Average Lemmy Active Users by Month

Guster@lemmy.world to Fediverse@lemmy.world – 922 points –

I don't know about you but I was just waiting for an excuse. I ain't ever going back. It's a brave new world for me, part of shifting my whole suite to FOSS. Leaving the old internet behind me.

In 2022 I was Windows + Twitter + Reddit. In 2023 I'm full-time Linux + Mastodon + Lemmy.

I've rid myself of reddit (never used Twitter thank God) but I'm still on windows. I just got a steam deck though and I'm loving the Linux desktop mode. What branch of Linux does the deck use? I know I could do a quick Google to find out but damn I love how well it runs. Linux isn't nearly as scary as I thought

I'll disagree with Taiyang about Manjaro; I think it diverges too much form Arch and much prefer EndeavourOS (which is what I'm using at the moment).

With that said, I wouldn't recommend anything Arch-based for a first timer. Quick sidebar: in Linux the "distribution" (the OS, basically - the variant of Linux) is separate from the desktop environment (the GUI). SteamOS uses the KDE desktop. If you like that, I think I'd recommend Kubuntu as a good Linux distro to start with. It's Ubuntu with KDE instead of the default Ubuntu desktop, so there's a ton of documentation and pretty much every app will work on it.

!linux@lemmy.ml is very active and a great place to ask questions and/or read up, or feel free to DM me!

I personally wouldn't push anyone away from Arch towards Ubuntu. Ubuntu broke with every major update and you always are running older "stable" versions of software unless you add a bunch of PPAs that are disabled on major updates and left to the user to sort out. And I'm not even going to get into the joy of Snaps. =(

IMHO something like EndeavorOS or CachyOS would far and away be both more stable, and a better noob experience. Or if you're just gaming, install SteamOS, because if you haven't broken it on your deck you probably wouldn't be breaking on your desktop either.

I love EOS, but it would be a lot to take in at once for someone new to Linux - learning KDE, the terminal, plus everything else (flatpaks, the AUR, and so on) is a lot. At least Kubuntu still has the familiar (to them) KDE but has a GUI app store and never needs to use the terminal. It depends how generally tech-savvy the person is I guess.

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Like taiyang said, SteamOS is based on Arch which is super not newbie friendly, but the desktop modes "desktop environment" is KDE which available on pretty much any Linux distro, including beginner friendly ones like (K)Ubuntu and Fedora (although I'm not sure how beginner friendly Fedora is, regarding proprietary drivers and codecs)

Oh, you're like me! I did the dive into Linux, SteamOS is a fork of Arch Linux which is super not newbie friendly.

Manjaro is a good Arch Linux fork that works well for gamers, though. Still not idiot proof, as I can atest to breaking it several times, but that's the deal when you remove the training wheels off your OS.

Lucky it's easy to reinstall from a USB. A little less if you insist on a duel boot like me, but that's mostly Windows being a jerk.

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I ditched Windows because I could not stand them restarting my PC without my permission after an update. And ads! Fucking ads on my start menu.

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I wasn't really looking for a replacement, just wanted to break my reddit addiction which was hampering my productivity. Lemmy isn't a replacement in the sense, but a nice change and something new to try.


Same. I adopted a google account a long time ago, but I've finally hit my limit on what they've been doing with youtube and everything. Free and open source alternatives are the way to go, it may take a while to catch on or may never fully, but who cares. Switching to linux recently was the best thing I've ever done.

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What this shows us is that more people are joining lemmy, but even more people are either leaving or going into lurker mode, as Lemmy only counts people who have commented or posted in that time period as active users, whereas most social media counts any activity while logged in as active. You have to realize that people who use reddit as Google search results don't usually interact with the content there and most won't even make an account.

On the upside, with fewer people, it's easy to get noticed here just by contributing good content since you don't really get drowned out here because of the democratic upvote based sorting instead of black box personalized recommendation algorithms. So with relatively low amount of effort, you can make sure your content is being seen instead of relying on analytics and metrics.

The last thing to in mind that Lemmy is only one aspect of ActivityPub, and Mastodon's growth is currently the highest right now because of the ecosystem created by the whale fall of Twitter, which indirectly grows Lemmy as Mastodon users can post directly to federated Lemmy communities.

I just got recommended this site after posting on reddit re: predatory algos and the necessary regulations needed to protect people and how algos have manipulated the UX so much its disrupted the originally intended purposes; ie insta has effectively become a marketing and advertising platform.

So in response someone suggested finding alternatives to the popular social media sites and used Lemmy as an example.

I have been loving it thus far - its old school reddit.

this is my first comment on lemmy!

Welcome! So far, in my experience, this is a much friendlier community that... many of the alternatives.

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Do votes count as activity as well? Or just posts and comments?

It really should.

I changed the algorithms in programming.dev to take into account voters in the activity. Since stats are all calculated locally you can view any community from programming.dev to get the monthly active users including that change

e.g. https://programming.dev/c/technology@lemmy.world shows 27.8k users/month on p.d which is almost as much as the value here for all of lemmy excluding voters

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There seemed to be an influx of reddit users but probably didn't like Lemmy's own distinct user base (*nix users for example)

I am kind of glad it settled down because I much prefer Lemmy over reddit

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Damn, I’d better keep commenting, I usually just lurk/vote

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For anyone panicking, this is exactly like what happened with the transition from ICQ to AOL messenger, from MySpace to Facebook, from 9gag/etc to Reddit, and so on.

Website makes a mistake, some people leave. Makes another, more leave. Each time this happens, more 'main' people of said website leave. Hell, I already saw PoppinKREAM here, so that's a great start.

So this is exactly how it always goes. The fact it is still here means it's staying. Look at Threads, or Metaverse, whatever those things are. All dying or dead, barely lasted. Lemmy is still here, people are still posting, so just keep doing what you're doing. It's already working.

It's like a ratcheting effect. Every time schmeddit fucks up, we gain a few more. And if you can count on Spez for one thing, it's that he'll reliably fuck up on the regular.

This is why Mastodon is so populated compared to lemmy. Elon just keeps making more and more mistakes.

Think it really was PoppinKREAM?! Love to read them again.

Them and Portarossa

Who the fuck are these people?

Not sure about the other but PoppinKREAM became known on Reddit during the Mueller probe for very long, very well researched and cited comments mostly related to politics. Their citation style in particular meant their comments got tons of Reddit awards and were highly visible.

PoppinKREAM and Portarossa are two extremely through researchers into politics, mostly US politics, and how we even got here.

Oh I was planning to check for Portarossa, one of the few usernames I recognize

On mastodon or Lemmy?

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I don’t care that the fediverse has a ton of traffic. It may not have the most users, but it definitely has the best

Very true. I'm still amazed how good lemmy is considering how small we still are.

100% agree. Have encountered a few jerkwads on Lemmy but hey, blocking works. The overall vibe here is 100x better than schmeddit.

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I much much prefer the niche community here. Much less shit to have to wade through (see: came here to say this x 100000 per post) to get to the good comments and posts

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Exactly. I don't need the most users. The internet was better back when it wasn't everybody.

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11 million comments this month. 11 million comments from people smart enough to leave behind the other. 11 million comments, likely largely from actual humans.

Lemmy is thriving.

Plot twist: It's all piped.video bot.

lol ive never clicked a piped link even once

I did, once. It didn’t work.

Google's shareholders appreciate your contribution.

Yepp, that user was my first and only block ever. Yes, we get it. YT bad, Piped good. It was so annoying.

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All the people returning and forgetting what reddit did and will continue to do. Then the next time reddit messes up, they will come back. 😔

Edit: other stats seem pretty good though! Unless i am misunderstanding them.

The blue one doesn’t reset count every mount so it’s cululative. It means people come and go. There was a big Reddit rush and some people went back others got annoyed with the growing pains and went elsewhere. But the fact that it’s slowing down means it’s stabilizing to a dedicated community.

I would prefer to use Lemmy, but it simply doesn't have some things that reddit currently has. It could in the future, but it doesn't have the user base yet.

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Lurker here. Just writing this as my first ever comment to push those numbers.

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This graph is much more reassuring:


We are stable, even slightly growing in the last few days.

It’s really painful that these graphs don’t start at zero. Hard to see if that growth is as dynamic as it looks

The average comments is far more interesting. Constant growth. Active accounts is skewed by all the alts new people make.

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so there was a wave of sign ups with the Reddit drama, and then people got bored. the graph looks about right to me.


Still, Lemmy probably ended up with more people than before. Also, hey, I came from Reddit drama

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Growth always comes in waves and then settles. I spent nearly a decade on reddit until they killed my app. Reddit took over a decade to become really big. I'm not really that worried for lemmy that much, especially since we now have a framework for something other than reddit. Even if reddit goes into nosedive mode, it won't be the end of forums as we know it.

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Here's the thing though... I've been on Reddit for over a decade before Lemmy, and whilst there may be less interaction the interactions themselves have been far more sincere. People are more willing to engage, and even with this random comment there's a chance someone would comment below.

The community feel of Lemmy is something, at least I've found, Reddit had lost a very long time ago.

Sort of a quality Vs quantity thing I guess?

well all that's just like, your opinion man.

In fact kind of reminds me of how Reddit was back then.

It's sometimes unbearable on Lemmy. I have stated that using Linux is very hard for noobs and it's not useful still for general audience. I have got so many downvotes just because of this, you won't believe. It feels like community is Linux users , who are acting as nerds or are nerds, and they are somewhat inclusive of outsiders. Lemmy feels like a club for only the so called intellectuals and they want to barr regular person getting in. This is also evident with Lemmy worlds or alternative of subbreddits. If you try to find some they still don't exists. Further Lemmy is very hard to understand , even I struggle to understand how it works. But the access to different Lemmy's is good, via boost app. The Lemmy worlds though they don't look as polished as Reddit does but that's cause Lemmy is evolving. So in summary Quality of posts, strong sense of non inclusivity by lemmye'rs , understanding of how Lemmy works and old feel of Lemmy are the reasons is keeping people out.

I feel you. I don't give one single fuck about Linux. My lemmy experience got better when I filtered out Linux across the board. The "hive mind" here is way more super-geek than reddit ever was. I'm a craftsman, just about the only reason I turn my computer Chromebook on is to send invoices. And that makes a lot of lemmy mad it seems. I feel way more like this guy here than I ever did on reddit.

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If Linux fandom is your biggest gripe, I'd say we're in pretty good shape here.

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I dont get the hysteria, personally.

I came here to escape the crowds, not migrate with them.

Once a site gets too popular it gets normified and it just becomes nothing but reposts, in-jokes and low effort crap.

Reddit's appeal was never in the popular subs, but in the long tail. Forget about the dozen subreddits with million+ subscribers, what made it interesting is the thousands of subs with a few hundred active users.

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It doesn't matter. I get all my news here and I can comment if I want. That's enough

For anybody interested, the monthly active users including voters is 131,150 (131k)

The one in the graph only takes into account people who have made a post or comment

Edit: The halfyear active users including voters is 253,166 (253k)

That engagement ratio is super high when you look at it this way. 118k-ish posters/commenters and 131k total users? Damn. Good job Lemmy.

The 118k is half year aka 6 months

The one around 35k is month

Still though - like I know it was boosted by the reddit exodus and so the 6mos stats are inflated, but still not too shabby.

I didn't realize commenting was an important metric. I check lemmy everyday but rarely have something useful to say.

This is a great metric-explainer. What impressive numbers. Now we really know how successful this migration has been.

Ooh, that's my preferred global population! That's a good sign!

FWIW Lemmy has fully replaced Reddit as my go-to toilet reading material, and I'm sure there are many other lurkers around here who don't post much and thus don't show up in these stats. The more niche communities are still lacking in content, yes, but these things are best left to grow organically over a long period of time to maintain quality. It was the same on Reddit too before the enshittification escalated.

For whatever anecdotal observations are worth, I've recently been seeing a huge uptick in activity from the userbase that is here. Maybe it's been driven by posts like this one or memes about growing Lemmy, but people seem to be posting and commenting more than usual.

If lemmy has 100 users I’m one of them

If lemmy has 1 user it’s me

If lemmy has no users I’m dead

I don't know about huge but the data on the same page supports the observation on post quantity. It's still steadily increasing.

Comments might be currently on a stable trend.

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I've been trying to post as much as I find it possible and engaging.

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Zoomed out graph including some months before the join wave

Users/month are relatively stable now at 33x users/month compared to pre join wave (users/month is people who have posted or commented)

Seriously, people need to stop getting in their heads about this shit. We are doing awesome, we can sit around and let lemmy slow loose users for a longggg time before we have even begun to actually be backtracking.

This is what winning looks like, it’s just the realistic version of winning.

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If reddit taught me anything, it's that a growing network isn't necessarily a good thing.

Infinite growth ruins everything. A smaller community is better.

Meh, lemmy is already interesting enough to kill time and past that I don’t care

First of all, rooting for decentralized net 100%. Watching Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter, etc. all get screwed over from the top down sucks. I really appreciate the strong community here - having it smaller and more engaging encourages participation and makes it feel a little more human.

However, I'm considering leaving Lemmy just because somehow it's even more cynical than reddit, and I'm losing interest in opening the app if it's just 99% downers. I mean almost every article is just crushingly bad news. The world is in a rough state for sure, and staying informed is really important! But trying to live on and find the good is near impossible here.

(Yes, I'm subbed to upliftingnews. That's the 1%.)

Is this a demographics thing, or am I just subbed in all the wrong places? Maybe a bit of both?

I’ve been doing my best to add content. I’m currently working on a book review, a video game review, and a Battletech post. Unfortunately posts like that take time and are outpaced by the tempo of news articles and resulting arguments within.

If you want a more positive experience you should unsubscribe from all the news & politics stuff. Trust me, when you click on “frontpage all”, it will be there. No reason to also have it in your subscribe feed. Go into the creative communities and at the very least comment. Give some feedback, and ideally add something of your own. Lemmy is too small to simply expect content to exist without adding some of your own.

@setsneedtofeed this! We are building something here. Not sure where you post but I'm adding you to my follows so I'll see your OC.

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Sub to a bunch of hobby communities and browse only those rather than the "all" content if you want to get rid of the doom. You're gonna have lesser content to consume, for sure, but that's just a bonus in my book.

the niche communities that i subbed to here after being a reddit refugee are mostly ghost towns... kind of a bummer.

I blocked all the news communities for this reason. Just go down your feed and look at the name of the community and if the post or community isnt what you want to see or interested in than block it. Ive been doing that and my feed has improved dramatically. Theres only so much depressing stuff im willing to expose myself to, some people get off on the emotional charge seeing that kind of news, not me though.

The sort of people with the moral height to migrate to decentralized platforms are also, likely, the sort of people to be realists – the world is fucked, hiding from the truth doesn't make it go away.

And just reading about it doesn't either... being informed is important but letting negativity consume your world view isn't healthy or productive, it's just angsty.

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Part of that truth is also that there is positive news out there, more than people are necessarily aware of, but OPs very valid point is you rarely find that discussed on Lemmy. And when it is brought up people take great delight in torpedoing it. That's not realistic, that's defeatist doomerism.

I dunno why people dislike your take - I think it's spot on.

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Spend so time on Risa. We're a big ball of love! And Star Trek memes!

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Now that I've goten addicted to the block feature, I'm probably never going back to reddit. Dont like the content from specific servers while I'm browsing the top pages? Block, they stop existsing. Find myself getting baited into low effort arguements? Block and move on. I feel faaaarrr less stressed out lately

I feel the same way, my block list is massive. The app I use to browse, the lemmy version of Boost, also has a word filter option too, which isn't on the desktop browser interface (I don't think), so I can block names of certain people and current event incidents I'm not interested in seeing any more, without needing to block communities or users. It only works when the post actually has the words in the title, so ironic memes slip through all the time, but its better than nothing.

Oohh, that sounds pretty good! I'm a bit of an old man when it comes to apps though and try to avoid them unless absolutely necessary, that might tempt me into looking into some of the lemmy apps though!

Keep it in mind

We lost active users because of this

  • beehaw has been defed from lemmy.world, sh.itjust.works and other instances
  • some instances like lemmy.film and fmhy went offline

I’d imagine Hexbear and lemmygrad ran a lot of people away as well.

I've been registered on Lemmygrad. Got banned for saying Stalin is not a superhero and that he made both good and bad moves.

Noted, moved to lemmy.world

I’m not even on either and got an account banned from .ml for telling the Hexbear clowns that their little meme responses were childish and cringy.

You mean a pic of a pig w shit on it's balls isn't high-minded discourse?!

Right? Who’d have thought that a large community of children would be obnoxious and cringy?

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I've had like three accounts banned from .ml for saying, among other things, that the US revolution didn't involve kidnapping children. Trying to have any world news discussion here is completely impossible, and that's one of the more active areas on Reddit. No wonder people try out lemmy and then bail.

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Probably but people who make their account on Lemmy.world, the most common instance, also never see them.

I have an account there. I use it as my good news/no negativity scroll. The absence of that garbage is so refreshing.

It absolutely did. Instances should have acted on that day 1.

Day 1, most of the instances were down due to the massive influx

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I was wondering what happened to lemmy.film.

Nobody knows unfortunately, but we created !moviesandtv@lemm.ee as a replacement

Well that's sad. But I suppose we're still in the new, rough period of Lemmy. The Wild West of federated, private server owned link sharing discussion sites.

@Shyfer yeah it shut down which was disappointing.

Luckily due to the decentralised nature of federation there are movies communities at lemmy.world, kbin.social, and lemm.ee.

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I know this is just anecdotal, but I have literally not seen a single mention of Lemmy anywhere online or in the news in the last 3 months, including on Reddit. "Build it and they will come" only gets you so far...

I post on my country sub every week in the self promotion thread.

We also published a news in a well known national open source website.

I agree with you, people have to advocate about it, it's not magical.

It's also important to note that 0.19 has been a long time coming. I think part of the reticence to engage in full on Lemmy evangelism is that people recognize that the platform still needs work. Once everything starts working more smoothly and moderation tools get some upgrades, it'll become a lot easier to recommend Lemmy to the average person.

I would like to start doing this as well. Feel free to post a template of what you usually say to lure people in. I think more people here would be willing to go on a little misonary run 😉

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You make a good point.

Mastodon by comparison has attracted a number of people basically campaigning for its adoption with webpages and sign up drives.

I’m not clear on the details but I’ve picked up that some of that energy comes from people who see Twitter as politically important and so view Mastodon advocacy as a political act worthy of funding.

Reddit I imagine doesn’t attract that kind of interest.

But still, as you say, adoption could be better with some more community organisation.

Generally, the lack of synergy with mastodon is a continuous source of disappointment for me in how segregated the Fedi actually is and how insular masto actually is.

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I think it would be wise for us to adopt a hashtag system so you can search by topic as opposed to by community. We're so segmented into smaller sub communities and different servers that it's difficult to find what you want to read.

Upside is that this change would effectively consolidate small communities across instances so they aren't so fragmented.

Downside is that there would be less control over what content is tied to each tag because I'm not sure how moderation would work. You can end up with issues where people maliciously flood a certain tag with junk.

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Wouldn't Mastodon just be that? Lemmy and Mastodon federate - and you can see one in the other.

Twitter-likes are tag based. Reddit-likes are community based? I think it's fine and good if communities merge or get subsumed by an equivalent on another instance.

Yes and no, ideally we would also still have communities. You can imagine how a topic like Henry Kissinger's death could be talked about in both of a politics sub, and noncredibledefence esque military based sub.

The point is basically to give better search functionality and bridge these communities by topic in a way.

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The actual content is way better now than it was the first couple of months after the Reddit thing. Initially a lot of the comments were either Reddit related or people trying to force communities that didn't necessarily have the population to survive, yet. That's all fallen away now and the content feels much more organic. Someone opening a Lemmy instance for the first time is going to find today's front page much more engaging than what it looked like in June/July.

Lemmy is becoming its own thing rather than a reflection of Reddit.

In some ways a lot more responsive as well. The news that Kissinger died was all over Lemmy for hours before I noticed one post about it crack the front page of Reddit, for example.

Yeah the stream of stuff hitting my front page is a lot higher in quality and volume in the last few months. I don't post on reddit anymore but still visit for content and I am doing that less and less lately.

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Weird, because I feel like it is more populated that it was after the huge influx of users because of the APIcalypse.

Lemmy is one of the healthiest fediverse communities. It's starting to get to the point where it can emulate the hours of infinite scrolling people do on reddit. Whether that is a good thing is debatable.

It's starting to get to the point where it can emulate the hours of infinite scrolling people do on reddit.

That is the case for me since Sync for Lemmy popped out.

Whether that is a good thing is debatable.

This reminds me of my mom watching TV novels back in the days when they aired daily, and now she watches the same novels but through streaming... Ahh some things never change

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I used Reddit for years and maybe posted twice, here i just feel more compelled to participate. I find it hard to put into words, but Reddit feels like social media, which I hate, and lemmy feels more like an old school forum.

Why would more users be better? As far as I'm concerned whatever number of users are right now is the right one.

I definitely get the old school forum vibes. Reddit felt like talking into the void sometimes if a thread was popular and you weren't there from early.

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I feel dumb for having to ask but what exactly is "active users half year" vs "active uses monthly"?

Is half year just mean one or more comments/upvotes in the last 6months?

I believe the chart is if you are looking at last activity date.

Was this persons' last activity date in the last 6 months? Last 1 month?

Not sure how they are actually measuring that activity - whether that's logins or posts?

Don't let yourself be fooled. Lemmy is doing great. It's got a lot more user than half a year ago and it will continue to grow. You should look at the bigger perspective here. People are starting to understand the point of the Fediverse more and more and it will eventually take over enshitified platforms such as Reddit

I'm quite happy with the small town pub atmosphere myself. Good prices, good banter, the occassional bar fight... Just my style.

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Don't worry fam. Spez has several moves left in the Elonshitification playbook.

He hasn't even begun to malign ethnic or religious groups, accept no blame, and blame said groups' advocacy organizations for the problem!

Oh, he has. You are just limiting your view to English-speaking subreddits, while non-English reddit is booming with terrorists.

If you really want to know how these companies would operate their websites, just look at the corners there of regions where they can't or won't be sued, or no press will cover the kind of awful content they allow.

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Unfortunately it’s mostly bot posts and people of all the same thought processes with nothing to add to any conversation.

Really? I've had the complete opposite experience. Every time I comment it seems that I'm interacting with actual people. And I've found the conversations to be a lot more wholesome in comparison to reddit. Maybe it's my selection of posts though...

Yeah... say anything that's not extreme lefty propaganda and the Hexbears and Lemmygrads jump on you

Really? I haven't seen them in months. Maybe they are blocked on my instance?

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I think its because we aren't allowed by default to post images, which I completely understand after what happened back a couple months ago. I've been using Lemmy for more then 4 months actively but yet I still don't have permission to post pictures because of the fact that I'm too lazy to even try to get it enabled. This is a major reason why we aren't seeing a lot of content.

Also, this tends to be mostly a leftist leaning app, so maybe some people get drawn away.

I was really on-board of the idea of Lemmy in the beginning. It all made a lot of sense, and I felt like a part of the community.

But now it feels like its just an echo chamber of people, who seems to have very extreme beliefs.

It's starting to be clear that the whole "ML - Leninism Marxism" was actually a big part of Lemmy.

I'm a centrist, slightly leaning towards the left, but I don't feel like I truly belong in the demographic of Lemmy any longer. Reddit is starting to pull me back, and Boost still works, which only makes it harder to resist...

Extreme leftist politics, memes, linux, a weirdly active Star Trek community (comparatively) and blocking furry/anime porn communities daily. That's been my experience so far.

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I feel the same way sometimes. I'm a centrist as well, a lot of the people on both sidee in this platform do have extreme takes and have the "You must agree with me or I will ban you" attitude. I wish it was a bit more diverse, whenever I come on Lemmy it is completely saturated with leftists post. I have nothing against people on the left, its just the fact that content is so obviously saturated with it.

What really made me want to leave lemmy more than anything so far was seeing a completely negative reaction to anyone calling out the Kissinger death posts being spammed like junk mail all over the fediverse.

“What? You don’t like seeing the same post 50 times in one day? Fuck you, downvoted. I wanted this guy dead so any post gets an upvote from me”

That’s the kind of attitude that will drive users away and turn this venture into a political liquid shit puddle. We need variety. Not an echo chamber. Lemmy was quite literally unusable during that period so I stopped opening it.

Also how some people don’t want Lemmy to grow because they like the smaller community feel, while simultaneously putting off a groupthink attitude that will only shrink it more. Essentially a kind of sentiment that lemmy should be what they want, and not what’s best for the platform and majority of users overall.

I left Lemmy for like 6 months because I got tired of the echo chamber. I'm usually inclined to the left but this was just too much and too extreme. There were some pretty interesting topics that I learned here, like how badly designed society is and why cars are an artificial need. Those "intellectual" discussions (if you could call them that) kept me engaged, but even those spaces were ruined by people totally closed to the idea of a middle-ground.

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I'm not actually seeing tankies around, any more -- lemmygrad banned me within days so that their minds wouldn't be polluted by my arguments, and whatever happened to hexbear I don't know they seem to have largely defederated again.

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being left leaning is not the issue, but when opinions even slightly to the right of extreme left are censored and removed, it doesn't encourage participation or conversation

Where is that happenening outside of lemmygrad? I have literally never once seen that happening outside of that place...

Though it happens literally 24/7 on alt-right social media or reddit /r/conservative 😂 you can speedrun any% ban time by saying "I think covid was handled poorly" lol

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No images is I think a lemm.ee-only thing, other instances are still allowing it. It was severely size-limited even before the whole CSAM situation to save on storage, and, IIRC, paraphrasing sunaurus: "Imgur exists."

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Sorry, dumb question but what the heck does Active users Halfyear mean? They've been on for a half year and are still active?

A lot of accounts are interacting (voting, posting, etc.) on lemmy-visible activitypub services within a 6 month timespan, but most accounts are not active users interacting every month.

It's actually a very positive graph. Many of the new accounts would be spammers, bots, throwaway accounts, alts of banned users, users making account on multiple instances because of downtime, etc. So it's normal to see growth over longer spans of time that aren't completely reflected in monthly active user statistics.

The current plateau is probably for the best, it gives developers time to catch up somewhat with the last growth spurt. There will be other social media platform clusterfucks in the future that will kick off future growth spurts.

That's a good point. The devs, mods and everyone needs time to brace for the next wave of reddit exiles! As one of the API refugees, I remember how rough those first couple of weeks were...

My guess: monthly user add all the unique users in the last month. Half year add the unuque users in the past 6 months. This is why is bigger, but it grows slowly in the months with less unique users.

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Went to the website link looking for context and couldn't find it so I'll ask here. What is the significance of the blue Halfyear line?

Probably user active during the past 6 months (posting, commenting, ...) vs user active during the past month

Active users in the last six months. It will drop off when the usage peak is no longer included in the six-month period.

I believe it's there to massage perception 😂

My guess green resets count every month. Blue resets every 6 months. So blue is cumulative of total users cover the last 6 months. It shows that new people keep on coming but others are leaving every month.

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Don't pressure yourself to become an active monthly user. Just take it easy. I came here to have a peace with me not constantly shitposting to gain karma.

This place, it's ... beautiful. I've joined the communities with the topics i'm interested in and the posts I see are only (mostly) what I asked for.

The average person is reasonably educated, capable of arguing a point in good faith. It's not you against the world or the world against you here, it's more like, did you consider it from this point of view. That's nice!

The trolls and corporations have gotten board and are going home. The people with 2 backup accounts have stopped using them because their primary choice stays up, online and stable.

We could use a little extra mod tools and discovery, but this is a nice laid back place to relax and catch up on some random subject matter or ask for a little help in between life and sleep.

capable of arguing a point in good faith

Yeah I've seen a shocking number of people here acknowledge when they've been wrong. It's great!

I gotta be honest...I am hanging on by a threat. The communities that I was engaged with on Reddit before the Snoopacolypse were pretty niche. I wasn't there for r/funny or r/videos, etc. I found similar communities on Lemmy, but they have soooooo little activity. I have to modify my sort just to see content, as its so old. When there are posts, they typically get very little discussion.

I am on Lem.ee, and I have the hardest time posting anything from mobile. It looks like it fails, and if I sort by new, it isn't there and never shows up - HOWEVER, I start getting replies, so someone is seeing it somehow.

I detest what reddit did and is still doing - but Lemmy is not filling that void for me, and its frustrating.

I feel you. The Network Effect is real, and the niche subreddits need a HUGE overall userbase to work at all.

The total population of Lemmy + Kbin is about the size of a medium size city subreddit.

I'm staying here for now. I sometimes cheat and browse reddit not-logged-in. I don't know what the answer is.

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I'm liking the "cosiness" of the discussion threads on most posts, personally. On Reddit a popular thread would have hundreds or thousands of comments already by the time I got there and it felt like my responses were just being lost in a sea.

Yup. Once you hit a certain amount of comments on Reddit, any comment you make was completely pointless.

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Try fiddling around with your language settings maybe? Sometimes the language filter can hide posts in a weird way.

Ultimately, if your only interest is in a handful of niche communities, then Lemmy isn't quite there yet, I agree. I am also missing a bunch of niche communities, but I enjoy most of the popular content that's on Lemmy anyhow, so I'm not too bothered by the loss of the niche stuff for now.

I hear that, but also...

Well, I was doing the same, but noticed that even in the niche subs, the conversations seemed to be getting more and more... juvenile? Like prior to the Snoopacolypse (as you called it, and I love it! The term not the event in case that needs any clarification:-P), it was a point of pride for me that I had never blocked anyone in my life - whereas now I don't think twice before doing that bc who has time to waste on someone not engaging in good faith!? Especially if they lack enough self awareness to even realize that fact about themselves while they are doing it. (Tbf, possibly watching Innuendo Studios' analysis of GamerGate that uses many tactics of the Alt Right in America had something to do with my changing views as well:-).

Ymmv ofc, bc different subs means entirely different people & thus experiences interacting with them, but I'm just saying that rather than stick with the subset of that community that remained after Rexit, I eventually just find myself going or even wanting to go there less and less, instead enjoying engaging here more, even at the expense of not being able to talk about those matters. I haven't posted there for months, nor even commented for a month, and barely go once a week to read. Bc I use Kbin and the mobile browser experience here is so horrible to write a comment, I find myself not commenting here often either - but when I do I have much more fun doing so, not having to be anywhere near as defensive as that other place that shall not be named.

I hope you find something that works best for you as well, wherever that may be.

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I like that I can somewhat recognize usernames across all the lemmy post I comment in. Im not sure if anyone really notices me or recognizes my username and goes 'Oh hey its smokeydope again' but I do that for some other active lemmy users and it starts to feel like we are all acquaintances working together to make an interesting experience for eachother and not just competing for attention without adknowledging eachother.

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meh. who am i, a fuckin executive? i don't care about graphs

frankly, it feels like lemmy has both grown and gotten worse - it attracted enough attention that there are now morons, bootlickers, corporate simps, and dickheads posting now, and upvoting each other's posts

I for one like an open and public forum that allows for opinions I don't agree with. A diversity of opinion definitely seems like a big plus to me.

I see people saying this but I (thankfully) haven't seen them much yet.

Frustrating because of all the decentralized platforms lemmy feels the closest to the original. I’m still on Reddit because there’s more there but the app fucking sucks so much.

And they just keep intentionally making using anything but they apps terrible experience.

I go there to passively consume short videos of stuff that isn't here, but fuck if I'm gonna comment or vote. I don't even sign in.

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I'm contributing because I'm a bit of a meme repository and I get a more positive reception here than I do on Reddit.

Lemmy is in a healthy state.

But what we forget is that not long ago Lemmy was very empty at least in my experience. So I left for some period, but when I came back July this year it was just completely changed. And it stayed this way, I don't need reddit anymore personally

Still on Lemmy exclusively, but it's not my first time using a reddit alternative. This is normal. A large influx of users when reddit fucks up, but some slowly migrate back. Until reddit fucks up again. The problem is none of the alternatives survive long term.

The Fediverse has been around for a couple of years now and it's an open protocol rather than just a single organization, so I'm liking its odds better than most.

Traditionally, the alternatives to Reddit were worse than Reddit. This is the first time that that is no longer true.

You can also make an argument that Reddit was the improved version of Digg. History can repeat itself if the Fediverse proves to a superior model.

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How many people made 2-3 accounts to compensate for outages? Less outages means less alts being active .

Of course that won't accout for the whole amount of people leaving, but I bet if we could get that metric it wouldn't seem near as bad

This is true. I made accounts on like 7 different instances when migrating, but now I only ever use like 2

I'm on the main kbin instance, and I've requested ownership of quite a lot of magazines.

I mean, isn't this exactly what we would expect? Big influx of people when reddit does something unpopular and people want alternatives, then a decrease as the anger fades and people either decide they don't like Lemmy for some reason, or just settle down into their normal, less active amount of posting, stabilizing at a number of users lower than the peak but higher than before the influx. Assuming that Lemmy still is around the next time Reddit gets people mad, it'll happen again, just like how Mastodon gets an influx of new users whenever Twitter does something to upset it's userbase.

If I could post images, there would be more content... I don't understand why I can't.

I have to admit that I still go back to Reddit regularly. There‘s just (still) more interesting / engaging content and more interaction there. Although I would be happy to go „all in fediverse“.

Juuuust keeping the lights on.

I think we'll need a more polished, tuned, crisper product in order to actually retain a significant userbase of less techy sorts. Which is probably still some time away.

For better or for worse, though, I don't think the social media landscape is going to change too much in the foreseeable future.

But really, this isn't good enough. It's lacking the layer of polish that the mainstream public expects, it's basically still in alpha. Development takes time is all.

So every month is higher than the month 6 months prior, that seems pretty good. Obviously won't be true 6 months after that July but certainly speaks to the community that has grown here and remained here.

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What is considered as active ? Is someone connecting to his account and lurking considered active ? Or, someone who just up/downvote without commenting or posting ?

Users who posts or comments. I’m not sure about votes tho 🤔

Edit: its posts or comments. No lurkers. I think they should include voters to get an actual number.

programming.dev changed how active users are calculated on their instance to include voters as well as posters & commentators. It's a massive difference - programming_humor went from about 700 monthly active users to about 7000, for example.

Viewing communities from other instances from programming.dev's perspective will give a figure that includes voting activity.

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Definitely would be a more accurate representation of "active" IMO

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