Twitter/X removing the block feature to – 1232 points –

Can we just pretend that Twitter no longer exists?

All that Elon Musk still tries here is how far he has to go until Twitter finally collapses.

Also, can we stop polluting the tech comms with this crap? Why are people posting this stuff here again? We were perfectly fine for awhile with no musk Twitter shit posts.

Just block it. Wait, no, that "feature" makes no sense.

Non-shitpost: I know everyone is annoyed by now, but Ex-Twitter is a huge website and relevant?

Relevant to what?

This conversation has had is back and forth far too many times. Twitter spam is not relevant to technology news. Him not blocking people has no barring on any form of new tech. It belongs in the ! comms, that's why that was created.

It became a platform in which the whole world communicated about anything and everything. Maybe it still is to an extent, but knocking down the world's platform plank by plank isn't an absurd thing to write about

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The Fediverse is already fractured and niche, are you saying that someone should fine the perfect 36 user community, that only those subscribers are knowledgeable about, to post this to? Or perhaps news about the global platform might be relevant in the largest technology community?

2 years ago Twitter was where news broke, now it is where we get to watch a billionaire go broke in real time.

If it bothers you so much, block all mentions of the platform, person, etc.

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I agree with you. Personally I like seeing the meltdown without having to actually visit the site. Same reason I appreciate seeing how Reddit has gone full Digg4.0 but haven't visited the site since the 3rd Party Apps died.

This is/has a significant impact on technology and media.

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Not to be an idiot - but where should people post this stuff? I mean, I do find it interesting occasionally, and like to see what other's think, not so much complaining that it was posted at all.

The Comnect android app has a keyeord filter. Would seem easy enough to just put 'musk' inthere and unless you have an interest in muskies, muskrats, or some men's cologne lines it would filter things pretty cleanly.

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It's gotten to the point where I've even blocked the communities that are supposed to be making light of the fact that there's too much musk spam.. because I'm tired of all the musk spam...

Hrs irrelevant and nobody can change my mind. He can fuck right off idc.

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YES PLEASE. I fucking swear it genuinely feels like about 15% of the posts here are about Elon.

People need to ignore this prick and move on with their lives

Twitter. stopped existing a long time ago, when it was bought out and gutted. It's the gathering place of fascists now.

Not for as long as it's relevant to hundreds of millions of people.

But I would agree that "Elon says he's going to do it" is not much of news until it actually happens.

I’m ok with drawing attention to this stuff. Every time more Twitter shit hits the news, Fediverse apps get another boost of users.

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Literally every single day we have idiots doing Musk's PR work for free.

Downvote Musk spam. The billionaire doesn't need your help making sure his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle.

You think being inevitably forced to see every bit of harassment and spam is going to make that platform more popular and financially viable? Nah, if anything this is free advertising for Mastodon.

How does mastodon work compared to twitter? I keep hearing about it but I'm still trying to figure out lemmy.

In the same way lemmy is like many reddits communicating with eachother; mastodon is comparable to many twitters that can share users and posts with eachother

It's very similar to Twitter, I'd say even more than Lemmy is to Reddit. Mastodon federated like Lemmy but in practice you can follow anyone from any instance. You just need to follow people using @username@instance.tld rather than just @username

Mastodon "block" is one-way, Twitter is two-way (it blocks the other person seeing your posts if they're logged in).

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Yeah, but every time these stories blow up, Mastodon, Threads, and BlueSky gets another user base boost. I’m ok with that. These stories keep making the alternative communities more and more viable.

I agree, he seems unwell and the attention is continuing the negative spiral. Unfortunately, I don't think we can control what people are interested in. This is a total spectacle and media circus

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What in the actual fuck does he think is going to happen

I have him blocked. It's my fault. He noticed and now he is going to axe the whole feature

I could actually seeing that being the reason he’s doing this. Nothing a narcissist hates more than people ignoring them.

This is PRECISELY the reason. He fired a lead engineer who told him they can't control how many people engage with his tweets. So he made it so that EVERYONE gets to see his tweets in their feed. Queue mass blocking of him and now he's upset.

Lol oh my god, I think you’re 100% on the ball with that hypothesis. I honestly can’t think of a better explanation, and it absolutely fits with his narcissistic neuroses.

I mean… I’m willing to fight this fight if he wants to play it that way. I’d be more than happy to make a lot more heinous troll accounts to spam him with, and I’m willing to bet that a lot of other people feel the same way.

Damn it, uwe. This is why we can't have nice things.

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He's going to be able to harass everyone that had blocked him.

I bet he will still be able to block users without them knowing too

When you can pay to win, to always have the last word... He'll let them know.

Next, deleting your account gets axed. Feature makes no sense.

That would be a "Getting nuked from orbit by EU" speedrun.

Immediately causing a shit storm from at least the EU, the UK, and California.

He wants shitbag, astroturf, conservative, fascist “personalities” to be able to respond to and every prominent non-fascist post where they can be promoted to the top of the replies.

As a bonus, it will also help the astroturfing oil companies better kill environmental efforts.

Maybe he wants to get rid off the somewhat smart people on Twitter so the rest can be easily radicalized with the intend that they vote against their interest and for the interests of rich people?

I'd say it's either that or he wants greater reach to feed his narcism.

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So... Wait.

This means someone can just @ someone else and destroy their feed with hate or dick pics or whatever?!

Sounds like people should start setting up nasty ass porn bots and have them spam Musk constantly

Ooooooh I've been looking for a self hosted project like that

What I suspect will happen is that Musk cronies will be free to harass anyone they want, but anyone harassing Musk or one of this cronies will be banned.

How does mute work?

If you mute someone, you don't see their posts. They don't get any notification that you have muted them. It's the same as blocking but they don't know they are blocked.

Blocking is a step up from muting. Muting just makes it so you don't see the muted users' posts and comments. Blocking makes it so that the blocked user is muted, plus they cannot see any of your posts and comments. Blocked users also cannot @ you.

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what's the difference between block and mute? Block just lets them not see your feed and notifies them of this, but mute just hides anything they post from you?

Muting people that harass you instead of blocking them enable them to just spam libel about you onto your posts, which can have other effects. At least with blocking, they can't just do it on your actual posts.

Yeah, insane. it lets them see your stuff and also @ you to other people.


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Even better they can spam literal child porn at you because of "outrage" and youll get a exec from Twitter defending you to parliament!

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"it makes no sense" literally every social media site in existence has the block feature, and the reason is to help people prevent harassment. Elon is like a fucking toddler, it's obvious he just wants to get rid of blocking because he's pissy about being blocked by other people.

The block "feature" is a required tool for being listed on the Google and Apple stores, among others.

Removing it will get Twitter delisted from them as well.

That'd be nice if it actually applied, but Apple has already made exceptions for X among other large companies to allow them to play by different rules in the store. So I'm not holding my breath for any sort of punishment.


  • X got a one letter App Store name that was previously against the rules (other devs need their app name to be at least 2 characters) (more info)
  • YouTube had been blocking iOS PiP background playback (not sure if they still do) and put that feature behind the YouTube Premium subscription. Background playback and PiP is part of iOS's system capabilities and the rule specifically says it's not allowed. See Apple's guidelines section 3.2.2 (ii) here. With this, one could make the argument that PiP would only support system supported video decoding, and YouTube uses DASH for higher resolution videos, but YouTube does offer video and audio streams that are natively supported by Apple as well so I don't hold much support for this argument.

“Background playback” is behind the premium paywall; NOBODY gets YouTube PIP support on iOS; such a shame.

I repeat, even if you pay for premium you simply can’t do PIP using the official app. You can however use a browser and use PIP that way I think (there used to be some weird workaround but I’m not sure if it still exists).

Edit: I was (happily) wrong! I see now, they added it halfway though 2022 and I needed to go into settings and explicitly enable it. I’m a happy camper now! Thanks for the correction

Premium absolutely does give you PIP on iOS. I took this screenshot just now 😊

Fascinating… because I’ve been trying to get this to work for like years… literal years. I’m very happy to be wrong about this.


Assuming it works the same way as on android you just start playing a video then switch out of the YouTube app without stopping playback. In fact I just read the Google help page "Using picture-in-picture on your mobile device" and it says exactly that for any mobile device and only goes into iPhone Vs android specific details when it comes to ensuring you've not turned off any default on settings that are required for it to work.

I see now, they added it halfway though 2022 and I needed to go into settings and explicitly enable it. I’m a happy camper now!

Thank you for the correction.

I don’t even have premium? I’m on iOS, I can’t keep up with what’s being criticized as real or not.

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Anyone else realize he uses the music from Dustforce? It's very nostalgic because I played it a lot in college.

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Just stop using Twitter. It's easy.

I feel sympathy for the people who are required to use it for work. Most users could quit it and replace it with Mastodon, though.

Honestly, this is a pretty clear case where federation should win out. I answered someone above, but governments using a private service like twitter for actual public announcements imo is broken. I hope that Mastodon and federated services take off and turn into a turnkey style service somewhere. Like, setting up your own Mastodon (or Lemmy!) instance I hope turns into something just about as easy as setting up an email account.

With Twitter's dwindling user base and each, people should just jump ship and migrate to mastodon. It's honestly what Twitter used to be and better than everything Twitter is now nor what musk has turned Twitter into.

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you could also say, just block it

It would be a godsend if there was a way to block certain results from search engines. I do not want to have want to have any more Twitter links or reddit links propagating my results. I don't even care if I miss out on some vital piece of information to my query. I just don't want those sites in my search results.

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I mean it's literally in the terms and conditions of both the App Store and Play Store for social media to have a block button lol

Elon complaining about some conspirancy on why their app got taken down for not complying.

This is incredibly consistent with the "free speech" crowd thinking free speech entitles you to an audience.

Unreal. It's not even incompetence, he really is just tanking the site on purpose.

No he's not.

He's a right wing grifter and always has been. And like many on the right, he views harassment as a form of "free speech" which should be acceptable.

He's not tanking the site on purpose. He's tanking it because his bullshit ideology naturally results in creating a hostile environment that people don't want to be a part of.

I don't think so, largely because of how big his ego is. I don't think he'd willingly become a laughingstock.

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The block feature is not there out of the goodness of their CEO's heart.

It is there to limit liability from harassment. After all, why police harassment laws at your expense. When you can get the end user to enforce it for you.

It's just Dumb evil.

It's also a feature explicitly required by both the Apple and Google app stores for apps that have user generated content.

1.2 User-Generated Content
Apps with user-generated content present particular challenges, ranging from intellectual property infringement to anonymous bullying. To prevent abuse, apps with user-generated content or social networking services must include:

  • The ability to block abusive users from the service

User Generated Content
User-generated content (UGC) is content that users contribute to an app, and which is visible to or accessible by at least a subset of the app's users.
Apps that contain or feature UGC, including apps which are specialized browsers or clients to direct users to a UGC platform, must implement robust, effective, and ongoing UGC moderation that:

  • Provides an in-app system for blocking UGC and users;

Every day he further proves that he has no idea what he's doing. He's 100% going to reverse this decision when he find out all of the things he should have know before saying anything.

Lmao he’s gonna get himself booted from BOTH app stores 😂

I can see him choosing to leave the app stores like epic did just to dodge the 30% cut. And of course he will put on a bunch of theatre about "free speech" if they do unlist Twitter.

It's chaotic good, because by destroying his platform, he is making the fedi grow. Surely there has to be a point where people will leave, right?

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This is so dumb, what is he thinking? What's the angle?

Dumbness aside, Twitter is only usable if you block all of the blue check spammers who add nothing to any discussion.

Maybe he's doing it so you can't block blue checks? But it still doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

I half wonder if he is running an experiment to see how much his users are willing to put up with so that all the other tech companies can figure out how far they can push us.

It's been non-stop advanced bullshit after bullshit coming out of basically all corpos for the past year, but things were always headed in this direction. Muskrat just helped speed things along. The silver lining in all of this is the Fediverse and other platforms are finally popping off. Hopefully that trend gains more momentum and big tech dies before we end up further into a future we don't want to be in.

I think it’s that and ads. Easier to sell promotional stuff when the whole user base is simply incapable of hiding your shill posts.

This but his goal is to find the line and step over it, not toe it. He didn't like Twitter being a liberal leaning platform that pushed extreme conservatives out so he's reversing that. The only nuance he's using is to do it slowly enough that there's still libs to pwn on his platform over the rather than having them all leave at once. Plus if he can chase them away rather than ban them, he can claim to be more about free speech. But this is all about suppressing opinions he doesn't like, with an added bonus that he can ban people for not loving him.

in the next iteration he’ll make it so you can only block people who don’t have twitter blue

deleted by creator

This is pretty wise, I think. I do believe you have figured out the reason, or at least part of the reason. Driving up rage engagement!

People can't block him anymore, no more hiding from his opinions

That’s what I was thinking. Either a specific person blocked him that he got upset about or the amount of people that have him blocked upset him. Either way it’s personal and he’s throwing a tantrum like a toddler. Again.

This is so dumb, what is he thinking? What’s the angle?

I'd guess that he wants to control what people see for one reason or another. I blocked a lot of communities here to make my feed more enjoyable.

Less work needed to maintain the system? He fired most engineers, those remaining can only do so much at one time.

What's there to maintain, the feature is already there and should be relatively simple. I can't imagine that Twitter backend is so bad that it requires active work on all components.

Lmao this is going to be incredible to watch unfold. I am assuming Elon himself has blocked an absolute fuckton of accounts that are just out to troll him, so either he’s gonna (rightly) get absolutely inundated by trolls, or he’s gonna make the devs disable it for everyone except him and whoever else he wants to give that feature to.

yeah, elon's not going to see the negative consequences of this personally, because he'll just use the "ban" button instead of the "block" button.

I’m betting I can reverse engineer how to create spam accounts in a mostly automated fashion faster than he can ban accounts. And I bet a lot of other people can do the same.

I feel very confident saying that he’s not gonna win this one.

twitter blue (X Pro) members

Yup. X makes no sense. Please delete it.

I resentfully hung on to it after the take over but soon as a the icon changed from the bird on my phone I just couldn't and uninstalled it.

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“Mr. Billionaire Tech Company CEO, what was your detailed reasoning for the removal of a highly important feature that benefits way more users than the ones it harms?”

“It makes no sense”

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Hasn't Elon blocked people before tho? And even been public when blocking some people?

Don't worry, he's going to be able to keep it doing in the meantime it becomes a premium feature.

Huh, I have never been a fan of blocking people, but this is a very dumb move, normal Twitter news of course.

Blocking people is essential, I've blocked tons of people and communities on here already

I'm sure a couple hundred thousands accounts blocked Elon and now he's salty lmao

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I have never been a fan of blocking people

Must be nice, not having to deal with being harassed by people who wish you were dead.

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I don’t understand this. On a personal level I want to have access to a custom feed of things that interest me. Like a newspaper. Why is the expectation that this newspaper should include absolutely all content. I am not trying to destroy democracy, I just don’t want to see/interact/be reminded of certain content.

The accounts I block on any platform are mostly spammers working within the limitations of the platform by masquerading as normal accounts. Like a couple posts of very generic things, an attractive woman's profile pic, all their follows are completely random across the world, you know it when you see it. Those friends you have who follow them back... then they try to follow all their follows, they work like a virus. "Mutual followers" is gold to them.

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Just when you think he's run out of stupid decisions to make, he does it again.

Did you really think he is it off stupid ideas? I'm pretty sure he has a file cabinet full of stupid ideas

I truly think he can't stand not being in the spotlight so much that he'll make any bad decision as long as it's shocking enough to make headlines.

He is actually, seriously saying "I don't get it, so it must be bad/unnecessary"

His ego can't handle that he's probably the most blocked person on Twitter

Agree, I think that's probably the driving force behind this. He can't troll most people anymore because any even remotely sane person (who's still on Twitter for some reason) has blocked him. Musk lives to troll, so it must drive him absolutely crazy.

Is this man actually retarded or is he trolling us? Seems like he's intentionally shitting on Twitter

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He is really attempting to run it into the ground isn't he?

One the one hand, Twitter is gone yay!

On the other hand, did everyone just go to TikTok instead?

Will we reach a point of social media being like elections and is a matter of lesser of two evils instead of which is better debate?

This is going to get buried, but I think it's important to note that block on twitter (unlike on most platforms) works both ways. You can still mute an account, and you won't see any of their content or mentions.

By removing block, it means you can no longer block a person from following you, but you can still prevent seeing their stuff. After all - all that person has to do see your public tweets is open an incognito browser window, and view your profile. If you have a private profile, none of this applies to begin with. So in that sense, I agree with Elon - block in its current form on twitter makes no sense.

Edit: Responding directly onto your posts - good point, I hadn't considered that. It's partially circumvented by changing the setting so can comment on your posts, but I agree that's more effort. For all the other things though - if you block someone now they can just take a screenshot of your tweet and comment on that.

After all - all that person has to do see your public tweets is open an incognito browser window, and view your profile.

Pretty sure you have to sign in, or will very soon.

And people can likely still retweet, you just won't see it.

So Ben Shapiro can still retweet everything AOC says to "slam" her, and only the people who haven't muted him (his fans) can circlejerk and post harassing replies. She just wouldn't see it.

Block also blocks them from seeing your posts and responding to them. Which is valuable. I don’t want people to creep on my profile if I’ve blocked them.

I use mute to get people who tweet in the wrong language off my timeline.

I deleted my twitter so I guess it’s not my problem now

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Lmao this is overlooking the most important part of the block feature. Without the Block feature spammers, scammers, and crazies can destroy anyones posts by filling it with dick pics, scams, gore, anything. Blocks prevent people from posting on your posts.

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They still can comment on your stuff and create hate bandwagons. This is actually pretty common.

As long as mute still gets their posts out of my feed it's all fine by me I guess. I can't figure out what's the downside here. I couldn't care less if the people I've muted can see my profile or not. Preventing individual users from accessing your profile is kind of petty to be honest.

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You’re going to hear his dumb thoughts whether you want to or not.

Musk is intentionally killing twitter confirmed. First he tried to tank its value and retract his buy offer but was forced in to the purchase by the SEC. So now he's just playing the long game by killing it step by step with his own hands.

Why couldn't he just shut it down if he wanted to? What's the purpose of wasting that much money slowly?

If he shut it down then the masses would flood to a handful of new options and a replacement would emerge in a week or two.

By dragging it out, it slows that down.

Also, if he shut it down, he'd get a week or two of headlines. This way he can milk a year of it.

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Really its just devolving into a fascinating experiment in how much momentum it requires people to leave a platform en masse in 2023.

Maybe his 4D chess move is trying to push everyone to federated apps, what a great guy!

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I am so glad I ditched twitter when Musk took over. Blocking abusive people is a critical function on that cesspool of a social medium.

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I think this is what's gonna finally end it for Twitter. There has already been a huge increase in harassment/hate, and if people can't block other users spewing that shit, they will actually leave this time

He's probably having a fit over everyone blocking him from their feeds

Holy shit. The block feature was the only function that actually worked when dealing with trolls and assholes.

Remove that feature, and the remaining Queer and POC communities are going to be forced off the platform due to the abuse they will not be able to block.

I suspect this is mainly because people with the Blue checks keep crying about getting blocked.

Working as intended. Musk isn't half as smart as he thinks he is, but he's still not stupid enough to think it will play out any way.

He wants to ensure far-right voices are heard and that any opposition to them is bullied off the platform.

There is no need to give him the benefit of the doubt just because he doesn't admit it out loud. Actions speak louder than words and every action he has taken has pandered to the far-right.

Agreed. Twitter will just be another extreme right shithole.

It's such a shame. Twitter has been around for so long and had been vital for many peoples careers and connections. I hate what he's done with it. =(

I blocked elon musk long time ago...

I havnt logged into twitter since he bought it though. Cant remember if i dleeted my user

I hope that when someone inevitably kills themselves from online bullying, that Twitter and Musk gave massive legal repercussions.

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That's why I deleted my Twitter. It makes no sense.

So no one will be able to stop the firehose of neonazi propaganda?

Advertisers loving that?

Block makes sense. He knows it makes no sense to remove it. Block has existed on the internet long enough to assume this is completely malicious intent.

Like I flatout refuse to assume he removed a feature used literally everywhere else without ulterior motive. This is just to allow for bad actors to continue to voice themselves without any prevention tools.

Yeah, it's literally "You're going to be forced to consume content you don't want to" and "People wil now be able to harass you publicly."

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"I'm tired of people blocking me"

Wait did I say that or just think that?

"Wait did I say that or just think that??"

Oh HeyThisIsn'TheYMCA You need more horse stewardesses

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I need to block like 5 bot follows and three fake crypto impersonation accounts including me in a retweet daily. This would break the experience completely for me.

I wonder when he says “it makes no sense” if he is just confused by the complexity of it. Because blocking is more complicated than it might seem at first. It introduces issues where different people see different versions of things, and in some ways blocking can be a little like choosing to put your head in the sand regarding someone, but they can still be around, flinging shit at you.

He probably realized that millions of people blocked him and it hurt his ego.

Being blocked by a lot of people did drop his priority in the Twitter algorithm, enough that he had what remained of Twitter's engineers try to fix it by bumping him up to the top.

Yet another reason to be glad I quit using it in October 2022.

There's no good reason to make people interact with people who are bothering them.

  • "I don't want to see content from this person", legit
  • "I don't want to get notifications about this person's content", legit
  • "I don't want this person's content to be able to link to my profile or use my name", dubious
  • "I want this person to have to log out to see my content", nonsense

How so? Even if I think people are posting the stupidest, most self-incriminating bullshit ever, I don't have any special right to see their content or forward to my audience if they don't want me to.

It still makes no sense that I can just log out take a screenshot log back in and share it. That's the part that's just a bit weird. It makes sense on s platform where not everything is publicly accessible

This is what it sounds like when a severely divorced person screams, "WHY WON'T THIS FUCKING COMPANY FAIL!!! I'M DOING EVERYTHING I CAN TO ELIMINATE THIS THREAT AND IT WON'T DIE!"

Yea no way that's happening. The guy can get away with a lot but burning the entire app to the ground probably has a few legal safeguards.

Seems to violate TOS of both app stores and likely a few laws in key markets.

But Elon never gave a hoot.

i have like 500 people in my Twitter block list :|

Why are you still on the website at all

If you want to follow artists and avoid all the right wing Nazis, 500 blocks is about the right number to keep your feed clear.

I personally block about 10,000 and comment vociferously on right wing threads, just so WatermElon Musk has to spend $$$ to present threads without my comments in the right-wing echo chamber. Block lists are fairly database-search intensive.

so its a hobby then

Well, I used to have a "real" account but now I only have the hobby account now. If he removes blocks, I might start up a bot army that replies to his every Xeet telling him what a stooge he is.

I had over 900 by the time I deleted my account. Twitter would have been unusable without the block feature for me.

You could argue against creating the feature, but once it already exists and it's not taking up any real processing power or cluttering the interface, why would you ever remove any feature. Does he understand it? No. Do some people use it and find it beneficial? Probably, yeah. Are you forced to use it? No. So what's the problem?

It's like a car manufacturer ordering a recall to remove the the mirror on the passenger side visor because he never uses it. Some people do, my dude, it's not hurting anything, and it will actually cost you money to remove it instead of leaving it. Just leave it alone, dude.

Or... he's not being honest and he wants to remove it because it hurts his ego to know that so many block his account. Yeah, it's probably that.

'You'll listen to nazi propaganda even if we have to shove it down your throat!'

Musk probably

He literally bought it to try to make a payment processor and be king of the internet.

Only twitter users think twitter is important.

Don't most app stores have terms and conditions that require social media websites to have actual functional block features? Having them only work for DMs doesn't feel very functional...

Yup. Let's see how he'll backtrack when they force him to comply.

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Imagine if Elon was playing a long con game and is actually trying to kill Twitter on purpose by disguising himself as the rest of the Republicans in support of them.

Like this "10 dimensional chess" game is him actually just doing the most mundane and simple changes to kill the platform intentionally.

I can imagine it, buuut... Never attribute to malice (or intelligence) what can be explained by incompetence.

Indeed. And consider - if you're a right wing loon, what does killing twitter really do? Especially what does twitter do that it's worth blowing 44 billies to kill it?

Considering that Saudi Arabia still holds enormous amounts of money in Twitter, and twitter was how the Arab Spring and other movements spread, it certainly looks like it's a deliberate crashing of the platform.

There's no way they could've convinced Elon to look like an idiot though to take it down.

This isn't likely, though. First there's the question of why kill Twitter? Then there's the $44 billion cost, and all the reputational damage. Nah, he's just arrogant and incompetent.

He took it private, why would be need to play 10 dimensional chess with himself? He can just close it and sell the IP.

Everytime I think the platform can't get any worse this guy proves me wrong the next week.

Probably spelled "cents" incorrectly.

probably this is bc of people blocking blue checked people as protest

I expect he just found out he's the most blocked person on the platform.

Shit won't fly because of some App Store/Play Store policies lol

All i know is mastodon better be ready for a fresh batch of twitter refugees washing up on the shores of the fediverse as well as bluesky all so f meta nobody go there

He blocked himself people and now he is pretending that's its a non sens....

As I only used Twitter to troll right wingers, this change might bring me back.

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I would have given two fucks about this if I was still on Xitter.

ITT: "Blocking isn't a necessary feature, specifically because I do not get harassed." Also: "Because you COULD just make an alt, take the time to make a fake email, and even potentially be required to have a fake ID in the future, muting and blocking are LITERALLY the same thing"

Any disincentive is one more step some spineless bastard has to go through to harass you, even if there are work arounds.

Elon Musk: world renowned expert of what does and does not make sense.

I thought he was relying to his own Tweet

I'll bet a buffalo nickel that this is so Musk can guarantee eyeballs on ads.

Arg: expected eyeballs on ads not 100% because blocking. This shiny new 'X' will guarantee 100%.

Tinfoil: If he can disrupt B2B on ads and seize more marketing market share, he looks like a genius and gets to add a payment feature to X. I don't think he's very creative and will just remake PayPal with a fuckton of extra steps.

How else would a child of apartheid Africa get the apartheid message out to the world in 2023? Of course you have to disable the block feature.

I really hope they don't go back on this because it's really going to damage their bottom line and I have popcorn to eat

The only reason I regret deleting my twitter account is because now I can’t tell Elon how fucking idiotic these decisions are.

That's the quickest way to delete your account

I kept tweeting at him to kill himself and was given several 2 week bans and never a full one. I'm about to give up and just delete my account.

I'm kind of tired of hearing about what this dummy is up to. He's very rich. But clearly very dumb. He took emerald mine money and lucked his way into some good investments. Bought his way into Tesla and pretends to be very smart.

Thats not to say every idea he has had is bad. But he is clearly not a smart man overall.

2 more...

This is not a good idea. If you are a troll, you must love this a lot.

So he’s pulling an Elon again.

Who are these people giving hearts and likes for removing features? :)

If you're still using Twitter, not only are you part of the problem, you like the abuse.

This year's module content on social media is going to be an absolute cracker.

I don't even need to write jokes into my classes, the man does it for me!

I gave him the benefit of the doubt when he took over, but it's clear that he's completely mental.

The original owners of Twitter were forever fixing what wasn't broken, but this guy is acting like he's got a new Stretch Armstrong toy and wants to see how far he can stretch it before it breaks.