MAGA world is really mad that Trump is no longer running against Biden to – 888 points –
MAGA world is really mad that Trump is no longer running against Biden
  • Trump and his supporters are slamming Joe Biden for quitting the race and endorsing Kamala Harris. 
  • Some members of MAGA world are bemoaning the millions of dollars spent running against Joe Biden.
  • Biden's withdrawal also means Trump is now the oldest candidate in the presidential race.

Incidentally, there's a bunch of people on Lemmy really mad that they can't tell everyone not to vote for Biden anymore. They'll tell us not to vote for whoever is going to be his replacement though.

Eh, their new dissent orders seem to be "Biden can't appoint Harris! I didn't vote for her!" which, of course, displays a total lack of knowledge about what primaries are and what the DNC is.

They didn't want Biden to run, and now they mysteriously don't want the person most of the party supports to run either.

Right? It’s almost as if they’ve never been approaching any of this in good faith.

You're telling me someone would just go on the internet an lie?

It's a massive social hub with influence on all the worlds information. What possible motivation could someone have try to influence people by faking accounts and make bad faith arguments?

Sorry, it just doesn't add up. Now, you've interrupted me hitting myself in the head repeatedly with a hammer and this brain damageisnthgomr e

I'm seeing a lot of "wHat AbOuT A pRimArY" already from the usual bad actors.

The uptick in those types of accounts makes this site start to feel like 2016 reddit 😂. Lemmy has become large enough to justify investment of bots to brigade and astroturf; we've made it!

Someone should start a instance with communities like /c/kremlin or maybe /c/remlin

I've seen iterations of "the Democrats stabbed Biden in the back!" too many times on here over the past 24 hours for it to be a coincidence

displays a total lack of knowledge

Well we are talking about right wingers here, kinda par for the course. :P

Get ready to repeat this: "The Biden of today is not the Biden who was voted for in the primaries." Even Biden himself acknowledged that by stepping aside as candidate!

You know what I’m not seeing?

ANY of these accounts that were so relentless in their criticism of Biden and how he needed to step down because otherwise the Democrats would lose, being simply happy about this.

ALL of the tentative happiness about Harris maybe being a stronger candidate than Biden was, is coming from people who were either neutral or defending Biden before. The people who were giving a firehose of criticism to Biden and demanding that it was MANDATORY for him to step down, for the good of the Democrats and the country, have for the most part fallen silent, and a whole new grouping has arisen to give criticism to Harris and say that as good progressives they could never vote for a cop.

ANY of these accounts that were so relentless in their criticism of Biden and how he needed to step down because otherwise the Democrats would lose, being simply happy about this.

Really? I've seen plenty of posts like that. Stuff like "Donated to the democratic party to show this was necessary", "Finally, we can safely roast Trump for being old and senile", "I don't care who the replacement is, thank god he's out".

There are some shit-stirrers, but they seem to be the minority.

Disclaimer: I am not American, cannot vote or donate, am heavily invested in the election due to the ramifications on Ukraine.

Can you link me to them?

You don’t, like, have to, but I am genuinely curious. I haven’t seen that and I am wondering if there is some segment of Lemmy that I am missing.

Just look around this comment section, and other comment sections in ! and !

As I said, there's the occasional commenter that is trying to throw shit at the democratic party generally, but by and large the majority of comments are in favour of this, and if you click through to individual users it's not hard to find users that were hoping that Biden would drop out a week ago.

I'm happy AF.

Biden's legacy is secure. He can rest easy as the man who beat back the right-wing fascist autocracy and led the country to elect the first female president. 🤞

Even though I agree with you I would suggest not pushing the first woman president angle. There's already plenty of dumbasses saying that she shouldn't be elected because she's a woman, including 2 of my women coworkers. One is a republican and the other a Democrat, both boomers too.

Let's just push the competent angle.

Yeah, they can't take two seconds to enjoy the victory they wanted. They have to move on to the next thing to bitch and moan about.

They didn’t want Biden to step down. They wanted him running against Trump and losing.

Pretty much. That way when Trump won, they could say "see? We told you so!"

Much more important than them or people they might care about getting marched into camps.

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It's quite insidious.

Today I'm suddenly seeing a lot of "vote blue no matter who", which IMO is intended to stifle enthusiasm for Kamala.

If the left could unite behind a candidate we'd destroy the GOP.

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That's not true! I danced a jig when we found out. I was voting against Trump but now I am voting for Harris.

Several others are not. Including a person who has been posting anti-Biden articles in this community for months, who has now switched to anti-Harris articles.

They never thought it would happen. They shot themselves in both feet with shotguns. Now they're in panic mode because they're realizing they're really fucked now.

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Wasn't rabid before, but I was one of those for Biden stepping down in favor of Kamala. I just wanted a strong voice that was capable of at least countering Trump's endless spew of lies. But I have noticed those that are now bashing Kamala were also telling people not to vote for Biden.

They’re waiting on the next talking points from their Russian overlords. Give it a day or so and they’ll be back with some new, yet all the same, arguments.

You know my history regarding Biden. Go on, check my history since Biden did the right thing and dropped out. I'm still posting and not so much as an unkind word about Harris. Biden did the right thing. The party did the right thing. I'm overjoyed that for the first fucking time in far too goddamned long, Democrats listened instead of digging in their heels and demanding votes, every pore reeking of entitled paternalist condescension.

You were wrong. Your shitty candidate bowed out like you didn't want him to, and just look. The party has very much gotten in line behind Kamala. The predicted chaos and infighting hasn't happened. She's had the best fundraising in US history simply by being the understudy who was present at the time and not being Biden.

The people who were giving a firehose of criticism to Biden and demanding that it was MANDATORY for him to step down, for the good of the Democrats and the country, have for the most part fallen silent

Have you considered that it's because they're finally satisfied? At least for now? Harris is a reasonable compromise candidate. Biden wasn't, and he listened to reason and bowed out. We're better for it.

a whole new grouping has arisen to give criticism to Harris and say that as good progressives they could never vote for a cop.

Democrats are a big tent. Some of us don't like genocide. Some of us don't like cops. Some of us don't like either. Harris is in a better position to distance herself from past actions than Biden was about ongoing actions.

She ran on full cannabis legalization in 2020 and was a sponsor of the Justice in Policing Act of 2020. It ain't gonna stick.

I'm glad Biden dropped out.

Are you?

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Idk how this season is going to end but the writers have definitely been building toward something.

Remember the end of season 1 of "Arcane", where everything looks like maybe it's gonna be okay, and then you get to see in slow motion how an unexpected spasm of violence undoes anything good that might have been building, and you know everything's gonna be bad, bad bad, going forward?

I hope I am wrong

I am one of those accounts who wanted Biden to step aside. Not because I dislike him but because he was going to lose. Now I have hope. I've been smiling since Saturday afternoon.

a whole new grouping has arisen to give criticism to Harris and say that as good progressives they could never vote for a cop.

I mean, in both cases people are entitled to their honest opinions. I'm going to vote for her, but I'm not happy about it. Not being happy about her her career pre-whitehouse seems fairly reasonable to me.

"People are entitled to their honest opinions" - but that wasn't what was happening - a bunch of rightwingers posting as leftwingers were spending a lot of time trying to convince democrats not to vote. They had paragraphs to say about why Biden was terrible but could never find the same level of detail or ire about Trump, whereas someone who was genuinely leftwing would have a lot more to say about Trump than Biden by way of criticism.

Ah right OK, I've seen those folks. I think I was reading the tone of the discussion as general frustration with anyone who was dissenting.

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Ozma in pieces right now...

You'd think so, but they already have moved on to "don't vote for Harris" posts.

I actually was curious about it, so I looked over his posts, and it's all over the place. Pro-Marianne Williamson, anti-Nancy Pelosi, pro-open convention and by implication anti-"coronation", criticizing Harris for not being LBGTQ friendly enough...

Actually. You know what, it's not really all that all over the place. 🙂 It's just a little bit subtle with the consistent anti-Harris / anti-Democrat message, from different angles, enough so that I didn't really pick up on it until I started typing them out.

Also I notice Marianne Williamson is starting to edge out Cornel West as the nonsensical candidate to support instead of the candidate that might be able to win the election

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Already happening. They're testing the waters to see what's going to stick.

I just ran into them trying to promote Jill stein in another thread lol

RFK has been abandoned.

It's pretty hard to argue in favor of the brain worms guy.

To be fair, though, even with literal brain damage, he's still not the worst candidate on the ballot.

A steaming pile of Biden's dogs shit would be a better candidate than Dementia Don, the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can't complete a coherent sentence.

And her past as a prosecutor, and the fact that she lost the primary 4 years ago, and her laugh. In addition to yours, that's all I've seen so far. They ran "Heels up Harris" into the ground several years ago, but I do think it will make a return at some point. It was a shit insult but so are the others they're trying to use.

Really all they have is a terrible legal gambit to try to keep her off ballots. That one is laughably bad. No deadlines have passed. The idiot at the front of the House said something stupid. I would hammer that until election day. "The Republicans did their best to keep us off the ballot because they hate freedom and democracy. They don't want you to have a choice. And Trump endorsed Harris. Here's the check."

She also said something hard to understand about coconuts. Don't forget that one. That means something or other.

Now they're panicking and can't decide if she's unlikable or if she's the "whacky aunt" entertaining everyone at the barbecue.

I went to the other place to check TFGs meltdown tweets or truths or turds or whatever they call them and I was not disappointed. He is asking for his money back because the attack ads they've purchased were against Joe.

Oh yeah I've been called a fascist already because I said I'd vote for Harris and that while she isn't the best candidate she will be leagues better than Biden imo.

While I never told anyone not to vote for Biden, I definitely openly bitched about him not being capable of speaking and the absolute joke it is. I'm not a fan of Harris, but my God, a sentient adult is amazing.

Sorta the same here. I didn't openly say anything and I'm voting blue but when he called Zelensky putin and Kamala trump I internally slumped my shoulders.

Everything they already pinned on Joe (like mainly Israel) they can pin on her because she was part of the same administration. Plus they will now also point at things from her past, like history as a criminal prosecutor, and blame her for that as well. Since that won’t align with progressive criminal reform agenda. And they might call her a race traitor as well, just for good measure. Should be interesting to see what the tankies and communists come up with.

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there’s a bunch of people on Lemmy really mad that they can’t tell everyone not to vote for Biden anymore.

is there any evidence for this claim at all?

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GOP: "Your candidate is unfit for office."

Dems: "Okay, we got a new candidate."

GOP: shocked pikachu

No no not like that! We're going to sue!

They're going to, probably in every single red state.

They're going to throw so much shit at the wall due to election ballot timing that unfortunately I think something will stick.. it more than likely wont be legitimate, but we have way too many corrupt judges out there :(

If there is any way Mississippi and Arkansas can keep a black woman Democrat off the ballot, they will find it.

You mean Mississippi and Arkansas might go red? I guess our entire electoral strategy's doomed, then!

Except other states could use that as a case to federally disqualify a candidate. "Well they weren't on the ballot in all the states, can this be said to be a representative vote?"

Ironically, this is where the SC's ruling to keep Trump on the ballot can be helpful. Because as long as the proper paperwork is filed in time, the committee can nominate whoever it wants, and the state doesn't have the power to disqualify someone.

It’s a good thing we had no chance of winning those states then lol.

If they did, it might actually drive up voter enthusiasm around the country. So I could see it backfiring spectacularly.

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I don't think it's a given that something will stick in a way that actually throws a wrench in the election. It would have to be in a swing state, the judge would have to be willing to become infamous around the world, and willing to ignore the precedent that generally political parties can choose candidates how they want and of course a nominee can decline the nomination.

Oh fuck, Aileen Cannon exists...

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They aren’t going to sue. They are going to start shooting. They’ve outright stated that. It’s crystal clear: they’ve said that the revolution would be “bloodless” only if the left “allowed” it to be. I really wanted to live long enough to build a family,.

You missed what Johnson said this morning. He says it's "unlawful" in some states. (Which is not true in the slightest and they know it)

How much you want to bet that this only will be "unlawful" in red governmental shithole states

He's basically giving a dog whistle to maggot judges to hold the line for the fascist party's interest if these "challenges" come to them.

Edit: fixed for feels being hurt / jimmies rustled

Some of us live in those red shitholes. Send help. Please.

The only nice thing about those red shitholes is that it's stupidly easy to get a gun. Get one. Join your local chapter of the SRA. Train at the local range at least twice a month so that you are proficient with it. Learn all the local stand your ground laws. Memorize them. When they start shooting, aim center mass.

While a pistol is far more portable, it requires far more training, as the lower mass of the firearm results in a larger than expected kick. Shotguns are really the weapon of choice for urban defense.

I personally have a couple of extremely nice sniper crossbows, that are basically silent. Seriously, the bolt impacting my target makes more noise than the bow. A couple of T-33s, an AA-12, and a 30-06. Lots of ammo too.

Learning how to reload your ammo is also invaluable, should they start shooting. Have a "riot shield," basically the largest piece of steel you can easily carry that is more than 2" thick. Body armor is also a useful investment.

I find it turns my stomach at the thought of training at a gun range with people who would rather shoot me in the head than tell me the time of day. That's the kind of gun fetishists who live in the area I'm at.

Not that I'm advocating for training with intent cause there's far too much gun violence as it is, but if you are in a gun range and training to use a gun, the wack jobs are all going to assume you are one of them. They really believe that liberals are scared of guns and wouldn't dare to own one. Much less train to use one.

I'm all about most of what you said, but nobody anywhere is carrying a steel shield 2" thick.

Carry isn't the right word here. I have a 6' x 2' x 2" piece of steel that I mounted on a stand and wheels. It's technically mobile in that I can move the thing with effort. It is bulletproof though. I have tested it against AP rounds.

I don't take it with me on protests, it sits in my house in one of the most defensable positions in the house.

Yeah the thing weighs about half a ton.

Speaking from experience, SRA in central FL/ Orlando is useless. Paid $35 to be put into the Jacksonville SRA and got a link to an inactive discord channel.

I’m all ears for a viable alternative until I get out to Colorado.

A 1 square foot, 2 inch steel plate is 81lbs. Ain't nobody carrying armor like that.

Carry isn't the right word here. I have one that is 12 sq feet, it is "mobile" in that it has wheels and a stand. I can barely move the thing around, but it is certainly bulletproof. I e tested it against AP rounds. Yes the thing weighs about half a ton.

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How is it unlawful? The candidate hasn’t even been formally selected yet.

Exactly. It's not. And they know it. The fact they're trying to run to their judges means they are scared.

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They're just trying to rile up their base that this is "cheating" so that they come out to vote in outrage

They're ginning up arguments about "cheating" in case they lose. Trump has never admitted to losing an election, always claiming the winner cheated. And as we saw on Jan 6, it really riles up the dirtbags that form Trump's unique voter constituency.

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Maybe they should have spent time and money promoting their candidate instead of attacking the other

This is really what it boils down to. But with Trump there is nothing to promote. The only way they can win is by ruining the reputation of their opponent to try to make them look worse.

What about hunters laptop? That’s still going to be a huge deal right? Right??

Didn’t you know Kamala let her tamagotchi die 30 years ago? Do you know where that tamagotchi has been buried? You might not know about this, but everyone is talking about this. But they don’t because they are too scared to talk about it. A lot of good people. They talk about it. And the world is laughing at us. The good people talking about this are too scared to talk because the world is laughing.

The best people tell me Hillary Clinton had a tamagotchi just like it. So sad. So sad.

Rumour has it she used it for e-mail.

Have they looked for it on that underground pizza place? All them libruls have secret meetings in there, for realsies!

Kalama has stepchildren. They are about to be dragged through the mud.

But it doesn't matter if he had nothing to promote. He's not above lying. This was just a bad decision on their part. Even if biden hadn't dropped out, there's no guarantee that a man that age will be here in four months.

He's not above lying.

Lying is one of the things he has a lot of practice doing.

He's not very good at it, though, he contradicts his lies with other lies on a regular basis.

I said the exact same thing this morning to a coworker. They have no policies, just hate.

Project 2025 tends to disagree

True. Their policies are so bad they have to disavow them…

Except to the right audience they are extremely proud of them. Yes overall their policies are unpopular but they aren't without support

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That seems like a hatred manifesto more than policy.

Call it what you want. The document is very clearly full of harmful policy goals.

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Yeah, it's not a difficult concept

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I was thinking this when everyone was saying it's too late to change candidates. While that might have been true if a campaign consisted of promoting people's positives, that's not what it is. It's all about finding the dirt on the other and switching candidates late just means there has been less shit talked.

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Trump added that he thought the GOP should be "reimbursed for fraud."

Trump raises an excellent point: his campaign was forced to waste money against Biden for as long as it did only for the Democrats to pull the rug out from under him by pulling Joe out of the race. This, if anything, is a form of cheating.


GOP: Fuck your feelings might makes right REAL MEN ARE BACK don’t tread on me THESE COLORS DON’T RUN SON

Also: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Unironically "I object on the grounds that it's devastating to my case"

Ahh, the famous cheat of checks notes changing your mind weeks before announcing a decision.

Biden was never running against Trump in the 2024 election. The Democrats still have not announced a candidate. If the Republicans wanted to campaign against the presumptive nominee before an official decision was made, that's on them.

I can't believe all those stupid anti-biden truck decals etc will be rendered pointless in a matter of months. I better start making anti-Kamala decals if i want to properly capitalize on these next 4 years 🤑

Edit: cry into your fuckin ear-squares ya bunch of sad sacks

Their favorite cheap Chinese manufacturers are already on it, ready to take more of their money.

You can still cash in. There always needs to be the middle man in that scenario, buy em for $3 each. Sell em for $20 at flea markets and fairs.

I'm not interested in generating fascist, environment-polluting junk though.

Yeah, but it'll take a few weeks for those to get here on the slow boat from China.

Those people aren't going to let go of their anti-Biden identity that easily, we will probably still see those decals for years.

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Biden is now a man with nothing to lose and a supreme court that said presidents can do any damn thing they please

Unfortunately he won't do anything with that at all.

But why leave a quiet legacy when you can spend 6 months earning a whole page in a high school history book?

He's already earned a page in the history books, might as well make it a whole chapter.

His administration is still tied to Kamala , he can't piss off people

I would love him to do such extreme things they have no choice but to retract the rulings and put in further protections.

Executive order to club the kneecaps of the supreme judges. Every Monday morning.

Like fire the few unqualified corrupt shitheads that were appointed by a felon rapist traitor? Judges appointed by traitors that follow Putin's will should no longer be judges. It's a matter of national security.

They don't have to retract the ruling, they specifically said the supreme court can still revoke what the president does. So only trump is allowed whatever he wants.

Now their candidate is the old fuck and is a felon who's fighting against a black woman (!) that used to send felons to jail.

Of course they are pissed! As they should be!

I absolutely can't WAIT for the next debate.

and Trump can't chicken out without looking like a Chump...

He will chicken out. He'll pull some excuse about unfair rules or a biased moderator that will be completely and utterly transparent to everyone except his base.

It's transparent to his base too. It's not that they don't see the lies, it's that they don't care.

To Republicans, winning matters more than playing by the rules. This isn't some gentlemanly game of chess. It's a knife fight. The future of their country hangs in the balance, and the only thing that matters is being the people who steer the ship. If you have to lie cheat and steal to get there, so be it.

The Dems need to wake the fuck up and start doing the same.

Nice, I didn't pay attention this weekend and this is the first I'm hearing Biden stepped down.

Great way to start a Monday at least

Harris is not confirmed, by the way, just a presumptive nominee. The Democratic Party is gathering behind her as it stands.

In other words: it's Kamala Harris.

The Democratic National Convention’s rules committee are also set to meet on Wednesday to discuss the process for picking a new candidate.

I imagine they won't just push her forward, but who knows.

Of course they are mad. The Republican strategy up until this point has been to attack the incumbent, but now the incumbent is no longer running for re-election. Trump literally doesn't know how to deal with this situation. His whole shtick is to attack the person currently in charge, but that doesn't do shit for him now.

A big part of why he lost in 2020, imo, is that he didn't have anybody to blame for all the bad shit happening in the country at the time. He himself was in charge and could only say "things will get worse under Biden", but people were sick of Covid fucking up our lives and the endless scandals that hit the news daily.

He's gonna tie every biden policy to Hillary Clinton and attack her based on that.

Then hopefully someone will remind him that he's running against Kamala Harris and not Clinton.

More likely they will just make up a connection with Hillary and Kamala. Like they are in the same coven and drink adrenochrome together.

Why did my keyboard know autocorrect the spelling of that word?

what the hell... I've never heard of this before

Wild huh? Hunter Thompson wrote about it once, and then it was in the movie version of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Got warped around to what it is now.

There is a large chunk of the US population that believes this shit or things adjacent to it. 30% or so, I think. I've lost many people to it.

Check out Qanon Qausilties on Reddit. It's a cult, that's a mental illness, that's a political movement. Useful for the fascists. Very dangerous. Very sad.

It's a real substance the body makes, but it can also be synthesized. As such, people have taken it to try it out. Iirc it isn't even a fun high, so they started making up that children make "better" versions or something.

It's just blood libel with the label scrapped off. Until you dig deeper into right wing conspiracies, then it's just regular blood libel.

the Republican Party had "spent tens of millions of dollars running against Joe Biden

Damn, if only they had spent that tens of millions of dollars campaigning for somebody, then this wouldn't have even mattered.

Or even attack the policies. The problem for the Trump Party is that they are a cult of personality and don't understand what policy really means.

they're gonna have to re-edit some of their attack ads ready to go and just add "and SHE was there, vice presidenting all of it" at the end.

Maybe they will start to realize the persistent election cycle is not a good thing. I would love to see a ban on all election campaigning until 90 days before said election but that wouldn’t get past a 1st amendment challenge.

Just do publicly funded elections, including things like publicly funded frequent small debates where the candidates had to appear as reasonably competent adults who could defend their ideas, and resurrect some of the regulations like the fairness doctrine and caps on media consolidation

The dogshit quality of the current election coverage is mostly a problem because it is the only type of coverage that is available. I think if there was a widely available and well funded type of election coverage that wasn’t this cash grab horse race ad supported bullshit, the bullshit would have to compete against it and would lose and improve as a result.

How about publicly funded elections and limits on campaigning more than 90 days before an election?

If you limit when the public funds are dispersed, then there won't be much campaigning outside that time frame.

Lets start by putting a cap on how much money can be spent on campaigns and keep it at a very minimal level.

Sounds good. We'll just need to re-do Citizens United with fewer than 5 fully regressive appointees purchased by billionaires.

Cap it at like $30. You can run an ad in the student newspaper of your choice.

That'll never work, big donors will just hide it or do the advertising themselves unrelated of course

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This is starting to look like an effective strategy for the Democrats to drain Republican funds: don't announce your actual candidate until August.

The US election cycle is too long anyway. I'm very for this idea.

Spot on. For once (not really, but this doesn't happen as often as it needs to) the Democrats are outsmarting their opponents. Let's make this the norm. All of us working together towards a common sense future.

The problem with a 2 party system is that it is a lot easier to make the opposition look bad rather than make your candidate look good.

So all these MAGAs lost a lot of money since their smear campaign of Biden is now worth nothing and they will have to start over.

The smear campaign for Harris is already ramping up into full fashion.

Anything and everything is being thrown at the wall to see if it sticks. It's absolutely disgusting behavior.

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Oh no, all of their bots will have to be reprogrammed.

You guys realize that Biden waited until after the RNC to announce this right? He's making this as hard as possible for them to pivot. You had hundreds of people in the same city, building strategies for their campaign. He had made sure that Kamala would have the delegates secured to ensure there would be no in-fighting for the next candidate. They did little to stop the media in going down the rabbit hole of the all-consuming news that he should drop out. They used it for their advantage to create a positive whirl wind around Kamala. Truly brilliant.

At the time it was frustrating, but in hindsight this was all clearly orchestrated. A brilliant move by the Democrats and an incredible act of patriotism by President Biden. His legacy is secured in perpetuity.

Only great people give up power willingly. Huge props to Biden. I didn't want him to quit because I always knew he was a good president and a good man.

Hopefully the next candidate will be able to take down Trump.

Nice thought exercise but in reality an old man got COVID and was finally convinced that he was a losing gambit.

That's not what happened. He had a run of bad luck over a couple of weeks, including getting covid, and then some major donors said they would withdraw support.

I mean he still gets the credit for doing the right thing. He could've hung in there until the bitter end... but it's always about the money.

I like this idea.

It's certainly true that if Biden was planning to withdraw then after the republican convention and before the dems was certainly the correct time to do it.

I believe it was a mistake to pull out this late in the game and think its probably giving Trump the win but seeing how mad republicans get is almost worth it.

I don't really understand how it's too late?

4 months feels like a perfect amount of time to woo the populace - enough time to see and hear her without getting weary of her.

What advantages would they have had by switching Kamala in a month or two ago ?

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So they are basically admitting that their whole campaign argument was "Biden is bad Trump is not Biden" and now that he is gone, the argument is invalid. After all if it was a campaign mostly about Trump's positive qualities (in their perspective) then it should not have really mattered who the opposition is.

The problem with Trump being a talentless orange idiot is that the only quality he had was being younger than Biden.

In the blink of an eye, their surplus of hateful anti-Biden merchandise becomes even more useless. This will surely make them realize how idiotic their cult is /s.

They're upset. So? They're always upset. Make them more upset by voting Democrat in the upcoming election.

It is a conspiracy for one side to strategically do a better job and be better.

Sleepy Donald is upset. He should take a nap.

its sleepy don not sleepy donald btw

Ahh who cares, he can't read it anyway.

we care, because if we're using short witty quips they need to roll off the tongue and really hit the nail on the head metaphorically speaking.

Point taken. I will make sure to taunt appropriately.

that's the spirit! If we're throwing hands we need to throw hands hard enough to do damage. Otherwise you just look a little silly.

Starting the pool on how long till TFG forgets who he's now running against and starts rantng about Biden at a rally.

More than anything, Trump’s allies believed that the president’s stubborn Irish ego wouldn’t let him back out of a fight with a man he despised.

Every fucking thing is about race to them. They developed strategies based on stereotypes.

He did this with his "truths" on truth social immediately after Biden's withdrawal. He had to say something but didn't have anything prepared I guess so just ranted about crooked Joe Biden.

And most importantly of all......

The reason they are this mad...

Nobody ain't talking about no ears no more.

Yeah I bet the skeevers are upset, regularless of the new nominee Trump is almost surely going to get destroyed in the next debate. Also now most of Trump's points against Biden apply to himself instead of the other candidate.

I would actually watch a Harris v Trump debate, despite the fact that I violently dislike modern debate formatting and moderation

Doubt very highly trump will agree to one.

Plenty of people were convinced Teump wouldn't do the first one.

Keep in mind how much he overestimates and overstates his own abilities.

I only believed that because he preemptively made excuses as to why he wouldn't attend the last one. I'm sure he's glad he did now considering the outcome, but I wouldn't put it past him to simply opt to not take the risk debating Harris. People are quick to forget, he also performed badly during that debate, but everyone's focus was on Biden's apparent sundowning. He got away with one bad performance, but he probably won't be so lucky next time.

Is that muppet cousin It?

That is Red Guy! If you haven't seen Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, you should check it out. Wildly bizarre and trippy youtube series. They also made a tv series recently, but I haven't seen that yet.

Some members of MAGA world are bemoaning the millions of dollars spent running against Joe Biden.

Curiously, they're not mad about the multiple tens of millions of their dollars being spent on Trump's lawyers.

This would be a good time for republicans to campaign on all the politics they intend to run. Lol. They've been unusually silent lately. because they can't find common ground on anything but being anti-democrat.

GOP will implode on itself if Democrats just stay silent for a week or two.

they can't find common ground on anything but being anti-democrat.

Sadly that's all that's needed in a first past the post system that has boiled down to two parties. It's only tribalism at this point.

They're going to be mad no matter what. When Democrats try to pass Republican legislation they get mad.

That's because they have an opposition based moral system instead of one based on good and evil. The only way to beat Republicans is never to play their games since the only way to win their game (in their eyes) is to fall in their ranks (agreeing with them sometimes doesn't make them like you either).

They should be mad. Biden stands down with a perfect 1-0 record of defeating Trump with no chance of rematch.

Why would you come with a campaign tweaked against a specific opponent and not with a program that is the best for the majority of the citizen? Politics is really stupid especially in 2024!

Yep. It's no longer about the policies or what we can do to improve the country and protect it.

It's all about framing and mudslinging and nothing more. Just look at the absolute insane level of astroturfing and bot spam over the last few days throwing absolutely everything at the wall to discredit and drum up hate against Harris.

All it is is a campaign to rile up right wingers to hate someone else. It's literally nothing more than this, there's no actual value to any of it it is the opposite of valuable to this country.

Here I was thinking it was a mistake for the Dems to have pushed Biden this far into the year.

It was certainly not on purpose, but it became a trap for the Reps. They played the Ad hominem card hard and it's blowing up on their face. And it doesn't help most of their attacks on Biden can now only be directed toward Trump.

Do they think the dems didn’t spend a bunch promoting Biden?

The nice thing about spending money in support of a candidate is that if that candidate withdraws and chooses to back another candidate then most of that campaign money spent is still a net positive.

Whereas, the GOP's entire attack strategy almost certainly focused on just Biden and not a whole lot of policy attacks. With Biden out, that money may as well be a pile of cash they lit on fire. They've also spent quite a bit on content they haven't released yet that is no longer relevant to this election.

They're pretty good at wasting money if you look at the last few republican presidencies. Spend spend spend, but not on American citizens. That would be socialism.

Let's hope we can focus more on Trump's mental acuity (or lack thereof) from here on out.

Dementia Don, the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can't even complete a coherent sentence. Too old, he needs to step down before he gives himself a McHeartAttack.

1 more...

The media won't. They want him to win for the ratings and clicks

That's a stupid narrative. The media support Trump because the owner class want him to win.

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The fact that they're so mad about this makes me think that Biden was a much weaker incumbent than I realized, and that the choice to replace him was the right one.

And maybe withdrawing so late might not be as bad after all. Sure, it’s going to be tough for dems to rework their campaign, but it’s going to be tough for reps as well when their campaign revolved around Biden.

I went hard for Biden because I was genuinely worried there would be chaos in finding a new candidate that would make it impossible to sort it out and run an effective campaign in the time left. It looks like I was wrong and I'm so fucking happy about that.

Harris is the right candidate - part of the same administration, so she can run on the same record which is pretty damn solid. I'm excited for the future.

You're really giving them a lot of undue credit in the realm of knowing anything about civics or people.

Calling it now.

They'll say it's a conspiracy and Biden is running things behind the scenes as head of the deep state, Kamala is just a puppet

He's gonna be the forever bogeyman.

So many strings to keep track of!

Biden is controlling Harris! Obama is controlling Biden! Soros is controlling Obama! Satan is controlling Soros! God is controlling Satan... Wait...

1 more...

If they don't want to run a campaign against their opponent they can keep it completely at the policy level for the policy they endorse like project 2025.

Well yeah, they've probably printed enough Geriatric Joe propaganda to last all the way to the election.

So, what you're telling me is that by finally conceding to giving up on reelection, Biden achieved one hell of a victory against the whiny orange?


Here's to hoping you 'muricans don't fuck this chance.

I’m in some chats with right wingers. At first they were happy. Which was actually nice for once and we stopped talking about politics every .002 seconds. Then they went down this batshit, bizarre conspiracy hole about Biden not really withdrawing because it wasn’t announced on They’re just making fun of Kamala now. Jimmies are definitely russled.

I guess if only they spent more endorsing their own agenda instead of smearing it wouldnt matter right? 🤷‍♂️

I don't know, I went to r/conservative and they seem quite pleased. From my observations, both dems and reps seem happy with what just happened. I saw no one scared or upset and I spent about 30 minutes reading comments.

It was actually kinda trippy how universally pleased everyone is.

r/conservative always gets a glimpse of normalcy when the bots have to get fed with new arguments.

They don’t seem pleased to me. They just seem like now they’re full throated into their fact free attacks on Harris, having pivoted effortlessly to those instead of the fact free attacks on Biden.

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Honestly dude it just looks exhausting. I can see why they are so angry and chaotic whenever you try to talk to them IRL.

It takes nothing to launch a merch line. Just keep a graphic artist on call, then drop ship. They had weeks to prepare for the possibility.

I can see why they are so angry and chaotic whenever you try to talk to them IRL

Because they lack any kind of critical thought? If how they act and speak in real life is based on what they read on Reddit (or Lemmy), then they need to have their heads examined, and they need to go back to school.

Oh did your sure thing evaporate now that you're not running against a dementia patient?

That's like losing a $1,000 bet on the Lakers and trying to sue them or something.