Do you recognise any usernames on Lemmy? to Ask – 254 points –

Although Lemmy's userbase is quite large,it still is small enough that I do often see the same people in comment sections. It feels though, that I should recognise more names, because I can only remember around 5 individual ones.


Lemmy's still small enough that if you're even remotely active, you start to recognize just about everybody. I like that, and I kinda miss that about the smaller communities/forums of the old internet.

jots down your username

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Definately gonna follow this guy around Lemmy and make completely innocent remarks, that are in no way insulting or aggressive.

But with Lemmy being so small, and me having said that, he's now going to wonder if I actually AM following him around Lemmy. Or is it really the coincidence of Lemmy being so small.

However I post so often everywhere that it's bound to happen. And he's going to be like "OH MY GOD DUDE!!! IT'S BEEN THREE MONTHS!!! STOOOOOP!!!!"

And 5 minutes after posting this I will immediately forget he exists. Thus making him look like a crazy person from my perspective.

See? This is how you troll yourself. Start by having insane thoughts, follow up by acting on them, then forget the whole thing, and be confused by the consequences of your own actions!

And thus, I learn absplutely nothing!

I used to use the personal tag/comment in RES to keep track of peoples real names when they let slip in a post.

It was always fun to run across them in another sub months later and use their name as if I knew them.

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Start by having insane thoughts, follow up by acting on them, then forget the whole thing, and be confused by the consequences of your own actions!

That is a really spot on description on how I live my life.

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I've ran into my sister a few times. Hilariously one time she didn't notice my username and actually quoted my own comment back to me IRL because she thought it was funny.

Quitting Reddit and joining Lemmy certainly feels like moving from a metropolis to a village.

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I think most of Lemmy knows me by now, and FlyingSquid.

And Stamets. Though, thinking about it I've not seen them about much recently.

He's Riker now.

He really didn't like the end to Discovery.

Haha I'd missed that.

On a side note I thought it ended ok. Not great not terrible I'd probably give it 3.6.

The calypso ending was massively tacked on. Instead of putting the tech in the black hole they should have had to have Discovery itself have to hide with it. Then emotional goodbyes under pressure rather than dragged out.

JameGumb and Pug Jesus too.

I think the fediverse is the future and I want it to do well and be robust, and also I like to talk a lot so that translates to posting here.

you and @FlyingSquid yeah. I did calculate one day how much flying squod posts and comments and damn he's active

edit: I guess you can link people like that. TIL

One of you, or the furry that I can't remember the name of (so sorry), has to compete to become the new GallowBoob.

Or me. I exist.

EDIT: Kolanki

While some have already been mentioned, I’d also like to call out that we do have the esteemed Academy Award winning actress, Margot Robbie in Lemmy! She posts when she can, and I’m really hoping one day she’ll do an Ask Me Anything with us.

flying squid, return2ozma, jeffw, and that raging moron Stern is about it for me.

I think Kolanaki, Zacharia, Margot Robbie (since she's famous already), are the ones I can remember. Maybe making a journal page for keeping track would help.

Wait, I thought the Margot Robbie account admitted to not being the real person? Lol.

That's exactly what the real Margot Robbie would want you to think!

I briefly created a POTUS account on kbin and posted what I thought were obvious jokes. It got so overwhelmed with people assuming it was real that I got creeped out and immediately abandoned it. I was kinda shocked. People really just kinda...believe whatever the screen says, I guess.

Probably just her lawyers telling her to tone it down a bit.

Perhaps they (her lawyers) got worried about all her completely justified complaints about being snubbed for awards 🀷

Isn't she? That's it, I'm out of Lemmy /s

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FlyingSquid is the only one I recognize and I feel like he's lemmys GallowBoob from reddit.

Unlike Gallowboob, Flying Squid posts interesting things I genuinely enjoy instead of generic gruel obviously calculated to farm upvotes from the mainstream. Flying Squid is also an interesting and fun participant in the comments and seems like a pretty cool person, while I seen to remember Gallowboob coming off like he'd be an insufferable jackass in real life.

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The "Satan's maggoty cum fart" person, hard to forget a name like that and the images it puts in your head

It has invaded my head, too. I want a chance to use it in real life, but when!? Where!? Trivia night? has a distinctive profile picture, and I see them everywhere. Also I suspect I know IRL, but I'm not certain.

I know it's bad to put your own picture in your profile, but I had to show you all how majestically I soar.

I would think that O'Hare and Indianapolis International would have issues with you violating their airspace.

I have always wondered how do you do it: How do you fly?

I squirt my way out of the water using my body like a jet and then soar on my fins!

From the link:

A species of oceanic squid can fly more than 30 metres (100 feet) through the air at speeds faster than Usain Bolt if it wants to escape predators, Japanese researchers said Friday.

So, what's chasing you?

From the link:

It’s a squid-eat-squid world down there.

Sounds pretty capitalistic to me.

Do you have a minute to talk about socialism?

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Also I suspect I know IRL, but I’m not certain.

I guess that's a consequence of telling the same anecdotes on lemmy and to everyone I see.

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Flying squid spends their entire life here as far as I can tell. And just about every major news sub is owned by Jeffw. This place has like 400 active users tops.

Jeffw ain't a bot?

Too many news bots here IMHO

Jeffw keeps the Philly sports communities going, they’re a real person.

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Plenty. In fact it's something I enjoy from here, reminds me of the old internet. It also feels less full of randos than Reddit, although in smaller communities that wasn't a problem.

Honestly the profile pic helps a lot.

I can't see profile pic because voyager doesn't display it.

I was starting to think I was crazy bc I don’t see profile pics anywhere! But I guess it’s a Voyager thing

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The Picard Maneuver, flying squid, Riker...

Basically anyone who posts to Chevron7 or Ten Forward who has a profile picture... I recognize the pictures more than the names for most.

Personally, I don't want people to remember me, I just want someone to go "hey, I know what your profile is in reference to! Nerd-five!" and be on about our business.

Is 3 O'Brien's room? I swear that dude was just trolling people with the transporter buffers.

He was usually in 3, and in DS9 when Picard catches him before he disembarks the Enterprise, he leaves from 3 and Picard mentions it's O'brien's favorite transporter room.

There may or may not be a few patterns in storage...

Seeing names pop up here that I know are just trolls. It's actually kinda a bummer. Like the Santa maggot guy. Quite certain they are not here to be helpful, so why glorify them? That said, we know Picard is legit so three cheers to them.

Like the Santa maggot guy

I kinda like the idea of it being Santa instead of Satan 😁

i don't think they are a troll, yeah they said nome shit i disagree, but most of time they are fine comments or i agree with them

After being outted on Reddit years ago, I made a rule to myself. If I ever become known on a platform (or on Reddit, reach 100000 upvotes), I'd delete my account and start over.

Frankly, some of the shit I've said could get me in trouble at work or my real life. So the anonymity is a boon.

If I was counting reddit, this would be my 13th account.

This is an interesting way of thinking about things. I would have probably agreed entirely with this when I was a kid on the early Internet, experimenting, making mistakes, and figuring out who I was and what sort of person I wanted to strive to be.

Now, as a middle-aged old fart who has used the same screenname everywhere online for decades, I generally prefer to fully consider everything I say, whether online or in real life, and contribute things I truly mean to put out there as myself. I also prefer to have a real life, job, family and friends, etc. compatible with the weirdass person I genuinely am everywhere, which includes my online work, activities, opinions, shitposts, etc.

For example, I got so active in subcultural projects and stuff from my online life over the years that things from it built up into legitimate features of my real-life portfolios and resumes and get talked about in job interviews, so I simply don't pursue work at places which would have a problem with finding that stuff out about me. Similarly, my universal screenname and weird online stuff were in my profile on the dating app where I met the person to whom I'm now happily married, and that person enjoys and even helps me do my weird online bullshit while being the greatest real-life partner I could ever ask for.

It's all come together in a rather comfy way for me, and I ultimately find it a much more freeing way to live than trying to do the secret-identity thing.

As a social activist and tech worker, my interests bleed into hacking, security, and doing the right thing. During my work with BLM, one of my aliases was targeted by right wing trolls. Easy to dissolve and make a new one. I worked with activists who have had their children targeted, their neighbors targeted, even their jobs threatened.

My friends and family, wife and children do not deserve any backlash for my comments.

These are good points, and a lot of people may find that sort of separation useful.

Personally I'm also an activist involved with hacker culture, independent journalism, and weird art and comedy stuff, but I've come to a point where I don't really feel much need to separate that from the rest of my life; the mundane me is hacker me, activist me, etc. I'm also pretty confident that if I said or did something stupid enough to involve backlash from anyone whose opinion matters to me, not only would I probably have earned the criticism but my wife would be first in line to tell me I'm being an ass.

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I'm the same. I've got like 17 reddit accounts with so much karma that I could probably make a couple bucks selling them. Instead I've just abandoned them and made new ones. This is my 3rd Lemmy account so far with similar number of comments. I should've made a new account by now anyway. Kind of glad no one has mentioned my name here though my ego would've liked if someone did.

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Definitely. There is about a handful of terminally online users who are posting here way too much for way too long, they should probably take a step back and touch some grass, which i mean in the most respectful and understanding way imaginable.

On the other hand, those people are main content providers and their unhealthy behavior is our gain.

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no, but i recognise one profile pic.

also, my block list is gigantic.

Am I on the list yet

Jokes aside, do you not feel like the fediverse is more "dead" when you block people? I remember back when Ruqqus was a thing, everyone blocked eachother and then quit because eventually you end up blocking the people who post OCs/memes due to irrelevant comments

I blocked a couple of the prolific meme reposters and my Lemmy experience got a lot better. I don't need to relive Reddit's Greatest Hits.

Why don't people normally have profile pictures here? This is so much easier to recognize in comparison to text names.

Do I have a profile picture? I see no pictures on the app I'm using inside the threads themselves. I think I have one. A lot of people don't customize things at all.

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I’m with Rebekah on this one. Never even thought about a profile pic bc the app I use doesn’t show them.

Former lurker and exclusive mobile user, I'm mildly surprised you guys have profile pictures; but I suppose my investment is low.

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FlyingSquid, The Picard Maneuver, Ummthatguy, SatansMaggotyCumFart, SPECULATOR, KonalaKoala, SHEEPLE, ParabolicMotion (infamous), El_Burrito, FartsWithAnAccent...

There's more that I recognize but mostly by their avatars and not their names.

You yourself are certainly easily enough to detect with that username, lol.

Other than that, FlyingSquid, mostly because of the specific shade of color on his or her avatar. The fact that I agree with 98% of what he or she posts probably helps as well.

We have avatars here?

(I'm an old curmudgeon that only browses lemmy via for that retro feel)

Hey your the dude that occasionally replies to my shit post.

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Off the top of my head, a lot. @FlyingSquid, @The_Picard_Maneuver, @AngryCommieKender, @captainlezbian, @DragonTypeWyvern, @Cryophilia, @masquenox, @jimmydoreisalefty, @SatansMaggotyCumFart, @BonesOfTheMoon, @1984, @Cryophilia, @Nurse_Robot. Some of them just have very memorable or kick-ass names (Nurse Robot? Why didn't I think of that???), and some of them are unavoidable on the site.

I also usually remember the active conservative and "centrist" specimens on this site, like intensely_human, IsThisAnAI, TubularTittyFrog, SpaceCowboy, Melvin_Ferd. I tend to strongly disagree with them a lot.

Thepickardmaneuver or whatever and Luxefre or something are the only two I can think of. Another one posts a lot and the other made a good argument at some point.

There's a ton more that I recognize when I see their name but can't think of of the top of my head.

There are also few I've blocked that I don't give the pleasure of mentioning their names.

Edit: oh and kolanki(?)

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There's a handful, yeah. Some folks are prolific posters. Others just have altered text I'm their name, which makes it stand out enough to recall easily.

But generally, it takes extended interactions to remember a user name for long.

^^^ This is the one I recognize. There's just so many times that I see a kind, well thought out, informative comment and it's got southsamurai's name above it

That one blue furry seems like a nice person

You're one of several people I see frequently in various threads. I do hope Stamets is still around, haven't seen them much lately.

Agreed, surprised they haven't shown up in this thread yet lol.

EstraDoll cuz she inspired me to get HRT :)

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I'm always seeing posts and comments from that one guy everybody secretly doesn't like. Man, I hate that guy.

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I see a few of the same people in many threads. There are definitely some β€œpower users” here.

Depends on four factors (theory):

  • You have profile pictures on
  • Your App shows the emoji characters in display names (ugh (my reaction has no reflection on the quality of their posts, it just annoys me))
  • You reply to the same person more than a few times
  • You proactively read usernames as you read comments/posts

The last one is key. I think most people skim right over them, which makes the first three important.

Connect lets you disable custom display names otherwise that guy would be on my blocklist. I haven't noticed him once since disabling it but goddamn did I find it annoying before that

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Not really, because I normally don't even look at or register usernames unless I emphatically agree or disagree with a post. I've been doing this for years, first on forums, then on reddit and now here. I don't want to be biased against the content of the message just because I like or dislike a particular poster, so I mostly ignore usernames altogether.

FlyingSquid mostly, and a few others. Not sure if I'd be able to spell all the others properly though, lol

I had to block a few who were spamming too much, but I've since forgotten their usernames.

I'm fairly certain that at least most of us that post at least semi regularly in tenforward recognize each other. There's a few doing a lot. My posts have dropped off lately because of creative burnout, though so I'm not around as much.

Connect lets you tag people, witch helps with recognition. Both in positive and negative sense. I usually tag people before adding them to my ban list, to see if their behaviour is coherent or a fluke.

Aside from that there's a couple of names that I recall through their frequency of posting or a very specific name, such as Mr cumfart, flying squid, pugjesus and Picard. Otherwise I sometimes recognize names, but not in a way I would recall them.

I always check people's comment history before I block, to see if they are always a jerk or if they're just having a bad day.

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Pretty often. People are still able to get fun usernames right now so they're more memorable

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Craftyindividual, pugjesus, adjjj, nanoUFO, all the frequent content posters in the magazines I am interested in. Sometimes I recognize people by name who post less frequently or just by avatar in the sidebar when logging in.

Pugjesus is single handedly keeping alive some of the small communities I really like.

I only know 4 or so offhand though there's probably more that I'm interacting with on a regular basis that I should commit to memory.

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A small handful. Especially those who post content a lot. But not a lot.

However, when reading comments, I only check usernames when I either strongly agree or disagree. Only outliers are identified; idle chat is visually anonymized by my having a very limited field of view.

There's mostly the same handful of people that ever report posts/comments so you quickly start recognising them. There are probably about ~20-30 people from my own instance that I recognise and a few prolific shitposters in the wider lemmyverse. Disabling profile pictures certainly makes it a lot harder to remember profiles though.

I’ve already blocked military veganism (not the actual name but I don’t want them to accidentally show up) And I’ve noticed satansmaggotycumfart (or something similar to that) a few times

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Yeah I think there're a few names I've started to recognise as regulars.

Not sure if they're literally in every thread or if I just have a load of interests cross over with them

Yeah, lots of them, but keep forgetting them from time to time... The dude with the huge ass font is the most remarkable to me.

This ass font radiates immense power to be sure.

The rest of these comments are surprising because I don't remember anyone past an interaction we had. Now I'm wondering whose shit list I'm on

Lemmy is pretty tame bunch. As long as you stick away from political.

I find the conservative moderates posing as Democrats to be quite distasteful.


flying squid

the cooler mia


gandalf der 12

ygthur (or sth)

and a lot of german home instance ones (ranslite, nudel, kΓΌhe, ...)

and probably a few i forgot rn

Unfortunately, yes. The vast majority of them are from shitty people that are on my block list. Only a few are just prolific posters, like Picard Maneuver and Flying Squid.

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Yes. Mostly people who I interacted with outside of Lemmy.

I read somewhere those are what some refer to as β€œfriends.” Whatever that word means. ;)

A friend is like two friend requests back to back. I think it’s some kind of geometry thing.

Interstellar, I got buddies who died face-down in the muck so you and I could enjoy this family lemmy!

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@PugJesus wya?

Why did everyone get so political lmao

Everyone got political because that guy is pro genocide. Its a pretty gross stance. Hard to overlook.

Is he? I wasn't aware of that

I'm not. I'm extremely anti-Israel, but not supporting a Trump presidency makes me pro-genocide in the eyes of accelerationists.

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No, but I miss the days of smaller forums with user recognition. The last time I really recognized a user that wasn't a mass repost bot was a user on the r/stalker (game) sub-reddit by the name of CeliceTheGreat. Every interaction and opinion we ever had were seemingly in solidarity with one another, and it was always a pleasure to encounter him on other subs occasionally. I doubt he was any more Russian than I am (American/Canadian), but I miss you, comrade, and think of you often.

Yes, a few.

Even if you see many, it doesn't seem odd to only remember 5 though. I was on Reddit for like 9 years and would only have recognized a handful of usernames.

I recognize maybe 1 or 2. I'm on a lot less than I was when I started so it makes sense.

There was a thread about me (cheese_greater) a long time ago haha. Like they say, if you can't read about yourself...It was pretty...balanced, fr Yes, but I use microblogging site of the Fediverse pretty often, and recognize more names from there

(Software I'm using supports both Lemmy and Mastodon etc so I'm exposed to both)

Nope, not quite, or at least I can't remember.

I reckon not everyone carried over their username from the other place; I personally didn't.

I recognise a lot of people on hexbear since most other instances defederate them. doesn't leave a lot of variety so it has that forum feel.

Yeah. I see a bunch of the same accounts, but that’s probably because they’re active in the same communities I am. I see a lot more accounts I don’t recognize though.

Yeah, especially that bird picture person and the big letter person.

Definitely. It helps that I tend to stick to the less mainstream lemmy communities (mostly the queer communities on It's to a point where it can be rare for me to enter a popular comment section without seeing at least 1 or 2 recognizable usernames.

To be honest, I kind of enjoy the smallness of the platform at times, it reminds me of what the old internet has always been described as to me (but with faster data transfer, and more features)

I think I'm glad to not be noticed. I tend to comment to either make a joke or express exasperation/self loathing. Being recognized for that would probably be pretty embarrassing.

Sorry for making you my therapist Lemmy lol

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If you're a regular on any of the communities I mod, I remember your username. Any new username to me immediately stands out.

No it’s all the same to me and I don’t even care about the usernames

No, somehow the usernames are not very prominent and especially the avatars are so small that I practically don't see them.

I think you might be great to do a podcast. You could explore the pressing issues society faces. The long lasting issues that society has faced for generations. Healthcare, religion, education, senior care abuse by nursing homes, inappropriate actions of priests with little boys, the shrinking availability for citizens not corporations to buy houses, parenting styles evolving over time. I could go on, but you get the idea.

First you start the show, and discuss the topic in a more rational logic and fact based side, and then rediscuss everything from your more sensitive, vunerable, emotional side.

The whole hook of the show could revolve around the duality of mankind, and how every issue has different ways to look at it. Different sides, ya' know? And even though all of it is your opinion, your different sides may often differ, and clash.

It would need a website though. How about


OK, I really didn't get the joke so I had to ask ChatGTP and it explained the joke to me. Not bad, and unexpected.

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I already have both, a website and a podcast. In this episode for example I talk with a ex Jehovas Vittnesses about how religion destroyed her life, very emotional episode.

Or in this one I went to Palestine to speak to a Palestinian family which house has been bulldozed by the IDF 3 times already.

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But thanks to your post I now made the avatars and usernames bigger and thus more prominent, perhaps I'll recognize more people like that!

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Just a few, mostly prominent people from the OpenStreetMap community that I recognize by their username/profile picture.

Sometimes I also tend to see my instance admin sometimes, but it's more rare.

Ickplant moderates and is the main poster for ! , ! , ! and ! which, together are about half my Subscribed feed. BonesOfTheMoon fills my feed with ! which is nice.

I'm sorry, are you telling me you're only subscribed to around 10 communities?!

I'm getting close to 1,500 😳

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I've had some really bad brain fog for most of the year, so while I'm generally not able to recall them on the spot, I certainly do see quite a few that makes me go "Oh hey I remember that one!".

I like that the Threadiverse is still kinda at the size that this still happens quite a bit.

I'd be very surprised if I were recognized since I've been quite bad about contributing to the conversation, but I still enjoy things around here nonetheless!

Yeah a handful of people, but I’m terminally online when I’m between my terminally offline tasks

Oh my, a real who's who, I recognize most of the names mentioned too. But let's be fair, they post stuff while many, myself included, just comment.

Too bad I just use my game name for this, haha

it used to be andromidusgalactus but they stopped posting a month ago

Is it good to be engaged enough to be recognised in Lemmy? I don't know if the big players around here are just spending their entire day on Lemmy as many people on Redditors do. There is a small part of me that too wishes to be recognized as an active member in this community but I don't want it at the expense of my real life.

A few mods, a few hard online posters, and I think like 2 or 3 devs of various projects including lemmy lol.

I never do but one I started noticing is flying squid user but most of the time I don't look at the username unless I want to see their responses.

My username relatives, including Mossy Feathers

The only one I recognize so far is Jeffw

Trying to get drawkbox over here.

The profile pictures are super tiny and I only sometimes read the names. So, for the most part I only check the post/comment and decide on a vote or comment action. and I seem to run into the most and they both have 4+ different instances too.

You can't miss Will or Blaze. And because his signature is massive.

If I mention all the people I regularly talk to, I'll be here all day. It's a good varied bunch. I like that I'm forever hopping around and talking in different circles.


Took me a while, but I should be here for good

stopthatgirl7 and reddfugee are two I remember seeing a few times.

I remember you! From a discussion about people being barred from voting for certain criminal offenses.

Your username is very rememberable.