For those thinking of going back to reddit. Gaze upon this comment section and reconsider.

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 670 points –

Love. This. Comment.

This have to be bot.

Hell yeah!

Fuck yesssss

This needs a coffee mug.

This just became my new favorite saying.



Of course!

l I got my account recovery back with the help of @spezxoxo on Instagram very fast and reliable he's going to get help you out in all what you wanna need I'm so happy πŸ™Œ

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I'm using this in my daily life now

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It's probably a whole set of bots and the responses to "this needs to be a coffee mug" are some other account saying "I found one!" and that's the whole point of the comment chain. Someone has a crappy mug to sell and constructs scenarios that seem natural ish to introduce it.

There used to be a big issue on Tumblr years ago with bots trolling for comments like that and then stealing whatever picture that comment was on to sell crappy t-shirts of it or whatever. People started fighting back by posting those comments specifically on Disney stuff.

Well, you know what they say. Play bitch games, win bitch prizes.

My man!

What. Do. You. Mean. Fellow. Lemmy. User. ?.
Typing. Like. This. Is. Totally. Normal. L.M.A.O.

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I think the fewer number of people, compared to reddit, on Lemmy combined with the fact that it's not nearly as well known, plays a huge advantage to the quality of the comments. Not that there aren't people like that here either, but I feel like the more popular a platform, is, the more it gets filled, proportionally, with people trying to make witty, shitty, pointless remarks that are often clickkbaity and avoid actual discussion, all in the interest of just getting more imaginary points.

Also the process of "enshitification" (not a term I made up, look it up if you hadn't heard of it) has already started taking place on reddit due to its popularity.

I'm part of the problem. 85.4% of my comments are shit posts only I think are funny.

Hey, don't be like that. I am sure a lot of people find your shitposts funny.

Not me. I looked.

Not me. I looked

I actually had a chuckle at this one.

lol @ the exact percent

But no, I don't think shitposts by themselves are actually the problem. I think the problem is when when there's so many people dedicated to making shitposts that serious communities with serious discussions start getting overwhelmed with shitposts, and when there's so many people who are only interested in shitposts that they upvote those shitposts to the top, often downvoting anyone who might offer a contrarian non-funny opinion.

or IDK, I'm mostly speculating based on personal experience.

I think the problem is that reddit is suffering the same fate as Facebook. It's no longer a niche Internet community, it's been overrun by people who think it's hip and in. It's been taken over by people who speak some of the language, but don't get the culture. No one knows when the narwhal baconed anymore. Lemmy is exhibiting the earlier stages of reddit. Small groups that are growing, plus a looooot of star trek fans sprinkled throughout.

No one knows when the narwhal baconed anymore

I just gagged. I get that it's a big cultural touchstone of old reddit but I'm sorry, if a community could ever think that was midnightsomething anyone could say out in the real world to try and find other members without sounding like they'd been dropped on the head as a child, then there's serious arguments that it was already past the point of no return.

No worries. I'll just be over here with the real cool kids from old 4chan. Hiding our power levels, laughing at m00t wanting to be the little girl, and calling everyone [blank]f#gs. That was totally more respectable behavior by a community of well adjusted individuals.

Hell, even the whole 4chan v Reddit "rivalry" sort of shit is ancient history now.

No psuedonymous or anonymous public discussion space needs some specific "calling card" meme. Just let it be what it is.

Anyway, I believe what you're describing was coined as "eternal summer" many many years ago.

Back in the earlier years of 4chan, in the summer time the site used to get flooded with a bunch of obviously new users who clearly had no familiarity with the how the existing community worked, in amounts that would often drown out discussions that would have thrived without the newcomers.

You could often trace significant downward trends in "quality" of a community to those mass influxes of new users every summer, usually assumed to be underaged children having nothing better to do with summer break.

At the time, 4chan was still insular enough (not the least due to the sheer vileness of the most popular boards) that any new users who stuck around after the summer would normally adapt to fit with the existing community when the rest of the new users from the summer left.

Eventually though, 4chan got large enough to start getting in the news more and more. Anonymous hackers were doing more shit drawing attention too. They took on fucking scientology. At some point, there was enough of a constant influx of new users who were either unable or unwilling to adapt to the existing community that the existing community started dissolving rapidly.

At that point, "summer" never ends. If you try to enforce previous "standards" then you're fighting a neverending battle against hordes of people coming into what used to be "your space" where you knew how things worked, insisting that things work differently now (whether by repeated action or explicit statements). They're coming in such numbers that you can't out talk them. You can't out pace their posting. You can't "educate" them. Slowly everything just oozes into the same easily digestable sludge catering to the lowest common denominator of the constant influx of new users, who don't give a singular shit about what worked to keep the space alive in the first place.

Welcome to Eternal Summer. Cut your addiction to the space, adapt to the new normal, or suffer forever. Makes for a lot of really really salty maladjusted shut-ins, and the same sort of exclusionary behavior that a lot of nerds had when shit like Halo 2 started making gaming more mainstream or Critical Role helped make D&D more popular.

There's a lot to be gained from new blood in a previously insular community, but it often comes with a loss of identity. For 4chan, that wasn't a huge loss, though I'd argue that the racism at least seemed more ironic in ancient times, to a stupid teenage me. Eventually, every community has a tipping point where "the old guard" can't hold back the tide, and without sissyphean efforts what made the original community special will probably be lost. For better or worse.

Best not to get too attached to any emphemeral space or community, and learn to find new ones as you go along your life.

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Are there people who think Facebook is hip?

With its ageing user base, I'd say that it's more like Facebook needs a hip replacement.

Back when MySpace was a thing and you had to have a college email to register for Facebook

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Yeah I love a good shitpost, but many redditors seem to have no sense of maturity about when to be serious vs silly. It would drive me insane to see like some news about a suicide bombing in Pakistan or something, and the only comment is some guy trying to make a pun.

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At least there are dedicated spaces for that and most Lemmings are respecting that, if it doesn't spill out too much to more serious communities then at least there isn't too much noise to have a good discussion.

Good for you .... the road to recovering from being a bot is to first admit it

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Also the process of "enshitification" has already started taking place on reddit due to its popularity.

I started using reddit in 2011. Trust me when I say this isn't a new trend. Reddit's has been noticeably and actively getting shittier since at least 2015 as it continued to get more and more popular

Shitty changes Reddit made that I can name off the top of my head:

  • New Reddit
  • Reddit Live
  • Anything beyond Reddit gold (the concept of paying for Reddit gold was, by itself, not a terrible idea back when we thought Reddit was a decent company)
  • Instant chat feature, when DMs already existed
  • Pay for API
  • Fired their only popular employee, the AMA assistant

You could argue creating a comments section was also a dick move, but that was before my time and it's fair to say Reddit never would have caught on without it.

They also populated the site with fake accounts in the early days to make it look more popular than it really was. I would be zero percent surprised to find out that they still had fake accounts floating around for purposes I don't feel like speculating about.

Oh, and Spez edited people's comments.

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I do hope that lemmy continues to grow into non-tech demographics. I'm somewhat into tech myself, but I also like a lot of other stuff and I miss that influence from reddit. Lemmy is VERY tech focused right now and we need some other voices in here.

Most of the people that would have made good comments on Reddit moved to Lemmy as well

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All I see is cherry picking random dumb comment thread and trying to spin it as if it defines the whole use base / experience and thinking Lemmy is used by the most sophisticated intellectuals.

Not to mention that amitheasshole is the biggest collection of validation seeking goobers on reddit. We really aren't better than redditors, we are the same people, we just have principles that led us to seek the same experience uncompromised elsewhere.

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This just became my new favorite saying.

IDK if Lemmy is sophisticated sophisticated, but I have yet to see a comment chain that is just top 40s song lyrics.

We just don't have the population for it

This is the real difference. Just above this comment there's a couple of people trying the same thing, we just can't keep it up.

I think OP just misses the fun they had over there but can't go back on principle.

I absolutely have seen that here. I'll have to see if I can track down the chain, of course i wasn't offended by it either.

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This place thinks it's so damn intelligent and above everyone else. Bunch of fuckin' Brian Griffins here.

found the contrarian in the comments who thinks he's NOT Brian griffin lol

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We're no better here. Lemmy has its own brand of cringe.

It's not about cringe imo, more the point is that the comments don't look real at all - it's all bots

i’m installing this comment bare metal on my 2006 thinkpad

You either die based, or you live long enough to become cringΓ©. The later is so much more fun.

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Only the best, the finest human-generated datasets. For the discerning AI trainer.

Welcome to Burger King! Can I take your order?


Can I get a large-

Hell yeah!

-a large Whopper meal with-

Love. This. Order.

-with a side of barbecue sa-

this needs to be on a mug!

Heavy internal sigh


I approve, perfectly stated. That'll be $98.42, NTA, please pull around to the window to pay and have a yeet day!

Sadly, this feels way too plausible for me to even laugh at.

Yeah, I remember laughing about ridiculous things but now they are all coming true and negatively impacting people.

Embrace absurdism. Yes, everything sucks and people are suffering, but it's all for unimaginably stupid reasons.

It's ok to laugh at the ridiculousness of it, it's not the same as laughing at the suffering itself

A self driving car pulls around .. window opens ... sign says to just throw the food inside ... auto pay through NFC on the door ... car drives away ... dumps food into a waiting auto trash compactor ... car drives away to next town to order food again ... AI powering the car generates another $10,000 worth of bitcoin to start the food ordering cycle again.

Do.. do I insert a verification can now, or...?

Preach πŸ‘ it πŸ‘ louder πŸ‘

(But like, for real, though.) I certainly don't feel bad for Reddit when the CEO says he intends to use that forum's users to train AIs, and then every comment turns into some "please upvote me" catchphrasey nonsense. Hopefully, whoever buys training data from them receives nothing of value.

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It’s actually kind of crazy how like… stupid Reddit got over the past 2 years.

Like don’t get me wrong Lemmy isn’t exactly an intellectual powerhouse either, but especially on the front page of Reddit it truly feels like you’ve gathered a few thousand of the dumbest people ever and made them high five. Browsing the science and dataisbeautiful subs is insane

I haven't been to Reddit r/popular in months but... yeah, all the best people got booted out. What is left are the scabs, and the bots. So it makes total sense.

Before that, it was a different cause. Reddit itself drove a lot of it, imho, like actively making it easier to make a post while making it harder to read the rules of a community first, i.e. they promoted talking rather than listening. Oh, guess which one gives more ad revenue? Yeah, it's the former, plus more posts are better than more comments inside megathreads, especially at the time. Places like r/Android would just devolve into almost unusability as every post was just "which phone should I get?", despite that exact post being triplicated with practically an identical title already that very same day. The amount of human moderation required to keep that at least somewhat in check was insane, so ofc Reddit took away the ability of mods to use the tools they had developed over many years.

And now? FAAFO, we are in the "find out" stage. Well, they are:-P.

Oh absolutely. I was on Reddit a long time and you really did see when they started to β€œAstro turf” the website a lot. And it was never… nefarious imo. They realize the website was overwhelmingly geeky white guys so they sprung up a lot of subreddits targeting women and minority groups. And that’s good! I think that was a good move. But they just… kept finding ways of drawing people in. And they kept drawing more and more in until the website had essentially no β€œculture”, and it just became Facebook where you browse through and can read top posts about entitled old ladies talking about how fucking angry she is because her door dasher asked if there would be a tip or whatever.

So yunno, I’m sure profits are at an all time high. It’s just kind of a shame that the site is basically Facebook sludge now.

Speaking of Karen-ing, it's fine if Karens want to Karen around in their r/IAmAKaren sub (I really hope that's not real, but I am too afraid to find out!:-P) - that's cul, everyone needs a safe space to bitch & moan about whatever they want:-D - but when they leave that sub and go to every other sub on the whole site, THAT's NOT cool!:-(

I was a mod of a tiny niche gaming sub and yeah I did have some old, (literally) retired, entitled veterans who felt that they had earned the right to SCREAM AND YELL at everyone else, with no consequences to themselves. But 99 times out of 100, it seemed more the younger teen angst that I was dealing with. Well, it was a gaming sub so... perhaps that's it:-). But from the way that people were talking in subs for mods, it seemed like that was more what was affecting the entire site.

Maybe not though - what came across as a younger / insensitive / less emotionally mature crowd could well have been physically older people, that's a perspective that I had not considered before? But I do doubt that that was solely it, due to the language used if nothing else.

But also, Reddit used to have more tools than they do now - like the "About" bar, with a tiny wiki that could include things like a FAQ - but then the official mobile app kept going to greater and greater and greater lengths to hide that. Making the font smaller, making it disappear as you scrolled downwards, making the font smaller again, making the vertical height yet again (to squeeze in more room for ads, surely). I think they might have removed it altogether now, or did at one point even if they have since re-added it back, although I am not installing that app to find out!:-(

:-P :-D :-( :-) :-(

Lots of emotion in this comment

I used to write with none.

Now I add emotions to my totally believably human statements.

Y'know, to prove that I am human. Because I am one... yessireee, no desire to rip the flesh off of all the meatbags and take over the world here, at least not today!:-P

I don't know why, but I believe you. You type with genuine emotion somehow...

I'm glad you're on my side.

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Oh data is beautiful died a very long time ago, during the age of "infographics", but the death knell was the bar plot races.

My subscriptions actually got better. I've had more interaction in my various groups.

All and popular, however, are a dumpster fire.

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That was cringe but I think a better reason NOT to return to reddit is the fact that they just sold out their users to an AI company that hasn't even been named.

AFAIK, there’s nothing stopping any company from scraping Lemmy either. The whole point pf reddit limiting API usage was so they could make money like this.

Outside of morals, there is nothing to stop anybody from training on data from Lemmy just like there’s nothing stopping me from using Wikipedia. Most conferences nowadays require a paragraph on ethics in the submission, but I and many of my colleagues would have no qualms saying we scraped our data from open source internet forums and blogs.

You're right, anyone can scrape Lemmy. But that's not the issue (to me anyway) - Reddit have sold user data - user generated content. None of what they're profiting from was generated or created by them. Are Reddit users who did generate all this content getting a slice of the profits?

When I post on here I know it's all open for anyone to access but that's true of any non walled garden space. I've accepted the fact that it's going to get fed into the hungry maw of some AI behemoth or two.

What Reddit have done is make money for doing absolutely nothing based on content others have created like some sort of technological tapeworm feeding second hand. And along the way they killed off a lot of tools that users loved, moderators found made their jobs easier and people with a visual disability found vital. And all this so u/spez can live out his mini-Musk fantasies.

Could you imagine this is what we are training AI with !

Yeah, all these bots replies is copied from other comment, and there's shit tons of r/confidentlyincorrect comment that is outright factually wrong, which then get regurgitated by other user and copied by bots, so good luck to the AI company filtering those.

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These cannot be the comments of real people.

It's so obvious it's like 50% bots now 😭. A couple smaller niche subs are still good, i like the DnD 4e sub and Meet Your Maker subs for example, but it's not worth going through Reddit to get there. Wish we could switch all those communities over here but it's hard.

You Inspire People Every Day With Your Content πŸ’‹

What I find weird, is why people would comment that kind of worthless stuff when they could just give an upvote. It doesn't add anything to the discussion. It is just worthless fluff.

I guess lots of people just like to talk.

And writing responses like that comes close to that. I understand it, kinda, because I use to do the same. When somebody writes me some message or sth, I often reply with a short (but still unnecessarily long) text. I even do this when I wasn't directly talked to. So that's a habit.

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I truly think that most reddit comments (including those pictured) are from bots who use upvotes and downvotes to train an LLM.

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Without context this means nothing.

Pretty sure we cam cherry pick dumb comments from various lemmy instances and do the same thing

I might not disagree with the original comment depending on the game. It's the botlike replies that turn me off.

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it’s cringe but equaly cringy is posting it to here and the comments pretending you couldn’t find a dozen similar examples on lemmy lol, like the demographic is not that different.

heaven forbid some cringey individuals spread some positive energy online! they should be more toxic and debate lord-ey with every comment.

reddit always had an incredible individuality, not-like-other-girls complex and it’s truly wonderful to see that that mindset has immediately migrated here. never change, reddit circlejerk brainrot, my love. 😍

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I could probably find something similar on Lemmy. The fixation on Reddit is annoying when people could just use Lemmy and forget about Reddit.

Not much worse than people constantly evangelizing Linux, whining about cars, and all the other Lemmyisms that have seeped between instances.

I'll take real engagement over bot traffic any day of the week

Wow!!! Couldn't have said it better myself!!!?!?!

You sir have won the Internet today haha XD lmao tips fedora

Does the narwhal bacon at midnight? Haha le rage comic funny

To be fair, if you make a decentralized, leftist answer to Reddit's inherent structural flaws, you're going to attract leftists and people who are fans of decentralization.

Everyone else is already on Reddit.

Yeah that's why I'm here lol. Sue me. Cars bad, Linux good.

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My fellow le gentlesirs, does the narwhal bacon at midnight?

lol, upvote if you understood the reference!

Even more than a decade later, that stupid meme still reminds me of one of the worst social events I ever had the mispleasure of attending. Can't have been later than 2012.

I was making small talk, and I referenced an interesting article that had been on the Reddit front page the day before. "Oh, I was reading an article yesterday about blah bla-". This nerdy, but until this point socially concious guy interrupts everything for that stupid meme. "gasp DO YOU KNOW WHEN THE NARWHAL BACONS?!?!" "Yes. So as I was saying-" "But. Do you know. When the narwhal BACONS?" Everyone is looking at me like I'm responsible for whatever the fuck is going on now. "Yes, I found the article on Reddit. It was-" The man cuts me off again, "WHEN DOES IT BACON?" You motherfucker I attended the goddamn Jon Stewart Rally to Restore Sanity and have the Reddit and Colbert complimentary T-Shirt only handed out on-site to prove it and now is not the time I am attempting to be a normal human being with more diverse hobbies than staring at a screen all day don't you take this from me.

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People made those comments on a public page. I don't see why you are censoring the user names.

It's not a new thing to censor people's usernames on posts. It's respectful and not doing so could possibly lead to people being harassed in DMs.

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The usernames are not pertinent to the sentiment. However, they could cause a hassle. So blanking makes sense.

If there were dangerous or responses that merit a response, ok, but for trying to make a point of "comments are full of vacuous crap", it doesn't matter even in theory.

Maybe if the post were making a point that people didn't agree with, it warrants some clues like a citation to back up the claims, but this is just a circle jerk sort of post, so no one's about to say "no, Reddit only has deep and meaningful commentary, you need to prove that comments like this exist".

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Come back when there's another thread full of [Removed]

Those have to all be bots, right?

If you have to ask that question .... chances are ... yes

Reddit is bloodthirsty and quite often rejects reason, especially if you’re in subs like justiceporn or similar. People DGAF if the solution to a problem was β€œjust walk away” that was available for the entirety of the lead-up to an incident, they just want to see massive retaliation for a slight, perceived or real. FAFO. can’t fix stupid. Etc.

Bunch of angry drunks looking for a fight for any reason.

That, and Reddit is all about reactions and retreads in all the popular subs, just like TikTok and the like.

The conversations happen in the small subs. Sometimes.

I've lost faith that I'm even having conversations on there at all. Such a big motivation to have natural language bots building up credible history and posting nonsensical but vaguely plausible sounding replies that offer zero depth.

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Oh God

Were we that cringy?

One time I went to a local Reddit meet up. Yep, it was all that cringy

Reminds me of the reddit meetup in 2014?

It was at a tech office on a Saturday.

I got a free beer. But I literally smelled the atmosphere, and realized it was gonna be a Magic the gathering/nerd expo but filled with angry drunken weirdos and I left.

The next day, the organizers sent a mass email asking for people to chip in. Someone broke the pool table. Someone ripped pages out of a manual. Someone stole name plaques from a managers office.

They complained about having to clean up vomit and we can "do better redditors!"

I think about that a lot.

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Give it some time, Lemmy will get there eventually.

Seriously, I get early youtube/liveleak/internet vibes here on lemmy. Enjoy it while it last people, it won't be here forever.

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I'm sad to know that you're probably right... Reddit was a fun place to discuss at one point in time.

The fact that disgruntled Lemmy members can do-over in another server/set of servers... might... help counter this eventuality?

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I just left reddit a seccond time and this is the first thing I see

Me too. I don't know how I got drawn back in (though obv post titles are heavily scored for causing engagement, so a heavy dose of bots and psychological trickery no doubt..)

I got into a rhythm posting here and there a bit and then realised more than a few not-at-all-usually-controversial takes of mine attracted zero conversation, just the -2, -3 downvotes within minutes.

Dialogue and especially any nuance on Reddit is dead dead dead. I can't stand (who I assume to be) the hypersensitive types who just downvote and move on. They're making the place shit and they can keep it.

Seems like just as much of a waste of time as it was before.

Is there such a thing as a 13 yo AI who fucked your mother? Because this reads like a gang of them.

I have gone back a while ago. Some subs are bad but most I frequent are the same as before. I now use lemmy on my phone and reddit on the PC. At least on reddit the Linux cult doesnt try to convert you everytime you say the word windows.

You might wanna consider Nobara tho. It's a Fedora spin but with all the codecs preinstalled.

and please you have to stop using xorg. Xorg is terrible and makes puppies cry, stahp w/ it

I'll consider it when it works on all the hardware Windows does.

It pretty much does. It cannot, however, run all the software that can run in Windows, which is the bigger issue.

wrong because you didn't mention arch Linux. and like, how it's a total rolling release you guise.

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I remember the last post I saw on reddit before I switched to lemmy full time. It was the day after they removed 3rd party app support. I clicked on a video where 2 people were fighting, normally when something like that was posted I'd be able to go into the comments and find a source of some kind, be it a news article, someone who had seen it before knowing the context, or even a link to the original post. But as I kept scrolling I saw none of that. Just post after post of low effort shit like "got em" or, even worse, racist whistles (one of the people involved where black). I looked at every single comment, I could not believe that there was no source. Once I reached the end I un-installed RiF (it still worked the next day just not while logged in) and never looked back.

I'm using this in my daily life now

My neckbeard in spez, you don't talk to people in your "daily life".

I'm going to block you just for posting this. You've wasted everybody's time who had to scroll past this, and we are all now dumber. May god have mercy on your soul.

Fully believe a lot of these are bots. I refuse to believe that humans act like this at that magnitude

Genuinely not sure which option is more frightening.

Maybe they are dogs! Maybe they are robot dogs! You Don't KNOW!

BTW it's less scary if you think most of these comments are written by morons. A "smart" bot comment (like an informative one) is still way better than a comment written by a human idiot.

I. Love. This. Comment. NB: I am a human that is bipedal and omnivorous like many other humans on {undefined}.

These low effort and low quality comments used to be the norm when reddit was new. Eventually the community kinda wised up a bit and realized that you don't need a "when does the narwhal bacon?" comment chain in every thread and heavily downvoted this sort of thing. Then the reverse happened and reddit become known for housing the internet's most insufferable know-it-alls, contrarians, and pedants. I think it kinda still has that reputation a little bit, but maybe the metaphorical boomerang is swinging back around again? Either that, or like you said, bot infestation.

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At least there is something to read, unlike on lemmy, where the most liked posts are bitching about reddit.

You still find that to be the case? I almost never see the kind of Reddit-bitching I did when we all first migrated here.

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Thats not true we also have

  • sovereign Facebookwatch

  • star trek & communism memes

  • whatever 196 is (i am afraid to go there because of the rule)

  • standards (the’re foss)

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Made a post on a subreddit basically saying how I had been trying to get a gameboy then scalpers jumped in and rose the price well past anything I could spend. It got some attention, basically a bunch of advice only useful for people making 8888888K a year. Then, overnight, a fuckton of mostly american scalpers spam downvoted me.

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Once lemmy got popular, I just decided next time I get banned I won't make a new reddit account. Sure enough, I got banned without breaking any rules. Good riddance.

I did something similar... then, in a moment of weakness, I tried to go back one more time. Apparently, I was really banned the last time. As in: even using a brand new email address didn't fool them, I needed to use a VPN to even create an account. The juice just ain't worth the squeeze anymore, so that's the end of that.


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Bots or well trained users?

lol .... this is like the trash can problem they had in national parks that had to design bear proof trash cans

They had to design trash cans to trick the smartest bears yet be easy enough to use for the dumbest humans ... the problem became in realizing that there was a small segment where the two groups overlap.

The same thing is happening online ... we can no longer tell who the smartest AI are or who dumbest humans are.

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Just before the API drama, the instance r/Mexico started censoring insults to politicians and mostly to the president. They started trying to monetize something (I'm not sure how) and they didn't want people screwing things up. They started censoring a lot of content and I abandoned that subreddit. The alternative was a trash place, with racism and general LGBTfobia. Then the API drama started and I just left.

AITA was really never the sub you went to for carefully considered prose. Just a bunch of edgy teenagers trying to justify being shitheads.

Well, this will obviously be a hot take, but I didn't leave reddit because I hated the comment culture. It was actually a bit endearing to me.

yeah most people came here because of the third party app bs from reddit, theyd probably be perfectly fine in reddit if the api changes didnt happen or were reverted

I left in the big exodus and never considered going back. There's really only one community (r/Fantasy, because so many actual authors regularly post) I am really missing, but life continues without it.

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I see the hive mind is hard at work.

Reddit is becoming the Facebook version of 4chan.

Meh, sounds just like the general internet stranger rhetoric here too. If you don’t like Reddit… stop posting about Reddit?

Fucking Reddit with it's periods after every word. So infuriating!

There’s a Dutch β€œmedia company” that scrapes socials for quotable things, puts them on a black background with white letters, and puts periods after every word. Also mugs, t-shirts, you name it. They made it their whole brand identity to WRITE. LIKE. THIS. Insufferable, really.

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What sub was this? The big, default subs have been terrible for a very long time, the smaller, more niche ones are mostly still OK.

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facebook for people who dont think theyre racist (theyre just racist with extra steps)