Oklahoma proposal would make watching porn a felony, ban sexting outside marriage

_number8_@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 940 points –
Oklahoma proposal would make watching porn a felony, ban sexting outside marriage

this country is so fucking cool


Cool. Let's see the legislature's browser histories.

Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, loves talking about his creepy spy app he and his son have on their phone that alerts the other if they visit naughty sites. So the writers of this proposal and all that vote for it would be happy to put the same program on their devices and computers, right? And tie that straight to a public feed we can all see? Great Great.

See when I read this story it isn't really that bad.

They believe porn is bad and use the app to keep each other accountable. I don't really have an issue with that. You do you.

But when they start trying to enforce that view through the government it's obviously not okay.

Aside from it being creepy as hell to do that with your son (who probably didn't have a say in the matter) this is a massive national security risk. Spyware on a Congress member's phone? Not a great idea.

I'm imagining they have government issued phones and private phones. The government issued one for sure wouldn't be allowed to have that shit on it.

That sounds reasonable and so it's probably not even remotely close to what actually happens.

The craziest thing about the Hillary Clinton private email server was not that she had it, but that her predecessors also used private email for government stuff as Secretary of State. Not a one-off, but the norm. Absolutely nuts.

I severely doubt they can install it on government equipment.

Can you imagine that IT request?

"In having trouble installing this app on my phone. It's so my phone can be remotely monitored to make sure I'm not looking at porn."

"Could you just not try to look at porn on that phone?"

“Sir, you have a federal government IT department. Which federal agency do you want to tell your family if you watch porn? Don’t worry they already monitor your personal devices too.”

Do you think Congress has the digital literacy and self discipline to keep separate phones and actually keep business separate between them?

Wasn't it just recently that a congressman was found hoarding gold bars? What phone do you think he negotiated those from?

“Putin needs to make sure I’m not watching gay porn.”

It's creepy because it's his son, and he clearly is only doing it to control his kid.

You think the dad doesn't have a second device that's dedicated to wanking?

How dare you demand him by suggesting he has a masturbation phone.

It's a Grindr phone...

Which only feeds his toxicity as no one on Grindr wants anything to do with this PoS.

I don't have a problem between 2 consenting adults but monitoring a parent is creepy and weird. It's likely a case of him trying to set an example and prove he too is compliant, to his son, but it's just weird.

Just watched the Duggar documentary. This is shit they "voluntarily" do. If you don't, you'll likely suffer the ire of the elders and people in power.

And, as we learned from that same documentary, it's pretty easy to get around it. If that homeschooled sicko Josh can figure out how to partition his devices, I'm guessing plenty of others have figured it out, too.

I don't have a problem with their abstaining from porn, having personal feelings about its value or morality, or even using each other to remain accountable. I do think it's a little dumb to put spyware on your device intentionally and to share with your child when you accidentally fall to temptation exactly what sort of smut you enjoyed. But that's all them. Not my problem.

As you said the problem is when you're legislating to restrict others from something you have a personal issue with, particularly when that thing is completely personal. So if they're going to butt their way into the personal habits or desires of the general public, surely they have no problem sharing their own habits and desires with the public in return. And, in real time. I want to see what senators are jerking it to on their potty break during session.

creepy spy app

The only thing that spy app is making them do, is hiding a second phone from everyone. Guarantee it.

I'm sorry, I didn't know we lived under Sharia Law.

It's hilarious and ironic that Christian nationalists hate sharia law whilst wanting their own brand enacted.

They don't hate sharia law because it's abhorrent. They hate sharia law because it's not Christian based.

But the differences are slight. Maybe won't go as far down the oppression of women rabbit hole, but not for lack of trying. Merely because, I hope, our society is to far past that for them to drag us back that far.

Merely because, I hope, our society is to far past that for them to drag us back that far.

These women in Iran just before the Islamic Revolution in 1979 probably thought they were too far past it, too.

And guess which country caused that revolution...

Iran. Even if the British and American interference was abhorrent, an Islamic Fascist state wasn't the only alternative they had.

Putting all the agency (and therefore responsibility) in imperial powers is also a form of imperialism.

Iran caused that revolution. They were fed up with a leader seen as a western puppet so they replaced him with religious extremist.

Everyone says "that'll never happen" and then it does.

Inaction means suffering. Apathy is death.

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Sex dick? Really Oklahoma? Are you guys OK?

They want to ban porn because it might tempt those who desperately want to be one of the straights.

But seriously, that congressman is so scared of being gay that they want everyone else to give up porn so they won't be challenged by easy dick.

Those poor, lonely Alaskans.

I'm in Wyoming. There's only ten of us here. The goth search was mine. The rest didn't bother with PornHub after I explained that "bear sex" wasn't going to give them the result they were expecting.

Idaho's "dildo ride" absolutely tracks. I have been wearing a Bad Dragon cap for weeks (it's an amazing hat) and it was a ~50 year old woman on the Idaho side of the mountain who recognized the logo.

EDIT: I am not joking. The caps are sick.


Damn, that IS a killer hat. Almost tempted to get one myself. But having no other actual affiliation with BD, it would make things super, super awkward once someone actually recognizes the logo.

Just smile, wink and walk away. I don't own any of their proper products but I wasn't going to pass up on a hat that nice, at that price.

I mean it can get them the result they're expecting if they use the furry tag.

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Nudist for Oregon and Sensual Sex for Washington make the PNW seem so wholesome and well adjusted. I wonder what BC is.

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*Sees people in Indiana search for 'chubby.'*

*Looks around.*

Yep, that tracks.

Is the car sex in Arizona because it's taboo to touch anything on the inside of a car in the summer? Like instead of the thrill of maybe getting caught that exhibitionists get, it's the danger of accidentally burning yourself on the metal clasp of a seat belt?

Wtf North Dakota. I refuse to believe there are multiple people up there typing "loud wet sex" into their search bars.

Shout out to Colorado. I'm wondering why Ohio's is "small dick" lol.

I live in CO and a guy once (well, several times for months) told me I should be a dominatrix, not realizing my disdain was mostly exclusive to him, not men in general, but now I'm thinking I missed out on a lucrative career option. Well dang.

Is it ever too late to cash in on being a dominatrix?

No, I'm asking for real; I have no idea.

I'm not actually sure, but I'll be 40 this year and I'm tired. I think I'd just end up being like, "yeah you were super bad, disobeying me and shit, your punishment is to fold the 4 loads of laundry I haven't dealt with this week." Also, there are a lot of things that can be dangerous in the hands of an amateur, and while I'm not opposed to hurting someone who wants it, I wouldn't feel comfortable until I'd done a lot of training and practice, and ehhhh. I'd rather do other things these days.

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You know what, New Mexico, not gonna tease you, you’ve got a high native population and it probably does suck rarely seeing folks that look like you in porn. Same for you Hawaii.

Actually I feel like in a less sympathetic way Indiana gets the same treatment.

Actually looking at their other stats are shocking. Like I’m actually really surprised with how much lesbian content blows other searches out of the water women are significantly more likely to search it than men. Same for trans porn.

Also props to milfs for being the number 2 search term. Mom bods really are having their day

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That guy watches so much porn

I don't want to engage in slander, but just extrapolating from previous conservative projection, that guy has a 15 year-old Honduran boy chained in his laundry room.

Let's take bets on who's getting caught first! Drag queens or some god-fearing dude??

Don't pretend for a second itll actually be enforced against the in group

Everyone involved in pushing this law should be barred from working in government, and fined for wasting our time.

Just let them pass it then search their browser history. You know the only reason they're so concerned about it is they're ball's deep into it.

I wish I didn't live in my COMMUNIST blue state where I can freely watch porn, read books, receive healthcare, feed hungry kids, breath clean air, turn around in driveways without getting shot and an abortion if I or my 10 year old daughter gets RAPED! I would MUCH rather live in a Red State where it's only legal to shoot homeless people, go to church and breath fumes from the coal plant next door unless it gets too cold and I freeze to death!

I agree with most of this, but don't act like your healthcare is enough if you live in the US.

This guy is nuttier than squirrel shit. Total christofascist.


Besides banning porn, he wants to ban no-fault divorce, and ban abortion with no exceptions. He called COVID vaccines a"mark of the beast", called for the jailing of Fauci, and the virus was engineering by Bill Gates to decrease population.

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FREEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOM 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟

I mean they are gonna be free to kill homeless people. That's gotta count for something.

Also, wonder how this will impact the incest porn scene.

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Taking bets on how long it takes (not if, but when) this man is hacked and found to be absorbed in the exact thing he's trying to ban.

This should be called the “Methinks Thou Dost Protest Too Much” Rule.

Small government right?

Small enough to sneak into people's private lives.

Funny how they paint the Muslim theocracy as the devil and proceed to do exactly the same without any of them batting an eye

If it wasn't for the whole "brown people" thing, a LOT of folks in the US would love to do Sharia Law.

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What is wrong with Americans?

They write articles about a bill some whacko proposed that has no chance of passing (and would be struck down in 5 minutes on first amendment grounds of it did) and pearl clutchers act like it's the end of the world. Have you seen The People vs Larry Flint? That took place 60 years ago. This shit is nothing new.

The whacko still found his way into that position.

There's 47 state senators in Oklahoma. You're bound to get a stinker every now and then.

47/4000,000, not all that many realistically. You'd think you could find 47 sane people.

I think you'd struggle to find 47 sane people who want to work in state government

a bill some whacko proposed that has no chance of passing

A lot of the craziest shit in the lawbooks were things some whacko proposed "that has no chance of passing".

and would be struck down in 5 minutes on first amendment grounds of it did

Current SCOTUS precedent is that the First Amendment does not protect porn if it contains "obscenity". Specifically, any porn can be banned if it:

  1. Makes people uneasy
  2. Includes offensive sexual conduct - as decided by state law (?!?)
  3. "lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value"

It's called the Miller Test

Notice the wording used in the proposed law. It's already been pre-considered to have a solid chance of surviving a SCOTUS appeal. And the current SCOTUS wouldn't dream of overriding Conservative jurisprudence.

pearl clutchers act like it’s the end of the world

Unfortunately, this is the type of anti-reactionary discussion that led to us being genuinely surprised when Roe v Wade got overturned. Clarence Thomas used the opportunity to signal that he would like to overturn Obergefell and Griswold as well. And he 100% has Barrett on his side and almost certainly has Kavanaugh. That means all he has to do is elbow Gorsuch and suck off Roberts and porn (and sex toys) could be illegal in some states, working towards a federal ban.

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Gen z, millennials, and The Gays. /S.

Edit: sorry I forgot the The Blacks, and Hunter Bidens Laptop.

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Proof once again these delusional religious people need to fuck off.

So what do you think? How many of the politicians pushing for this are sexting with children?

That's the thing.... The bill is for 18+. What they are doing is funnelling sex fiends to the children their cabal sells. Epstein lives through celebrities and politicians.

Sadly that's probably true.

I love watching our clueless citizens just allow this descent into fascism. Who knew it would be as simple as just not teaching kids what the word means.

The bill, set to be introduced next month by state Sen. Dusty Deevers (R-Elgin), would prohibit consuming or producing sexual content that “lacks serious literary, artistic, educational, political, or scientific purposes or value” in any medium.

Ok then, every piece of sexual content I produce or consume is in political protest of this specific bill. That should hold up in court. Bust one for Dusty!

He's just mad because he was born old. When they did the cracker jack at his fraternity, he could only season the cracker with a shot of of ol dusty.


You're telling me that "Hentai is art" is a legal defense to this law, then?

This should be turned around like what was done with Rick Santorum (Santorum. Def: "the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex.")

Back at the beginning of Google-bombing, this was one of the early incredibly successful campaigns. This one wasn't a neologism, but was another one that should be remembered just in case the ghoul Ann Coulter ever reemerges: I fucked Ann Coulter in the ass - hard.

We just need a good one for Dusty Deevers.

How about - Deever: The bifurcation of the urine stream out of the male sex organ

It plays on the sound of diverge, and is absolutely a thing people would want a word for. It will grow naturally as groups of dudes laughingly complain about it. And I bet old skeever deever will hate it.

would prohibit consuming or producing sexual content that “lacks serious literary, artistic, educational, political, or scientific purposes or value” in any medium.

So you get get around it with a whiteboard in the background that has a math equation on it. Kinda like you can get around the swimsuit ban on twitch if you have an inflatable pool with water in it in the background.

Maybe someone over there is watching porn for the story and is simply trying to ban porn without it. And I agree, I can't take it seriously if I don't understand my stepmoms motivation and background.

You're gonna sit here and act like the stepsisters opinion doesn't even matter? WHAT IF SHE GETS STUCK?

... Im starting to understand the importance of the proposed legislation. Maybe we need a government agency to officially rank/score porn by the plot quality. Maybe a system like RottenTomatoes (RottenAssholes?).

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Okay, now we're going to learn about the numbers with Lana and Kelly Roses. First Kelly will count with me to 10...1, 2,....7, 8,9 and 10!.. oh my God! I just wanna count so much! Oh my God, I'm gonna count! Img gonna count!

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Does Oklahoma not have any real problems going on lol?

They do, and things like this are intended to get their voting base to vote for them without having to run any real policies to fix real issues because that would make it more expensive for their donor base.

God I lm glad I live in a blue state.

Backwardass motherfuckers.

They'll move to the federal level soon enough. Have you met the current Speaker?

This is in response to all male Republicans feeling terribly inadequate after seeing Hunter Biden's hog (thank you MTG!). I'm sure they all think the only way to please a woman is to have a large unit. lol.

What is this comment for? What is the end goal? Also, what the fuck do we have to gain from hunter politically? He's not elected. It didn't matter when they started crying about it and it doesn't fucking matter now.

I don't think Hunter matters in the slightest. That some of our federal officials are still bringing Hunter dong shots to put into the congressional record and display on poster boards is a thing worth noting and sharing awareness of.

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And for repeat offenders, we can give them life sentences. We'll call it the "three strokes law".

What happens when they get off?

They put you in front of the bukkake firing squad. No last meal requests because you should be pretty full by the end.

i dont understand how things like this can even be pushed to begin with.

It's like banning a word because it makes you think of things that are somewhat unpleasant.

United States in 2024:

Sexting outside of wedlock: Felony

The word moist: Right to jail.

Murdering homeless people on a whim: Encouraged.

he bill, set to be introduced next month by state Sen. Dusty Deevers (R-Elgin), would prohibit consuming or producing sexual content that “lacks serious literary, artistic, educational, political, or scientific purposes or value” in any medium.

Deevers, a Baptist pastor who was elected last year to represent a rural district that includes the tiny cities of Comanche (population under 1,400) and Elgin (about 3,700),

So some backwater representative is proposing something that will never go anywhere. I bet stupid bills like this are proposed weekly.

Why can't we have random proposals for "strip billionaires naked and give 90% of their money to homeless people"?

Because most candidates in both parties rely on the wealthy to fund their electoral race.

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They should produce a bunch of political pornography about "Dirty Dusty."

I guess his congregation didn't tithe enough to him so he wants them locked up and found that politics was a much more lucrative grift.

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Have you not been paying attention to the laws that red states have been passing for the last decade?

Sure, it'll probably be challenged in court, and if our judicial system isn't complete trash, it'll be repealed. But there's a very real chance it gets passed.

This is just a random proposal. It won't even make it to a point that it needs to go to a court. He's just some dude from a small district that has nothing to do.

I get that American politics are weird AF right now, but shit like this is just posted to get a reaction. When ultimately it might sit on a desk for a week before it ends up in the trash.

...I said almost the same thing about the random state abortion bans before Dobbs happened.

Boy did I have mud on my face for that one.

Yeah, but thats comparing a controversial Supreme Court issue that's been a hot topic for decades, to a sticks representative elected by 3000 votes filing some random shit that wont gain any traction.

You can see these dumb ass proposals filed all over in the real rural areas. Hell, you can see them also done higher populace areas for dumb political maneuvers. They know they will fail, but they can say they tried.

As I mentioned elsewhere, Justice Thomas wanted to overturn Ogberfell and Griswold in the discussion of Dobbs. There's a LOT of voices wanting to backpedal on porn. Oklahoma is just small enough to make one of those happen.

The real problem is that the wording (from the article) seems to have been vetted to survive SCOTUS. It's almost like they've done more work and spent more time and money than just the one rep who brought it up.

I can support that, I hate when they gloss over the storyline or when they’ve forgotten it by the end/don’t follow up how the sex impacted the world

I read this one book where this old guy saw a hooker on the road and paid her in some family heirlooms. A week later, he finds out his daughter-in-law (to his dead son) is pregnant, and he almost orders her death, but then she shows that she has the heirlooms. He was totally embarrassed and nothing else was said on the matter.

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Go for it, no one wants to live in fucking Oklahoma anyway, what a backwards shithole

Calm down, Carl. Some of us already live here and would prefer it if he didn't make it worse thanks.

You should have thought of that before you left Australia, Tom.

How entrenched is the problem? At what point would you leave the state?

It's Texas in my case, but in 5 years, the date my wife qualifies to retire with her full state (teachers) pension, we are getting the fuck out of here.

There’s no way that dude is not railing twinks every weekend.

I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but his doubtless moral hypocrisy is rustling like a loud chip bag in the movies.

They really want a christian theocracy. In 2024. Completely crazy.

Yallqaeda everyone.

They cry about Sharia law because they really want Bible law... It's fucking stone age bullshit, it's absolutely insane we're still dealing with this crap.

I'm not sure I've ever heard "Yallqaeda" before, but I think it's going straight into my lexicon.

Scariest part to me is the idea they create death panels.. sorry, felony sentencing panels... sorry, defining what is art and culture panels....

“lacks serious literary, artistic, educational, political, or scientific purposes or value”

How would the sexting one be enforced exactly ?

the obvious answer would be to do a 1984.

FBI already salivating about forcing Apple and Google for on-device monitoring and recording

Hmm makes you wonder. Could you release an app that was some game and as part of the user agreement you agreed that it can send any communication it wants? The apps sext with each other and you technically agreed to it.

The same way all these other proposed tech bans happen: they won't.

Oh baby girl, don't be naughty or they will make you pay

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I wonder how easily one could "discover" search and sext history for those backing this bill..... and accidently leaving it where their constituents could see how black that pot actually is.

Make America Gilead Again.

The bill, set to be introduced next month by state Sen. Dusty Deevers (R-Elgin), would prohibit consuming or producing sexual content that “lacks serious literary, artistic, educational, political, or scientific purposes or value” in any medium.

He's not trying to ban porn, it just all has to be like, my hot stepsister teaches me differential equations or slutty milf discusses Chaucer's use of metaphor.

Porn with a political purpose, so they are including language to cover Neanderthal Barby persistently showing stolen nudes of Hunter Biden to everyone she meets.

Unless she's also a close range ambush spear hunter I see no reason to slander our intelligent ancestors by comparing them to prominent republicans.

Everybody's saying this will never go anywhere, but y'all, as someone from Oklahoma, I wouldn't be surprised at all if this bill made it through. I mean yeah, it'd definitely be struck down in court if it did, but I could easily see it happening. 乁⁠(⁠ ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ

I don’t know anything about the states really, but this makes Oklahoma sound like a real shithole.

Let me guess: his wife caught him watching gay porn and since he is a good Christian he wants to save others from falling into the same trap? And now his wife is really proud of him?

The bill, set to be introduced next month by state Sen. Dusty Deevers (R-Elgin), would prohibit consuming or producing sexual content that “lacks serious literary, artistic, educational, political, or scientific purposes or value” in any medium.

Let's get back to the golden era of porn with some good story telling, step bro.

Nearly all of my porn viewing is scientific in nature so I guess is still be okay....

Oklahoma is a garbage pot

These people are fucking insane, what the hell. Right wingers will tell you stories about sharia law and how they want to come to other countries and enforce said sharia law, and how that is bad (rightly so).

Yet here they are, advocating for y'all queda's version of sharia law. Fuck these christofascist stochastic terrorists

Just put a candidate endorsement in porn to make it political.

Sen. Dusty Deevers just can't stop thinking about breasts, and yummy penises, and... won't someone help him? Won't the legislature pass a law keeping his hands in the open and off his crotch? Anyone, pass a law!

""We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

Time for the citizens of OK to speak up.

Edit: https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript

Brought to you be the people scaremongering about the threat of Sharia law.

🌈Freedom and small government

We should all consider the meta of the situation as well, with an upcoming Republican candidate election, and the need to drive people out to the voting booth.

I'd paint dicks all over the town, so they have to walk around blindfolded or arrest themselves.

I'm not from the USA, I thought a felony is a crime at the national level, not the state level? How can a state specify that?

Felony is a more serious crime, misdemeanor is a less serious crime.

But there are federal crimes and state crimes, and we have courts for each.

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Felony is more about severity and consequences.
Misdemeanors punishable by a fine or "short" jail term, and a felony by more than a year in prison.

Felonies can also bring penalities like being barred from certain jobs forever, restrictions on firearm ownership and depending on state loosing the ability to vote.

Below those are things like traffic tickets or citations, which are typically a small fine and don't involve a trial, unless you ask to talk to a judge.

Federal vs state is a question of jurisdiction rather than severity. You don't hear about federal misdemeanors very often because federal prosecutors are more interested in things like "interstate smuggling" than "someone urinated in public on the lawn of the Des Moines Federal building".
Or the weird "shot a burro from a helicopter".

Personally, I think we really need a crackdown on airborne donkey hunting. (/S)

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Are you implying 2 girls and a cup is not artistically relevant?

Looks like the important matters are getting addressed in bumblefuck

I feel he's protesting too much, and that this is a distraction from the shit his funders really want him to accomplish

Honestly asking for second opinions: Looking at the report of the actual proposal, it seems to only target sexual content containing people under 18? Am I missing something?

I don't know if I've got this right but it would appear that the proposal will broaden the law holding the definition for child pornography to include watching porn and sexting. So you'll wind up as the same category of a sexual predator as an actual child molester.

Honestly asking for second opinions: Looking at the report of the actual proposal, it seems to only target sexual content containing people under 18? Am I missing something?

Based on a picture in the article of the first page of the law as its written, it seems to be modifying/enhancing an existing law that currently only affects minors, broadening it so that it covers all ages, and under new additional rules. IANAL.

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I hope for a mega screen to appear in the sky and stream 24/7 from pornhub. Premium.
Fascist bigot

Hey Oklahoma, clearly you have nothing to worry about Sharia law, you're doing a great job at introducing it yourselves.

The suggested law would even require social media sites like X to be made unavailable in the Sooner State, unless it heavily censored its content, as the Mary Sue noted.

Yeah okay there's no way this is going to pass. In fact I'm not convinced the guy who proposed it wanted it to.

This bill is the most transparent scaremongering of all time and Lemmy is eating it up

What is this, an attempt to stop women from making too much money with their onlyfans?

Oklahoma, are you OK? (couldn't resist. hopefully they don't outlaw puns as well.)

OK, are you OK? Are you OK, OK?

-gotta get that right tune stuck in the head

These bills are ridiculous on their face, and I believe that is on purpose. The people proposing these bills know they haven't got a snowball's chance in Hell of passing, but that's not the point. The point is to gum up the works.