Ex Redditors of Lemmy what made you come on over? What happened at Reddit that you made the switch?

Don_Dickle@lemmy.mlbanned from sitebanned from site to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 242 points –

The API changes. I use Sync, and not being able to use Sync made Reddit more or less unusable for me on my phone. I also fundamentally disagreed with the direction Reddit was going. So, Lemmy it was, and it's great. And now there's Sync for Lemmy, which is even better!

All of this me too.

Also, all of reddit felt like lemmy.ml, but here I can block .ml easy peasy

Blocking .ml is super nice. The only thing that is a bit annoying is that they have a lot of active members that don't mind supporting fascist twats. Yet they participate in the fediverse and are otherwise informative. I don't get notifications when they answer one of my questions. Oh well.

I'm digging the block.

Things have been more civil since I blocked the instance.

Isn’t it great when it’s up to you and not to some global platform-controlling entity?

Just want to note that a user-blocked instance still influences your feed via voting. The only way to truly and entirely block another instance is to get your admin to defederate the instance.

But on the fediverse you can choose your admin or become your own admin, so that's still a lot better than reddit.

Same here. I exclusively browsed Reddit via app on my phone and tablet. After watching my wife struggle with the official Reddit app, I decided I would never use it. So when that became the only option, I decided it was time to move on to Lemmy.

Besides, I'm very anti-advertisement and Reddit has turned very corporate lately, looking for every way to make a buck at our expense. So I'm done supporting that site. Information and community discussion should be freely accessible, not buried behind paywalls, awards, and advertisements.

I was on Infinity.

When it was forked as Eternity, that was my go-to on Lemmy (unfortunately hasn't seen an update in a while).

Sync is awesome too!

Was using Boost for Reddit. API bits made them charge for Reddit. They offered lemmy. I'd been meaning to get started with Mastodon, having another fediverse portal offered made it easy.

They murdered Apollo.

Yes. This was the end. Hello Lemmy on Voyager.

Arctic > Voyager
since it's not a web app, but an actual native iOS app written in Swift. Just like Apollo.

Having also bailed because of Apollo, I kind of wish some of the iOS adjacent communities could get a decent toehold on Lemmy. 90% of the comments in those communities feel like they’re from people who are not subscribed, or never would.

Traffic from All hits Lemmy communities a lot faster and harder than Reddit communities, and that can make it hard for certain communities to get rooted on this platform

Yeah, that’s been my biggest complaint since coming over. People are way too hyper critical about what they think everyone should be doing/using/buying/consuming.

Yeah because the lower amount of content i basically only browse all. And typically don’t visit any communities.

Shutting down 3rd-party apps

API changes. I hate ads.

Had Reddit wanted to charge a reasonable price for going ad-free I probably would’ve gone for it because I had no idea Lemmy existed at the time.

Of course now I wouldn’t go back because I do know it exists. 🙃

Reddit is (no longer) Fun.
Like others, the API change was the final straw. I used Reddit is Fun (RIF) for years, even paid for the full version, because both the official Reddit app and the mobile web interface were terrible. I was also using the old web interface with the Reddit Enhancement Suite, and that went on "maintenance mode". Overall, Reddit just reached a point that the enshitification was getting to be too much for me to stomach. So, here I am.

RIF clan, represent!

I haven't tried them all, but I've been using Boost. What app are you using to recreate that RIF feel?

I started using Summit and it was good enough that I stuck with it.

I feel like Summit is one of the most underrated apps. It's been solid all around and steadily improving since the start.

I've found Thunder to be a great replacement with some modern, gesture and UX friendly enhancements. Raccoon for Lemmy is pure magic and I highly recommend it as well, but the UX and UI are more modern and has less of that RIF, old-school forum thread scroller vibe.

Connect for Lemmy on my Android phone has worked great! The interface is almost, but not quite, 1:1 with RIF.

It was pretty buggy at launch, but here we are about a year out, and I'm not sure if I remember the what/when the last bug I encountered was. That is to say, the devs for connect are on top of stuff with regular updates which is nice.

I tried connect first, but maybe that's when it was buggy, because I switched to Boost. I guess there's nothing wrong with Boost, but sometimes it gets weird interacting with embedded pics and unusual text.

I'd been dissatisfied with Reddit for a while due to things like hive mind mentality and jokes repeated ad nauseum. I always enjoyed more when people were just posting their honest opinions or analysis of current events from a perspective that I don't have. There wasn't really anywhere else to go as an active "forum based" aggregator, so when the ground swell of people leaving due to the API fiasco came along and enough of a crowd started setting up shop on a different platform I jumped at the opportunity to ditch that place.

Glad to be done with it.

You were tired of the poop knife? How do you feel about that guy who was trying to hold it for 3 days?

The one that I absolutely hated the most was in any politics related thread at all invariably people would bring up how Herbert Comacho Mt Dew or whatever his name is was such a great politician. Like, shut up, I'm trying to read about the power vacuum in Iraq; your nonsense has nothing to do with that.

Timing and tone are hard in forums. It is a funny movie, though.

For sure, no shade intended toward the movie itself. But when you get the same string of posts that really only serves to interrupt from the actual topic of the thread, it just grated on me probably a little too much after some time.

Same for me. When I go to the big subs, like AITA, I am surprised by the style of conversation the people have and just the overall tone. I've asked questions here on Lemmy which go into an AITA direction, and the responses are so much more helpful and kind and respectful - you really notice the difference.

Also, far less bots.

I really don't like Reddit's attitude as a corporation. The sense of entitlement from a user driven content aggregator is insane.

They killed the apps.

Yeah, killing off the apps was particularly annoying because they had the worst one and instead of improving it to get more people on it, they killed the other ones off.

Other reasons for me:

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Spez saying that reddit owns all the content and no-one else can have it. No. It's our content. Spez loosing his shit over apps that made money because he should have all the money because he deserves it for being such a self absorbed narcissist.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Website pushing the app desperately annoyingly hard. Every third post would have a clickaway telling me it was best viewed on the app. Taking away the option that turned that off when you're logged in.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Making www.reddit.com different in a bad way on mobile, then killing mobile.reddit.com off when it had been OK on mobile.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Tankies taking over my local centre-left party's subreddit and banning people for suggesting that we should vote for that party. I kid you not.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Shutting down communities for protesting, replacing long-standing successful mods.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Shutting down communities for being "unmoderated" when the truth was that he didn't like the content and disagreed with some of the moderation policies.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Building a commercial empire on top of a lot of user generated content and then turning against the users.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

Nagging me all the time to use the official reddit app.

This commwnt looks better in the Official Reddit App. Download now!

Not just the apps, but the mobile website as well.

They made it more burdensome to use every time to push people to their app.

Switching to Lemmy on mobile was so refreshing. I didn't even need to switch my browser to display the desktop version.

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I felt like Reddit had been in decline for a long time. Then there was the API change and the debacle with the third party apps and I realised it was run by someone with no respect for the users, whose first instinct when something doesn't go according to plan is to lie and blame someone else. I didn't like that much, so here I am.

Reddit's site sucks so bad nowadays. You're bombarded with the "use the app" shit, it only loads like five comments when you first open the page, and you can't see NSFW stuff without logging in (despite it totally loading then pretending it didn't).

Look, I agree that the web interface sucks, but that’s kind of the point.

They want you to be so annoyed that you install the app instead.

No comment on whether the app also sucks. I’ve never installed it.

Look, I agree that the web interface sucks, but that’s kind of the point.

They want you to be so annoyed that you install the app instead.

🥃😮‍💨 Damn. Never looked at it like that.

Firefox + Old Reddit + Oldlander extension allows me to survive on that platform. I mostly cycle between Linux or computing related communities so I was unaffected by corrupt admins. My "engagement" is trying to answer questions and learning rather than discussing so I don't boycott reddit.

I have used it a few times in the past year, but orders of magnitude less than before.

Spez makesike USD 200m, reddit annual loss is like 180m

Someone please correct me

Like a lot of others I left when spez decided to fuck everyone using the API and kneecapped Apollo.

I was far more interested in Apollo than Reddit. I’m now using Voyager which is close enough to what Apollo was, but for Lemmy.

The lies about the content of the phone call were especially damning.

When Reddit killed the use of its API for third party clients

Yep, when RIF died I left. I only go there for Google searches now, and only if the info isn't somewhere else.

Exactly the same situation for me. What I miss most perhaps is play-by-post roleplay communities. A lot of them have straight up died after many of us left reddit, and we never managed to move them elsewhere.

In my opinion I risk to say that part of the internet died with split of Reddit and when they opted to walk in the wrong path selling user data to train AI

Relay Pro was my app of choice. Whenever the 3rd party API usage was set to astronomical prices, i quit in solidarity. Now I am educated about the Fediverse :)

I left with the 3rd party app ban, Reddit's quality had been dropping steadily for a while at that point and now I couldn't even use an app that worked.

The official Reddit app stopped working for me altogether early last year, with comment sections taking upwards of a minute to load.

I still use Reddit for specific gaming communities that I check from time to time, since they don't exist here on Lemmy.

That's when I left. App would have worked fine for me, but the writing was on the wall.

Everything they did after that point made me feel good about my decision.

I'd been fed up with reddit for a while, but the API bullshit was the final straw for me: As soon as discovered the fediverse I was sold.

Connect is a great mobile app btw.


I would have paid reddit a fee directly, say $2-$5 a month to keep API access, but the way they did it was unacceptable.

Spez ama for 3rd party changes. Immediately deleted my account because it signaled that the era was over.

Ha ha exactly the same here!

Connect & Voyager are both nice IMO. I'm just a very ordinary user though

They’ve been dicks with the API.

Also, Reddit is flooded with coomer level maniacs who are desperately looking for any kind of discussion. To the point they misread shit intentionally just to start some shit.

Aaaaaand I got banned from r/gaming for calling someone out when he tried to justify pedophilia. Mods must be professional SSB players.

Mods must be professional SSB players.

Dammit, I nearly forgot about all that.

I don't see how's that related to a game

Ah sorry. It’s kinda super specific. Back in the day there happened to be a couple of news about pro SSB players grooming minors. I tried to be funny and failed.

Also, Reddit is flooded with coomer level maniacs who are desperately looking for any kind of discussion. To the point they misread shit intentionally just to start some shit.

That's extremely frequent here too.

The killing of the API, and the disgusting behavior of Reddit suspending users like me calling out the violence by Trump.

Apparently, Reddit admins LOVE violence and Trump.

I like the idea of decentralized social media. Having a single for-profit company moderating all content feels sleazy.

The beauty of the fediverse is that there's independent competition. If you don't like how a certain space is being run, you can choose another or create your own. It's ironically very "free-market capitalistic", in contrast to the political leanings of the user-base. Lol

It's so easy to switch from one instance to another (in fact many people advocate having alternate accounts on multiple servers as a rule). Anyone can start a community and truly moderate it how they choose, or choose a server with the rules that they choose. It's not surprising that the Federverse has succeeded in creating spaces that are much more healthy, especially for vulnerable people. It is impressive how stark that difference is; harassment and abuse are accepted as given on just about every corporate media, with very little recourse.

It's ironically very "free-market capitalistic"

Decentralization inherently means free market.

Also, whatever we got or what people think we got well it ain't a free market.

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The end of third party apps was the end of being able to tolerate the reddit experience.

Got sick of being sold to, when they got rid of third party apps I bailed.

The killing of Apollo (and all others) really rubbed me the wrong way, and I refuse to support companies moving in the direction of forcing ads in front of people.

Same. I used Apollo almost exclusively for Reddit. I left the day it shut down and haven’t been back.

I was ready to switch for a long time. When everyone else left, lemmy got large enough to sustain conversation.

I’ve specifically put more effort into playing an active role and being part of conversations because I believe in the promise of Lemmy.

The reasoning behind the API changes, the CEO's entitlement, the ever-more-annoying interface changes (I hate the "More Posts You May Like", the algorithm is pathetically shitty).

I refuse to install apps to navigate websites. If your site is decent, it should work in a browser. If not, I'll just go elsewhere.

I didn’t feel like I was creating enough shareholder value to justify my existence there.

They killed the standalone apps. The desktop version redesign was/is crap. And the official mobile experience is less pleasant than having the clap.

I switched over when I read an interview with the CEO — I think with The Verge — and figured it was over. It was obvious he was juicing numbers to go public and there was no point investing time on a platform that would only get worse for users.

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The amount of obvious bot posts and comments just essentially copy pasting the same basic shit all over the place got exhausting.

Killing third party apps. Fuck that. I didn’t even use a third party app, but that just showed me, clear as day, that they’re not concerned with their users, just money. They benefitted from third party apps, then just stuck a big middle finger to their developers and users.

I exclusively browse on mobile and their app sucks. The API changes were the last straw, but I was slowly on the way out the door anyway. The bigger an online community gets, the more it will resemble your average online community. The average online community is a toxic mess. Reddit is so big, even the niche little weirdo run subreddits weren't the same anymore. It looked like reddit but felt like Facebook.

The third party switch. Plus I have found lemmy to be quite refreshing. On Reddit all I did was lurk. But now I actually comment and participate. Because it feels like I'm talking to real people.

Totally agree. Towards the end of my time on reddit I barely interacted at all. Here I feel much more motivated to participate too.

When they killed Apollo. Fuck using that shitty official app.

I would have tolerated ads if it meant Apollo still existing. I know Christian wouldn’t have made them as interrupting as Reddit does and the overall experience was wonderful.

API changes, I use to use Infinity for Reddit and it was good. Then they killed it effectively.

So I moved to Eternity for Lemmy until support dropped. Now I'm on Voyager.

Good apps design keeps me using a platform and I like the slower pace of Lemmy. I still use reddit for time to time especially for smaller communities. But do my part here.

Losing RIF. But after more than a decade on the site, most posts felt like something I had read before.

That was such a tidy little app :( Tried to wean myself off Reddit before 3rd party apps were disabled and a friend suggested lemme.

I got permabanned for telling someone to crawl back in their hole and apparently that's a euphemism for telling someone to kill themselves?

Meanwhile the person I was replying to was talking about how she saw female genital mutilation as abhorrent but all her sons were circumcised for "visual reasons" (she thought uncut penises looked gross).

So yeah, I noped tf outta there and have been here ever since.

It's an upgrade in most ways but lemmy seems pretty 50/50 on how they treat poor people and technology.

I got permabanned for talking about piracy in /r/movie and then accidently commenting there later on a separate account. This was just months before they killed 3rd party apps so it was very easy to leave.

I like that Lemmy is independent and Im not providing free content for a giant corporation

Reddit is Fun no longer worked, that was my initial reason for leaving. Then I started to see that reddit was becoming more of a corporate thing that regulated what we could see and couldn't see. I know it was like that before but now it just seems to be more...sanitized in a way if that makes sense.

We all have essentially the same answer.

How did a non-ex-redditor get here?

Dunno if I count but I read an article about Fediverse tech in like idk 2020, which lead me to mastodon and lemmy. I created an account on kbin but rarely used it except curiosity before API shit hit the fan.

I find Lemmy much more ethical. It truly is by the community, for the community.

On reddit, a select few are getting rich by the content YOU create. Seems a bit weird to me. You create content, they get to buy a new house/yacht. No thank you.

Two years ago, I noticed the comment section was getting worse.

Someone would post a thoughtful post, and the top comments were jokes. Thats not my problem. But when I clicked on the commenter, I noticed a pattern. All their comments were a single sentence joke for like a year. I'd do it a hundred more times and would continue seeing it for the top comments.

Bots or not, it didn't feel like comments meant anything anymore. Redditors weren't sharing thoughts or talking to each other. It just felt like they wanted upvotes and validation. That sucks for conversation.

The API changes were the last straw; but it had been heavily destroyed by astroturfing for years before the API restrictions finally just pushed me over the edge.

Technically, the fediverse would be even easier to astroturf. Luckily we’re early enough that astroturfing is foolish on Lemmy.

Maybe. I feel that Reddit cares little about bots and astroturfing. It drives up the engagement numbers. Independent server operators care more, but have fewer resources. Time will tell.

This seems to be the case so far. I hope it scales. Lemmy servers actually have an incentive to eliminate those things - they drive up server costs and could lead to defederation. Plus, they are usually running a server for the sake of enjoying giving people a place to socialize.

Ever tried getting an obvious bot/spam account banned from Meta? Good luck! Those accounts are generating ad impressions, so who cares if they're fake? Meta could invest the profits generated in 2 minutes and fix the problem for good, but their incentive is to keep the problem just below the threshold that people leave the platform.

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Unlike most, I survived the API garbage because I primarily used the desktop site.

But the subsequent response and then the removal of the "don't sell my personal info" option was clearly spez saying the quiet part out loud. Asshole doesn't deserve to get richer off of my effort.

The main cause for why I wanted to leave reddit was the "hustle" for getting as many upvotes as possible. It just felt like the content was not genuine, but merely manufactured for clicks, meaning that you wouldn't really get proper or meaningful conversations with other people. What triggered my switch to lemmy was reddit's api changes and the censorship moderators and spez did.

Here, I can have an actually meaningful conversation without the toxicity and childishness of redditors on reddit. One thing I miss though is leaving the huge bank of information that accumulated on that platform from decades of people sharing information.

I might be one of the few that was already on their way out. I had been getting sick of Reddit It wasn't the same thing it was when I first joined in ~2011ish. Back then, content was more scrutinized and users were kinder. As Reddit became mainstream, the content slowly changed to reflect that. It started to be more like an anonymous Facebook. I remember it sticking out especially after the Game Stop incident on WallStreetBets.

A few months before the API fiasco, I was banned from a sub because they misunderstood a comment I made as violating their rules. Because I had been banned from another sub recently (I think I had joined a China one then commented in an anarchist one for the lulz), I was suspended from Reddit entirely for a week. I didn't realize that I was doing it, but I used several usernames depending on what content I wanted to focus on. I commented using another username and was permabanned from Reddit entirely for trying to bypass the temp suspension. The specifics might be slightly different since I'm going from memory.

From then on, I would lurk in my favorite subs sporadicall using Reddit is Fun. Once the API fiasco kicked off a few months later, there was a push for Reddit alternatives, which gave me the opportunity to find and join Lemmy. I've been here ever since.

I'm very much in the same boat, also joined around 2011. I didn't leave because of the API changes, I left because the website was degrading substantially as a byproduct of its userbase.

Lemmy contains so much of what made reddit special in the early days. It was primarily tech-proficient people who cultivated a strong community, held each other accountable, and valued science and evidence.

As more users came to reddit, the initial community diluted. Certain subreddits were still special and worth checking out, but the greater whole was too massive for its own good. Plus, I suspect a huge number of new users were teenagers and children, and their comments and maturity reflected that.

I knew it was basically over once I saw comments on subreddits that regularly made the front page with extremely obvious bigotry and racism. Incescent bashing of women. Comments that reflected the vile nature of the shit comments you'd see on Instagram. This was becoming all too common and was not being moderated. The remaining comments felt like washed out circle jerking or a complete lack of critical thinking.

The IPO was the nail in the coffin. No good could possibly come from that for the users of the site. Haven't been there for over a year and have zero regrets.

I wasn't enjoying myself there. The API fiasco made me aware of lemmy and I switched over.

Fuckers killed rif is fun and I was gone, once they took the api away you could see the entire project it was already well enshittified. Had an account of almost 20 years too.

...catastrophically hostile UI + overrun with bots...

API stuff and the general response to the community feedback and blackout. I used Apollo and wasn’t interested in switching to the ad-riddled official reddit app. Tried Kbin first and eventually found myself on lemmy. Liking it here.

Content there is artificial. Getting banned for providing uncomfortable historical fact in the "wrong" sub, perma banned.

At some point, makes you wonder who is filtering these discussions.

R/canada and r/worldnews shared high ranking mods who are known white supremacists.

Yeah the mods are there to ensure that conversion does not get derailed.

I have seen same "prompt" reposted on the same sub, until they can get their desired discussion and prior posts removed when convo exhibits any critical thinking.

It was a progression of things. Closed source, ads, Spez, terrible content feed filled with reposts and the same botted comments, and finally the end of API and 3rd party apps.

Now I'm on a better platform helping to build out my smaller communities.

line This, RIF dying, and the general apathy people had to Steve bald face lying to everyone and banking on people just forgetting the whole thing.

Everyone cheered when the jannies got booted for "abusing their power" only to be replaced by someone less capable but more willing to toe the line for the company

API changes I learned about them in a really good infographic.

Lost Bacon Reader app, Redit's app is a shit show. I use Boost for Lemmy and it's got its problems but it's better than Reddit's hot pile of garbage. I used reddit mostly to read the news and make snarky comments and I can do that here so...bye reddit.

I tried to use the Reddit App something like 6 months ago just to see and it was so much worse than I could have imagined.

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Banned for expressing my more than esoteric dislike of a certain fat orange child rapist that reddit deeply loves

I actually stayed after the API (I used Relay and paid), but Reddit just seems... Mean, I guess. People say awful things to each other on there, and the shift in the community has been distressing. It also feels like the dead internet theory in practice. Repost after repost, bots commenting, commenting to themselves/each other. Ads, and not regular ads but "omg, I just happened to go to McDonald's and got this ccrrraaazzzyyy drink." And, God, so many communities about just women? Big tits, small, tits, red head, goth, this celebrity, that instamodel. It's like a menagerie of porn over there. And not even anything good.

I also realized I was blocking way more than I was looking at. I didn't feel good after being on reddit. I either had my feelings hurt, was outraged, or disappointed because I was comparing myself to everyone. I don't think that it's reddit fault for all of that, but I like this better. I know this may sound backhanded, but there's less here. I remember feeling kind of bored when I first switched. Like, where's my endless stream of garbage??? But I find myself looking at my phone less, and I feel like the information I do see makes me want to engage more. I've posted more on this account than I have in my entire time on reddit, and I was on that site for almost 7 years. It's not that everyone agrees with me, but I'm not afraid I'm going to get my head chewed off if I get something wrong. It feels like moving from table to table at a bar I guess. I've never been to a bar, instead of trying to hear a voice through a mosh pit.

The demise of third party apps made me look for a Reddit alternative. I had been using Apollo for years, and it was so much better than the official app. I had been using Reddit for more than a decade when they made the API changes.

The official reddit app is trash. The’ve injected more advertisements, and now they’re even injecting ads into comment sections. it’s the very definition of enshittification.

This is all only stuff that’s visible on the surface, too. Under the hood, there’s definitely bots manipulating the conversation and posts that get upvoted and downvoted.

It’s still fine for smaller communities that are more niche, but that doesn’t change that Reddit has a monopoly over online forums and we really need alternatives. The fediverse seems like it’s able to do that, though it still needs to grow and diversify a bit more.

The API thing. After so many user-hostile and manipulative UI changes I was done with the official app. I also loathe the algo feeds and blatant manipulation. That and the complete disregard for the disabled made me commit to not give them more content or traffic.

Also, not great that the CEO is a musk fanboy and wannabe slaver.

The API changes, and that reddit now blocks VPN users which means that I can’t even browse the site to read.

The API change, I still have RIF on my phone as a reminder of why I moved here.

I wouldn't say I switched because Lemmy isn't perfect and lacks a lot of the smaller communities that Reddit still retains, but:

  1. API apocalypse. I didn't like Reddit's upper management at the best of times, but Spez showed how much of a money-grubbing snake he was.

  2. Power mods. Many of them are sociopathic basement dwelling assholes who will banhammer you for breaking hidden rule #273, and then cry 'harassment' to the admins when you call them out. To be honest, the only silver lining to come out of the API purge was watching iBleeedOrange and AwkwardTheTurtle finally piss of Spez enough to get the banhammer. Fuck those guys.

  3. Bots. Aside from automoderator being used to effectively censor and shadowban 'bad words' on a lot of subs, the fact that 95% of the chat requests I get are from spam accounts and e-girls mindlessly spamming their OnlyFans to every user in existence should say it all.

They took away my app. Hard to believe it's been over a year now.

I used to browse Reddit, and I was about to make an account there at one point, until one of my friends warned me that artists with certain art styles are getting banned and harassed due to mods accusing them of using AI, even in the face of proof otherwise.

If there's anything that AI image prompters cannot do that artists can, it's provide WIPs, timelapse drawings and Paint Tool SAI files. Which is why I always have them ready if I ever get accused.

It underlines fundamental leadership problems within their communities. Good moderators don’t tend to align with corporate interests — preferring a sterile and saccharine approach to discourse breeds shitty mods and shitty users.

Independent and authentic is everything Reddit is not.

I left due to the abusive, lying mods over at /r/steamdeck, I got permanantly banned (reported me for harassing over and over even though I wasn't) simply for criticizing them. Eleven years, gone. But.. I wasn't even upset. Reddit is a dead site full of karma bots and abusive mods. The admins didn't even check me out, they just killed my account.

I didn't care too much about API changes at first - I used an open source app on my phone, but mostly browsed desktop. Would have been fine going back to desktop only. As long as they keep the old site design around, I'd be fine to stay.

What killed it for me was the absolutely un-caring, not-budging response from leadership. I don't feel good continuing to feed the site my attention at that point.

I like quirky Foss stuff anyway, so I was already curious about Mastodon and Lemmy. But I'd always figured they'd be ghost towns. Twitter and Reddit deliberately being proudly, blatantly awful was enough to push me out to here, along with enough other folks.

I got permanently banned for suggesting that the fastest, most effective way to deal with someone hanging a Nazi flag on their front porch was through the ancient Nordic practice of hús-brenna. The ban ended up affecting all my electronic devices that I'd ever used to access Reddit, so that even new accounts got permanently banned within a few hours.

This was before the IPO, or banning access to their API.

Multiple reasons. I first started on Slashdot as a news aggregator/discussion forum. Also SomethingAwful, then Digg. I've moved from platform to platform as the enshittification spreads, until I've landed here. I think the fediverse has the best chance to not go down the same holes the others have. The final straw though was the API change and elimination of 3rd party applications.

Got banned for joking that we could find out if old torture methods were real by trying them on child molesters. At the same time there was a thread about some shitty thing HP had done and 100s of the top comments were suggesting the same type of things for their executives. I appealed my ban and asked what the difference was between my comment and theirs and provided a link. All I got was a canned "fuck you". A week later all those comments were still there so I can only assume reddit admins care a whole lot about creating a safe space for child molestors. Not interested in participating on a site like that.

More likely is that you were auto banned after reports and they don't care about anything.

Either way, if I'm getting reported for that and people doing it about far less monstrous individuals on a much more popular sub aren't I'm not interested in participating on that site.

Reddit just banned me, a moderator, for fighting bigotry just because one of my responses to bigotry looks like bigotry itself in a vacuum. The rest of the mod team is appealing for me but this could be the last straw.

I do 5x more mod actions than the second place mod so the community right now is headed to the dump.

Ban-happy trash mods is what got me here! LOL!

r/mildlyinfuriating had a post about stores locking up their products. I said "thank the criminals"...that was it. PERMABANNED! I was confused and asked why. They said that "all of you racists are getting banned"...so I let them know that not only am I not racist, AND we likely have aligned ideologies, but it never occurred to me to read that sentence as racist! 3-day mute and told if I never contact them again they will report me for harassment.

Of the several complete BS bans I have received, ONE was legit. On r/blackpeopletwitter I was mocking something MAGA scum would say to the situation and got banned for racist content...I agreed it was definitely racist, because it was imitating racists...so I didn't even argue about that one.

Their ban evasion prevention is a joke, so I just evade them and continue to post sometimes.

Yeah I used to mod Street fighter until yesterday. Niche communities still have good moderation teams but the generic bullshit subreddits are all going to be whack jobs.

I've never used 3rd party apps, but I was planning to participate in the blackout in solidarity of the protest of reddit's API changes. Then greedy pig boy made statements about how it wasn't a big deal and everyone would be back, and I immediately started looking for a replacement. I do miss the super niche subs that Lemmy doesn't have nearly the population to support, but the overall experience is much better here and reminds me of ye olden days of the internet before corporations took over everything. I deleted as much as I could from my 10 year old account, but didn't delete my account itself because all that does is remove any control you have over comments that get missed for deletion.

I left from Reddit after the AMA with u/spez and over the API. I knew at that point he wasn’t relenting on the third-party apps and the loss of access for me personally, but mostly for the deaf and blind community, showed me that the CEO had no intention of putting accessibility over profit. I was an Apollo user and I was looking for an alternative while continuing to browse Reddit - using them as a resource, as I always had - and I was seeing censorship abound. Reddit was blocking mentions of alternative sites and blocking discussion about Spez, which just solidified my decision.

I used those last few months of Apollo to help with the protests (John Oliver in /pics) while exploring other options (I started with Mastadon simply because they had an app). When that was over, I went full fediverse and never looked back (okay, I did participate in the r/Place that they ran soon after to contribute my pixels to “fuck spez” one last time).

The API changes were the starting point but it was when Spez said something along the lines of "Meh, all these annoyed users will come back"

A year later and I haven't been back and have no plans to.

I was kicked off Reddit for criticism of Israel

Their IPO was my line in the sand.

IPO was it for me as well. Once something goes public, the enshitification begins in earnest. Reddit users better be ready for their user data to be sold by the board, there will be more ads than ever, and I'm predicting people will start getting doxxed in about 2-3 years. Never mind the fact that AI is already making the lion's share of the posts to farm karma for reasons that I don't even understand.

I noticed that reddit stock has went up a lot and almost doubled. That shit company somehow managed to make everyone believe they have a future.

It just got too busy and corporate for me. The pace of Lemmy is better and more manageable, and I believe its structure is more resistant to commercialization.

Reddit is unusable with its native app, so I used a 3rd party one (Joey). Once that was no longer possible, I migrated.

It’s full of trash comments. I spent too much time arguing over obvious facts. High ranked comments often have nothing to do with the content of the story. It’s become too popular.

Not sure how many knew about "Compact Mode", but when that quit so did I. Was once as simple as appending ".compact" to the end of a Reddit URL to switch to a nice, simplified interface without ads.

@partial_accumen had the same idea. i.reddit.com was too good of an experience for Reddit to keep around, despite hardly being maintained for almost a decade.

I got a lifetime ban on all accounts for no reason. It made me want to use a platform that isn't corporate controlled. Lemmy fit the bill. No power tripping mod can ban you from all of Lemmy. At most you get kicked off their instance which is fine.

I also generally hate corporations and capitalism so using non-corporate alternatives is always nice.

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I tried Lemmy during the API BS and found it was a lot like the internet chat rooms of old, with way less manufactured rage.

The way the API changes were done showed a disconnect between public best interests as a public commons and corporate interests to monetize. It implied that I was being targeted individually for monetization. I feel that anyone collecting individual data about any human and selling that data is a new form of slavery through an ownership of a part of that person with the intent to manipulate. The manipulation of information through the nondeterministic targeting of search results is a coup of a pillar of democracy and all governments of the world. The free press must apply to all information on the internet. With the monopoly of only 2 relevant web crawlers providing results directly or indirectly, there is no freedom of information in digital form. This would be no different than every news paper stand being owned by two companies a hundred years ago. Targeting the individual directly is what the API move was designed to handle. So, to me, it was an attempt to enslave my digital autonomous person. When faced with such a subtle attempt to subterfuge one's autonomy, I feel like the choice was obvious.

Everything I say here is scraped, but only the server host knows my dwell time, sensors, and various fingerprinting mechanisms. Ideally I would self host, but lack the skill and resources. This place is still hosted in a datacenter, but I'm using the API through a 3rd party, so it is even more obscure. I used reddit through an app with a scraped interface before, when that quit working, I quit using the site. Reddit proved it can only get worse, not better.

The day the API key for my 3rd party app expired. I still append most searches with Reddit though.

Reddit API thing. After they announced the changes I was gone. I still use reddit for porn certain enriching activities but other than that - not really.

Since the blackout and realizing that someone on Spez's team had read and understood The Prince by Machiavelli.

The entire thing from start to finish was planned and executed, there was no fall out, they didn't lose mods, the entire bullshit from last year was a masterfully executed engagement that fulfilled its objectives and netted everyone involved pockets full of money. And yes, we all got played.

Please read The Prince before you start carving me up.

Got banned because I approve of people killing Nazis before the Nazis try to kill them. Why was I contributing even shitposts to a site run by far-right lunatics? It was always a struggle to get blatantly racist subreddits banned, but if someone suggests killing Nazis is a good idea they are on it.

1 more...

Once I heard that the people who made mastodon had also made a federated version of reddit, I started hanging out here. I lurked for months, then posted a few times through, i think, 5 accounts. Now I am only really on Lemmy.

Is it great? no, a lot of the problem with social media is the people. Is it a better design than places like reddit and twitter? Definitely. So I am here.

Funny I used their app but still left due to the API changes, that and there was talk then about them going public. I just assumed it'll probably get worse from there so I jumped ship. I just need to start posting more.

Definitely the API debacle.

Sync stopping development and switching to Lemmy brought me with it.

Content here is robust enough for me to mostly keep me off the other guy. Just been waiting for a few more niche communities to make their way over here to be perfect.

Closing of r/ProgrammerHumour

When the API changes happened, I hadn't discovered third-party clients yet, but I knew what an API was, and the consequences of the pricing change.

The overwhelming oppression of free speech and expression of ideas through power hungry and immature moderators and anti-human rules made me leave. I have had several 10+ year accounts banned due to "breaking rules" of a Sub... BANNED, with zero explanation that made any sense if you can understand the English language.

The mods use any excuse to tie your comment to some "breakage of rule" and instead of warnings, post removal, or ya know, something CIVIL that would RETAIN USERS. They just outright ban people for anything and the appeal process is a fucking joke.

zero explanation that made any sense if you can understand the English language

Perma-banned from r/pics for asking why 'and my axe' was offensive. Not 'trite' or 'cheap', but 'offensive'.

Ultimately, the deciding factor was the API locking out 3rd party apps. I found the Reddit App to be unusable and poorly designed, but the final straw was the unblockable ads. By this I mean, unlike other social media, there is no way to opt out of a particular ad and be served another in its place. For some users this was not a big deal because all ads are equally annoying, but for other users it was actively harmful. Recovering alcoholics were served unskippable beer ads. Gambling addicts were served ads for sports betting websites and casinos. Being a religious minority, I was frequently in groups targeted with aggressive proselytizing. It's dehumanizing.

Without the ability to use the apps that were better designed more efficient and didn't serve offensive ads, the site was useless to me. I ended up deleting all of my posts and comments as a security measure. Years of posts made it likely that my account could make me personally identifiable. Initially I planned to keep some of my posts intact that were offering troubleshooting or expert content but without the use of api tools, the task of doing so was impossible.

The general toxicity of the site, indifference to bigotry, and the CEO/Corporate behavior were all contributions. It made it exhausting and unpleasant. so I was not too sad to leave.

if ads is your concern. revanced can take care of that

Not completely stopped using Reddit, but making the switch to the Fediverse + forums with a new name. I’ll still be checking in daily incase anyone i talk to wants to message me, tho.

For me, the biggest issue is that Reddit just feels dead. If you look at pretty much any sub, there is a huge discrepancy between the member count, and the activity (posts + comments and upvotes on posts) of said sub. You can have a sub with like 2-3 million members, but the top posts get like 20k upvotes and less than 1000 comments. 5 years ago it could easy be close to 100k upvotes and 30k-40k comments. That to me is an extremely strong sign that the site is dying. Another piece of evidence is looking at old subs (will use r/futurology as an example, since that’s the kinda space i’m most familiar with) such as r/futurology , and seeing how drastically the activity has dropped. That sub is a classic reddit forum and has over 20 Million members, and yet the top posts get like 6k-7k upvotes and 200-300 comments. Other subs have suffered similar drops in activity. Compare it to Lemmy, which has 50k active users as of me writing this, but gets a similar level of engagements in the top communities as reddit does in smallish to medium sized subs.

Another big issue is the API changes. Reddit got way too greedy and ruined a lot of what made the site fun. All they had to do was just not be extremely greedy, and none of this would’ve happened.

EDIT: forgot to add that another issue is the power hungry mods. Reddit is notorious for having power tripping mods that will ban you for literally the slightest reasons, or no reason at all.

The death of the ".compact" version of the site was the final nail in the coffin for me. I don't want to install an app, especially not the official reddit app to have a usable mobile experience. Once ".compact" was gone the only option was "old.reddit" which is a horrible mobile experience even though it is a fine desktop experience.

Lemmy mobile web user experience is VERY close to the ".compact" reddit user experience.

Reddit likes to create some big periodical drama with its changes. Some of them already had me uneasy, and the way they gave their back to users with the API changes made end up doing what I had pending.

They ban you for bs reasons. That's it, even if you don't go against their rules, apparently saying the truth is enough to get banned.

Group effect. I have heard of the Fediverse before. It seemed to be an interesting concept but I did not see how it could fit into my life. Also were to find a website to registered, communities I'm interested in.
It wasn't so long after I join Reddit that the API protest happened. Community I have already join started to discuss moving to Lemmy, instance name were mentioned, guides were written. I found no reason not to finally join a social media that was much closer to my free-culture value.
Now, I feel more in my place here than on Reddit. I'm much more active. I haven't found everything there was on Reddit but I find plenty I could not find there that I like much more: Group culture to build from scratch, interoperability both btw instances and software, less corporate and marketing interference, human scale places of interaction.

I can't be left. I can't be right. Mods power tripping and I don't like walking on egg shells when I'm talking.

I still use Reddit, but less after the API changes. I was already using Mastodon and aware of Lemmy when that happened, but the biggest server previously was lemmy.ml, and even that wasn't very active. I put it in the back of my mind to check on again in hopes it would gain relevance. Reddit pissed off a bunch of its users, so it did.

Lemmy.world launched around then, and I'd heard of its admins by way of their well-known Mastodon server so I signed up.

There were 2 things:

  1. Over time it became obvious the site was promoting mass market fluff over the unique content that made reddit what it used to be. In particular having r/all as a default sub and no option to remove it seemed particularly egregious. Seemed like an attempt to impose a monoculture on the user base, and I didn't like that culture which was mostly images of tweets which is a trend I especially hate.
  2. The API pricing and going public was the last straw. I looked at reddit as a wikipedia-like place where information was shared freely, for whomever and even whatever wanted to see it. I even bought gold in my younger and more naive years. But if the officers were so keen on making profits for themselves on my shitposting, why am I not getting paid? Injecting greed ruined the whole thing.

I'd been flirting on and off with Lemmy for a year or so, not using it seriously (different username) but then u/spez deciding to sell user data to LLM's coupled with the general air of permanent aggro in just about every sub led me to finally ditch it. I've had to go back a couple of times and every time I did I regretted it. It's become Twitter level users intertwined with bot armies all flinging shit at each other.

I used reddit on a mobile browser. At some point they completely blocked that and made it app-only on mobile, and I started looking for an exit. When the API bullshit happened shortly after I found one and took it

It took years for me to really disconnect.

  • They introduced, with much fanfare, a mysterious new way of counting votes, and back-propagated it. Suddenly, all upvotes of past and present posts and comments got boosted by a factor of 8-9 or so. Felt hollow, manufactured, disingenuous.
  • The founders admitted that in the early days, they made up lots of sock puppet accounts which talked to each other. That eerie, self-congratulatory sentiment never really left the site.
  • Proven to tamper with comments.
  • That derailed AMA with Julian Assange. It felt 99.9% inorganic.

And so much more.

My Discord registration was denied several times without explanation, so as soon as I discovered Lemmy, I came over and never looked back.

Not one particular reason in general, just the site's atmosphere in general was getting tiresome. Everyone trying to be the funniest person in the room to get the most upvotes. There's a place for that, and I still use Reddit from time to time, but for learning about current affairs Lemmy is much preferable.

I loved the Apollo app which Reddit destroy by changing the terms of their agreement with.

But more than that, the day after the apocalypse— I forget what they called it, but basically every smart person from Reddit left and the site became dog shite.

I used the API to see what mods were censoring. The lack of mod transparency is gross.

The new API rules in advance of the IPO rubbed me the wrong way. The multiple monetization schemes were already pretty creepy as it was.

And the Fediverse feels better all around.

API changes. Now I only use it for some niche communities, all the big ones are overrun by bots anyway.

  1. RIP Apollo
  2. I almost didn't join lemmy because the first time you sign up in the fediverse it feels like a big deal. What got me to actually follow through was to impulsively join a silly instance (RIP iusearchlinux.fyi)

When israel started their Genocide the entire frontpage was filled with Zionist bots and any criticism of israel would lead to a ban.

All while IDF propaganda of beheadedbabies was spammed all over the place.

I prefer to support free, open, and decentralized solutions to things and I want to help the Fediverse grow.

Mostly? The new horrible interface reddit pushes harder and harder on me.

To be honest I got initially repelled by significant number of hardcore socialists here, but the community is much more diverse now

Welcome back! Were you here in the times there were only around 20 active people to talk to on each site?

Not as far back as that. I first tried joining here through kbin.social back during the reddit API drama.

A couple of things which accumulated over time:

  1. The changes to API pricing which essentially killed 3rd party apps and made moderation more difficult for mods. I used a 3rd party app as a solution for the following problem:
  2. Rounded corner design of images and videos with no option to turn it off. (You can not fathom the infernal hate which I feel for such designs.)
  3. Mods high on power who arbitrarily banned me and/or insulted me and Reddit admins didn't give a fuck about the latter. ::: spoiler Context I supposedly made a repost which was against the rules. I checked the rules and the posts in the defined no-repost-time-period of the sub (6 months worth of posts) and couldn't find my post. When asking the mods politely about this, I got insulted as a karma-whore and there was no more communication beyond that. The other time I got banned because I compared design choices in the magic system of Hogwarts Legacy and Skyrim and asked people how many spells they would like to have. Inquiries about this ban weren't answered. :::
  4. The more recent AI content deal: feed the AI-mighty machine! And punishing users who altered their previously posted content due to that. And not asking them for consent to feed the machine at all.
  5. Disregard and low to no effort communication of Reddit towards the users regarding some of the above concerns. Including spez. Ignoring a plethora of arguments and really showing that they didn't care.
  6. Reddit silently kicking out mods of subreddits which protested against those API changes by going private, going NSFW or other forms of protest and Red it replacing these mods with compliant boot-lickers if with anyone at all.

Yeah... I guess these were my main issues.

I've been a happy Lemming since last year when those API changes were pushed (started on a different instance) and never looked back.

Going to preface by saying I still use Reddit occasionally alongside Lemmy AND Tildes sometimes as well. I just like talking to people with similar interests.

Most of us came over to Lemmy (in my case, originally kbin) because of the 3rd party app shutdown and API apocalypse. I still use Reddit since it has a lot more communities I'm interested in so I wouldn't be an ex-redditor per say. I'm not nearly as active as I used to before 3rd party apps got shut down.

I was always indifferent towards Reddit as a platform since I mostly just felt connected to the communities there. I only use more niche subreddits related to my interests and was never active on any with over 400k besides from askreddit, so I avoided most of the stereotypical bad things about Reddit's community and the whole "Reddit is becoming like Facebook" stuff. If Lemmy gained these communities I love, I'd stop using Reddit completely.

The community and content matters to me a lot more with link aggregator type platforms, the software less so than it does with microblogging platforms like Twitter and such. Spez sucks for what he did but I really don't care enough to criticize the dude one year after the Reddit migration and the failure of the blackout. I like Reddit's sheer amount of content available and don't care for the software/anything paid on there, and I like the technology behind Lemmy but the community offerings less so.

TL;DR I halfway switched.

They banned me but I was still able to see the subreddits on Reddit is Fun. When that died I came here. Reddit is gross and other than search results I haven't used it since.

While the "recent troubles" put energy to my leaving, I have always been uncomfortable with Reddit, Twitter, Discord, Stack Overflow, Quora and Fandom, as corporate-owned repositories who work by, in one way or other, profiting off of freely contributed work.

It used to be that if someone wanted to help people with freely-given information, they'd offer it in a forum, on Usenet, or on a website they started and hosted themselves, or if it fit in there, put it on Wikipedia. Now, people add it to a freaking pile that corporations monetize. Don't just hand them value! Put it somewhere that won't beg you to install an app, or beg you to "upgrade" to "Nitro," or force you to watch intrusive ads, or force people to create an account to see it, or track you! Your volunteer labor should not be a profit center!

Forums and websites have always used content to market things (think DAU or visitors to sell more expensive banner ads at the top of a post).

I agree that forum hosts were (mostly) random people that wanted to do something for their community, but monetization didn't kill the friendly Internet, consolidation did.

It was a result of the 3rd party app collapse that triggered the migration of reasonable people out of reddit. I was the mod of r/mapporncirclejerk and saw my mod queue explode with the most hateful shit that went unchecked by other commenters.

Then my friend told me about where everyone went, glad to see all of you!

I'm now mod of !cartographyanarchy@lemm.ee so stop on by!

I got banned lol. Not even a "Okay maybe I shouldn't have said that" ban, near as I understand it I was just one of the last mod protest holdouts so they were like, "aite fuck this guy"

They made things worse and invalidated everyone else's hard work before demanding to be paid for that while they live on the content we produce. Yeah get fucked. It don't work that way.

Not banning one of my accounts. "Incidentally", the one that I used for moderation. That screams "we don't want you here unless you're working for us, for free" from a distance.

As a secondary reason: the ban message about "multiple, repeated violations of the content policy". It was one violation dammit. (I told a Nazi to kill himself.)

That was years ago. In the meantime I hopped from alternative to alternative. While still using Reddit mostly for trolling. Eventually the APIcalypse happened and there was enough content in Lemmy to make me forget about Reddit, instead of lurking once a week (like I typically did years ago).

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The official app was obnoxious, so I used a better 3rd party one. Then, they borked it. And then when I tried to just use the website it was obnoxious too. And then when I tried to use the old.website, It sucked specifically for my phone.

I don't want to deal with that, so I hopped aboard the bandwagon that was going on at the time, and its all been... pretty okay, actually.

I was also pretty upset when they killed off the old mobile UI on i.reddit.com

I had an old iPod Touch at the time and I could even doomscroll on that

The API got me interested. Now I use both. Lemmy has no ads, better news, and better apps (currently on Arctic.) Reddit has a better desktop experience (well, new.reddit, I hate old.reddit and new new reddit) and better niche subs. I’d love it if Lemmy grew enough so that the niche experience reddit offers became viable.

I still mostly use reddit.

IMO the most toxic redditors migrated to this site. The mod drama is worse, the spin is worse, and the toxicity is somehow worse. Plus there are large groups of people attempting to make every single post a referendum on politics, and those groups are usually unhinged tankies.

It's not all bad though. There are a lot of niche subs that are much better here than on reddit. Usually those subs revolve around nerdy interests that haven't gotten caught up in the culture war. In those subs both the content and discourse are significantly more informative and respectful than reddit.

Reddit is a mainstream platform these days. There's some good in that, but also a lot of bad. Lemmy is more raw. A lot more objectively crap stuff to sift through, but also more gems.

Boost stopped working. The Reddit app is ass. It was pretty great at first, and I still prefer to Reddit. I have noticed a lot more negativity lately.

It wasn't just the API thing, but also how all the mods handled it. So many Reddit mods are pathetic losers that will throw us all under the bus to hold on to their petty power.

  1. My favourite 3rd party app stopped working
  2. Reddit is filled with bots nowadays
  3. Many of my favourite places on Reddit have been flooded by right-wing reactionaries

Got banned. I got my 3rd strike for wishing Trump was dead, but my second strike was for a BS reason. I called out something bigoted someone else said, and that got me suspended for hate speech.

They virtually blocked me from posting because I deleted my main account. Not out of protest but only because karma is meant to make you 'feel' like you're important and keep you enagaged. I would just rather not let reddit have access to all my thoughts for years and years in a easy to access public account. So I purge accounts all the time, easy come, easy go.

It usually is fine but the next account I made would get a lot of harassment for being new and typical commentary I had no problem posting on my high Karma account would get me banned from certain communities. Which is fine but it wouldn't stop me from purging that account too. They eventually flagged me for "ban evasion" and my posts were blocked the second I'd make an account.

I had reddit but was never a big user of it, hopping on only for events or to look stuff up. But once I got into federated services and learned about Lemmy I gave it a go. Pretty sure I've used lemmy more then reddit at this point

API I followed sync for reddit here. If LJ ever abandons the app I'll probably be gone from here as well but I don't see that happening

I got caught up in Rexxit - a large population of moderators and super-posters leaving took away the heart of that other service

I never used Reddit directly, only Bacon Reader, when that stopped working, I gave up.

I browse lemmy on mobile and reddit on desktop. Good mix of stuff.

If anything it was the lack of anything happening that made me switch over.

Reddit admins perma-banned me for speaking out against the genocide in Gaza after calling me "antisemitic Nazi trash."

Mods are trash that need babysitters. There is no recourse to a mod being a retard. Their ban evasion detection is weak, so it isn't a huge issue, but the sooner Musk buys it and dumpsters it, the better. (The ol Musk n Flush) Let these better communities flourish.