi interface and some elbow grease

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A modern Steam Machine console/PC. I just got the Steam Deck and I love it, but it's roughly PS4 power. I want a PS6 with the same or better SteamOS build that the Steam Deck has. I want simple modular upgradability. I want it to come with a controller that's basically the Steam Deck without the screen, but with the comfort of a dualsense. I want to have a device that can replace both my PS5 and my laptop from 2015. I want the freedom and multitasking of PC with the standardization and comfort of console, updated to this decade.

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As I stare at the mess of charging cables and USB stuff on my floor, I look forward to when we will charge things wireless-ly.

An app on my phone so that when I point my camera at a street, building, landscape, the app will overly identifying info.

A laptop without a screen, instead a projected holographic screen with tactile feedback.

When my laptop is far away, across the room, I want a tiny, moldable item in my hand. Just press, next song. Not a wireless mouse, something way tinier, can adapt to tiny finger movements.

A flexible material that can be molded into shape, locked into place. So many uses.

I'd like to hold my phone, and in a quick gesture "throw" data to my laptop.

So that last one is feasible in the near future with UWB chips. It allows devices to know where other devices with the chips in them are.

And with Snapdragon Seamless announced this week, that future seems very close.

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A proper glass desk/table like the one in Oblivion. And proper full sized glass whiteboard like in Hunger Games

A VR headset that is lightweight, has a decent battery, and has controls dictated by gesture and eye focus (so I can finally start sketching out 3D geometric objects and exploring a fun idea I had for a model of hyperbolic space)

VR should normalize having external power. Whether it's a cord to a wall or battery pack. The head is a really bad place to put weight.

They’re putting the batteries in the headset??

Sometimes I’m glad I’m not rich because being rich in this world just means getting the best of the stupid ideas we all have.

Like, make me rich in a world full of competent people any day. But rich here? Nah.

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Your second idea has existed in a few different forms, I think Samsung was the last to try it but I can't remember anything about the product

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A machine that perfectly dispenses things: The perfect amount of cereal + milk in a bowl The perfect about of squash and water The perfect amount of soap/shampoo The perfect amount of moisturizer

An Android phone with a decent processor, one decent camera on the back (no front facing), a 1440p 5.5" OLED screen, a headphone jack, and long term update support for a reasonable price.

I'll take one of those as well but throw in a microsd slot if you could be so kind

If you want the best idea, just look at the last paragraph and ignore everything else.

Entirely too many to write about here in entirety, but I'll write a few that I remember ATM:

A setup, so multiple devices, of: a feature phone based on flipper zero with buttons on it like it's a fidget toy (but actually functional) and a foldable tablet that looks like a notebook (Lenovo yoga fold)

A tablet based off of Pixel C, MacBook, ROG Flow Z13 and/or Pixelbook with magnets in the body to stick it anywhere like Google tablets usually have, the look and keyboard of Pixelbook (it's just a personal favourite), trackpad and SoC from Macs, gaming capabilities from windows, and a screen with the new 3D tech (for designing 3D prints), microLED, and 240 Hz+ VRR

A controller based on a combination of dualsense, xbox elite, and steam controller with a low energy display doubling as a trackpad in the middle

Screen tech which is capable of giving actual tactile feel of buttons so I can have double screen or foldable device without sacrificing on a keyboard good for touch typing.

A mixed reality headset as small as sunglasses with capabilities of the best of them

A headset which I can stick around my ear and get audio directly into my nerves with very little if any invasive surgery

Basically Nokia morph concept but in real life would also be really cool

While typing about magnets I remembered the actual thing I really want to exist currently: polymagnet based devices and accessories. It can be so futuristic if implemented properly, and a game changer, though I assume it's not mass production ready yet or someone would have applied it. Everything else is just my imagination running wild, not that I consider this a reasonable thing either.

A headset which I can stick around my ear and get audio directly into my nerves with very little if any invasive surgery

Sounds pretty overkill for something you can do with bone conduction headphones.

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A bag of holding would be pretty sweet, barring that, an open source brain chip.

A device that is the size of a pen drive, costs a fiver, produces unlimited energy with zero carbon footprint, and has access control restrictions built in so anyone who is a politician or bureaucrat cannot use it.

calyx os pre installed phone by default (pretty much not having to flash after you buy the phone either as a company or an consumer)

I want a small snowboard, like 121 cm, similar to the old rossignol mini, but wide enough for my big ass feet.

I rode the mini for years with my feet pointed outward over 45 degrees and ended up doing a lot of damage to my knees.

I pretty much only snowboard in the midwest US, and want something that feels more like a skateboard.

A direct clone of the Switch JoyCon that works seamlessly on PC and PS5.

A version of the ASUS ROG Flow that is about 20% lighter and has about 50% better battery life when not in dGPU mode.

A version of the MiSTer and/or Analogue Pocket with RetroAchievements support.

Yeah, I'm a weird gamer.

I can't imagine wanting joycons over an xbox controller for my console/controller gaming but I guess someone was bound to love the joycons lol

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Something extremely modular and upgradable like the Framework, but with a 4K 120Hz HDR OLED display, that can fold back into 2-in-1 mode and that has connectivity for full bandwidth of an external GPU. Additionally, some way to connect to up to 3 displays at full 48Gbps HDMI 2.1 bandwidth (each) - at least - DP 2.1 would be even better. Maybe via multiple display outputs or some insanely-high-bandwidth port like Thunderbolt 5 for dock connectivity.

The intent is to basically have a tablet-to-laptop-to-desktop experience, with virtually no compromises.

basically a better newer Kinect for my kids. something that'd let them dance or play or see themselves in the game without a controller

A device that allows me to kill any billionaire, world leader, or politician remotely, anywhere in the world, without them being able to stop me.

An e-reader running a modern version of Android from an OEM like Google, Samsung, Nokia, etc. I read exclusively using Play Books. I know some exist out there like Onyx Boox, but until they make strides to stay in compliance with the GPL2 they won't get a dime from me.

@OP The Motorola Atrix tried this a while ago, but it wasn't particularly popular with reviewers

This is really specific. But I have wanted it for years. A switch for two 3.5 mm sound. Basically plug two inputs into the box, have 1 output and a simple physical switch that would let me flip back and forth.

These are widely available an inexpensive. Just search for 3.5mm switch and you'll find tons.

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Put simply, a Nexus 6 with Pixel 8 Pro internals, but just a bit shorter in height to accommodate a back of phone FPS