YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads'' to – 905 points –
Google is feeling pretty pumped about a new way of showing you ads on YouTube

YouTube first spoke about pause ads last year when it started trialing them in select regions. At the time, the company said that when you pause a video, it will shrink, and an ad will appear next to it.


“In Q1, we saw strong traction from the introduction of a pause ads pilot on connected TVs, a new non-interruptive ad format that appears when users pause their organic content,” Schindler noted. He went on to share that YouTube’s pause ads are “driving strong brand lift results” and “are commanding premium pricing from advertisers.”

Schindler didn’t share any timelines for when pause ads will start appearing on YouTube, but we know they’ll first roll out on smart TVs. The nature of these ads, including their duration, skippability, and more is still unclear. We also don’t know if Google plans to introduce these ads on YouTube’s mobile apps.


But usually I’m pausing a video to try to read text that appeared too briefly in the video!

Wait you watch the video? I thought everyone just went there for the ads and emailed YouTube executives to please keep adding more

A fellow Marlboro Coors Lite Ford Chevy SUV pickup banking insurance sportsball enthusiast, I see

Same, I had to ad-block some custom elements on YouTube ages ago because they kept covering the screen with "related videos" whenever I paused to read something.

DF youtube addon is great for that and similar annoyances.

Wait y'all still see ads on YouTube?

If I can't block ads on a device, I'm not using YouTube on that particular device.

A major reason we only watch YouTube via a browser on a media center PC.

Normies genuinely turn on their Smart TV, watch start menu ads, open the YouTube app, wait 90 seconds for the shitty cpu to load the web view, scroll through hundreds of Spider-Man Elsa brainwashing videos and thinly disguised ads, open a video, watch 3 minutes of ads, straight into a 3 minute sponsor segment. All before seeing any actual content.

And they see no problem with this at all, the thought that you can make ads go away literally does not even occur to them as a possibility.

Humanity deserves extinction, I’m gonna go release some refrigerant real quick

I know people IRL who get offended whenever I mention that I just block ads. Shit's insane.

Stockholm syndrome is a very scary condition.

How are you going to make any money then?

Answer: paywall their fucking site.

I'm paying for Internet access. If they don't block their site it's free game.

You can use SmartTube on Android TV, Yattee with this guide on iOS/iPadOS/tvOS or this app on webOS

You can block ads on youtube on mobile devices by using firefox in desktop mode with ublock origin.

Fuck youtube. Fuck ads. Fuck useful idiots defending either.

You don't need to be in desktop mode for ublock origin to work.

Hmm, they may have changed it or I could be misremembering.

Desktop mode also allows you to play a video while your screen is off which is good for listening to music.

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I'm not sure I even own any devices that can't block YouTube ads. You can do it on anything running android, including Android TV.

If they ever fight this and win, I'll simply stop using YouTube altogether.

@empireOfLove2 I don't get it, how can they use the internet without an ad blocker? The first thing that I do is download Firefox + uBlock Origin on any device before of using it.

I honestly don't know. far too many people are just conditioned or browbeaten into just dealing with the cancer of ads that the modern internet is. feels a lot like it's a bit of a "frog in boiling water" situation where most people don't even realize how bad it's gotten over so many years.

For real, the ads are freaking insane on there nowadays. I couldn't handle it.

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Google says pause ads on YouTube are getting a very positive reaction from advertisers

Bc screw the users and their reactions 😄.

We really need a good YouTube competitor. This is beyond ridiculous at this point.

We really need a good YouTube competitor.

Will we have two of them, Odysee & Rumble.

Both seem/are single point of failure choices. I like a fediverse YouTube alternative.

Good luck getting a lot of people with a absolute shit ton of spare bandwidth and storage space

Peertube is an attempt at solving this.

You make content you've watched available to others wanting to watch it.

The basic idea being that everyone provides a similar amount of upstream bandwidth as the amount they consume.

Ofc content creators and some servers will provide a lot more to cover any shortfall.

Two issues:

  1. Most people have asymmetric connections, can download faster than upload.

  2. It's cheaper to provide bandwidth to a datacenter connected to the backbone than it is to someone's house.

Like, from a purely-financial standpoint, if one wants to pay for access with bandwidth and storage, it'd make more sense to have a structure where people somehow contribute to running PeerTube instances in datacenters, as you get more bang for your buck.

It's been tried, somewhat.

BitTorrent uses tit-for-tat high-priority bandwidth resource provision. Some BitTorrent trackers have (or had; I haven't looked recently) a longer-lived, albeit crude, credit system for maintaining ratios.

Mojo Nation, which is what Bram Cohen did before BitTorrent, had a longer-lived credit-tracking system.

But the larger problem there is that they were basically exploiting a quirk in ISP billing. ISPs normally have flat-rate billing -- you can use as much bandwidth as you want, and only pay a flat rate. ISPs just average out costs across users. Light users subsidize heavier users. But...that creates a misincentive for people to figure out how to monetize, even if it's very inefficient, their bandwidth, and saturate it constantly, which basically makes light users pay for things above-and-beyond the heavy users' regular bandwidth. It's economically inefficient, leans on the fact that the billing system has that subsidy built into it. Like, it's not the system that you'd want if everyone were doing it, as you'd want to have content in datacenters, one way or another.

I do kind of wonder how practical it would be for it to be the norm for people to have some kind of VPS of their own. That'd let them do some things that aren't really economical or practical today, and provide some more-privacy-friendly options for one person to provide services (well, privacy-friendly as long as you trust your VPS provider).

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I like a fediverse YouTube alternative.

That's PeerTube. The problem is that hosting video is a lot more expensive than hosting text, so finding the funds to pay for hosting is a lot harder than with Mastodon or the Threadiverse.

Also, some content creators on YouTube are there because they want to be paid by YouTube.

YouTube makes you watch ads as part of the "come up with the funds" solution.

The problem is that hosting video is a lot more expensive than hosting text,

Which is why there aren't any effective competitors to youtube.

Several have tried to directly compete, and they ran out of money.

In addition to the costs of the infrastructure, there are other issues.

In order to get to the scale where youtube would even care, you would need to have a lot of content that viewers want to watch. And to attract enough good video creators to post exclusively on your platform, you need a way for them to earn some money from their effort.

Yes, Odysee and Vimeo exist, but they're pretty niche, and each has major limitations.

Odysee has a tiny audience, and they "pay" in their own crypto, which is very hard to convert into actual money that you can buy food with.

And Vimeo has some odd rules about what they want on their site. And creators have to pay to upload at any useful scale. Plus their search and suggestion system is almost useless.

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That's definitely something I want to see when I pause YouTube to take a phone call or whatever.

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Shit like this is why they stopped making new Black Mirror episodes

It was supposed to be a warning, not a manual.

I still get chills thinking about that guy who gets blocked from communicating with ANYONE AT ALL EVER! Especially as companies like Reddit go ban-happy on a power trip and Youtube destroys channels with bullshit content strikes.

I can't wait til YouTube fucks around and finds out.

I got hobbies that are way more fun than ads.

I'm addicted to their shit because it provides a constant stream of dopamine. You fuck that up with ads, I will break the addiction. Seamlessly. It won't even be difficult to do if going back kicks me in the balls with ads. I'm gone. My guitar is right here. My home server is right here. My GitHub profile could use some TLC. I got a long Todo list.

Do it. Go full enshitification.

I'm actually kind of excited for it.

This was me with Reddit, my worst days were 8 hours a day. Now I spent 30 mins per day at most on Lemmy.

Yeah, my first reaction to seeing the API changes on Reddit was actually more of a glee/relief response than upset/disappointed. It meant that its grip on me was going to be over once those changes went through. I was worried the protests might get them to back down because I hated it there but always knew that the easy dopamine was just an app away.

Now I'm here though. I don't hate it here, at least not yet, but I haven't freed up the time like I was hoping to.

While I share your sentiment, they've got a backdoor for exactly that scenario: Youtube Premium. We are addicted to the algorithm and a lot of us are willing to pay good money for their stream of dopamine. Of course Google will eventually mess up there too, but it could easily give them another decade of intense money milking.

lol I'm not paying for shit.

Neither do I, but that's hardly the point. The house of cards you're describing is reinforced with concrete steel. Unless you're a creator with a massive audience, Youtube does not need you.

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I'd pay for a premium service if it meant that YouTube couldn't profile me. I don't really want to pay for it just so that they can reliably link financial data to the profile they build on me.

I pay for it. It gets rid of the ads when I need a video of how to do XYZ thing. It lets me watch channels that I care about without interruptions. The main thing for me though is when a friend or family member sends me a YouTube video, I don't have to watch ads.

It's weird to me that folks are so hostile towards paying for things they use on the Internet. I mean, I get that venture capital fueled a seemingly endless "free lunch" of new services with small amounts of advertising... but it had to end at some point. It costs a lot of money to run a "YouTube."

People are hostile towards it because Youtube generates enough revenue as is and becomes greedier by the day. People paying for it on top is only making things progressively worse. Free users will only get more and more ads shoved down their throat while premium users experience more and more price hikes. I‘m gonna keep blocking ads the traditional way for as long as I can because I do not see a fair alternative in the long run.

My comment wasn‘t about defending Youtube or anything. The truth is the service can become much worse and still be more profitable so that’s what Youtube is working towards like every other service. Enshittification is at full swing. Google makes more money while creators continue to lose revenue. Things are becoming worse. Just not exactly the way it was described in the previous comment.

I pay for the family bundle for YT Music. The ad free YT is just a bonus.

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This right here. Cut off the dopamine with overly aggressive ads and I'm out. If they ever get it so ad blockers aren't effective then hopefully we'll see it die off.

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I've had this for about a week or 2. Super annoying because you can't continue the video by pressing the play/pause button, need to "Ok" the video window. Come on Google, you just bricked a button on your OWN OS. Awful.

What OS are you on?

What Browser are you using?

Are you using any ad blockers?

They’re running Android (Google) TV

No browser, likely app based (hence the TV)

You could theoretically run a PiHole, but I don’t believe that works too well on YouTube anymore. Especially considering the tight integration Google utilizes for their ad services with their non-paid services.

Google TV can run the vastly superior Smarttube app, no ads, double the framerate, much better experience.

I think Google just sent out a memo to all apps pulling the YouTube API to start showing ads or they’d slow their services and potentially stop them.


Damn. YouTube is just SO desperate to squeeze every bit of ad revenue they can, wherever they can.

Remember when YouTube wasn't riddled with pests? I remember.. It was a pleasant experience.

When it was hemorrhaging money?

We're in a weird time where all the tech companies are being told at once that they need to start being profitable, and at the same time the EU is cracking down on lots of the shady shit they've been using to control the bleeding to this point.

The internet has spent the last 20 years developing an economic model that's quickly becoming unsustainable, and none of the big web companies seem to have been prepared.

I don't see it that way. YouTube has been slowly monetizing and is quite profitable at this point. Same with Facebook, and many other companies where "you are the product". Advertising is a very profitable business.

Lol Google is going to die by their own hands

I don't think they will because the competition is too incompetent. I give you two examples:

I'm a subscriber of Nebula, a paid streaming service where educational YouTubers get a better cut and users don't get ads. Those creators almost always fail to promote their Nebula uploads. "Hey guys, new video." And they link to YouTube only. Also they leave their Patreon shout-outs in which is not what I'm paying money for. YouTube with Sponsor Block just is the better experience at this point and I just keep paying for Nebula because I hope it'll get better and I like its idea.

Second example: I try to watch live streaming on the websites of the broadcaster or so. And more often than not it's a shit show: I can't properly pause the streams because they don't support time shifting and bitrate adjustments are also not as smooth as YouTube.

It's 2024 and internet video is over two decades old at this point and yet almost nobody else manages to get their shit together. Companies like Netflix have good tech but their business is completely different, so those compete with YouTube at best tangentially.

Also they leave their Patreon shout-outs in which is not what I'm paying money for

No, but it's what other people have paid for. Usually at the end of a video past it's actual content, in what's considered the "credits", people who helped pay are tradiditionaly part of that.

If it's elsewhere in the video that fucks with flow then yeah, that's bad, but the normal process has been in place for longer than either of us has been alive

No, but it’s what other people have paid for.

Which Sponsor Block skips. My point is that the viewing experience is currently better on YouTube despite the enshittification because the competition is worse. The least would be to support chapter marks but this is one area this specific competitor also lacks and no Sponsor Block alternative for Nebula exists. For much shit on YouTube there are workaround like Sponsor Block. For shit on other platforms these don't exist.

The only company that can compete with YouTube is pornhub. People have been begging on their hands and knees for them to enter the hard space. It's fertile territory, with lots of the kinks worked out. I really hope they spank YouTube in the nuts and give it a go.

with lots of the kinks


I see you caught the one sex reference in their comment

I mean, there's about 3 to 4 depending on your interpretation.

And no, I don't appreciate the cursed knowledge of sexual puns on my part, but you know, furries, am I right?

I'll agree that competition is not as robust.

However, it will be interesting to see how many "non-techy" people discover how easy it is to find content for free without ads.

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YouTube is unwatchable for me with all these ads. Even without ads, content creators mostly all follow the same generic bullshit format.

It used to be a great resource for visual aids and explanations, now it's filled with money making schemes and scams and every video has 14 minutes of bullshit and 1 minute of content.

I watch a lot of YouTube, but not without udblock and Sponsorblock. It's just not enjoyable otherwise. Whenever they do something that makes my stuff not work for like 2 days I just watch something on my home server.

15 minutes videos of some over excited guy overlayed on or overlayed by lots of cutesy/flashy/cartoony pics, interspected by irrelevant/low-brow-humour "I'm so cool" video segments, padded with tons of fluffy talk and with every silly post-production effect conceivable, to make a point that could have been made in 2 minutes.

I barelly every watch Youtube nowadays, especially if I'm looking to actually learn something or for the solution for a specific problem.

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Tomorrow YouTube is introducing ads when you think about YouTube.

Next week: Youtube has removed all videos. You will now watch ads only. It's really no different than what you're doing now.

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If this comes on top of the current ad-load then it is enshitification. If it replaces mid- or pre-roll ads it might make youtube somewhat usable again, even without adblocking.

So they'll stop injecting ads in the middle of videos at the worst possible times right?


So they'll stop injecting ads... Right?

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Please drink verification can

Oh noes, another ad I don't see because or aaarrr.

I know, YouTube is different content, but it's just to make the point: if I gotta watch ads even while paying, then fuck you and your content, I'll get it somewhere else

My Roku is doing this and has been doing this for quite some time.

Of all the ad delivery schemes cooked up over the past ten years, this one is the least offensive to me.

Like I'll come back from the bathroom or whatever, and all that registers before I hit play is that some random graphic is covering the screen while on pause. I cannot name a single thing that's been in any of those ads.

In general, I do wonder how effective this constant onslaught of marketing is. At some point there have got to be diminishing returns, right?

We're in the era of diminishing returns. There's so little left to squeeze out of the working class that every extra dollar they want costs more than the last one. They're running out of options on how to convince us to let go of those dollars.

I agree. But at the same time, if I pause something, I want it to pause and I want the noise to stop.

In this comment, old man yells at cloud:

When the phone rings, I need to be able to press one button to pause my video and stop the sound. Not two. I still have to hunt for my phone (assuming they are different devices) and find the right button on that thing, since I now have five different phones in my house and they all accept calls differently (unless I program them, and since they belong to people who aren't me, I don't get to). I'm turning into a goddamn luddite and I love technology, I just am running out of attention span.

Roku is a terrible product. It's cheap, and they have full control over every part of it and aren't afraid to exploit it to users' detriment. Like the recent user agreement changes that bricked TVs until you agreed.

And that's why my tv doesn't get the wifi password. I have an external Roku and I barely use it. My TV is connected to my PC and that's why I don't see ads on Amazon or tubi

Yes, yes. I'm sure I've got several things in my home that are terrible. I've cut off streaming and Amazon, have never owned a gaming console or gaming PC, quit reddit, quit Facebook, never had Twitter, Instagram, Tok Tok, used wish, etc. I do not use cash transfer apps. Neither my appliances nor my HVAC connect to the Internet.

But I can't become a complete Luddite overnight. It's a series of steps. So until this Roku that I bought about six or seven years ago craps the bed, I will continue using it, mostly with antenna broadcast local stations, but also with some of the free streaming sites like Tubi.

If you would like to come audit the entirety of my existence and personally fund immediate replacement of everything I have that is evil or offensive, I invite your benevolence.

Otherwise, let a guy use an illustrative example while engaging in casual Internet conversation in peace.

How dare you be pragmatic! We demand that you bend to our arbitrary standards at once!

If you ever have to switch, I can vouch for Kodi. I'm using it with the plugins for YouTube, national TV, Arte and my own local media storage. The downside is that those plugins aren't officially supported tho

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In general, I do wonder how effective this constant onslaught of marketing is. At some point there have got to be diminishing returns, right?

This is what I keep saying, and it is a question that bothers me and riles me up far more than it ever should. Like I and all of my friends and family have just learned to auto tune out ads at this point. We are so constantly drowned in ads everyday that now my brain just automatically filters them out as background noise. The few times one does slip through I completely forget about it 10 seconds later as it is lost in the whirlwind of fast paced chaotic life where I can't even remember if I ate breakfast that morning. Either that or it slips through because it is obnoxiously intrusive, in which case that product and company go on my shit list.

The only time an ad still works on me is if I am specifically looking for a product. In which case I still tune out 90% of targeted ads cause I know most of them are fake scams anyways. The other 10% I check user reviews from actual people to narrow down what I want.

I'm trained to distrust any ads now and even other posts about products online because everything online is either fake or a scam or both. Or the ads are for big brands that I already know exist and I know not to trust they're ads as well because they are so constantly in my face. Like I really don't need an ad to remind me that [major corporation brand] still exists, and I sure as shit ain't gonna have whatever stupid thing they suggest be my first option.

How tf are ads supposed to work when we are so desensitized to them?

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Oh noes, another ad I don't see because of ublock! Trollface

Hadn't they blocked the ad blockers?

ublock origin users barely noticed. you just have to update filters every now and then.

And if you have the knowledge or savvy to use a network wide solution like pihole, I haven't seen an ad in over a year. It's not a perfect solution cuz I haven't figured out how to filter ads on Mobile. But I've accepted that I just watch YouTube on my laptop or desktop.

You can use Revanced for example. Alphabet is trying to fuck that up too, but it's still going strong. Plus, a revanced YouTube is a lot better than the regular app. Want to get rid of Shorts? Revanced will let you get rid of those shitty videos for good. Hate sponsor messages in Videos? Revanced will let you integrated sponsorblock.

The day that revanced won't work anymore is the day I'll stop using YouTube.

revanced is so good. not only stops ads but has sponsorblock as well.

YouTube. Google. Alphabet.

“driving strong brand lift results”


As a 90s kid, which was the time when this insane brand focussing really took off: I'm sorry.

To be fair, if they are like the example (static silent ads) they would be the least intrusive ads that YouTube ever had. To the point that I don't even mind them. All of YouTube ads should be like this, not annoying, silent, and easily ignored.

If they switched over to this method instead of the current I would argue an adblocker wouldn't even improve the experience, the problem is that it interrupts my actual content in the middle of the video.

But for people using YouTube to follow textile patterns, photoshop tutorials, repairs, etc. needing to pause frequently while still seeing the full screen is a big deal 😬

I use Ublock Origin and Firefox/DDG's "view here", so I think I'm safe..

Edit: Also, Google is greedy af, so it's def cumulative with existing ads; the article doesn't say otherwise.

The screenshot does have a “dismiss” button, so I suppose if you click there you’ll still be able to see the fullscreen video.

But yeah, those are definitely cumulative with existing ads, knowing the greedy fucks.

Can we have a YouTube competitor? Pretty please? 🥺

Support PeerTube. It's needing content, and it's a little janky, but it's federated.

I should start submitting videos there

A neat programming project would be to migrate YouTube videos to PeerTube for content creators. If a YouTuber decides to put their videos on PeerTube as well, it should be as easy as possible. -- this one is also worth checking out, Louis Rossmann even posts there.

I found Big Clive is posting here. I'm sold, he is the only reason I use YT, so now I can cut that fucking shit off at the neck.

And I am going to check out peertube as well.

The benefit of PeerTube is that it federates, so content can be followed and broadcasted to the Fediverse.

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Does it federate with the Fediverse? That's the point I was trying to make with PeerTube.

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I tried Odysee out for a little while but TBH there are too many Crypto-bros and White Supremacist Insurrectionists for my tastes. You can't even stream or post large videos without investing in their crypto.

I hope we get something better than that, soon.

Check out PeerTube, which is on the Fediverse. Content can be followed and broadcast to Mastodon and others.

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Playeur exists. You just gotta convince your favorite YouTubers to switch and/or cross post. They apparently have tools that make migrating pretty easy. A few of my favorite ones are on there, but most aren't.

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This is great, because I usually pause videos because I want to watch ads.

"are you still watching?"

5,4,3,2,1 Auto-pause


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It could be better, because there are those big margins just showing blank screen, no ad.

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Ah, taking inspiration from what porn sites have been doing for decades to trick you into clicking on ads. Nice work, Google.

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Ads are a way for corporations to steal your life from you, 60 seconds at a time.

They are a way of stealing your thoughts and your happiness. Ads are mental abuse. Always block them.

It’s also a way to pay for providing a service. We hate it, but short of everyone paying for YouTube, it’s how they make their money.

Now double dipping is where things get questionable. If you pay for a video service AND they run ads. /Ripley flaming eggsacs

It’s also a way to pay for providing a service

Yes, but that doesn't excuse trying to force an infinite number of ads on people.

Podcasts are supported through ads and you don't see people complaining about it, programs to block them, and Podcasts trying to subvert ad blockers. Why? Because they have a reasonable number of ads, with clear ad breaks, that are indistinguishable code wise from the rest of the podcast so you can fast forward through them. Oh, and when I turn it off it doesn't keep paying audio at me.

This is like a service charging 10x as much and you defending it saying "you have to pay for the service somehow." Yes, there's paying for the service, and then there's the service being greedy and milking every last bit of money they can out of it.

YouTube made $31.5 billion in ad revenue last year, and they're still demanding more. Will these "pause ads" reduce the number of other ads users see? Will it help find other improvements of the service? Or is this just an attempt to keep building infinite growth in a finite system?

At this point I would be thrilled if YouTube went out of business because too many people were using ad blockers.

I can skip through podcast ads with ease.

Yup, and somehow Podcasts still manage to be successful.

Yet for some reason people expect me to believe YouTube will go out of business if the ad doesn't force me to stand up in front of my webcam and say "McDonald's" before the video resumes.

Just saying people don’t complain about ads in podcasts because they’re skippable.

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Now double dipping is where things get questionable.

It would be the last straw for me as a premium subscriber. Many of the channels i subscribe are putting their better content on nebula anyway.

I feel like that’s where it’s headed. Doesn’t matter what we’re talking about. A shining exception is private company Valve, which has proven time and again that it’s a model for how to treat customers.

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Soon testing new version that shows some of your video when you are allowed to pause your ad.

You earn credits by watching ads, which you can then spend to watch what you want.

🤔 maybe we can have you pedal a bike while you watch to earn more credits? We'll sell it as some health thing.

So youtube is now basically an advertisement channel with some user content in between.

I'd sooner stop using the internet than be forced to imprint that carefully crafted poison into my psyche. They will not steal my life with ads.

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Use Youtube frontends. Like Freetube & NewPipe. All of Youtube's BS will disappear.

EDIT: Here is Privacy Guides' page about Youtube frontends.

It's not really a long-run solution. It just transfers the costs of paying for the content to the people who continue to view the ads, and in the long run, if enough people do it for clamping down to be financially worthwhile, Alphabet can clamp down. Hell, they did a bit already when they throttled youtube-dl. Haven't gone after yt-dlp's parallel-streams workaround yet, but if that has enough users, it's an inevitability.

An add-on that simply overlays a black box when you pause is easy enough.

Won't you please consider how this might make the advertisers feel? They might get very upset.../s

I pause videos to read what's on screen.

The add on I need is to automatically send the advertiser a message telling them I'm boycotting their product due to their participation in increasingly shitty advertising.

I pause videos to read what’s on screen.

An add-on that screenshots on pause would fix this. But yes, I understand the use-case as I do the same. Google doesn't give a damn (about users).

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I vow never to buy anything advertised to me in such intrusive way....

Good luck. Ads are more and more targeted and they do enter your subconscious. Ads are extraordinarily effective, hence the massive hundreds of billions of dollars ad industry. Better off figuring out how to avoid them than just trying to resist their messages.

Eh, it depends on your lifestyle and age. I’m a minimalist and I know exactly what I like and need. An ad isn’t going to convince me to buy anything.

So many things are ads now. Most 'reviews' and 'news' are ads, even when they're not payed directly their pushed by algorithms that favour those advertising. Even if you avoid them most people you interact with aren't.

You'll never see their effect if you truly believe your impervious to them.

An ad isn’t going to convince me to buy anything.

That's what you think. But it stays in your subconscious and whenever you may need something related to that ad your brain might remember it and influence your actions. You're only truly immune to ads if you completely avoid them, which is impossible in modern society, you're constantly being subconsciously influenced by them whether you like it or not.

I don't believe I'm immune to advertising but I don't think advertisers are willing to admit that it's just as easy to create negative brand associations as positive brand associations. when the only exposure you have to a product is frustrating and irritating and offensive, these feelings can bleed over when you see them on a shelf later.

after many years of trying to ignore advertising and pretending I'm not influenced by it, I've admitted I am, just like everyone else. so instead of resisting the effects, I try to turn the feeling of brand familiarity into a warning sign: if I'm drawn by familiarity to a particular product, I question why before I buy. if the answer isn't "a friend or i have used it and found it valuable/good", then i remind myself that it's not good enough on its own. they have to try and trick me into liking it, so it can't be that good. if it were good, they wouldn't have to drop dump trucks of cash into an ad agency to try and trick people into buying it. an ad for a thing means the thing is shit.

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Since you have special immunity to the ads anyway I recommend looking up some videos on YouTube about how effective they really are and that it doesn't depend on lifestyle or age especially since those are key factors targeted ads are calculating. If you think the advertisers are just going to fizzle out and this is a failed experiment because you can sit there and watch ads and not instantly throw your money at them, I assure you that's not the case.

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Uh, idk about you but I have never bought a single thing shoved down my throat by youtube.

same. an ad for a thing means the thing is shit. they have to try and trick you to get it instead of letting its quality organically speak for itself.

when things are actually good, you don't need an ad agency to tell you.

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Sigh. Yeah it's not like I ever pause to look at a graph or something (/s). I already hate it on Chromecast because pausing brings up a big blur bar on a third of the screen.

They already do that on my TV. Except it's after I press play and when it's been paused for like a minute or more, or something.

But this is a whole new level of making it shittier. Like, I want to pause so I can hear something else, or something needs my attention, and there's an ad playing? This can't become a reality. Can't.

I mean I already rock the best ad blocker so it's whatever to me on desktop, but on my TV? I'm gonna have to get a pi-hole.

Pi-holes don't even work on YouTube ads though because they're served from the same domain as the videos. Can't block YT ads that way without blocking the content.

Apparently Android TV Tools can help with this to install an alternative YT app if you have an Android TV, but I haven't tried it.


And I don't have Android TV either, I have Web OS (LG TV).

I tend to have videos playing on a secondary screen all day long, only to pause them when I get a phonecall or need to talk to someone on Discord or real life.

This is just one more perfectly valid reason to install adblockers.

Ok this is actually a disgusting idea!

Really? IMHO it's only a problem if the ads are videos, particularly if they have sound.

What if I paused a video to be able to read something from the paused frame and it's all covered by an ad?

There is an image in this thread with a smaller screen and a ad onb the side.

But overlaid ads are bad. Daily motion?

I just saw the image and it makes the actual paused video smaller (thus making it harder to read small text and see details in the paused frame). Also, ads are immersion breaking.

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Unless they encode ads into video it won’t stop adblockers. And if they do encode them, they need to figure out a way to block users from skipping ads by clicking on video bar or rewind buttons during this ads playback. Highly unlikely they will do any of this, so you should not worry ublock got you covered. And by forcing more ads on users google invites even more rippers. The more companies resist change the more people will find ways around it.

Highly unlikely they will do any of this, so you should not worry ublock got you covered.

Five years ago, a lot of people would have said the same thing about enshittification.

I dont know, could be used to target tv's and embedded devices. A user has less control there and they have free reign there. Wouldnt be surprised if they knew this

Pause a video to answer a phone call or reply to a text or look up some information? Here's an ad at full volume! Seems legit. Sure. Do it. What could go wrong.

According to the example, it just shoves your video to the side and shows a static ad, not a video. If it played a video with audio that would be fucked. If it's just silent stuff, honestly not even that intrusive or crazy imo. Smart TV boxes have been doing similar shit for a while, right?

Also, at least with YouTube you can pay to avoid it, if you'd like.

Get out of here with your facts. We want to make shit up and then get enraged at the shit we just made up!

I don't know my smart TV hasn't been hooked up to the Internet and my streaming stick doesn't show me those kinds of ads. I do pay to avoid it. I have youtube premium. In fact I was grandfathered into the $7.99 rate from having Google play music back in the day and my rates only just increased. The point I was trying to make is that this isn't going to just stay as the static ad. It will absolutely change with time because Google's losing money on the ad revenue business (it's just not as lucrative as they need it to be to keep investors happy). The static ads probably will go to full blown video ads at some point (and extensions will counter that by muting tabs and auto stopping playing popup videos until the end user clicks the play button etc because people will try to get around this). This is just the newest progression in a long line of progressions of terrible ad implementation.

I don't want billboards in my living room though. It's reasonable to not want billboards in your living room.

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The last real executive at Google was forced out a few years ago. Google is firmly in the hands of advertising now.

Always was. How tf do you think they make money

Ads and search used to have a really strong firewall that separated their concerns. This no longer exists.

Sponsored search placements haven't really changed. Most ads are run through AdWords which are found across the web and on mobile apps. Even this post is about ads run within videos. Thus unrelated to search.

Enshittification. Youtube is always going to get worse as long as it exists to make money.

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I can’t imagine the ROI is gonna be great… people pause shit when they leave their phones or TV. How do this miss something so basic?!

My spouse wfh and he has to pause the TV for phone calls all the time.

Doesn't have to be great. It's free ad space and if it makes more money than its development cost, it's already a win.

Also it's probably going to drive users to YT Premium.

do google also provide all the data on clickthroughs thorough which the success of campaigns might be measured?
And i mean "Measured" by extremely dumb people whose best hope in life is probably to bullshit their way into becoming a director of sales and ma . . .

Is this replacing annoying ads that interrupt your watching? If it's just more then fuck off my ad blocker still works.

Narrator: "It was more."

Looks at pic in post..

...has some questions...

When are they going to put video ads in little boxes all around the primary video content that all play simultaneously?


If somebody like Raymond Hill (Ublock Origin dev) were forced to run YouTube profitably, what might he do to try to run it so it sucks less but still makes a little bit of money? Or even breaks even?

Could also ask what if the Wikimedia Foundation had to run it, you know like under penalty of imprisonment - take somebody good/anti-corporate, force them to run the business w/o any other option - what’s the best option for The People w/o losing money?

(Donate buttons eervrywhere?)

For starters, cull the immense amount of duplicated content. Look for some random common word and sort by recent, you'll see thousands of channels from India, Pakistan and similar nations reposting the exact same videos. There's also an ungodly amount of spam. These two things alone would, I'd guess, cut down a good chunk of server costs. Another thing is optimizing bitrate, I often get served "1080p" content featuring little more than a static image while browsing in my 6" phone.

Good calls.

I think they’re going hard on the video quality front. Huge channels post videos that are “1080p Premium Bitrate” at max for premium subscribers. Feel like they used to post 4K.

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This seems like some Black Mirror shit.

Soon enough Google will be injecting ads in your dreams.

and your butthole...

take this verification dick, boy

If you see something enough while awake, you'll dream about it.

It's amazing how Youtube has become a huge advertising platform and has done away with video features...

Who are all these that these ads are working on?

Google, it makes them money. Marketing departments, because they need to justify their existence.

Think about how many people were revealed to be idiots during COVID… i would wager they work on most of those people, and maybe some others.

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Ah this is why they started showing screensavers now in the pause screen on the Apple TV app. They just needed this feature to bother people even more. Well, I won’t see it since I made the deal with the devil half a year ago and got Premium and I think it’s actually worth the money considering it’s my most watched streaming service by far.

Paramount+ has been doing this. I hate it.

I used their app on my TV the other day two adds before the video started/intro/ad/channels promo/bit of content/ad/ self promotion. Mad how much people will put up with.

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Its unbelivable that I have to use 4 addons just to experience YouTube properly, now because of this shit feature we'll probaly be getting another one. I try using YouTube alternatives like or but half the time the content just doesn't load and its frustrating.

If this is anything like their new Desktop UI, it is going to be awful…

They've already been doing very similar stuff on iOS for years. Like when I adjust the audio in the middle of a video, pause briefly and want to continue or literally just pick up my phone from the table, an ad break starts. Just when the app knows your attention is on the phone, they shove it into your face. Now they will just play ads before you tap continue, not after.

It’s impressive how still companies can do eatever they want with the content made by users. I mean YT is a massive human archive and it made billions not doing a single content and shitting on it as they please

They're solving a couple of problems.

  • Content creators don't want to pay to host video, but want to be able to reach many people. Video hosting is bandwidth- and storage-heavy in comparison to most forms of content. Someone's gotta pay for it.

  • Some content creators want to be paid.

  • Many content viewers aren't willing to pay directly for video, but are willing to watch ads. That one's been around for a long time, with ad-supported TV and radio.

If you make a competitor that can solve those problems, it can compete with YouTube.

I think eventually, some people will be OK with paying 5 dollars per month for a YouTube competitor that is better than the original. Much like Kagi is doing for search engines. It won't be for the majority since they still expect free stuff and no ads, which doesn't work.

The service I get from YouTube is definitely worth what they're charging for YouTube Premium to me. I'd pay that today, given a lack of other options, but they aren't selling what I want, which is privacy. I don't want to pay them money and then just have them be able to link my financial data to whatever profile they're building based on me. I mean, I won't even use a YouTube account now. My Android phone isn't linked to a Google account. I don't particularly want paying for video service to take me down that route.

If they sold service that had a no-log, no-data-mining policy and I had some way to reasonably-reliably be sure that they aren't gonna change that underfoot, I'd go for it.

That being said, I'd imagine that privacy probably isn't what motivates the typical person who might pay them for service, so I don't know if there's enough of a market for them to offer something like that.

At the very least, it'd expose what the data-mining they're doing on someone is worth to the world, which might be considered a trade secret for a number of companies.

I'm not sure how this would work long term or if it would be any less annoying, but right now some content creators have ads within their content, like not YouTube ads but them just verbally promoting it. This could occur on peertube and is an option to still have a funding steam. It also allows creators to only have ads for things they are willing to support on their content. But it's also harder to skip and a bit annoying as a viewer so not sure if this has long term potential

Following in porn's footsteps I see. Can't pause a video without getting an ad shoved in front of your face.

iOS app is pure garbage. Before adding more ad functionality, how about fixing those annoying swipe gesture bugs first? After a double ad, it is impossible for me to exit full screen by swiping down. Also, auto zoom to fill screen works only with 85% of videos, why is that?

Tubi does this. It's probably the least I trusive way to handle ads. I'd be fine with it if it was a replacement for in-video ads, but I doubt they're doing that and just want to squeeze more views out of our eyeballs so fuck them

This causes more issues when you have to pause to let the video buffer a while before continuing.