What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?

NotNotMike@programming.dev to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 456 points –

For me, it may be that the toilet paper roll needs to have the open end away from the wall. I don't want to reach under the roll to take a piece! That's ludicrous!

That or my recent addiction to correcting people when they use "less" when they should use "fewer"


If it were supposed to be pronounced "jif" it would have been spelled that way, I don't give two fucks what Stephen Wilhite said about it either.

Same with Gnome wanting to be pronounced "Gah-nome", or Latex "Latech". Just spell stuff the way you want it to be pronounced, or accept that people pronounce it another way

or Latex “Latech”. Just spell stuff the way you want it to be pronounced

But they did! You're the one who fucked it up by using an "x" (Latin letter x) instead of a "χ" (Greek letter chi).

(Also, you didn't capitalize or format it correctly. It's supposed to be rendered as "L^A^Τ~Ε~Χ", and yes, those last three letters are Τ Ε Χ Greek capital tau, epsilon, chi.)


Lol, the only way to be more obtuse would be to say "our project name has no approved transliteration or Unicode string... Render this svg inline or don't talk about us."

Reminds me of , as well as #11 in this list.

(I'd love to scale that image to the same size as the text, but I don't know if Lemmy's markdown supports it.)

Just letting you know I appreciate that you used the actual "χ" instead of just "X" when referring to the letter Chi.

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My argument for this is that gift is pronounced with a hard g, why would removing the t change anything. I think SW was trolling. But you want to know what’s totally bonkers? My coworker pronounced Git with a soft g. WTF my dude?

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Agreed. I think since the “G” stands for “graphics” it should be pronounced like the G in graphics.

But why? We don't pronounce any other acronyms like that, so why treat GIF different? The U in SCUBA isn't pronounced like it is in Underwater. The first A in CAPTCHA isn't pronounced the same as in Automated and the CH isn't split up to be pronounced like Computer and Human. The second A in NASA isn't pronounced like in Administration and the I in PIN doesn't get pronounced like Identification.

We read acronyms as their own words, not as a collection of the first sounds of each constituent word.

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I always respond that in that case, "jpeg" should be pronounced "jfeg".

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There are so many other acronyms where you don't pronounce every letter the same as their constituent words, I don't understand why GIF is the one people have a problem with accepting. SCUBA, NASA, CAPTCHA, OWCA, etc.

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Also .JIF is already a file format and as far as I know, it's pronounced, "jif" just like it looks. So if "gif" and "jif" are supposed to be pronounced the same way, then why do we even have the letter J? Fuck the letter C too while we're at it, get a unique sound, you bastard letter.


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It IS spelled that way

The inventor of the GIF pronounces it with a soft G




There are plenty of examples of that pronunciation

I have the opposite view, but I thought it would be too incendiary a topic to bring up...

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Discord is not a good replacement for support forums. Discord isn’t searchable by search engines.

Historically, if I had an issue with a product and I googled “[product] [issue]” I’d be met with a support forum post, with someone describing the same issue. I could read the thread to find how they resolved it. I don’t actually have to interact with the post at all, and I don’t need to ask the same question again. For most (decent) forums I don’t even need to make an account just to read the post.

Discord throws that all out the window. Now I’m met with a “JoiN OUr dIScoRd SerVEr to GEt suPPorT” page. Nothing is searchable via a search engine. And Discord’s server searchability (even in the app) has always been, at best, absolute dogshit. You already need to know exactly which text thread things were posted in, (because you can’t search the entire server at once), and you need to know exactly what was said, (because there’s no fuzzed search terms).

So 99% of the time, you just end up asking the same question that has already been asked a hundred times in the past, and now you need to wait for someone to respond. It also puts a lot more strain on the support staff, because they’re answering the same question a hundred times instead of just the once in a forum.

And don’t come at me with the “but Discord recently added a support forum feature where people can start threads and save the conversation for later” bullshit. That’s a band-aid, at best. It still isn’t searchable via search engines, so it means the above issues with Discord’s search function still apply, and the forum function is essentially useless as support forums.

Lastly, why the fuck should I be forced to join another server just to get support? What if I don’t have a discord account? What if I live in a region that Discord doesn’t support? What if I just plain don’t want to clog up my server sidebar with dozens of servers that I have only visited once? What if I just really hate the fact that your server has been configured to push notifications for every single message by default? What if I just fucking want to google my issue, and get an answer without any further effort?

And that's assuming they even have a support staff. Most of the time I see this bullshit, it's small dev teams maintaining niche software with less than the bare minimum of documentation.

The only problem I have with your stance is that it's not petty, pointless nor pedantic. It's a plague on the world of software. Discord is terrible for the use-case it's intended for (group chats), why the fuck are people using it for their community forums????

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"white chocolate" doesn't exist. It's just sugar and a little bit of cocoa butter. It's edible wax. It's not chocolate and it doesn't belong in any assortment of sweets, ever. Cocoa butter is skin moisturizer and that's it.

It provably does exist. And it's delicious. I could go to the supermarket and buy some right now. Except I'm fat and trying to lose weight.

It does exist in the way that chocolate ‘solids’ exist as an element of chocolate. A typical chocolate bar consists of both chocolate solids and cocoa butter. It’s still an element of what you’re eating,

So just cuz you eat ‘chocolate’ because you think you only favor the solids, you’re still eating the butter too in what makes chocolate. It’s like drinking milk products and then getting pedantic over people who use butter as a food even though milk contains some the same elements.

But again this is about stupid hills to die on. And you picked an intolerant and ignorant stance so I guess you technically win in this particular topic.

I'm allergic to chocolate solids but can eat cocoa butter. So, in a society that is unreasonably obsessed with chocolate, it is nice that there is occasionally a "white chocolate" option on things that for some reason come in 15 flavors of chocolate and little else.

I'm fine with changing the name for it, but you sir can fuck right off if you want me to stop eating it instead of your "real" chocolate

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The "is a hot dog a sandwich" and similar discussions are solved with the mighty sword of language and not some rigid taxonomy about fillings and bread.

Imagine a set of food items on a table, hot dog amongst them, but not other pseudo-sandwiches. I ask you to "Please pass me that sandwich." If there is but a moment's pause in your mind before you reach for the hot dog, even if it's as you surmise I must be speaking about the hot dog as there are no other sandwich-like items available, then it is not a sandwich.

Psycholinguisitics understands this effect. The "wrong" word is increasing cognitive load and slowing down the listener's comprehension. The exact same thing happens when pronoun use is unclear and a person has to parse the most likely referent from context.

Language, especially English, is not computer code but leveraging the existing "libraries" of meaning and declaring variables carefully is usually very useful.

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I use this example to introduce formal and functional approaches to topics in the social sciences. Any argument you try to make within the debate ends up including a variant of “…because sandwiches [abstraction about what formally defines a sandwich]”, which itself presumes that the “right” way to carve up the world is in categories of form. You could also conceive of sandwiches functionally, where something isn’t a sandwich if we (some cultural or linguistic group) just don’t think of them that way.

From a functional view, the very fact the debate exists at all means hot dogs aren’t sandwiches, cereal isn’t soup, pop tarts aren’t ravioli, etc.

Then I make them think about it in contexts like language, Durkheim, and policy making and watch their little minds explode.

My reasoning is that a hotdog is a sausage. When you say you want a sandwich, you don't say "pass me a ham" you say "pass me a ham sandwich." When ordering a named sandwich, "I'll have a Ruben" it's widely understood that a Ruben is a sandwich so the modifier is already packaged in the name. A sandwich has "Sandwich" as a defining modifier.

When you ask for a hotdog you don't say, "give me a hotdog sandwich" you say, "give me a hotdog." The same situation works with bratwurst, you don't order a brat sandwich. To further reinforce this, if you're in the south and central US and order a Hotlink it comes on it's own or in a hotdog bun but if you order a "hotlink sandwich" you get two hotlinks cut length wise and placed on a hamburger bun or bread.

A sausage can have a bun as a condiment and still be just a sausage. A sandwich can have sausage, but is still refered to as a sandwich. So a hotdog is a sausage served with bread, not a sandwich.

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The medical symbol of the staff with the snake is only supposed to have 1 (one) snake on it. A staff with 1 snake is the Rod of Asclepius (the son of Apollo and Greek demigod of medicine), a staff with 2 snakes is a Caduceus which is carried by Hermes as a messenger or herald.

Physicians get 1 snake. Couriers and heralds get 2 snakes. Any medical professional or organization that uses 2 snakes is wrong and needs to go study the humanities and classics for a bit.

Similarly, the Shamrock, (☘️) an important symbol for Saint Patrick's Day has three leaves where most SPD kitch sold in the US features four-leaf clovers (🍀) an unrelated good luck symbol. I dont object because I feel Ireland needs a better iconic saint (and a better holiday) than the guy who brought the imperialist religion under which the native Irish would be subjugated.

They need someone like Joan of Arc who ran the English out (of settlements in France).

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Would two snakes on an ambulance be acceptable? They're kind of like couriers of the sick and injured.

That's the only time I think it's acceptable. Ambulances are kind of a venn diagram of healthcare and couriers, so the 2 snakes on the star of life makes sense.

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It’s concrete, not cement. (Sidewalks for example, or foundations of buildings, etc)

Cement is an ingredient in concrete.

It's "cement concrete," or in other words, concrete with a cementitious binder (e.g. lime, Portland cement, pozzolan, fly ash, etc.).

That's in contrast to "asphalt concrete" (the black stuff roads are often paved with), which is concrete with a heavy petroleum (asphalt, a.k.a. bitumen) binder.

"Concrete" just means aggregate plus a fluid binder that cures and hardens. Arguably, things like epoxy quartz countertops and terrazzo flooring are "concrete," too.

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Serious question, but is a cement mixer actually full of concrete and not cement then?

Initially, no.

But once they put stuff in it, displacing the air it's initially filled with, that stuff is indeed concrete (aggregate + cement + water), not just cement.

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No ticket, no support.

Even if it is for batteries for your wireless keyboard and mouse. Ticket please.

I love telling whiny users who claim they've always had "this" problem that I cannot fix what I do not know is broken. If there's no ticket, then nothing is broken, so quit your whining.

Don't you just love when a user submits a ticket that's "super urgent, this is preventing me from doing my job!" and when you ask how long it's been happening: "Oh, about a month"

My personal favorite is the people that say it is a hair on fire emergency but then you can never get a hold of them to fix the problem.

Submits ticket at 4:50p that it’s an emergency. Ping them at 4:55p for clarification but they’re gone, get pinged at 8:02a with “why isn’t this fixed?”

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"I have to track the batteries as well as the time spent, and a ticket is the way to do that."

Stupid KPI and accounts not knowing that consumables are not just food.

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The Oxford comma.

That was my first thought as well, but it's not pointless, so I don't think it belongs in this thread.

I’m so irritated because I allowed myself to get out of the habit. I worked at a place for eight years where the marketing department insisted on not using it as part of their style guidelines and we were all supposed to follow suit. I disagreed in principle (and actually I’m pretty sure the marketing director agreed with me, but was overruled by the executive director) but still had to adapt, and I guess eight years was long enough that I don’t automatically put it in anymore and it pisses me off that I now have to think about it.

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To streamers, YouTubers, etc. Your Patreon supporters are called Patrons. Not fucking "Patreons."

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I think fewer of people when they misuse words. Their not that hard too tail a part.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

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The word "demo" is used as an abbreviation for both demolish and demonstrate. I like to assume the wrong option whenever possible.


Salesman: Would you like to demo our product?

Me: Hell yeah! Let me get my sledge and a Sawzall.

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The reverse toilet paper thing is useful when you have pet that's like to mess with it.

But either way is ok for me, I guess.

I mean, I couldn't care fewer about it.

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This is the way.

I want a full bowl of cereal, with milk added to soften/moisten it; not a bowl of milk with some cereal floating on top.

But then I finish the cereal. Still hungry - some milk in the bowl. I proceed to add more cereal on the milk. Fuck you.

Ok, ok, adding more cereal after you've finished the initial cereal is permitted. I'm not a monster

Glad to encounter a nice and reasonable cereal enjoyer such as yourself. May your Reese's Puffs be extra puffy.

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"Spectacle Fighter".

In the late aughts, game critic Ben "Yathzee" Croshaw came up with that term to describe games like Bayonetta and Devil May Cry, beat-em-up type games where the point is less "can you get through" and more "how high can you get that combo meter? How COOL can you make yourself look while beating up all these fodder enemies?"

A few years later the industry coalesced on an agreed-upon term for this subgenre -- And called it "Character Action".

Yathzee has just accepted defeat and uses the term everyone uses, he has to, he works in games media.

I refuse. Character Action is a dumb, DUMB term because every action game is a character action game, because there is ACTION and CHARACTERS in all of them.

Whereas "Spectacle Fighter" was perfectly descriptive of just WHAT made those games special. You are FIGHTING, and the objective is to LOOK SPECTACULAR.

I haven’t heard that term before, but it’s way better than character action. Plus, it actually fits for games that use similar mechanics but are technically different genres, like ULTRAKILL.

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If something's rate of hype is too fast for my internal meter, I will become immediately skeptical of the trend/show/etc. and not care about it, solely because everyone is caring about it too much and too fast.

Oh this one really speaks to me. I feel the same way, probably to an unhealthy degree, honestly

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People should respect the intent of top level domains. e.g. videos at youtu.be should be related to Belgium, and podcasts with a .fm domain should only be podcasts related to the Federated States of Micronesia. Users at lemm.ee should be from Estonia.

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The word "literally" has been forever ruined by people who use it to mean "figuratively." Worse, there is now literally no way to actually convey the original meaning of the word "literally" in a concise, clear way.

You have to say something like, "A is literally 10 times bigger than B...and I mean that ACTUALLY literally." And then people will STILL assume that you're speaking figuratively.

That's how language works.

Many words shifted meaning over time, some gained connotation, some lost it, some turned to something completely different.

Just look at the word "gay", it shifted from "happy" to "haha homosexuals are outwardly happy, so we call them gay semi-ironically" to "homosexual". The homophobic connotation was added, then the original meaning got lost.

You can complain, sure, but just read an old text from the 17th century and try to find a sentence that means exactly the same today as it did back then.

I'm fine with language evolving; my issue is that there used to be a word that succinctly conveyed a particular idea, and now there is no way to concisely convey that idea in English.

"Gay" changing its meaning isn't the same thing, because there are still plenty of ways of saying "happy" in English.

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When people say 'I could care less'. I know what they mean, but it is absolutely not what they said. I hate it even more when I hear it in a song or a TV show/movie. That tells me it made its way past a whole slew of writers and editors. I hate it. It's 'I couldn't care less'. COULDN'T!!! Like you care so little that you couldn't care any less.

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Trucks should be used for working and not hauling groceries. Get a fucking car or a van. Roads are safer with more crash compatibe vehicles that also weigh less. Large trucks should need a special licence to drive/own Driving should also be taught in school

As someone who lives in Texas and watches the biggest trucks be driven by the worst drivers on the road, I agree with the extra license bit. I also believe they should only be allowed to park in specifically designated spots, considering how often they don't fit in a parking spot and block parts of parking lots.

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Stick to the side of the path your country drives on or at least move to that side if someones comming the otherway. I don't get how this isn't common knowledge but it also doesn't matter all that much.

Except when you're walking on a road, you should walk on the opposite side of vehicle traffic.

Yes, the one exception which is based on safety due to the massive difference in speeds.

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I know you are talking about interactions between 2 people on foot. However, when it comes to automobile and pedestrian interaction, interestingly, the government of the Canadian Province of Ontario has a website dedicated to pedestrian safety, and specifically recommends walking on the side of oncoming traffic:

If there is no sidewalk on a street, or if you use a wheelchair or scooter and the sidewalk you encounter is not wheelchair-accessible street, you should:

  • travel along the left shoulder of the road facing oncoming traffic
  • look for a way to get onto a sidewalk safely as soon as you can

So some may apply this principle to a different situation.

Ah I see you are from the UK too. Lots of other countries seem to grasp this concept a lot better. The UK seems unable to walk on the fucking left. If everyone walked on the left then no one has an issue.

The amount of people stubbornly walking towards me on the right hand side of the path whilst I stick to my guns on the left pisses me right off!

Bonus points for groups of people that are so far up their own arse they feel the need to walk abreast taking up the entire path. Fuck all of you!

deep cleansing breath

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It has enough mass to deform into a spheroid, it orbits on the major plane of every other planet.

"Clearing their orbit" is utter bullshit, Earth hasn't even cleared its orbit that's why we get the Perseid and The Leonid meteor showers.

Fuck you NDT, I know you didn't start it but you SURE as FUCK popularized it.

And I will literally fistfight any of you who disagree idgaf where or when.

The main issue is that if Pluto is a planet, there's like 30 or so others that have to be also, for consistency.

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Petty hill

If you keep correcting very minor grammatical mistakes when I am speaking, such as “you mean fewer, not less”, I will just stop talking to you entirely

Turns out language is pretty damn flexible. Even if I made an obvious mistake, you meant what I knew.

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One is literally making things wet.

One is reducing movement or oscillations in something.

And so many people get it wrong, then right, then wrong in the same damn paragraph. My god.

You should probably dampen your expectations on this one.


This is a hill I'm willing to die on, and as such my expectations are pretty consistent. Thus damping is not really needed.

Doesn't mean my expectations are realistic though.

Ha! Well I was just having a laugh. Expecting that you would prefer "you should damp your expectations" and that my construction should mean "make your expectations wet." And it turns out dampen is ambiguous. It means both moisten and dull, deaden, make weak.

Not only that, but most every form carries both meanings, and the "weaken" sense for the word damp predates the "humid" sense. Because the noun came first and it was specific to suffocating fumes in a mine that would extinguish candles, and people.

So my take now is that dampening means both "making weak" and "humidifying, moistening." Only damping is specific to motion/energy. And I can't recall encountering anyone using damping to mean "making wet."

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You can blame Star Trek for this one. They're constantly having to deal with Dampening fields. And the only time it was actually a field that keeps things wet, Tom got in trouble for fixing it 😞

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I live in a high altitude area. It gets very hot. People will say that it's because we're "closer to the sun" as if the ~6000ft/~1800m difference is what matters vs the 93,000,000mi/150,000,000km distance to the sun is affected by something so small.

The difference is the lack of atmosphere to soften the various types of light from the sun.

It works if you include the amount of matter the sun radiation has to pass through in your distance measure.

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That doesn't sound pedantic or pointless at all. That just sounds like pointing out something really, really stupid.

Like that guy who was afraid too many people on an island would cause it to tip over. Like it was floating or something, and not just higher ground.

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The seventh planet from the sun should be called Caelus not Uranus. All the other planets get named after the Roman equivalent of their respective god, why should that one get special treatment just so people can make puerile jokes.

EDIT: spelling

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I don't care what Big Dictionary has to say about it, "literally" does NOT mean "figuratively."

If "literally" means "figuratively," then we literally have no word for "literally."

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envy and jealousy are supposed to have different meanings, but idiots always use jealous when they mean envious. Annoys the fuck out of me.

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I can't stand when people are violently opposed to words because they sound bad somewhere else. Like "moist". If you think I'm being lewd when talking about how much I liked the stupid cake, that's on you and your perverted mind.

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I hate hate hate when people try to discredit a theory because "it's a theory not a fact" as if the label of "fact" exists on some kind of science ladder for an idea. "Facts" is a colloquial word like any other, it's not some special category above theories.

Moreover, the most tried and tested theories are facts. Science rarely just disproves an established theory outright. Einstein's General Relatively equations reduces into Newton's Laws of Motion in most situations. Newton's Laws of Motion weren't "wrong", it's just General Relatively is more specific and accurate.

The Scientific Method usually just builds on what already exists without claiming we were all unfactual for working with what we had.

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Load the goddamn plane by column, window seats to aisle seats, grouped by odd/even seat numbers and make people line up largest seat number to smallest. It takes an extra five minutes before you board the plane and saves you twenty or thirty. It wouldn't even cost you the five if it was the standard.

I'm with you generally. The whole boarding experience causes a tremendous amount of anxiety for me to the point that i'd rather drive for anywhere I can get to with a <16 hour drive.

MythBusters had an episode related to airplane boarding. If I remember right, the current scheme is the fastest, but it's due to the fact that everyone can't follow the rules.

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you'd have to have family exceptions or something if they're in the same row. you wouldn't want a small child especially having to board at a different time from their family, but even just couples travelling together are probably better to board together.

airlines without assigned seats are probably the most optimal implementation of this

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This thread has now accrued over 1100 comments in only 2 days. That makes it the most commented thread in Lemmy history, so far. How did this gain so much traction in such a short time?

Lemmy has a lot of people who are ready to die on a tiny hill.

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Something does seem fishy: the total number of votes this post has received (~450 at the time of writing this comment) is only about a third of the number of comments (~1.2k).

I guess people were really pent up about their pedantic tendencies.

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a couple always means two.

every time anyone says “a couple”, i ask them if they mean two. it’s not pleasant exchange for either of us, but it must be done

It's interesting because this also happens in other languages. In Dutch we only use couple (koppel) for people in a relationship.

If you are talking about other things we use "pair" if you have two. But over time people also started using pair wrong, so someone saying "ik heb een paar knikkers" I have a pair of marbles, can still mean he has 5 marbles.

In practice people usually just say I have two marbles when they mean exactly 2.

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It's pronounced niche, not niche, damn it.

The amount of people I hear saying "Nitch" instead of "Neesh" when pronouncing it, blows my mind.

No idea where 'Nitch' came from, but it has never been pronounced that way.

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If you regularly use 3rd party food delivery services and you're not disabled you're the reason restaurant food quality has gone to shit and I will call you out on it.

You've made it clear you're willing to pay twice as much for a shittier product and these businesses have heard you loud and clear.

During the height of the pandemic, the wife convinced me a few times to just be lazy and order delivery. Every single time I remember eating the food, and thinking "I could have made this better, faster, and cheaper than what I am currently eating".

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If someone offers you something you don't want, simply say no thank you. Don't say "no I don't like that" as if you are 4.

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If you can't scan your groceries at self check out under 3 minutes go to a register when it's busy. You're people are holding the rest of us up. I can scan a full cart faster than some can scan their 10 items.

Pro tip: just scan what you can in 3 minutes and take the rest as payment for doing their work.

Hey, if these companies want the job done right they should hire a professional to do it! ;)

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Standard wedding photography is set up to make photos look “old”. And it’s so hideous and awful. Most filters used for wedding photography look atrocious.

Let major moments in time look like they were experienced at that time! I’m looking at you, black and white photograph from 2016. Artificially making something old, when at one time they were the present, gives so much incongruity to the experience.

Let something as important as a wedding day look like it’s a product of that time. Not from decades previously.

I'm sort of with you on atrocious wedding photos however black and white photography is usually done to enhance the dramatic effect of an image. If it's done well it's amazing. One of my friends took black and white photos of my wedding without telling us and surprised us later with the photos. They were amazing and a priceless gift.

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Canon is important to science fiction and comic book adaptations because the rules of those universes operate so wildly different from our own that it is important to put more work in keeping things consistent.

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The use of apostrophe's to denote plural's need's to stop. I will dispatch a syphilitic spidermonkey to fuck your face in your sleep if you do that shit when talking to me.

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Pickles should be served as a spear on the side as a palate cleanser between the sandwich and the fries/chips and have no place on the sandwich.

Of course there’s always the exception to the rule, the Cuban sub.

Go on and get up on that hill, because you're dead-ass wrong about this.

You're telling me you ain't putting pickles on a hamburger? In a tuna salad?? On fried chicken sandwich???

You should be institutionalized for your depravity.

Tho I agree the dill pickle spear makes a great palate cleanser and that more meals should contain this element if not in dill pickle spear form, in some other acidic tasty treat.

It better not be touching any part of my food till I'm ready though. I don't want my bun getting soggy from it.

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The reason I won't get a Tesla has nothing to do with Musk or the car's sketchy reliability.

It has everything to do with the simple fact that I don't like having my basic instruments over in the center console instead of in front of me.

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✅ “What it looks like”

✅ “How it looks”

🚫 “How it looks like”

✅ "What did you do that for?"

✅ "Why did you do that?"

🚫 "Why did you do that for?"


⁉️ "Wherefore did you that?"

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That or my recent addiction to correcting people when they use “less” when they should use “fewer”

Remember, kids, "less" is for uncountable things, like liquids, whereas "fewer" is for countable things (like apples).

It's one of many weird rules that English, as a language, has.

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Everyone just accepted that company's changed wording from customer to consumer

And.it very much bothers me to this day that noone cares about the implication

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Natural scrolling is wrong. Mouse, touchpad, doesn't matter, it's wrong.

Most people do not know the meaning of the word "Feminism/Feminist" and use it to describe crazy people on twitter...

Yes, scrolling on a PC should always interact with the scroll bars. There is nothing natural about trying to duplicate touch screen zero order scrolling, and if I'm honest the term feels intentionally confrontational for no reason.

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Slackware is still an important and useful distro.
It doesn't make any assumptions about how you want to use your computer.
Do you want a system that's more stable than Debian or as bleeding edge as Arch?
Do you want a minimal system that runs on an old 486 or a full-featured KDE desktop?
Do you want to compile from source, download tarballs from Github, install .deb packages, .rpm packages or FlatPaks?
Are you running a web server or a laptop?
Slackware don't care. There's no "Don't break Debian", no "Partial upgrades are unsupported", no "Don't mix in other repos", no "Don't edit this file, it will be overwritten". Do whatever the fuck you want, it's your PC.

Don’t use the term impacted when you mean affected. Use impacted only for when physical bodies collide. Never use bastardized variants of impact such as impacts, impactfullness, impactedly, etc.

Don’t use the term concept when you mean idea.

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"Roguelike" has become overused to the point that it's basically meaningless. Nobody's even played Rogue so it just means "a game that's like other games that are described as roguelike," which is like, any game. There's a set of games where the term originated where it actually made sense, games like Angband, ADOM, Castle of the Winds, etc, that are all closely related where the term makes sense. Cogmind and Pixel Dungeon are more recent examples.

Some of it gets resolved by describing those as "traditional roguelikes," and using other descriptors like "action rougelike" for Hades or "rougelike deckbuilder" for Slay the Spire, but like at that point why not just use "Hadeslike" or "Spirelike" instead of constantly harking back to this 40 year old game?

Rogue was the first, and thus the trend was named after it. There would need to be something extremely significant to override that. Someone would need to invent a catchier name and popularize it to the point that it starts competing with the old one and eventually overtake it.

It would need to be like what happened to the term "Doom clone".

I wonder if the same will happen with the term "soulslike".

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It's a water heater, not a hot water heater, why would anyone want to heat water that's already hot?

Well technically the tanks do heat the water that is already hot, to maintain the temp.

But I do get your point; I myself say that sometimes by accident.

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I assume this is the result of "water heater" and "hot water tank" being merged together.

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3 meals a day is completely unnecessary, and just eating one large meal works just as well. Saves time, too. I can sleep in because no breakfast to worry about cooking, lunch can be used to just relax or do something else, and then dinner is larger, but cooking more of the same food doesn't generally take that much longer.

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I will always choose to read stupidly spelled product or brand names exactly as written.

I've always had fun trying to say ever letter in most words. Like that french knight in Monty Python, "I blow my nose at you, so-called Arthur king, you and all your silly English k-nnnigggets" which is hilarious to me because french words dont use like half the letters in them usually

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Loose and lose bother me. When I see these words used incorrectly, I become mildly irritated.

I figuratively would of had fewer of a reaction if less persons made that missed steak… literally.

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People trying to stop an industrial war machine built on religious differences and racism by saying "I'm not voting for ______ until _____ happens" are ineffective idiots too stupid to understand the blatant bullshit they're peddling or the power they have in their vote.

If you want to change a politician's mind, you don't do it by dangling your vote on a carrot.

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I have given up on "steep learning curve". A learning curve is proficiency on the Y axis against time on the X. A steep learning curve indicates something that is learned very quickly. A shallow learning curve is something that takes a long time to master. See Ebbinghaus 1885.

I always view that one as meaning that you must learn a lot about something in a short amount of time in order to use it effectively, where shallow learning curve, in a positive context, would mean you can make it useful without knowing all that much about its full capabilities.

That's my take too. Short for "this requires you to follow a steep learning curve, even if it is not easy to do so."

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The way too common misuse of the personal pronoun in the objective case. There are legitimate grammatical uses for "me" and the objective case is one of them. Learn it, kids.

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I don't care what they say, a single space after a period at the end of a sentence is NOT enough. Now get offa my lawn!

There’s actually a reason for the change: Modern devices are more like typesetters — what you type is kerned / not monospaced. That’s why you don’t use two spaces like you did on a typewriter. Can you imagine reading a paperback novel where every sentence has two spaces after the period?

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I’ve always wanted to write a bot that replies to comments that say „I have no words” with a list of random words

Romeo and Juliet is a comedy, not a tragedy.

Two teenagers thinking their first crush is worth literally killing themselves in the dumbest scenario imaginable, I mean come on!

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Chicago style pizza is not a style of pizza

I will offer 3 arguments:

A) Semantics - You called it pizza, therefore it is pizza by your own admission.

B) The word "pizza" encompasses many things, and you can do a whole chart describing different things called pizza like you can with sandwiches.

C) Fuck You. You probably put ketchup on hot dogs.

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We should all be using the 12 numeral system instead of 10 numerals and we should use tau instead of pi.

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Commas don't belong in numbers, not as a thousands separator and definitely not as a decimal point.

Also ISO8601 and that dark theme should be the default

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The miss use of the term "billet". As in "Made from Billet Aluminum to military specs" I have literally sourced metals from all over the world. Ain't no one ever tried to sell me "billet" anything.

A billet is an old term that was used when iron and steels were smelted and then poured in to either kind of a bread loaf mold or a round shape called a bloom. It would then be reheated at a later time and then formed into the final shape. No one would use "billet" or a "bloom" to make anything from it. It would have been "sponge" like and to soft to be useful for anything.

Fecking sales trying to market to ignorant people with a term that doesn't mean what anyone thinks it means.

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Crunchy peanut butter shouldn't exist. It's lazy, unfinished peanut butter. At the very least, it should cost less. Why are we paying the same price for a job half finished?

But I like the crunchiness aspect of it.

Then I hope you like the crunching sounds on your children's grave because you're weak, your bloodline is weak, and you'll never survive the winter.

(J/k I just love this joke)

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My pedantic hill to die on is the word "jealous". For example:

"I'm going on vacation!" "Ugh, I'm so jealous!"

No, that's envy. Jealousy is a weird way of behaving about things you already have, it's not wishing you had what someone else does! Weirdly, explaining this does not cause people to use the correct word. At this point the battle is probably lost and the meaning has officially shifted.

There's been no meaning shift. The "possessive" and "envious" uses of jealous both date from the 14th century in English, and both senses were present in the ancestors of these words all the way back to Greek.

Businesses keeping bankers hours, especially banks, should stop immediately. How could it possibly be a good idea to only be open during the main times that no one has free time to run errands? Why do I have to use PTO to go to the mechanic, or the doctor? Why can't these places, which require you to visit them in person, be open during the days and hours during the week that people actually have time to visit them in person?

Some doctors overbook, too. Like airlines do. Can't tell you the number of times I scheduled an appointment months in advance with my old doctor where I specifically ask for the first appointment slot of the day. Because I know they get more and more backed up as the day goes on, so if possible, you want to go in early. And I can't tell you how many times they call in a different patient first to see the same doctor I made the appointment with. So I have to wait in the waiting room for another 30-60 minutes past my scheduled time.

I stopped going to that particular doctor, and mostly just go to doc in the box now. Computer check in, first come, first serve.

My old doctor was also one of those places that would call, text, and email you fifty times to remind you of the appointment. Because the doctor's time is precious and fuck you, patients.

I understand a doctor's time is very valuable. But goddamit, other people value their time, too.

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The little separator bars on the conveyor belts thingies at the cashier in a super market should always be placed for the person behind you. If the bozo in front of me wants to pay for my shit he can go right ahead.

A few weeks ago I went to the grocery to buy a few chocolate bars. The guy in front of me had a bunch of stuff and I placed my chocolate on the belt wayyyyy behind his stuff in a little pile. To me it looked obvious that it was not part of his purchases. I didn't even think of using the separator thing. I was very tired at the time and not paying much attention.

Of course...the cashier grabbed my candy and rang it up with his stuff. Dude in front of me nicely told her that those were not his. The cashier apologized, I apologized, and then the cashier started going through the corporate point-of-sale-obstacle-course of undoing the chocolate candy from his purchase.

At this point, the other customer was more than ready to get out of there, "Don't worry about it. I don't mind buying his chocolate and I really don't have time for this." Embarrassed, I apologized again. He said don't sweat it, buddy and left.

I got a serious gangster vibe off the guy, too. I thought damn...did the mob just buy me chocolate?

So yeah...your idea could save a life!

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People should stop purchasing things from Nintendo. The literal worst company I've ever been a fan of.

Having general AI on games makes me skip them, I'll be skipping Mecha Break after I saw that NPC that you can literally talk to, just a giant waste of time and a reason to not pay voice actors, I really don't want to go back to the time where you had to type what you wanted to do in an interpreter in King's Field.

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Buying products from (known) Chinese companies and buying products manufactured / assembled / resources acquired in China isn't the same and the former should be condemned.

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As I've said before, the distinction between countable and uncountable quantities is lost on most people nowadays. In my opinion, the rampant overuse of the word "amount" (instead of "number") is the clearest indicator of this problem.

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The phrase "design language" is overstated and pretentious. Anywhere design language is used the word design, by itself works. Design encompasses all the elements that unite an object into a cohesive work.

The phrase design language started with internet articles needing to pad their word count.

(not a designer myself btw)

Isn't design language mainly used to describe general things about how a design should work?

Take Material for example. Material itself is a design language, telling you how far apart certain click targets should be, how big text should be, stuff like that, to make a generally useable UI. It doesn't tell you what shape or what colour your button should be, that's up to the implementation, like Material UI, to decide, which is what I would call the general design.

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The toilet paper roll has to be placed so the tear off sheet faces the shitting person, and not the wall.

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Stoplights at a junction should be done in phases and not in straight on green and turn on green only if it's clear.

If you have a 4 way junction then each way should green for you to go straight or turn off for a period of time.

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